Again (for the 'n'-th time) I will submit
everything that plays OK to the judges' panel.
Their primary instructions are to use the guidelines (the contest rules) to pick the
most ENTERTAINING show / playlist that they can.
You can cross over ANY combination of anime characters that you dare try, as long
as the RESULT is "PG-13." If you crack up the panel, then your work will probably
crack up the audience, and that's what we all want. Especially in "Random Amusement."
The trick is to make sure as WIDE a swath of people as possible will enjoy your story.
That's something I have no control over. It's not our job to 'educate' the audience or
'make them more openminded,' it's our job to ENTERTAIN them. How you do that is your call.
But remember, the actual audience members are free to FAIL TO RESPOND despite
how enlightened or tolerant or egalitarian or unbiased we may wish people to be. Only a
few years ago, a cosplay skit group tossed out a yaoi joke and the house went cold. We
can't FORCE people to respond evenhandedly.
Here are some VERY creepy news stories from only a few WEEKS ago: is MICROSOFT - supposedly Pacific-NW/progressive, etc...
Also, note that a number of Xbox Live members sent nastygrams
to the girl who identified herself as a lesbian.** [What's up with that?!?]
Note in the third story above, the quote "greater Xbox live community isn't exactly welcome to gay people, i spend a lot of time muting people on Halo3." What if some of those people, or their ilk, happen to show up in our audience? How much of a slice of Kumoricon fandom are they?
Can we know? Probably not...
(Please do NOT flame your friendly contest coordinator over the content of these stories, I am just passing information along about how OTHER people react...)
So - make your BEST work, and use your best judgement and intuition about how to entertain a DIVERSE audience - this means slices of people who LIKE it, slices who don't care either way (and may FAIL to respond just because they don't find it ENTERTAINING,) and slices who actively dislike it or get TURNED OFF - like the Halo 3 people mentioned above. This could be like your race car with an engine that has some cylinders firing, some missing, and others knocking (backfiring?) while you are in competition with other works that get most or ALL cylinders firing smoothly.
But I personally will NOT be one to stop you.
Make your AMV
GREAT!!!And - only three years ago, an Ouran AMV
WON at Kumoricon! [Yay!]
So who knows what can happen! :-D
** PS For COMPLETE and TOTAL STUPIDITY: A man named "Richard Gaywood" gets BANNED because his REAL, NORMAL NAME has (hush-hush, now) Jiii-Ehey-Wai in it!?!?