Oh, when is this going to be may I ask? I am very interested!
I hope I can go! I'm a supporter of the Yuri/Yaoi : ]]]]]
It is late Sunday/early monday from 11pm -2am. In the EMC-Adams/Jefferson room.It is at the same time as ]the 'hentai showing' which I think is good. This way everyone has a choice depending on their preference.
Just out of curiosity, I did ask my Law professor about copy right stuff.
Disclaimers are fine for things you are just sharing. It's an entirely different story if you intend to sell it. In that case, you need the permision of the original creator. That is, if they give a damn, sadly some are greedy and arrogant people * caugh* JK Rowling *caugh*
Aside from the that general copyright law is a case by case basis.
Not trying to stir anything up, it's just good to know these things.
Now, om to official business.
1) Games.
Bring whatever you like, cards boardgames, games made up in your head.
Gambling is only illegal if you are playing for monetary prizes. So if we want to play with candy and the like that's fine.
As far as ideas I thought 'In character truth or dare' would be fun. Give us a chance to be creative and have fangirly fun without resulting lawsuits.
2) Phtotgraphy
I had been talking to a friend of mine who does professional photography for conventions but he hasn't gotten back to me. I'm not very happy about it, but it's just as well. I don't think any of us really have the funds to shill out.
3) Media
I asked to have some sort of monitor and speakers. Do we have a computer to play the media on?
4) Space
Since I'm not sure what to expect as far as attendance, I just asked for a room with a few tables and chairs. Don't know how comfortable they will be.
Everyone is welcome to bring pillows, random cushy things and plushies if they want. I for one will have my Kanda pillow with me.
Am I missing anything?