
Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: fleur_fraise on May 19, 2009, 08:45:47 pm

Title: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: fleur_fraise on May 19, 2009, 08:45:47 pm
So, is anyone planning on doing some Legend of Zelda cosplay this year?

A large group of my friends and I are planning on doing a Navi invasion this year, probably on either the first or second day. We'd love to meet up with some other LoZ cosplayers and maybe do a photoshoot.

Anyone in?
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: nekovamp13 on May 20, 2009, 03:31:38 pm
My friend is planning on doing some version of Zelda, and she's trying to get her boyfriend to be Link.
It might turn out that they do a modern day version of them.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on May 20, 2009, 04:33:05 pm
I'm going to be Link for all 3 days unless I decide to add something. I'm trying to convince some of my friends to something Zelda related.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on May 20, 2009, 08:16:29 pm
My ant is being Zelda (TP.)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on July 01, 2009, 02:55:48 pm
My ant is being Zelda (TP.)

well now my ant is not going as zelda, if we go all 3 days, ma be on the last day, she will be zelda and I will be Dark Link, but I dout it.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Cassiopeia on July 01, 2009, 02:58:10 pm
You can pretty much bet my little bro will go as Link for a day.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: majinekochan on July 01, 2009, 10:00:29 pm
I know a couple of friends of mine are planning to do Navi and Straitjacket!Link
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on July 08, 2009, 01:48:40 am
I will be going as Twilight Princess Link, and now my costume is complete, unlike last year's Kumori Con.

I'd also like to see a photoshoot come together, however, it's VERY IMPORTANT that we decide on a time slot ASAP. It doesn't really matter when it is, to tell the truth.  What's important is that it gets in print, or at least into the Info Booth's records.

Does anyone have any preferences right now?  Personally, I expect to wear Link on Day 1 (Saturday) and Day 3 (Monday), but it depends on what day the Masquerade falls upon, because I will definitely be wearing Link for the Masquerade.

Please list your preferences as soon as you can.  When it comes time to decide, I'll check people's posts, and if I don't have enough I'll just decide on a time slot arbitrarily. Also, since nobody has scheduled a Super Smash Bros. photo shoot, I'll probably schedule one right before (or right after) the Zelda shoot. :)

My ant is being Zelda (TP.)

I hope you really do mean ant, and not "aunt," because I would love to see an ant cosplay. ;)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on July 08, 2009, 01:59:14 pm
Well I've decided to only do Link this year to justify how much I am spending of this thing. Plus he awesome-tastic. So since I'll be him all 3 days I'm open any day for a photo shoot. I think that if there is any video game panel or a competition (for brawl or something) It would make sense to meet there and then go to a photo shoot destination. That way nobody would get confused about where to meet because you would know where the room is. I've tried to meet with people before last year and we decided to meet in the lobby which was packed making it impossible to find them then move to a park that was also packed with people. So I think a smaller room would be better

When I was talking to friends a while ago we came up with some ideas. One of them might be a goron somehow. And the other wants to be a ruppee. Not sure how this is gonna work out.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on July 08, 2009, 02:16:13 pm
Hmmm. You might have a point, CC3, but I think you also need to consider that so far, *nobody* has actually remembered to officially schedule a Legend of Zelda photo shoot in previous years.  It's always been on the fly. If enough people showed up initially at the correct location, I bet the latecomers would find us eventually.  Heck, Zelda is even color-coded: just look for the sea of green tunics. :P

Trust me: it's more important to get the word out through the info booth than to network with individual people. We're probably only going to get one-third to one-half of the Zelda cosplayers to gather in one place, regardless, and the more official it is, the less room there is for uncertainty.

That said, I think we should meet either in the lobby or at the info booth, which are the two places most people would instinctively head to.  But still: which day?... Don't be afraid to post a specific preference, even if it's subject to change.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on July 09, 2009, 08:55:07 am
I'm thinking I might enter the cosplay contest and that's on sunday and there is a meeting for that at 12:00. There are also a couple rehearsals and the judging so before noon or in between judging/rehearsal times would be best for me. I'll also probably bring all my props that day to see what they might prefer so having a shoot on that day might be better for me.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Jarnan on July 11, 2009, 10:46:45 am
Sigh... so many Links to demolish, so little time. Ganondorf shall emerge victorious once again on his quest to find out who is truly 'The Weakest Link'.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on July 12, 2009, 03:12:29 pm
Pshh. Does it really matter when even the weakest Link can shove a sword through Ganon's head? ;)

Anyway, hope to see you at the photoshoot. I haven't seen another Ganondorf that I can recall.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: NightLotus on July 17, 2009, 10:01:43 am
I was link for all 3 days last year! I'll be link for one or two days this year too!
(i was the link that won the cosplay contest last year)

So we should submit a solid day and time to the photoshoot thread so we can have it!
what exactly are we planning for? (its been kinda vague)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on July 17, 2009, 12:00:41 pm
If your going as Ganon, well Am going to be Dark Link.
Sigh... so many Links to demolish, so little time. Ganondorf shall emerge victorious once again on his quest to find out who is truly 'The Weakest Link'.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on July 17, 2009, 03:38:22 pm
At this point, I would like to schedule the shoot for Saturday afternoon.  I am unsure as to where Programming stands regarding the officialness of photo shoot schedules.  I'll probably try to contact someone about it soon to see whether we'll have a printed photo shoot schedule this year.

I was link for all 3 days last year! I'll be link for one or two days this year too!
(i was the link that won the cosplay contest last year)

I heard you won, but you weren't alone, were you? Don't you have a Dark Link twin? :)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Triangle on July 19, 2009, 02:19:41 pm
I am going to be a Garo Ninja/Garo Robe from LOZ:MM. But it's not exactly the most well known character in the series...I wonder if anyone will recognize me ._.

If there is a photoshoot planned I'd love to take part in it! I'll be at the con all three days so anywhere/anytime works for me.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Seifer-sama on August 04, 2009, 07:08:23 pm
I will be there as Zelda and my boyfriend will be Ganondorf (Twilight Princess). :) I see a lot of people are going to be Link! yay.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on August 04, 2009, 09:11:40 pm
So what day would work best for a Photo shoot? We should decide soon
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 05, 2009, 02:35:06 am
Okay, looks like our Programming Director posted some useful information for the photo shoot.  It's in the official photo shoot thread, but I think it bears quoting.

Quote from: Jamiche
Okay guys, I don't mean to be a killjoy with all the planning you are doing, but there's a couple of things to keep in mind:

1)  You can't meet up in the hotel lobby.  We have been asked to keep the lobby clear, so meeting there is not a good idea... you're better off meeting on the second floor foyer, or outside.

2)  With no loithering in the lobby, you're best bet is to not plan on using the main staircase for photos.  Yes, it's an awesome place, but it is a main access, and needs to be kept clear.

3)  Please, unless you are doing it late at nite or early, early morning, or find an out of the way corner, no photoshoots inside.  Yes, it is a bigger hotel, but we are still squeezing a lot of people in a limited space.

Like Nikki said, if you get the photoshoots planned, I will see to it that it is posted at Info Booth, so people will be able to reference it all weekend.

Also, looks like the deadline is 8/28. I'd like to say we have plenty of time, but it'd be better to decide this week to ensure a better time slot.

I'm still submitting Saturday for consideration. 1pm or 3pm looks best for Zelda.  Super Smash Bros/General Nintendo should be one hour before (OR after) Zelda.  I'm checking to see whether I have any other conflicts.

I think we should meet on the second floor foyer, since we can't meet in the lobby.  I've been to the hotel, and the 2nd floor foyer's a pretty central area, so don't worry about people finding it.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on August 05, 2009, 12:11:28 pm
ok I have diecited to go as Dark Link for sure!
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on August 05, 2009, 12:13:26 pm
I will be going as Twilight Princess Link, and now my costume is complete, unlike last year's Kumori Con.

I'd also like to see a photoshoot come together, however, it's VERY IMPORTANT that we decide on a time slot ASAP. It doesn't really matter when it is, to tell the truth.  What's important is that it gets in print, or at least into the Info Booth's records.

Does anyone have any preferences right now?  Personally, I expect to wear Link on Day 1 (Saturday) and Day 3 (Monday), but it depends on what day the Masquerade falls upon, because I will definitely be wearing Link for the Masquerade.

Please list your preferences as soon as you can.  When it comes time to decide, I'll check people's posts, and if I don't have enough I'll just decide on a time slot arbitrarily. Also, since nobody has scheduled a Super Smash Bros. photo shoot, I'll probably schedule one right before (or right after) the Zelda shoot. :)

My ant is being Zelda (TP.)

I hope you really do mean ant, and not "aunt," because I would love to see an ant cosplay. ;)

Yah spelling mistake, and she isnt going to Zelda any more
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on August 05, 2009, 12:52:33 pm
Tthose times work just fine for me :)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: xo_aria on August 05, 2009, 04:44:44 pm
Almost 100% sure my friend is coming as Twilight Princess Link on one of the days. :]
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: mangakaluna on August 08, 2009, 09:37:06 pm
I'm gonna be going as Link as well XD
Working on my cosplay :3
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 09, 2009, 01:12:48 am
Hmmm.... at this rate, we could determine the "Weakest Link" by playing a game of Links-only Red Rover.

Yah spelling mistake, and she isnt going to Zelda any more

Aww, that's too bad. Our Zelda-to-Link ratio is going to be low as it is.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: pencil on August 09, 2009, 10:01:06 am
I will be going as outset island/pajama link from windwaker and my friend will be tetra :D
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 09, 2009, 01:54:46 pm
I will be going as outset island/pajama link from windwaker and my friend will be tetra :D

Nice!  I haven't seen that one done before. Pajama Link, I mean.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on August 09, 2009, 03:06:47 pm
Hmmm.... at this rate, we could determine the "Weakest Link" by playing a game of Links-only Red Rover.

Yah spelling mistake, and she isnt going to Zelda any more

Aww, that's too bad. Our Zelda-to-Link ratio is going to be low as it is.
Idk, May be I can talk her into being Zelda.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 09, 2009, 04:16:38 pm
Idk, May be I can talk her into being Zelda.

Aw, don't let me be a bother. I was just joking about how everybody wants to be Link. ;)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CharlotteElbourne on August 09, 2009, 05:33:01 pm
I wanted to be Human Midna... but my costume won't be finished at all in time... So I will have to be her next year ^^;
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on August 09, 2009, 07:49:46 pm
Idk, May be I can talk her into being Zelda.

Aw, don't let me be a bother. I was just joking about how everybody wants to be Link. ;)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 09, 2009, 10:47:42 pm
I wanted to be Human Midna... but my costume won't be finished at all in time... So I will have to be her next year ^^;

It'll be cool to see it once you finish. Out of curiosity, how about Sakura Con 2010?

Also, your signature is one big whopping spoiler. :P
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CharlotteElbourne on August 09, 2009, 11:10:21 pm
I wanted to be Human Midna... but my costume won't be finished at all in time... So I will have to be her next year ^^;

It'll be cool to see it once you finish. Out of curiosity, how about Sakura Con 2010?

Also, your signature is one big whopping spoiler. :P

I wasn't hiding the fact that I wanted to be her o3o.  Well, I want to go to Sakuracon, but I am also going to Mewcon, which might be where I wear it first.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 09, 2009, 11:22:22 pm
I wasn't hiding the fact that I wanted to be her o3o.  Well, I want to go to Sakuracon, but I am also going to Mewcon, which might be where I wear it first.

What I meant was it's a spoiler for the game, since not everybody knows she isn't really an imp. One cosplayer called the costume "SpoilerMidna," which is slightly better (though it's still a walking spoiler, heh).

Okay, will look forward to seeing it in 2010.  It's a pretty impressive costume to see complete.

Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on August 09, 2009, 11:37:47 pm
It's too late for this year, but I'm thinking of next year doing the Four Swords Links if anyone wants to join me
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CharlotteElbourne on August 10, 2009, 12:46:19 am
I wasn't hiding the fact that I wanted to be her o3o.  Well, I want to go to Sakuracon, but I am also going to Mewcon, which might be where I wear it first.

What I meant was it's a spoiler for the game, since not everybody knows she isn't really an imp. One cosplayer called the costume "SpoilerMidna," which is slightly better (though it's still a walking spoiler, heh).

Okay, will look forward to seeing it in 2010.  It's a pretty impressive costume to see complete.

OH I get it *hits forehead* Yeah, it is a spoiler, but it's all over the internet so it shouldn't matter... >3>

Yes, I can't WAIT to get started... I have many ideas on how I am going to make it. >w<

It's too late for this year, but I'm thinking of next year doing the Four Swords Links if anyone wants to join me

Oh, that sounds cool! ^-^
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 10, 2009, 01:03:49 am
OH I get it *hits forehead* Yeah, it is a spoiler, but it's all over the internet so it shouldn't matter... >3>

So it's kinda like "Zelda is Sheik," eh? :P Heh, come to think of it, I bought Twilight Princess the day it came out and completed it for the first time within ten days, so I beat the spoilerage...  I still like calling her "SpoilerMidna," though.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CharlotteElbourne on August 10, 2009, 11:23:46 am
OH I get it *hits forehead* Yeah, it is a spoiler, but it's all over the internet so it shouldn't matter... >3>

So it's kinda like "Zelda is Sheik," eh? :P Heh, come to think of it, I bought Twilight Princess the day it came out and completed it for the first time within ten days, so I beat the spoilerage...  I still like calling her "SpoilerMidna," though.

Yeah, I suppose it is xD Well, I didn't get the chance to play it for a while, and of course my sis beat it before I even got to play, so I saw the ending when she was done. :P Yes she is a spoiler, but I like that outfit better than her imp form <3 It will be so much fun to make :D
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on August 13, 2009, 10:11:09 pm
For the photoshoot I suggest 1:30 on Saturday for zelda and 2:00 for Smash bros. because I think Smash bros. is gonna run longer than Zelda and most LoZ people will stay for SSB. I'll post this in the other convo. as well to see how well it works for everyone.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Triangle on August 25, 2009, 09:50:07 am
So, has anything concrete been set up?
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 25, 2009, 01:28:56 pm
No, but if all goes as planned the con schedule will be up tomorrow. After that I'd like to discuss it since we can use the schedule to avoid major events where possible.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Sunnybrook1 on August 25, 2009, 04:15:39 pm
I know a couple of friends of mine are planning to do Navi and Straitjacket!Link
While I'll be bothering my straight-jacket Link, really, no Link is safe from my Navi~  ;D *points to her sig*

I'll be sure to look for everyone, and definitely show up to any impromtu photo-shoots!
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: princessnavi848 on August 25, 2009, 06:00:29 pm
I'll be going as Princess Zelda (TP version) on the first or second day. 8)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on August 25, 2009, 07:06:46 pm
So it looks like Monday is definitely out for a shoot day am I right?
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 26, 2009, 01:14:39 pm
Monday's typically not the best day for photo shoots, because more people leave early and fewer people dress up. :-/ Personally, Link is not my most comfortable costume and I prefer an easier costume for the last day.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 28, 2009, 02:47:29 am
So hey, what events is everyone concretely planning on attending?  In other words, what should we avoid? Let me know so we can take it into account.  I'm assuming the Cosplay Contest and Karaoke Contest are big "no"s.  Will also try to avoid the Smash Bros. tourney.

The official schedule's supposed to be out by Friday morning, according to a staff contact already posted, so read it now!!

Also, the guy putting together the photo shoot schedule said he could accept additions until Saturday (I requested another day).
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Sunnybrook1 on August 28, 2009, 05:05:02 pm
Also, the guy putting together the photo shoot schedule said he could accept additions until Saturday (I requested another day).

Cool - after looking over the schedule, Sunday morning between 9 - 10am looks clear. No big events, just a few panels and the Cosplay Technical Runthrough (only bad for people in skits, and THEN only if they don't know their scheduled time).

Ah, and according to this thread I have almost a dozen Links to seek out & torture~<3 *says it in the most loving way possible*

Hey, fleur_fraise - we should join forces! (http://watashiveracasan.deviantart.com/art/Navi-upclose-96868143)

Ah, and at the inspiration & request of Radien, all you Links may have an opportunity to take revenge on your favorite fairy.
You get first dibs, of course~ *hinthint* (http://sunnybrook1.deviantart.com/art/Navi-Pinata-Advertising-134898809)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 29, 2009, 05:14:38 am
Cool - after looking over the schedule, Sunday morning between 9 - 10am looks clear. No big events, just a few panels and the Cosplay Technical Runthrough (only bad for people in skits, and THEN only if they don't know their scheduled time).

Hmmm, 9am is really early for a photo shoot. No other photo shoot has anything earlier than 10am. Plus there are a lot of late-night events the night before; that's why there's not much going on around that time.

Here's my suggestion: Sunday at 12:30pm 1:30pm. The only major conflicts are guest panels, and most guests have more than one panel during the con.

My costume is not water-resistant, so I would prefer to meet indoors and then move to an outdoor location, just in case. How about 2nd floor foyer above the lobby?

Ah, and at the inspiration & request of Radien, all you Links may have an opportunity to take revenge on your favorite fairy.
You get first dibs, of course~ *hinthint* (http://sunnybrook1.deviantart.com/art/Navi-Pinata-Advertising-134898809)

The fairy menace must be slain! >:| I will bring my large foam Master Sword bastard sword. (Mastard Sword?)
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on August 29, 2009, 04:08:43 pm
whats going on? ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 29, 2009, 08:57:13 pm
whats going on? ??? ??? ??? ???

RozenMaiden_Girl: We have to sign up for the photo shoot by posting in this thread (http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?topic=10067.0;topicseen); the deadline is midnight tonight.


In any case, no one's talking, so I'm going to have to choose a time or else it won't be on the schedule. It seems that nobody's really mentioned any concrete conflicts, so I'm going with Sunday at 1:30pm.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Triangle on August 30, 2009, 04:08:37 am
Sounds good.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on August 30, 2009, 02:14:38 pm
can i still get in the photo? I will be Dark Link. Where there is Link! Must be Dark Link!
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Sunnybrook1 on August 30, 2009, 03:55:41 pm
Sounds alright - hopefully my costume-judging will have finished by then. *crosses her fingers*

Otherwise I'll leave the beatable-fairy w/somebody trustworthy...
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Jarnan on August 30, 2009, 07:14:41 pm
Sounds good, Ganon will be there on Sunday
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on August 31, 2009, 04:10:46 am
can i still get in the photo? I will be Dark Link. Where there is Link! Must be Dark Link!

Well, if you can possibly wear it for Sunday afternoon...?

Sounds alright - hopefully my costume-judging will have finished by then. *crosses her fingers*

Otherwise I'll leave the beatable-fairy w/somebody trustworthy...

Well, the Smash Bros. shoot is right after, so if you show up late, chances are some of the Links will still be around. There's only half an hour between the two, so we won't have to wait around long.

P.S. -

Hey! Listen! I think this will be the first official, independent Zelda photo shoot at Kumori Con! :D
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on September 01, 2009, 05:44:19 pm
Fist day I am Suigintou from Rozen Maiden, second I am Dark Link from Well you know. duh... lol
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on September 02, 2009, 01:15:58 pm
Fist day I am Suigintou from Rozen Maiden, second I am Dark Link from Well you know. duh... lol

Great, hope to see you at the photo shoot then.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on September 02, 2009, 02:21:01 pm
ok kool. I think My skit is at 1:30 tho
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on September 04, 2009, 08:32:12 am
So where are we meeting at? I kind of forgot if we decided on a place...
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on September 04, 2009, 09:44:06 am
I just checked the official time for all the shoots it said where. I'm an idiot haha.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on September 04, 2009, 11:53:13 am
So where are we meeting at? I kind of forgot if we decided on a place...
Yah were are we meeting at?
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: CC3 on September 04, 2009, 12:02:04 pm
Legend of Zelda - 1:30pm Meet on 2nd floor foyer. I'm sure they will give us a map or layout of the hotel that will show everybody how to get there
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on September 04, 2009, 12:39:35 pm
ok, thnx
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: ericvirgin85 on September 04, 2009, 02:24:35 pm
I will be there as Ganondorf from Twilight Princess.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: RozenMaiden_Girl on September 04, 2009, 02:42:20 pm
I will be there as Ganondorf from Twilight Princess.

Aww some! I is going to be Dark Link, Twilight Princess, I think lol.
Title: Re: Legend of Zelda Cosplay?
Post by: Radien on September 08, 2009, 01:56:42 pm
Awesome photo shoot guys. :) There were some great costumes and I think we fed the cameras some good shots.  And best of all you guys were a lot of a fun.  Not to mention, enough people showed up to totally justify having a official Zelda photo shoots.

Sorry the migration went over badly. :( Not having a park next to the con has presented unexpected difficulties, which we talked about at Rant and Rave. However, even though we didn't get many photos taken before it started raining, getting there was a fun trip.

We ended up breaking the Navi pinata after cosplay chess. Heh, since we couldn't use a blindfold, it went out in just three whacks, despite the reinforced paper mache and using a padded boffer as a whacking stick. Maybe the pinata should be wrapped in duct tape, too? :P