
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Neko_Chan on April 19, 2005, 06:44:39 pm

Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Neko_Chan on April 19, 2005, 06:44:39 pm
I dunooo. o-o;
I was just wondering if anyone has a Live Journal... xD This has like, nothing to do with anything, but I dunno... -shrug-
Mine is teh_otaku by the way... (Yes. 'teh' is spelled wrong on purpose.)
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Luana-neko on April 19, 2005, 06:52:53 pm
I do, it's:

I'm pretty sporadic with posts, I'll either do a ton in a short amount of time, or sometimes I'll be lucky to post more than once every two weeks ^_^;;
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: PixeL on April 20, 2005, 09:54:01 am
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Nyco27 on April 24, 2005, 11:18:09 pm
On lj Im Nyco27, wow, what a shock... lol

Title: Live Journal?
Post by: BlackjackGabbiani on April 25, 2005, 01:25:21 am
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Menchi on April 25, 2005, 11:02:34 am
http://www.livejournal.com/users/kaleide/ ^_^
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: arc_knight on April 26, 2005, 11:23:55 am
i have one...

Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Ronime on April 26, 2005, 02:31:51 pm

tho some things may be unsuitable for children >.>
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Dustin on April 27, 2005, 08:25:45 pm

Meh, like Ronime's, my probably isn't suitable for children either.

It looks like crap right now, too. I had this whole cool background theme and everything, but my webhost froze my service because I am a bit behind on paying them.

Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Kei-Kei on April 28, 2005, 08:26:06 am
Got one, but I don't update it hardly at all. User name is "Deekei"
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: hikaru_maxwell on April 29, 2005, 10:13:52 am
www.livejournal.com/~hikaru_maxwell (it's friends only, though)
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Heidy on May 15, 2005, 08:15:07 pm
LJ name is spindrift76
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: eerielunarose on September 10, 2005, 09:54:59 pm
Wow, I remember reading this thread at some point but it must have been a long time ago. I'm surprised I didn't reply. I love my LJ this year.

Here's from me (this'll be a shocker): eerielunarose.
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: KanaM on September 11, 2005, 01:40:17 am

its friends only
just comment and add me!
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: Bow- on September 11, 2005, 09:03:08 am
Quote from: "Ronime"

tho some things may be unsuitable for children >.>

omg, I think I just went blind from the color scheme. *eyeballs explode, gets migraine*

uhhh, yeah, mine's  http://www.livejournal.com/users/french_bow/  , but it's just me bitching about stuff mostly.
Title: Live Journal?
Post by: valliegirl on September 11, 2005, 09:27:39 am
teh_otaku is on my friends list!  Yay
