
Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: DeathNotePanda on July 03, 2009, 03:00:17 pm

Title: Help on Poketch? Please? =(
Post by: DeathNotePanda on July 03, 2009, 03:00:17 pm
Hey guys! So this year I'm going to be cosplaying as Dawn (Hikari) from Pokemon but I'm having trouble with the Poketch. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, it's that red thing on her wrist! XD

Does anyone have any suggestions of how to make one, or where to buy one from?

I'm reeeeeeeeeally stuck on this one so if anyone can help please post! PLEASE?!?!?! XD
Title: Re: Help on Poketch? Please? =(
Post by: Hazuza on July 03, 2009, 03:41:35 pm
If you're lucky, you can find one for sale :'D
You'd have the best luck searching on livejournal communities rather than ebay. There are some pokemon collectior communities that might have someone selling one.

But since it's pretty hard to find now, I guess... Well, I would modify a normal watch with clay. You could either use an airdrying clay, or for something more durable you could work with a polymer clay like sculpey or fimo. Then you would have to take it off the watch to bake it, and glue it on the normal watch in the end.
Title: Re: Help on Poketch? Please? =(
Post by: DeathNotePanda on July 03, 2009, 04:28:34 pm
=D Thank you for the advice!! I really needed help XD

Uhm if its alright with you, would you please provide links for me if you find one for sale?

That would help me A LOT!  ;D
Title: Re: Help on Poketch? Please? =(
Post by: bou12345318 on July 04, 2009, 04:30:35 pm
I saw one onsale awile back..if i'm lucky i can find it again so yeah if i find it all post the link XD
Title: Re: Help on Poketch? Please? =(
Post by: ladyknightsgrace on July 05, 2009, 05:52:25 pm
My friend was going to use craft foam...w/ a mold of your wrist and soaking it in glue you can dry it into the shape
Title: Re: Help on Poketch? Please? =(
Post by: DeathNotePanda on July 08, 2009, 10:28:08 am
To bou: Aw thank you so much! That would be awesome! =D

To ladykinghtsgrace: Thats a good idea! Thank you! ^-^