:Gonk: Clackamas? Someday, I'll move to Portland, and all you nuts will move to Eugene and I'll still be out of everything. I'll see if I can get my dad to take me up, though. Maybe if I say it's to get together with a bunch of con friends, he'll let me. But if we're going on, like, a weekday or something... My mother would never drive me. D: She hates the idea of me cosplaying. Thinks it's for retarded freaks. And before someone tells me that 'retard' isn't a nice word, I'm not a very politically correct person so plz to be getting over it naow.
But as long as it isn't the first weekend of August, I may be able to make it. You know, we could always do this in, like... July or something so it isn't as close to con and my dad might be more likely to take me (otherwise he'll prolly tell me to just wait 'till con).