Author Topic: [closed] - Possible Space - Price Negotiable ($40?) - Red Lion  (Read 2541 times)

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Offline ocb777

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Alright, so after some hesitation, and finagling, I have Rooms (yes I said rooms, will explain momentarily) at the red lion for k-con.

I am a male of drinking age or above. Do not snore. Bathe (Yes, even at con!) Travel fairly light (not onna stuff my room full of cosplays or the 300 Manga I buy, etc) Will have reasonable supply of food I will likely share. Will likely have friends over one night for drinking and games (apples to apples con edition for shots anyone?) I am a generally laid back guy. I will be packing a large supply of Anime that most people have never seen for watching during slow points. I like quiet and dark when I sleep.

I have two friends going to con this year (outside of Aq.s from previous years) and both have sleeping situations taken care of.

For the first two nights (Fri and Sat) I have a Single Queen, and then for the third night I have a premium (river view) Single King. Total for the rooms is right at $315 (after taxes.) I am unsure as to Red Lion's Policies in regards to adding people to a room (some hotels charge like $15 per excess person), and a "roll away" Bed might have an extra cost attached (likely $10 or less) I will call RL tomorrow and find out.

So, my expectations of you are, be compatible (after reading my blurb above; we can rule out green badges - even if mommy says its okay, someone with 5 suitcases full of cosplay likely won't make the cut either), Be interesting (I don't need you to be friggin' great, just don't want you to yammer about how much you love Naruto and pokemon all day either.) Help alleviate my costs and cover your own. (in a perfect world RL will charge nothing to add someone and the roll-away would be free, but this is real life and you will cover those costs if any, but you shouldn't be paying more than I am for the rooms. basically, if there's no cost for the extras, cover $35-40 per night, and we are good. If there are costs, we will work it out.)

I'm not looking for a new BFF or anything, but we should get along well enough to have breakfast together without my wanting to strangle you.

This will be my last K-Con, and I don't need a roomie, but I'd rather have an extra $100 to blow on fun to remember my last as my best. (PS, I repeat, I don't NEED a roomie, so I am extending this as a favor to those who do, mostly cause my first K-Con someone did for me.)

PM me or post here. I'll get it at some point and get back to you.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 09:53:21 am by ocb777 »

Consistently cosplaying since 2008.

Offline ocb777

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Re: [open] - Possible Space - Price Negotiable ($40?) - Red Lion
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 08:42:03 am »
Just called the Red Lion.

There is no charge for an additional person, but a roll away bed is $15. So that will be your call it you want to sleep on the floor or not.

So basically, if you can swing $35-40ish per night, and provide your own sleeping arrangements (roll away, sleeping bag on the floor, etc) and tolerate my "demands", you have plenty of space in which to rest.

Consistently cosplaying since 2008.

Offline Hitmage

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Re: [open] - Possible Space - Price Negotiable ($40?) - Red Lion
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 11:46:35 pm »
I can swing that easy and can totally pay that. I'm 23, male, sane, safe, and clean. Sounds like a pretty awesome setup and I'll definitely be able to comply/
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

Offline ocb777

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Re: [open] - Possible Space - Price Negotiable ($40?) - Red Lion
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2011, 07:53:16 am »
Vault boy? Is that you? LOL

Shoot me a pm with your email and we can work out the details.

Consistently cosplaying since 2008.


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Re: [pending] - Possible Space - Price Negotiable ($40?) - Red Lion
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2011, 01:28:00 am »
If this offer's still open for whatever reason, I'd be interested.
18, don't drink or smoke and keep to myself mostly. Found out today that I suddenly don't have room arrangements.
Pack pretty light and don't mind paying.

Offline ocb777

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Re: [pending] - Possible Space - Price Negotiable ($40?) - Red Lion
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2011, 09:53:03 am »
Sorry, I made arrangements with Hitmage. He will be sharing my room.

Thanks for the interest though!

Consistently cosplaying since 2008.