Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: soundninja12 on October 17, 2009, 12:11:40 am
I was hoping, that for cosplay chess, I could have Orihime's shun shun Rikka
If you want to cosplay any of them, please post here!
Thank you!
I totally would! =O
But I don't have the funds to make one of those, no matter how much I'd want to...v.v
I'd love to do Tsubaki. Unfortunately, I already have too many plans... I hope you can find them, because that would be an awesome group cosplay.
What....are they? ._.
What....are they? ._.
They are...um...
LIKE HER FAIRIES. :D They are her powers and do stuff for her, like make shieldsss and stuff.
@ Shay: They come out of her hair pins.
Megan's pretty much dead on, with the fairy thing.
Three of them; Baigon(big one), Hinagiku(purple), and Lily(pink hair), can make a shield, that protects Orihime and anyone else that's behind it.
Two others; Ayame(red one) and Shuno(blond), can heal wounds.
And the last one; Tsubaki, can attack.
Which one is the cute little one? C':
Which one do you consider cute and little?
If you mean, which is the shyest... That'd definitely be Ayame, the girl with the giant red thing over her. :3
Oh! Soundy! =O
If I magically come up with the funds for this, I'll totally be Shuno~ =w=
Ayame is really cute!~ :'D
Is er hair purple~?
I think so... Let me find a close up on her!
I think it might be a dark purple or black.
Ayame (http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/3/38741/905230-bleach_others0065_super.jpg)
I like the red and black oneee. :3
Mayyybe Soundy!
If I tried to make Ayame's red thingy, I would die. :'3
If I tried to make Ayame's red thingy, I would die. :'3
lol, you could have twin and colleen in it holding it up. :D
N-no thank you. xDD
I wanna do a Bleach cosplay, but I'm leaning towards being Yachiru. >O>
Pshhh, I like the one with a heart on her butt. :D
@ Shay: Yachiruuuuu~
That'd actually fit you...almost perfectly. o.o
@ Soundy: Lookie! Megan and I are 'Maybes'! =D
Hehe, thanks I ugess!~ x333
-CoughI'mjustabittootall- >>;;
Well, whether you agree or not...
You're adorable and so is Yachiru! =O
Pshhh, I like the one with a heart on her butt. :D
I would like to see someone be her... she's the funniest...
I don't know what I would do if I had the healing ones.... if I had them in cosplay chess they might be on the worthless side... unless I was someone's back up...
-tries to figure out how to make Ayame's red thing-
And I <3 you guys!
But Shuno and Ayame and are adoooooraaaable....=.=
I don't think I could pull anyone else off, anywho. =P
Yay! Ilu, Soundy~ <3
ILU too cloudy!
ilu Catch.
ilu2! <3
OHOH and I'm seriously considering this, HMMM, but so many cosplays...
ilu megan!
If you want help with it, here I am!
In reality, the one I need most is the one you'd be!
Why must Orihime be more for defense and healing, then fighting.
I seriously think all of her little shun shun rikka, should be able to attack.*nods*
(just had an image of them all jumping on someone and biting them and BS like that XD)
o 3o If I don't get into chess and you still need peoples, I would be one for you~<3
I might not do Orihime though...
Hey, Katie! Guess what! This thread is the oldest one you could post in... until.. I posted in it...