Author Topic: Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)  (Read 13781 times)

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Offline kalagei

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Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)
« on: October 27, 2009, 09:35:35 am »
Welcome to the Ops staff info thread. I'm going to start off by letting you all know how to become staff and what staff I currently know I need. Questions/Concerns can be posted here, but I may be a bit slow replying to a few as I'm not entirely set on how I'm going to structure the department and describe the jobs at this current time.

First things first, list of positions that I'm currently recruiting for:

Edit: The Crossed out positions have been filled.

Registration Manager (x1)
Registration Assistant Manager (Potentially x2)

Yojimbo Manager (x1)
Yojimbo Assistant Manager (x2)
Info Booth Manager (x1)
Volunteer Coordinator (x1)
Con Suite Manager (x1)
Con Suite Assistant Manager (x2)(x1)

Info Booth Staff (x4 potentially)
Yojimbo (x40 for the time being, probably more)
Registration Staff (x10 to start with, potentially more depending on how viable my plans end up being)

More staff positions may crop up in the future, so stay tuned for more info.

So here's the big info: How to apply!

All manager / coordinator positions will require a face to face interview with myself, I'll ask you some questions, you can ask me some questions and we'll go over the job description.

All non manager/coordinator positions will require an in person interview with myself and the associated manager. We'll all ask some questions and it will be cool.

To express interest in a position (any of them) please send an email to and we'll set up a time and place to meet. I would like to know who will be filling the manager positions before the next general meeting so we can get rolling immediately.

Once I get job descriptions posted I'll fill up that reserved post with them.

-Brandon De Vore  
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 09:37:08 pm by kalagei »
2004 - 2007 Kumoricon Attendee
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2013 - I can safely say that I'm not running for a board position :D

Offline kalagei

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Re: Operations Staff Info - **click here**
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2009, 09:35:56 am »
2004 - 2007 Kumoricon Attendee
2008 - Operations Office Staff
2009 - Assistant Ops Director
2010 - Director of Operations
2011 - Registration Manager
2012 - Vice Chair
2013 - I can safely say that I'm not running for a board position :D

Offline AllyKat

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Re: Operations Staff Info - **click here**
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 10:37:32 am »
I know the basic parameters that Operations... well, operates. But I'm curious as to what specific
jobs might be required of the Operations Department other than the few obvious I can think of:

Assisting with set up
Information Services
Task Force/All Purpose-Deterers-of-bad-things-yojimbo
Volunteer Recruitment

Is this a fair assumption of the Operations Department Pre, Durring and Post Con?
I think I'll try and come up with some Staff Organization specs for you just to add another
iron to your fire (more brains... more brains!)

However, as far as Volunteer Coordinator is concerned... in congruent thought proccess
with what we discussed at Meeting #1, publicities job is to show the world how great the
con is, not neccessarily to increase it's attendants (due to the impending cap) I wonder
if they may also be a good source for advertising a need for Volunteer staff. Heck, I am
sure that, if they do go to other conventions, it wouldn't hurt to attempt recruitment for
week of con positions (extra reg people, runners, relief, maid squad and the like) at other
conventions where people who may not know we suffer from Staff Anemia and would love
the help might exist.

What was my point here? I got sidetracked with my realization that publicity could help in
another way... (YAY IDEAS!) Oh yes! Volunteer Coordinator seems a broad term. Exactly
what are you planning to utilize this person for? Should they be in charge of qualifying
(prelimnarily) all Operations Department staff? And keeping in touch with and tracking all
staff actions and deadlines? This seems like a reasonable description of the title but I would
love some of your input. Call me OCD but I like to know exactly what people are thinking before
I apply to a job and don't understand what the job is.

Also; how do you feel about multi-department assistants? Do you feel that if someone is working
a primarily pre-con job for one department and a full pre/dur/post-con job for one department
they are stretching themselves too thin? What would you say to someone who (clearly I'm talking
about my over-zealous self but maybe there are others like me out there?) want to work in
Operations and Relations? Would you require they pick a spot and stick to it (completely
understandable) or discuss with you there intentions for work commitment for both or what?

2009 - Attendee
2010 - Facilities Liaison
2011 - Director of Publicity
2012 - Director of Publicity
2013 - Facilities Liaison
2014 - Vice Chair

Offline kylite

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Re: Operations Staff Info - **click here**
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2009, 07:51:14 pm »
Email sent. You know what positions I'm After
Yojimbo Assistant Manager, Hopeless Flirt
Work: Monday-Friday 12:30-9:39pm
We don't need Kira... we have kylite.  - randompvg

Offline kalagei

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Re: Operations Staff Info - **click here**
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2009, 12:13:21 am »
Assisting with set up
Information Services
Task Force/All Purpose-Deterers-of-bad-things-yojimbo
Volunteer Recruitment

All staff are encouraged to assist with setup. Even more, all staff are encouraged to assist with tear down. Peacebonding is a Yojimbo thing and Volunteer recruitment happens at all of our outreach events by whatever registration/publicity/directors are there. Street team (under publicity) also helps out with volunteer recruitment in a big way. When I was working for the street team this last year, alot of the job in addition to dropping off kcon flyers at different places, was to talk to people about volunteering and staffing. Information services is covered both by the info booth, and the Yojimbo.

There is currently an org chart for the department, it's on the staff website, it's pretty basic and intuitive too. Ops -> Assistant -> Managers -> Assistant Managers -> Coordinators -> Yojimbo/Reg/InfoDesk Staff. Of course Managers and Assistant managers bear the title of the staff that they work with.

Volunteer coordinator doesn't have much to do with staff. Staff and volunteers are defined differently in our organization. Here's the breakdown, Staff are voting members of Altonimbus, have to pay staff dues, and can go to things like the staff retreat. Volunteers are people who decide they want to help out with the con, but not be formally involved with the organization. The Volunteer coordinator is in charge of keeping track of volunteer hours worked and maintaining contact with people interested in volunteering. They also coordinate with street team, and registration to find potential volunteers during the year. At con, the volunteer coordinator helps the potential volunteers find out what they need to do by staying in contact with the ops director and knowing where we need people.

And on people working in multiple departments, you are allowed to hold multiple staff positions at one time as long as the associated director is willing to assign them to you.

-Brandon De Vore
2004 - 2007 Kumoricon Attendee
2008 - Operations Office Staff
2009 - Assistant Ops Director
2010 - Director of Operations
2011 - Registration Manager
2012 - Vice Chair
2013 - I can safely say that I'm not running for a board position :D

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Re: Operations Staff Info - **click here**
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2009, 12:22:35 pm »
There is currently an org chart for the department, it's on the staff website, it's pretty basic and intuitive too. Ops -> Assistant -> Managers -> Assistant Managers -> Coordinators -> Yojimbo/Reg/InfoDesk Staff. Of course Managers and Assistant managers bear the title of the staff that they work with.

Volunteer coordinator doesn't have much to do with staff... At con, the volunteer coordinator helps the potential volunteers find out what they need to do by staying in contact with the ops director and knowing where we need people.

Sorry for being picky, but: Do you mean that volunteer coordinator doesn't fit neatly into the org chart because they manage a group that's very separate from staff, and the people they manage fill in wherever needed rather than just one specific department?

At first it sounded pejorative (i.e. volunteer coordinator isn't much of a real staff position), and I'm almost certain that wasn't intended. It took me a couple of reads to understand, though.
This is my serious voice. Otherwise, I'm just another anime fan, not a moderator.

Offline kalagei

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Re: Operations Staff Info - **click here**
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2009, 01:01:03 pm »
There is currently an org chart for the department, it's on the staff website, it's pretty basic and intuitive too. Ops -> Assistant -> Managers -> Assistant Managers -> Coordinators -> Yojimbo/Reg/InfoDesk Staff. Of course Managers and Assistant managers bear the title of the staff that they work with.

Volunteer coordinator doesn't have much to do with staff... At con, the volunteer coordinator helps the potential volunteers find out what they need to do by staying in contact with the ops director and knowing where we need people.

Sorry for being picky, but: Do you mean that volunteer coordinator doesn't fit neatly into the org chart because they manage a group that's very separate from staff, and the people they manage fill in wherever needed rather than just one specific department?

At first it sounded pejorative (i.e. volunteer coordinator isn't much of a real staff position), and I'm almost certain that wasn't intended. It took me a couple of reads to understand, though.

Volunteer Coordinator Reports to the Director/Assistant. They don't typically have staff but hang out at info booth at con for the most part. I've been toiling with having them report to the info booth manager.
2004 - 2007 Kumoricon Attendee
2008 - Operations Office Staff
2009 - Assistant Ops Director
2010 - Director of Operations
2011 - Registration Manager
2012 - Vice Chair
2013 - I can safely say that I'm not running for a board position :D

Offline AllyKat

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Re: Operations Staff Info - **click here**
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2009, 07:13:22 pm »
Thanks, that makes a lot more sense, I too was confused. I suppose it's because I find Staff sort of Synonmous with Volunteer, as we are not really paid staff. But I sometimes forget that there is a real
volunteer possition in the A.E. crew, that is not the same as the staffers. Now that possition makes so
so soooo much more sense, and is not something I think would be where I'm wanting to go (sorry, I can't
stand still that long) but sounds like an excellent job title regardless!

Your department model looks excellent. I was merely refering to percentages. Since we can't ever know how many yoji/regstaff/peacebonders/whateverthepastaweneed staff we will have (and volunteers's too!)
it's best to work on percentages, (i.e; yoji did the most grunt work so they are a neccessary 65% of op staff, where as we only need 2 peace bonders at the desk and 2 roving/break givers every 8 hour shift for 3 shifts a day so we only need to allogate roughly 10% of the staff to this group)

As a side note: thats just an example, you may need more or less depending on what is important to you or how hour blocks work.

All in all it looks like we can expect a good structure and hopefully with some help from the hotel's security, a good knowledge of weak points for everyone in the operations department. Curious though, how many of the previous year's yoji do we expect to retain? Most or did it seem like many of them would be moving on to other things?

2009 - Attendee
2010 - Facilities Liaison
2011 - Director of Publicity
2012 - Director of Publicity
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Offline pyronine

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Re: Operations Staff Info - **click here**
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2009, 08:44:01 pm »
Msg sent

Offline steelychan

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Re: Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2009, 12:49:39 pm »
I sent a message titled "Need Help?"  

um brandon? I havent heard anything back from you about setting up an interview... just your friendly reminder! ^.^
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 09:22:14 pm by steelychan »
Kumoricon 2011 cosplays:
Day0: Hunny (Ouran Host Club) COMPLETE
Day1 (possibly late night panels): Ran Mao (Black Butler) 50%
Day2: Kaoru Hitachin (Ouran Host Club) 90%
Ball/Rave: May (pokemon)
Day3: pirate

Offline Sakurakisser

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Re: Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2010, 01:02:35 am »
I just sent an email if any position are still open!
"Be what you would seem to be or, if you'd like it put more simply. Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared"

Offline luvan1me

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Re: Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2010, 02:45:41 pm »
sent an email. hope you get it ^_^


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Re: Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2010, 01:49:32 pm »
Email sent, lets see how many hours i can chalk up this year. *shakes fist angerly at the exhibitors hall*
yes. i do know the squareroot of pie by heart... and pie minus the squareroot of pie...

Offline luvan1me

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Re: Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2010, 08:23:10 pm »
i sent you an email again >.< not sure if you got it yet! i'll send another one just in case >o<b

Offline pyronine

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Re: Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2010, 02:07:22 am »
stay tuned for yoji, info will be coming out soon. at the last staff meeting, we sat down and tried to work out a plan. I can say this, I will be hosting a BBQ this summer for all yoji, the date has yet to be set, but it will be closer to summer time.


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Re: Operations Staff Info - (Including reg and yoji)
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2010, 04:24:07 am »
many thanks in advance for the BBQ
yes. i do know the squareroot of pie by heart... and pie minus the squareroot of pie...

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