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Eugene peepul who want to go
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:32:57 pm »
Okay, so I'm new here, and I'm also 21.  (two things I figured you all should know up front)

I live in Eugene, and I was hoping to go this time.  I tried last year, but things just didn't work out with my friends, and I was just really disappointed about it.  This, I've decided to look for some new friends!  :D
Anyway, I know there's a thread already concerning Eugene people (...Eugenians?), but it didn't seem concerned with actually going to the con.  So that's where I am right now.  How about you?
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2008, 07:57:00 pm »
Definitely going. Should be fun!

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2008, 08:03:39 pm »
Cool.  Have you been before?  I know it's kinda small, by con standards, but it still sounds fun.  If I go this year, it will be my first con ever actually.
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2008, 09:05:41 pm »
Last year's K-con was my first con, actually. Great first-time con. Nice people, just the right size.

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2008, 09:13:35 pm »
Nice nice.
So what can you tell me about it?  Is it ever really crowded?
How was your first time? (that sounds conspicuous doesn't it?)  What did you do over the 3 days?
Was the hotel a good place to stay, or did you do it some other way?

Sorry.  I've been only mildly interested in my life, but then got more interested when I started college (more time to pursue my interests I guess).  I'm still not very well versed for an anime fan, but I guess that's cos I've never known many anime fans. So I guess I'm trying to get into it while I still can (without it being kinda creepy).

Wow...I sound like I'm on a couch and your a psychiatrist.  Ha!  ;D
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2008, 10:50:37 pm »
lol this thread is cute...

I will give you my take on Kumoricon (btw I am from the Eugene area too :P)

Kumoricon is a great starter convention for anybody who hasn't ever been to one before and who is at the least mildly interested in anime and anime fandom. Kumoricon is generally filled with anime fans of all ages ranging from younger children (usually those of middle aged fans), to rather seasoned people in their later years. I personally have seen anywhere from children in their infancy to adults in their 60's+ attending in the past two years showing that there is a great interest in anime for all ages, though we tend to aim more of our events for those around 13 and older, we are a kid friendly con for the most part with some anime viewings aimed toward younger viewers and quite a few events that are very age friendly. Speaking of events though we have a wide variety of things going on most hours of the day and night usually starting at about 8 or 9 in the morning (depending on the day) and going 'till around midnight (minors) or a tad bit later for adults (also depending on the night). Just a few of the many events that happen through the weekend that I can name for you now are the Masquerade Ball, the Slants Concert, Cosplay Competition and Skits, Anime Music Video Competitions, Gaming Tournaments, Anime Viewing Rooms. Thats just a few of the many things to keep you busy all day. If you need alittle quieter time there is a place to sit in the Manga Library and just read manga or you can go to the Creation Station and draw or write if that is more your thing.

I love anime conventions. I have been to two different anime conventions since fall of '06 and I have to say by far Kumoricon is my favorite because by the end of the weekend some of the people that you end up meeting feel like family, friends that you've known a life time. There is so much to do and with the family like vibe to it you don't feel like you are being squashed by big companies trying to sell you everything nor do you feel like you were jipped and you're out of place. There is always something to do or someone to talk to and though some people may seem sorta strange (they usually are) they end up being a great deal of the time really really cool people that you will want to make friends with and even hang out with all weekend.

I started attending Kumoricon in 2006 when Kumoricon was held at the Red Lion and that was admittedly not a great year for Registration, waits in line and the space we had was spread out but still small and crowded. That year though we had so many people the hotel sold out of rooms and I was forced to stay at the Oxford across the street. That particular hotel didn't treat us so well and actually had double booked us with a wedding that same weekend so the vibe was a little hectic, but the wonderful staff kept everything going and over all it was a great experience for me. I met a lot of really cool people that weekend who I am still friends with even now who share a huge number of the same interests as I do, which believe me I probably wouldn't have met these friends any other way because even an anime fan has a hard time finding other anime fans. We are good at hiding ourselves most of the time. I think I should mention too, I was supposed to go in a group that year but ended up flying solo because of a dispute within the group I was supposed to go with and believe me it was way more fun that way. I really got to spread my wings and hang out with a really interesting lot of people who were really kind. So it isn't bad at all to go by yourself up to the convention.

Kumoricon 2007 was even more amazing than 2006 for me though. I signed up as a volunteer last year and took a great deal of my own personal time and invested it into something that I loved and got a great return on it. I made friends with alot of great staff members as well as alot of regular congoers. I got to see how things worked behind the scenes as well as on the floor in the general public. The hotel we were at last year (the Vancouver Hilton) was so incredibly kind and attentive to all of our needs as both convention staff and as regular congoers. The location was beautiful with a park outside, the weather completely agreed with us and the con goers were great and the events going on all the time were so much fun to attend. The dealer room location wasn't so good but the items within were to die for. Fangirls were everywhere and were a great deal of fun to poke at. Most of all the cosplays that people came up with were gorgeous and some for being as cheaply made as possible (for some of us don't have a great deal of money) they looked great!!!

Last year we broke 3000 in attendance and this year we are hoping for a little bit more than that over the three days. That includes walk in registration for one days and for full weekend passes as well as the pre-registered lot that devotes their time for the love of anime. So certain events can become slightly crowded depending on the interest level of the event but with that many people into the same things as you are you're bound to have fun even while waiting in a line for opening ceremonies.

I've not actually been to this hotel before, but the convention was held there the year before I began going and people seemed to like it enough to go back to it so it must have been a pretty good experience for most. If you are going to stay with the hotel you might want to try to room up with someone who already has a room there. Its usually 4 people to a room and there is almost always someone that could use just one more person in their room for whatever reason. In August you will see alot of people offering space in their room for people who need it but you can also choose to stay with friends or family in the area too. I just find it easier to wake up, put cosplay on then go downstairs and do whatever it is I need or want to do with the convention. And you don't have to cosplay its totally optional but really a great deal of fun to do!

I've found that people I've met in the past two years have opened my eyes to alot more anime than I perhaps would have ever watched all by my lonesome. By the way, its not creepy to be an anime fan at an older age. I love seeing older generations that are totally into the same things we are. I know someone who cosplays a great Scar from Full Metal Alchemist and he isn't in his 20's or his teens.  You should really check it out even if you only go for a single day, it's worth taking a trip and who knows you may get to meet people you really connect with.

Give it a chance and check it out!


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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2008, 02:20:03 am »
*long wistle*  wow.

Heh, well I guess "cute" is a good way to look at it.  Thanks.  That was a lot more information than I expected to hear, but it all helps.  I'm guessing you found out a lot from volunteering then.

Actually, I was pretty much planning on going anyway, but I wanted to come on here to see if there was anyone from the area who wanted to team up for it.  I can tell there's been a lot going on all year, I'm hoping I'm not too late to get on board!

So yeah, anyone in the area who hasn't made their plans yet, and want to hitch a ride with me, let me know.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 08:58:04 am by nintendiehard »
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2008, 02:12:29 pm »
I'm sure there are lots of us in the Eugene area who aren't eve sure they're going yet. My group is mostly all planned out (we're planning Nazi's yar~), but I'm sure there are others who aren't. Sorry I can't help, but you can check out the other Eugene threads and talk to the people there. ^^
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2008, 02:32:24 pm »
n.n I live in Eugene and I'm going for sure (I live with 2 other Kumori con attendees actually XD). Kcon is pretty cool. It's not too big and it's not small either. I've met some really great people there. There's a lot to do during the actual con, whether you want to do group activities or just wander around on your own, there's something for everyone. You can PM me if you want to! I'm always happy to meet new people, especially con-goers~

Offline nintendiehard

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2008, 03:13:24 pm »
goatchild:  Ooh, Anime Nazis eh?  Sounds crazy.  Don't expect to get heckled or beaten up do you?  Y'know I've been looking, but there don't seem to be alot.  I guess I got on a bit late, most of the travel groups seem to be kind of established.

GenkiIchigo:  Oh wow, I envy you.  But I suppose I have to grab roomies where I can eh?  Oh thanks, but babysugarbear28 already gave me the full story.  Then again, the more input the better.  Heh, sounds like fun on a bun!  Can't wait.
Oh, okay sure...though I suppose I'll have to think of something to say first  :D
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Offline babysugarbear28

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2008, 02:04:07 am »
^_^ <3 I hope that helped alittle. If all goes as planned I won't be living in Eugene after August, but when school gets out (I am graduating friday then disappearing for a week) I will be freed up a little and if you'd like to go hang out I think it would be great fun! It would be good to meet other people from the area who are interested in the same things.. I am 18 btw so no late night clubbing for me :P


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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2008, 11:52:31 am »
Sounds like fun, I'd love to meet up for...(well, I was gonna say coffee, but I hate coffee)...something.  Maybe you can teach me more about all of this (since I'm still an anime noob) :'( .

Heh, that works well cos I still have my finals week, so after that I'm done.  I've got some hectic stuff going on this summer, but the first little bit shouldn't be too bad.
Oh, don't worry about clubing, I can't dance anyway. *laughs at own lack of coordination*

So what would you be up for?  3 years I've lived here, and I realize there isn't much to do...even WITH a car.
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2008, 02:15:48 pm »
There is NOTHING to do in Eugene unless you're a Kingdom Hearts cosplayer. Then we all just mass-exodus to 5th Street Public Market because it looks like Twilight Town.

But other than that, this place is a barren wasteland of nothingness.

But Kumoricon is fun, and that's what counts.

Offline goatchild

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2008, 06:51:03 pm »
I actually think Eugene is a lot of fun. More fun than Salem that's for sure. >> There's plenty to do, but only if you're into the things Eugene has to offer. ^^
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2008, 07:40:43 pm »
But... Butbutbut, I don't like it here. There's too much space, and I've lived here for much too long. But yes, there's definitely nothing to do in Salem aside from the County Fair every summer. And even that is boring after the seventybajillionth time. Shtoopid horse show...

Offline babysugarbear28

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2008, 09:05:40 pm »
lol Eugene doesn't have too much to do unless you know what shops to hit up or you don't mind traveling into the sun (which i know is hard for some of you otaku). I have some boffing weapons that I would love to take out this summer and mess around with if anybody is interested. They aren't as well padded as some boffing weapons so I can't use them officially in tournaments but they are fun to play with regardless. Besides downtown Eugene is great to walk around in and we might actually sorta fit in at the saturday market if we went lol.

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2008, 12:58:49 am »
Wellll the hotel it's being held at... I have been scoping out every damn time I go the mall. XD -giggles faintly- Yeah... Lloyd Center mall, is gonna be fun as all hell to have a Con next to. Last year was my first con, and it's where I met most of my convention buddies. -tackle pounces Hashi and snuggles- :3

But yeah! Seriously I live in Northern Portland, and its easy to have fun in that area. -nods rapidly-
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2008, 05:19:17 am »
Yeah, Eugene can get kinda boring kinda fast unless you're really outdoorsy.  Whats worse, is that everything closes so early except the bars and movies...which leads me to believe that people close early so they can go drinkin''s a conspiracy I tellsya!

I've never played KH, and probably never will (not my kinda game, got nothing against it really) so I guess I'll never know what this whole Twilight Town thing is really about, but if you look hard enough, it's fun to walk around and visit the shops.  And it's easier to go places now that I have a car...'cept stupid gas prices rocketed up in the past 2 months.
Me, I just kinda like hanging out in the Mall food court, and people watching.  My friends get bored with it too quickly.
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2008, 06:02:12 am »
lol we should go hang out at the mall then, but which one... the ghetto mall or the snobby mall? XD At least the snobby mall has anime, hot topic and a bookstore...XD I like people watching... its fun!

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2008, 10:44:16 am »
An excellent suggestion.
I like both malls pretty good actually.  While the Snobby mall has all that, the ghetto mall has a Spencer's (hours of fun just in that store alone) and 3 arcades (one in each theater too)....and...ummm...okay, not much else.  Oh, and the Snobby mall has a pet store!  Puppies! (ummm, picture me saying that in the manliest way possible okay?)

Why not both?  Then food or something.  I know like...10 different awesome restaurants....Oh!  Have you (or anyone who happens to be following the conversation, [no, I don't care if the thread gets off-topic]) been to Misako?  It's a Japanese place, so I'm sure you have, but if you haven't it's got great food, but HORRIBLE service!  Or there are other places.  Off the top of my hat-covered head, "Johnny Ocean's, 6th Street Grill, The Glenwood"...or we could go cheap like...Chuck-E-Cheese or something  ;D

But yeah, sounds like fun. 
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2008, 11:24:05 am »
Gateway + cosplay + Chuck-E-Cheese + Tilt? That right there is a very dangerous combination. I got kicked out of Tilt once because I swore at the DDR machine...

I miss the old days when Tilt had that big area with all the cool games. When Discovery Zone closed down, all the games migrated over to Tilt. I miss both of them T_T the old Tilt had a huge-ass laser target range, and I usually gave that thing about twenty bucks a week every other week. That's why I can take fifteen shots in fifteen seconds and get fifteen hits. Practice, practice, practice.

But Valley River is fun as all hell to go to and get funny looks. At Gateway, nobody cares all that much. Valley River, however... Mall security follows you around and mothers hide their small children.

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2008, 11:35:32 am »
Oh...Cosplay may be a problem (for me at least, I'm nowhere near done...I suppose I should start first, that seems like the next logical step).  But yeah, Ha!  You swore at it?  nice.  Me, I end up playing only like 3 games.  Ski-Ball, Air-Hocky and Marvel vs. Capcom 2.  Sounds like I really missed out though.

Ha!  Hide the youngun's for we are a gang of ruthless anime enthusiasts! *laughs maniacally*
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2008, 07:54:49 pm »
I'm of fan of Toshi's Ramen personally. Greatest ramen ever. *.* Haven't been to Misako though. Only Sushi Domo. : P

I'm a fan of DDR, though. And Saturday market. X3 Maybe we should just combine the two Eugene meet up threads. XD Right now there's one June 14th, and sometime in July. Neither of them are KH specific meetups. Just general "hang out in Eugene" things (like this one!).

Or we could just have two random groups of Kcon Eugenians that never meet. XD;;
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2008, 10:07:23 pm »
We should totally invade Saturday Market at some point. We could do it, and nobody would care. I could wear Demyx and rain boots and stand in the middle of the fish fountain.

Yes yes, quite quite. Two groups of K-con Eugenians that never meet. Sure. Eventually I'll be riding the bus in cosplay just for the hell of it and someone from the other group will know what I'm wearing and start talking to me.


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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2008, 08:36:13 am »
Dude...we'd be just like 2 rival gangs.  Crips and Bloods (or Jets and Sharks to be less serious).  That would be cool.

I'm really likin' Misako, I haven't eaten there in months.

Umm, well for one, the original intent of the thread was to get groups together to go to the con.  But its no big deal if it gets off topic a bit.  Also, I'm pretty sure I cant make a July meeting, so one in about a week would be cool.

I got started on all this late, so I may not have anything to wear if we go in costume.
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2008, 08:50:13 am »
Oh, by the way, I've finally hooked up with Keenon Williams (get your minds out of the gutter) on a room for the con.  He's got a room (at the hotel I presume) and we're still looking for 2 more to help keep the cost down.  Don't worry, we'll keep the boozing to a minimum.  :D (yeah we're both 21).

So if there's anyone looking for a room (and a ride to and from the con) let me know!
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Offline babysugarbear28

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2008, 12:30:51 pm »
lol I can't go to the one next week because I will be out of state then the next weekend I have con business to attend to. We do need a meetup in july sometime I am not against weekday fun ^_^ lol. We just gotta figure out when so I can put in a request for time off. ^_^ I am excited two more payments and the corset I bought at sakuracon is mine XD. YES WE SHALL INVADE THE MALLS THEN.... WE SHALL FEED!!! XD I had three cups of coffee this morning at the senior breakfast... coffee coffee coffee!!!

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2008, 12:36:55 pm »
If all else fails, Death Note or Naruto are very easy things to BS in several days. I've seen multitudes of black coats that look like Kiba's Shippuden one at the Goodwill by Valley River, and finding pants and a headband to go with it wouldn't be that hard. A dog the size of a sofa that you can ride on the back of, however...

Death Note is significantly easier, what with the extremely simple but rather recognizable designs that the characters have. That one should always be a last resort, though.

Cosplay is easy if you know where to look and what the hell you're doing. But those two factors don't always apply to everyone... Hope I helped!

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2008, 01:08:48 pm »
Oh no.  I thought you said you were good next weekend?  Hmmm, well we can try and work something out.  Though while the Olympic thing is going on I'm probably gonna be working.  Though I haven't been told what days/hours I'll be working...still waiting to hear from my supposed superiors.
So then you said you were back in town after "disappearing" next weekend right?  what've you got going on after that?

Oh no no, it's not like that (besides I'm not really into either anime *braces for impact*)
I've already decided, and it won't be TOO hard (though I'm running into some snags) I just haven't had the time to start looking for what I need.  I'm going as Tetsu hayami from Blue Submarine no. 6 (He's the guy in my icon pic).
I need brown overalls,
a gold-ish lighter to hang from the neck,
a good wig,
a single black leather glove,
and <the two hardest parts>...
that wicked jacket of his,
and a tan...yup, whitey-white boy here.

But this isn't really the best place to talk about that, unless the forum mods aren't the type to take action against it, cos it doesn't bother me.  If the mods don't care, do you know where I'd find anything like that?
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2008, 01:37:52 pm »
Well, the wig can be procured from somewhere like and the overalls can be found at Goodwill. if you can't find the right color, RIT dye and white overalls are your friends. Again, Goodwill for the lighter and chain. The jacket... The jacket you could either find a way to make yourself or mod from an existing jacket. The glove can be procured most anywhere that gardening supplies are sold.

: D Still helping? The Goodwill out by Valley River is rather large, you stand a good chance of finding something out there.

Offline babysugarbear28

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2008, 01:56:22 pm »
The mods don't mind too much since we are still talking about kumoricon/Eugene.... so yeah anyway no here is my schedule for a while...

June 6th Graduation, senior trip
June 7th finish senior trip (w/senior class)
June 8th work
June 9th leave for lake Tahoe
Gone til the 15th at least
June 18th-go back to work
June 21st Portland kcon badge stuffing party
June 22nd kcon meeting
June 23rd-June27th totally up in the air
Everything after that I need to know in advance for request offs and what not :P sorry my schedule gets weird when events start happening... i cant take off too many weekends if I want to keep my job though >.< rawr....

Most of the stuff you can find at goodwill or st vinnies... for the cosplay that is... just start looking... eventually you will find stuff and find it cheap!

we will just have to see what happens... XD we can always get together and find out a date for a meetup.. shouldnt be too difficult

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2008, 02:03:43 pm »
And if you really need a tan you can get some instant tan. Comes in a bottle rub it on and you are dark. ^_^ but that may not be something a guy is into. If you do end up using it I would suggest putting it on a day or two in advance because that stuff have been know to leave streaks or make you orange. Get the right stuff (brand name typically works best) and follow the directions carefully.....MAKE SURE IT"S ON EVEN!

That is if you end up using it

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2008, 02:11:51 pm »
I love you so much for doing Blue Sub 6 cosplay!! You have no idea! X3;;

ANYway. Ditto on the Goodwill/St. Vinnies. That's where I get prolly 80% of my cosplay stoof. : P

As for random meetings, someone suggested the date Saturday July 12th in the other thread. I think most of my friends would be in town then, if we wanna make that a possible July meetup. ^^  Also, cosplaying is just a extra thing that some people want to do at the meet ups. Not that I think you think it's required, but just so you know, not all of us will be cossing. Me and my friends usually only wear a small part of our cosplays, so you wouldn't even know we were half-cossing most of the time. XD
« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 02:14:39 pm by goatchild »
ECCC/Sakuracon 2012
Impulse - Young Justice
Simon - Minor Acts of Heroism
?? Essence - Red Hood & the Outlaws
?? Cassandra Cain Batgirl - Batman

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2008, 10:00:08 pm »
Oh wow, thanks everyone.  I looked around a bit today, but couldn't seem to find anything.  but I have time.

Luckily I looked at it again and realized he's wearing suspenders, not overalls.  Which is good cos I already have dark brown pants...though they're kinda beat up and baggy...I'll figure it out.
Still no luck on the lighter, but I'll keep looking for one that looks close.
The main problem now is the jacket.  It's basically a Navy Pea Coat, only brownish-yellow.  Which is becoming increasingly difficult to find (in any color besides black).  I'm finding a lot of good ones online...for women.  But I'm sure with some more looking I can find one (that wont cost me a lot )
Oh, and that's what I was planning to do as far as a tan, cos I think it'd take away from the character if he was blindingly white.  It's gonna be fun trying out the tans...though I might need some help rubbing it on my back and whatnot.  Any takers?  :D  However it works out, I promise I'll get pictures for all who want to see.

And goatchild, you're very welcome!  I'm just amazed someone else has seen it.  I just wish I could somehow have a Mutio to walk around the con with...or a Kino...or both, like some sort of Hayami pimp!  But yeah, I know that cosplay is pretty much always optional, but much like at the con, cosplaying will make a meetup much more fun.
Oh, and I'm not entirely sure how July 12th would work for me, seeing as how the very next day I have to be at the airport at 6:00am ready for a solid month of training.......I need to drive my car, and more valuable belongings down to my folks' house the 12th, so I don't think it'd work for me.  So maybe one in early July?  Anyone?  But anyway, I'd still like to meet someone from around here at least once before then.
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2008, 10:21:27 pm »
I am cool with meeting up before the 12th... let me know and we can go chill and people watch ^_^

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2008, 11:51:36 pm »
Heh, okay.  Maybe I should start up my own meet up?
I'll have to do something, seeing as how my 2 roommates and my best friend will be gone before the end of June (while I'll still be here).  I mean XBox live can only occupy me for so long...I need more friends huh?  :D
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2008, 08:12:15 pm »
lol sounds like a plan XD

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #37 on: June 08, 2008, 02:24:56 pm »
Well isn't that a kick to the tender-parts?  I'm gonna be by myself, and I'll have no home internets!  I'll have to find a computer on campus to hopefully use or something.

...yeah, I REALLY need some friends now.  *Awaits pitty party* 

But seriously, anyone up for a meetup, just let me know when.  Still some good movies comin' out before I ship off.

Oh, and babysugarbear28, congratulations!  Feels good now that it's over doesn't it?
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2008, 10:41:25 pm »
sorta... i guess... i am just overwhelmed and tired and i just got done with a ten hour + car trip from the eugene area to lake tahoe... XD i am sucking off someone else's internets XD anyway my head is killing me i will talk to you later ^_^

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2008, 01:39:34 pm »
Aww...I SO wish I was there with you...or without you...I just wanna play Roulette!

Seriously tho, Tahoe FTW.

Ha!  I do that all the time...home or away.  If they're not quick-witted enough to guard their internets, then that's their problem.
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #40 on: June 10, 2008, 10:16:59 pm »
lol i think i can only get internet at night though... it wasnt until an hour ago that we got anything more than "local" access... oh well... and you wouldnt want to be here with me? So sad... gambling is more fun with friends around to pester you or to be pestered. ^_^ Really though we must get together when I get back into town!

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2008, 12:43:44 pm »
Ah, I know how it can be.  I'm still hoping that I can get online at my Uni's compu-lab once finals week is over, cos it will be at least another 2 weeks before I get my laptop back.

Oh...well sure, I suppose so.  But you're only 18, so that'd rule out gambling.  But there's still all kindsa fun to be had on the lake.  You go swimming n stuff yet?

Yeah yeah, I know.  I'm living here for the summer, so whenever you're back, let me know and we can hang out for a bit.
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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2008, 06:41:10 pm »
lol swimming is cold here and when i get back we can hang out then ^_^ where you going when the summer ends?

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #43 on: August 19, 2008, 06:38:55 pm »
so where is the convention being held at? the convention center?

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Re: Eugene peepul who want to go
« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2008, 09:59:20 pm »
The Double Tree, far as I know.
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