Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: nikkiolie on October 17, 2009, 10:01:55 am
Well now that Kumoricon is over I am slowly finding myself not working out as much. I decided last night that I have two and a half months (till mewcon) to get to where I want to be. And where I want to be is an inch off my stomach and thighs. In order to do that I need to cut back on the junk food and stop drinking soda as well as working out at least four days a week.
This can all be done pretty easily it just takes some dedication. I know I am not fat but I have this little belly that needs to go away, and with a little work it can. The hardest part will be the food because I love junk food x.x I also need to find a picture to help inspire me :D
I know there are others trying to do the same :P
I've been slowly losing weight since about the beginning of Summer. I've hit a bit of a snag since my gym went bankrupt about a month ago and closed down, so now I'm back to going on hikes and walks on my own. All in all though I've made a lot of progress and I am close to being the size I was when I was at my thinnest (about 2 years ago) and have dropped from wearing a size 9 pant in Spring to a 5/6 now, so even though I know I'll probably gain a little weight with the Holidays coming up I really can't complain =]
I'm pretty much the same way. I'm not fat, and I don't weigh a lot, but I just have some extra skin that needs to go away ^^;;
Trying to lose my extra trim here. My Deep Water Aerobics class is kicking my arsenal. It's the best whole body work out I've ever done.
And I just got Wii Fit Plus--it's a blast. :)
My next con is Sakura con, so I have some time! Good luck to everyone!
I also need to find a picture to help inspire me :D
Maybe this will get you motivated to looking great ^.^ I hear it motivates a lot of women.
http://hmg.guyswithcams.com/templates/galleries/1407/6455_0x0.jpg (http://hmg.guyswithcams.com/templates/galleries/1407/6455_0x0.jpg)
*cries, wanting to look like that*
I keep getting in and out of my workout habits because of school. I was staying there last quarter from 8am-12pm and when I'd come home I'd just crash. I've been living off of crappy food (Mac and cheese, quick things, etc.) and not eating enough because I get so busy (We're talking like, 1 meal a day, stupid god damn school). So I've got my boyfriend to help me monitor me this time. I've got 6 1/2 months before AX which is when I'm going to wear Sabrina. So I'm going to be running lots, doing sit ups, leg lifts, all that stuff. My boyfriend said we were going to go out and look for little weights too so I can start doing squats.
Gonna work out on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. Maybe even throw in running on Tuesday mornings. I've got 2-4 inches that I want to cut off of my waist before then? I'm try hard though. Good luck to the rest of you too.
its one of the easiest and most fun ways to work out.
Whenever I feel discouraged from losing weight, thinking about all of the self confidence I will gain.
This is pissing me off though:
I work out, I eat super healthy food, I have not drank a soda in months. I eat 1/2 sandwitches and apples for lunch. I drink V8, but I can't seem to lose weight! >.>
Whenever I feel discouraged from losing weight, thinking about all of the self confidence I will gain.
This is pissing me off though:
I work out, I eat super healthy food, I have not drank a soda in months. I eat 1/2 sandwitches and apples for lunch. I drink V8, but I can't seem to lose weight! >.>
like i said.
I've been watching a lot of the OC lately and Olivia Wilde is ridiculously skinny (she is also 13 from house). I may use her as inspiration :P http://www.ugo.com/movies/hotties-of-our-time/images/entries/olivia-wilde.jpg
MY THINSPIRATION. Seriously, goal in life is to have legs like that, not possible but I can still try.
I can't really find many real pictures for inspiration though. I'm kinda thick, I'll never be able to get super skinny because of the size of my bones and the muscles on muh legs. Silly Ukrainian genes!
Flatish stomach and huge muscle legs will do it for me :P
I was skinny when I was little, but now not so much...
Whenever I feel discouraged from losing weight, thinking about all of the self confidence I will gain.
This is pissing me off though:
I work out, I eat super healthy food, I have not drank a soda in months. I eat 1/2 sandwitches and apples for lunch. I drink V8, but I can't seem to lose weight! >.>
like i said.
I listen to Emo-punk music. You cannot dance to that...
I was skinny when I was little, but now not so much...
Whenever I feel discouraged from losing weight, thinking about all of the self confidence I will gain.
This is pissing me off though:
I work out, I eat super healthy food, I have not drank a soda in months. I eat 1/2 sandwitches and apples for lunch. I drink V8, but I can't seem to lose weight! >.>
like i said.
I listen to Emo-punk music. You cannot dance to that...
What i listen too, and what i dance too are 2 completely different things.
i listen to goregrind, and grindcore, but i dance to hardstyle and psytrance
I was skinny when I was little, but now not so much...
Whenever I feel discouraged from losing weight, thinking about all of the self confidence I will gain.
This is pissing me off though:
I work out, I eat super healthy food, I have not drank a soda in months. I eat 1/2 sandwitches and apples for lunch. I drink V8, but I can't seem to lose weight! >.>
like i said.
I listen to Emo-punk music. You cannot dance to that...
Actually, the type of dancing that one would do to emo/punk would be moshing (jumping up and down) and that can be an extremely good workout :P
I'm eating healthy and running.
I'm going to lose 10 pounds more because two of my best friends just got together. (The amount of stress this puts on me is relevant because I'm usually the one to fix all problems in my friend's relationships.)
It's good to see everyone starting out early though, so...
Omnomnom. I love sweets too much to care about my figure :D
I've been on a FotN/HnK kick lately and that's been motivating me to get my fat bum up and out.
I eat sweets daily, and I'm not fat yet, whyyyyyyy? D':
But um, yeah, none of my cosplay really show my figure, but even so, I'm gonna keep on staying, or getting, in shape. :'3
It must be our fabulous genetics, ohohoho.
I should get more active for my own personal health but cosplay doesn't really matter.
I really want to cosplay Winry next year, so I need to lose some tummy. I've been biking to school off and on, but it's not tiring anymore, so I'm not burning any tummy fat. But I now have better thighs than before xD
IM such a lucky bum XD No matter how I eat I wont gain weight. Actually this summer I went walking around town a lot and guess what I LOST TOO MUCH WEIGHT SO IM UNDER WEIGHT (so the docter told me) so I have to gain weight rite nao
Any suggestions for fatty foods that r not MCDONALDS XD
Hm~ If you eat meat then eat fatty meat, I guess. I'm a vegetarian so I get my fats from snack food :D
IM such a lucky bum XD No matter how I eat I wont gain weight. Actually this summer I went walking around town a lot and guess what I LOST TOO MUCH WEIGHT SO IM UNDER WEIGHT (so the docter told me) so I have to gain weight rite nao
Any suggestions for fatty foods that r not MCDONALDS XD
Unless you eat unhealthy, your doctor is a fuc$%# moron to tell you you are underweight. It amazes me how retarded doctors are these days. All they say is what the latest bs tells them to say, or w/e they were brainwashed into thinking in schooling. I'm not saying they have no idea what they are talking about most the time, but stupid comments like telling someone who (presumably) doesn't have any health problems and eats regularly is underweight needs to get a big kick in the a$$. Everyone has a different metabolic* rate at which the body changes and uses energy.
As for everyone else here, remember losing fat is different from losing weight. Be specific when you set your goals so you can clearly see what you are doing right and wrong ^.^ losing 5 pounds in 1 month for someone who has already changed their diet and been going strong with it for a while is losing more then the expected amount, unless you are doing a lot of exercising and seriously watching what they eat. 2-3 pounds a month is more likely, unless you are excessively overweight. Hope everyone makes their goals :)
Alright I am pretty sure that you can eat regularly and still be underweight. A person can have a metabolism of 4000 calories and only be getting about 2000 a day and with that they will be losing weight each day. If you add exercising on top of that, they could be getting 1500 or less in. It is very possible to be underweight yet still eat several meals a day. It might not be AS much of a health issue as if you weren't getting any food at all.
As for my goal I know I want to lose fat. Most of my weight is from muscles, playing soccer for 15 years gave me huge thighs. I just have about an inch to two inches of fat on my stomach that I would like to shed. I know how to do it and I have plans. I am already doing pretty good. I'm having popcorn as a snack instead of a candy bar.
Gotcha I eat healthy all the time and I have like 4-5 meals a day sometimes so I was super omega confused! Thanks for the info (stupid doctors and crazy asian metabolisms XD).
MEEP: How tall are you? You look sooo tall!!! xD
"crazy asian metabolisms" HAH!!!! I had one too til I hit puberty lolx
I'm not saying that is what is going on or not but it could be an explanation. I wouldn't say eat more fatty food, just eat more. Try to stick to good fatty food like avocados. P:
MEEP: How tall are you? You look sooo tall!!! xD
"crazy asian metabolisms" HAH!!!! I had one too til I hit puberty lolx
IM 5 feet and 1 inch A SAD HEIGHT I AM NOT TALL (I am taller than my mommy though)
OOH avocados would be smart.
OH and you guys know about those hikes planned right?
Yeah but they are Saturdays and I work on Saturdays >_>
If anyone wants some help / encouragement / workout e-buddies, feel free to message me on AIM or MSN or whatever. I've got some pretty good workout/food plans, books, and MP3s I could share with you. ^_^;
Just curious, what do you guys do to work out?
Eating regularly is a poor choice of words on my part. What I meant was eating an amount that when consumed on a regular basis (how ever you eat, though it should be consistent), that with little or no exercise, provides you with enough energy to keep you fully functional without drops or spikes in energy. This is even not the best way to say it but its pretty good I think. If you need 4k calories and only eating 2k, you ARE GOING to have periods where you just don't feel like you can do much, and no not just before bed..
That is not a well balanced daily income of food, which is totally not eating healthy. If you end up doing more activity you obviously need to consume more to equal the output. You can eat 50 times a day if you want, but if you don't eat the right amounts to begin with you fail at a balance of need verse use. Do you need a balance that is the same from day to day? No, but the overall period where you go up and down needs to close to the same or your health, not to mention energy, will show. I wasn't there when you were told you need to eat more. The only way to tell if he still needs a kick in the a$$ or not is to talk to you more, because as easy as this stuff seems it can also be a little complicated(word wise and other). Generally speaking if someone is eating consistently the same amount and healthy, you can't be underweight, you can only be underweight based off some sort of scale/system that doesn't include your body type/uniqueness. If this doc wasn't asian culturly born then I would say he doesn't know about your body type much, though that's a HUGE leap, he could know more then other asian docs too..
If you eat 4-5 (or more) meals a day you keep your metabolic rate up due to the decrease in time between meals does not give much/any off time so breakdown stays on always. Eating more and less often is a way to get fatter, if you think you are "too light" which is absurd if you are healthy. If you want more advice, I would find a real nutritionist not some "doctor" who isn't payed to know about health, only medical science. Or you can keep talking to us here, we are real people with the same problems/solutions :D
I don't have a steady workout plan because I'm not too worried about fat at the moment, though I've got to get back to doing more stuff :D When I was doing more I would be biking 20+ miles a day/every other day, and not your leisure biking ether. The kind you tell yourself to keep going and go faster every second your on the bike. Not hardcore like some at a gym class, but close enough it might as well be in one. Being outside a good amount of the day playing with pets and yard work just about every day helps too, but now that the weather is darker I doubt that I'll be as perky while doing it. I also would lift weights every other day for building strength, an aerobic workout is great for using that stored fat but not for giving you big guns. There are a lot of things to do for exercise that is just what I do. The best are things you can do are with friends that are fun, things that don't seem think you're doing any exercise, like frisbee tag.
The hikes will be great once everything gets straightened out and more familiar. This last hike saturday was not so much a hike as talking and meeting, but it was the first one so we will get better at the "hike" part. We had 6 show up, even though it was down pouring on us, a few others wanted to but had other things to do that day, so we will have different people at each one depending on the schedule. Join us! Lolz wall post..
Just curious, what do you guys do to work out?
When I signed up with Bally's I got a free training session and she told me some ways to slim down my inner thighs and stomach (which I'm still working on). So I get on a treadmill push the incline up as far as it will go and walk for about 30 to 60 minutes. 30 minutes usually burns 350-400 calories (depending on what the max incline is, at Ballys it is 15 and at school it is 10 =/). If I only did 30 minutes I also do weights. The weights normally focus on my legs. I do three different types of leg presses (one with my toes pointed in, one with my feet at the top toes slightly over the edge, and one with my feet at the bottom so I am pushing with my toes). Those three target different areas in my leg and work pretty well. I also do the hamstring machine (you lay down and pull your feet up to your butt) and sometimes the thigh machine, and I usually always do something ab and back related.
Thank you!
I'd love to go on hikes with you guys, but I doubt that's possible due to where I live right now. :/
Thank you!
I'd love to go on hikes with you guys, but I doubt that's possible due to where I live right now. :/
^ This
Damn you non portlandish area people! :D You can always try to get a group from your school together to do hikes and such. If you are not in school, there are lots of hiking groups around with all levels of hikes. The only problem with that is you will be around NON ANIME specific people, not like it matters, but you will obviously have to find other interests to talk about while hiking :)
Things that popped out.. I am going to do a better back read tomorrow when I am more awake. So if I repeat anythin', I am sorry. ^^;;
"popcorn as a snack instead" this is good IF it is one you pop yourself and not a microwave kind. They have oils and butters that = bad. But I love fresh good old popcorn. But because of my teeth have not been able to have any in forever.
"remember losing fat is different from losing weight" I LOVE this line, it is the same the other way too, gaining weight isn't always bad. If you start a new workout and your next weigh in have gain some weight, yet have been eating well. Don't get discouraged. New muscle you gained could be the reason. And, if you use to not drink enough water then stat to drink a good 32, or 64oz or 90oz, it takes you body a little time to get use to the new amount you drink and utilize it.
I read once something like, "Activity is how you loose weight, not lack of food." This is true. Both things, not having lack of food and being active, are what I struggle with.
I am not an active person, I sprint at work (Car hopping is fun, speed walk food to cars, run back inside to get a new scan/ticket, then speed walk again to bring food, then run back to run credit card, then run back to car to return credit card. hehe.) but work has been slow, and hours are low, so that activity is not as much as it use to be. I go to the gym about 1 every week now. I want to go more, but I have a hard time getting myself to the gym even though it's only 5 minutes if even that from my house. Then, house work I use to do more, but I been slacking on that so that has been lowering my activeness.
As for eating, I think I found my range (unless I start getting more active.). I am 5’4 and very inactive and trying to loose fat, I have been in the 1800 to 2200, felt I was eating too much. was in the 900-1100 for a while, too small even for my low activity level and just always felt like I had no energy (did help that I stopped caffeine cold turkey the same time.) Now I have been in the 1100-1500 for about a week. I started taking fish oil pills too (omega 3 goodness). I think this is my range, but it's hard for me to eat that much food now. I got use to the lower calories. Also, other than bananas, pears, and peaches and rarely apples there isn't really any fruits I like. OJ is okay sometimes if mixed with a banana. And veggies wise I seem to mostly only like the bad starchy ones like carrots, potatoes, and corn. I can eat green beans and raw spinach (in salads and on ham sandwiches) and broccoli (steamed and raw) okay too. I think it's just I have not had the veggies made right, I need to force myself to try more and try them prepared different ways. Then meet... I cannot eat beef anymore. I just don't like the taste at all anymore, not even Angus. I never liked pork much. So turkey and fish is what I am left with but I am picky with my fish. I don’t like halibut, and only like tuna when it’s sushi or in tuna noodle casserole. Love salmon though. And I like almost every nut other then peanuts, but they don't fill me up that well with how little a serving size is. Milk I can only stomach skim/none fat milk. And if by itself or in instant breakfast I need to water it down. Cheese, only really like string cheese or sometimes cheddar. I like yogurt okay, but only Yoplait light banana cream pie.
and the SUCH hikes will not always be in portland. and I can pic people up and stuff if not too far away too most the time.
oh jeez I have a lot of weight/fat to loose. Luckily I have until next Kumo (i'm pretty sure)
I need to drop a LOT of my hips and thighs.
I've been working out somewhat :/ (4 hours of volleyball practice and 2 of Taekwondo a week) but its not doing enough for me, so i'm considering starting to run on the elliptical during my free periods at my school gym. I've been cutting back on the calories (as much as a chocolate addict can) and I try not to eat all the baking I do. I'm addicted to baking, and I need ways to send away all the cookies and brownies I make!
I've found the BEST thing for slimming my butt/thighs/fat around the hips is to do a bunch of reps of extended lunges which are held for a long time, as well as yoga with bent knee poses, and squats. I also do a lot of weighted leg presses and box squats when I can. To trim my waist in and accentuate it I do some bicycle crunches followed by each side of elbow-to-opposite-knee crunches with my legs in the air, and if time permits, just a crapload more normal ones! :D.
To tone my arms I generally use my gym's machines to do weighted punches, curls, and (sometimes) just plain old bench pressing. And I always try and add a touch of the good old Plank ^^
Ok, the microwave popcorn might not be as good as kind you pop your self but when you eat two candy bars a night like I do it is way better. Lets look at the calories and fat for each.
Fred Meyer Butter Popcorn
Calories per bag: about 115
total fat per bag 35
saturated: 8.75
Trans 14
Now a Flake Candy Bar (all I had =/)
Calories: 219
sat: 5
Trans fat 0
So the fat isn't the best in the world on the popcorn but that is because it's butter. And also double or even sometimes triple the numbers for the candy bar and you get what I normally eat. So to me? Popcorn is better.
yes, better, except for that transfat. that stuff is bad and some things say they have 0 transfat, like slimfast and some peanut butters, yet they have it. *not sure how they get away with this. it's based on how high on the ingredient list it is so maybe like .01 = 0?* hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated oils of any kind of oil IS transfat.
"In fact, the fact that these trans fats are straight molecule and not natural, leads to one of the simplest and most important deficiencies caused by trans fats - that the enzymes that control bodily function cannot bind to them and cell membranes made from them. This means that these cells malfunction and that vital body processes are interrupted."
Hydrogenated fats are literally "plastics", which do not have the same properties as natural fats.
I just generally try to avoid oily/buttery things in general! (I CAN'T AVOID IT WHEN COOKING THOUGH ><)
If you have to use oil in cooking, use extra virgin olive oil. It's the healthiest, much better than some other fats/oils. (it wouldn't work for most baking that requires butter, but you can buy margarine made from olive oil)
I think they can leave the trans from hydrogenated oils off because it's such a small fraction of a gram that it rounds to zero. They shouldn't be able to... you just have to look for things where the label says 'NO trans fat', not 'zero grams'... or just eat less processed foods, and make things yourself whenever possible. They're allowed to put anything as long as the information isn't false, and I guess 'increadibly small, almost nonexistant amout' = 'zero grams' in advertising. There's kind of a loophole in the law, which is unfortunate, but you just have to learn how to read it.
I just found joy in doing anime dances xD If you do them nonstop a bunch of times in a row, you really work up a sweat xD I just did the Cirno Dance for almost an hour straight.
My dad goes swimming every morning pre-school and work
I am going to start joining him for 2 reasons
1) I want to loose weight. I cannot do some of the characters I want to justice if I stay at the same weight
2) I want to join the water polo team at Bend High. I'm a strong swimmer, but if you know what water polo is, you have to be BUFF to play water polo.
Yes. reading. They do that with fat too, say no fat but there is some. reading lables is the way to go! hai hai.
YES! ddr and anime dances I do sometimes too. and random dancing to vocaloid feat songs. Also I like Love and Joy and Honey and stuff like that, it helps with arm fat because you keep you arms up a lot.
ooooo! Night you are doing Luca!! I love Luca! you rule!
I know a friend on irc who does Polo, he loves it.
Yes. reading. They do that with fat too, say no fat but there is some. reading lables is the way to go! hai hai.
YES! ddr and anime dances I do sometimes too. and random dancing to vocaloid feat songs. Also I like Love and Joy and Honey and stuff like that, it helps with arm fat because you keep you arms up a lot.
ooooo! Night you are doing Luca!! I love Luca! you rule!
I know a friend on irc who does Polo, he loves it.
I'm super inspired to slim down so i can do her right! I hope my cosplay meets your expectations! ^^
I've found that even just doing the wii fit, or some fun little active games can really help keep you active and conscious of not only activity, but diet and a whole array of health decisions.
Also having a goal is always great! ^^
Plant fats (oils) are better then processed fat. And if its butter you want, try for one that's been given little or no additives and just regular old fashion made from milk. Hard to find anything natural these days that don't just say it and be a bunch of BS because natural isn't defined worth a damn by the FDA, nor is organic for that matter.
I've been cutting back on the calories (as much as a chocolate addict can) and I try not to eat all the baking I do. I'm addicted to baking, and I need ways to send away all the cookies and brownies I make!
Where are you, I will eat your cookies and brownies o.o'
I send people baked care packages all the time :P
I bring brownies and cheesecakes i make to meetups too ^^
if brings sweets, will stalk...
if brings sweets, will stalk...
I will keep this in mind! Not really going along with the "getting in shape" thing :P
Hehe, ya true. I tend to eat whatever when I have been eating decent food for a while and want to taste some cane sugar goodness. Not a good way to lose fat/weight, but if I've been exercising I don't need to watch what I eat much.
Started up my routine again at the beginning of the week eating OATZ for breakfast every morning. They're getting hard to choke down though, I should stop being poor and go buy something to put in it :\
Tomorrow is workout day 1. I'll run and I'm not sure what else, hmmmm.
Maybe some stairs specifically for those calve muscles, sit ups, and push ups at the end of the run? A little bit every workout shows results fast :)
I recently started using my sparks again... btw, it's a great free sight and it does help a lot of people keep and/or get into shape and is pretty easy. but yes, I started it up again and today I looked at my page and found something that really got me in a good mood. When I started it back in 1/28/2008, I was at 165. I am now 149. So I have been loosing weight! when you loose just .7 here and 1lb here and gain .3 then loose .5, you don't really notice the loose. Nee, I am happy girl now. and I do recomend the site, it's free so if you end up not liking it or forgetting to use it there is no money lost.
oh, and if you do join, I'd love to be your friend on it! ^^
I really need to lose some extra weight. >_> I want to be able to wear smaller pants then I do now and be less self conscious when I go to rocky. Even though they don't care much about body shape there.
I eat pretty healthy. I try to burn more then I consume everyday(which is really hard). I really need someone too give me support 24/7 and ask me if what I'm about to eat should really be eaten. I also need to get my family to stop making/buying sweet things. Cereal should be the only sweet thing. and monster, I can't live without that.
And I'm trying to take up dancing more often but I have no space in my room and I don't want to go somewhere else for it. :<
Boyfriend/girlfriends are awesome for support such that you speak of. ^.^
I lack that. and will for a long time to come. ^^: my son helps me though. He helps me not buy candy or junk at the store when I shop with him. ^^
Yeah I'm lacking in that as well. :<
My dad's kind of like that but he also likes to have me happy so if I want some sweets he'll get them for me. XD
I don't really have someone to help me get in shape, and i do tend to splurge on chocolate a lot >< but i've been working out some lately (Focusing on my thighs and butt :D) and I'm seeing results which is making me really happy!
I'm going to start working on cosplay today (after my TKD class) and I just sized DOWN my dress form (for the first time in a while). I think one of the best things to do is just alternating sets of core muscle building exercises, and then if you have a specific area, work on that every 3rd set. I'm not really sure why, but that always helps me not only work on what i want to, but keep working out for longer! ^^
Down 15 pounds!
congrats soundninja!
Well... you cannot focus on what fat will be lost; your body decides that no matter how you focus things. But focusing on a specific area is great to tone the muscles. And some day with focusing on the core muscles you will get that cute female 2 or 4 pack. But if you only do muscle training, yes, you could very well gain a 4 pack, but it will be hiding under the tummy chubbies if you don't do any cardiovascular exercise. But don't forget the muscles either, for when you gain muscle you lose more fat when at rest then when you lack muscle. Also remember you lose both fat and muscle when doing cardiovascular exercise too.
A good thing to do for women is cardiovascular exercise, then strength training, then cardiovascular exercise, then strength training. The time in each, and the amount of switching will differ from woman to women though. So test things out until you find one that seems to work, or even better get a trainer to help figure it out.
Oh, and also burn the fat but don't forget to feed the muscle. If you eat less then you lose then you are starving your muscles and will lose them, you don't want that. Muscles are your friends.
I don't read enough about this stuff, why exactly do you lose muscle doing cardio? That makes me think they are talking about people who don't have enough protein and so it starts taking it from muscles, instead of some odd way the body treats the type of stress. Which is it?
Down 15 pounds!
I'm proud of you. ^_^ I'm also a bit envious. XD How did you do it?
Halloween's around the corner! Don't be splurging on too much candy everyone! ^_^ I will try not to! :) Keep up your training!
Yay! Started my workout routine. It's actually surprisingly nice to have TV's in the work out room, time goes by so much faster. I'm going to try to plan my workout times when Project Runway is on >:D
Ran a bit though, I need to remember my inhaler so I can run for longer. Worked out my arms and legs too. And played with this weird bumpy hula hoop for like, 20 minutes. Does anyone know what that thing does?
Anyways goal is flat tummy at Sakuracon. GO GO GO!
I signed up for two soccer classes next term so I will for sure be working out an hour a day four days a week. Now if I can really work up the will power I will go to the gym before my class on Friday :D
Down 15 pounds!
I'm proud of you. ^_^ I'm also a bit envious. XD How did you do it?
Eating way too healthy than someone at the age of 14 should be XD
That and Swiming around a half mile to a mile every morning before school X3
Is working rather well for me.
1 thing that sucks about losing weight:
I am always cold now. I've always had a lot more fat on me than I do now, and fat keeps you warm. Less fat, more cold.
LOL ya less fat = cold. My less then manly arms are always cold even in the summer (some times) but my legs are built up from years and years of soccer and biking that I can go out in the snow with boxers on and they are usually just fine. Though that seems sadly unimpressive when I see girls walking around in winter with like a 14" skirt on... :( If it wasn't so good I'd say yall are horrible.
Eating way too healthy than someone at the age of 14 should be XD
That and Swiming around a half mile to a mile every morning before school X3
Is working rather well for me.
1 thing that sucks about losing weight:
I am always cold now. I've always had a lot more fat on me than I do now, and fat keeps you warm. Less fat, more cold.
That probably shouldn't be happening. If you're swimming that much you should be heightening your metabolism to the point where you don't have to be worrying about that.
Maybe I was just tired ~.~
Bein' tired makes you cold, if I'm not mistaken ^^
I've been sleeping my fat away....as in I've been slacking. *sigh. Hibernation mode~
Good luck to everyone this weekend. Try not to eat too much but do enjoy your Thanksgiving :D
Oh gosh, I forgot about Thanksgiving. ;O;
A few weeks ago I had the flu, so I lost like three pounds, but I have a feeling the amount of pumpkin pie I'm planning to eat will put that right back on~! x33
There's a five mile run in Bend on Thanksgiving, GENIUS!
Work off all that food!
I always feel like I'm going to explode after Thanksgiving. It sucks >.<
Thanksgiving food is disgusting. I end up eating less then then I do on most days.
What kind of food does your family have on Thanksgiving?
My family are all health nuts, so it's all organic, and healthy... I guess that helps
I love Thanksgiving food~! <33
Homemade pie, and turkey, and mashed potatoes, and and and -drools-
I like the sweet potatoes with marshmallows, and the cranberry relish <3
I never understood the marshmallow potatoe dish.
It looks so scary. ;-;
It does look quite scary O.O
But it is nummy!
All I eat on Thanksgiving is salad, bread, and pie.
I don't like cranberries.
I don't like potatoes.
Yams make me vomit.
Stuffing does the same thing.
Turkey tastes like stuffing because it's exploding with it so I won't eat it.
I hate most vegetables.
Pasta salad also makes me sick.
Also if anything has even the tiniest bit of red meat, I can't eat it. I've only eaten poultry and fish for 3 years now. Red meat is now another thing that makes me vomit if I try to eat it.
I am super picky and don't eat a lot due to it >:
*Laughing quietly* Vegetarians for the win! The only things on my family's table that I can eat are salad and potatoes. I walk away feeling healthy, they walk away feeling stuffed and tired. To top things off, I usually then go work out.
Pie ftw. >>
All I eat on Thanksgiving is salad, bread, and pie.
I don't like cranberries.
I don't like potatoes.
Yams make me vomit.
Stuffing does the same thing.
Turkey tastes like stuffing because it's exploding with it so I won't eat it.
I hate most vegetables.
Pasta salad also makes me sick.
Also if anything has even the tiniest bit of red meat, I can't eat it. I've only eaten poultry and fish for 3 years now. Red meat is now another thing that makes me vomit if I try to eat it.
I am super picky and don't eat a lot due to it >:
uhhg...I've gained some weight from not doing anything. BUT winter track conditioning starts on Monday, so I will be in shape [hopefully] by spring. 8D
I always stuff myself on Thanksgiving...I love most of the food that our family makes.
I've started running and doing about a 100 crunches a night, thought I wouldn't say it's just for Cosplay.
I'm planning on cutting most junk food out of my diet, after Thanksgiving. I'm going to miss Little Debbie and her tasty snacks.
I've been slacking off so badly lately. I haven't really gained weight. maybe a pound.>_> But I haven't really been exercising as much as I was. DX I still do my daily crunches and other little workouts but its not helping much.
This weekend I swear I'm going to get to it along with working on some cosplay and X-mas gifts. This weekend is going to be a looooong one. x_x
The SUCH hike helped. Got lucky and the weather was nice.
But... flaws as of late
1 - my insomnia has kicked in pretty hard. and my body does not like lack of sleep
2 - candy... Hershey bars, Hershey’s kisses, and Snickers mainly... and odd thing is I don't even like Snickers.
3 - My Gym has not seen me in about a month
4 - WATER! I got down to about 8 to 10 oz a day... my body hates me for this as I was drinking 60 to 90 oz a day for a long time here.
odd plus
I have not gained anything in 2 months. I do sprint a lot at work. so maybe this is why. or maybe, bad thing, I am loosing muscle. ><
I'm eating an apple for breakfast instead of a bagel. :>
apples are yummy.
I had 2 wheat waffles and 4oz OJ for my breakfas. I love wheat now.. I tried having white bread the other day and it just didn't taste right. I love Wheat Rolls the best, but also love my mini wheat bagels I have at lunch, and my wheat waffles and wheat thins.
I'm eating an apple for breakfast instead of a bagel. :>
You need some protein in there to make you last till the next meal. An apple and peanut butter would be good. As long as you don't overdo it with the peanut butter you will be fine. And that little bit of protein will help you stay full till lunch.
Thanks Nikki~! :33
It's lunch time now though, so I wonder what I will eat~!
(Leaning towards a Tuna sandwhich... That's not too un-healthy, right? > x <)
Tuna is healthy and amazing. Just go light on the mayo and throw some relish in there. Or even better some onions and celery too. MMMMMMM MMM GOOD.
God I want some tuna, I eat like 5 cans a week.
All I eat on Thanksgiving is salad, bread, and pie.
I don't like cranberries.
I don't like potatoes.
Yams make me vomit.
Stuffing does the same thing.
Turkey tastes like stuffing because it's exploding with it so I won't eat it.
I hate most vegetables.
Pasta salad also makes me sick.
Also if anything has even the tiniest bit of red meat, I can't eat it. I've only eaten poultry and fish for 3 years now. Red meat is now another thing that makes me vomit if I try to eat it.
I am super picky and don't eat a lot due to it >:
How do you not like potatoes? 0.o Okay, they can be bland but you get used to it. I eat them all the time, just pop them into the microwave of death and heat them up. Instant (but slightly destroyed) complex carbs that will last a few hours.
Pie ftw. >>
I'm eating an apple for breakfast instead of a bagel. :>
Me wants pie too...... and apples are good but there is nothing wrong with bagels if they are made well :)
And yes boogiepop, tuna is amazing. Its just too bad we are overfishing and polluting our waters that feed us. (5 cans/week??? I could but I refrain.)
Jogged 5 miles yesterday morning as to be able to eat thankgiving food without gaining too much weight.
I'm so tired. I've been running around frantically because it's black Friday. So I got a good work out there. DX
Also I didn't each much yesterday or today because I think something I ate at the beginning yesterday got me sick. I was puking later on in the day. x_x So it's been a crazy holiday. But I'm doing pretty good on working to get into shape.
I think I've lost a few pounds considering when I put on a pair of my tighter jeans yesterday they were actually loose.
I think I've lost a few pounds considering when I put on a pair of my tighter jeans yesterday they were actually loose.
My jeans are feeling looser too...
I hope soon enough I will be fitting in to a size smaller of PacSun jeans ^^
My jeans are feeling looser too...
I hope soon enough I will be fitting in to a size smaller of PacSun jeans ^^
Isn't it such a wonderful feeling when you can do that? I miss that first moment when I threw out all my old pairs and put on 14 for the first time. But that was like a year or so ago. T_T
It really is ^^
I'm ready to dispose of my ol' jeans.
I barely, BARELY fit in to the largest size of PacSun jeans last year... now I fit in to an even smaller one.
Thank gods.
Goodness. 030 What size do you wear?
I haven't changed jean sizes since I was in Middle School >: And whenever I go to the store it's the size of jeans that is always out. My waist has shrunk over the years but...my thigh-tastic legs haven't. So I always have to wear jeans with a belt now.
In other news I hate my roomie because he took the key to the workout room with him to CENTRAL OREGON. Stupid.
It really is ^^
I'm ready to dispose of my ol' jeans.
I barely, BARELY fit in to the largest size of PacSun jeans last year... now I fit in to an even smaller one.
Thank gods.
NOTE: PacSun is like the place where skinny butt heads shop O.O
@ Nikki,
want me to track him down and mail it to ya, express mail x3
In other news I hate my roomie because he took the key to the workout room with him to CENTRAL OREGON. Stupid.
I'm ready to dispose of my ol' jeans.
In other news I hate my roomie because he took the key to the workout room with him to CENTRAL OREGON. Stupid.
Bust it open! Okay maybe not, we don't need any door repair bills now do we ^^
I haven't changed jean sizes since I was in Middle School >: And whenever I go to the store it's the size of jeans that is always out. My waist has shrunk over the years but...my thigh-tastic legs haven't. So I always have to wear jeans with a belt now.
I'm the same way! ;;>_> but now i get to use fun belts :D
Careful with canned tuna- you can get mercury poisoning if you eat a lot of it, since it's a long-lived deep-sea fish. I think (but can't swear) that Albacore doesn't have as much of it.
So I've officially lost about 3-4 pounds around my middle.
But I've gained about 1 in my butt or so. My jeans.... they don't love me anymore. DX
But hey as long as I'm slimming down somehow.
Alright so I have been calorie counting because I figured if I cut at least 500 a day I will loose 20lbs by Sakuracon! This week I've done well. Cutting about 700 to 800 a day. I add this on to what I have already been doing which is jogging in the morning and an ab work out at night.
This morning I weighed in 2lbs lighter!!! Yay!
The calorie count today is quite low... 215 I know I should have eaten more but work was hecktic! Nursing kinda sucks sometimes :(
Ok, eating some oat meal now so that should help.
Eurghhh, I love unhealthy food but I think I have to cut back since my stomach's been pretty sensitive lately. I went home early because I was feeling so nauseus today. I guess it'll be good for my "in-shape-ness" if I don't eat bad food but it's kind of depressing too :D
I was so tempted to get a doughnut today T^T
I got an apple instead and feel kinda good about it... BUT HUNGRY :'(
I had a cinnamon roll yesterday :D Donuts sounds kinda good P:
Can't eat breakfast anymore...
I keep throwing it up >.o;;
I don't try to!
I am not bulimic, I just get super nervous about school... then... well... bad things happen >.<
@soundninja awwww, don't be nervous about school, I dun no why you are, but if your work is done there shouldn't be any reason to fret over school. Soon you will look back and laugh at it all :)
@Sutie You need more then 215 calories! Don't throw yourself into starvation mode or you will stop losing weight, and when you start eating more it just gets put on as fat. Try to stay above 800, just don't eat a lot of fat! (Potatoes are good for carbs, and there is soooooo much you can do with them)
Track conditioning has started, and man I'm sore. I haven't cut back on eating, but I haven't eaten more, so I should lose weight if I keep up with track.
I fail... have not kept track of my food for almost a week now. have not been to then gym is over a month. other then work, and even there I been moving slow, I have not been doing any workout like activities. have not been sleeping well... like normally only 6 hours. Water.... maybe a glass a day. Vitamins, simi-okay still... only missed my night ones 4 times and morning ones 3 times this last month. Blarg.. I feel so bad lately too, I know why... but.. blargness. I am afraid to weigh myself. last time I did was like a month ago almost... I was 148 then... I feel like I'm 152 or more now. Might not be but sure feel like I am. I was really sick one day though, lost all the food I ate that day. Damn body not liking solfer..sulfer... whatever it's called. that stuff that's in eggs and nuts and beef. Ate an angus from Mc.D's and the next day body hated me so much. My leason, NEVER eat angus again, too much sulfer in it. Hazelnuts did that too me to when I was at summer camp with my son this last summer. ate way too many of them and tummy was doing all it could the next day to get it all out of me.
anyways... I fail.... Kick my arse people, I need it. ><
@Sutie You need more then 215 calories! Don't throw yourself into starvation mode or you will stop losing weight, and when you start eating more it just gets put on as fat. Try to stay above 800, just don't eat a lot of fat! (Potatoes are good for carbs, and there is soooooo much you can do with them)
Dah, hun, that was just that one day. You kinda forget about food when you hold someone else's life in your hands.
I've been cutting out about 700-800 not eating just that much. I'm sorry if I mislead you. I've been avaraging about 1,200 a day with everything needed to keep healthy. Yes, I do love tatters! ^^
I've been keeping at the jogging even with the cold. Been bundling up a lot. I feel like a giant marshmellow though :P
AH okay, seemed like you said you ONLY ate 2xx that one day. That is kind of scary to think of especially if someone has a kid.
I'm thinking about doing either yoga or water aerobics......not sure witch one to pick....
Right now I'm a bit stressed because of the holiday season plus school so my Metabolism is going nuts. XD But I'm making sure to eat healthy and not cut back to much. I also have been running around a lot recently because of all the things needing to be done for this season, plus two people in this house are really sick so my dad and I have to do most of the chores since they can't. :/
I feel thinner. =D
I'm thinking about doing either yoga or water aerobics......not sure witch one to pick....
Yoga is nice for piece of mind along with improved flexibility, water aerobics is good for a better cardio, strength and puts vary little stress on the bodies joints.
Nether are meant to replace weight training, and both have their down sides. For example with water aerobics you have to deal with going into water that is (but not always) chlorinated, while with yoga you do not get much out of it other then flexibility. Yes you can sometimes get more then what I said, especially if you are just starting, or have been doing it a while and are doing more advanced positions/routines. Though, as always, it is up to what you feel like doing!
@tofutakeout I'm sure you look thinner too, keep up the good work :)
AH okay, seemed like you said you ONLY ate 2xx that one day. That is kind of scary to think of especially if someone has a kid.
... I don't have a kid... 0-o I meant my job; Nursing. I'm a nurse, health care. Anywho, that was just one hell of a day.
I'd have to disagree with yoga being only for flexibility. If you don't do weights already, after a while you'll start to notice a difference with your strength depending on the yoga you do. Though if you are looking to loose weight you need something that will get your heart pumping and body sweating.
I've found my thinsperation.
http://crosshatch.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/empowered.jpg (http://crosshatch.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/empowered.jpg)
If I can get a flat tummy by november I'm cancelling any cosplay plans I have for akicon and doing emp from Empowered (Not ripped suit) <3
I've found my thinsperation.
http://crosshatch.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/empowered.jpg (http://crosshatch.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/empowered.jpg)
If I can get a flat tummy by november I'm cancelling any cosplay plans I have for akicon and doing emp from Empowered (Not ripped suit) <3
Evilness. Looked it up. and read some. and now I am in love with Ninjette. I could never cosplay her, but want to so badly.
@Sutie I guess I got your whole message wrong :/ And I did mention that you can get more then just flexibility from yoga, but odds are you won't get any strength from it in basic unless you haven't done any activity in the last many months, or longer.
Thanks ^.^ i'm also starting up winter guard soon, i'm pretty excited. I've been eating better, putting more effort into exercize, and sleeping longer and in a more routine fashion. I've been feeling pretty good lately, actually.......
track is killing me in different places everyday, but I feel great, and when I go to bed, I'm out like a rock. I don't think I've lost any weight, but I haven't gained any either.
I promise I won't eat too many sweets in the next few days because of the holidays. -_-
But I finally actually checked the scale after so long(I was afraid to get on it for fear of what I'd see) and I actually weigh less then the last time I checked it....which was like 5 months ago. XD I've lost about 20 pounds since then so even if I haven't lost much right now I know I'm heading in the right direction.
I ate so many sweets today. ;-;
Good job tofu!
I ate so many sweets today. ;-;
I did too, I had a bunch when I went to see Avatar and then for dinner I ate a Mile High Mud Pie at The Ram, afterwords. :/
Hm.. bad, had kettle corn at movies last night. but I countered it by doing 9 songs of DDR. ^^ the exercise was cheaper than the popcorn. The game lets you play up to 3 songs if you clear the first two with one credit. and a credit is 50 cents. so 1.50. For the 3 soda and 2 popcorn (2 because my dad went to a different movie then my mom and I did.), my mom payed 25.25... This is why I never buy food at the movies. But, it was a good movie. And I am proud of myself for being able to get in 9 songs, I normally get too tired after 3 or 6. Golden Sky twice, once to warm up, then at the end to cool down. Then Hyper Punch 2 times, Moon two times, and then 3 other songs I never dance to before.
Ya I brought all my food into the movie, just stuffing my pockets. They wont even let food court food in which is soo dumb.
Gah! Holliday baking!!! It's evil, EVIL I SAY!
There's only a few more days until Christmas so I'll try to withstrain myself from all the holliday goodness.
Good Luck everyone!
I've been eating cookiez all day....breakfast, lunch, and dinner... ummm.... yeah, way off-track! :P Oh well, I will work out more when the next school term starts! :D
Way too many cookies Dx
Dang this season... I DONT WANT TO LOOK LIKE SANTA >O
Way too many cookies Dx
Dang this season... I DONT WANT TO LOOK LIKE SANTA >O
You and me both! Don't get me wrong, Santa is cool, but don't wanna look like him! :D I really gotta lay off those darn cookiez... they're just so TEMPTING!!! :)
The problem with santa is that he lets his reindeer and magical chimney abilities do everything for him. If you want to eat the sweets and not grow the beard (or belly) you need to move your ass a little more then you're used too! Go for a jog, jump some rope, or anything really for 10-15 minutes and its all good... :P
LOL. I'm terrible! I was eating a cookie while playing with the Wii Fit Plus.... OI!!! :P
WoW. Though its contradictory, I don't see much problem because you are having fun. That is all that matters in all honesty :) I wants a wii to pway with /cry
So there really hasn't been much fatty holiday food to eat and if something was out that was tantalizing, I didn't touch it much. And I've been running round and dancing a lot lately with my friends so I feel a bit lighter. Christmas season is so energetic. ^_^
And I got a whole bunch of all natural tea with a personal steeper for my cup and it's all tea that's good for health regulating and weight loss. ;3 And it also helps that's it's tasty too.
We'll see what the rest has in store for me. I'm going to measure myself in about a week to see if there's a change.
So there really hasn't been much fatty holiday food to eat and if something was out that was tantalizing, I didn't touch it much. And I've been running round and dancing a lot lately with my friends so I feel a bit lighter. Christmas season is so energetic. ^_^
And I got a whole bunch of all natural tea with a personal steeper for my cup and it's all tea that's good for health regulating and weight loss. ;3 And it also helps that's it's tasty too.
We'll see what the rest has in store for me. I'm going to measure myself in about a week to see if there's a change.
Tea is super uber good for you! So drink it =D
Happy xmas everyone, I hope you are eating proper portions and getting time for those workouts. Have a nice holiday weekend.
I have discovered in the time I've spend diet(ishthing)ing that I freaking love cottage cheese.
i'm not working out and going backwards T^T
damn delicious food :/
^--- Don't worry. Just pick back up where you left off and those cookies will be gone in no time!
The hollidays got to me as well. Let myself go there for Christmas eve and Christmas.. heh... But now I'm back in the swing of things and my holliday guy is gone!!! Yay! Now for progress! Humf!
It's really hard to work out when you have a ripped tendon in your ankle DDDx
I'm up for it.
Isn't cottage cheese so tasty? And it's great with fruit too. ^_^
So before when I measured myself...however many months ago, I was 39-35 1/2-41.
Now I am at 40-33-42......I know it's harder to lose in the hip/leg region so that's understandable.(Even their looking more toned lately) but the breast size did this last time as well. -_- I'm not even kidding. Well at least it's a step in a good direction. XD
So before when I measured myself...however many months ago, I was 39-35 1/2-41.
Now I am at 40-33-42......I know it's harder to lose in the hip/leg region so that's understandable.(Even their looking more toned lately) but the breast size did this last time as well. -_- I'm not even kidding. Well at least it's a step in a good direction. XD
How did 39 -> 40? :3 I iz small and way past growth prime. Well, sounds like you're making progress! Kudos!
I can't wait for new term to start. I have Fitness Yoga and Pilates classes! :) Having to pay for a class will get me to workout more efficiently. :3
I dread measuring myself lol... SO I WON'T! i just need to remember that I don't REALLY need that second piece of cake lol *I am having trouble with this* :-\
Oh tonight is going to suck! I want to go out but drinking will not be good for me... or the morning after for jogging. Bleh! XP
ugh jogging... I do it but i hate it :/
Jogging along with awesome music with you? THAT cures my boredom.
I can't jog, I have a ripped tendon in my right ankle Dx
Not extensive walking, and almost NO running
^ My doctor
awww :(
So how is everyone doing? Keeping up with workout and/or still holding to that diet?
My two soccer classes have started. I wont start playing till tomorrow but once I do I will be playing 4 days a week. That should help out a lot x.x
Reducing the caloric intake, getting rid of the trans fats and saturated fats, and the worst for me is quitting soda. started doing crunches again with my resistance band, and walking/jogging with the 40lb weighted vest... my preparation sucks, but having my 6 pack back will be the best ever!
Hmmm... a weighted vest. I haven't thought of doing that. I jog with weighted gloves and been considering getting some for my ankels, but a vest? Ha! maybe I should don my BF's cain mail shirt and go for a jog, LOL!
Though I've been considering getting those "easy tone" shoes by reebok. I need new running shoes anyways but... I dunno.
Hmmm... a weighted vest. I haven't thought of doing that. I jog with weighted gloves and been considering getting some for my ankels, but a vest? Ha! maybe I should don my BF's cain mail shirt and go for a jog, LOL!
Though I've been considering getting those "easy tone" shoes by reebok. I need new running shoes anyways but... I dunno.
yeah, the vest works really well honestly, i got the idea from dbz a long time ago, but firemen have them standard for training. I got mine at sports authority, though people do look at me funny travelling about town with it on.
Though I've been considering getting those "easy tone" shoes by reebok. I need new running shoes anyways but... I dunno.
I've had my eyes on those as well, xD
I'm sort of thinking that if I wear them while walking around, like when I'm shopping or something, then I'll get awesome legs xD
I'm not sure whether or not they work though Dx
I'll start working out once I get wii fit. x3
It made me angry by calling me abnormally short and fat.
I was like:
"Screw this thing. I don't like things that call me fat >.<"
I still love the games though, although I'm angry at it now. >:I
I played wii fit this weekend! hula hoops make my knees hurt tho
right now my mom is staying over in the living room otherwise I would play now
My goal is to exersize around 3 times a week or so, and drink no more then 2 pops a day (I know that is still a lot and I am going to try to drink less then that but the name of my game is obtainable goals!)
But in general just try to get more healthy, include more of the veggies I do like, we got a costco membership largly cuz we can get like 5 hearts of romaine for like 3 bucks and thats enough for 3-4 family meals worth of salad!
I still love the games though, although I'm angry at it now. >:I
d'awww, ilu shay~
Did my friends ever come up to you and say:
"Soundy told us to tell you that she wishes she could be here" and then hug you for me?
'cause if not I am an unhappy camper Dx
Though I've been considering getting those "easy tone" shoes by reebok. I need new running shoes anyways but... I dunno.
I've had my eyes on those as well, xD
I'm sort of thinking that if I wear them while walking around, like when I'm shopping or something, then I'll get awesome legs xD
I'm not sure whether or not they work though Dx
They aren't flat on the bottom and are kinda roundish so your body is forcing itself to stay balanced which forces your muscles to flex. That is how they work. It will do something to help improve your muscle tone but it might not be very noticeable, and your balance will increase.
are you guys talking about the sketchers shape ups? I wasn't very impressed with those, even less so with a price tag of 120 dewlars!
They have those for a lot of different brands of shoes. Personally if I were to get them I would get them from a running shoe company.
ah, i'd just seen them advertised for sketchers. I dunno my nike trek II work pretty good, it feels like i'm on cleats all the time though, so I walk kinda strange it seems, but comfortable all day, which is really my only care for shoes.
My contract at Gold's Gym is almost up so im looking around to see if I can find something better. Gold's is good, just wish they had better hours. Other then that I plan on doubling my efforts for the new year.
ah, i'd just seen them advertised for sketchers. I dunno my nike trek II work pretty good, it feels like i'm on cleats all the time though, so I walk kinda strange it seems, but comfortable all day, which is really my only care for shoes.
I heavily reccommend Puma. I luv that brand to death!
new year so not starting good. I use to hate reg m&m, now I can't stop eating them... have like 4 oz of them a day. >< Someone stop me, tell me something super gross about m&ms! ^^;;
I also been failing at sleep. average about 5 to 7 hours. Not mewcons fault though, I been not sleeping well even before that, and the average does not include those two nights. ^^;; Like.. night before last I had 4 hours, last night 8, but it's past 12 already so no more then 7 tonight.
new year so not starting good. I use to hate reg m&m, now I can't stop eating them... have like 4 oz of them a day. >< Someone stop me, tell me something super gross about m&ms! ^^;;
they are made of narutards?
So working out and such again starts today. I had problems doing stuff in Redmond because it was icy as all hell outside. I did pushups and stuff but I usually felt super groggy because I wasn't running. Also it didn't help that my mom was like "OH LOOK I BOUGHT YOU YOUR FAVORITE TYPE OF PIE THAT IS HARD TO GET." or "OH I MADE YOU DELICIOUS THINGS THAT ONLY I CAN MAKE YOU." I love my Mom to death but she isn't much help.
I had been complaining on facebook about how I need to work on and Mark (Hellsap on here) told me to try counting calories. I'm not very happy with it so far, he gave me a site and it like, calculates how much you need to eat and work out to lose weight. I eat pretty well already, not too many sweet and stuff but HOLY CRAP HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO LIVE ON 1500 CALORIES?!?!?!?! I just ate some tasty oatmeal with apples and brown sugar that I made myself with a glass of milk and that is 400 calories...I'm still hungry too D: I promised him I'd stick with it for a week but I'll probably drop it after this.
Well, life has also been crazy since I got back and I always end up getting home around the time my apartments gym closes. So this week I'm just going to go down there in the morning and work out. So I'll go do that now before I get sidetracked.
I lived off of 900 cals for a long time, got to a point where I was not hungry. Then I relised to get all food groups I needed more.So now I eat (when I go by my plan, which I have so far today.) 1500 to 1800. When I first started the new it was hard, I felt like I ate too much. But now I don't know. I do not loos lbs either way. and am just as braindead and not sleepy both ways too. I have been 146 to 149 for ever... Need to move more is the only thing that seems to work for me. but being a computer junky, want to be writer, want to be artist, makes that a hard thing. I sit down a lot to do things I do.
So soccer was not as hard as I thought it would be. I am a little rusty at the sport but I was not horribly winded afterwords :D
I had been complaining on facebook about how I need to work on and Mark (Hellsap on here) told me to try counting calories. I'm not very happy with it so far, he gave me a site and it like, calculates how much you need to eat and work out to lose weight. I eat pretty well already, not too many sweet and stuff but HOLY CRAP HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO LIVE ON 1500 CALORIES?!?!?!?! I just ate some tasty oatmeal with apples and brown sugar that I made myself with a glass of milk and that is 400 calories...I'm still hungry too D: I promised him I'd stick with it for a week but I'll probably drop it after this.
When I first started with my calorie counting I was the same way. "WTF!?! a glass of milk has HOW MUCH!?" So I started with cutting a couple hundred a day until I got down to 1300. I've been keeping steady at that and lost a bunch of weight in the places I need to most! I'm stoked about it.
What really helps is checking everything you buy. I switched brands of bread because the kind I had before (though whole wheat and good for ya) had 25 more calories per piece. Also, vanilla frozen yogut tastes the same as vanilla ice cream with almost half the calories!
Cutting out red meat helps a bunch! It has a very high calorie count. Still be sure to eat meat though ^^
That's just what I've been doing and you may find other ways to lower your calorie count.
Added a bit to my usual jogging route today. Hope I can keep it up!
Ah, running was lovely.
@Roddy Manic- 900 calories sounds scary and unhealthy D: I'm glad you are eating more.
@Sutie- I think milk is my big kicker. I actually don't eat like....any sweet most of the time and when I do I can't even eat the whole thing because of all the sugar. And I already don't eat red meat (if I try I just vomit everywhere) so I guess I'm already off to a start. I'll check that bread thing though. I eat whole wheat too.
Skim milk only had 90 cals for 8 oz. I even add water to it sometimes. but it you are going from 2% start with 1% then move to skim.
And oatmeal, mine only 130 a bag and I have 2 bags.
normal 3 days
7am to 10am
1/2 banana (54) 8oz milk (90) instand breakfast (130)
10am to 1pm
2 Eggo Wheat Waffles (170) 4 oz jucie (55)
1pm to 4pm
mini wheat bagel (100) chicken (90) Cream Cheese (35) 6 Baby Carrots (35) pills (35)
4pm to 7pm
serving wheat thins (130) pears (80) almonds (80)
7pm to 10pm
Sonic Grilled Chicken (106) potato (100) butter (45) whole wheat roll (130) whole wheat roll (130) pills (15)
day total = 1610
bed time 12
7am to 10am
1/2 banana (54) 8oz milk (90) instand breakfast (130)
10am to 1pm
oatmeal (130) oatmeal (130) 4 oz jucie (55)
1pm to 4pm
mini wheat bagel (100) chicken (90) Cream Cheese (35) 6 Baby Carrots (35) pills (35)
4pm to 7pm
serving wheat thins (130) pears (80) almonds (80)
7pm to 10pm
1/2 piece so 3.5 OZ Fish (170) whole wheat roll (130) whole wheat roll (130) cup Grean Beans (25) pills (15)
day total = 1644
bed time 12
7am to 10am
1/2 banana (54) 8oz milk (90) instand breakfast (130)
10am to 1pm
Cheerios Cereal, 1 cup (100) 4oz milk (45) 4 oz jucie (55)
1pm to 4pm
mini wheat bagel (100) chicken (90) Cream Cheese (35) 6 Baby Carrots (35) pills (35)
4pm to 7pm
serving wheat thins (130) pears (80) almonds (80)
7pm to 10pm
Sonic Grilled Chicken (106) whole wheat roll (130) whole wheat roll (130) cup corn (164) pills (15)
day total = 1604
bed time 12
and that gives me about 150 leway so if I want a skinny cow icescream sandwhich or fudgsical I can have one. but I am normall too full to have one.
Alright 30 minutes of soccer today and 30 minutes on a treadmill. Not a bad work out. Not to mention that I will have walked for about 30 minutes once my last class is done :D
Ugh, skim milk though >: I'd rather just cut down on my milk then drink skim. I had to drink that crap for 8 years and I'll be damned if I have to touch it again. DELICIOUS DAIRY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I think I'm doing a little better getting later into the day. I had lunch and it was only 400 calories too, and that was just eating crap I usually eat (Yummy soupies I made last night). I think I was just overacting or something. And I got a friend who's going to be losing weight with me now :D I'm excited for that, it's going to push me to do it more if someone is keeping track with me.
Most people are fine if they go without meat entirely. You just have to be sure you're getting enough iron and B12.
Gaah. D: I need to lose at least two inches by SakuraCon, hopefully more along the lines of...well, four. xD I'm talking to my doctor about a diet pill called Phentermine early tomorrow because no matter what I do, I don't lose weight. It's a mass weight pill, but only because it seems that my mother and I have a genetic thing(I blame the Thyroid!) where it's harder to lose weight. Hell, I started ballet in July at five hours a week, and I haven't lost (literally)any fat. My legs have changed shape due to muscle, but that's it. I have the same measurements I've had since I was like...twelve except for a bigger bum due to ballet. xD
Aughhhh. I'm going crazy. I work out a ton, I just need help. xD Is that terrible that I'm depending on something that worked wonderfully for my mom to help me as well? I eat healthy-ish(I don't eat junk food, and my fast food of choice is Subway or a Taco Bell Taco Salad. -drools- I drink maybe one soda a day, if that. I like to stick to tea. Lean Cuisines are my meals of choice- but damn the sodium!) So, that's why my mother came to that conclusion. Even when I was doings men's lacrosse, I was the...well, heaviest GIRL on our team. xD; Ballet makes me feel so self-consious about my weight, too. There's two girls bigger than me- but that weight's going to even out better once they hit puberty(they make me feel old. ;-; Stupid 2000 babies!).
About going without meat: If you're going to, combine lots of beans and cheese. It creates a protien that's commonly found in meat that you need. That was my mistake with being a vegetarian.
Yeah, I don't have that issue, I can stand 2% can only have 1% in cereal. U love my skim milk. and like I said, I even sometimes add water, like my instant breakfast, it's 8oz skim milk and 4oz water, otherwith the chocolate from the mix it too strong for me. but I never have been much a dairy person.
as far meat, I love fish too much to lose it altogeather. but I don't eat beaf anymore, my body just does not like the stuff anymore. But I can have pork and chicken and fish.
Any dietitian will tell you this that it doesn't really matter what you eat as long as you eat it in moderation. And I learned in psychology class that just avoiding a food tends to lead to failure because you are spending a lot of energy not thinking about it which...leads you to think about it. A better way to diet is to find substitutes not avoidance. Like if you don't want to eat candy bars anymore substitute it for something that is sweet and sugary so you still get the energy and sugar you need. A good substitute would be fruit.
And to put it plain and simple, to lose weight calories out > calories in. A good way of doing that without even taking into account your metabolism is to burn as many calories as you eat. In order to do that you have to keep calorie counts. That way if you exercise 1200 calories away a day and you eat 1200 calories you know you will lose some weight because your metabolism is also burning off calories so your calories out will be greater than calories in.
So, I have a question for you all since I have now become sick as a dog.
Quick thing is a little bit about me! I got a weird illness when I was in the beginning of high school, I was eating like, once every 2 or 3 days for 3 months and I weighed 130 pounds which is the lightest I've weighed in my adult life. It sucked hard, I went to the doctor, they were like whoa, you have stuff, gave me medicine and my digestion system has been shot since then. If I don't eat in like, an hour period of me being hungry, I just am not hungry anymore. In another hour I think become completely nauseous smelling food makes me close to throwing up, eating food will sometimes make me throw up, and it's extremely hard to force myself to eat anything because usually the first thing I eat I will throw up and I'll have to eat again in about an hour to get my stomach to settle down. It sucks hard. I've gone to the doctor about it and they tell me that they aren't sure what the problem is and to just eat when I'm hungry.
Now to the problem. I was very advent on doing this calorie counting things today. Mark told me to use this site fittracker.com (http://fittracker.com) to help me do it. Now the thing is telling me I'm suppose to eat around 2100 calories to maintain my body but that my goal calories are 1600. It's also telling me I need to work out and burn 500 calories a day. So I took that as cut my calories by 500 and work out 500. I'm now in my bed with a hurting stomach and hungry as hell wondering what the hell I did wrong because I did what it said. And I did the whole thing of eating enough protein and not too many carbs or whatever.
So did I do this right? Am I just broken from counting calories right if I did do this? Because I'm sick as hell but I don't want to break this. Sorry if I repeated things but, I really don't feel good and I can't get a hold of Mark right now.
I am not a doctor so I am just throwing out ideas. best thing to do is go to a new doctor until you have one that gives you a answer you feel happy with.
If you ment cut 500 from 2100, then 1600 is a good amout to loose weight. But how do you eat all that? 100 callories every hour might be best from how it seems your body likes it's intake.
as for the issue, I would go to more doctors. Has any of them followed your food? Like that machin that you stay in that tracks your food from mouth to the end. Might be something with your intestines. If you have not, ask your doctor to do one, if he will not go to a new one until you find one that will.
How do you find out how many calories you need per day?
And how do you calculate it for things that don't have a nutrient panel, like fresh produce?
I don't count calories for a couple reasons
~ I'd be happier not knowing
~ Don't wanna take the time to add it all up
~ I think I'd stress myself out over it
The much simpler thing I was told to do was to just reduce your portions by 1/4, try and limit heavy starches (bread, pasta, rice) to your first two meals. Try and get lots of protein. Eliminating unnecessary sugars such as soda, juice and candy helps alot too.
Balance is very important, you should have about 5 meals a day. 3 regular meals and 2 light snacks.
Breakfast > small snack > Lunch > small snack > Dinner
Its like a campfire, you throw too much on and you smother it, it goes out. You don't throw anything on, it starves, it goes out.
And when you don't eat and starve yourself the first place the body goes to grab nutrients from is not from fat but from your muscle.
If by working out and cutting your portions down by 1/4 is not working then I would consult a professional and try something more extreme.
So, I have a question for you all since I have now become sick as a dog.
Quick thing is a little bit about me! I got a weird illness when I was in the beginning of high school, I was eating like, once every 2 or 3 days for 3 months and I weighed 130 pounds which is the lightest I've weighed in my adult life. It sucked hard, I went to the doctor, they were like whoa, you have stuff, gave me medicine and my digestion system has been shot since then. If I don't eat in like, an hour period of me being hungry, I just am not hungry anymore. In another hour I think become completely nauseous smelling food makes me close to throwing up, eating food will sometimes make me throw up, and it's extremely hard to force myself to eat anything because usually the first thing I eat I will throw up and I'll have to eat again in about an hour to get my stomach to settle down. It sucks hard. I've gone to the doctor about it and they tell me that they aren't sure what the problem is and to just eat when I'm hungry.
Now to the problem. I was very advent on doing this calorie counting things today. Mark told me to use this site fittracker.com (http://fittracker.com) to help me do it. Now the thing is telling me I'm suppose to eat around 2100 calories to maintain my body but that my goal calories are 1600. It's also telling me I need to work out and burn 500 calories a day. So I took that as cut my calories by 500 and work out 500. I'm now in my bed with a hurting stomach and hungry as hell wondering what the hell I did wrong because I did what it said. And I did the whole thing of eating enough protein and not too many carbs or whatever.
So did I do this right? Am I just broken from counting calories right if I did do this? Because I'm sick as hell but I don't want to break this. Sorry if I repeated things but, I really don't feel good and I can't get a hold of Mark right now.
As far as calorie counts are concerned, that sounds about right...if you require 2100 then to cut 500 out for weight loss and then 500 for exercise. However, it's where you PUT the calories that can make a difference.
Having worked in an internal medicine office for 5 years as a medical assistant and a nursing student right now, if you knew what you had (Ulcer? GERD? Crohns?) or what medication you took (Antibiotic? Acid-reducer?) then I might be able to offer a bit more advice. However, if you see docs and they aren't taking you seriously, it's time to go see them again for a referral to a GI doc.
For your current upset stomach thing there's a low fat (and cheap) standard: BRAT diet (which stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast with no butter). You can eat 1600 calories on this diet daily and feel satisfied. Something that you might want to do for the rice that won't hurt your gut and will help the electrolyte balances in your body is get some plain furikake and put it on your rice. Delicious ****. If you're drinking coffee daily, stop and switch to tea. Might take you two or three cups, but it's easier on your stomach and the hot water actually aids digestion.
Might be stuff you already know, but I hope this helps.
How do you find out how many calories you need per day?
And how do you calculate it for things that don't have a nutrient panel, like fresh produce?
Here's what I use - http://www.livestrong.com/thedailyplate/users/myplate/ (http://www.livestrong.com/thedailyplate/users/myplate/)
It's free to sign up, and pretty user friendly. You plug in your weight, your activity level, how much you want to gain or lose and it tells you how many calories you have to eat to reach that goal. Also tracks your exercise. The data entry gets tedious, but I lost 20 pounds last year keeping this food diary...so it's all good.
Another reliable source to check this out is the CDC - http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/index.html (http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/index.html)
<3 <3 <3 the CDC.
this is another free site out there. can keep track of calories, can give a meal plan if you want one but you don't have to use that part, keeps track of exersize if you want to. I never did. ^^; And water. It has chat stuff and info. It works really well for some people. (( i'm not one of those some, but I am odd. ^^;; )) my mom's friend lost 50lbs when she used that aid, she was 240lbs and is now about 190lbs. not sure when she started it though.
But I do need to count, I use Excel sheet I made for it. Although only a little, I move down in pounds when I count and stay same or go up a little in pounds when I do not count.
Gah! too many diets on here. I'm just going to stick to what I've been doing cuz it works. Speaking of which, I should get ready to go out for a jog. KOF body, here I come!!!
I've been getting myself back into shape with a 30 minute seesion of my morning exercise routine and later after breakfast an hour of practicing my poom-se (Taekwondo Forms). And trust me do that long enough you WILL feel it.
I'm getting ready to go to soccer. A little sore but most of it is in my back. I'm sure it will be gone in a few days. We'll see if I go to the gym latter today or not.
My legs are not happy with me.... Parking at school has been totally obnoxious since it's the beginning of the term, so I decided instead of dealing with all the stupid drivers to park two miles away near a bunch of warehouses so I can have a bit of extra exercise.
I try to take the trip at a fairly brisk walk (I've found that I lose/maintain my weight better from keeping at a constant fast walk when exercising then spurts of flat out running) and I can already tell it's helping me get back into my whole "healthy" mindset. I actually ran into a guy on my walk yesterday who takes the same route and he has decreed that we should be walking partners. He's way taller than me though so it's two of my strides to one of his so yesterday I had to pick up the pace a bit. XD
@Roddy- Not really, my family has always been..."lacking in funds" to send me to the doctor that much. I don't think I can even afford to go to the doctor again for a bit since my last visit was in December. Thanks for that though. I'm doing a little better today! I'm trying to eat more protein because looking at it again, I was kinda avoiding anything that I thought was full of fat and bad stuff. I found out today that cheese and eggs are excellent for you and I am so happy ;.;
@Lizzie- That does help a lot! I may try looking into that Brat diet thing a bit more. As I said to Roddy I think it was just me being paranoid about eating anything that had any sort of fat in it. I can't afford to go to a doctor but I'm just going to try eating small things all day instead of eating big meals.
BUT DELICIOUS EGGS, I HAD 3 THIS MORNING MMMM I didn't know they were so low in calories :O Also I think a half an apple and a slice of cheese is my new favorite snack in the world <3
-sigh- i keep telling myself I'll start walking more when the holidays end. The holidays have ended and I'm doing my best. It helps that I walk from school to my house with my REALLY heavy backpack... Perhaps I should eat breakfast though... I'm not really a morning person and I usually skip breakfast cuz I'm not hungry until lunch. But I have like no food to eat except for sugar... So I'm dragging my dad today to the grocery store and we is going to have ourselves some yummy veggies... go broccoli! I still need to move more though... perhaps I should walk around the little park next to my complex... damn you beaverton for being so... so.... modern! I just went to the doctors office and I've lost 2 pounds.... but that might be because I've been sick a lot.... anywho, good luck to everyone!
lucky. I can't have eggs, not very often anyways. My body hates the sulfer in them and I get sick big time if I have too much. It's also why I don't eat hazelnuts, cashews, or beef anymore and NEVER will have an angus burger from Mc.D's again. Glad you are feeling better.
@Roddy- Not really, my family has always been..."lacking in funds" to send me to the doctor that much. I don't think I can even afford to go to the doctor again for a bit since my last visit was in December. Thanks for that though. I'm doing a little better today! I'm trying to eat more protein because looking at it again, I was kinda avoiding anything that I thought was full of fat and bad stuff. I found out today that cheese and eggs are excellent for you and I am so happy ;.;
@Lizzie- That does help a lot! I may try looking into that Brat diet thing a bit more. As I said to Roddy I think it was just me being paranoid about eating anything that had any sort of fat in it. I can't afford to go to a doctor but I'm just going to try eating small things all day instead of eating big meals.
BUT DELICIOUS EGGS, I HAD 3 THIS MORNING MMMM I didn't know they were so low in calories :O Also I think a half an apple and a slice of cheese is my new favorite snack in the world <3
@Boogiepop: I think I remember you mentioning on the forums that you attend college, if I'm not mistaken..? Do you have a student health center you can visit? Usually, those visits are included in your student fees... :/ I hope you get well soon! Your body is definitely trying to tell you something...
i've lost 6 lbs this week it's awesome! down to 180!
oh god i need to loose between 10 and 20 more ^^
I'm excited to get in shape for luca! :D
oh god i need to loose between 10 and 20 more ^^
I'm excited to get in shape for luca! :D
oh come now, you must weigh like a buck ten max, you don't need to lose weight, people like me need to, bleh.
I've been meaning to post in this thread, since telling people I'm going to try to loose weight will probably motivate me.
I want to loose some two or three inches on my waist, and I want to tone my legs more. At the end of last school year I was doing some exercise, but I got lazy over summer vacation and never picked it up again. We have an elliptical at my mom's, so I'll do that for half an hour every night to start out with. I just finished a couple of minutes ago, and I forgot how awesome I feel afterward. My body always feels so light!
I've been drinking a bottle of water a day, and I'm going to move it up to two bottles as my new goal.
Eating is also something I need to work on. I don't necessarily eat too much, but I don't eat enough healthy things. It's almost impossibly for me to put together a healthy lunch for school, since I don't have much time (or creativity) in the morning to pack anything, and school food is a joke and I end up going to the local Plaid Pantry instead.
Do you guys have suggestions for healthy-ish lunches that are fast to make or cheap?
Make your lunch the night before. That way you won't be rushed.
Motivation is always the best, so I'll post here. :3
I want to build up muscle for my job (baker), and to be healthy. I've been eating healthy, not going out for food for 2 months at a time, and I hand make a lot of my food, so I know what exactly goes into it. To heck with counting calories, carbs, or whatever. The food pyramid is where it's at. :3 Along with getting the proper nutrition, it'll help you have the energy to get up off the couch and go for a walk. My favorite time to go out is in the morning or evening, when there are not a lot of people out, and when it's somewhat dark. Rain does not bother me, ever since I went to Alaska, where summer lasts only a couple of weeks, then it's one week of fall, then winter sets in. It was snowing in May! Running from the bears helped, too. XD Having small weights to work with also helps, so if you don't want to go outside, you can still do a bit of work.
Since my cosplay is ivysaur, I don't have to loose that many inches. I just want to be back to the size 12 pants that I always wore. My build is short and stocky, since I'm only 5 feet tall. XD I accept that, and I love the way I look. All it boils down to is health. If I'm healthy, I'm happy.
So please, everyone, put your health before your looks. I don't want you collapsing due to lack of food or overworking yourself. Also remember, less weight, more reps works just as well as more weight and less reps. :)
Edit: Another note; Please remember to stay warm! Nothing cramps faster than cold muscles, so make sure you wear warm clothing when working out, and take a warm shower after you are done. The heat helps relax those muscles so they won't cramp, and it feels great to go from super sweaty to super clean.
Oh yes, for sure stay warm. I'm not lucky enough to have room for a treadmill or cordinate work times with gym times and bundle up so much before going out for my morning jogs. I feel like a giant marshmellow running down the street. Lol!
oh god i need to loose between 10 and 20 more ^^
I'm excited to get in shape for luca! :D
You are so thin Lotus!
I'm pretty excited I just got a scale from sports authority, and it does like... everything! Measures body fat/water weight/tells how many calories you need a day/measures muscle mass. I can't wait to use it!
so my body fat % was 20.1 which is the high extreme for optimal for a male of my age I was at 176, so I've also lost 4 more pounds woot! my body water was barely in the optimal as well, but on the low side it's range is 57-63% which mine was at 58, need to drink more water it seems. my muscle mass is at 43% which is only 3% higher than normal boo! and I need 1899 calories per day with 2, 20 minute workouts per week.
if anyone cares.
blah! I weigh like 20 more then Lotus... It needs to go! I wanted to play Jo but my flab disagrees :-[
I decided that I'm only going to watch anime online while I work out. Our "computer room" has the elliptical in it, so I can just turn the video on full screen and it's good to go.
I'm almost done with Baccano! and I really want to finish, and it's making me want to do the elliptical XD I have a feeling that this was a good idea to get me to work out.
That's a great idea Katie =O
I might drag my laptop down to the room with exercise equipment and watch it there!
Although it's not as convenient as having an elliptical machine in my office xP
Hidamari gave me the idea, actually XD She said she did her exercise while memorizing her monologues for our theatre class, so I decided to watch anime!
@Lizzie- That does help a lot! I may try looking into that Brat diet thing a bit more. As I said to Roddy I think it was just me being paranoid about eating anything that had any sort of fat in it. I can't afford to go to a doctor but I'm just going to try eating small things all day instead of eating big meals.
BRAT diet is a great thing to fall back on when your digestive system is doing things you don't approve of. Do that for a week, and then you should start to introduce proteins (because proteins are ESSENTIAL to your body's functioning) and other plant forms into your diet besides the apples and bananas. If you need protein and your stomach's doing funny things then I would recommend salmon baked or smoked (l buy the safeway smoked brand, it's not bad) or baked/boiled chicken breast. When I do the chicken breast, I use a little soy sauce so it's not so tasteless. And the soy shouldn't make your stomach do bad things...speaking of which there's been times where I've not been feeling so well and miso soup was a pretty great way to get a little protein in. AND it's low calorie (Japanese food in general is pretty low-fat, low-calorie, filling and won't irritate your GI tract if you stay away from the fried stuff).
lost another .1% body fat down to an even 20% and lost another 2 lbs. down to 174
I'm sitting here eating a banana daydreaming about my new debit card so I can FINALLY get a new gym membership (my gym shut down in late September.) Luckily I've maintained my weight loss by walking a lot, but I'd like to get back to real workouts ASAP. =]
I don't think I said this allready..
just so you guys know this thread is really good, you're 300% more likely to keep up with your workouts if you have people holding you to your goals, so keep it up all. I know most nights I feel tired, but I keep on keeping on because of not only myself.
I've been using MyPlate a lot, and its making me at least aware of what i'm eating! (granted i've gone over my goal twice) but I think i'm getting better at obeying ^^
also i'm working out with my sister which helps me stay motivated! ^^
nice. The obeying part sounds kinda funky like someone is forcing you to eat right and workout heh.
I did AWEFUL on monday night. Went out to dinner on a dubble date with boogie. We had fancy, rich itallian food.... and then I didn't go jogging in the morning :(
Now I'm back on route! But I'm looking outside and it's so freakin' stormy I don't know if I can get out for a run. Thankfully I'll have a treadmill with my new place! ^^
I'll have to check out MyPlate. Sounds interesting...
just so you guys know this thread is really good, you're 300% more likely to keep up with your workouts if you have people holding you to your goals, so keep it up all. I know most nights I feel tired, but I keep on keeping on because of not only myself.
It's true!!! I've never been this motivated. Not even when I was doing sports. I can just picture it now at my 10year HS reunion.
"Wow! you look great!"
ME: "Thanks! :D"
OTHER: "How did you stay so skinny?"
ME: "Cosplay."
I think I've been doing well. I've brought my lunch every day this week, and I made sure to have a vegetable, a fruit, a protein, and a grain. And a bottle of water. I'm drinking two a day now!
I've also done the elliptical every night since I posted, except for Sunday and Wednesday.
Since I'm going to my dad's for the weekend, he has Wii Fit and I'll do that in the evenings instead until I get home.
Me and my friend are gonna start doing jogs twice a week together as soon as finals are over. And I'm eating an apple right now *3*
I've been *trying* to work out... but its rainy and muddy near my house, and i only have a car like twice a week and the gym is far away T^T
but I've been eating right, and suffering looking at the myplate graphs with the big angry red lines on some days ;;>_> (i get hungry ;;>_>)
and i think its actually working! i'm feeling great both physically and about how i look ^^
for when i can't work out outside, like jump rope, running whatnot, I use my resistance band that hooks into my door, it was pretty cheap and neat, i think it's on the pit workout site or something like p90 I don't remember. Well I guess I use that and outside whether it's rainy since I like the rain.
ugh... ive been doing so bad lately... i havent been exercising as much as i should... been thinking about signing up for classes... but cant decide which one to try... (no balance to speak of)
I run every day in the morning.
Drink milk after.
Haven't had a cookie since the break! LOL!
Yoga and Pilates...but I only have time for those twice a week. Guess that making progress ! ! ! ;D
Aside from hitting up the gym 3-4 times a week im going to try also hit up either the bouncy gym or vertical World (rock climbing gym) at least once a week.
I climb trees.
I did my plate for the past week and have lost 3 pounds! I am finally losing some of that weight that never stays off long!
ok so i'm not really sure if i'm goin to kumori con this year i really want to but dunno if i have money but i like these forums yuuppp hmm man losin wegiht is hard if you just watch anime all day ya know? but my dad got me a membership for the gym i work out like 4 days a week there for an hour its soo hard lol its soo worth it though for lookin better in cosplay i actally lost weight in the first 3 days and i can finally fit into my tightclothes again with out havin muffintops LOL and not the good muffin tops you can eat . finally can do my cosplay bikini edition this spring wooot
I've already lost a bit of weight. <3
Though, my official weigh in isn't for three weeks. xD
But I can already tell~
I put on this blouse that was too tight on the arms and it's still a little tight, but it's not cutting off my circulation. xD;;;
The website was weird and didn't say that the sleeves were teeny. xD;;
Phentermine + ballet 5 hours a week + whenever I can get to the gym + walking two miles a day on average = wonderful. <3 I'm finally losing weight.
im taking a hip hop class at pcc this term and my mom got me a book for christmas called "eat this not that 2010 edition" my friend on facebook used the grocery store edition and lost weight
So my diet has gone kaput. I've been sick for a week and I went to the doctor. Found out I have a stomach ulcer YAY. I can't eat many fruits or tomatoes and I have to eat a crapton so I don't get hungry because my stomach acids start boiling up again. And I'm on like 2 different meds :\ I can't really work out for a week either. BOO.
sad faaace! D: hope it gets better soon!
Damn, that really sucks.
I stretched a lot today, stretching feels goood. I want to join a yoga class or something.
I climb trees.
I aspire to do this.
I lost another inch and half.
Ever since my BF has been back in town I've been doing aweful on the dieting... still running but I did skip a couple days :( Not a good week for me.
Though starting today, now, I will get back on track!
I need to do something today. I'll probably focus on abs in my room :P
I took my measurements for the first time in about a month, and I think my waist went down an inch! Last time it had gone up to 34 inches, but now it's back at 33. I'm hoping to get to around 31 or 30 inches at some point, and I hope I'm on the right path!
That's great!
I need to stop being a lazy bum and get working, I've actually gained weight since the last time I weighed. myself
i have a goal... its not a number... its more when i feel comfortable looking at myself in the mirror and not see what my flaws are but what i truly like about myself... im putting my dad on the same diet... it helps that all my friends are vegetarians... i eat their food during lunch.
I have a goal as well. Waist at 27 hips at 37 and thighs at 21 or something like that.....maybe it was 22 I don't remember XD
you seem smaller than that already, but it could just be because I see you in pictures...
good luck everyone! right now my goal is to realy work out my tummy... i want some muscle defination then when i cosplay chars with exposed bellys. i also wanna try to trim down my thighs a little bit or at least make them more muscle-y again...
so far i've been doing verying leg lifts, crunches, push ups, wii fit, and we cheer 2 xD thouse two games realy are a work out and make you sweat, that must be where a bunch of my weight went
i just want my tum to disappear... but i digest... i am active, but i am out of practice for more strenuous exercises, like balance wii fit games vs the hula hoop, man them hoops hurt my knees for a bit
I got a free 7-day pass to a really nice gym in my area, depending on how things go tomorrow I'm going to try to make my way down there and check the facility out since it's one of the places I've been considering getting a membership at anyways. =]
yay tomorrow i have hip hop! i can't wait
So i have this job now where (although its a really shitty job ;;>_>) basically pays me to dance around and burn calories! ^^
dude sign me up lol
you know those miserable looking people on the sidewalk dressed in funny costumes and dancing around with signs?
there was a guy that did that all the time down here... he made frount page news...
its so tiring O_O so a good work out i guess ^^
lol nevermind then
you know those miserable looking people on the sidewalk dressed in funny costumes and dancing around with signs?
make sure you stay warm! Also I see a crackhead who does this on the corner near my apartment as well, but I don't think he gets paid, well maybe if he sells some crack, or himself...
i get really hot after dancing around for a few hours! I usually start with a sweater and have to take it off! ;;>_>
I can do pull up upside down. It is so fun. Now I can be called Goku.
i get really hot after dancing around for a few hours! I usually start with a sweater and have to take it off! ;;>_>
you know those miserable looking people on the sidewalk dressed in funny costumes and dancing around with signs?
where for?
could be worse I work in a group home and they are really into the bachlor and american idol=kill me
You guys. Find a local forest and run like a ninja.
i should start looking at assisted living homes... used help out at those a lot.... i just hope i dont have to clean old lady butts... anywho... im gonna do some pushups, squats, and crunches before i go to bed.
Alright I did 200 ankle touches just a few moments ago. I really need to get into a routine and I plan on doing that starting tomorrow. Making all the plans for sakuracon made me realize just how close it is at least for losing weight there isn't much time :P
By ankle touches I mean these http://video.yahoo.com/watch/792545/3348911 I love this ab workout. It does so much. If you do it make sure your upper back isn't touching the ground. Your lower back should barely be touching the ground otherwise it wont do anything. :D
^that guy looked SOOoo enthusiastic ::)
But thanks for showing us! I think I'll try adding that to my ab work-out tonight and see how I feel.
you know those miserable looking people on the sidewalk dressed in funny costumes and dancing around with signs?
where for?
could be worse I work in a group home and they are really into the bachlor and american idol=kill me
Liberty Tax service ^^
So far I've only worked on saturdays ^^
Oh lord work out today was hard....first off I did about 45 minutes of soccer playing 5v5 so there was A LOT of sprinting x.x And then I did an hour on the treadmill. I am cooling off then going to take a shower and a nap I believe. I am more determine than ever to lose weight!
My diet sure has suffered today. So far I only had a little thing of soup that was 120 calories and I have burned over 1000 already x.x I am about to drink a protein shake though :D mmmmm Muscle Milk rocks my socks.
^that guy looked SOOoo enthusiastic ::)
But thanks for showing us! I think I'll try adding that to my ab work-out tonight and see how I feel.
Laughing and Beatboxing are my favorite exercise.
lotus promise me you will stay on the sidewalk! they can Get pretty close to oy car...
I will! ^^
I like being NOT dead ^^
Started my 7-day free trial of my local gym today and I have to say I was really impressed. The gym had pretty much everything I could want, and to make things even sweeter I'm in way better shape then I thought I was. I was able to run a mile on incline without feeling like I was going to die and when I weighed myself in the locker room I actually found I weigh less than I thought. =]
On the flip side I am now officially terrified by the womens locker room. I just so happened to stroll in there right as the senior water aerobics class had gotten out. I may never be the same. lol XD
So far it looks like I'm on track to make my goals, not much time between now and SakuraCon.
Aside from the other stuff I do I'll make sure to give the ankle touches a try.
Liberty Tax service ^^
So far I've only worked on saturdays ^^
lol do you have to wear the giant green statue of lirberty outfit!?
yes :-[
^you should get a picture and claim it as a cosplay XD
I tried out those ankle touches and I tried doing as veriously as you can and no matter how I did it I got the same result. It works your mid to upper abs. It burns pretty good though.
woohoo i had a good work out today!
word of advice... sick people shouldnt play we cheer @-@
oh no poor chelsea!!!
I see what all the hype is about with MyPlate.... I'm becoming addicted already XD
yes :-[
^you should get a picture and claim it as a cosplay XD
YES!!! You need to post pics!!
I'm learning how to dance like this, its called the 'tecktonik' its not as easy as it seesm but its a good work out for your arms its really fun tooo !!!!!!!!!!!! and i lost 3 pounds within 5 days soo friggin happy. NEL COSPLAY, HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait....Nel? Nel from Star Ocean :3
I found this on facebook today :D
WOW I am smarts...I forgot to post the link XD http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=258323537625&ref=mf There XDDD
yes :-[
^you should get a picture and claim it as a cosplay XD
YES!!! You need to post pics!!
;;>_> its awkward... but i shall endeavor to try :P
no nel from bleach lol i have the material and evrythinggg but im chhhuuubbay!!!!
Sad...I was hoping you were talking about this Nel. http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/so3/art-009.jpg which may also require the need to get in shape, especially around the legs x.x
I want to see that nel too!! ^^
So I've been back to my diet/calorie counting for three days now and already I feel and kinda see a differance. It's amazing what little things can do ^^
I haven't been keeping good eating habits and working out since I got my ulcer. I've been eating lots of cheese to make up for not being able to eat fruit BOO. I can eat tasty foods again on Sunday.
omg back from the gym sooo tired -______- but hey, i'm mainly losin weight for COSPLAY lol
I havn't been sleeping well, which means I'm REALLY hungry ;;>_>
i just had 2 grilled cheese sandwichs AND a large curly fries and I want more foods! O_O
i think i'll work out and then eat more around 2 :D
Ah, nothing like a day of Taekwondo to get me back on track!
I have my Taekwondo today too ^^
so I don't feel THAT bad about going 300 calories over my limit :P hopefully I'll burn around 600-1000 and have a small dinner ^^
doodo i need to do abs tonight...had chinese food gaahh so much fatty stuff in it oh well it tasted good!
I haven't been doing too well with ballet. ;-;
Last week I only went to two hours worth of ballet.
This time three and a half hours. x.x
And I haven't had time to get to the gym.
Though, this weekend! Gym time. :B
After Gasukan. x.x
I havn't been sleeping well, which means I'm REALLY hungry ;;>_>
i just had 2 grilled cheese sandwichs AND a large curly fries and I want more foods! O_O
i think i'll work out and then eat more around 2 :D
I don't know if you realize this or not but cheese is really fatty, just the 2 slices they put on a sandwich at subway have 5 grams of fat, I knew they were fatty but I can get a whole sandwich there with equal or less fat, so... that's been a huge thing for me, cutting out the cheese and bacon from my diet. I now only get like... footlong over roasted chicken breast on parmesean oregano with lots of veggies, nothing pickled though because that's alot of sodium, and low fat honey mustard, it comes out to like 680 calories and 5-6 grams of fat. oh and no soda for me, which is ridiculously hard.
I am so glad I don't like cheese. Or bacon >_> That makes eating healthier easier for me.
Yesterday I did terrible and ate a bunch of unhealthy stuff, and I didn't work out for very long either because I felt icky. Then today it felt like I was getting a cold, which might explain it a little bit. I took some excedrin though and feel totally fine, but I'm not going to work out tonight just in case my asthma gets bad.
I know cheese is fatty... but its so good T^T
I have a feeling tonight is going to shoot my myplate levels through the roof. XD
I just signed up for myplate. It's freakin' awesome!!! ^^
Just ordered some more Perfect Water. I luv it sooo much.
FRIGGIN CHEESE MAN. It's my downfall. My husband makes me the fattiest most delicious sandwiches ever.
And then I go to the gym and run on the treadmill for like 20 minutes. TT^TT
A big suggestion for those getting in shape: LIFT WEIGHTS. I've lost 20 lbs over the last year of working out just by lifting and running. Of course, I gained back 5 once I started the running bit again--leg muscles are apparently heavy!
Augh, running is so good for you but it hurts so bad. *is still a wimp*
I just got back from running, my lungs burn, i'm drenched in sweat, and it's going to feel great to wash it off, but I'm just glad I could sweat from working out, it's been like 2 years since that's happend.
body weight 173, body fat 19.6% muscle 43.4% woot!
i just walked the mall in 4-inch hooker shoes lol (tsunade shoes) AND went bowling
just got a golds gym home workout thing, pullup bar and whatnot, it's great for the abs never knew that lifting my legs could work my abs so well.
i just walked the mall in 4-inch hooker shoes lol (tsunade shoes) AND went bowling
AH HA! So you were the tsunade! XD I hope you guys had fun.
I'm updating with pretty much the same thing, we walked around the mall, tried climbing on some things and we pretty much ate only fruit the whole time we were there. We had some popcorn with the movie but it was a small. :3 I've been doing pretty good on my diet the past few days, but before that I was doing pretty badly so I think it's balanced out now.
Though for some reason my stomach is hurting so I'm going to lay down for awhile.
Ate an obscene amount of food these past two days during a field trip and I regret nothing.~
^ lol
I've been working out a lot more now that my ankle is well on it's way to healing :3
My friend has been wanting to do this (get in shape) for k-con lol but... so far she hasnt done a darn thing! lol she keeps wanting me to do it with her, which i just might do because then she will get her act together lol but... I don't really need to be getting in shape :-\ lol
I need a workout buddy! ;-; I have no motavation to move. I have not really gained any weight, but not loosing it either. I eat okay, not great but okay, but I do not move enough. Other then 6 to 9 dances on DDR when I go to the movies. and sometimes random dancing to trance or techno. well, and yeasterday I did a lot of cleaning in my room. but I don't go to my gym, have to time just no motivation to go. and I spend $30 a month for membership there. >< But I have no friends, so no one to talk into going to the gym with me. blargness.
I need a workout buddy! ;-; I have no motavation to move. I have not really gained any weight, but not loosing it either. I eat okay, not great but okay, but I do not move enough. Other then 6 to 9 dances on DDR when I go to the movies. and sometimes random dancing to trance or techno. well, and yeasterday I did a lot of cleaning in my room. but I don't go to my gym, have to time just no motivation to go. and I spend $30 a month for membership there. >< But I have no friends, so no one to talk into going to the gym with me. blargness.
Going in or going back for the first time is the hardest part. Even if you can't find anyone to go with you just gotta try and make it a habit/part of your routine. Not having a gym buddy makes it hard though.
*raises hand* ill be your gym buddy.. itll get me out of the house... i actually cant stand gyms because i dont se the point of running on a treadmill or stairclimbers... but they do have equipment I dont have at home. Plus, I live close by.
i just walked the mall in 4-inch hooker shoes lol (tsunade shoes) AND went bowling
It's a good idea when you have a cosplay with difficult shoes. I'll spend at least an hour in cosplay shoes each night a month before a con just to be sure I'll be comfortable in them.
Looks like I get to buy my treadmill tonight! Can't run in two feet of snow, which is what it's like where I'm moving to. XD
I need to make these shoes, and then learn to walk in them. Its probably going to be a great work out! :D
OMG, I don't remember where but I've seen those shoes in real life before and not as a cosplay! Those are going to be difficult to walk around in :/
WHAT?? THEY ARE REAL? that might make making them so much easier! >w<
i'm so confused as to how to make them right now!
My metabolism has lost it.
I will eat, then my stomach will gurgle for around 15-20 minutes, then I will be STARVING again, like I hadn't eaten in days...
It's only started doing this since I've gone veggie, you guys think it might have something to do with that?
That's odd. By veggie do you mean vegetarian? I've been one for at least two years and I don't remember having different hunger habits before becoming one.
Maybe your metabolism needs time to settle and get used to the changes in your diet? I don't know, I'm kinda talking out of my bum.
I ate like 3 twinkys today. Wow.
Beef jerkey, pizza, cake, jello, sour skittles, lotsa junk food.
I had sour skittles today too, my tongue is still numb.
I am 5 pounds heavier than I was yesterday ><
there was one week before I'd started working out, thanksgiving week, that i gained 12 lbs... that was hell on my knees.
Mmmm...beef jerky. That's actually really good for you in small amounts--great source of protein and energy. *nod*
Went to the gym today again. Can feel my stomach actually starting to tighten up! THANK GOD THOSE 100 KNEE TO CHEST CRUNCH-Y THINGS WORK SOMEWHAT. That machine hurts. u_u; You pretty much use your elbows, back, and arms to hold up your body against a hemispherical medicine ball about five feet off the ground. You use your body weight to tone your abs by pulling your thighs to your chest like one hundred thousand times. It hurts so bad, but it's worth it in the end. ;)
I hate treadmills too, but I enjoy running without knowing I have to run back to where I started. I like watching TV--except for those food commercials. UGH THOSE ARE THE WORST WHEN YOU'RE WORKING OUT. A lot of people get hungry, I just feel sick because I start imagining someone waving a big burrito in front of my face or something. Grosses me out!
Anyways, the only downside to a treadmill is the fact that your momentum isn't creating any air flow/movement, so you overheat really quickly. ^^; I always get so red in the face after running.
Some advice to those who "break" and give into their cravings: Eat just a little of what you want to eat every day. Put those Doritos out of sight and do like what I did--MAKE SURE SOMEONE IS HOLDING YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHEN AND HOW MUCH YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EAT OF YOUR "REWARD" FOOD! Just knowing my husband would be disappointed in me for later disappointing myself just to satisfy an urge kept me from ravaging the pantry.
Also, when you're hungry, start trying healthy snacks that are low in calories. Have an apple, a can of refrigerated 'No Sugar Added' Mandarin Oranges or Peaches, or a juice smoothie. Even a small slice of cheese or a yogurt can be okay, just don't eat these more than once or twice a day as your snack. Try drinking water when you're craving food--have a small snack with it so your stomach isn't miserable again in half an hour.
I'm just suggesting the things that worked for me in losing my weight and continuing to keep it off. I used to be ashamed with how I looked. I was in denial that it was just a trick of the mirror, but then I started looking at recent photographs of myself. I went to my husband and told him to be 100% honest with me about my weight gain. He told me it wasn't way out of hand yet, but I was more attractive to him when I was thinner. This was a big motivator to me--a tough love sort of thing--and I used it to get back on track.
People say weight doesn't matter--which is true if you're thinking about weight itself, not BMI--but depending on who you are, you might not feel that way. Of course, that doesn't mean becoming anorexic or bulimic like my cousins did, but it does mean it's time to do something to make yourself self-confident again. But gym by itself does nothing if you're not controlling your eating habits. I could go to the gym five days a week and eat junk food and not lose a single pound. Think of it as running in place. You aren't moving forward, you aren't moving backward. Your hard work is being stunted by your food cravings.
I'll keep anyone on this forum accountable for their exercise if they want me to--I'll even text you to remind you to go to the gym! If you need a person to push you but don't know anybody around who will help you out that way, come here!
You can tell me your goal weight and your current weight and we'll work on losing weight together! I'm still trying to become trim for my costume and need a work-out buddy as well, even if I am two states away!
Anyways, just want to motivate everybody to keep up a healthy lifestyle. I mean, sure, I goof up and eat pizza or drink soda once every month at least, but keeping myself on the right track keeps me from gaining that weight back. I want to help you guise do the same! 8D 8D 8D
Well, loves~sorry for the long rambling post. ^^; I get excited about things sometimes.
Long post is long
And I was a vegetarian all through middle school, but quit half way through 8th grade, and I don't remember feeling this way before ><
Long post is long
And I was a vegetarian all through middle school, but quit half way through 8th grade, and I don't remember feeling this way before ><
Yes indeed; that's very strange. O_O I know meat is more filling. Maybe that's it?
Uh, I doubt it. There are plenty of meatless things out there that are filling.
I doubt it has anything to do with being vegetarian, especially if you've tried it before and this is the first time it's happened. Have you changed the way you do anything else? A lot of things can cause you to feel hungry when you shouldn't be.
Maybe it's... growing hunger or whatever? But I'm hungry all the time too and I'm probably done growing for the rest of me life :D
It is weirdest because I am overweight and usually when your always hungry like I am nowadays, it means your metabolism is fast, thus making you (or me) quite thin.
Because I am not, it makes me wonder...
And I didn't eat a lot of meat anyways when I was not a vegetarian.
Maybe I have just been eating healthier, and that could make me digest faster? Maybe? A little? >>
I havn't weighed myself in a while because I know that I've gone up :-[
I know for a fact that diet change, a change in sleeping patterns, and/or depression can affect your diet significantly. I hope things get better for you soon. D:
you know its a sad thing when you cant even button the jacket thats the perfect color for your cosplay... ugh! so no cool... my dad uggested geting up earlier to do some exercises... i told him fat chance... i dont sleep well to begin with so i kinda like my sleep.
I need to weigh myself. >< I have not in like.. over a month. I was 148 last time, I think I am still about 148. bmi was 25.29. My goal is to be about 125 and my bmi to be 22.00.
Anyone in beaverton want to be my buddy here? I'd love that.
Also, the thread isn't updated yet, but SUCH is starting back up on Feb 21st if anyone here wants to join it. It's a hiking/walking club for cosplayers or just anime fans. We do not hike in cosplay though, that would be too risky for the cosplay. ^^; there is a link to it in my sig.
And.. insamnia and depression sucks when you are trying to lose weight. I tend to over eat because I am up when I should be asleep. Or, like the other night, lack of sleep and eating only food from sonic (chicken strips and onion rings) equals sick all night and not able to keep anything down for a day.
^ this was difficult to read. Always remember: spelling and grammar save lives!
Anyhow! I'd managed to stay they same weight for a week, but then was given a jar of nütella, and I am up (consistently) about 5 lbs since 2 weeks ago :/
I just hope to stay my base weight and work on muscle definition, but I'm really lazy :(
i have not weighed myself in so long...ive been doing dance but nothing else D: my friends have been telling me that i look smaller
I need to weigh myself. >< I have not in like.. over a month. I was 148 last time, I think I am still about 148. bmi was 25.29. My goal is to be about 125 and my bmi to be 22.00.
Anyone in beaverton want to be my body here I'd love that.
Also, the thread isn't updated yet, but SUCH is starting back up on Feb 21st is anyone here wants to join it. It's ahiking/walking club for cosplayers or just anime fans. we do not hike in cosplay though, that would be to risky for the cosplay. ^^; a link to it is in my sig.
And.. insamnia and depression suck when you are trying to lose weight. I over eat because I am up when I should not be. Or, like the other night, lack of sleep and eating only food from sonic (chicken strips and onion rings) = sick all night and not able to keep anything down for a day.
I can be your workout buddy! what times work for you? Weekends arent really going to work for me.
^ this was difficult to read. Always remember: spelling and grammar save lives!
Anyhow! I'd managed to stay they same weight for a week, but then was given a jar of nütella, and I am up (consistently) about 5 lbs since 2 weeks ago :/
I just hope to stay my base weight and work on muscle definition, but I'm really lazy :(
Ok lets go over this again....You weight five pounds more than me and you are three inches taller. I am considered normal weight so you would be considered normal weight if not close to underweight. The five pound and three inches difference means that each inch weighs about 1.66 pounds. I can understand that you want to get in shape but I wouldn't worry about losing weight >_> I saw your belly and it looks fine ^_^ Way better than mine.
Your bmi is 22.6 where mine is 23.9 :P Both of which are in normal range.
Yes, I would LOVE a NightLotus belly. My 3.29BMI I need to lose is all in my upper arms amd my belly. I was asked if I was pregnant again last family thing I was at. It was not fun. I have a tummy, but I don't look preggy. Even when I was younger before I had my son, when I was 20, and was 125lbs, I still have a pudgy tummy. I would love to have no pudgy tummy like you. I can see you wanting to tone up, gaining muscel and losing fat is always a good thing... to a point. ^^: No scary only muscel lady NightLotus.
nee. and steelychan, buddy stuff would be cool. We can talk at CLUB about when maybe we could like go walking or something togeather.
^ this was difficult to read. Always remember: spelling and grammar save lives!
Anyhow! I'd managed to stay they same weight for a week, but then was given a jar of nütella, and I am up (consistently) about 5 lbs since 2 weeks ago :/
I just hope to stay my base weight and work on muscle definition, but I'm really lazy :(
Ok lets go over this again....You weight five pounds more than me and you are three inches taller. I am considered normal weight so you would be considered normal weight if not close to underweight. The five pound and three inches difference means that each inch weighs about 1.66 pounds. I can understand that you want to get in shape but I wouldn't worry about losing weight >_> I saw your belly and it looks fine ^_^ Way better than mine.
Your bmi is 22.6 where mine is 23.9 :P Both of which are in normal range.
Yes, I am pretty happy with where I got myself! I just need more muscle definition! I'm atrophying over here!
im realy starting to think the wii blacnce board cant weight corectly... it said i was under 100 lbs when that is no way possible!
and for my work outs i've been doing we fit stregth exercises and doing we cheer 2 workout modes with feet movement of corse
im realy starting to think the wii blacnce board cant weight corectly... it said i was under 100 lbs when that is no way possible!
and for my work outs i've been doing we fit stregth exercises and doing we cheer 2 workout modes with feet movement of corse
are you using it on carpet? you have to put extra feet on it, or it registers funny :P mine had that problem too :P
Yes, I would LOVE a NightLotus belly. My 3.29BMI I need to lose is all in my upper arms amd my belly. I was asked if I was pregnant again last family thing I was at. It was not fun. I have a tummy, but I don't look preggy. Even when I was younger before I had my son, when I was 20, and was 125lbs, I still have a pudgy tummy. I would love to have no pudgy tummy like you. I can see you wanting to tone up, gaining muscel and losing fat is always a good thing... to a point. ^^: No scary only muscel lady NightLotus.
nee. and steelychan, buddy stuff would be cool. We can talk at CLUB about when maybe we could like go walking or something togeather.
yays! I walk home everyday... and i just started resistance band training... that urned my arms to jelly... ok! ^^
YES!!! I'm getting back in the game. I've gotten back to my regular morning workouts and have incresed the repitition to 35 plus I've added a new exercise for balance. I need to be ready for the conventions.
4 hours of yogathon tmrrw. :-) I can finally do the wheel now! Yoga is better than I thought it would be. :D
hmmm would the wii board weigh better if i put it on a piece of cork board?
hmmm would the wii board weigh better if i put it on a piece of cork board?
no idea? ;;>_>
i give up orz; i havent been losing weight at all...i've been gaining it...i've gained 6 lbs!
noes don't give up! you can do it =D
I think I've lost about 5 pounds...but I'm not sure. My weight has been goin all over the place the past few months.
I haven't weight myself if a few weeks but I have been sick and not eating a lot so I am sure I lost some weight. I'll try to weigh myself sometime XD.
51 days left till Sakuracon. I can get there. One inch on my hips and thighs is all I want. I can and will do it.
I can and will do it.
This is what makes you a winner!
I bought a scale thats accurate withing .2lbs! Its amazing how good ya feel when you see even the small progress and I have lost about 6.4lbs so far! Also started doing Tae Bo and managed to make myself ill by trying the advanced work-out.... :P Oh well no pain no gain! ;D
I was talking to my mother, who is kind of a weight Nazi.
She said that she thought I would be perfect if I lost 15 pounds :DDDDD
I'mma go run now :3
I was talking to my mother, who is kind of a weight Nazi.
She said that she thought I would be perfect if I lost 15 pounds :DDDDD
I'mma go run now :3
We should make HDC go on a weekly jog for a meetup Rebel! I could seriously use more exercise myself...that whole month & a half I was taking those pro-biotics & stuff kept me kinda lazy :(
And go on hikes during the summer *o*
Like, cosplay hikes, and take cosplay photos for our nature dwelling characters :D
I need something to make me more active again ;; I miss being in the shape I used to be in.
We just need to convince Patty boy xD He won't want to do it >_<
So with 37 days left till Sakuracon I started my workout routine up again. I think that I will do is:
Soccer: Mon-Thurs
Gym: Mon, Wed, Fri
At home stuff like squats: Tues Thur
I did find a site that will help me lose some fat off my stomach to help my abs show up. It points out some great foods that are healthy for you and types of food that you want to avoid. http://www.articlesbase.com/wellness-articles/how-to-get-six-pack-abs-in-a-month-546033.html
37 days? :O -faints-
I know...i didn't realize it either till Bressler pointed it out to me.
grrr I'm so jealous you're going :(
but anyway! thats a cool site ^^
its still a long time from kumo, but I've started seriously on slave leia, so I need to get working on good abs! ^^
I'm scared now. I think I'mma just have May Lee... Maybe Shilo =O
o.o; so i picked up roller skateing! and im doing exercises for my tummy and legs every other night
3 more pounds gone! *does an armstrong-like flex of the arms* XD Also been walking a good 30 minutes to an hour the past couple days... blisters are forming on my feet. XP Still worth it!
I ran 3 miles :3
I'm so proud of myself!
(And great job Lin, I'm jealous!)
What are you talking about?! I couldn't run 3 miles when I was doing sports back in school! Always had to power walk the curved part of the track during gym! XD
ok... i know the whole fat turns into muscle can screw up your weight... but its weird! my pants are like, falling off and i somehow gained 3 pounds. How is this possible?! All I've been doing is walking home... its about a 20 minute walk if i walk fast.
ok... i know the whole fat turns into muscle can screw up your weight... but its weird! my pants are like, falling off and i somehow gained 3 pounds. How is this possible?! All I've been doing is walking home... its about a 20 minute walk if i walk fast.
You lost 3lbs of fat and built up 6lbs of muscle. Muscles are leaner and denser than fat! I believe that is the answer I could be mistaken in some areas.
*claps* MILE TIME
I'll plug my phone in and watch some BACCANO <333
Or bring the laptop with me and watch some Gurren Laagan. :3
Katie I's idea (or her post, anyways) has inspired me :P
ok thats it... after im done eating im changing and stretching and playing we cheer!
No stretching -_-
Stretching makes micro tears in your muscles, and straining your muscles when there are micro tears in them hurts yyyyoooouuuu
(Mr. Young, you are win)
EDIT: As I have been proven wrong, I will post that stretching can help, as long as you don't attempt to put your leg behind your head and then go run a marathon.
It is helpful in some cases, but far from in others.
For example: If you're about to go wrestling, it's a fine idea to stretch, but not to the point where it it painful as opposed to feels good.
There, now it's correct :3
Sorry for causing an argument the size of Canada Dx I really didn't mean to.
o.o;;; ok then no stretching! ....hurting me is not my faveorite subject... but... dancing with we cheer shall be good for me, yes?
Stretching is not bad for you at all. It is quite good for your muscles. Yeah it may make tears but they come back stronger
It actually makes your muscles stronger, prevents injuries and prevents soreness after working out. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS STRETCH BEFORE AND AFTER WORKING OUT!
Overwhelming research concludes that omitting pre-exercise stretching, especially for those who do not use short bursts of muscular activity, may result in a reduction in performance of up to five percent.
This is due to the fact that stretching tears muscle. That sounds almost like torture but the repeated micro tears in your muscle fiber has many benefits. Increased muscle density, strength, and flexibility are a few. Also, your body Burns Calories like crazy when repairing these micro tears thereby allowing you to lose weight.
From http://www.taekwondo-connection.com/stretching-muscles.html
I have known people who only stretch as their form of workout and lose weight. Please believe me when I say YOU SHOULD STRETCH!
And finally, if you are skeptical of unknown sources like I am here is a reliable one from webMD
If you don't stretch before working out you can injure yourself pretty badly - a lot more painful than micro tears.
I beg to differ, I was speaking with a Sports Medicine major when he alerted me of that.
I will also state that Wikki is the most unreliable source ever to have touched this wonderful thing called the internets.
From personal experience- I like stretching, it makes me feel good :O
Do you know what sport that guy was talking about? Every activity I've done has had stretching beforehand, and Yoga is excellent for your health and that's almost entirely stretching. Perhaps he meant that it can hurt you if you're not doing it right?
He was speaking more in the sense of not doing so before you run a marathon, or before a difficult gym class.
I know wiki is an unreliable source so I also provided a reliable one at the end. Here is a quote from webmd
* Counters the shortening that occurs when muscles are repeatedly used -- as in exercise or a repetitive daily activity -- and keeps muscles elastic
* Increases the range of motion in joints
* Decreases joint pain and stress
* Improves balance, stability, and circulation
* Aids athletic performance, relaxation, and posture
I'm sorry if you think I am being negative I just don't want someone possibly getting hurt because she was told not to stretch. Ask any personal trainer, doctor, or sports trainer and they will tell you how important it is. Yes it does tear your muscles, but so does weight lifting. Every time you lift weights you tear your muscles, that is how they get stronger.
I see what the guy you were talking to is talking about now. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/02/sports/playmagazine/112pewarm.html Stretching is still good before working out just not the sit and hold kind. You still need to loosen your muscles and increase your range in movement but in a different way. In the article it has better ways to stretch rather than "static" stretching. But I can really feel the difference playing soccer this term. On Mondays I am always really stiff during the warm-up jog and half the time it hurts my knees and I typically don't play as well, but latter on the week once my muscles have loosened I am able to run and play much better.
So he was right, static stretching may be bad (it is still being debated, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1043690/Fitness-news-Is-stretching-bad-you.html says it may be good for regular exercisers) but that doesn't mean that you should stretch at all. There is nothing about stretching at the end of workout routines so I am going to assume that satic stretching is still alright for that. Things always seem to change so rapidly.
I actually kept reading on that first article and found this
A major study published earlier this year by the Centers for Disease Control, on the other hand, found that knee injuries were cut nearly in half among female collegiate soccer players who followed a warm-up program that included both dynamic warm-up exercises and static stretching.
So what they are saying is don't only stretch and expect that to be enough. You also need to warm up before you stretch. Your muscles need to be active a little before you start stretching.
Doing mild warm up stretches and some calistenics before lifting weights or going for a jog helps blood flow to the muscles thus allowing them to operate at a higher rate of efficiency. Going at a work out straight out the gate with no prep and no cool down makes it far more likely to pull or damage a muscle or ligament. I mean Pilates and Yoga are based around stretching with mild weight resistance from your own body. Just don't go all crazy stretching otherwise you can possibly pull something! Remember all things in moderation doesn't just apply to the diet portion of getting in shape! Hope you all stay healthy and meet your goals! ;D
In track we do a 3 lap jog warm up before stretching, then we do another warm up before doing the actuall work out.
No stretching -_-
Stretching makes micro tears in your muscles, and straining your muscles when there are micro tears in them hurts yyyyoooouuuu
(Mr. Young, you are win)
EDIT: As I have been proven wrong, I will post that stretching can help, as long as you don't attempt to put your leg behind your head and then go run a marathon.
It is helpful in some cases, but far from in others.
For example: If you're about to go wrestling, it's a fine idea to stretch, but not to the point where it it painful as opposed to feels good.
There, now it's correct :3
Sorry for causing an argument the size of Canada Dx I really didn't mean to.
And they do come back stronger, as long as you don't push them much too hard. If you do go about pushing them too hard, it could sprain your muscle, and seriously injure you Dx
ok... i know the whole fat turns into muscle can screw up your weight... but its weird! my pants are like, falling off and i somehow gained 3 pounds. How is this possible?! All I've been doing is walking home... its about a 20 minute walk if i walk fast.
You lost 3lbs of fat and built up 6lbs of muscle. Muscles are leaner and denser than fat! I believe that is the answer I could be mistaken in some areas.
I thought as much but I just wanted to confirm my suspicion. it was kinda freaky when my pants started feeling looser and i gained pounds... either way, im satisfied with my progress.
Well just remember that it is better to be healthy and to focus more on the fit than the pounds as you work out! Its pretty encouraging to see the inches melt away or build up depending on what type of fitness you are going for! And Congrats on losing those inches!
thanks! ^^ It was really weird. I didn't even notice I had lost the inches until a couple days ago. I tried a pair of pants that used to be too small. But now! They fit! ^^
I rode eight miles on my bike today, so, yeah.
I rode eight miles on my bike today, so, yeah.
I think you just kicked my running three miles in the seat xD
I'm jealous, I can't even ride a bike -_-;;
I know this sounds really stupid, and I've heard that for the most part these kind of things aren't safe, but I'm getting desperate Dx
If that isn't bull pucky, then I'm interested... I just can't seem to exercise enough, or eat small enough portions. I've been eating healthy for months, but out of fear, I haven't climbed on to a scale in months...
I've replaced all soda with water, studied "Negative Calorie" foods. I check the ingrediants of every single thing I eat before I eat it, but nothing seems to work. I just can't seem to convince myself in to running, or walking, or doing really anything athletic Dx
Thought I'd post it here first
I have heard some things about them too. I looked up a little and I found this article from Journal of the American Dietetic Association (a very trusted sources, articles need to be reviewed but a bunch of other people before getting in) and they say there not enough research to prove the claims. BUT, it may be worth a shot. The only suggestion I have it to avoid things on the internet regarding them. My mom got some pills on a "free trial" and they ended up charging her for something stupid and it was $80.
Maybe a good way to look at it is to eat it trying to be healthy but not expecting that this thing alone will make you lose weight.
Just did some research on the acai berry and found this article from CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/03/23/acai.berries.scam/index.html
Thank you ;.;
Thank you ;.;
I was hoping it was true too. But eating a lot of any type of berry or drinking the healthier concentrate fruit beverages will help with your diet and heighten your energy with natural sugars. It won't be all crazy dramatic like those companies try to hype their products but eating plenty of berries, nuts, and fresh veggies and avoiding sodas and bleached grain products can help a lot. I won't tell anyone not to eat candy or sweet things cause that road leads to deprivation and possibly failure. All things in moderation!
Oh my god. I sound like all those health food and exercise books my father had me read as a young teen! XD
They made there mark then, eh? xD
I eat lots of veggies (as I don't eat meat, I seem to need to xD) and I pour a bowl of almonds every morning, to eat progressively through out the day.
Alright here is what I have done for the day so far
Soccer from 9-9:50
Walked on tedmil speed of 4.0 at incline of 15 for 30 minutes
30 minutes of weight training including hamstrings, leg press, inner thigh, and abs.
and walked a total of 3 miles to all of my classes
Oatmeal with raisins
bottle of milk
smoothie with a protein boost
bagel and cream cheese
carrots and celery (a little peanut butter on those)
And for dinner I am having crab cakes :3
SOB, Nikki xD
And you have soccer in the morning? >_> I would die.
I eat so unhealthy, and excersize rarely.
Why am I not gaining weight? 'o'
Gosh- Twinkys are sooo good.
*punches your cursed metabolism in the FACE*
@ Shay, It's probably our lovely genes. The only side effects are that we'll likely get diabeetus, become bald, get into a (or a few) unstable relationship(s), and gain a random beer belly by the age of 30, oh wellz.
Today I had half a donut, a little bag of cool ranch doritos, a row of thinmint girl scout cookies, a bottle of OJ, and some veggie soup. Mmm, I feel American.
Haha, Katie. What an image.
I just had some soup, lasagna, banana cream pie...and now like 7 OREOS with milk. Yum.
*punches Nik in the face*
Now that I'm on the quidditch team and have a bike, I'm gonna start excersizing more~
And woah, I keep spelling things wrong...
Shay it could also be because you are still young. As you get older your metabolism will slow and you will (or may I should say) start to gain weight.
Once you get older you have to control your food loving nuttyness.
I heard that if you wanted to raise your metabolism, you should lift weights. more muscle requires more calories to burn even while your just sitting there.
Yup yup. I also heard that spicy food increases your metabolism.
*swallows a pepper*
No freaking wonder Cyprus is so skinny xD
Well spicier food causes your brain via your tastebuds to tell you when its enough. So depending on your spice tolerance it will reduce your need to feed.... unless you really like spicy things. XP
Yup yup. I also heard that spicy food increases your metabolism.
Indeed it does...peppers primarily. It is also very good for you in so many ways...heart, colon, liver, etc. A lot of people take peppers in pill form if they don't really like spicy foods...however it's never as good as eating them fresh. Garlic is also another food that is very good for you but brings in a lot of mixed feelings from people.
*swallows a pepper*
No freaking wonder Cyprus is so skinny xD
You can eat peppers for free anytime you visit us :D We always have plenty at the house!
Huzzah garlic! Just not when I gotta go to work the next day or I get invited to a sauna. Blasted garlic sweats.
Okie dokie Chris, when I pop by sometime this week, I'll make sure to eat a few xD
Alright soccer done. Now I just need to go to the gym. I am going to focus on upper body today :D
Okie dokie Chris, when I pop by sometime this week, I'll make sure to eat a few xD
Jess & I just picked up a couple pounds of Jalapenos to make seasoning with & stuff in a turkey to smoke...I will save you a bite :P
I've been eating so poorly lately. :( But I've been stressed and I don't eat much when I'm stressed, so it hasn't affected me. I think I've lost weight. Anyways, I went to the gym today, did some pull-ups, hammer curls, standing rows, and some dips. Then went for a walk with my brother for like 45 minutes.
Also don't mean to stir up the hornet's nest again but I don't really do static stretching anymore, instead I use some of the warm-up type exercises I learned from this DVD called "Magnificent Mobility" (do a google search if you're interested). Also I was reading some interesting stuff lately about how they're finding out running shoes actually cause a lot of injuries for athletes. In fact, people that purchase more expensive running shoes are more likely to have injuries!
I was just at the dermatologist, and stretch marks are permanent
If you get them, immediately get to you doctor, and ask for a remedy, if you don't, they never go away.
Please, I have bright red permanent stretch marks that go from my hips to my belly button, and they're never going to go away.
.... I kinda already knew that... I have a lot on my belly...
I only have them on my legs and they aren't horribly noticeable. I imagine if you lose fat and muscle in that area it may help a little.
Stretch marks is why women put the vitamin oil on their stomach while pregnant. To prevent them
I got them when I was very big in middle school, and I've lost weight since then, but they are far from gone.
just a thought. It seems like it would work, like stretching a rubber band. It may get cracks in it when it is really stretched out but once you return it to the original state you can't see the cracks. It just seems logical. I really don't know anything about them though. =/
That's what I would have thought but it doesn't seem to work that way Dx
I'll go off and loose weight, so I can hopefully prove what you're saying, Nikki.
I heard that if you wanted to raise your metabolism, you should lift weights. more muscle requires more calories to burn even while your just sitting there.
Strechmarks like regular scars will fade some with time. Until then I would advise applying lotions with cocoa and shea butter to help soften the skin and to help reduce the appearance of them. Also don't stress to much about stretch marks cause most people have them in some shape or form and they are nothing to be ashamed of.
:3 I am so happy. Before I could only see the outline of my abs, it was very faint on the sides and you can only see about two rows. Now I can see them a little bit better and I can even see the line down the middle dividing them into sides. I'm sure if I keep this up by sakuracon you will be able to see them :D
Lotions with Vitamin E oil are proven to help your skins elasticity as well...just a heads up!
:3 I am so happy. Before I could only see the outline of my abs, it was very faint on the sides and you can only see about two rows. Now I can see them a little bit better and I can even see the line down the middle dividing them into sides. I'm sure if I keep this up by sakuracon you will be able to see them :D
Congrats that sounds great! ;D Keep up the awesome work!
Nothing quite like seeing those abs. They're a great motivater.
:3 I am so happy. Before I could only see the outline of my abs, it was very faint on the sides and you can only see about two rows. Now I can see them a little bit better and I can even see the line down the middle dividing them into sides. I'm sure if I keep this up by sakuracon you will be able to see them :D
This is indeed great news...gratz on your success so far! I wish I had the time outside of work to get mine back :( At least I am still skinny & in fairly good shape still though. Keep it up!
Just had a panic attack of sorts when I realized how much fatter I am, from lets say, a year or so ago. I need to get back to my psuedo healthy lifestyle.
My god, all the stores are stocked with Easter candy!
Somebody save me!! ((p(>o<)q))
I've been trying to eat better lately. I've been really depressed past couple of months, so I've literally been surviving on a diet of Taco Bell, Little Caesar's pizza, ramen, granola bars, and about 6-8 cans of Sprite a day. I really wish I was joking. I actually lost a lot of weight initially, because I was eating so little. It has started to catch back up with me, and was really affecting my health. So I've been trying to go the gym again. And actually eat healthy. Like, eating a little snack tray of fruits and stuff instead of popping a Totino's pizza in the oven.
So by next Kcon, I'll be ripped! ;) haha. We'll see. I've always been in pretty good overall shape. But I'd like to be shredded. I've done it once..
update for PR!
-hip hop class ends thursday! :'( must get back on the wii fit
-lent started feb. 17th i believe and last year i gave up soda. this year im doing it again and cutting out fast food. i haven't had any of that since the 17th! 8D go me!
Wooo`! been eating well without soda and rarely junky food. I'm rather proud 8D I'll keep it up for Kcon especially x] though I'll need to adjust my costume lol.
yay Healthy time!
Well some bad news. I twisted my ankle yesterday at soccer so I wont be able to play today and maybe not tomorrow. That also means I wont be able to work out either. So right now I have to focus on eating healthy to lose weight x.x My ankle will be fine in a couple of days, but Thursday is my last day for soccer ;_;
I am on a curry kick thanks to the manga Addicted to Curry which has all sorts of yummy recipes!
Curry recipes? I'll have to check that out. Turmeric is very good for you.
I love curry *o*
It's hard to find things without meat in them though Dx
This whole Veggie thing is working for me though
:3 my mom thinks I lost some weight.
The scale isn't always the best way to measure fat loss. ^_^; Calipers are a really good way to check body fat loss and stuff.
so, in desperation to lose a little more tummy fat before I wear a tummy exposing cosplay at s-con, I am going to refrain from eating sweets until then. Except the last little bit of ice cream i want after dinner xD but other than that no unhealthy snacks! not even cookies at lunch. there, now I actually said it somewhere and now I have to stick to it or else I'm a liar xD
That's not desperation, that's smart!
but I love sweets ;-; i will miss them dearly
I thought I should post it here that despite diet soda having less calories, aspartame, the sugar replacement, is bad for you.
My best friend Irene just did a study on the effects of sugar v.s artificial sugars. The caterpillars that were fed aspartame died immediately.
No aspartame >O
ok so i was 207lb. 2 weeks ago... and now im 195... what the eff?
High Five!
ok so i was 207lb. 2 weeks ago... and now im 195... what the eff?
Share your secrets. O.O I'm about the same size (to your pre-lose weight)
I hate it, because I always see the 547389543789 of the cosplay's that I want to do and then I look in the mirror and I'm like "oh...", and then my best friend (my cosplay buddy) is like UBER thing and can do anything she wants, and I just sit there like "Oh hey..." lol. So, any kinds of tips to losing weight would be MUCH appreciated. Right now I'm just at the point where I'm narrowing down my meals. Which probably isn't healthy, because I don't eat ANYTHING since I got back from Japan. Grrr. I hate iiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
all i did was walk home every day and take public transportation everywhere. plus, eat more veggies...
Blegh, I hate most veggies. lol. And I live across the street from my school. Grrrrr.
I want to give up sweets and junk but omg .-. Everything is so yummy..but thats it >:O GO GO GADGET DETERMINATION!!!
GO GO GADGET- screw it.
Im eating donuts at the moment.
D: I want donuts!!! >.< -noms on carrots franticly- uuuuuugh hate chuuuuu (That sentence made me think of Pika...chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu) xD -attacks you with lightning bolt-
I think I'm going to start running, every day. At least running up and down my stairs :D
Because I feel fffffaaaaatttttt
I want to give up sweets and junk but omg .-. Everything is so yummy..but thats it >:O GO GO GADGET DETERMINATION!!!
I just wrote a paper about this term called ego depletion. Basically it says if you try not to think about the elephant in the room you will think about the elephant, but if you try thinking about the bear in the room you wont think about the elephant.
To sum it up actually avoiding food is difficult to do and can lead your ego to be depleted which can lead to binges of that food. I know I have done it before. So a better way at cutting something out of your diet is to substitute it for something else. For example, I want to give up chocolate bars and soda so instead I am eating fruit and drinking tea. Lost and lost of tea. I also love carrot sticks and they are one of the negative calorie foods (burns more calories eating them then what is actually inside them).
I also got soul silver which has a pedometer and your pokemon can fight other pokemon that way and level up. So I will be wearing that around a lot :D I walked over 3000 steps yesterday :D Not sure how that translates to miles, I believe 1000 is a mile but I could be wrong.
It would all depend on how big of steps you are taking...if your steps average about 1 foot per step then you would have walked just over 1/2 a mile at 3000 feet considering there are 5280 feet in a mile.
My G/F & I started cutting sweets out of our diet a long time ago & replacing snacks with fruits & veggies as much as possible. We buy boxes of organic oranges & grapefruits a lot & that is how we kill our sweet-tooth. Very good suggestion Nikkiolie...it has worked wonders for us!
I think I read some where that its 2000 steps, but it really depends on your strides. On that note, I also read that 10,000 steps a day is considered "healthy".
I think I'm going to start running, every day. At least running up and down my stairs :D
Because I feel fffffaaaaatttttt
every day after school thats all I do. Thats the only exercise that I like. Another fun one is to ding dong ditch. It passes the time and burns off the carbs.
i just helped some friends move... that hurt... it shouldnt but it does. ive been cutting back on my chocolate and i stress eat... which ive been trying to break... not working out too good.
my goodness i have been slacking and now im gaining waight in the wrong places!!!! (shush it makes my costumes not fit right) must crack down harder!
been slacking on my exercises at night but im picking back up on it.
I have decided that I want to wear a two piece swimsuit this summer, and I don't want to be ashamed of my body.
Erin and I are going to start hiking on thursdays (incase some HDC person *cough* Chris *cough* drops by this thread.
Yeah I read that the average person's stride is about 2000 steps for a mile. Which works out right because when I went to the gym yesterday I was on the treadmill for two miles and that is about what the pedometer said when I got off :D
I really don't feel like working out today so I am really going to have to focus on eating right.
I am working on Tai Chi and I am going to start walking a mile around my neighborhood. Yet, I feel like I am getting nowhere. What do you guys think?
How is your diet? Have you considered lifting weights? Also, maybe walk an extra mile or try jogging / speed walking instead?
Edit (I didn't want to create a new post right after my own previous post):
This was totally random .. I decided to check Woot.com today and they have 2 pedometers for $2.99 + shipping. If anyone is interested, it's at www.woot.com but you have to purchase it before the end of today or until it runs out.
Talked to Mr. Young and he said a great way to loose weight is to get your heart rate above your RHR for a very long period of time (at least over an hour) it's the best way to open up somethin' (he explained it better than that xD) and gets you to loose weight.
Like jogging, or hiking :D
Cardio is always a great way to start IMO...I used to be extremely active in that fashion & was always in great shape. I would like to be able to afford myself a mountain bike & start riding again...good way to stay in shape.
@Rebel: Will be a little hard for me to drive all the way to Bend after working all day & then hike for a little bit...although it's still tempting lol.
So trying to start this AGAIN. School keeps getting in the way of my whole life. 12 hour days just were not friggin' cutting it for me. Last thing I wanted to do was be up for any longer after I got home.
So here I go, working out 5 days a week starting today. Running and lifting weights. Eating healthier and all that jazz. I'mma try to count calories again. Had a sammich for lunch/breakfast, only 450 calories :B
Its never been a big deal before, but now that Kcon is approaching again and im going to cosplay for the first time ever, I really need to worry about it.
My thighs are huge. Im not fat, but my thighs are.
Does anyone have any tips or ideas on how to....deal with this?
Aerobics are good for thighs I think.
My new favorite form of excercise is rollerblading <3
My spring break will be spent as such: 85% rollerbladin', 10% working on Air Gear cosplay, 5% swimming/reading/writing/other, with chilling with peeps, eating, sleeping and etc in between or at the same time.
By Sakooracon my legs might be the tiniest bit slimmer, WOO ~
OK! Work out day one: Tried run and I just don't have the stamina anymore. Gonna work on the elliptical until I can get it back up. So 15 minutes running, 30 minutes on the elliptical, plus a mile and a half of walking. I'm off to a good start :D
And I think Kyle and I are going to go on a hike tomorrow.
I'm working on getting in shape for Kumoricon so hopefully by the time con come I'll have reached it...and having a couple moths do it does help alot n_n
* push-ups*
Just got back from the gym .. a personal best .. completed 10 sets of 3 repetitions on chin-ups. ;D
So last night I went to the work out room thinking it was 9...but it was 10 and was closed.
So I decided today to work out a little longer then I usually do to make up the lost time. BAD IDEA. I was on the elliptical for an hour, burned 600 calories and dear god, my body is mad at me it.
Talking to a friend right now though, he's a fit junkie and wtf'd at me doing cardio for an hour. He told me that it's better to do cardio for 30 minutes and then do stretching and weights for the other 30. Will remember that next time I spend an hour working out. I'll keep doing 45 minutes of cardio on school days though.
you know how i've been doing we cheer and crunches and leg lifts and skating once a week? ....i went skating and fell hard on my tail bone within the first 30 secounds of being there... no skating for me ;____; no we cheering now ieither
Just dance around people.
Preform hard core acts from hardcore shows like KAMEHAMEHA!.... o_o
Dancing is a real good form of exercise.
I had a track meet today, and dang am I tired. i feel so dead right now.
Over the summer when I lost a lot of weight I did Hare Hare Yukai every day =D
Your diet is just as important as physical activity; so if you really want to change your life, try avoiding all bad sugars (cane sugar, corn syrup, etc), glutens, yeasts (yes, bread is bad for you), and dairy (goat milk+cheese are acceptions). Try focusing on stuff like Stevia which is a sugar replacement, A LOT of green veggies (avoid cooking in Canola oil. It's bad. Use olive, pumpkin, or coconut oil instead), and you can still eat any kind of meat which is nice.
I know, it sounds like the most challenging thing in the world since the vast majority of sold foods contain all that crap but this is super effective for your health and weight especially. It'll also speed up your weight loss if you keep up with the constant physical activity. You'll begin to notice the change after a week. You'll start eating what your body enjoys, not just according to your taste buds.
I've been doing this for the past nine months and I shrunk a lot over a short period of time; and I've had more energy than usual. It's truly amazing.
I agree with all of that except I say that you shouldn't lay a paw on fake sugars besides Agave Nectar, and anything ENTIRELY natural, I have to say, I'm fat (ish) but I'm healthy. My resting heart rate is 60, which is supa' low for someone of my weight :3
So, I'd say that staying away from sugar is a bad choice, because fats are an important part of your diet.
Well, yes you do need fats in your diet, that's for sure. I'm not saying they should be avoided. That's where meat comes in (yummy pork~). But yeah, natural sugars are ideal and are also important to include in your diet. Can't escape the sugar. x3
Yummy pork = a no no for me
I'm a veggie x3
woohoo my tail dont hurt no more... so i can we cheer again! i love how playing WII games the way my family does realy works out your upper body!
Healthy food can be so god damn expensive sometimes though. During of the beginning of the school months I have to budget pretty hard if I have to spend 300+ dollars on books. then I'm just down to eating white bread with turkey on it and plain oatmeal :B
I've tried several times now to start getting in shape but i just can't seem to do it, for no reason really. and its not like i weigh a ton and have a long ways to go, I'm just not as thin as i would like. I think my problem is i have no focus, motivation, self-discipline, and i have no one to help me really. my oly partner is my dad, and after falling off the wagon (yet again) I got pumped randomly (like i always do) and so we made a whole big plan and were really excited, but we never did it! I've been eating reasonably healthy, but i think i've been slacking a bit lately. i feel like i'm stumbling around trying to find my way, I need stability and a rock solid plan and etc. i am just not very educated in this also. and always, whenever i restart, i wanna kick it into full overdrive because i never feel like i'm doing enough and i can never see results, and i think i get overwhelmed so i stop quickly or don't even start. like when i did wii fit, everytime i lost a pound or two, it'd be right back the next day. and its hard for me and my dad to find a time for us both to do someting together, and i'm really dependant on others, so i feel like i can't do it alone. i have tons of ideas sometimes, but i never act on them. i'm lazy and i procrastinate. and i'm really confused. i just need to get my butt in gear and do it. i need motivation. help and encouragement and ideas would be greatly appreciated please. i want to feel better about myself and its really hard.
A new exercise add on for the PLAYSTATION 3!
Enjoy a much more better working and realistic version of the wii.
360 Natal.
Punch red balls... WITH NO REMOTES...( No hardcore games included)
I've tried several times now to start getting in shape but i just can't seem to do it, for no reason really. and its not like i weigh a ton and have a long ways to go, I'm just not as thin as i would like. I think my problem is i have no focus, motivation, self-discipline, and i have no one to help me really. my oly partner is my dad, and after falling off the wagon (yet again) I got pumped randomly (like i always do) and so we made a whole big plan and were really excited, but we never did it! I've been eating reasonably healthy, but i think i've been slacking a bit lately. i feel like i'm stumbling around trying to find my way, I need stability and a rock solid plan and etc. i am just not very educated in this also. and always, whenever i restart, i wanna kick it into full overdrive because i never feel like i'm doing enough and i can never see results, and i think i get overwhelmed so i stop quickly or don't even start. like when i did wii fit, everytime i lost a pound or two, it'd be right back the next day. and its hard for me and my dad to find a time for us both to do someting together, and i'm really dependant on others, so i feel like i can't do it alone. i have tons of ideas sometimes, but i never act on them. i'm lazy and i procrastinate. and i'm really confused. i just need to get my butt in gear and do it. i need motivation. help and encouragement and ideas would be greatly appreciated please. i want to feel better about myself and its really hard.
Maybe you could try making small steps? Instead of making one huge leap, set up an action plan for what steps you'll take. Be very detailed.
When I weighed a lot and wanted to lose weight, I found it helpful to stick notes on the cupboard and fridge with what I wanted my target weight to be. And even reminders like "EAT HEALTHY" XD
I've tried several times now to start getting in shape but i just can't seem to do it, for no reason really. and its not like i weigh a ton and have a long ways to go, I'm just not as thin as i would like. I think my problem is i have no focus, motivation, self-discipline, and i have no one to help me really. my oly partner is my dad, and after falling off the wagon (yet again) I got pumped randomly (like i always do) and so we made a whole big plan and were really excited, but we never did it! I've been eating reasonably healthy, but i think i've been slacking a bit lately. i feel like i'm stumbling around trying to find my way, I need stability and a rock solid plan and etc. i am just not very educated in this also. and always, whenever i restart, i wanna kick it into full overdrive because i never feel like i'm doing enough and i can never see results, and i think i get overwhelmed so i stop quickly or don't even start. like when i did wii fit, everytime i lost a pound or two, it'd be right back the next day. and its hard for me and my dad to find a time for us both to do someting together, and i'm really dependant on others, so i feel like i can't do it alone. i have tons of ideas sometimes, but i never act on them. i'm lazy and i procrastinate. and i'm really confused. i just need to get my butt in gear and do it. i need motivation. help and encouragement and ideas would be greatly appreciated please. i want to feel better about myself and its really hard.
Well you really shouldn't be able to notice any results within one day. A healthy weight loss is about a pound or two a week so that is nothing you can see in one day. Also weight fluctuates a lot during the day. When I first wake up I weigh about 133 but when I go to bed it is closer to 137 or 138. The very first thing you do is stop worrying about losing weight. Do not check the scale everyday. You should check it about once a month or if you must once a week.
When I finally stopped caring about what I weighed and just started eating better is when people around me started noticing results. You probably wont see them because you see your body everyday and the changes are very subtle daily. My parents who I see on the weekends where the ones that first pointed out that I lost weight. Then a friend who give me a back rub a lot pointed it out next.
Looking at this thread everyday has helped me. It is enough motivation to get up and workout for me. I just need to focus on eating better and I should be fine. Oh yes, weight on a scale isn't a good indicator of what your body actually looks like. What you should do is take measurements. You will be able to notice if you are losing fat and gaining muscle. I have actually gained weight but that is because I started doing weight training again. I know it isn't because I was unhealthy because for a while I was playing soccer for an hour everyday then going to the gym for an hour too. I was also eating extremely healthy. The actual number on the scale is very deceiving.
There's a couple great ways to track weight loss, too. Like, taking a picture every X amount of days. After a couple months, you'll start to notice dramatic changes.
Of course, it can be hard to remember to do that, so . . .
A great alternative besides using a scale is to purchase a fat caliper (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/bbcom/metacalbodyfatcaliper.html). It is used to measure body fat so any increase in muscle or whatever's in your stomach at the time won't affect your results. ^_^
thank you so much reppy and nikkiolie, you guys have great advice. I think this thread is going to help me alot and it's a great feeling to know that I can find peole like you who are going through the same thing that i am that i can talk to and who have wisdom from their experiences and encouragement to share with me :D. i feel a whole lot better ;D
I've tried several times now to start getting in shape but i just can't seem to do it, for no reason really. and its not like i weigh a ton and have a long ways to go, I'm just not as thin as i would like. I think my problem is i have no focus, motivation, self-discipline, and i have no one to help me really. my oly partner is my dad, and after falling off the wagon (yet again) I got pumped randomly (like i always do) and so we made a whole big plan and were really excited, but we never did it! I've been eating reasonably healthy, but i think i've been slacking a bit lately. i feel like i'm stumbling around trying to find my way, I need stability and a rock solid plan and etc. i am just not very educated in this also. and always, whenever i restart, i wanna kick it into full overdrive because i never feel like i'm doing enough and i can never see results, and i think i get overwhelmed so i stop quickly or don't even start. like when i did wii fit, everytime i lost a pound or two, it'd be right back the next day. and its hard for me and my dad to find a time for us both to do someting together, and i'm really dependant on others, so i feel like i can't do it alone. i have tons of ideas sometimes, but i never act on them. i'm lazy and i procrastinate. and i'm really confused. i just need to get my butt in gear and do it. i need motivation. help and encouragement and ideas would be greatly appreciated please. i want to feel better about myself and its really hard.
Maybe you could try making small steps? Instead of making one huge leap, set up an action plan for what steps you'll take. Be very detailed.
When I weighed a lot and wanted to lose weight, I found it helpful to stick notes on the cupboard and fridge with what I wanted my target weight to be. And even reminders like "EAT HEALTHY" XD
There's a couple great ways to track weight loss, too. Like, taking a picture every X amount of days. After a couple months, you'll start to notice dramatic changes.
Of course, it can be hard to remember to do that, so . . .
A great alternative besides using a scale is to purchase a fat caliper (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/bbcom/metacalbodyfatcaliper.html). It is used to measure body fat so any increase in muscle or whatever's in your stomach at the time won't affect your results. ^_^
I've tried several times now to start getting in shape but i just can't seem to do it, for no reason really. and its not like i weigh a ton and have a long ways to go, I'm just not as thin as i would like. I think my problem is i have no focus, motivation, self-discipline, and i have no one to help me really. my oly partner is my dad, and after falling off the wagon (yet again) I got pumped randomly (like i always do) and so we made a whole big plan and were really excited, but we never did it! I've been eating reasonably healthy, but i think i've been slacking a bit lately. i feel like i'm stumbling around trying to find my way, I need stability and a rock solid plan and etc. i am just not very educated in this also. and always, whenever i restart, i wanna kick it into full overdrive because i never feel like i'm doing enough and i can never see results, and i think i get overwhelmed so i stop quickly or don't even start. like when i did wii fit, everytime i lost a pound or two, it'd be right back the next day. and its hard for me and my dad to find a time for us both to do someting together, and i'm really dependant on others, so i feel like i can't do it alone. i have tons of ideas sometimes, but i never act on them. i'm lazy and i procrastinate. and i'm really confused. i just need to get my butt in gear and do it. i need motivation. help and encouragement and ideas would be greatly appreciated please. i want to feel better about myself and its really hard.
Well you really shouldn't be able to notice any results within one day. A healthy weight loss is about a pound or two a week so that is nothing you can see in one day. Also weight fluctuates a lot during the day. When I first wake up I weigh about 133 but when I go to bed it is closer to 137 or 138. The very first thing you do is stop worrying about losing weight. Do not check the scale everyday. You should check it about once a month or if you must once a week.
When I finally stopped caring about what I weighed and just started eating better is when people around me started noticing results. You probably wont see them because you see your body everyday and the changes are very subtle daily. My parents who I see on the weekends where the ones that first pointed out that I lost weight. Then a friend who give me a back rub a lot pointed it out next.
Looking at this thread everyday has helped me. It is enough motivation to get up and workout for me. I just need to focus on eating better and I should be fine. Oh yes, weight on a scale isn't a good indicator of what your body actually looks like. What you should do is take measurements. You will be able to notice if you are losing fat and gaining muscle. I have actually gained weight but that is because I started doing weight training again. I know it isn't because I was unhealthy because for a while I was playing soccer for an hour everyday then going to the gym for an hour too. I was also eating extremely healthy. The actual number on the scale is very deceiving.
Keep it up. In order to lose weight the calories that you eat each day have to be less than the calories you burn (either through exercise or your metabolism or both). If the calories are equal or you eat more than you burn you will not lose weight. If you are really determined to lose weight rather than just be healthy I would suggest starting a food journal where you keep track of all the calories you eat a day. It might not be a good idea to talk to a doctor and see how many calories your metabolism burns and how many you should be eating. That would give you a better idea how much you need to work out as well.
Gonna go on a hike with Kyle as a study break from finals~
Hiking = awesome 8)
I go hiking around once a week, but my friends are sorta slow, and are convinced that climbing all over logs is hiking -_-
I end up walking alone a lot, lamers.
Hiking = awesome 8)
I go hiking around once a week, but my friends are sorta slow, and are convinced that climbing all over logs is hiking -_-
I end up walking alone a lot, lamers.
-raises hand- let me know when you go hiking. i love hiking. especially if its near a mountain path. I like hiking just no insane hiking please. no overnight hiking for me. but this might not work if you dont live in the portland area.... hm... i should see what kind of omsi camps i can sign up for.
Going to work seems to be a huge workout. I walked over 5 miles today at work x.x
Holy carp (yes carp) Nikki!
I gotta loose some fat to be Megpoid Gumi!
Rollerbladed more than two miles today. It feels so good. ~
I want to get some fabric tomorrow but I don't know if I can handle rollerblading four miles to Joanns and four back. I have been working on my stamina but it's only been a weekish since I started so... :O
So I've had A LOT going on lately so I haven't been paying much attention to working out or anything since about early February. So after talking with my dad about my problem with drinking like 3 coke's a day we decided to stop buying it, and replace what soda we did drink with diet or low cal alternatives (I know diet soda isn't exactly the best for you, but I really need to work on my sugar intake so it's a step.)
So after non-chalantly doing this for a little over a month and trying to eat less (and I haven't eaten food at my workplace of Jack in the Box for over a month, I walk over to Subway instead) I decided to weigh myself as a joke on one of those scale things at the mall. In early January/late December I was fluxtuating around 149-150, as of a couple days ago I am official 135 pound.
I don't think I've been this thin since 7th grade.... 15 pounds lost, hopefully I can keep losing more until I finally have that figure I've always dreamed of. =]
Just keep up the good habits! Proper eating is key when you are trying to lose weight & get into shape. Congrats on your success so far Dubaby.
Congrats Dubaby! How do you feel? ^_^
Yay! Nice job, Dubaby!
I don't know how many miles I bladed today but I was out for four hours so it was a bit, ahaha~
Thanks for the support guys! =3
Congrats Dubaby! How do you feel? ^_^
I've noticed I have more energy, and that my general posture and confidence has improved. It's still kind of weird getting used to the change in how clothes fit, but if this keeps up it'll let me dip into some of the cosplays that I've always been too self-concious to try because of my build.
Come on ladies and gents I just gotta know!
Wonderful people of Kumo! What are your favorite healthy treats and meals? Home-made or store bought? Strict diet or relaxed indulgences every now and then?
Come on ladies and gents I just gotta know!
Wonderful people of Kumo! What are your favorite healthy treats and meals? Home-made or store bought? Strict diet or relaxed indulgences every now and then?
I try to mix it up. There's 3 different varieties of apples I've been eating lately (Fuji, Cameo, Jazz). Strawberries have been on sale lately, so I'm buying those, too. I'll have several different variations of how I eat them. Sometimes I'll slice up some pieces of cheddar cheese. Or I'll eat it with a handful of plain almonds. Other times I will eat it with a side of plain yogurt, dipping the fruit in the yogurt. Yum! XD
I indulge every now and then. I try not to, but it's usually because my mom has bought something that's bad and it's just too hard to resist. XD
I know lately I've been craving carbs like crazy at night! It's really hard to resist my carb temptations! Especially after a really hard workout . . . I CRAVE carbs SO MUCH.
Fruit is also what I use when I need something sweet...oranges mostly since I get them really cheap...on top of that they are organic & picked ripe rather than the garbage they try to sell in the stores. If we do buy anything dessert-like, we try to find very low sugar & fat sorbet or something along those lines...& we eat very small servings of those.
G/F & I have slowly been eliminating snack foods from our house. Instead of chips, candy, & other snacks, we have been focusing on buying fresh veggies, fruits, plain almonds, etc. Cutting snacking down helps A LOT...but it is definately hard to do at first.
We have been cutting our red-meat intake down to almost never & avoiding high fat bacon, sausage, & hamburger. Been trying to stick to fish & chicken most of the time now. We have always grilled almost all our foods rather than bake or fry them, especially the meats. So if we do buy something like bacon, we try to get really lean, lower fat & grill just a little up for each of us(used to just share 1lb. between the 2 of us >.<).
Finally, I have been forcing myself to eat much smaller portions than I have in the past. I always used to eat until I was full rather than measuring out proper servings. That was definately not easy for me to do as I love food so much lol. My metabolism is nothing like it was back then & I have definately had to make constant adjustments to my diet to match it.
Going to buy a new bike after Sakuracon & start riding it wherever I can in place of driving my car...gonna need some real commitment for that. I love driving my cars.
Bwah an hour of wii fit plus on expert. Very tired and sweaty but listening to awesome music so I am feeling great.
Ah wall sits.
We've made up, and we can be friends again.
I did wall sits for a long time (no, that is not what I meant)
Oh how I miss P.E. & weight lifting from when I was in school...free exercise & I had fun doing it. Now, not only do I have to pay if I want a gym-like environment, I have to find time to fit it into my days with work. My advice to all of you still in school...take advantage of that free work-out while you can & push your limits! Depending on your choice of work/lifestyle after school, it can get REALLY hard to find time for such things.
Oh god I miss those times as well. My school had such a bootiful weight room and they had rock climbing walls. It was wonderful!
I had some sort of P.E. class & a weight lifting class every semester, every year when I was in school. Probably the only thing that I really miss about it honestly. :P
you know what makes me mad, our school just got a brand new weight room and its all set up..... and we cant even step foot in it! thats ridiculous!
you know what makes me mad, our school just got a brand new weight room and its all set up..... and we cant even step foot in it! thats ridiculous!
That seems like a total waste of money/space right there...that is stupid lol. Do they have some kind of reasoning behind this?
Holy crap. I just got back from the gym. I am so sore. I didn't push myself until failure* but still .. eugh.
10 x 3 Rackpulls @ 95lbs (pretty light, but I'm just getting into this stuff)
3 x 10 hand walk outs
2 x 15s Planks and Side Planks
10 x 5 Squats @ 95lbs (again, really light .. but I'm feeling it out and afraid I'll tweak my back)
10 x 5 Lat Pull Downs
10 x 5 Push Ups (I did these 2 back to back with 30 second rest intervals in between.)
Needless to say .. my back, butt, thighs, shoulders, chest, and arms are SORE!
* In case you're wondering why .. I've read that pushing yourself to failure is bad for you in several ways. Probably the most important is that it tires you out too much! As soon as I start to feel like I'm struggling to finish a rep, or "grinding" it out, I stop the set and take my 30 second rest. I usually try to pay attention and notice if I'm starting to lose strength on a set well before I get to that stage, but some times you don't notice until it's too late. XD Plus some times the ego gets in the way. ^_^
Also, I am curious: what do you guys do as far as a post workout meal or drink? I drink a glass of plain, unflavored whey protein with a scoop of dextrose in water. It actually tastes good .. but .. I'm sort of a weird one, so feel free to take that with a grain of salt. Or whatever else you think will make it taste palpable. ^_^
I usually drink a full glass of water followed by half that amount of milk after I finish working out!
I find that the easiest way to lose weight is to find a nature path, get some music [some good heavy-beat music] and just walk for 1 hour, 30 minutes in, and 30 minutes back. EX. the Tualitin Hills nature park.
I joined Track.
Im gonna wear my Naruto track suit.
We got the stationary bike downstairs, so I'm gonna use that. And when the weather gets a little warmer and less rainy, I'll be going out for walks most to everyday.
Probably start walking home from school.
I'mma get on my bike this summer :) Brand new bike from last year lol rode it 2 times, once to work! and i took a scenic route to work cause i live so close lol. wiifit it mocking me though v.v
i can finaly exercise again! D: curse you sickness!
started up on exerciseing my arms with "we cheer" again. any one know of a good exercise for the abs and love handles that arnt crunchies?
Congrats on your exercise progress :D
I'm going to start doing push ups so I can easily carry around my Xaldin ma jigs :3
i need to start walking again.... the rain is not helping with the motivation. and now that my apartment has a weight room, im gonna go to the crunch machine!
i can finaly exercise again! D: curse you sickness!
started up on exerciseing my arms with "we cheer" again. any one know of a good exercise for the abs and love handles that arnt crunchies?
once i can get on the wii fit i can let you know lol
Dang... ladies skates are expensive! Thank god for my tax return! Although I live in a town built on and around a giant hill so I may end up in traction from skating! XD Still worth it! I haven't skated since I was a wee chibi!
i can finaly exercise again! D: curse you sickness!
started up on exerciseing my arms with "we cheer" again. any one know of a good exercise for the abs and love handles that arnt crunchies?
My G/F & I found a very affordable & easy to use machine for that. It's called an Ab Lounge & you can see them at several gyms. I'm not sure if you were looking to add any exercise equipment to your house but it works & you don't have to lay on the floor doing crunches.
i can finaly exercise again! D: curse you sickness!
started up on exerciseing my arms with "we cheer" again. any one know of a good exercise for the abs and love handles that arnt crunchies?
Ok found a great workout routine for me. I am so unmotivated to go to the gym. After class I want to come back to my room and not leave anywhere. So I thought of things I could do in my room to burn calories and fat and then it came to me. DANCE! I created a techno playlist that is about an hour long and I will dance everyday. I just got done. I'm dripping with sweat but I feel fantastic! I did 30 minutes last night and I was going to do 30 minutes today but I wanted to do more (that has never happened with a workout I have done). I may even end up doing more later tonight.
i dont really like gyms. why run on a treadmill when you can walk outside? or why do a stairclimber when you can find stairs for free! all that pretty easter candy... i want some... >.>
I wanted candy too... And ate some...
But I walked 15 miles (Charly has a pedometer on her phone, and we walked 5.4 the first day, so I'm assuming around 15 or 20) so I should be good.
My England pants were falling off xD
I've been feeling real sick lately so haven't been eating much of anything. Haven't rollerbladed in a while :O
looking to gain a few : )
I don't like candy much anymore. This should be a good thing, but it's sad for some reason. At SakuraCon, normal candy free for all time for me, I didn't have anything but some konpeito. And not even all of it, I ate only about 1/2 of one bag, the guy RPing Spark ate the other half. the other bag I only had like 1/3 of and the ones gaming with me had the rest. I bought 4 boxes of pocky, one I gave to a artist in the artist alley the rest to people I was gaming with. Then, I bought a candy bar
today yesterday and it just wasn't yummy. kinda, a little, but not the same. I lost my love for candy. This really should be a good thing. but I feel sad. Why?? ><
And other news. I am going start up SUCH again soon, I am thinking in May. I will be going to the gym a lot. I have goals so it will help me keep good on working out. One, get into a cosplay I really want to cosplay. Two, get back to how I looked in highschool so I look like I use to for a highschool friend who is coming from CO to KumoriCon. ^^
I don't like candy much anymore. This should be a good thing, but it's sad for some reason. At SakuraCon, normal candy free for all time for me, I didn't have anything but some konpeito. And not even all of it, I ate only about 1/2 of one bag, the guy RPing Spark ate the other half. the other bag I only had like 1/3 of and the ones gaming with me had the rest. I bought 4 boxes of pocky, one I gave to a artist in the artist alley the rest to people I was gaming with. Then, I bought a candy bar today yesterday and it just wasn't yummy. kinda, a little, but not the same. I lost my love for candy. This really should be a good thing. but I feel sad. Why?? ><
And other news. I am going start up SUCH again soon, I am thinking in May. I will be going to the gym a lot. I have goals so it will help me keep good on working out. One, get into a cosplay I really want to cosplay. Two, get back to how I looked in highschool so I look like I use to for a highschool friend who is coming from CO to KumoriCon. ^^
I'm kinda the same way...I used to eat tons of candy & junk food all the time. Now, when I buy some it lasts me forever if I don't just give it away first. The love for that taste just isn't there anymore. My snacking has gone to an all time low now & although it's a good thing, I kinda miss it at times.
During Easter, I ate 2 Peeps and 1 Cadbury egg, a few small misc candies over the course of a couple hours.. and I felt sick the entire night.
During Easter, I ate 2 Peeps and 1 Cadbury egg, a few small misc candies over the course of a couple hours.. and I felt sick the entire night.
Really rich candies like Cadbury Eggs just about make me wanna throw up so I know where you are coming from. If I squeeze a little candy in here & there, it's usually something very light & mellow.
I am fond of the 'tie a twinkie to a stick and run and chasit' method. ;D
I had results.
I am fond of the 'tie a twinkie to a stick and run and chasit' method. ;D
I had results.
Yeah but after about the 8th or 9th hour, you finally figure out how to get a hold of the Twinkie. And then you have to wait a few weeks before you try it again. Y'know, because by then you'll have forgot. XD
I am fond of the 'tie a twinkie to a stick and run and chasit' method. ;D
I had results.
Yeah but after about the 8th or 9th hour, you finally figure out how to get a hold of the Twinkie. And then you have to wait a few weeks before you try it again. Y'know, because by then you'll have forgot. XD
No then you graduate to pulling a rickshaw wagon with a friend in the back holding a fishing pole with a whole box of twinkies attached!
I am fond of the 'tie a twinkie to a stick and run and chasit' method. ;D
I had results.
Yeah but after about the 8th or 9th hour, you finally figure out how to get a hold of the Twinkie. And then you have to wait a few weeks before you try it again. Y'know, because by then you'll have forgot. XD
Or you tell yourself using reverse psychology you tell yourself "I'm gunna ketchitt!"
and you won't ketchitt... you gotta outsmart yourself... and give it a little jetpack or something... so it can escape your hungry chompers.
i wanted peeps and i got none... im gonna steal some from my cousin. he got 4 boxes of peeps! he will share. why? cuz he loves me.
Maybe I'll start taking a martial art or work out in the summer...
i ate WAY too much easter candy and now i have to work it off my playing immense amounts of DDR
I think I look a little thinner. I am going to keep up the dancing :D
Awesome. xD
Awwww.... Cream puffs and cheesecake and now even pocky hold no real appeal to me.... Except for the occasional super craving and those usually only happen when I am stressed.
apparently just turning on music and dancing is a good workout.
I realize how bad of shape I am in when
I played congoes yesterday and I was out of breath.
Having my bday party today. Eugh. It's ok to splurge, right? ;D
It would be wrong not to! Happy B-day Reppy!
Having my bday party today. Eugh. It's ok to splurge, right? ;D
Just no brownies or fudge...they ruin that girlish figure that you worked so hard to obtain :P J/K though...go to town & just work it off later :D
Having my bday party today. Eugh. It's ok to splurge, right? ;D
Just no brownies or fudge...they ruin that girlish figure that you worked so hard to obtain :P J/K though...go to town & just work it off later :D
I think I had enough bean dip and German chocolate cake to last a life time..... ^_^;;
Having my bday party today. Eugh. It's ok to splurge, right? ;D
Just no brownies or fudge...they ruin that girlish figure that you worked so hard to obtain :P J/K though...go to town & just work it off later :D
I think I had enough bean dip and German chocolate cake to last a life time..... ^_^;;
Mmmmmm...German Chocolate cake is so good lol. But I would take the bean dip over that anyday! Glad you had fun!
I did very good today I walked 22204 steps today (including an hour and a half of dancing). I just got done doing some dancing and I am feeling great. I have a lot more energy during the day. I am also going to try to cut back on the soda and replace it with water. Also apples and peanut butter sounds like a good snack tonight. :D
Dude I went to sakuracon and had processed foods overload.. augh. havent felt that crappy in a while lol
my mommy is a health foodie so i have like no junk food in the house D:
I'm not inclined to lose weight as much as I'm inclined to just get some **** cardio.. sitting on my ass at school all day doesn't really help too much. asdfhkljasdhlfkahlfakjsdfladksjf what I really want to do is learn ju jitsu or some other form of martial arts Dx
i just need a sparring buddy...
I found a book about focusing chakra...
It's so awesome. Seriously has nothing to do with Naruto though.
omg! if you realign your chakra, you get so much more energy and you feel better.... its amazing!
First time posting in this thread! But it needs to be done. I've got a pretty revealing outfit coming up for AX, and I have to drop about 30 - 40 pounds. I've been running for a half hour 4 days a week, and on the off days I'm lifting weights. Doing crunches and the Shake Weight every day, though. owo I've lost 5 pounds since I started last Monday. 8'D
that's awesome. don't push yourself too hard in the beginning, though.. you don't want to burn out! Just make gradual improvements. From week to week ask yourself, "what can I remove from my diet, what exercise can I do, etc.. to take the next step?"
also.. I'm personally not a fan of crunches. ^_^; I've just heard too many horror stories about them causing lower back pain and stuff. you should maybe look into some body weight exercise circuits you can do. I bet you could find all kinds of great full body work out stuff on youtube that can be done entirely without weights. heck, I know I've seen 'em myself.
also .. you said you lift weights on off days .. do you have any days that are just "off" days? like, nothing? maybe take the weekends off from exercise while maintaining healthy eating?
I'm not too worried about burning out. XD I know my limits fairly well. I'm gradually working my way up to running more and taking less breaks. I'll run 15 minutes, then speed walk for 2, then run for another 10, etc.
Haha, I'm not either. But crunches have helped me in the past to tone my stomach. Those and good old sit ups. I do enjoy other stomach exercises though!
As for "off" days, these past two days I took off due to my exercise partner being sick. But tomorrow we're back on. Usually on the weight lifting days we take it pretty easy. I've also been drinking solely water and milk, as well as eating all organic foods, fruits, and veggies. :D
That great Marie! I can't wait to see this costume :3
This weekend I am going to take base measurements and write them down somewhere so I will know if anything changes.
I. Am. Getting. DDR.
God, I love that game, and I need to loose weight, so, DDR it is >3
GLEE Soundtrack! Great to dance to!
Thanks! I can't wait either. XD
That sounds productive. I've been taking photos of myself every week to see the changes that have started happening.
That is also one way to do it. I may do that as well :D
Lol it's a little scary at first, but it definitely motivated me to start exercising again!
I took some pictures yesterday. Not horrible but it could be better. I think I will be posting new pictures every week on my facebook. I hope that I can see some changes. The next big thing that I need to be in shape for is our trip to Hawaii then for Kumoricon. So my goal is to be 36-27-37 by July. Not horribly hard, right now I am 36-28-38. So really an inch of my waist and hips :D
Unlike most people here... I'm actually trying to gain weight (muscle, specifically). xD It's tough because 1) I have to eat a lot of food 2) I have to eat foods that are healthy. It's hard to get a lot of calories when you eat good food!
Right now I'm eating a pretty typical breakfast for me:
4 eggs (360 calories)
2 slices of Ezekiel bread (160 calories)
2 tbsp peanut butter (200 calories)
Cheese stick (80 calories)
2 clementine oranges (50 calories)
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (120 calories)
About to go on a jog with Maddy! Yesterday we DDR'd and played some canoe game at the mall. And I do squats now to work dem upper thighs.
Why does peaut butter have so many calories? :O
Lifted weights while watching anime yesterday and now my arms are sore >.e
It's probably because I have been slowing down and chewing my food since a friend of mine told me I should chew my food better when I vomited
Why does peaut butter have so many calories? :O
High fat content? ^_^;
We took another picture of ourselves about 2 weeks after exercising, and wow, what a difference. owo If you want to lose weight, I'd say the best method is running for 30 minutes.
Unlike most people here... I'm actually trying to gain weight (muscle, specifically). xD It's tough because 1) I have to eat a lot of food 2) I have to eat foods that are healthy. It's hard to get a lot of calories when you eat good food!
ACK I feel your pain reppy. Im trying to gain weight too because being underweight is unhealthy, but I love eating healthy food. But the size of my stomach is small so I cant eat ALOT XD @_@ We should do some research on healthy foods that have a lot of calories XD
Right now I'm 39-31-42
Yes, I have huge hips |:.
I'm trying to get down to at least have it be closer and more even. BC
Unlike most people here... I'm actually trying to gain weight (muscle, specifically). xD It's tough because 1) I have to eat a lot of food 2) I have to eat foods that are healthy. It's hard to get a lot of calories when you eat good food!
ACK I feel your pain reppy. Im trying to gain weight too because being underweight is unhealthy, but I love eating healthy food. But the size of my stomach is small so I cant eat ALOT XD @_@ We should do some research on healthy foods that have a lot of calories XD
Avocados :D One of my favorites
We took another picture of ourselves about 2 weeks after exercising, and wow, what a difference. owo If you want to lose weight, I'd say the best method is running for 30 minutes.
ooooo I have to see this :3
I have been eating waaay too much mochi ice cream lately, thanks to the new trader joes in town. OYE!
So I had been really bad lately, I stopped working out and my eating got lazy. But now I'm back on track! I'm going to do the elliptical every evening again, and I'll talk walks after school if I don't have too much homework.
Also I'm going to be drinking a bottle of water instead of snacking between meals.
Right now I'm 39-31-42
Yes, I have huge hips |:.
Man, I have 44 inch hips. And it's barely fat, too, my hip bones are just giant.
I'll look so ridiculous if I get my waist measurement down.
Unlike most people here... I'm actually trying to gain weight (muscle, specifically). xD It's tough because 1) I have to eat a lot of food 2) I have to eat foods that are healthy. It's hard to get a lot of calories when you eat good food!
ACK I feel your pain reppy. Im trying to gain weight too because being underweight is unhealthy, but I love eating healthy food. But the size of my stomach is small so I cant eat ALOT XD @_@ We should do some research on healthy foods that have a lot of calories XD
Nuts are pretty calorie dense. I think avocados are, too.
Unlike most people here... I'm actually trying to gain weight (muscle, specifically). xD It's tough because 1) I have to eat a lot of food 2) I have to eat foods that are healthy. It's hard to get a lot of calories when you eat good food!
ACK I feel your pain reppy. Im trying to gain weight too because being underweight is unhealthy, but I love eating healthy food. But the size of my stomach is small so I cant eat ALOT XD @_@ We should do some research on healthy foods that have a lot of calories XD
Nuts are pretty calorie dense. I think avocados are, too.
Indeed they are...avacados provide lots of natural vegetable fat for your body.
Been making sure to eat veggies with each meal and counting my calories! Managed to keep my weight pretty even without working out so now that I know the optimum calorie intake I can lose the weight easier!
Squatz and oatz
Still trying to work out a lot. My pokewalker has been pushing me to do things. Me and Kyle have been taking a hike through McClay park two times a week and I've been running and doing situps 4-5 days out of the week.
I'm still kinda "eh" about being able to get a flat tummy by Kumoricon. I guess I know it takes a couple years to show super results or anything, blah blah blah. But yeah, as long as I'm keeping in shape I guess I don't mind :3
Yay my skates are almost here! Now if only it would get sunny out! Its all over cast and rainy! :(
I'm still kinda "eh" about being able to get a flat tummy by Kumoricon. I guess I know it takes a couple years to show super results or anything, blah blah blah. But yeah, as long as I'm keeping in shape I guess I don't mind :3
If you don't mind me asking, how much weight do you need to lose? It's perfectly safe to lose 2lbs a week. You have like, oh, 20 weeks?
I just got back from the gym. I did dead lifts, bench press, and chin-ups. I am one sore puppy. D:
why??!! i keep making baked goods! its just so addicting! i need to lay off baking... now that i have to be able to fit into my prom dress AND my cosplay outfit, so that means ill need to duct tape the baking stuff as off limits.
I would advise baking fruit filled things! Such as tarts cobblers and pies and either cut out a lot of sugar or use a healthier substitute!
Played a couple hours of basketball last night. I'm beat. ^_^; But at least this time my cardio endurance jumped leaps and bounds from the first week!
SQUATS ARE SO AWESOME. After days of doing at least 20 squats a day I can already feel my thighs getting leaner!
40 crunches a day for a week and mah muffin top is already gone.
But my boobs aren't.
Is there anyway you guys can think of to help me get rid of them?
40 crunches a day for a week and mah muffin top is already gone.
Woah seriously? I've been trying to get rid of my stomach forever, but I'm a total wuss when it comes to crunches.
TV seems more interesting from up-side-down xD
Crunches are so bad for your lower back. D:
soundninja - addressing your breast problem, I'd suggest some sort of cardio, whether it's biking, an eliptical trainer, or even jogging. When you do hard cardio, everything shrinks. That includes your breasts. You could also do some chest exercises to tighten your muscles in your target areas.
Going on a new diet and exersize routine for the con.
I'm looking for a way to loss a pound or two each week, which means heavy workouts and cutting off junk food. (Oh cake! I shall miss you!)
Anyone got any tips to get rid of fat...fairly fast?
So I'm not fat, but I have a bit of a Tum-Tum (Gut), So far I haven't anything outside of my P.E. class, but when I'm out of that me and my best friend are planning to get in shape. We're thinking diet plans and work out sessions. We gotta look good while in Spandex for Mega and Protoman.
So I'm not fat, but I have a bit of a Tum-Tum (Gut), So far I haven't anything outside of my P.E. class, but when I'm out of that me and my best friend are planning to get in shape. We're thinking diet plans and work out sessions. We gotta look good while in Spandex for Mega and Protoman.
Spandex...? @o@
I applaud thee. I'd never have the confidence to wear spandex. Good luck!
Going on a new diet and exersize routine for the con.
I'm looking for a way to loss a pound or two each week, which means heavy workouts and cutting off junk food. (Oh cake! I shall miss you!)
Anyone got any tips to get rid of fat...fairly fast?
Eat low glycemic foods. No carbs in the evening. ^_^; Plenty of cardio. Take yer vitamins and fish oil! XD
I... Can't ride... A bike ;.;
*feels very pathetic about this*
But I'll do my best to do some intense cardio!
Eat low glycemic foods. No carbs in the evening. ^_^; Plenty of cardio. Take yer vitamins and fish oil! XD
Hahaha, thanks! I got my Vitamin D and Fish Oil!
I just need a good cardio work out. Suggestions welcome!
Dancing is good. I have seen some good result with just dancing in my room for 30 minutes.
Speaking of which. I did my dancing and I am thinking about taking a nice long walk around campus its a pretty nice day out there :3
It is? *looks outsides and sees clouds, 50F* Where are you? ^_^;
i agree dancing is very good. thats how i stayed so in shape when i was younger... i should hop backinto it xD
It is? *looks outsides and sees clouds, 50F* Where are you? ^_^;
Corvallis. There is some clouds in the sky but not a whole lot :D
@reppy I'm too stingy to buy a scale so I don't know how much weight I want to lost (plus I fluctuate so much it's hard to keep track). Basically I want to get rid of the gross pooch in this picture: Do not click if you don't want to see my gross bare tummy and my legs in short shorts (http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a164/-Boogiepop-/24723_399566254578_706329578_499393.jpg). I just try not to get my hopes up because it seems like a lot to me. I don't know how that would calculate to pounds or whatever.
Also random "Bawww" I hate having a thick body. I look huge even though I'm not at all alskdjfksajdfoaejrkakjf.
Well, first thing you want to do is re-evaluate your self-image because I think you look great! ^_^ Honestly, I see no legitimate reason why you couldn't see abs within a month if you pushed yourself really, really hard. But I think 2-3 months is more realistic and won't kill you.
Dig the haircut, too! :D
(Also, for what it's worth .. it is harder for girls to show abs than guys. The safe BF% range for women is higher than men's. And honestly I think most guys would prefer toned, soft abs over rock hard visible abs on a girl.)
Here's a picture of what five pounds of body fat looks like:
(To be perfectly honest, I think the girl in this picture could spare to have that extra 5 lbs back in her..) xD
I gotta agree with Reppy, Nikki, you look great!
Lies about looking big >>
@Reppy- It's so hard though. I've got 'dem woman problems where I look in the mirror and see huge. I blame the mass media. Pushing myself hard I couldn't do with school. But 2-3 months? :D That lifts my spirits up a bit. Even just seeing small results by that point would be nice. And I'm just going for soft abs. Just a flatter tummy that isn't lumpy would be good enough for me.
And that pictures is absolutely disgusting looking D: Body fat just as is really gross and looks like earwax....
@Soundy- Thanks Katie. I suppose I should try to convince myself that being tiny isn't everything ._.
It's also possible you have lordosis, which can cause your stomach to be pushed out more than it should. If you spend a lot of time sitting in chairs, especially if you have poor posture, it can contribute to your stomach looking worse than it actually is. ^_^;
@Nikki: I also have to agree...you look great & I think you might be a bit hard on yourself. You could easily commit to your goal & have it done by Kumoricon. Just have to stick with it & don't cave in & snack unhealthy foods or skip exercise.
Those are my biggest weakness's...I love food so I have a hard time turning it down. Lately my G/F & I have just not been buying any snacks/sweets at all & trying to better balance our proportions for meals as well as not eating our dinner close to bedtime.
As far as the exercise goes...it's not that I don't like doing it. In fact, I have always been an active & energetic person. But these days I work so much that by the time I get home in the evenings, I just don't feel like I have the energy to do it. I'm sure that some of it relates directly to my health & not having any kind of steady cardio workout...but I don't exactly push papers behind a desk all day either. I do get exercise at work since I do work in a mill...its just not a balanced exercise that I can rely on to keep me in shape.
@Reppy- It does look like there may be a possibility that I could have that. I have 4 hour long classes and even longer periods of time when I sit doing homework. I will try and work on what that site is saying and probably double check with a doctor since I need a physical soon.
@Cyperous Yeah, the snack foods haven't been getting me until lately. People keep offering to cook for me and I take it because Poor College student=I love food.
I feel ya on exercising though. I'm exhausted as hell after school, work and homework. It's hard to push myself to work out.
it doesnt help that i got huge blisters on the pads of my feet and it hurts every time i walk. so there goes most of my cardio sinc i usually walk home from school. and then im exhausted after walking home so then i dont have the energy to do the crunches. we have a weight room but it doesnt have a crunch master!
Boogie - You could try working out in the mornings before you start your day. I find it's easier and more motivating if I work out after I get up. Also, if you don't have a scale, you could try taking photos of yourself every week to see the results, as well as take down measurements, and see how many inches you've lost.
I thought about the work out in the mornings idea myself...just doesn't appeal to me at all when I already wake up between 4:00-4:30 am lol.
I've been so inspired to work out lately.
I want to do crunches, sit ups, and lift weights.
I think it's mostly people calling me fat, and me wanting to show them that I can loose weight, and kick them in the face!
Cyprus - Oooh, yeah that would be hard on yourself if you already get up that early. =/ I usually exercise between 7 - 10 AM, there's no way I'd want to get up earlier than 4 to work out.
Sound - I was in your postion when I was in high school. I would get called fat, and it would motivate me as well, but it also hurt that they were saying those things. If you stay in high spirits and motivate yourself positively, you can prove them wrong. :D
That's the plan!
Staying positive! And glaring at those butt-heads in the halls -.-
That's the plan!
Staying positive! And glaring at those butt-heads in the halls -.-
here here! its even worse when your own family reminds you how fat you are. im a big boned person... im proportional...ish. it just makes me happy that the lower half of my legs are hard. im working on the upper half as well.
Well, I'm walking everywhere now-a-days.
I walk home from school, I walk to the store, I walk to friends, I walk to work, I walk almost everywhere inside the Olympia/Lacey area. My feet end up killing me (espeically when I have a 15lbs. backpack on) but I figure it gives me a workout!
I'm also trying out tennis for the first time this weekend. Wish me luck!
@Sound: Yeah, I know what you mean! My mom is always preaching to me about my weight. Which makes a person a bit insecure, but I'm going for it anyway!
I know that one too.
"Hey, Katie, when are you going to get off your fat a** and loose some weight?"
My dad when he's cranky.
@ boogie, Dayum, girl! You don't look fat or thick or anything! I can't tell from just the picture but your stomach looks like it could be smaller than mine and I've never considered myself fat or any of that junk so stop bein' down on yourself!
Curviness is goygeous. ~
@ soundy, YOU'RE SO AWESOME. You can do it!
I've been feeling pretty dang motivated too! Rollerblading with my friends, and I might start going on jogs with the guy I like! : D
Also, eating less~
Been DIETAN and EXERCISAN lately. Drinking more water, eating more greens. Running about a mile at least every night, also OATZ AN' SQUATZ.
Last night I even ran myself till I puked. Not fun though.
asdfghjkl I love squats so much. I do at least 50 a day now.~
But jebus, throwing up sounds suckish. :,O
So I played basketball the last 2 nights. My toes were kind of hurting yesterday, but I played anyways. They were really hurting the first game. Still kind of hurting the second game, but didn't notice it as much. Besides, I was kicking ass that game. XD You tend not to notice pain when you're doing well.
Well, anyways.. I get home.. and I take off my shoes.. and this is what I see..
(warning: don't click links if you're easily grossed out) XD
(Not even 3 days of wearing girly shoes did that to my feet!)
Ouch! Now that's what I call painful. That's gonna be hell to walk on.
I'm sorry! That sucks! D:
That's only happened to me once when I was doing a walk for world hunger. I stopped of my 12th miles, my feet killing me, took off my shoes, and found the bottom of my socks stained in red.
Geh, not fun.
Squats and wall sits hurt.
here here! its even worse when your own family reminds you how fat you are. im a big boned person... im proportional...ish. it just makes me happy that the lower half of my legs are hard. im working on the upper half as well.
yeah when i was in middle school ( now 20) my grandma would always tell me i'm fat. but I myself didnt think i was fat therefore i never excersized cuz if i was being told constantly that im fat when im not why bother? now im at the "official" (from BPI, height and weight) i am "obese" starting this month. before that i was Overweight. T___T so i have been excersizing now trying to look how i was in high school. (size 12-14).
I've been measuring and weighing myself every day, and so far I've lost one inch from my hips. I haven't lost any weight.
Today I did the elliptical for 40 minutes rather than 30 because I realized that I was only stopping because I wanted to, not because I actually needed to. So from now on, I'll do 40 minutes a day. Maybe I'll move it up in a few weeks.
Today I realized when I flex my stomach I can see four of my rectus abdominis muscles. im srsly scared.... O_O
-does no exercise what so ever except for p.e.-
here here! its even worse when your own family reminds you how fat you are. im a big boned person... im proportional...ish. it just makes me happy that the lower half of my legs are hard. im working on the upper half as well.
yeah when i was in middle school ( now 20) my grandma would always tell me i'm fat. but I myself didnt think i was fat therefore i never excersized cuz if i was being told constantly that im fat when im not why bother? now im at the "official" (from BPI, height and weight) i am "obese" starting this month. before that i was Overweight. T___T so i have been excersizing now trying to look how i was in high school. (size 12-14).
for me, thats the ideal size i want to be. perhaps a few more sizes smaller. i WILL fit into that stupid honey jacket!
*is a size 13* >>
*is a size 13* >>
Sizes go by even numbers. Do you mean that you're between a 12 and 14? Because that's what I am too.
What's it called... not exactly youth, but teen/tween sizes or whatever go by odds and adult sizes are even.
I'm not sure what my exact size is but it's more than last year so I gotta keep working >:O
Boogiepop- you don't need a scale. You'll know you're making progress when your pants won't stay on- even ten pounds will make a noticeable difference in how they fit.
My problem is gaining muscle- can't seem to do it. At all. Any suggestions, foods I should be eating? I've gone through periods trying to eat more protein, but it has yet to make a noticeable difference.
Boogiepop- you don't need a scale. You'll know you're making progress when your pants won't stay on- even ten pounds will make a noticeable difference in how they fit.
My problem is gaining muscle- can't seem to do it. At all. Any suggestions, foods I should be eating? I've gone through periods trying to eat more protein, but it has yet to make a noticeable difference.
Eat 1g of protein per lb of body weight every day. You'll probably want to supplement with protein shakes. Drink 2-3 a day. That'll probably be around 60g of protein. I buy my protein powder from trueprotein.com -- you'll most likely want a casein type protein, but whey and egg are good, too.
Good foods I can think of ..
- Eggs
- Oatmeal
- Rice
- Chicken
- Nuts
- Fish
- Turkey
- Beef
- Pork
Right now I'm trying to add muscle, too. It's tough. XD My mornings usually start off with a few whole eggs (3-4), couple slices of toast, maybe some natural peanut butter, some fruit. Also some vitamins, fish oil, extra virgin olive oil. If I'm having a "light" breakfast (usually because I don't have time to make eggs), I'll make a protein shake, too.
Btw if you can, I recommend you buy a bottle from www.blenderbottle.com .. I bought 2 of them and they work great.
You should be aiming for 5-6 meals of around 500 calories.
The exercises I'm currently doing to gain mass are squats, deadlifts, bench press, chin-ups/pull-ups. I notice after I do deadlifts or squats I'm super, super hungry for like 2 days after.
I probably shouldn't be playing basketball since I'm trying to gain weight. But man, it's so much fun. Cardio in general is kind of bad if you're trying to gain weight because you just burn up a ton of calories. So, I usually eat something very high in calories after basketball. Like, two slices of toast smothered with natural peanut butter and Nutella.
Boogiepop- you don't need a scale. You'll know you're making progress when your pants won't stay on- even ten pounds will make a noticeable difference in how they fit.
My problem is gaining muscle- can't seem to do it. At all. Any suggestions, foods I should be eating? I've gone through periods trying to eat more protein, but it has yet to make a noticeable difference.
thats my problem right now! my pants keep trying to fall off! and theyre so loose around the thighs! i got straight leg pants and they fit me like flares. its just my belly. i need to loose about an inch off of me belly. might start doing lots of crunches and other ab type exercises... perhaps work with the resistance band as well.
I think I'm giving myself a heck of a challenge. This summer I'm going to take a weight training class at PCC and visit as often as I can. I've got a skit where Inuyasha ends up wearing no shirt and I need him to be in good shape, if not powerful.
why??!! i keep making baked goods! its just so addicting! i need to lay off baking... now that i have to be able to fit into my prom dress AND my cosplay outfit, so that means ill need to duct tape the baking stuff as off limits.
make the baked goods and give to me? nom nom nom
Boogie, you look great, your tummy is not bad at all, it will just take a month or two of ab work to get defined muscles to show up, less if you can cardio the little bit of fat that is left around the belly button sooner.
I'm looking for some company with my cardio workouts if anyone wants to run/bike and lives around Glandstone. Its boring by yourself :/
I've been measuring and weighing myself every day, and so far I've lost one inch from my hips. I haven't lost any weight.
Today I did the elliptical for 40 minutes rather than 30 because I realized that I was only stopping because I wanted to, not because I actually needed to. So from now on, I'll do 40 minutes a day. Maybe I'll move it up in a few weeks.
If you're thinking in terms of how you look, not how much you weigh, then that's good! I've always been the type to worry about my weight, and not about how I look. I'm trying to transition my thoughts into noticing how I look, not how much I weigh. If you look good, then who cares what the scale says. :D
Also, the elliptical trainer is a good work out. But if you want a faster result, I'd suggest running/jogging. While it's much harder on your body, it causes your body to work harder and works your muscles harder than the elliptical, which lifts the gravity off of your body. I prefer a tredmill, because then I can track how far I've gone and how many calories I've burned. I go for about 35 minutes a day, and am pushing a little past 3 miles now. Before I was getting about 2.25 miles. It really builds up your stamina.
@ Katie I
In younger peeps pants, I'm a 13, in older people pants... Well, it depends. Yeah, I'm either a 12 or a 14
Boogiepop- you don't need a scale. You'll know you're making progress when your pants won't stay on- even ten pounds will make a noticeable difference in how they fit.
My problem is gaining muscle- can't seem to do it. At all. Any suggestions, foods I should be eating? I've gone through periods trying to eat more protein, but it has yet to make a noticeable difference.
To gain muscle you got to do cardio (treadmill I think is best) and you have to stretch you muscles after a 10 min warm-up. and then jog on the treadmill but the key factor is you have to break a sweat. Stretching your muscles helps your new muscles develop when you excersize. Also rotate between machines that target certain muscles but dont over due them and don't keep on using the same machine every day, rotate what muscles you target and have a day or two gap between working that same muscle.
I've been measuring and weighing myself every day, and so far I've lost one inch from my hips. I haven't lost any weight.
Today I did the elliptical for 40 minutes rather than 30 because I realized that I was only stopping because I wanted to, not because I actually needed to. So from now on, I'll do 40 minutes a day. Maybe I'll move it up in a few weeks.
If you're thinking in terms of how you look, not how much you weigh, then that's good! I've always been the type to worry about my weight, and not about how I look. I'm trying to transition my thoughts into noticing how I look, not how much I weigh. If you look good, then who cares what the scale says. :D
Also, the elliptical trainer is a good work out. But if you want a faster result, I'd suggest running/jogging. While it's much harder on your body, it causes your body to work harder and works your muscles harder than the elliptical, which lifts the gravity off of your body. I prefer a tredmill, because then I can track how far I've gone and how many calories I've burned. I go for about 35 minutes a day, and am pushing a little past 3 miles now. Before I was getting about 2.25 miles. It really builds up your stamina.
Oh yeah, weight is pretty much useless since muscle weighs more than fat anyways, and there's height and proportions to think of.
I might switch to actually running eventually, but I like being able to work out privately in my own home. Maybe when I'm more comfortable running around in short shorts and a tank top. I wish I had a tredmill, but the elliptical also tracks how far I've gone as well as how many carbs and calories I've burned, although I doubt that those are counted accurately.
Cardio- it's the bicycle or bust for me. Will do though; the weather's almost reliable now.
More specifically, I'm looking to turn a meager 2-3 pushups into 20. I tried a routine last year (multiple repetitions three times a week) but after five weeks had about zero progress. It was very disheartening.
You should be aiming for 5-6 meals of around 500 calories.
WOW. I don't think I could eat that much if I tried. But I will keep count of my protein grams; I need to make a concerted effort to get more.
I've been measuring and weighing myself every day, and so far I've lost one inch from my hips. I haven't lost any weight.
As others have said, weight's not the best measure. The healthy amount of skin you should have on your stomach/ribs when you pull at it is about an inch or less. I managed it for a couple years in college, thanks to hills, stairs and no car.
I've been measuring and weighing myself every day, and so far I've lost one inch from my hips. I haven't lost any weight.
Today I did the elliptical for 40 minutes rather than 30 because I realized that I was only stopping because I wanted to, not because I actually needed to. So from now on, I'll do 40 minutes a day. Maybe I'll move it up in a few weeks.
If you're thinking in terms of how you look, not how much you weigh, then that's good! I've always been the type to worry about my weight, and not about how I look. I'm trying to transition my thoughts into noticing how I look, not how much I weigh. If you look good, then who cares what the scale says. :D
Also, the elliptical trainer is a good work out. But if you want a faster result, I'd suggest running/jogging. While it's much harder on your body, it causes your body to work harder and works your muscles harder than the elliptical, which lifts the gravity off of your body. I prefer a tredmill, because then I can track how far I've gone and how many calories I've burned. I go for about 35 minutes a day, and am pushing a little past 3 miles now. Before I was getting about 2.25 miles. It really builds up your stamina.
Oh yeah, weight is pretty much useless since muscle weighs more than fat anyways, and there's height and proportions to think of.
I might switch to actually running eventually, but I like being able to work out privately in my own home. Maybe when I'm more comfortable running around in short shorts and a tank top. I wish I had a tredmill, but the elliptical also tracks how far I've gone as well as how many carbs and calories I've burned, although I doubt that those are counted accurately.
I dislike running in public, too. Although, I don't mind at all if I'm in a gym doing it. Everyone's there to exercise, and minds their own business.
Also, if your elliptical has the option for you to input your weight for accurate calories, that might help to track them a little better.
Even just a little excercise every day really can make a difference!
I found the secret to shedding pounds. I got a job as the night house-keeper at a hospital. You only get to sit down once every two hours and if there's an emergency surgery or a baby is born, man, talk about burning calories. I've lost 25 pounds in 6 months. I've actually had to start eating MORE to avoid getting UNDER weight. ^^
I excercise on the weekends mostly, in the past month I've lost nearly 30 pounds, and thats from walking everywhere. Got my Pokewalker to keep me entertained when I'm taking a break.
Edit: lost about 2 inches on my thighs and stomach.
I excercise on the weekends mostly, in the past month I've lost nearly 30 pounds, and thats from walking everywhere. Got my Pokewalker to keep me entertained when I'm taking a break.
great job. I'm tempted to get the new Pokemon games, but they've already taken so much of my money over the years.... (I'll prolly get it anyway they know I'm a slave to the franchise)
Haaa, yesterday Doe and I walked about 6.5 miles and then I went to the KumoriCat ball thing last night, while Doe and Nick went to Prom practicly just down the street.
I have barely lost any weight (besides the 30 pounds last month) but I have gained muscle.
The only place I've started having problems working out is my abs. Both crunches and sit ups have started to really hurt my lower back.
I've been reading lots of reviews of The Ab Circle Pro (https://www.abcirclepro.com/?mid=553679&sourcekey=N9AGSCHGGL&s_kwcid=TC|9833|ab-circle%20pro||S||5125866559) and I'm thinking I'll convince my parents in to ordering one (they think me wanting to get in shape is amazing xD)
What do you guys think?
do it do it do it do it!
I myself need to start going to the gym
I have barely lost any weight (besides the 30 pounds last month) but I have gained muscle.
The only place I've started having problems working out is my abs. Both crunches and sit ups have started to really hurt my lower back.
I've been reading lots of reviews of The Ab Circle Pro (https://www.abcirclepro.com/?mid=553679&sourcekey=N9AGSCHGGL&s_kwcid=TC|9833|ab-circle%20pro||S||5125866559) and I'm thinking I'll convince my parents in to ordering one (they think me wanting to get in shape is amazing xD)
What do you guys think?
If you do. You need to let us know how it goes!
My mom's been considering getting one, her one condition is that I use it too.
Won't that still hurt your back? Most of my (mild) back injuries come from twisting sideways...
I hope not >>
Get an Ab Wheel ;D
Reppy needs his girly/manly good looks for Chii.
the place I'm moving to has an excersise room :D this makes me happy
Reppy needs his girly/manly good looks for Chii.
the place I'm moving to has an excersise room :D this makes me happy
It's true. I plan on trying to gain as much muscle mass over the next 3 months, and then doing an insane low calorie cutting phase for like a month, month and a half before the con with lots of cardio. xD I did a 1600 calorie diet once for a few weeks and lost a ton of weight and had some insane abdominal muscles going on. XD I also *cough* used to go tanning back then. XD I definitely need to look into adding a little color before the con.. I don't want my paleness frightening anyone. D:
Haha Reppy your just a many woman right? I envy you though, you make an adorable Chii. for a man
That reminds me of this episode of Freakazoid, where the announcer interrupts the program to say, "We interrupt this program to bring you an important announcement. I am actually a deep voiced woman. We now return you to our program."
oh jenova, I remember that.
Oh Freakazoid xD
I've decided that I'm going to start measuring myself every day, to make sure I still get a good work out, and loose good inches!
Goooooooo me!
I need to get my legs a little more tone for Yoko from Gurren Lagann, I dont need people making Kamina's horrible remark about yoko having thunder thighs. XD
Body weight squats and lunges!
My legs are sore ><
I am going to start going to the gym on top of my dancing now. I will also try walking to a lot more places to help get in shape. I can do it! I know I can >:3
I am going to start going to the gym on top of my dancing now. I will also try walking to a lot more places to help get in shape. I can do it! I know I can >:3
Walking, I should do more of that hahaha
walking is more fun with friends
-looks down at tummy-
We haven't been doing to well my friend, have we? ;A;
I'm going to cut down on the bad food in my life as much as I can since I've been slacking. And I'm going to make sure I exercise every night to Techno. Keeps me in check. <3
I need to step up my game on exercising. I've been running for about a half hour now 4 - 5 times a week, and my average is 2.50 - 3 miles, but I'm starting to slow down on weight loss. My eating habits haven't changed from organic and small 6 meal snacks throughout the day, but I'm not losing as much weight as I'd like. I'm not really focusing on weight so much as inches, but I set a goal for losing about 30 pounds on top of inches, I just have to push myself. )<
Do some light weight lifting? ^_^;
Or go for a really long walk?
Or do both.. AT THE SAME TIME?
that... would be interesting, lets do it reppy!
@ reppy - I've been lifting weights after I run; light weights of course. I also have the shake weight which supposedly is suppose to tone arms and shoulders. Would you suggest more sets? I'm doing about 3 sets of 10 - 15 depending on what kind of weight training I'm doing.
@ Konan - I could pick up on walking on my days off; tomorrow we're hiking in Forest Park for about 2 hours.
I might try riding my bike around the SW area of Portland, as well. Although, I'm not sure how successful I'll be at that. owo
I go walking after school, then come home and dance for a little while
@ reppy - I've been lifting weights after I run; light weights of course. I also have the shake weight which supposedly is suppose to tone arms and shoulders. Would you suggest more sets? I'm doing about 3 sets of 10 - 15 depending on what kind of weight training I'm doing.
Shake weight? And why light weights? Are you afraid of putting on a ton of muscle? Have you tried doing squats or lunges? In my experience they burn a ton of calories and you can do them with or without weights. If you do weights, I recommend trying them out first with a 5lb dumbbell in each arm since you'll probably be surprised at how sore it makes you. ^_^;
If you're doing 10-15 reps, you might want to raise the weight a little bit. Maybe find a weight where once you get to 10 reps you feel like you have 2-3 more reps in you.. but don't try to lift past 10! In fact, at any point if you feel like you're "grinding" the weight to get it up, you should stop that rep and start a new once you've done your rest period. ^_^;
Jumping rope is a great way to burn calories, too. :O
@ reppy - I've been lifting weights after I run; light weights of course. I also have the shake weight which supposedly is suppose to tone arms and shoulders. Would you suggest more sets? I'm doing about 3 sets of 10 - 15 depending on what kind of weight training I'm doing.
Shake weight? And why light weights? Are you afraid of putting on a ton of muscle? Have you tried doing squats or lunges? In my experience they burn a ton of calories and you can do them with or without weights. If you do weights, I recommend trying them out first with a 5lb dumbbell in each arm since you'll probably be surprised at how sore it makes you. ^_^;
If you're doing 10-15 reps, you might want to raise the weight a little bit. Maybe find a weight where once you get to 10 reps you feel like you have 2-3 more reps in you.. but don't try to lift past 10! In fact, at any point if you feel like you're "grinding" the weight to get it up, you should stop that rep and start a new once you've done your rest period. ^_^;
Jumping rope is a great way to burn calories, too. :O
Shake weight is something I got at Target. It definitely gives your arms a workout. And no, I've never been afraid of gaining muscle; I already have a lot of it in my arms. I use lighter weights when I do faster reps, whereas 50 - 70 lbs weights, I use for my legs when I do slower reps. 40 lbs is light feeling to me. owo;;
As for squats, I've practiced wall sits for about 3 sets of 30 seconds, but I haven't been doing them since I've been running so much.
I also wasn't aware that jump rope had that kind of power! XD
Owwie... bad knees are making creaky popping noices.... :P
ok so I FINALLY jumped on this banwagon :) I was on the WiiFit yesteday and was not please with my weight :'( Let's just say that the Wii says I'm obese :-\ which if you've seen me, I'm clearly not. I worked out for about an hour yesterday and MAN am I sore lol I'm gonna hop back on here soon-ish after I eat some breakfast :)
Goooo PaperRoxas!
Shake weight is something I got at Target. It definitely gives your arms a workout. And no, I've never been afraid of gaining muscle; I already have a lot of it in my arms. I use lighter weights when I do faster reps, whereas 50 - 70 lbs weights, I use for my legs when I do slower reps. 40 lbs is light feeling to me. owo;;
As for squats, I've practiced wall sits for about 3 sets of 30 seconds, but I haven't been doing them since I've been running so much.
I also wasn't aware that jump rope had that kind of power! XD
Jump rope will kick your butt, seriously. I don't think I can do it for more than a minute. xD
Goooo PaperRoxas!
So I had a 45 minute workout today with my WiiFit :) Weighed myself before hand and it said I gained .2lbs since yesterday. Did my workout and weighed myself afterwards and it said I lost .4lbs from this morning!!! hecks yes!
If you do weigh yourself daily, make sure you do it under the exact same conditions every day at the same time. ^_^;
I need to start weighing myself everyday again. I lost the most when I did that. At 9am, right after my shower everyday. Always in the buff and always before I ate any solid foods. (my first meal of the day is always instant breakfast with milk and water, aka not a solid food. but then I get yummy wheat waffles and juice after my shower.)
I also got a image of the Meiko cosplay I want to get on my bathroom door and on the frig. It helps to motivate me. ^^
I had a really good workout today. I did an hour on the treadmill, not all running though. I did 4 and a half miles. I jogged for about 30 minutes then walked up hill the rest. I may do some squats later on but right now I need to do some homework :P
I have a hard time running in the same place for that long. xD Only way I can convince myself to do more than 20 minutes of cardio is if I'm playing basketball. ^_^;
If you do weigh yourself daily, make sure you do it under the exact same conditions every day at the same time. ^_^;
^^; good point haha
My son is so cute! And awesome. I am starting to do a 30 minute dvd thing when I wake up every day. I got them at the dollar store. ^^: He said he is going to do them with me to make sure I do them because I am happier in the day when I do them, or so he says. ^^ So I have my exercise coach. ^^ 8 years old and already so smart.
That is so cute :3
Yep, jumping rope is an excellent way of burning calories. And all it takes is a bit of rope. But it's also (for me, at least) a tough thing to do for any length of time. I suppose, for the space-deprived, jumping back and forth over a low rope would be as effective.
What on earth is a shake weight? So it's not excess weight from milkshakes?
Jumping jacks can be pretty intense, too. ^_^; Don't even need a rope for those!
i think that i gained like 5 pounds >_> i hope that its actually muscle and not fat : P
muscle weighs more then fat :3
So I was thinking of dieting tips the other day and I came up with a list.. I might add more to this later, but these are pretty easy steps anyone can take to cut back on calories.
- Metamucil. Yep. Drink it. 2-3 times a day, preferably before a meal. Get a big scoop, a big glass, drink it all.. wait a few minutes. You'll probably feel pretty stuffed, and that's good. After that, then eat your meal. (If Metamucil makes you feel bloated in a bad way, then find some sort of fiber drink that doesn't. It works for me and it's all I've ever used.)
- Eat all of your veggies first. Drink your entire glass of water. Wait a few minutes. Then eat the rest of your meal.
- If you're still hungry immediately after eating, try waiting a few minutes before going back for seconds. Sometimes it can take up to 20 minutes for your brain to catch up with your stomach.
- If you feel hungry and it's not time for a meal, try drinking a big glass of water. Wait 10-20 minutes. Still hungry? Grab a light, healthy snack.
- Eat slowly. ^_^; Take time to savor the texture and taste of every bite you eat. Not only will you enjoy the food you eat more, you'll give your brain time to get the signal, "Hey, I'm full and I don't need to eat more food."
- Make breakfast the biggest meal of your day. If you're not eating breakfast, you need to. Think of it as the meal that's going to jump-start your metabolism.
- Eat eggs for breakfast. I recently heard about a study that said people who have egg protein for breakfast eat less calories!
- Do not drink pop, juice, milk. Don't do it! Don't drink your calories! Unless it's a protein shake. ^_^
- Breakfast/lunch should be your most carb heavy meals of your day. Don't eat carbs in the evening!
- Take a daily vitamin and a fish oil supplement.
- Avoid fast food like the plague! XD But sometimes that's not an option, so make smart decisions. And watch portion size!
All of these are extremely easy steps that anyone can take.
So an example breakfast might be something like..
1 cup of cooked instant oatmeal, unflavored (212 calories)
1/4 cup 1% milk (25 calories) (note: I actually use less milk than that.. I just splash it with enough milk so that it's not dry and hot anymore.)
1 egg (70 calories)
4 large strawberries (25 calories)
~330 calorie total
Whenever possible, use a cooking spray like Pam or something that isn't going to add a ton of calories to whatever you're cooking. ^_^;
Half can of tuna (85 calories)
2 slices Ezekiel Sprouted Grain bread* (160 calories) (if you prefer to cut calories, use 1 slice of bread and eat it open face)
1 tbsp lowfat mayo (40 calories)
1 cup baby spinach with optional cracked pepper (10 calories)
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil* used as dressing (120 calories)
~415 calories, ~365 if you use 1 slice of bread, even less if you can stomach eating baby spinach without any olive oil ^_^
* I like this bread because 1) it doesn't have any flour in it 2) It's low glycemic. Also, the olive oil adds some extra calories, but olive oil is very good for you so we look the other way, k? ^_^
That's good advice! I definitly am going to steal a couple of those tips. XD
But for people in school (who can't get off campus) are usually stuck with two opitions are as lunch goes; deep-fat-fried food or a salad with no protein. And while, preparing food is an idea, it doesn't work in all stituations.
So, for those people who go to school, like me, I suggest grabbing a protein bar on the way out the door every morning. I get bars called "Pure Protein" and while they don't taste good (at all really) they fill me up and make a nice replacement for all the nutrients that I miss through the..."eh" salads they serve at school.
I'm eating a very disgusting mix of food. D:
1 can of brown tuna, a big piece of beef jerky, and .. some fruit leather.
Test, Talk to a nutrition. Advice is always nice but what works for one person may not work for you. That is what I say always. For one thing, I can not eat eggs, I get sick. Sometimes I am okay with them if they are in something like cake.. (although I have not had a cake since... the kumoricon meeting I went to.) 2, I can not have beef that often, less of it I have the happier my tummy is. It takes beef 3 days to digest, where fish and chicken only take a day. So my body likes those kinds of meats better. Where, someone else's body may not be able to brake down protein the same way a normal body can, so they need to have less of it. And others might brake it down faster then normal. Every body is different, so many different ways. So Test, any tips people give. Doctors also can be helpful, and nutritionists. Test things out to see what works best for you.
Like, the juice thing. I have to have my juice. I love OJ, and need it, but hate oranges. So 6 oz of OJ mixed with 8 oz of water is what is best for me. It is also a way to help me get the water I need. I have 4 Instant breakfasts in a day, but not full ones. I mix 16 OZ of skim milk with 2 packs of IB, then I cut it into 4 bottles. Then add about 8 oz water to each bottle. I have one at 7am, one at 10/11 am, one at 2/3 pm, and one for the last thing I eat in the day at 6/7pm. So that is 4 cups of water right there. It helps me keep full, and gives me vitamins so I only need one vitamin pill a day instead of two.
Normal breakfast at 8/9 am is wheat waffle (no syrup, yukky stuff to me and bad pure sugar stuff.) and my OJ water. At 12/1 pm I have my lunch which is normally 1 oz cucumbers, a serving of almonds, a mini wheat bagel (only 100 calls, I love the things.) sometimes plan and sometimes I add fat free cream cheese or sometimes I toast them and add smart butter (the kind with no trans. forgot the name of it... Active or something.) and then either pears, peaches, or half a banana. Then for dinner it changes. But either chicken and rice, or chicken and a potato, or Salmon and rice, or 2 servings of Oatmeal and juice (normally prunegrape 6oz mixed with 8oz water. Or crangrape, or cranapple.) The oatmeal is 4 days right now, but once I get more workouts in I will change it to only 2 times a week. I normally drink around 80 oz a water a day total. 8 to 10 cups. At the end of the day I feel full, only time I ever cheat is from wanting the taste of cheese or chocolate, never because I am hungry for it. Just depression. But my depression is a lot less since I started my diet plan. Once I lose my weight it will change a little, but not much. Will still have the instant breakfast thing. Right now I have 1400 to 1500 cals about that a day. Which is good for how little I work out. If I work out more I will add more to my diet.
this works for me, is working. It might work for you are it might not. If anyone wants an exacted measurements of the foods I can send you the chart with the cals added and proper serving sizes. It took me a long time to find out that the beef I ate was what was making me sick. Lack of beef might make others sick though so make sure if you try what I am doing to keep track of how you feel. Almonds are one thing to be carful with, some people can not handle that much nuts. So try a different protein at lunch if you feel it is making you sick.
Also, I sometimes have Benefiber. maybe 2 to 4 times a week. the orange chewables is what I like, to me they are yummy.
I second the advice to test any advice and talk to a doctor or nutritionist when available. Some people need more of certain foods than others. Like olive oil- some people need it to help break down bad cholesterol; others don't need it so much. And one fat is not necessarily the equal of another. (It doesn't help when nutritionists disagree with each other though.)
I can't eat a big breakfast. I just can't. First, most breakfast foods give me heartburn, second it makes me sleepy, and that's not what I need during the day. And yes, people have tried to cram bran muffins and orange juice down my throat in the morning to make me healthier; I didn't feel it. A hard-boiled egg or slice of toast does it for me. And I can sympathize about the beef thing- if I eat it regularly, I'm alright, but if I haven't had it for a while it doesn't sit well.
Also, be careful with the multivitamins. It's possible to overdose, because so many other foods are fortified. If you eat a lot of organic, unenriched foods, you're probably okay with vitamins.
One more tip- read all the labels of your food. ALL of them. You'll be in for a few surprises, some pleasant and some not. It's interesting seeing which products are healthy even without advertising, and which aren't.
And try to get as many foods as close to their original form as possible- every step of processing pulls nutrients out of them.
Been doing some yoga on the wii fit. I forgot how relaxing and fun it could be.
I LOVE yoga *3*
Uggghh, i know what you mean!!
I won't say that i'm fat, i'm just saying i'm kinda chubby.. around the waist and tummy area
I keep trying to lose weight, at lease 5-6 pounds (i weigh 110lb), but i keep eating
I'm thinking about buying wii fit. would you recomend it?
I wouldn't, but that's because I got all mad at it when it called me fat and I quit playing on it xD
maybe I should be more spacific. I don't need to loose any more weight, i just need to tone my problem areas a little and be a little more active on my days off (usually I just sleep all day and play videogames all night)
I've been way active-er lately but I feel fatter. Maybe I should start trying to eat healthier too...
But I love grilled cheeses! :,O
Make sure that it's whole wheat bread, and that there isn't an overload of cheese on it, and you should be fine.
PLUS: you are a beautiful skinny person. I have seen your Yoko, if you call yourself fat, then I am the size of an elephant ;A;
i really like this bread
As far as breads go, it's probably one of the healthiest I can think of. ^_^;
Katie, you are so sweet, you adorably awesome person you~! I think I might not feel too awesome because I went on a jog with the dude I like yesterday and he totally kicked my ass x)
I love grainy bread with poppyseeds in it, mmm so good. Guilty of overdosing on cheese though~
I've been stepping up my game! In the past week I've lost about 3 pounds. I went hiking twice this week, and ran 2m 30s more than I usually do. That seemed to help a lot. I've got about another 18 pounds till AX, but depending on how I look once I shave off another 10, I might just go ahead and start building my body armor, and fix it as needed once more weight and inches start to come off.
Awesome job! 2 or so minutes might not seem like a lot but it can feel like forever when you've been jogging/running for a bit already. Keep up the good work man~
I am working on strengthening my legs. I did a great workout now I am drinking my muscle milk, it will probably be my lunch too XD
I'm still sore/stiff from doing deadlifts like 3 daysago. eugh.
What kind of leg workouts are you doing? Also, how do you like Muscle Milk? I've never tried it but heard it tastes pretty good. (I just buy unflavored protein powder online and use that.. doesn't taste nearly as good..)
I didn't work out today. ;-; I been sleeping too much too... 12 hours last night. like 9 average last week. ;-; I miss sleeping less, I never have time to get things done anymore. But I need to sleep to heal muscles after workout days. ><
I'm still sore/stiff from doing deadlifts like 3 daysago. eugh.
What kind of leg workouts are you doing? Also, how do you like Muscle Milk? I've never tried it but heard it tastes pretty good. (I just buy unflavored protein powder online and use that.. doesn't taste nearly as good..)
I did leg presses, four different ways (both feet in the middle with toes pointed in, feet at bottom, feet at the top, one foot in the middle), hamstring curls (Not sure what it is called but where you lay on your stomach and pull your feet to your butt), the inner and outer thighs, and I did pull ups and dips.
I like muscle milk a lot. It is very tasty and fills me up. It also helps to regenerate my muscles :3
Thanks Osla. :D
It's starting to get more and more difficult to jog. I think I need to find my ipod and listen to music while I run. It'll probably help.
Also, does anyone have any good exercises for toning the lower stomach?
I'm still sore/stiff from doing deadlifts like 3 daysago. eugh.
What kind of leg workouts are you doing? Also, how do you like Muscle Milk? I've never tried it but heard it tastes pretty good. (I just buy unflavored protein powder online and use that.. doesn't taste nearly as good..)
I did leg presses, four different ways (both feet in the middle with toes pointed in, feet at bottom, feet at the top, one foot in the middle), hamstring curls (Not sure what it is called but where you lay on your stomach and pull your feet to your butt), the inner and outer thighs, and I did pull ups and dips.
Nice. I dunno why but those hamstring curl things always really hurt my joints. :( Any more though I try to stick to free weights only. My hamstrings are as sore as they've ever been after doing some deadlifts a few days ago.
I did an entire back workout today (with some planks, gotta get that core strengthened) and .. I don't think I'm going to like tomorrow, haha.
I like muscle milk a lot. It is very tasty and fills me up. It also helps to regenerate my muscles :3
;D You should be a Muscle Milk spokesperson!
Went on a 3andahalf mile jog yesterday, not jogging the whole time of course, I'm not at that point yet. Going on the same jog in a bit, I'm hoping to gain endurance by jogging every day =)
eesh that's impressive. Usually after 2 miles I'm like "ok, that's enough jogging for me." Unless I'm playing basketball, then I can usually find energy.
Today I did .5 miles @ 6mph, .2 miles @ 8mph, followed by a couple minutes of cool down jogging to warm up for my workout. My cardio is actually in a much better state than I thought. (i.e., I was a little winded, but I wasn't panting for breath, bent over, about to vomit and fall to the floor.)
Oh! I have a question. Yesterday I noticed that there's a lot of phlegm or something nasty stuck in my throat pretty much all the time because I kept having to spit this out. Will it go away after I continue to excercise or is it maybe a serious problem?
Edit~ Hacked up much less crap today!
Also, Avatar: the Last Airbender background music is great to listen to during any sort of workout. <3
I bought a swin suit! I now have a real goal!
I figure it was smarter to work toward a goal of looking good instead of just losing weight.
I totally wore myself out today, running off campus during lunch and throwing in some dance practice for my skit. (Yay~! Preparing for conventions is making me healthy! I still suck though. XD)
Well, I'm off to do some crunches...and probably some laundry. Yeah, a lot of laundry.
^ Awesome~
My legs are so sore that I can't even do a single squat, should I go on my jog today or take a day off?
I like muscle milk a lot. It is very tasty and fills me up. It also helps to regenerate my muscles :3
I think I might try some of that stuff...
Oh! I have a question. Yesterday I noticed that there's a lot of phlegm or something nasty stuck in my throat pretty much all the time because I kept having to spit this out. Will it go away after I continue to excercise or is it maybe a serious problem?
Edit~ Hacked up much less crap today!
Also, Avatar: the Last Airbender background music is great to listen to during any sort of workout. <3
It could be many things like allergies or a cold. But I think at this point you're probably just not used to using your lungs so much and it'll eventually get better. I know I've gone through phases like that where I wouldn't do any cardio activity for awhile and then jump back into it.
I am so freaking sore today, btw. My back is destroyed and I did 100 jumping jacks in a row today just to get my heart rate up. Give that a shot. Seriously. You'll be laughing around 15-20 jumping jacks, then around 50-60 you'll start to hurt and by the time 100 rolls around you're about ready to collapse. Try it and lemme know how you do ^_^
Hooray for being sore! I ended up not jogging today because I just hurt too much. Definitely will tomorrow though, even if I'm still in pain.
Will try the jumping jacks thing as soon as I can ~
Woo! i like it when i'm sore after a workout, it makes me feel acomplished!
so I gained another 3 pounds >.> BUT i think its ab muscle because i've been doing lots of ab workouts for pole vaulting...
Stair stepping machine's kick ass. All the tredmills were taken today at the gym, so I tried something different, and man.. I could only go for 22 minutes. I didn't burn nearly as many calories as I do running, but I sweat a LOT more with stair stepping.
I've figured out my new routine: 20 minutes running, and 15 minutes on the stair stepper.
Blah, been sick so have not been able to do my morning workouts. >< And last night I gave into temptation with some cheese and a hot fudge sunday. (The cold icecream felt nice on my yukky feeling throat!... >< )But, good news is the running around I do at work made it so I only gained 0.2 lbs. ^^ Now.. If I do not cheat food wise today and don't get sent home early from work then I should have a loss tomorrow. I hate colds. Runny noise none stop and throat hurting. And some sneezing but not that much. no fun.
I'm beat today. I played basketball for a bit over an hour last night. I did so-so the first couple of games and was getting frustrated by all the easy "gimme" shots I kept missing. But the third and fourth game, especially the third, I was dominating. You know you're doing good when people on your team and people on the side lines are going "oooh", "ahhh", and "he wasn't doing that when I was guarding him!!"
It was funny. The score was 8-10 (we play to 11), and for some reason I thought we only had 8. I took the ball from the top left corner of the 3 point line, dribbled in, spun left around someone, turned around and threw up a one-handed floater from about 6 feet out and nailed it. Then everyone on the other team looked really mad and started walking away. I'm like wtf is going on! Oh, what? We won? It was a nice feeling. ;D
Basketball is fun, I played it in 4th and 5th grade :D
OH MY LORD I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED YOU GUYS. Today I jogged for 1.7 mi without taking any walking breaks like I normally do. That was around 30-40mins of jogging since I'm slow as a butt. Then on the way back I jogged for most of that 1.7mi, though I did walk some because my legs were getting sore, I had to pee, and I was thirsty.
But yayyy~
I <3 basketball~
My brother and niece love it, too. I play 'Horse' with them every time I go up there =w=
I was baaad today.
I went to this place with my friend called "Mon Ami" in downtown Vancouver.
A crepe filled with banana and nutella, glazed with chocolate, sprinkled with powder sugar.. and a nice little blob of whipped cream.
And a black coffee (which was really good!)
Best of all? My friend paid. :D
Roddy, why are you always sick. Hurry up and get well and stay that way!
oslapedo - As for the phlegm in your throat, one place I looked said it might be caused by your body reacting to the reduced temperature/increased dryness. Your body will produce excess phlegm to protect the vulnerable passageways the air is in contact with.
A possible remedy for this before/after running is water with lemon in it.
Oh, thanks! I'll try that for sure ~
I had the best breakfast today!
It was poached eggs, on spinach covered English muffins. Then fruit on the side~
Best. Brunch. Ever.
Sounds delicious.
I'm really sore today for some reason, and in some cases, in spots I don't really recall directly working. Like my glutes. But I also did some foam rolling for the first time ever, so I think I may have uncovered some nasty knots. ^_^;
Did a nice 15 or so minute jog outside today. Then went into the back yard, ripped my shirt off, and soaked up as much as sun as I could for 10 minutes while I paced around a little, letting my heart rate come down.
Weighed myself this morning, and I was like three pounds lighter than when I started working out. Although I usually weigh myself in the evening after I work out, but I'm going to move the scale to my bathroom so I can weigh myself in the mornings.
Also I think that I look thinner... My measurements haven't really changed (My hip measurement keeps going down an inch for a day, then going back up), but I feel like my waist is smaller.
Yeah, I weigh myself in the mornings, too. Also: are you taking pictures? ^_^
No because I don't want to have pictures of my stomach. I'd take them on either my phone or my camera, both of which my friends go through, and I don't want anyone seeing my bare stomach.
load them to your computer right after taking them and delete them from the camera/phone immediately after. or you could tell your friends not to look at your pictures. if you tell them not to they should respect that. c:
(I've heard that taking pictures helps a lot...)
Guess who got a lovely new bike and is going to be riding it around lots tomorrow~?
P.S. The answer is ME
My mom?!
Oh, you? XD
(Actually, that was our gift for our mom for Mother's Day.. she wanted a bicycle.) XD
Well, it's my birthday tomorrow (well, today, now), so I just got my present a little early.
I missed being able to go fast. ;-;
woohoo i gained 3 lbs! now just where on my body did it go?
*looks at legs*
I should start running >>
Really?! Happy birthday!! How old are ya? XD
Ruh oh! NO LONGER A TEEN! XD Now you're officially an adult. Sort of. Maybe. (I'm 25 and still consider myself a kid..)
I am working on losing some weight. I have been working out 5 days a week and eating really well. I have been keeping track of my calories. I get between 1200 and 1400 a day and I walk a lot. Yesterday I walked 7.5 miles (2.5 was jogging at the gym). I hope in a couple of weeks I can see progress.
Hnnngghhh, my jog today was pretty dang good. I'm now going to take pictures every few days or every week to see how I'm progressing~
I have lost two inches in my thighs and waist since I started working out a week ago :D
^woohoo good job!
started back up on my nightly exercises! man my legs are KILLING me
I have tummy muscles!! I can feel them now, and almost see them. And yeppy! DVDs I have for abs and Core strength are starting to show! ^^
And.. not yeppy so cheated today. Had no instant breakfast drinks at all. And ate a snack tio (but ended up not eating the tots from them.) and 2 chicken strips and a hot fudge shake from Sonic work.. >< I feel so dead now. Cals for the entire day in one meal. >< I can not nap though, too much I need to do. ><
My friend sold my first born for a tennis racket, so it seems I'll be playing tennis a lot more often. XD
I'm so happy though! The new Sports Complex is done so my friends and I are going to play soccer and run around when summer rolls around.
I was losing motivation and getting bored from walking home and doing exersizes alone at home. :-\
Well I'm off to make some tuna for my lunch tomorrow. I'm so sick of eating the limp salads the schools have.
Do you guys know any good food I can make quickly for lunch and such?
Did more foam rolling today. Hurts ugh but I love it. Was also seeing myself in the mirror as I did it and liking how I'm starting to look more solid xD also did 5 mins of med-high intensity jogging just to break a lil sweat. Gonna play 1 hour bball
I am so proud of myself, but also confused.
I haven't been able to work out since Wednesday due to a cold, then my asthma flaring up on Sunday. And on top of that, I fell off of my diet since I felt so crappy.
But I measured and weighed myself today, and so far have
-lost 1 inch from my waist
-lost 1 inch from my hips
-lost 6 lbs from when I first started working out.
I'm really happy that I'm making progress, but really confused since I only started making serious progress when I stopped working out and dieting.
I never lost my appetite when I was sick, and the medication I have to take for my asthma is supposed to cause weight gain rather than loss.
Anyone have any theories as to why I'm only now actually losing weight?
Could be water weight and bloating.
If you drink less than usual, it can greatly change your weight.
Also, though this is more aimed towards the pounds lost, using the bathroom can literally shave two pounds off when you get on the scale.
That or your body is "catching up" with your exersize and weight loss.
In some cases when a body suddendly starts on a deit and intense work out plan, it can almost...confuse the body.
Therefore, for a while after you begin, there are not large results because your body is ajusting and catching up with you're having it do. Shortly there after, you can exhibit rapid weight loss before it mellows out to a more average pace.
I'm sorry I couldn't explain it well, but they are possible.
Ergh.. so tired. Played basketball for a good while. Even made the game winning 3 point shot for my team in one of my games XD Which was pretty impressive considering we were down big for awhile and two of my teammates were my friends that are severely out of shape and not really basketball players. :P But in the last game, about halfway through, I was guarding this guy and he kind of did a weird move and I ended up like. . I don't really know . . it felt like my arm temporarily dislocated from my armpit socket or something. I felt it jerk in a really weird way and then jerk right back. I ended up sitting out the rest of the game since it was kind of painful at first but it seems ok now. I mean, I can move it full range of motion. We'll see tomorrow after I sleep on it for a night. ^_^;
Starting Friday I will be on a challenge. A way to boast start my betterness. ^^: and to help recover for the being off due to cold I had and depression cheats I did last 2 days. first part is to stick to my eating plan (which I will be changing to 1500 to 1800 cals, will know why in a second.) Part two I have 6 dvds I got that are 30 minute workouts from the dollar store a long time ago, I will do them m-sat when I wake up with my son at 7ish. Part 3, WATER! I will not drink less then 8 cups a day. part 4, vitamins, I will not forget to take them. part 5, I will go to the gym to treadmill 4 times a week. Part 6, Then go to the gym for weights and treadmill the other 3 days a week. I will do this for 5 weeks. I also have work, so I run a lot there, and anything else that might come up. Who wants to take the challenge with me???
That is very similar to my plan. So far my calorie intake is about 1400 a day. With that I walk around 3 miles a day just to classes so that helps me work out. And I also have been going to the gym for at least 30 minutes each day (Monday and Friday are the 30 minutes). I also need to remember to take my daily vitamin and to drink more water. I am pretty sure I can do it.
I am going to keep this up till I see the results I want then I will work out a routine to maintain that weight :3
yay i finaly got celery! getting healthy food in my hosue when my parents go shoping is so hard! ><
my legs dont burn so much after my nightly work outs any more and my thigh muscles dont seem to have any fat in them any more either! yay muscles! im also gonna try to do the "we cheer" work outs either every night or every oher night as well to help with the rest of my body. the or playing wii fit alot more... and not being lam and just shaking the remote for run... but actual running xD lets go muscles lets go!
My shoulder is kind of tender still. D: I hope this doesn't affect my workouts because I was hoping to do deadlifts on Thursday. Maybe I'll do squats instead. D:
I ATE A LOT TODAY~ But I'm going on my jog in a bit so it should be okay *A*
Went to the doctor today for a checkup, and I probably won't be able to work out until like Friday. It's been nice though, so maybe I'll go for a walk after dinner today.
I got my diet back on track, though.
I haven't been able to work out this week. I moved on Friday and have just recently gotten settled. I suddenly have job interviews stacked one on top of the other and my other job over that. owo
I'm hoping that by next week things will be back on track.
reppy - when i was doing some gymnastics using the floating rings, the first time i did a full dislocation (a full circle) my shoulders felt like they were on fire for a few seconds and tender for a bit after that. If you did dislocate your shoulder without damaging anything you should be fine after a day or two, anything more then 4-5 days you should probably have someone look at it :)
Thanks. It seems ok. It's still slightly sore, like I can tell something happened, but it hasn't really affected me too much in my day-to-day activities. I wasn't able to do any squats yesterday like I had hoped, and certainly no deadlifts. But at work, I'm lifting 40-60lbs boxes and I seem to be doing fine with that so far. ^_^;
Must stop being sick! Its been one thing after another! Food poisoning straight into a debilitating head cold! Only good thing was I lost 5 pounds during the food poisoning stint. :P
woo' ! Lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks (= yay good eating and no Soda / sugar
Could you guys believe today's weather? It got up to around 74 in Washington! On the Western side no less! How was it in Oregon?
My pants size has shrunk!
I couldn't believe it when I went shopping earilier today. I went from a 16, when I started, to a 12! :o
I was on such a trip I actually managed to resisit a Klondike bar. (Which, I'll admit, is a challenge within itself self.)
Sadly, the tummy won't go away.
Ah well, I'm going to start running when summer comes.
Yes the weather was amazing in SW WA. I went for a 10-15 min jog. Then came home, went in the backyard took off my shirt, dumped my water bottle on my head then soaked up as much sun as I could in 10-15 mins xD
gained another 2 lbs >.> and track is over now. But I'll have to walk home part of the time and I plan on making a work out schedule for summer.
weather in oregon is great! And as for the klondike bar, just eat it if you feel like it. Sometime that day do 15 minutes of cardio and its gone, its not that hard to get rid of a snack. The hard part is remembering ALL the snacks you had, and making sure you work out to keep your figure for the long run. Hope you all are having a super night all :)
How bad is drinking for you? I'm pretty gone as I wright this but for some reason I don't think its going to do to much to my figure. ^.^
I'm anti-drinking xD but I dunno to be honest. Seems a lot of the websites I visit advocate against drinking, so ..
I guess to me it doesn't make sense to spend time perfecting my body and then doing stuff like drinking or smoking. ^_^;
Now that I feel normal. The way I see it, if you don't drink much, the body can usually heal/recover from small amounts of anything. If the food you put into yourself is not great for your body, it is the same as other foreign matter. So I guess a few drinks on the body wont effect my workout any worse then possibly binging on sweets like others might do. The only thing I'm wondering would be how long does any effect from drinking have on the body last, for my fitness and workouts, if there are any at all past the obvious effects?
I usually eat something reasonably healthy if I end up drinking. Really its more the food that you eat when drinking that causes most sickness and general weight gain and discomfort from what I have noticed. Like if I choose to have a bottle of smirnoffs rasberry blast after a really rough day I like to eat it with some steamed brown rice and sauteed spinach. But yeah everything in moderation! ;D
I ate really badly this weekend. There were some cute young girls selling Krispy Kreme donuts outside of work x.x I ate like 8 of them.
Today I worked out for the first time since I got sick. I only got a tiny bit of asthma about halfway through, but otherwise I was fine.
I'm also going to be going back on my diet, although I weighed myself today for the first time all weekend and I still lost weight.
Oh body, you're weird.
I was bad and had ice cream this weekend. :/ I feel better knowing that, to get it, I walked about 7 miles. *shrug*
Speaking of ice cream, I had three bowls of the stuff on Saturday, IT WAS SO GOOD.
Thinking about doing cross country this year ~
@camname21 - As long as your drinking is in moderation, I'm sure you'll be fine. I mean, we've all seen beer bellies, right? But it takes a lot of steady imbibing to get there, at which point there's other health issues, like liver damage. A few drinks every now and then shouldn't throw off a diet/workout regimen. Though they still contain calories.
I'm nearly done with my Ayla cosplay from Chrono Trigger, but I haven't found a con to wear it to yet. It's a little too cold around here, methinks! But I wanted to be able to wear it with more confidence, so I've been doing a mini-workout for my arms and stomach every night: 2 sets of 15 crunches, 30 bicep curls (8 lb. weights), 2 sets of 15 reverse crunches, 10 pushups, 15 tricep curls, and one 25-second 'plank' hold (which kills me every time).
So far I've been noticing a faint change to the upper abs, but does anyone know of a good workout for the lower abs? I should probably be throwing in an exercise that focuses on the obliques, too, just to round it out.
Hm I'm not really sure. I loathe doing direct ab work. ^_^; I get my core workout from stuff like planks (front and sides), hand walkouts, stability ball roll outs, pull-ups / chin-ups .. xD
I've been doing a lot of shoulder work lately. Mobility stuff. Like scapular wall slides. I think everyone here could benefit from it, since we're all nerds that spend way too much time slouched in front of keyboards. XD
So far I've been noticing a faint change to the upper abs, but does anyone know of a good workout for the lower abs? I should probably be throwing in an exercise that focuses on the obliques, too, just to round it out.
For lower abs you could do leg lifts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gI2SuaSYDk Or you can just hold your feet above the ground for a couple of seconds.
the leg lifts i've been doing has been helping alo with my thighs but not much to my abs. im gonna start doing more ab exercises and give the planks a secound chance xD heres hoping i can get a flater tummy before all thouse bely-exposing-cosplays come around.... not to mention swimsuit season
I am going to do the 100 push up challenge. Its a six week program. I think I can do it and if I can my arms and chest will look pretty nice when I am done :D
Yeah I've seen that! Just make sure you're using the proper form! ^_^
After watching this video I realized my arms flare out to the sides way too much. ^_^;
Leg lifts! I could cry. I'd forgotten about those (/blocked them from memory). My old karate sensei used to have us do those, and then tell us to hold 6 inches above the ground while he'd leave the room. Thanks, I'll add those into my workout! And that's some good info in the pushup video. Yep, I was doing them wrong, too.
Looking through this thread made me think of how much junk food I actually eat - I started today on an endeavor to eat a more well-balanced diet, with plenty of protein, fruits, and vegetables.
I miss my daily chocolate muffin terribly already.
I'm at work eatin my lunch xD Raw almonds, string cheese, fruit leather, and turkey with cheese on sprouted grain. Pretty good xD
I am tempted to try out this P90x workout. Unfortunately it is very expensive but a lot of people have seen results from it. Oh yeah everyone mentions that it is very hard though.
Weighed myself today. Didn't lose anything, but didn't gain anything either.
Typical second week?
Sounds about right. I've been stuck on a stint recently. Can't lose, but I'm not gaining.
I think I need to start a more intense work out but that can take up quite a bit of time. :-\ I think I'll start the 100 Push-Up Challenge and continue it into the summer. Than, I'll take the 100 Squat Challenge along with lots of walks...bring on the burn.
I did so many push-ups yesterday. I didn't even keep count but it was probably close to 50 (not in a row there was a time gap between them). I also worked my core pretty hard. Its a little sore today.
The workout plan today is 30 minutes of cardio and leg strengthening.
I need to start getting to bed on time, and stop cheating on my diet. I was doing so good yesterday, missed breakfast since I overslept. (until 9:45) and ended up only having the Almonds part of my lunch. but was doing good on the rest. Until about 7ish, when I should have just had my last instant breakfast drink. I ended up, after having drink, eating until like 12. I ate too much last night. rice, chew main (spelling?), fried shrimp, cheese (which I don't like that much even.), 2 pieces of white bread, 2 pieces of a white chocolate candy (which I don't even like much so don't even know why I had it.), a microwave mini cake thing, and diet cream soda. >< all from 7 to 12. And I have not been doing my morning dvds with my son because I keep oversleeping until after 9. I need to find a way to stick to everything better. I have a great easy to use chat list thing to mark in and everything, yet I still miss doing things I need to do. ><
any tips on how to keep to my chart? other then someone else helping me, my son is too young to coach me any, have no friends I see enough in person to coach me in a friend way, and my parents won't do it. I need tips on how to coach myself, push myself to keep on track. be my own Jillian.. hehe, sorry, a bad biggest loser joke. ><
Set up a rewards system that doesn't involve food? ^_^; When I was trying to lose weight (at one point I was 205lbs, got down to 155lbs, now I'm 165lbs and trying to put on more muscle) I put up little pieces of paper all over the house with my target goal. ESPECIALLY on the fridge and food pantry! XD
rewards system is good. Movies, manga, dresses, purses and/or cute bags. Tried that a long time ago, but don't remember if it worked so trying again won't hurt.
I have the Meiko cosplay I want up in a lot of places, my mom took it off the frig and of the wall by the TV upstairs though. >< two places I need it the most. by the TV because it helps me keep going when I do the dvds.
*now runs off to work before she is late.* ><
And congrats on that lose! it is a big number. and muscle is an awesome awesome thing. Just sit there and lose weight after a workout! ^^ and it looks neat.
Thanks. I've been working really hard on my back lately. I've noticed some muscle development, so that's very good. My lower back still needs work. I received a back massage from a friend last month and she commented how my upper back was hard but my lower back soft. She didn't mean anything by it, but ouch! xD Of course one of my motivations in improving my back is to correct some postural issues. Since we're all nerds here, we spend way too much time in chairs in front of computers. So, we develop shoulder/upper back issues (kyphosis (http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/4234/9499c.jpg)) and lower back issues (lordosis (http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/2619/lordosis2.jpg)).
For lordosis, I've been doing supine bridges (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrFb1urFuyQ) and bird dogs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzffg0V9xhk). For kyphosis, I do scapular wall slides (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k2kqyzz3Ug), push ups (with correct form), and foam rolling. ^_^;
(Note: those pictures look like pretty extreme cases of either condition. Most people have it much more subtly than that.)
I kinda feel like I should post here, mostly cause I'm the same boat as most here
I'm looking into cosplaying my first time the con, and I need to lose a lot of weight to even come close to fitting in my 2% completed costume XD
Mostly the fight has been slow, I got an odometer to measure my steps in a day and that's helped me walk a lot but only so far.
The big thing I wanted to push was something I've been trying for a little bit is "Xenadrine".
Now I don't get paid or have any association with them, but they are doing me some good, so let’s spread the news.
one bottle with 60 pills cost me about $22 and I bought from Wal-mart, you take about 2 pills before each meal, and they say that for best results go 45 days on this schedule.
which adds up to about $115 for enough pills to last 45 days, so it is a bit much to get, but it's been nearly a week, and I've already lost some weight (about 5 lb) plus the energy boost is supposed to be the equivalent of 2 cups of coffee, and as I don't drink much caffeine, both the energy it gives me (as well as the side effects) are hitting hard.
The bad part is the cost as it's an investment, and the caffeine headache, which tend to go away with a large bottle of water.
The good parts are the weight loss, and the energy I get from the pills.
So I just wanted to recommend it, as it's really worth a poke for the larger set folk looking for a schedule and helping hand. XP
P.S. Yes I see the irony here XD
^ if my weight loss plan doesn't work, then I'll try that.
I haven't jogged since some time last week and I've been eating lots of deliciously bad food... but my calves feel toner for some reason!
I'm always nervous about weight loss pills. I dunno. It's like equivalent exchange in Full Metal Alchemist xD What are you giving up to lose weight? If all you do is take a pill, well .. you might lose weight, but there's an unknown cost to you. It might be that you never develop enough discipline to lose weight and you end up gaining it right back once you stop taking pills. Or, it could harm your body in some unknown way. ^_^; Plus if you're someone like me that has anxiety / panic disorder, all that extra caffeine is a big no no. ^_^;
I'm not trying to come down on anyone, so I hope it doesn't come across that way. ^_^
I had a good workout today. I have a fitness goal to try to reach before school gets out. I would like to be able to run three miles in 30 minutes. Today I ran at that pace for 15 minutes and I am going to push myself another minute at least tomorrow. If I keep up this rate I imagine by June 12 I will be able to do it. Who knows though =/
I also did squats with weights for the first time in a long time today so I imagine my legs are going to be hella sore tomorrow. Maybe latter tonight I will do a few more leg workouts and then stretch.
Whoot for plan B ;D
It's all good, personally my problem isn't muscle as I as I have that, it's literally fat
The pill helps burn fat and gives me more energy, the gain is that
The loss is going to be increase of spaz levels, side effects from caffeine, which make me bounce around a lot and headaches, which aren't bad, but they are defiantly coming and going.
Also I am always hungry it's speed my metabolism so if I don't watch myself then I'll eat bad when on pill, and when off I'll eat bad cause well old habits die hard XD
Shrug, the risks out weight the costs I suppose, maybe I can get by just losing an arm and a leg...course then I get all new metaly once, and wouldn't that be just awesome XD
I did good on the treadmill today! ^^ so proud of myself because I got super depressed after work. (felt so invisible there today, I was so excited about so much but had no one to talk to, even the guy that came in when I was leaving, who normally lets me talk to him a little was ignoring me.) But I still went! ^^
Reppy - both the kyphosism and the lordosis links lead to the lordosis image. I might have those issues. Been a computer junkie since .. well, around 6th grade. I have a hump, small one, on my back, right where the neck meets the back, that I don't see on people very often. Normally only see it on others who are overweight or a little overweight with long necks like me. Not sure if it is from kyphosism and/or lordosis or not. but it bugs me so much and if those exercises can get rid of it I am so doig them all the time.
and I love how you put the pills thing, equivalent exchange. I am always afraid of diet pills. I gave in and been trying SlimQuick, which is almost all gone. But I don't feel like it's helping with any weight stuff. the caffeine... a whole lot of it, 2 coffee cups worth each pill and I take 2 pills a day, has just brought back my insomnia and caffeine withdraw headache I get at night. going to be so hard to lose though again once the bottle is empty. It seems to help my mood a little though, when I am done with it I am going to find a supplement/vitamin that is the same as what they use in their pills for the mood part.
Reppy - both the kyphosism and the lordosis links lead to the lordosis image. I might have those issues. Been a computer junkie since .. well, around 6th grade. I have a hump, small one, on my back, right where the neck meets the back, that I don't see on people very often. Normally only see it on others who are overweight or a little overweight with long necks like me. Not sure if it is from kyphosism and/or lordosis or not. but it bugs me so much and if those exercises can get rid of it I am so doig them all the time.
and I love how you put the pills thing, equivalent exchange. I am always afraid of diet pills. I gave in and been trying SlimQuick, which is almost all gone. But I don't feel like it's helping with any weight stuff. the caffeine... a whole lot of it, 2 coffee cups worth each pill and I take 2 pills a day, has just brought back my insomnia and caffeine withdraw headache I get at night. going to be so hard to lose though again once the bottle is empty. It seems to help my mood a little though, when I am done with it I am going to find a supplement/vitamin that is the same as what they use in their pills for the mood part.
I fixed the image link. I think I'm starting to notice a difference. I remember several months ago looking at myself in the mirror, feeling that my head was sticking forward too far. But, I looked all around me and it seemed like most people looked like that .. so I figured hey, that must be how people look .. right? Nope. We just all have kyphosis or something. xD
Been awhile since I've been in here. Mostly because I really wasn't trying that hard to lose weight, I just, didn't care even though I really do need to and want to lose some extra baggage.
But this morning I decided I wanted to wear some shorter pants since it's been so warm lately and the only thing I had that was clean and that I felt like wearing was a pair of capri's. Now in the past these have been like my tightest pair of pants. So I put them on knowing I'd be in pain later and they came on so easily and I could even pull them away an inch or two. I dunno if I lost weight or if the pants some how stretched but I am happy to know I can wear these pants more easier now.
yay! great job! ;D
I weighed myself again today. I lost 2 pounds since Monday.
I'm trying to figure out how that happened.
30 bicep curls (8 lb. weights)
OMFG so cute ^.^
For those who do leg lifts, if you don't feel it in the abs try lifting higher, holding your arms in different positions or under your back, keep your back and legs straight, or do 90 degree leg lift reps. Lots of different ways to do leg lift exercises out there, you just have to try them all and pick the ones you enjoy.
I am tempted to try out this P90x workout. Unfortunately it is very expensive but a lot of people have seen results from it. Oh yeah everyone mentions that it is very hard though.
I've been very good with my diet lately. I can see the difference :3
But the other day I was sitting with my friends and bitching about how fat I am, and they all told me to shut up. They reminded me how crazy overweight I used to be, and I got really proud x3
I've been very good with my diet lately. I can see the difference :3
But the other day I was sitting with my friends and bitching about how fat I am, and they all told me to shut up. They reminded me how crazy overweight I used to be, and I got really proud x3
You look good lady! Keep it up because it's working.
As for myself...I haven't worked out a single minute per-say...I work 70hrs a week in a mill though & have been eating smaller portions & healthier foods. Honestly can't say if it's working since I never weigh myself...but it makes me feel better so it's good enough for me lol.
You look great, Chris, if you worked out anymore than you did, you would be so worn out all the time that you couldn't move :P
And thanks, I like to think I look much better then I did a while ago.
i havent been working out recently... which isnt good... but i have been eating pasta instead of pizza!
Sounds like a good choice :D
The ho hoes were right next to the yogurt and I chose the yogurt TAT
I'm so proud of myself!
I am already really worn out all the time that you guys see me :'( But at least it keeps me in decent shape for the most part...& keeps money in my pockets.
Just got done doing my weights. I did dead lifts, bent over rows, and a military press today. Dead lifts are hard. It has been so long since I did those x.x
Dead lifts are awwweesome. XD
I am already really worn out all the time that you guys see me :'( But at least it keeps me in decent shape for the most part...& keeps money in my pockets.
Yeah, so you should be good on the whole weight scene. YOU AND YOUR DAMNED SPICY FOOD.
I saw it and I just couldn't resist >.<
Well I plan on cosplaying Chad and maybe Beat (TWEWY, thanks to suggestions), so I'm gonna have to put on lots of muscle, which I planned to do anyways. I can already shoulder press 250 lbs, but I can only butterfly around 130 :( Push ups are needed.
Oh man. I did squats, dips, pull ups and bench press today. Walking up the stairs was hard afterwords.
On squats I did up to 145 (started at 105)
Pull ups (weight assisted was somewhere around 70 lbs)
Dips about 100 lbs on my 5th set
Bench 60.
What I have been doing is 5x5 and increasing the weight by one increment (for squats 10lbs, pull ups and dips it was one little rug thingy, and bench press 10lbs.
My mom said she thought my arms looked bigger before I even told her I was doing strength training so that is good news :D
Woke up this morning to a comment on my Ayla costume on Cosplay.com: "I didnt know that when you sign into cosplay.com it also comes with 2 free tickets to the gun show."
Hee! This makes me happy. I've been in need of some upper body strength anyways, and apparently the work shows!
And I've been doing good at eating healthier, though I still miss my junk food. Question, though: I thought while eating healthier, I'd start taking the multivitamins my doctor's been telling me to take. Does anyone else get sick when they take a vitamin pill? Taking the One A Day brand actually makes me throw up. Which defeats the purpose of the healthy meal I just ate. So I switched to Flintstone's Chewable Vitamins. Om nom. They go down just fine, but don't contain as many nutrients. Maybe I just have a sensitive stomach?
I take one a days and they don't make me sick at all....sometimes they turn my urine a funny color but that is about it XD You do need to make sure you are getting the right amount of vitamins so it doesn't matter what you really take as long as you are getting what you need.
I started taking some multivitamin tablets as well, they're called Therems-M, and I haven't noticed any side effects. They're prescription though (I think lol).
And I found out there's a gym in my town (I can't believe I missed it, this place is tiny), so I'm gonna see how much the membership costs so I can start going =]
It's possible that you were getting enough vitamins from your food already, so the supplement caused you to have too much, or perhaps you're allergic to one of the ingredients. In some countries you can't buy supplements without a prescription because they don't want people overdosing. You'll probably be fine taking the Flintstone ones... just be sure you're eating healthy enough to cover everything.
today, I biked to the library. On my way back, I decided to take a shortcut...well, that shortcut turned out to be entirely up hill I was so tired when I got home.
Well I just got back from the Voodoo Too/Mall Meet up, and I feel fat. Time for some crunches.
i did my leg lifts, crunchies... and i even did planks.... last night.... my abs and legs hurt just a tiny bit but im hoping i'll get more into shape!
I'm in California right now, and I feel crazy fat! I need to go runnnnnning!
These chicks have b-e-a-utiful legs >.>
And I want to do crazy amounts of crunches, but they hurt my back crazy bad ;.;
@nyahaha I love big hills, its one of the only thing that gets me completely out of breath before the muscles give out.
@sound Try an exercise ball. If exercises are done the right way with them, they are suppose to be the best thing you can use for your abs.
i did my exercises again! my tummy feels slightly flatter allready but it might just be my imagination
Oh lord. I got a gym membership here and I did a little workout and I was able to do 10 dips without weight assistance. It was hard x.x
Dips are awesome. XD
I just want to get to the point where I can do that many pull ups XD
^ Oh god pull ups *looks horrified*
I did a bunch of crunches and I've been running up and down a two mile hill all weekend. I FEEL WONDERFUL *3*
Dare I ask what dips are?
I'm still not seeing much progress on my abs (I've kinda got a 4-pack going, but I'd like the whole 6), but I'm definitely noticing a difference in my arms! Yay for bicep curls. I've noticed picking up heavy items at work doesn't require hardly any strain anymore.
I just want to get to the point where I can do that many pull ups XD
Yeah I hear you, haha. :) From what I understand, best way to improve your pull-ups / chin-ups is to just do them! The program I've heard prescribed for that is to just do as many as you can every single day for a single set. So, get up on the bar, use proper form, and do as many as you can until failure. Then you're done for the day. Don't try to do anymore. Repeat the next day.
It's important to keep track of your progress. I've been doing this now with push-ups. ^_^;
(Another good one I've done myself is to do 1 rep, rest 30s, do 2 reps, rest 30 secs, etc. repeat until you hit 5. Do that twice and you've performed 30 reps.)
Dare I ask what dips are?
I'm still not seeing much progress on my abs (I've kinda got a 4-pack going, but I'd like the whole 6), but I'm definitely noticing a difference in my arms! Yay for bicep curls. I've noticed picking up heavy items at work doesn't require hardly any strain anymore.
I've heard that the appearance of your abs is largely genetic. . .
And these are dips (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLI0MUe1k28).
Dare I ask what dips are?
I'm still not seeing much progress on my abs (I've kinda got a 4-pack going, but I'd like the whole 6), but I'm definitely noticing a difference in my arms! Yay for bicep curls. I've noticed picking up heavy items at work doesn't require hardly any strain anymore.
I can not stress this enough. Just doing ab workouts wont give you a six pack. You may have the abs you want but if you don't eat right you wont see them. In order to see abs you need to lose fat around your stomach. That is what is keeping mine from showing through so eat low fat foods and do cardio to burn off the fat. Every person in the world is capable of having a six pack. The reason why so many don't is because their body fat % is too high. It needs to be pretty low to show up.
thank you much for that imput nikki <3
i played more wecheer today.... my arms always ache after playing that game....
It is a good idea to still do those exercises though to build up strength to improve your posture and what not. Unfortunately the cardio and eating right is the problem I have. I can't seem to do either for very long =/
Yeah, it's tough.. especially if you live with people that eat bad food. D:
I'm walking instead of driving to Pat's today :D
just biked about 4 miles =_= after biking home from school.
So I biked to the library, from my mom's house all fine and dandy, only about 1.5 miles. Then to my dads house, about .5 miles away. When I went back to my mom's house, I took a wrong turn...the street looked almost exactly the same as the street I'm suposed to take. It was a huge hill, just like the other street. but at the top, it was a dead end. So I biked back down and turned down another street that branched off of this one, thinking it went through. well, it didn't so i biked back to the main road and continued up it and found the correct street. by then my legs were killing me from the previous hill. Well, up the correct hill i went and back to my house. I could barely make it up my driveway walking my legs were so weak =.=
I think i got my excersise in for today xD but i'll still do abwork before bed
God. My work out plan is so lame. I run, jog, or walk. That's it.
I've seriously got to get my legs into shape if I'm going to flash a miniskirt.
God. My work out plan is so lame. I run, jog, or walk. That's it.
I've seriously got to get my legs into shape if I'm going to flash a miniskirt.
Give those a shot. xD
I've got to get in shape too for con. I've really let myself get weak, where walking to class is about all the exercise I get >>; If my bike was fixed I'd ride it, but that costs money..
Basically I need a whole refresh on getting in shape: arms, legs, abs, back...
Namely it's because I can't barely lift my wooden keyblade anymore x_x; And at con I have to carry a metal sword almost as big as me... *sweat sweat* I'm tempted to start doing push-ups for my arms, and squats (FF7CC style! XD) for my legs and so on...
Any tips?
D: meh!!!! i havent done my nightly exerciss fr two days.... i blame msn and the cosplay chat.... must get back on the bal tonight!
I may have found more motivation to stay in shape and lose a few inches off my stomach :D A costume I want to do may keep me in check but at the moment I am keeping it a secret because I don't even know if I will be able to do it or not =/
Wall sits. They suck. But they work.
For my abs, I like to balance in such a way where it is entirely my abs holding me up. It doesn't hurt my back as much as crunches, and works them out a lot more ^^
And I've been trying to do push ups... Not working so hot, but I like to try xD
Once schools out I'm going to be running up and down these really tall bleachers at a high school near my friends house....They're like two stories high. And I'm going to be putting weight on my legs... in other words I will be running up and down those bleachers in platforms.
One cause the extra weight has been making me tired and I really don't want to let myself get so weak, and two because I don't want to trip down the hilton stairs again just because I'm uncordinated in heels
Otherwise I'll be doing some core and thigh workouts, anyone have any good exercises for the core and thighs? I don't know of any.... And crunches hurt my back, I think i do them wrong...
I should probably start getting more....um...toned? x3
Especially with summer coming up, I don't want to embarass myself or anything. >//o//>
But yeah, I'm going to start eating WAY healthy, and drinking water, and doing more sit-ups and whatnot. o u o
I should probably start getting more....um...toned? x3
Especially with summer coming up, I don't want to embarass myself or anything. >//o//>
But yeah, I'm going to start eating WAY healthy, and drinking water, and doing more sit-ups and whatnot. o u o
If you want to do situps to strengthen your core then go right ahead. If you are expecting to tone your stomach you need to do cardio not ab workouts.
woohoo!!!! i played wiifit+ for an hour today... and i mean like hard core play and the little piggy time bank said an hour (it was more like 1.5 hours if you include the not "playing" parts).
ialso set up my personalized work out which turns out to be almost 30 mins (o.o wow thats alot) so i did yoga, strength exercises, 2 sessions of hula hoop, two sessions of running, two sessions of the wii step thing, and 1 session of the rythem boxing. ._. im tierd...
I have been really bad the past couple of weeks. I have lost all the progress I once had. I am going to really focus now on losing some fat. I was going to the gym 5 days a week then I went to three and so far I have only been to the gym once this week. I really need to buckle down. Once school gets out my mom is doing a weight loss menu for the whole family so that will help. I will probably end up going to the gym with her a lot. Not to mention I have a session next Friday with a trainer so that will kick my butt.
Otherwise I'll be doing some core and thigh workouts, anyone have any good exercises for the core and thighs? I don't know of any.... And crunches hurt my back, I think i do them wrong...
Maybe give that a try.
Also, you're definitely not the only person that has problems with crunches. I personally like stuff like planks or reverse crunches. Wall sits are pretty good too, if I recall correctly.
This talk of crunches just gave me an idea... Since I noticed in class I couldn't sit up straight without it hurting my back. I slouch soooo much.
My solution!!! Copy that Disney Princess movie, tie your shoulders to a chair to force you to sit up straight!! for like an hour or two or while watching tv. not comfortable, but it'll get your back muscles and stomach muscles working ^^
Disney: teaching kids how to behave sence October 16, 1923.
oh my god... so i totaly over twisted when doing a stretch on the floor yesterdy D: owie my lower back muscles....
When you sing, it works your lungs, stomach, and abdominal muscles.
Singing's a good workout too. 8D
That is awesome to know *3*
OMG I had a hard workout today. I did an hour of cardio at the gym (15 mins jogging, 15 walking up hill, 15 on stairs, and 15 on the bike). I walked to the bank (about a mile total) took two loads down to my car (one consisted of my desk chair and the other a trash can filled with bottles) and walked a mile total to and from classes. So far I have probably spent about 30 minutes on stairs all day today (that is including the 15 mins at the gym). Oh yeah and I did pull ups and dips x.x Time for some tasty food and some Grey's Anatomy :D
Nice. I killed myself in a workout today. Came back from the dead; doin' alright so far, thanks for asking. xD Only problem is I have this strange craving for brains. Good source of protein, I think.
Anyways, I did some foam rolling (warm-up), one set of push-ups to failure, low rows, dips, pull-ups, back extensions, planks, and reverse lunges. Followed it up with a little bit of stretching and some stuff to cool down. I was really, really feeling my workout in my legs and my back. Which is nice because I have trouble working my back, especially lower back.
When you sing, it works your lungs, stomach, and abdominal muscles.
Singing's a good workout too. 8D
That is awesome to know *3*
I argue that it only works if you stand and don't walk around *nod* If you're sitting it's not as much of a work out.
I haven't done anything but I'm putting off packing til tomorrow anyway xD
I can not stress this enough. Just doing ab workouts wont give you a six pack. You may have the abs you want but if you don't eat right you wont see them. In order to see abs you need to lose fat around your stomach. That is what is keeping mine from showing through so eat low fat foods and do cardio to burn off the fat. Every person in the world is capable of having a six pack. The reason why so many don't is because their body fat % is too high. It needs to be pretty low to show up.
Good info, thanks! I don't own a car, so I always bike to work (and the fabric store, of course!), so I was hoping that was enough cardio, but apparently not. I only live about 1.5 miles from work... I was pretty fit when I lived 5 miles away, but I still didn't have a six-pack. :D I think to step up my cardio workouts, I'm going to start daily DDR sessions. If I'm going to work out, might as well make it fun.
And I've only just started to watch what I eat. I just feel weird about eating low fat, though... except for a little stubborn pudge around my belly button, I'm pretty thin. The biggest reason I started eating healthier is because I'm at a diabetes risk (both my father and sister have it), and wanted to cut down on my sugar intake. I don't want to overdo it and end up underweight.
meh i only did a 33 min work out yesterday (my 23 min everyday exercises and a 10 minute step... thing?) i was wicked tired after work x.x (curse you sailor moon english lingo!)
Biked/walked to Joann's fabric store from my house. 3.4 miles one way. My legs are tiiiiiired.
I really want a new bike.
I'm going to seriously start TRIMMING DOWN.
You actually eat FHDFHDH? That's awful! XD
Also, I am so. freaking. sore. from doing lunges the other day. EUGH. XD
I really want a new bike.
Why not just fix up your current bike? If it is tension you are after, you just need new gears and chain. If you don't care how the bike you have now looks (you can strip and spray paint it too), that is a lot cheaper then getting a new one.
After biking for 12~ miles today I felt pretty good. I think i need to ether add more inclines or go further, which sucks cuz I don't really like going any further unless I have a reason to be biking that far. :/
Camname, man, you put my six miles to shame XD;; I felt so good, too. Oh well, I'll try again.
I thought about getting everything fixed up, but the cost of fixing everything will more than likely cost the same as a new bike. I'm not looking for anything fancy at all.
I'd need to completely replace my gears as I rode my bike through the ocean and corroded them. I only have one gear. Literally. Either the gears won't shift at all or will shift in a very choppy manner. My brakes are awful and a couple of times I've had to use my feet to stop when I was barreling down Bull Mt. on W-99. To top that of, my butt is still sore from yesterday so I'd want to buy a new seat.
So yeah. I drive a crappy bike. New one is highly desired.
It's hard to motivate yourself to bike when you know there's a good chance you might not be able to come to a complete stop XD and your butt will hurt.
Just curious, on average, how often do you guys visit the gym and when you do go, how long are you there?
I go 3-4 times a week for 2hrs, with school and work this can prove somewhat difficult to maintain though.
Uhhh. Maaaaybe three hours total a week.
Yeah. Gotta fix that. I'm extraordinarily lazy. Being able to run a mile straight out was a kind of a big deal for me.
Camname, man, you put my six miles to shame XD;; I felt so good, too. Oh well, I'll try again.
I thought about getting everything fixed up, but the cost of fixing everything will more than likely cost the same as a new bike. I'm not looking for anything fancy at all.
I'd need to completely replace my gears as I rode my bike through the ocean and corroded them. I only have one gear. Literally. Either the gears won't shift at all or will shift in a very choppy manner. My brakes are awful and a couple of times I've had to use my feet to stop when I was barreling down Bull Mt. on W-99. To top that of, my butt is still sore from yesterday so I'd want to buy a new seat.
So yeah. I drive a crappy bike. New one is highly desired.
Take some pics of your bike for me and post a link. I know brakes are cheap, a seat is 20$? for something cheap (or it was the last time i looked) as for gears, and ya you would probably wanted new ones even without the corrosion of the ocean. The repairs might not be all that much if you do it yourself, or know someone that can help. A new bike of non walmart quality will put you back 500$ easy. If it is just a really shitty old bike and looks like you will just be scrapping it I MIGHT have a bike I don't need anymore for you. I got it a while back for basically nothing and haven't used it after tweaking a thing or two the day i got it.
As for putting your 6miles to shame, 12 felt like 5 miles when compared to how tired I am after a 20+ ride into portland. Running on the other hand SUCKS for me. I'll go like 2 miles at what I call a "good pace" (which is kinda slow) and I'm done for. Seems to be a problem with oxygen. Biking doesn't take as much as running, and me little lungs can't keep up :(
@kogaryu no gym just a few weights at home 2-3 times a week, 20-30 minute lifts.
Ugh, i walk everywhere, and so i usually stay in shape, at six feet tall and about 150 pounds... But recently i started grabbing a couple soda's after school, and its killing me. I just checked, and although maybe its partly cuz ive gotten a little taller, I just hit 170.
I guess my vice has to die... And more situps before bed... and... well, probably more if i wanna be in good condition for school/K-con after summer... XP
I've been slacking so I am trying to start a competion between one or two of my similar health/sized friends. Also gonna check out the local gym. I love weight lifting! Stupid cardio....
The boyfriend won't stop buying me food. T^T
Kick him in the nuts!
I had that problem when I started going out with my now hubby , we would eat out so much, I rarely ate out anywhere other then the collage cafeteria before him.
Just curious, on average, how often do you guys visit the gym and when you do go, how long are you there?
I go 3-4 times a week for 2hrs, with school and work this can prove somewhat difficult to maintain though.
Zero times ever. = u =
My parents won't take meh. ;- ;
im too lazy for the gym O-O
You don't need a gym, especially if you're a student. >C *LIFTS TEXTBOOKS*
True dat brotha.
Oh, and yesterday I did a mile on the treadmill at %12 incline~
*does bicep curls with his Calculus textbook* RAHHHH!!!
OMG so manly! *o*
*does bicep curls with his Calculus textbook* RAHHHH!!!
Oo la la, brains AND brawn! ;D
I too, never attend the gym and do all my workouts at home. Though, I did have a membership back in junior year of high school. I had an early class, but the bus only ran at about 4:30-5:00 am so I had time to kill in the mornings! I went 2-3 times a week for a couple hours before my class, and occasionally attended their yoga classes after school on Fridays. It was a really nice women's-only gym, and they did mother-daughter membership specials. So I got a discount since my mom was already a member!
Female-only gym? SEXIST!! j/k. I understand why. I always feel super awkward talking to any females at the gym. I just have this feeling that they're tired of getting oggled and gawked at all the time. But really, I just want to be friendly. ^_^; There's a couple of older ladies there I talk to every time I see them, but besides that.. xD
Well, you seem like a nice enough guy.
Just biking to Joann's last Saturday got me a "Hey, Baby! How 'bout you ride me?!" comment. Given part of me was flattered, but the guy looked like a gang-banger so I wasn't all that enthused.
Not that this would happen at the gym, but I can see why women would prefer a gender restricted gym. Not to mention that if you aren't fit or the perfect Size 3, something without male attention would be nice.
Yes, it was nice that I could wear tight workout pants and not worry about old men staring at my butt. Also, since I was only 16 (and a very tiny 16-year-old I was too), and was attending the gym all by myself before the sun was even up, it felt a lot safer. Probably the only reason my parents let me go! It made everyone feel a lot more secure, and less self-concious. Plus they only had to have one set of showers and locker rooms. :D And I met some really sweet older ladies there too! I remember seeing them outside the gym once and doing that "OMG WHERE DO I KNOW THEM FROM" freakout. It's hard to recognize people out of their workout clothes.
And yeesh, the biker-creepers. When biking to and from work along a busy highway, I constantly had creepy dudes pulling over in their pickups to offer me a ride. I always politely declined, saying I was "almost there," whether I was 3 minutes or 3 miles from home. What was really weird was the people who would pull up in little compact cars and offer me a ride... like I'm just going to abandon my bike on this lonely country road and hop in? Then of course there was the whole schoolbus fiasco, which is a whole 'nother story.
Which brings up a good point! For both males and females, if you're going to be jogging/biking in a secluded area or after dark, don't go alone. Bring your protective dog or a jogging buddy! Not just because of spooky people, but if you fall and twist an ankle, it's always good to have a friend to lean on. At the very least, bring a cellphone.
I take for granted being male. ^_^; I can bend over and very rarely get a whistle! ;)
Reppy I am sure that will be rectified at con!
Also my father who like compulsively buys diet and exercise stuff just sent me his P90x and I am looking it over and it is awesome! I am starting next week! Yay kenpo!
I started a 2 week antioxidant treatment ( acai berry, blue berry and more) that tastes nasty. After that I will take body cleanse for a month which will take away the toxins i have accumulated over the years which will make it so my body will take in the nutrients and i will eat less calories ( 90 calorie breakfast bar) and dinner. after the two weeks of the antioxidant treatment I will join a gym again and continue my excersizing. the last 3 months of excersizing I havent lost weight ( that i can tell, refuse to weigh myself ). But my legs and stomach got tighter which is what i want!! I cant wait to see the results for the con!!
*Laughing quietly* Vegetarians for the win!
This indeed! I've been vegetarian for most of my life, but still eat meat on occasion (My dad's a chef, we are his test subjects) and I find being vegetarian has helped me keep my weight down. The only thing that made me gain some weight was sweets (Darn you months of depression! *shakes fist*)
There's alot of stuff that's been said here that I totally agree with! Lots of water really helps, as dose dancing. I've been dancing lately and it's helped me drop 5 pounds in the past month (that's dancing maybe an hour a few times a week).
I find this pic to be good motivation as well: http://bignanime.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/yoko.jpg
It'd actually be really cool to have a "flash dance" at k-con. We could use it to loose weight and then show off.
But I'm looking for some ways to loose some belly fat. I don't have much, but I need to loose it for Yoko. D=
I'm 5"7' and 150lbs.
I run a mile a day.
And dance an hour or so twice a week.
Any tips for a flat belly?
I know there are others trying to do the same :P
yay im not alone, im trying to do the same. im 5'4 and have droped 40 pounds in the last 3 years. 3 years ago i was 160 but now im 135. its been hard tho because i was once 180 -.-'
right now im trying to work of the pudge on my tummy. also tone my theighs and torso. its hard tho track ended...i dont live near a gym, but i do have some equiment in my garge. i bike, i hike and swim when i can, and im slowy getting towards my goal but it really lowers my self estem because at times it feels like its not doing anything :/
but now i know others are trying to do the same! we can do it, just keep you heads up high. see ya all at kumori ;)
There really is no way to "target" that belly fat. From what I've heard being said by nutritionists and workout programmers and enthusiasts alike, the body won't take fat just from a specific area when you work out. It takes it from all over. Now, this is what I've heard, be it true or not I have not looked into it much because I don't like reading. That is probably where you might find the most in depth, non hearsay, factual information on how your body uses and stores fat. I'm not sure whether building muscles in the abdominal area would help, or just puff up the fat there making it look worse, on top of the cardio needed to get rid of your fat. Its your call.
If you guys need cheap weight ideas, think about putting water in bottles, like soda bottles and milk jugs. for something a little heavier try mixing some dry cement and putting it into the same thing. There are probably lots of containers around your house that would work "okay" for just water.
*Laughing quietly* Vegetarians for the win!
This indeed! I've been vegetarian for most of my life, but still eat meat on occasion (My dad's a chef, we are his test subjects) and I find being vegetarian has helped me keep my weight down. The only thing that made me gain some weight was sweets (Darn you months of depression! *shakes fist*)
There's alot of stuff that's been said here that I totally agree with! Lots of water really helps, as dose dancing. I've been dancing lately and it's helped me drop 5 pounds in the past month (that's dancing maybe an hour a few times a week).
I find this pic to be good motivation as well: http://bignanime.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/yoko.jpg
It'd actually be really cool to have a "flash dance" at k-con. We could use it to loose weight and then show off.
But I'm looking for some ways to loose some belly fat. I don't have much, but I need to loose it for Yoko. D=
I'm 5"7' and 150lbs.
I run a mile a day.
And dance an hour or so twice a week.
Any tips for a flat belly?
OmgYoko! :333
My main motivation is this picture, hehe.
Hehe, Nia is so cute. xD
Just hiked along some old railways along the river bank and through the woods with a buddy for 2 hours yesterday. Would of kept going except we had no clue where we were and the knats started to swarm us. :P
Oh man I am so pumped right now. Just before Sakuracon I was just a little over 5 foot and weighed 156 pounds (sometimes 160), I really wanted to finally slim down and get to a point where I felt more comfortable with my body so I learned more about calorie intake and took control of my snacking/portion control problem....
I just weighed myself and I am an even 130, I haven't been this thin since before middle school, and the thought that in just a few months I've been able to drop 26 pounds makes me feel great. Ideally I'd like to get down to 120, but with the amount of progress I've made I'm really not too picky right now. =]
It's amazing how much losing just a bit of weight can boost your energy and self-esteem!
It did wonders for me, too. ^_^; I got up to 205-208lbs for awhile. It was killer on my back. Back pain all the time. The lowest I went down to was ~150lbs. I'm currently ~168lbs. I've been trying to add weight (muscle) and I've been successful. Of course, a little extra pudge on my stomach was to be expected and shouldn't be too hard to get rid of. ^_^
Anyways, congrats!! :D Keep up the great work!! XD
I set up a wicked goal for myself: I must be able to run two miles straight by the end of July or I have to put $200 in the penalty jar.
This is going to be really, really hard for me.
it is gonna be really hard!
im fighting my past of 180pounds, im now 135 but it go higher or lower.
im gonna be working out doors four days aweek with 2 mile walks, but whats going to get me is the weight training and the toning... i have so many other things to do this summer. but working out helps my self estem and relives stress! woot! ... sadly right now im stressing it -.-''''
I can totally relate. It's stressing me giving me a deadline like that. Luckily running helps with that stress. Now if I can just get out doors and stop eating so much. I eat waaay too much on these family functions. And seeing how there's routinely 20+ people on my mom's side, we have a LOT of family functions... so many... family functions.
Anyways, I've never had a whole lot on the self-esteem circuit either. Perhaps that's one reason why I like cosplay. I can be my uninhibited nerdy self without worry of being looked down upon.
Liveluv, you and I can totally do this! Booyah!
I'm in total FAIL in this department D: I haven't done crap to get into shape!!! D:
I'm going to start my "burn fat" workout plan any day now... *coughcough as soon as I get over that people will watch me on my jog TTATT coughcough* Any tips on my odd phobia besides "running where no one can see you", because there aren't private places where I live, and "ignore them"? Please :-[ but I am starting my "build muscle" workout! Pretty intense! My goal's Naruto type body ;D He just has an awesome body and I want it! (is not stalkerish... just...LOL :D) I haven't gotten very far; just started it a week ago when school ended :p I need to get my body by KC, so I'm working my ass off (with some literal tense) for it! I can't wait for the end of summer >D
run with someone else? that way if there is attention being drawn, it's not all on you and they'll be looking at the other person? mind over matter kind of thing or a mind trick
Running with someone else is a really good idea. Not because people won't be staring just at you, but because its so much easier to motivate each other to run and funner with someone else there with you.
Anyways, I've never had a whole lot on the self-esteem circuit either. Perhaps that's one reason why I like cosplay. I can be my uninhibited nerdy self without worry of being looked down upon.
This might seem kind of odd, but I've been looking into this therapy called REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.) The guy that made it (Albert Ellis) is famous for saying "self-esteem is a sickness." While it is much deeper than this, I know it does try to teach you that your self-esteem is bad and that you should practice unconditional self-acceptance. I.e., I accept myself whether or not I do well, not because I do well.
So, I definitely could use something like this. ;) Haha. I'm wayyyyy too hard on myself about everything. But if you rely on your self-esteem, your feelings about yourself are on a constant roller coaster. If you can only feel good when you do well (say on a test) then what happens if you don't do well and it had nothing to do with your studying or how much work you put into it?
If you can only feel good when you do well (say on a test) then what happens if you don't do well and it had nothing to do with your studying or how much work you put into it?
I have such a problem with this... I'm way too hard on myself, and my mom and friends are always saying I have a warped perception of myself. I think a lot of people out there, myself included, could benefit from looking into therapies like you mentioned Reppy.
Then I want more confidence to stick up for myself and my thoughts.
Anyways, that aside, I walked around two miles and ran around one mile. It's not a lot, but it's a start! There's an industrial area near my house that I run. I tried to go to a highschool track, but it was so busy. I didn't want to run around actual athletes.
Whoa.. I could have sworn I made a super long response to this thread .. or maybe I accidentally posted it to another thread again? Ugh. D: I dunno.
Whoa.. I could have sworn I made a super long response to this thread .. or maybe I accidentally posted it to another thread again? Ugh. D: I dunno.
Ya you made one in another thread then said "wops wrong thread" and deleted it.
I didn't want to run around actual athletes.
Ya, doing stuff around people you think are better then you isn't the most helpful. But you should try and see it as you getting to be more like them, if you want to idolize them like that. Or tell yourself you are trying to get in shape and this is where everyone goes to do so, don't let other people's goals get you down, you aren't them!
This happens a lot at gyms, people don't want to go because they think they are out of shape (despite their actual fitness level) and everyone else there is so much better. Well it is because they go to the gym A LOT that most the people there look "better." You have to keep going, and go often. ^.^
this week has been so busy with drivers ed, room cleaning, dentist, and present making, that I haven't been able to do anything. I don't think I can start my summer training schedule till next week >.> At least I've walked and biked a few places so I havent been just lazing around.
I am going to Hawaii in a little more than two weeks so I am trying to work my butt off (literally) and eat well.
Urgh, I've been skimping on my workouts the last week. But in my defense, I went to Vegas this week. I walked all over that city and my legs hurt so bad!
I have been doing good with eating right, though. I've even been learning a little more about cooking while at it. I can make real meals now, not just Top Ramen!
Ugh I did like 50 Shinra squats on Monday and my legs are like jell-o xD It hurts to walk. Goes to show how BADLY out of shape my top thigh muscles are! ><
did a workout video, then biked almost a mile to my dad's house. I felt great after excersising~
I just saw an infomercial for 'Sensa', something you sprinkle on your food to make you eat less of whatever it is you're eating.
Being me, I checked it out online and found mostly raving reviews.
Examples 1 (http://www.thinreport.com/sensa.html), 2 (http://www.dietsinreview.com/diets/sensa/), and 3 (http://www.sensareviews.com/)
But the draw backs that are consistent are:
- If you go over your 30 day trial, you automatically get enrolled in the plan (which is a spendy bugger at $60 a month)
- Not a long term solution
- It may irritate your stomach
- It usually takes 3 months to see results.
That's lame. Alternatively, you could try just drinking a large glass of Metamucil (2-3 times a day) then waiting 10 or so minutes before any of your main meals. ^_^
I'd actually suggest drinking lots of water... You need it for your blood flow mainly,and to clean your system naturally, but I find it fills the stomach pretty fast. I always have a water-bottle near me and try to drink at least 12 oz before I eat and wait about 10min for it to settle in my stomach before eating.
I recently started using my FitDay.com account again. It's free and a great way to track your diet / exercise / weight / body composition
My profile --> http://www.fitday.com/fitness/PublicJournals.html?Owner=reppy
Everyone eats better than me right now , reppy! Applause for eating well though! ^^ I had 2 servings of ice cream, cheerios, water, pretzels, 2 popsicles, what else... oh a milk shake with whipped cream and chocolate... XD Lots of stuff lol
You shoulda seen me last night .. a mountain of chips, hot dogs, s'mores everywhere.. omggggg... ;D
not sure if I can continue my workouts tomorrow...Yesterday I crashed on the Alpine slides xD I hurt my ankle and it still hurts today and when I woke up I was sore all over xD It was worth it though, so much fun!
Ouch! Good luck with that! Maybe you can just do some stuff like .... err, you know what? give yourself a rest! XD
I'd rest it, if I were you.
I felt the same today. Kayaked all yesterday and my legs, back, and arms were all sore (hoorah for keeping a boat upright with your leg muscles >.e), so I didn't really do anything. Back to the buff-ness tomorrow, though >.>
Oh! And I am veggie... usually, but I had the biggest craving for Sesame chicken, and I indulged myself. No more meat for at least a while, so I can feel better about myself again >.e
But I had a feeling that if I didn't indulge at least one craving, I would end up stopping my vegetarian ways... again >.e
You shoulda seen me last night .. a mountain of chips, hot dogs, s'mores everywhere.. omggggg... ;D
Mmmmmm that makes me wanna get some of my tomboy and boy friends over so we can mess with pizza, chips and sm'ores~ *hearts* Oh that sounds sooooo good!
I'm lots of veggy but I like a good burger, hot dog and eggs. And crab meat! Mom made me crab meat pasta for the 4th and it is delicious even reheated~ <3 Parmesean cheese~
Hope you feel better, Nyahaha!
I haven't done my Shinra squats today I'm gonna do them tomorrow! ^^ Yard work almost every day this week helps keep you moving.
thanks guys! I have work today, but its pretty low key. I'll prolly get back on schedule tomorrow or thursday
Biked to town center and back today, 8 miles? Got a really nice sweat from all the heat. Its so freaking nice out!!!! Need someone to go have fun with outside >.<
Wants to play frisbee with some people damn it.
I've recently started drinking this protein shake:
16 oz of water
2 scoops of unflavored protein powder
1/4 cup of low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1 banana
1 apple
1 cup of raw broccoli tops
(Original available here (http://www.tmuscle.com/free_online_article/tips/the_super_protein_shake_022607&cr=).)
And here's what it looks like:
The calorie breakdown is something like this:
Calories 640
Fat 5g
Carbs 88g
Protein 68g
Even on vacation I am still working out. I went running yesterday and today. It is a lot harder here, very humid x.x Later today we are going to go snorkeling so that will take a lot out of me :P And we have been walking around a lot since we got here XD
Swimming is awesome! Really good exercise, too.
Just reading about that drink makes me want to barf, sorry. I was thinking that was a lot of carbs, but from your pictures you don't need to worry about slimming down DO YOU!
I prefer 100% fruits in my shakes, might not have the protein, but it tastes just so damn good.
I lost a pretty good amount of weight just to be good for Kumoricon. I'm planning on loosing more though, since I reccently gained more. >,<
Just reading about that drink makes me want to barf, sorry. I was thinking that was a lot of carbs, but from your pictures you don't need to worry about slimming down DO YOU!
I prefer 100% fruits in my shakes, might not have the protein, but it tastes just so damn good.
I'm certainly a weirdo, but it tastes good, I swear. D: I had someone try it and they didn't immediately barf! And that was before I started to blend it extremely thorough so that there is not a single lump in it. ^_^
Anyways, my plan is to add a little more muscle mass (tomorrow is day 9 of this "30 day mass" plan, after day 10 I get 5 days off from the gym, then I repeat it one more time), and then about a month before Kumoricon, I'll go on a serious cardio / diet. My diet is fairly strict right now, but I'm consuming lots of (good) calories.
At my Taekwando class today oh boy did Master Frennel put me and the class through the paces. I'm kind of beat.
So I've become totally addicted to those new 'Dannon Lite and Fit' yogurts.... About 60-80 calories depending on if you get the full or snack size cup, and I have to say they taste absolutely amazing. I've never been very good about eating breakfast, but the past two weeks I've been grabbing one of them and mixing it with some granola to make a nice little snack, and it's been helping to keep me from resorting to greasy high fat foods from my colleges student store between classes. XD
My friend has also mentioned that the two of us should set up a jogging routine since we've both been working out on our up until now, which could be fun. I'm feeling pretty good about my size right now though, and I've been maintaining my weight loss, so no complaints here. Hoping to focus more on toning now than anything else... I made a diagram of my old size versus my current for a fitness board and it blew my mind how much of a difference there was. Dang.
They put crack in those yogurts, that is why they are so damn good.
Anyone else a swimmer here?
For the past 4 weeks I've been swimming for an hour and a half four days a week so that I can get back in shape for my high school team in the fall. We swim at least 1500 meters a day, it's very tiring x__x
If only I had a nice place to swim where speeding boats were not my constant fear.
@Dubaby - Me too! I cut out my morning chocolate-with-chocolate-chips muffin at work and replaced it with yogurt and granola. It's not quite as filling, but I feel good that I'm being healthier. I haven't tried those Dannon yogurts, though, I've just been getting Yoplait Lights... they sound gooood.
I fell off the workout wagon, though. Gotta start up my nightly crunches and bicep curls again! I still bike about 2-3 miles, 5 days a week, so at least I'm still doing cardio.
So I've been doing this program .. called the 30 day mass plan .. 10 straight days working out (very specific exercises, with very specific amounts of reps for each day, and it varies from day to day) .. and then 5 days no exercise. I'm on day 3 of rest and I feel STIFF! D:
Only six and a half weeks left till con. I am really trying to focus on getting in a bit better shape now. I am wearing two costumes that show off my stomach and one of them the pants don't fit so I either need to lose a few inches or get new pants. But I did pretty good today. I just got done jogging. I did about 2 and a half miles in 30 minutes and I am about to go to work so I know I will be walking a lot there too :D
For all those looking for more toned abs, thighs, or whatever!
Remember if you want to lose some fat you need cardio. Also, if you don't have enough muscle you won't have much definition in your target areas. A solid exercise and diet program to get the figure you want is 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted cardio exercise such as running, swimming and fast paced, light weight lifting. For your muscles to show a bit ether go with the cardio weight lifting, focusing on the spots you need to show, or max weight light repetition sets on the same areas for the best results. And for all you out there who focus more on your diet, a high protein low carb food intake will keep those carbs from turning straight into fat.
I wish you all the best on your getting in shape for con preparations, and good luck! ^.^
Reppy, thanks for the shake recipe. It sounded too weird not to try, and I can testify that though it's a little planty tasting, it's overall pretty good! It looks like it will be my breakfast staple for a while; I can make it at night and run out the door with it.
Yep that's what I do! Glad you liked it!! :)
It is really, really important to let it blend for quite awhile. Like, I usually spend a total of 2 minutes or so blending it. I'll blend, stop, shake it a little, blend some more.. let it run while I get some water and take my vitamins, etc.. xD Basically, it shouldn't really require any chewing. ^_^ If it does, it needs more blending!
If you eat the entire thing in one sitting, it's pretty filling. And while many people may be turned off by its high caloric content (understandable), but as I understand, breakfast should 1) be the biggest meal of the day 2) have the most carbs out of any of your meals.
Alternatively, you could just eat half at a time. xD
But yes, I love it. It seems to give me some energy. While it's filling, it's light on your stomach and isn't going to bog you down. I drink it before I go to the gym in the morning. Also, I know I don't eat enough vegetables. So, it's good for me in that respect too. xD
I dunno if you add protein powder to it or not, but I do. I use plain, unflavored stuff I buy online. I tend to shy away from the flavored stuff since most use artificial sweeteners and I would like to avoid those when possible. Still, I wonder what this would taste like with a vanilla protein powder.. ;d
Oh, I should also add that I usually throw in a handful of ice cubes. Otherwise, the temperature seems sort of tepid and, .. who wants to drink a room temperature shake? But, if you do it before bed and throw it in a fridge I guess you don't have to worry about that!
Thus far I haven't gotten it to blend perfectly smooth, but I don't know that it needs it. I've also used milk as I don't have protein powder; I think it's a little fattier and somewhat less protein, but it's still quite good and light. And I can't eat very much of it in a go- I've been putting it in 8 oz. canning jars which allows me to shake it up. Additionally I find a small bit of coconut milk helps the flavor. Also adds calories but I need to finish up the can. And do you cook the oatmeal first or throw it in raw? (I've been cooking it.)
But if you do make it and let it rest overnight I suggest filling it up in containers ALL the way so it gets limited oxygen exposure, so it stays fresh.
I have lost ten pounds from swimming in my pool.
Thus far I haven't gotten it to blend perfectly smooth, but I don't know that it needs it. I've also used milk as I don't have protein powder; I think it's a little fattier and somewhat less protein, but it's still quite good and light. And I can't eat very much of it in a go- I've been putting it in 8 oz. canning jars which allows me to shake it up. Additionally I find a small bit of coconut milk helps the flavor. Also adds calories but I need to finish up the can. And do you cook the oatmeal first or throw it in raw? (I've been cooking it.)
Ah, milk is a decent protein source. ^^ Coconut milk, eh? That sounds interesting. I've heard of people adding coconut oil to their protein shakes. Supposedly, the fat in coconut oil is more likely to be used by your body for energy, letting the protein do its thing by rebuilding muscles. Or something. I probably botched the scientific argument behind it. xD Anyways, I cook my eggs in extra virgin coconut oil, and occasionally eat a tablespoon on its own -- it's good for you!
The protein I add to my shake is actually a casein blend. It is much more filling than whey protein. I buy it from www.trueprotein.com and I usually will buy 4 lbs each at a time of Complete Milk Dairy Isolate and Milk Protein Isolate. I think that's what they're both called, anyways. I add 1 scoop of each to my shake. (I buy them separate; you can have them mixed together if you want. Also, the reason I buy them both instead of one or the other is because one is cheaper than the other, and .. slightly lower quality. So, I get a little bit of expensive, high quality protein and some of the cheaper, good protein. If you wanted to be super cheap, you could buy whey protein concentrate -- I bought 12 lbs of the stuff like a month or two ago. It's what I use immediately after a workout. You want a fast digesting/absorbing protein like whey after a workout. But, I also will drink a scoop of it mixed with water throughout the day at times.)
And.. to answer your question xD no, I do not cook the oatmeal!
(Sorry, I tend to get kind of longwinded on stuff like this..)
But if you do make it and let it rest overnight I suggest filling it up in containers ALL the way so it gets limited oxygen exposure, so it stays fresh.
Hm yeah, good idea. ^^ I have these shaker bottles called Blender Bottles that I put them in. I like them since they have a little "ball" whisk inside of them that you move around and "blend" the ingredients when you shake it.
I have lost ten pounds from swimming in my pool.
Dude, high five! That's awesome! XD
-high fives- I need to loose a bit more then I am good.
reppy you are so hardcore :D Maybe if I had a gym to workout with I would do more to increase my workout effectiveness, but right now there isn't much point.
I feel really overweight lately, so I've been eating a lot less.
I was at the hair dresser yesterday and she said my face looks thinner. Yay! <33
I lost the final 5 pounds that I was displeased with, and I think my stomach has pretty much flattened out. I'm focusing on my thighs and just keeping my general body fat down. I have slight definition in my stomach now, but I'm hoping to get more before I debut Luca. Also working on my arms for her! I want to shave off an inch total from both before con!
I should prolly lose like 5 or so pounds around the stomach and thighs BUT I LOVE FOOD AND AM LAZY. Dx
LoL shay, its good to be realistic right. And good work you two :D
My goal is to try to burn 1000 calories a day. So far I am at about 700 calories today. I am going to vacuum my room and walk up and down the stairs for a while to get the last 300 :D
Good job Nikki~! > u <
I got down to 135. I have been at 137 for the past month or so. And my waist measured at 28.5 now is just bellow 28 inches :D
sweet. xD
I just started this new program I bought. It's called Body of FIRE. Cost me like $67. >__> But I followed the guy's 30 day mass program and it worked pretty well for me. This one is designed to lose weight.
I did the first workout yesterday. I'm pretty stiff right now. It looks sort of like this:
3 minutes jump rope
30 seconds rolling a tennis ball under your foot (yeah, sounds weird but it does actually loosen up muscles all over your body)
10 Wall Squats
10 Cat/Camels
Then it goes to cardio ...
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Mountain Climbers (5 reps each side)
NO REST in between sets! Do the entire thing 5 times, so a total of 50 reps each exercise.
Holy crap I was sweating so bad just after that. And I hadn't even lifted up a weight yet. ^^;
I've probably biked 30 miles or more in the last 5 days, feels good to be outside so much.
Awesome. Where'd ya go?
sad to say ._. i just started working out today
I ended up going to Mt. Tabor, Oaks park, and a few other places. I would have gone on a ride at oaks park (was there for something else,) but there is only one ride that looks good still. I can't believe how small the rides look now that I'm a wee bit older. I should have looked at the price for just one ride :/
Hmmm after a doctor visit a while ago I found out my body wasn't processing cholesterol properly so I started taking some Niacin but only the slo niacin so I wouldn't get the itchy flushed feeling all over. XP Point is Since I have started taking it I have lost about 6lbs already! I will report back on future results!*happy dance*
Like, slow released niacin? I've actually heard that can be bad for you. I don't want to discourage you if you were told to take that, but make absolutely sure it's what you're supposed to use it. Long-term use I think can cause liver damage. :X
I need to start exercising.
I've a lot of...Er...Unwanted body fat.
I was planning to get down to 100 this summer..
But I've been lazy.
= 3 =
I weigh 108...And I'm 5' 3"
Like, slow released niacin? I've actually heard that can be bad for you. I don't want to discourage you if you were told to take that, but make absolutely sure it's what you're supposed to use it. Long-term use I think can cause liver damage. :X
I was given the option of either so I am taking the slo until my body becomes acustomed to having it in my system then I can switch to the regular. Health-wise I need to get my cholesterol levels balanced sooner rather than later as I seem to have a genetic predisposition to issues on both sides of my family. XP Not fun but with the healthier diet I hopefully won't have to stay on it for to long. Thanks for the concern though. I really appreciate the info.
I need to start exercising.
I've a lot of...Er...Unwanted body fat.
I was planning to get down to 100 this summer..
But I've been lazy.
= 3 =
I weigh 108...And I'm 5' 3"
D: it sounds like you don't need to lose any weight!! how old are you?
I need to start exercising.
I've a lot of...Er...Unwanted body fat.
I was planning to get down to 100 this summer..
But I've been lazy.
= 3 =
I weigh 108...And I'm 5' 3"
D: it sounds like you don't need to lose any weight!! how old are you?
@Mew*Haruko - That sounds like a perfectly normal weight for someone who's 5'3". In fact, according to this body weight chart (http://www.healthchecksystems.com/heightweightchart.htm), you're a bit underweight even for the smallest build. 100 lbs would be very underweight. I'm 5'2" when I round up, and I weigh 120 pounds - and I'm frikkin' skinny.
If you wish to become more fit and stay in shape, which is a more admirable goal, you're actually probably going to gain weight - muscle weighs more than fat, so if you burn fat and gain muscle, you'll weigh more than when you started. And bear in mind that the weight chart I linked above is calculated for adults. A young person of your age would - and should - have extra body fat. It's perfectly natural, as you are transitioning from child to adult. This is not a good time to be depriving your body of the energy stores it needs to grow and develop. And at 13, you're probably going to get a little taller, which would make your current weight (and goal weight) even more unhealthy.
In conclusion, DUN DO IT.
I'm going to agree with tomecko, unless there is something weird going on with you. Post a pic so we can all cry at how skinny you are compared to us. :(
there is only 22 days left to get in shape DX But there is a workout room in the hotel so I think I may try to do cardio during the con :P
This isn't a very good picture of my full body, but alas, it's the clearest one I have.
OMG stop trying to lose weight, you look great. And at 13 you are only going to grow so you need anything you have to build your body. When you hit 16-18 (I would recommend 21 even) then come back and say I want to lose weight. However, I doubt you will be overweight with the attitude you have now. YOU ARE FINE THE WAY YOU ARE.
When I was around 12, I was really pudgy and short, and then around the time I turned 14, I grew about four inches and got thinner.
Even if you think you look fat now, which you do not at all omg you look great, once you grow more, your body weight evens out. c:
Put please don't worry about losing weight, you're adorable!
Just focus on making sure you're geting good nutrients, and sleeping enough. xD
She is almost as adorable as you shay :D
She is though for sure. ♥
I had to have 5 stitches after Shay bite my hand. I was foolish enough to pinch her cheeks. SHE DOESN'T LIE!!
WHAAAAA, so get her a rubber ball and THEN tease her?
I'm working on my arms now. They are quite sore after yesterday. I'm trying to jog every day. And tomorrow at work I plan on wearing ankle weights to work to try to burn more calories.
Awesome! ^^
Today my workout was a set of 11 split jacks, followed by 6 squat thrusts; repeated 5 times (no rest between sets). Then I did 11 wide out drops, followed by 11 push-ups, then 10, 9, 8, 7 .. all the way to 1 (no rest between sets). Then 4 minutes of 30s sprinting, 30s walking. It kicked mah butt! D:
I have been taking my dog with me to jog some mornings as well. She is doing much better now, doesn't stop near as much. I imagine another month or so of this and she will have it down real well.
Your dog's gonna be in a great shape, too! :o
Edit: I just weighed myself. A little under a week ago, I was 170.4 lbs. I'm 168.4 lbs right now! Considering my diet hasn't been the greatest (it's probably 75% of where I want it to be), I'm very happy right now. ^____^
Being on the computer is great for weight loss, because I'm never hungry if I'm entertained.
Lost two pounds last week hurdur.
Shay go outside and play, you are too cute to be a troll.
Everyone just do one handed pushups, you'll be in perfect condition by con day.
I ate a Cheeseburger today. P:
The whole time I did I was like: "I shouldn't be eating this, but it's SO GOOODDDD"
I weighed ~167 lbs this morning, but I think that may have been from the food poisoning or something I had yesterday. ^^;; ahehehehe
D: i need to get back to playing the wii over exagurated... or walk or something xD
If you didn't live so far away we could go biking :(
I've lost over 30 lbs in the last couple months because I got out and walked every morning for 30 minutes.
Dude, that is SO awesome!! Great job!!
Great work. That is the type of getting in shape we want ^^ (not that anyone else is doing a less then wonderful job)
i give up D: i try to stay "healthy" and work out but i keep injuring myself >.< right now my lowerback and shoulder have a pinched nerve and it hurts to move, and my ankle is acting up and my knee hurts for no reason!!! i feel broken
Holy smokes, what are you doing? D:
You need to make sure you're doing mobility stuff to warm up before a work out, and then do static stretching after work outs and during off days. D:
I do >.< i don't know!! lol my ankle is an old injury that acts up and odly these pains didn't happen because of exercise o.O
i got lazy and have slacked off for like a week and i work up the other morning and everything was all "bleh i dont like you today!!!"
There's this thing I do called foam rolling and it's pretty freaking amazing. If you go on YouTube and search for it you'll find lots of great videos.
I love food too much to stop eating good stuff ; - ;
D; irealy need to stop eating out..... at least i remembered my leg exercises last night
chelsea you're skinny D:
D: but i want to be more toneddddddddd look look im eating salad
lol i understand
good! salad is good for you :3
Instead of eating crackers, or chips, or pizza just now, I HAD STEAMED VEGTABLES. O A O
That foam roller thing looks like a decent item if you are stiff a lot. Or maybe as a once a week thing to use over your whole body just to get everything moving, if you have no one to give you a massage. (Wants someone to give/receive massages with)
I biked like 5 miles today, to get stuff at some stores, and felt like I did nothing. If I don't bike at least 10 miles a day now, it feels like I'm not getting any exercise. It sucks because I don't feel as big of an improvement as I thought I would when I got to this point. :(
Crud... Have to go to weddings and there is wedding cake and then the reunion and urgh so much food I shouldn't eat. Ok I am calling it! I give up this year and will start again a week after Kumo. XP
Here's some good fat loss advice I just read ..
"Every single time you're about to eat something in your house, put on a pair of tight jeans and a belt, take your shirt off, sit down at the table and look at that fat roll on your stomach. Then decide what your meal will look like. I guarantee you'll get leaner."
I feel horrible after reading that OTL
I haven't done anything for a while. other than biking like crazy so I could check the mail then runing to the bus stop to try to make the bus, but that doesn't really count.
My goal is to stair master/weightlift/bike like there is no tomorrow for the last two weeks before the con >8| i can do it!
Oh god....
I was doing well, I really was. Then, suddenly, vacation to Seaside and my mom buys all sorts of ridiculous delicious junk that she never buys.
I haven't worked out in like a month...
But the other day I wore a dress that I got two years ago, which is fitted at the waist and bust, and the dress was super loose on my waist. So that gave me hope because it used to be a little bit tight.
I'll work out every day that I can until kcon, I swear it.
im sooo close to going down a size in jeans. its so annoying! i have to wear a belt to keep my pants on but the smaller size gives me a muffin top. and my jacket fits! my cosplay jacket fits now! when i got it, i could barely button it, now i can button it and it looks fine! ^^ that just boosted my confidence. i still want to lose more poundage. but at least i know its working.
The day of the con has come I'm looking and feeling great! All that time working out at Taekwondo is paying big divedends.