Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Roddy Manic on October 22, 2009, 05:07:57 am
I love voice acting, but then again, I also love writing. Really it's your choice but it sounds like fun.
I could be of assistance Roddy Manic, I'm a writer with a very active and vivid imagination and I'd be more than happy to work with you in co-writing something. As your WIP stands now I already see lots of potential. If you're interested please PM and I'll get back to you.
I might be able to do some voicing. ^_^; But I'm just not sure how much time I could commit to it, with school and work.
I'd love to voice act for this! I spend too much time with my microphone already xD
Konan-ChanX3 - you can do both a voice and help write it. ^^
reppy - we can maybe add you in as a small role so you don't have to have a lot of lines.
Hidamari - cool! ^^
Animeman73 - do you have skype? if not Aim? we can set up chat times with Konan-ChanX3 if you 2 have skype. It's like aim.. free... but with voice, not text. but you can text on it too. Free phone on your computer pretty much, but can only call other skype people.. well the free skype anyways.
Gasp, you surprise me Roddy Manic. I do indeed have Skype. And I have a camera, that is if you'd care to gaze on and hear from my ugly self (Self-deprecation anybody?). Also the camera has a microphone in it. You should also know that I have a part time job. However as of right now I try to be home by 5 p.m as it gets dark out earlier. And well, let's just say I'm not the sort of person who likes to be out and about after dark. As my schedule per week becomes available I could let you know so we can adjust accordingly. What do you say?
Hehe.. I am sure you are not ugly or sound ugly. my skype is roddymanic... or sourmilk... fugde, I forgot, and forgot my password. ><; one second.
okay, on it. it is roddymanic. ^^
I don't have skype since I don't have a mic, if I had a wifi connection on my laptop I could get skype. I have a wide range for voice acting since I've done it before. I like having the quiet innocent yet hidden RAGE tucked away if you understand what I mean by that.
You may want to check this thread.
http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?topic=10676.0 (http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?topic=10676.0)
Also try sending a PM to Kristy (http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=3791). She can probably help you with some of the "how to" stuff. ;D
I'd love trying to voice act for this if I can (I'd have to get some recording equipment though, since I need some anyway for another project, as well as skype)
You may want to check this thread.
http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?topic=10676.0 (http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?topic=10676.0)
Also try sending a PM to Kristy (http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=3791). She can probably help you with some of the "how to" stuff. ;D
Thanks. I'll ask her for some help. it is a bit different though, hers is a flash, so it has visual too. Mine will be more like those old radio dramas. no visual cues.
also, this is just going to be a fun no stress no deadlines (well, but still within reasonable amout of time incase we start to get fans who what more.) just something fun to do to have up on youtube for people to enjoy.
animeotakujoanne - cool. ^^
Okay. If anyone has skype we can use that for this, if not a phone call to my cell. But I would like to here the voice everyone wants to use to help with building the characters for the story.
skype is roddymanic
cell is 503-523-9552
I am heading to work soon though, but I'll be off aqround 4ish so any called after 4:30 I will get. ^^
Roddy, morning lass, how are you? Just wanted to let you and the others know I'll be at work until 4 but I'll be hope as soon as I can, my own two feet and the Tri-Met busses I utilize willing. Anyway if you need to contact me contact me around I'd say 4:50 p.m. to 5 p.m. AND SO THE MOLD IS SET....LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN!!!
I might help write a little.. but I would like to know what the story is.
hehe.. go adventure go!!! ^^;;
kit - The story itself is still kind of up in the air. I kinda want magic in it though. I love hearing spells. ^^ but it can be a more morden day setting. but not like harry potter magic. More like Slayers. but so far that and one of the "bad guys" being what looks and sounds like a sweet little girl.. that's all I got so far.
and now time for evil car hopping in the rain at work. ;-;
Roddy, I have trac phone so I'd have to call you from the land line which has a questionable battery life, I'll hopefully give you a call later today. my cell's 530.810.1882
If you wanted to talk to me via Skype my Skype name is repp0r. But be warned, sometimes I forget to start it .^_^ Best way to get a hold of me is via e-mail or AIM/MSN.
I'll call you tonight around seven or so. I'm leaving for a movie at four. Lets just say that my number has a lot of sevens in it. ^///^
I'll have to try calling tomorrow if that's okay, since it's a little late right now ^-^
I'll have to get a mic for my desktop, I'll try to get that soon so we can talk over Skype, but for now you have my number.
; 3; I would love to do something like this but despite being 18 I have been told I sound like a little girl...
Okay, so, we have a bacis story idea. very basic. And a main cast.
moved this to the first post
If you still want help I could help write or VA. I think it would be fun and you have good characters set up~<3
Roddy and I could use all the help we can get lass.
Then I'd be glad to do so! ^^ I'll be double majoring Theatre & English/Creative Writing in college so this would be a good start on that.
Sophia is soooo perfect for what I love to va as.
Sophia is who I was thinking Ducky would like. but I don't even know right now if she would like the role, or would even want to do this still. *should PM her tomorrow.* I would think Horatio's female voice would sound sweet too though, although maybe not so young.
With me, my 'child' voice is a little too.. How to say deep for an actual child, it's more of a young teen, espically when that character voice is mad. It's hard to explain, Duck can get her voice to squeak higher than I can mine.
Sorry I didn't call yesterday! a friend ended up staying after the movie. WOuld now be a good time to call?
Sorry I was not around roday for this when people called. I was at a RP gaming thing. I regrate going now though. I just didn't really get anything from it, and it was a all day thing. So I feel I wasted my day off.
I will be aound for a few more hours. like, until 1:30ish. So you can call or skype me now. Or tomorrow I will be home after work around 5ish. Then I have monday and tuesday off so should be able to get me then any time.
Hey everyone Animeman73 here. Just wanted to tell you, tommorow I'll be available until 12 p.m. then i have work. However I'll be available again at say around 6 to 6:30 it depends on the bus. But these are the times I'll be available Roddy if you want to contact me. And If any actors want to chat with me via Skype Roddy has the information on how you can contact me. But don't worry any of you even though I have a part-time job, I'm still in this for the whole nine yards.
I'm home. ^^ *was so different emotianaly today then yesterday.* I was so blah and the depressed yeasterday. Today I have been happy and hyper and that makes me a good worker at work, no fakeing being happy when a costumer can see me, but really truely happy. Alsways helps. But anyways... I am here so you can skype and/or call and stuff.
im in. i have wanted to voice act since i was a small child.
sorry i tl;dr'd this, i will read it after i post. i just wanted to express my love for voice acting xD
I'm going to head over to the coffee shop later this week and get skype. Hopefully the weather'll be good so I can sit out side instead of inside. if anything I'll grab a friend, or go over to Rock's place.
is that two things. Head over to a choffee shop. and get skype? because it's a free program you download, no need to pay anything, unless you want to use skype to call landlines.
I changed the age of a few characters, Sigma because we changed her character a bit to help with story. and the others since most of the girls doing this have rather young sounding voices.
Added another male roll too. I am going to add the character list to the first post.
Oh, and also changed Grant to Grace Russell. turned it into a female role as I feels like I'll need more female the male roles.
So...I probably sound really stupid asking this question and I appologise but is there an audition process we go through to be considered?
not any real offical thing yet. We have the story pretty much a good base now to build from. don't have any of the script written yet. But if there is a role you really want let me know. I am the pruducer, as in I am putting the money into this... although it is low budget... voiceactors will be getting paid with cookies and candy and maybe food if we meet up any at like shari's or anything... but the tech stuff I am going to try and do the best I can with... again, budget is LOW, I only have a part time job IRL and have a son and cosplay and hotel and bills and stuff to pay for... but Tech people I might end up paying for since I am so lost on that part.
blarg.. but as I was saying, I am the producer so my world is the most final, but I will ask around if I get stuck on any casting issues.
would also like more cowriters too.
Well, I would like to be any role~<3 I love Voice Acting but a lot of people don't like my voice and say I sound like a kid over the phone. :/ I can deepen it though if I try since in my last play I was Thorin Oakenshield, the king of Dwarves (The Hobbit). I still think I probably sounded like a girl but iunno...
If you need help writing I could help with that. I am currently writing a play for my senior project and I'll be heading into a double major in English/Creative Writing and Theatre. So if you need help I'm all for it. ^^
Yes. Writing help would help. With how bad my grammar and spelling was back is 2000, I still don't get how I got As in creative writing class, and even an A++++ once. My senior project was a Hyper Text (which is pretty much the same as Hyper Card and kinda like the PowerPoint for mac but a lot cooler. which is saying a lot from a PC fan.) Choose Your Own Adventure. It was fun ass hell to write. And there was also a poem section separate from the story. And even with my bad Grammar, which I did edit it like 100 times but I am sure it still had grammar issues, I had got a A++++ on it.
But yes... so... bad grammar and bad at getting what is in my head to paper. This means help with writing is always loved. We can talk on skype at any time, and all the writers we end up with could have meetups at some point. And Skype can do multi people chats so that is a cool way for all the writers to chat together.
as for voice, I have an issue with it too. I hate how you sound different to yourself then you really sound. I have a hard time doing a low voice, I tend to not talk load enough when I do. and my normal and high voice sounds a hell lot younger then it seems to to me. but, that is kinda why I changed the ages of characters. even a "young sounding" 15 year old would be okay I believe for this project.
XD I'm pretty good at grammer and spelling when I pay attention. All my classmates have me edit their papers before they turn them in. AP English for two years now and last year I got a 4/5 on my AP test so yay for early college credits~<3
I need to get Skype on this laptop... it's on my old one but not my current one. XP I hope I can remember my stuff but I'm pretty sure my username is the same as on here...
D8 I know, right!? I love the voice in my head (lol) and I wish I sounded like I hear myself. And to lower your voice have you tried talking slower? When you slow your speech your voice lowers. I tend to speak fast when I get excited and I can make my voice realy high and sound like a small child. Once I squeaked really high and hurt my friend's ears. >.>
Kisitiene, this is Animeman73, I've been working with Roddy on getting the basics of this project down. Just so you know I'm a science fiction and fantasy writer so I have experience in this genre and will lend you and Roddy all my assistance and creative abilities. You ladies are not alone in this effort I'm here too.
^^ Nice to know!
Off Topic :: You should come to Rad Con then... >.> (Sci-Fi convention in Pasco, WA) It's right down the street from my house. XP
Easier said than done lass I'm legally blind and can't drive. And I've got something like it here in Orycon.
ON TOPIC: I'm contemplating an idea for a city name for this low budget epic.
D8 Oh dear! My mom is legally deaf and shouldn't drive either and yet she still does. >.> It worries me sometimes...
But yes...
Where are you planning on having this take place? Country wise...
Okay technically this is on a alternate Earth but were thinking of unless you have any suggestions having it take place in an alternate Portland.
For some reason my mind shot to DBZ... >.> [/nerd]
We can talk over Skype if you have one, Ani. I can't use my mic right now cause I'm working on Stanislavski for Drama... Talking and working don't go well with this paperwork. >.>; My mom already thinks I'm weird when I start talking about Good Friday [/is a catholic school girl in the Duo Scene I'm in] when I try to hear if there is a beat or not.
I do have Skype. We can talk as soon as you're done with your schoolwork. (AAgh, i just sounded oike an adult. Kind of scary.) :o
yay! stanislavski!!!
(lol, sorry, totally jumped in there)
totally was in a play where we talked about stanislavski like every 5 lines xD
thank you for the updates Roddy :D
question, how do you get skype? (is clueless when it comes to this stuff >W<)
to get skype, go here http://skype.com/ and click near the buttom where it says download skype to get started. ^^
Oh, and for where the story is. Yes, Natalie is who we start with and she is in Portland. And it is a ... well... our modern world more or less, but not. Things in this story will never happen in real life. Also, we might end up tweaking some history. One tweak I know will be with presidents, somewhere along the line they order became different then in real life, so the current one is not our current one, and is independent. Although I don't see that being much off a deal as it won't affect the story much.
Hey Roddy give me a call via Skype if you can. You up for doing some work on this?
Well, I got skype now, but now I just need to get a new mic, since my headset isnt working :(
i hate technology, lol XD
technology can be one evil son of a monkey at times. that's for sure. You can type on in and still hear and see use. if you want to join. I'll call ya.
sure, i'm not quite sure how to use it yet, but my username is joanne.kirckof
I'd chat but still working on these Beats. D8 Trying to find paperwork to finish some of it... Hoping that what's left will go by quickly...
First we Graced the Grant, but now we Granted the Grace... hehe... yes I'm lame. AKA changed Grant back into Grant.
I'm sorry that I've been gone/haven't called. I've been busy with school, I'll call on friday since I don't have school then.
no worries. Life gets busy, and school for school age people is more important.
I will be at my son's school friday for his lunch, then on my way to Invading Fright Town..hm.. it's at 6.. so I am guessing head for max around 5. but any time from.. *tries to remember when her son's lunch time is.* I think before 11:30 and then from 12:30 to 5 is okay.
Unfortunately, the story doesn't really appeal to me ( from this description, if I could read part of it I may change my mind) otherwise i would love to do some voice acting for it.
If you ever want to do something of a slightly different nature I would be totally on board.
Hey Roddy, it's Animeman73 I'm home from work give me a call whenever you're up to working some more on this. I'm ready to go lass.
Kris here and homework free so I'm up to a chat. Just got home from drama practice and some of our people really suck. D8 I'm worried how this play is gonna go down and I really just wanna take over a few roles...
i have some experience in voice actiong, and I'm the sound tech for my school's drama dept. this year
i can do whatever you need (1 role, 2 roles, just tech, role/ tech)
AIM is chipisaplayer
MSN is the.metal.ninja@gmail.com
email is same as msn
That's cool Roscoe! First tech on board!! and if you want to try and do a role too that's awesooome. 'cause I like the word awesoooome...
Okay, so we have made the rough idea of how the three main look. this is just the best we could get for what we have to use from in the doll program. But it's the jist of it.
Horatio male form, Horatio female form, Natalie (at the start of the story she is coming home from private school hence why she has a uniform on.), and Grant.
oh, and we also have Jeremiah
Ohoh I wanna try I wanna try lol
I like Sophia's Character
Evil Lolli
Hai hai! Ducky! join join!!!
okay... Sigma looks a bit too old here, evil doll maker not giving me what I want. but... this is pretty much what I see Sigma, on left, and Sophia looking like.
Lol loli loli
I get to be an Evil Loli
ahh, sophia is sooo adorable!!!! *huggles the sophi doll*
and female horatio is cute too >W<
*goes into takeithome Rena mode*
Good morning everyone. Roddy I'd just like to say again thanks for bringing me in on this project this is really turning into something fun. And animeotakujoanne glad you like the figures lass.
^^ Yeppy! it has leaked into my dreams! sadly I only remember one little part of the dream...
Sophia: Oh, poor little Horatio. Looks like you are a girl now. Do you like that curse, it seems like such a simple one to remove. I could remove it for you, if you help me.
Horatio: Where is Susanna!?
Sophia: Oh, look, you want to ignore my kind offer for that ugly little thing. She will be dead by time you find here. *giggles*
my voice can be especially well fitted for bad guys, or really good guys
i'm especially interested in being caleb
Oh. and with the looks. Again I want to note, it is just a rough guess with using what we have in the doll maker.
I kinda want Horatio's hair when girl be a tiny bit shorter, and blue a little darker. But he still just throws it up on messy pigtails to get it out of his face. And yes, pink is his real hair color. When he changes to a girl he gets the girl things, looses the boy things, he gets a little taller (yes female him is taller then male him), and his hair grows and turning blue. We he turns back to a male it ungrows... hey, it's a none natural world, those thing can happy. ^^;
Sigma is pretty good, You don't find out right away in the story, but it's not really a spoiler so I guess saying it is okay. but Sigma and Sophia were twins. What made Sophia never age only slowed Sigma's ageing. So Sigma is what Sophia would look like if she ever aged. but the Sigma doll looks a little older then what age she looks in the story. but the outfit is really good. Sigma wears simple sundresses and messy tops with simple skirts. She also keeps her hair back a little with one of those big clips.
Sophia is pretty much perfect. She wear colored lipgloss and blush, but never eyeshadow. And always has a sweet lolita or lolita outfit on.
Eye colors for all of them are right. Sigma and Sophia have that shade of green. Horatio in both forms has a hazelish brown, Natalie has brown, and Grant has dark pretty much black eyes.
Grant's hair is perfect style, but I'd like it to be a little darker shade of that color. He dresses how he think others want to see him, so normally Emo, but that isn't really his character.
Natalie school uniform is basicly that, but the brown should be the same color as her shoes. Her normal look is well, more or less this:
And back to Horatio, his clothing is prett perfect for the idea of his style. Since he get taller when he becomes a girl he tends to where loose jeans and oversize belts. He always has a pack with him. the one on the girl doll is a little wrong, kind of a mix of that one and the one the male doll has. The tops he wears are loose too. And done not wear a bra as a female but is pretty flat when a girl so can get away with that.
my voice can be especially well fitted for bad guys, or really good guys
i'm especially interested in being caleb
Eeh! cool. If the voice sounds right then that is awesome. I love Caleb, despite the fact he is one of the less developed parts so far. And if this ever gets fanfics made from it I know people will do the stupid SophiaXCabel thing. He is not in love with the girl, just the power she gives him and the evil. He is so loyal though I can see some people turning that unbreakable loyalty into love. but it's not love... ^^;;
Okay. ^^ we have them... somewhat.. their idea...
We have...
Susanna, Sophia, Caleb, Horatio Boy, Horatio girl, Natalie, Grant, Jeremiah, and Sigma
Yipe, that is one evil little girl.
I am evil I am evil I am evil la dee da dee da
Oh the true epicness of this is coming into view and I'm loving every minute of it! Muwhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Now to be truly evil...
SirenMarina hate to burst your bubble but Roddy and I contemplated the some fanfiction writer might contemplate that possibility. I for one find it rather disturbing myself (and not in a good way.)
ahh, everyone looks so awesoome ^-^ (sophia is still my fav though >///<)
ahahaha, fanfiction... xD
Aye lass, though our budget be not so, the tale itself shall be quite EPIC in it's scale!
Oh dear... CalebxSophia. D8 Be still my fearful heart...Pedo Bear is on his way!
I already know about the fanfiction thing and I know it's sooo wrong
I am evil
and Lol pedo bear
Silly peoples.
Sorry for no post and not being on skype. son had martial arts then I was trying to find a cat tail at the store because I can't find mine, but had no luck, all tail sets were sold out.
D8 I's sorry Roddy~<3 What did you need a cat tail for?
Must...resist...adult humor!
halloween costume.
I take it you're going to be a cat? ^-^
Future alien space pirate kitty.
xD that is so awesome!!!
yay! i gots me a microphone now XD
WAAAAH I can't Find me mic *runs around in chaotic circles*
Why dost you need a mic, Ducky?
...I have no idea...I just realized I can't find mine
Sorry for only just seeing this... and to be honest I haven't read all the pages of this
thread so excuse me if you've already closed out the cast but,
I am very interested in getting into VA work and if you still need voices as soon as I
test out the set up mic I already have and see if it is good enough quality (doubtful)
or buy my own nice mic/headset I would love to "audition" with you guys! what possitions
might you need for a 21 year old female with an alto singing voice (I talk like an 8 year
old when I am on the phone, but I can have quite a mature tone if I need to)
I know exactly what you mean about the phone voice thing, I think every girl has one, lol
D8 I know how you feel Aly... People say I sound like a child on the phone and my mom sounds like a 1-900 telephone operator. XD
Nee, more peoples! ^^ Yeah, we havn't really fully casted yet. Although we pretty much have Sophia (ducky go evil quack!) Sigma, (me me)... and Natalie already (if she still want to do her, ^^;). But Horatio's female voice is still needed and that's going to sound 15. And Susanna will sould 14 too. or could even sound like a young sounding 14 year old.
Oh, and anyone can skype me at any time. Or do people want to skype chat? even without a mic you can join since there is a text spot and you can still hear everything even without a mic.
I would love to still do her~<3
Oh! Roddy...if you want to be a Knight in chess, a black team knight had to drop because she's really sick...
okay, as soon as I get home this weekend I'll try and set up this skype thing and see what you
think of my voice for your needed roles....
until then... TTFN!
....*goes evil*
I give you...BRUSSEL SPROUTS...steamed brussel sprouts that is .. MAUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Nee!! hehe!! yeppy!! Neeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
aka... we have castmentness....
Natalie will be done by: Kisitiene
female Horatio will be done by: animeotakujoanne
Sophia will be done by: SirenMarina
Sigma will be done by: Roddy Manic
we needs boys... Also, I mighty step down from Sigma's role if we find someone better. I am more then happy with just being the producer and a writer.
Hey animeotakujoanne, I just shared information with you, welcome to the club.
Roddy, sorry I wasn't around last night I was exhausted and needed to catch some z's. Master Frennel, my Taekwondo instructor has a knack for taking people off guard and challenging us in our practice sessions at Taekwondo. But I'm here now.
Allykat, we need all the help we can get.
SirenMarina, so you're Ducky, excellent it's a pleasure to finally meet you.
I love this thing!!!!! I dreamed about it again last night! Sophia even had her right voice! can't remember much of the dream this time.. I was stupid and went back to sleep instead of writing it down.
i will get a skype-thingy as soon as i get a new microphone (could be this weekend)
i can easily change my voice, and i forgot to tell you that i have experience with video and audio editing
i herd you liek actors?
I would love to voice act in something. A friend of mine is trying to do some fan made Girl Genius Radio Dramas and I had a blast working on those. Got any parts left for guys?
I can get you some youtube videos as references if you'd like to see me in action. ;)
I dunno how good my microphone will work.
Yes I am the infamous Ducky ..it says so on my MSA pass..Muahahaha
And it's a pleasure to make your aquaintance AnimeMan73
HI TOM *waves carazy* lol and yes I do liek voice actors...but only epic ones like chris patton
Are you Epic enough for the challenge MUahahahaha
Tom, ah my dear fellow it's so nice to see you here. We could use all the help we can get.
Roddy, would you be interested in seeing Tom's references?
RoscoeTEHclam, wow sounds like you got some real tech moxie. I'm sure Roddy would agree we need all the tech help we can get.
SirenMarina, you are Ducky, excellent, and truly when you wish to be you are a paramount example of epically evil characters.
Me, I'll be taking some bit parts but nothing major. When it comes to that leading man sort of thing, I think I'll just hang back and smell the flowers. What I can do, is help write this. For though we have a limited budget, my imagination is epic in scale when it needs to be. And thanks to my Taekwondo training I've learned the fine art of being a team player.
Tom!! hai hai. we have many male roles left. *points at all the "not casted yet" males n the first post.* If any of them stand out for ya let me now. hai hai, and references are fun and help always.
Yeah... I am good with user friendly tech, but not hardware and stuff. and when I get the stuff we need for this I want to make sure I am getting the right things. So all tech knowledge is always loved.
*sings* Ducky ducky you the evil, if you can't kill them no one can!! mwhahaha.... ><;;
Yeah.. decided for sure I am just doing the bit parts. so Sigma is open ladies! note, the hard part with her is she has a clam voice, almost monotonous (is that the word?) so you’re not going to be having much emotion in it.
Also added the dolls to the first post. I wish I had art talent and could draw character sheets for them all. The dolls are cute and help, but still not quite them.
I can't see the dolls right now, but I have a feeling that Caleb is my kind of role.
These are the roles for me to choose from, right?
Minor role . . . / Male / undecided / Jeremiah Kincaid
Lead role - good . / boy* / 15 . / Horatio
Loyal Flaky Simi-lead role - bad / male / 22 / Caleb
I would be fine with any role you'd like. It really depends on what kind of voice you need.
You're mostly correct Tom. There's one part that's been left out.
Uh, Roddy didn't we change Grant back to a guy? Because I believe you still have him down as a female. You might want to change that commander.
oops, forgot to change his gender back when he was ungraceafied.
So yes, Those three and Grant also. There will be bit male roles too. but that is the ones that will have the most airtime.
And Caleb is awesome. and has the last word line in the end. but not the last sound. hehe... ducky knows what I mean... but most not spoil... incase a none cast is reading this...
But Grant is awesome too, and Jeremiah and Horatio. they all have some awesomeness about them.
Oh, I have 4 of the bit parts' names.
Maurice, Horatio's father (he goes by Gertrude when in female form.)
Hamlet, Horatio's older brother (he goes by Titania when in female form, a name he picked out.)
Ophelia, Horatio's sister
Yorick, Horatio's family dog
His father loved a certain play. ^^;;
Roddy if you get the chance tonight contact me on Skype I have an idea for a bit character who'll pop up and from there make on and off appearances throughout the serial. As I said call me via Skype when yopu get the chance.
OK, I'm home now. Let me see..... videos of me acting in different voices.....
Well there's the Girl Genius Dating game....
I have some clips from when I was running my vampire game. There was a particular npc a friend was interested in and she wanted to see me portray so I recorded this session. I am Lucille (aka Rachel) a ghost who died in the 1880s and has recently found her way back into her body.
Ummmm, I don't know if there's any more of me actually doing anything you could call "voice acting"
Oh! Unless you count singing! ;D
Thanks Roddy~<3 Cant wait to work with you all! On my way to Portland right now ans on my phonewebz...
I am going to show our characters to my friends Liz and Jess and see how they draw. Jess is great at Shoujo drawing and Liz is just epic. They both drew the same OC for me and their different styles really show. Ill show you guys when I get back to WA and Liz finishes her coloring of him...
*Holds her doll close* hehehe
Why thank you darling
*doll waves pom pom un amused*
hehe Killing is so fun Killing is so fun
Punishing the traitors for all that they have done.
*evil smile*
Roddy, if Female Horatio's not taken you'll see me tomorrow as Roxas, not sure if it's pregnant Roxas or Holloween Town Roxas yet. But either way, i'll be Roxas.
We have a female Horatio, the male voice is the one not casted yet. we also have Susanna open still too for the females.
i can do whatever
if tom wants caleb, i can do horatio
i am flexible
Grant is open too. and Jeremiah. Unless you ment you'd like to do Horatio the most.
I'd like to see if I could get the role of Susanna then.....
I am on skype now if anyone would like to talk... I dunno how this thing works so....
pm if I am not appearing or something!
Grant is open too. and Jeremiah. Unless you ment you'd like to do Horatio the most.
no, i just said that because you pointed it out
i can do anybody, honestly
Roddy, any female voice would be fine, if not then i'll just help you with writing.
oh, okay. ^^ Yeah.. I guess maybe I can deside when I hear ya.
I am making another Sophia flakky... (btw... I have no clue why I call them flakky... and old inside joke I had with someone but I forgot it. ^^;;) But she will have about the same airtime as susanna. And anouther with a little less airtime then them. But they are both girls, to help out with there being more girls interested.
I am working on dolls of them now. I and names and sum ups for them.
Okay. got the dolls. Horatio's female isn't on this one though.
Horatio, Grant, Sigma, Jeremiah, and Natalie
Ruth, Susanna, Sophia, Caleb, and Cindy
Morning everybody. Okay here's the scoop, I've got work today and I'll be out until 4:45p.m.But once I'm off I'll get home A.S.A.P. (As Soon As Possible). I'd say the best time to contact me would be around 5:30p.m. to 6:00p.m. As one of the writers of this I want to get to know all the members of the cast. So once I'm home if you want to contact me Roddy can give you the information on how to get a hold of me via Skype. I look forward to working with each and every one of you on thbis serial.
i'm still working on getting a microphone
but, if any of you are going to the party at the church tonight, i'll be able to meet you and demonstrate my abilities
(and i do know some of you will be there)
okay. I will be out and about most the day. but later night I should be okay to skype.
happy halloween!!! ^-^
Happy Halloween everyone I'm home so if anyone wants to chat on Skype noow's the time.
Okay, updated thread title, have the WIP title for this in it.
All the main cast is all in!!! Yippy!!!! I love you people!
Story writers, all still wanting to be part of the writing of this please PM me so we can talk about planning times to work on things.
We will still need side rolls so if you wanted to do voices for this you still can! Also, we already have ideas for season two so if you were not casted as a main, and want to be a main, maybe you can be in the second season.
On that note, these people will need to stick around for the second season. (Note it will take place years later.)
Also note they are all going to be supporting, there will be a new main cast.
nekovamp13 for boy Horatio's voice (but not that long into it.)
RoscoeTEHclam for Jeremiah Kincaid
Anamink for Sigma Kincaid
SirenMarina for ... Sophia? kinda...
FateChooseMe for Susanna Brice
the rest can try for new roles. And even some of the returning might like to have a second role to be too they can try for. But the second season is VERY rough idea only right now and we'll worry about it after we are a lot closer to the end of the first season.
Also again, I know there were more interested, and if I missed you I would still love for you to be involved. I wish I could have a bigger cast of main roles, but this story, the first season anyways, really cannot handle any more mains. But as noted, there will be plenty of other voices. Off the top of my head; anyone in Horatio's family, Jeremiah's father, flashbacks with Natalie's family, Sigma and Sophia's mother flashbacks, and more.
Now it’s bed time for me. I will check this before work and after. I normally have Mon and Tuesdays off, so I might be around to work on it all day those days, but not sure as I have not had time to go get my new work schedule so will find out tom... tonight. ^^;;
Hey cast members and writers Animeman73 here! Just to let you guys know I'll be out until 2:45p.m. today with work. I should be home around say 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. somewhere in there. And Roddy as soon as you get home today call me up on Skype have some interesting ideas for this saga pertaining to the backstory and some interesting ideas for the antagonists in the next serial a deliciously terrifying idea! As for the rest of you I lopok forward to hearing from you. If you want to conrtact me via Skype do so around 3 to 5. And if you don't get me the first time keep trying until you get me. Be seeing you.
so i will try to make skype work on my computer a couple more times, but if it doesn't work, we will need to work something else out.
xcthulhux, you live close so if all else fails I can pick ya up and just record you parts here.
work time for me. see ya all around 5:30 to 6. ^^
xcthulhux, you live close so if all else fails I can pick ya up and just record you parts here.
work time for me. see ya all around 5:30 to 6. ^^
bai roddy
has fun at work.
i still don't have a mic, so i'll be getting skype as soon as i do
i still don't have a mic, so i'll be getting skype as soon as i do
my lappy has one built in, plus the one i was using last night.
Hey everybody I was a little late getting to this thread because my attention got diverted but I'm here now. So hopefully I'll get a call on Skype soon.
i think i can get skype to work on my comp, but its gonna run slow, and i won't be able to use it tonight because i am at my sisters house.
i will see about calling later tonight.
i still don't have a mic, so i'll be getting skype as soon as i do
my lappy has one built in, plus the one i was using last night.
my old laptop was very similar to yours, but it doesn't work that well anymore, and my dad has it in michigan
i still don't have a mic, so i'll be getting skype as soon as i do
my lappy has one built in, plus the one i was using last night.
my old laptop was very similar to yours, but it doesn't work that well anymore, and my dad has it in michigan
thats interesting!
anyway, back on topic. i will try to call somebody later tonight when i get home, or whatever.
sorry, got sidetracked. I am home so anyone can skype me. I'll go change my status on it.
just downloaded and installed skype
now, to get that mic....
just downloaded and installed skype
now, to get that mic....
Roooscoooo, no need for mic, you can hear us and text and stuff. What is you name on skype???
just downloaded and installed skype
now, to get that mic....
Roooscoooo, no need for mic, you can hear us and text and stuff. What is you name on skype???
this is a good point.
same as here
First page no gone, gone no never will it me say I..... nani? I just confused myself there. But the first post will be up again soom, I am just fixing it up some since we are pretty much in the wring stage now. aka, taking out any spoilers and just making it work better for it not being use for casting anymore, well, other then Jerry berry.... but I think I know who I want for that role.
Neee!!!! Pink is a pretty color btw.
Roddy, I'll be getting Skype later this week, probably tomorrow, I don't have a mic so I can't speak, BUT I can type xD.
Konan this is Animeman73 one of the writers for this epic. We're looking forward to your joining us. And we'll welcome you to our group somehow. See you later on Konan.
Konan this is Animeman73 one of the writers for this epic. We're lookuing forward to your joining us. And we'll welcome you to our group somehow.See you later on Konan.
I'm a writer too, it's just I haven't posted much due to school =A=;
This is going to be one more modification to the character list. but the final one.
I just need to think up name things.
Roddy it's Animeman73 how are you this morning lass? Also about the charcter we discussed I wanted to talk to you about that. Skype me A.S.A.P. I'm going to be around for a while.
Roddy it's ANimeman73 how are you this morning lass? Also about the charcter we discussed I wanted to talk to you about that. Skype me A.S.A.P. I'm going to be around for a while.
I'm attempting to start up skype as we speak. im hoping it will work this time.
I'll most likely be getting Skype today after school since the parents won't be home so I'll be able to get on the internet.
alright, i got it running, but its slow.
i need peoples skype names >.>
At practise right now... After we get through Ill get on skype...
I'm on skype now... if that matters! ^__^
Hey Ally, if you want to talk I'm online right now.
First posted all cleaned up and stuff.
woo skype!
it's at times like these, I really hate having dial up. I can't get skype since the download's too slow.
don't bother with skype, it just gets you in trouble
first you get in a conversation
you accidentally offend some people
next day, you get kicked out of group
feel bad, regretful
have bad day at school, get fired, fail at fundraiser
realize that you completely ruined your own life in a matter of minutes
don't bother with skype, it just gets you in trouble
first you get in a conversation
you accidentally offend some people
next day, you get kicked out of group
feel bad, regretful
have bad day at school, get fired, fail at fundraiser
realize that you completely ruined your own life in a matter of minutes
Pretty sure that can happen without skype. ::)
Tom! Don't instigate. Jeeze, so Skype for me is out of the question, contacting me is simple though, Yahoo im.
Tom! Dost you have Skype...?
Problem, I don't have Yahoo im. Trust me, Skype IS a good idea. And you can take THAT to the bank.
has dial up = slow downloading
Yeah, when you tell jokes about kids being raped when the person you are telling it to has a 7 year old son and tells you to stop and yet you do not... that leaves a bad impression... And this person with the son is the producer... then yeah.... and I never said you were kicked out of CLUB, I just said I prefer you no longer do Jeremiah voice
in case you hadn't read, my life is basically a [mod edit: language removed] right now, so i won't have any [mod edit: language removed] time for that stuff
[Edit by JeffT, Administrator: Removed inappropriate language]
huh, oh.. my life is crap too.. look, I only have 3 days of work... like 12 hours total. I need 40 to pay all my bills. and a single mother has a lot of bills. But, all my life's issues, even ones I have no need to blah blah about in this forum, are my problems. thi8ngs that happened based on choices I had made. Not based on what others did. I learn from my mistakes, feel sad when bad things happen, then move on. The end.
what's done is done, and we can't change that
we can only move forward
on a happy puffy cloud note. I really am in love with the new Gwendolyn girl.
I think I have skype. I'll check to see if its still installed tomorrow afternoon.
I think I have skype. I'll check to see if its still installed tomorrow afternoon.
Oh please do! cause we are all online yay!
Im sure I could instlal skype when I get home but I wont be home till 11:30pm. people are never up that late :-(
I am. well... sometimes...
Im sure I could instlal skype when I get home but I wont be home till 11:30pm. people are never up that late :-(
i may be.
depending on how i feel at that point.
everyone on skype knows why i feel the way i do >.>
Im sure I could instlal skype when I get home but I wont be home till 11:30pm. people are never up that late :-(
I will be on! I'm gonna go take a shower... but then I am gonna come back!
Skype is epic.
That's why everyone has it.
i'm really sorry about everything, and if any of you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, i'd really enjoy a conversation right now
If you ever need an extra voice sometime, let me know, yo~
so uh.... how do I join u guys on skype (got it installed and up)
user: kylite
....oh, it's ventrilo that's on this computer.
I'll switch it over in a few hours. I gotta go back to work now. ;)
....oh, it's ventrilo that's on this computer.
I'll switch it over in a few hours. I gotta go back to work now. ;)
I'm on skype now, but i am unable to talk on the mic. if i had my headphones, or was at home, it would be a different story.
Yeah sure, I guess I can take a minor male part.
I jumped on last night and my silly voices got the better of me *laughs* I cant help it, im a ham
I jumped on last night and my silly voices got the better of me *laughs* I cant help it, im a ham
I heard that you have a good narrator voice.
Oh yeah, I heard Kylite's voice and he definitely has annoucer potential! You know I think our production will gain some credibiliutry with some K-con staff involved.
Oh yeah, I heard Kylite's voice and he definitely has annoucer potential! You know I think our production will gain some credibiliutry with some K-con staff involved.
i dunno, but i hope this gets popular.
could be a stepping stone in my career in voice acting (if i ever have one)
If I get skype running today I'm going to sound horrible because of my cold and I'll be laggy because of the youtube uploads I need to do.
Do what you need to do Tom. You're still in.
If I get skype running today I'm going to sound horrible because of my cold and I'll be laggy because of the youtube uploads I need to do.
nobody cares!
im just kidding tom, we are sorry for your cold, and if it helps you can just talk to me in the chat as i am unable to VC most of today anyway.
Off to practice we go! I hate being a mime because I cant talk... D8 But I guess I do love my imaginary chicken...
Ill be on skype when I get home...after 6:30...
Off to practice we go! I hate being a mime because I cant talk... D8 But I guess I do love my imaginary chicken...
Ill be on skype when I get home...after 6:30...
when i first read that i thought it said "imaginary children" LOL
Yay Tom's on Skype now!
Off to practice we go! I hate being a mime because I cant talk... D8 But I guess I do love my imaginary chicken...
Ill be on skype when I get home...after 6:30...
when i first read that i thought it said "imaginary children" LOL
XD Yes! My imaginary children! lol
XP No, I'm a Mime and I have a chicken at one point...which I pet...and bring to the audience...
I may log on tonight, I may not. wathcing fruits basket and playing left 4 dead can be time consuming
Iv always wanted to get into voice acting but have never really known how to get going. and yes its true I have the cursed voice of the narator
i can't get on again tonight.
skype makes my compy crash, and im too tired to fix it >.>
D8 How does your comp crash from Skype?!
D8 How does your comp crash from Skype?!
its 13 years old.
Good reason... >.>
I hope you can fix it though! Hard to do VA chats without Grant. D8
Dude you need to save your money and get yourself a new computer. Best place I can thin k of to get a new computer is Best Buy.
Dude you need to save your money and get yourself a new computer. Best place I can thin k of to get a new computer is Best Buy.
if i had a stable income, or enough money to even survive off of, i would.
but at this point, im going to be living off of 50 dollars after bills next month.
HOLD UP! Just realized...Cthu! D8< Why are you not at school?! [/is sick so isn't...]
Grant may be emo but he's not a skipper! [/Natalie decress this...contradict and be kicked in the shins!]
If I win a huge lotto, I'll buy everyone a computer for GbG use only. ^^; one can dream, one can dream.
I am so patting myself on the back for getting involved in this.
do u wish my presence this evening?
I get home at about 11:20pm... I WILL BE ON SKYPE! I MUST I MUST!! ^_^
HOLD UP! Just realized...Cthu! D8< Why are you not at school?! [/is sick so isn't...]
Grant may be emo but he's not a skipper! [/Natalie decress this...contradict and be kicked in the shins!]
i dropped out and got my GED.
schools for fools
School is for me!
considering my schedule, and the fact that i have an 80% chance of getting a free ride through MIT
I'm homne. not sure how late I'll be up though. but home and going to try to be working on things.
*does a lil dance,makes a lil love..gets down tonight.* lol
I'm here..alone..in the dark....damn I think I saw something move..
comcast went down just as i logged in
Kylite just so there's no confusion let me say this to you. According to Roddy and I that little "Hamming it up" performance using that magnificent voice of yours earned you the right to be our narrator.
Kylite just so there's no confusion let me say this to you. According to Roddy and I that little "Hamming it up" performance using that magnificent voice of yours earned you the right to be our narrator.
The most manly narrator available.
Kylite is BA
my "hamming up" got me kicked out.....
is there any way you guys can find it in your hearts to allow me back in?
i got in trouble with the police for telling jokes like i told that night, so i've not taken a vow to not tell jokes of any negative nature
my "hamming up" got me kicked out.....
is there any way you guys can find it in your hearts to allow me back in?
i got in trouble with the police for telling jokes like i told that night, so i've not taken a vow to not tell jokes of any negative nature
no offense, but i have a feeling that you are done for this season.
when next season rolls around, we may have a spot for you, but i think you may have blown it for this one.
Thanks for the compliment
Thanks for the compliment
no problem.
you deserve it!
So have you guys started writing the actual script yet?
If so, when do we get copies?
Hey there I know its way late and I don't know if you still need any help but can I join in on the fun??
Hey there I know its way late and I don't know if you still need any help but can I join in on the fun??
i believe there are some background/side characters still open, but roddy would be the one to talk to about that.
If you have skype, we are pretty much all on there, so come talk there.
I just started by sidejacking Kylite's account... but I suppose I should make my own.
[/attacks] Hey. ;D
anyway, so when are we going to have a meetup?
Animeman73 presents, GbG: Bloodlines: Progress Report:
Okay folks last night was a busy one. First off I'd like to take this chance to thank Kisitiene for her help in really getting the foundations of this project built and the brickwork of it underway. I'd like to send a special thanks to Roddy for helping us get our booties in gear. And Roddy don't forget that if you ever get frustrated by things come to us your crew and friends and tell us of your burdens. We'll listen and we'll help you to keep all our eyes on the prize.
We've got the basics of the opening scene down as well as some of the backstory. Ducky trust me when you see this scene you're going to love just how evil Sophia gets. Currently we're really going to go into depth on 3 dimensionalizing the characters (proverbially speaking.). To all of our actors in this project if all goes accordingly we'll see about meetups and getting you copies of your character info so you can really study, understand, and get into your roles. Be rest assured everyone that the ball is rolling on this project. More information and progress reports will be made by yours truly as the story really takes it shape. For now be rest assured that the writing is really underway now. And to anyone else who wishes to join in the writing it's not to late get an account on Skype and join us.
End progress report.
Animeman73 presents, GbG: Bloodlines: Progress Report:
Okay folks last night was a busy one. First off I'd like to take this chance to thank Kisitiene for her help in really getting the foundations of this project built and the brickwork of it underway. I'd like to send a special thanks to Roddy for helping us get our booties in gear. And Roddy don't forget that if you ever get frustrated by things come to us your crew and friends and tell us of your burdens. We'll listen and we'll help you to keep all our eyes on the prize.
We've got the basics of the opening scene down as well as some of the backstory. Ducky trust me when you see this scene you're going to love just how evil Sophia gets. Currently we're really going to go into depth on 3 dimensionalizing the characters (proverbially speaking.). To all of our actors in this project if all goes accordingly we'll see about meetups and getting you copies of your character info so you can really study, understand, and get into your roles. Be rest assured everyone that the ball is rolling on this project. More information and progress reports will be made by yours truly as the story really takes it shape. For now be rest assured that the writing is really underway now. And to anyone else who wisahes to join in the writing it's not to late get an account on Skype and join us.
End progress report.
I am very excited now. I can't wait to get the first script and start recording.
I wish i could practice my lines >.>
anyway, i think it would be appropriate for roddy to add a spoiler warning to this thread topic, and original post.
@animeman: WHY DIDN'T YOU PM ME?
ALSO, I would really like to help with the website, if that would be possible, i would be very happy.
there will be no spoilers in this thread by cast, I am 90% sure I do have that on the first post. once it starts there will be talk about the current show in here, but on cast chat spoilers needs to stay in pms and skype and irl meetings and what not. away from public eyes.
there will be no spoilers in this thread by cast, I am 90% sure I do have that on the first post. once it starts there will be talk about the current show in here, but on cast chat spoilers needs to stay in pms and skype and irl meetings and what not. away from public eyes.
is there any way i can help out with the website?
I wanted to appologize for last night, we kinda hijacked the conversation and stopped productive work from being done. I will behave more in the future.
I wanted to appologize for last night, we kinda hijacked the conversation and stopped productive work from being done. I will behave more in the future.
Everyone seemed to be pretty happy about last night.
they apparently thought your 3 people on the microphone was pretty lulzy.
Roddy really brings out the drama in voice drama :D
also, unless there are any objections, i will be taking a break until the script is ready.
I don't feel any need to interrupt the creative aspect of this ;)
I forgot what I was going to post...
Editing a lot in here
Due to some issues, the cast is being reviewed. First post will be updated in a while.
Roddy you might also post this over at the new Guided by Grievance thread.
No, Tom. That 'new' thead needs to be deleted...
if u need it removed tom, let me know
Can you do that kylite? I'd appreciate it as I don't want to cause any confusion or drama.
Ally is a lost and sad little muffin and acquaints this with having
to be stuck at work with no access to what is going on...
she hopes happy news is being occuring.... regardless...
she hopes everything is okay! I love you all! Please PM if something
is up and I need to do something! let me know!
Cause Ally is all confused and does worry about such things!
I dont get off work till 10pm and not home till 11:30pm (being bus bound SUCKS)
I know what number you take muahahaha
how far do you take it so I can see if I am Able to be a creeper..and wave as you pass
54 from my work at 4th and harrison (10:14pm) all the way to beaverton TC (10:46pm) then a lovely 30 minute sit before the 52 takes off (11:09pm) then I get off at 156th and farmington (11:20pm)
lol I could try and stalk you now muahaha jkjk
>.> Ducky really is trying to stalk you...
Folks you should know that when we start recording this for Youtube or whereever if I end up doing a voice I'll need either a lift or information on buses that go near there. Being legally blind makes it so my transportation option are....limited.
Welcome to my world LOL (legally blind and bus bound)
I got ur back on trimet info. but rides are ALWAYS welcome for us handicapped peoples LOL
and as for being stalked by ducky *laughs* shes cute so I dont mind
With how quickly and efficiently you posted the information I am surprised you didnt post our address while your at it... (please dont cause I am sure more than ducky would just show up). Plus I think all that ducky stalking you would do is bring delight to your day cause then you could proudly state: "I have a stalker, and shes cute." and just how much that would make your day...
Problem for me is I think you are more creeper than ducky is being, and that says something...
>.> To quote our favorite Ducky, "Oh baby, oh baby!"
*laughs* kenton likes to think were hidden from the world at large. but practically everyone knows where I am, atleast in the general area. *laughs*
and as for being creepy LOL hey im yojimbo, its what I do
I know that most people know where we are but I wouldnt mind it if the INTERNET didnt have to know... alot of people out there you know, and just cause you're yoji does not make you creepy, being a perverted hermit does. Master Roushi
Hello PhantmK this is Animeman73. It's nice to have you here. Has Roddy talked to you yet? Because if you haven't talked to her then we have an offer for you. If so then when and if you get on Skype I'll be happy to formally introduce myself.
Hey so umm yea I has the skype thingy now so find me by my username. If I havent found you already.
Hello PhantmK I've let Roddy know that you have SKype now. Hopefully she'll contact you sometime today. Okay everyone let's pull together and "Get er' done."
Okay everybody hyere's the deal. I'm going to be out until 4:45 p.m. today. So I should be home around say 5:30 to 6:30. If anybody wants to contact me then. Conntact me around that time. ANd if you don't get me once try again in about 10 to 15 minutes. Anyway I'll see you later today.
Updated the 1st post. This will be a info thread, and once this starts, it will also be a place for fans to talk. I ask though that no staff post spoilers. once it's live and a go I don't mind fans talking about like "Oh, and when so and so did such an such I wanted to punch them." but no staff saying "so and so is going to kill so and so." ^^;
there will be news and updates changing on the first post too. I'll but will edit the title to note there is new news when I add it unless I post about it too.
And.. All Staff! I would love to have a meet up! I understand this might not happen right away, and maybe have to be split up into two groups. So.. I ask everyone to post here when the best time for you is, where you are, and how far you can go. If it ends up split to 2 meetings I will be at both. Also, I can give rides to those near me, if this changes how far you can go add that like... I con go so and so far unless I get a ride from another member of this.
Name: Roddy Manic
Times: Any time after 6 on any day other then wensdays. anytime th-t as long as I have two weeks notice to give my work. I highly doubt I can get one this soon, but I have sat the 14th of this month off too that I can do this at any time with.
Where: Beaverton
How far: If it is when I have all day off then as far as... maybe Kelso washington? maybe further.
XP This will be an interesting one, that's for sure...
I doubt I'll be able to make meet ups for a long time but here ya go!
Name :: Kisitiene Just call me Kris...
Times :: Currently? After 8:30 due to Dress Rehersals... >.> After the play anytime weekdays after 2:20 cept on Thursdays and Fridays which would be after 4:30 due to Art Club and Speech & Debate Meetings. Weekends are any time I'm awake...
Where :: Pasco, Washington... >.>;
How Far :: Depends... I go down to Portland at random times but that's via meh madre... Other than that I have busses that take me to all three Tri-Cities (Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland) and WallaWalla...though I have no idea why anyone would want to meet in WallaWalla... >.>
Name: Jesse Cranston
Time: Weekends are free, weekdays are taken with work
Where: anywhere trimet can go I guess but my neighborhood is Beaverton
How far: see above
Name: Animeman73
Time: Any time around say 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. I am available after 12:30 p.m. Thursdays.
Where: As long as it's in the Portland area no problem.
How far: It depends on where the busses go or if someone is willing to give me a ride as I am legally blind. I am also one of the writers for this production.
Time: I know its absolutely abysmal but mornings every morning, as for evenings I dont know until my work schedule comes out the week before so let me know when its happening and I will try to get the day off.
Where: Have a van so wherever is fine.
How far: Wherever the party may be.
So was i taken off of this then?
if yes, i understand, but somebody could have at least told me.
Name: Konan-Chan
Times: any time after 3pm weekdays after 12pm weekends
Where: Forest Grove[where I'm at] Beaverton[easy to get to]
How far: furthest I've been is Gresham on the MAX.
Name: Tom
Time: afternoons/evenings. I'm most available between 4 and 7pm. I have mondays off with no plans.
Where: I could get most place in Portland, but I'd rather meet up on the West side. Like in Beaverton.
I would have talked to you. Would love talk with you about this and CLUB. You can skype me any time if I am online. I would have skyped you but your name is off my list for some reason so I can never tell if you are ever online or not.
If anyone would be willing to pick me up from the MAX station in Beaverton I'd appreciate it.
Hey Roddy, if you have yahoo, we can IM since I'm on it right now, and It's the only messanger i have since I can't down load skype
I don't have yahoo, but I do have MSN and aim.
roddymcmay is my aim
traceyraemorris@hotmail.com is my msn
alas here I sit at work. the forums and facebook are my only outlets. *sighs* gods im bored
Name: Joanne Kirckof
Times: afternoons are best considering travel times, during the weekend
Where: Yakima, WA
How Far: Tri-Cities maybe? it depends
I'll see what I can do about getting MSN. I'd probably do that on wednesday when i get back from DH.
Okay folks for those of you who have Skype know that I'm going to be gone today until say 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. I should be home afterward so if anybody needs to contact me, especially you Roddy, then said time period would be the best time. And if you don't get me the first tuime try again every 5 minutes you WILL eventually get a response I guarentee that.
I would have talked to you. Would love talk with you about this and CLUB. You can skype me any time if I am online. I would have skyped you but your name is off my list for some reason so I can never tell if you are ever online or not.
i currently don't have internet, but if you would like you can PM me. i would say to text me/call me, but my phone is missing.
i am at my sisters house for tonight, and tomorrow, but i doubt i will be able to skype.
Roddy, I need to contact you quickly! Something amazing has happened and it's in regards to GbG. I've just written for it what has got to be one of the biggest pieces of brillance I've ever written yet (Pardon me if I sound egotistical). So tonight as soon as you get the chance please you must contact me via Skype. This is very important, I beg you humbly.
I will be getting ahold of everyone who has already been casted. I need to figure out who all wants to do this. has the tech needed. has the time needed for the role they are doing. all that sort of still. So, I will soon be PMing everyone with a quetionare thing, either today tomorrow, or sometime this week.
Writers... I need to know ASAP who all still wants to be involed in the writing part, that is not already in it. Skpye is a big tool we use as I am better at explaining things via voice. But the text part of it will be use a lot too. Also, I really would love to orginize a face to face meet-up, which will 85% sure be near Kis, maybe in tri-cities. but I can give a ride to any writer that is on the way, or can get to a max stop or location that is on the way. 85% sure it will be on a sunday (as that is an easier day for me to get off work.) but maybe a saturday. So maybe, the 12th or 13th of december.
YOU'RE DANG TOOTIN' I STILL WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS!!! Translation, yes I still want to do this.
Also, I really would love to orginize a face to face meet-up, which will 85% sure be near Kis, maybe in tri-cities. but I can give a ride to any writer that is on the way, or can get to a max stop or location that is on the way. 85% sure it will be on a sunday (as that is an easier day for me to get off work.) but maybe a saturday. So maybe, the 12th or 13th of december.
; 3; You'd really come up to Tri-Cities!? Roddy you are so awesome!!!
But, December is snow season. D8 Wouldn't it be dangerous to make the passes? I could always be on conference call with you all while you meet up. I has a web cam. >.>
And, I'd have to find out when my December Debate tournament is. :/ Cause I lost my paper with the dates.
I imagine Roddy will do what's best Kisitiene.
I'm attempting to get skype again
I have skype now, axelxkairi
Happy. ^^ I now have the time line up and show line up. This will end after the 3rd season (and we have no idea for the plot of the 3rd yet but we do have an idea for the endgame of the story all together.)
So.. It will be
1.5 Last time on GbG
2.5 Opening
15 show
0.25 Break on
1.5 commercial 1 (Pocky Club)
1.5 commercial 2 (CLUB)
0.25 Break Off
15 show
0.25 Break on
1.5 commercial 3 (KumoriCon)
1.5 commercial 4 (SUCH)
0.25 Break Off
15 Show
2.5 Ending
1.5 Next time on GbG
until we get real commercials we will be doing them for what is listed.
*makes note to self to contact KumoriCon to see what they want theirs to be and Pocky Club to see what they want theirs to be.*
The monthly VD lineup is this
Guided by Grievance: Bloodlines
Season 1:1 - Title (first Aired (my goal is June 2010))
Season 1:2 - Title
Season 1:3 - Title
Season 1:4 - Title
Season 1:5 - Title
Season 1 - Title : Halloween Special
Season 1:6 - Title
Season 1:7 - Title
Season 1 - Title : Xmas Special
Season 1:8 - Title
Season 1:9 - Title
Season 1:10 - Title
Season 1:11 - Title
Season 1:12 -Title
Season 1:13 - Bloopers Are Attacking!
Guided by Grievance: (Title)
Season 2:1 - Title
Season 2:2 - Title
Season 2:3 - Title
Season 2:4 - Title
Season 2:5 - Title
Season 2 - Title : Halloween Special
Season 2:6 - Title
Season 2:7 - Title
Season 2 - Title : Xmas Special
Season 2:8 - Title
Season 2:9 - Title
Season 2:10 - Title
Season 2:11 - Title
Season 2:12 -Title
Season 2:13 - Bloopers: the Musical
Guided by Grievance: (Title)
Season 3:1 - Title
Season 3:2 - Title
Season 3:3 - Title
Season 3:4 - Title
Season 3:5 - Title
Season 3 - Title : Halloween Special
Season 3:6 - Title
Season 3:7 - Title
Season 3 - Title : Xmas Special
Season 3:8 - Title
Season 3:9 - Title
Season 3:10 - Title
Season 3:11 - Title
Season 3:12 -Title
Season 3:13 - A Bloopering farwell!
CD/DVD 1: Season 1 (Includes Episodes 1-12)
CD/DVD 2: Season 1 Specials (Includes the Halloween special, xmas special, and episode 13 bloopers spectial)
CD/DVD 3: Season 2 (Includes Episodes 1-12)
CD/DVD 4: Season 2 Specials (Includes the Halloween special, xmas special, and episode 13 bloopers spectial)
CD/DVD 5: Season 3 (Includes Episodes 1-12)
CD/DVD 6: Season 3 Specials (Includes the Halloween special, xmas special, and episode 13 bloopers spectial)
CD/DVD 7: Extras (Includes interviews with staff and cast, Art, Music, clips from Cons and Recording, behind the scenes, Character Sheets the cast used)
And I am talked to my Father about having his work be an investor, and it looks promising.
Oh! I has debate schedule. XP No tournament on the 13th but I do have one the 12th... It's only a one day trip up to Wenatchee (I believe...) and we're going to stop by Leavenworth for some Holiday joy before heading back home but yeah. ^^ I can give you my debate schedule anytime you want it as well as my Leadership schedule.
i see you don't have a definite for grant yet.
good luck with that.
Actually we do, It's Kenton. I just haven’t updated the cast in a while.
Off the top of my head...
Narrator - Kylite
Natalie = Kris
Grant = Kenton
Horatio Male = (forgot name >< *gets bricked by Kris for this fact* I need to make sure she still wants to do his voice though. Or see if she wants to do a minor in the 1st season and one of the main in the second.)
Horatio Female = Joanne
Sigma = An... (bricked) always forget her SN, but she is awesome cool hike girl with fangs! ^^;;
Jeremiah = Julia (who is awesome!)
Susanna = Molly (also need to ask her if she is still a go for her.)
Gwen (and Jenn, Cynthia, Elliot) = Ally
Ruth = (forgot name too.. >< nora?)
Caleb = Tom
Sophia = Ducky
Second Season so far
Sigma = Same as before
Jeremiah = Julia
(unnamed) = Kris
Bianca = Me maybe
Caleb = Tom
Doll = Ducky
Jenn = Ally
A lot of the 2nd season has not been casted yet, but that isn' going to star airing until 2011 so we have plenty of time. Need to focus on the 1st season first.
Some day I'll get back on skype.
I've been conserving bandwidth lately for youtube uploads.
No rush. ^^ still on writing stage. but if I am able to get my dad to invest, I'll be able to get you, and the other main cast, the program I want everyone to have for recording their voices and everyone a good headset and mic piece. ^^
For some reason I imagined only getting $40 bucks invested and making this into a puppet show instead of a radio show.
This would be an epic puppet show!
Also, Roddy could you put the character bio lines back into the first post?
I have trouble remembering who is who beyond Caleb and Sophia.
(because we are the only ones who were truly chosen by destiny!)
... It is a VD, set up like one. Being written in that format. And even if I don't get an inverstor and I end up being the only producer for this, I will put way more then $40 into this, it's my baby. I want to see it be as big as it can be. *hugs it.*
... It is a VD, set up like one. Being written in that format. And even if I don't get an inverstor and I end up being the only producer for this, I will put way more then $40 into this, it's my baby. I want to see it be as big as it can be. *hugs it.*
Yeah I know. I just love puppets. A puppet show would cost way more than $40 anyway, it was just a low outside investment number.