Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: TanisNikana on November 23, 2009, 11:54:21 am
Just a passing idea for now, if it gets serious this'll go to the gaming subforum: I'm about ready to make an RPG and I'm getting ready to line up a small staff. More info on request if anyone cares. Ask me anything.
Do you mean a tabletop rpg, a single player video game rpg, or some manner of multiplayer digital rpg?
Single player console-class video RPG.
Single player console-class video RPG.
Got it. I probably wouldn't be much help then. :)
Although.... I could be of some help. (Probably not...Depends if your really talking about single player video game RPG)
Although.... I could be of some help. (Probably not...Depends if your really talking about single player video game RPG)
Well, here's what I have:
Director, me. Responsible for maintaining game documentation of every hero, monster, chest, event, scripted object, plot point, and integration of the other staff's outputs (such as patching written scripts into the game). Also responsible for overseeing other departments and making sure they collaborate as needed.
Programmers, two of them. To join them, you must demonstrate skill in RGSS-Ruby, editing scripts to reflect changes in documentation, and writing new scripts to reflect a variety of functions, features, and ideas on the fly.
Here's what I need:
Pixel artists, two of them. Can you make a 128 x 32 pixel chunk of canvas accurately look like a decent lamppost? How good are you at animation? The shade of one dot makes all the difference. Pencil artists need not apply; looking for much smaller work.
Music creators, one or two of them. And I use this term not as if I'm looking for a musician, but more of someone who can create music. Good knowledge of musical theory, Audacity, Acid Pro, Fruity Loops et al. Someone who could really make this game aurally pop.
UI designer, one of them. Can you make a menu that is not the least bit tedious to navigate? Dialogue windows that look professional and polished? Do you know enough RGSS-Ruby (or are you good enough friends with the programmer) to put this all together? UI designer will be working with the art, music, and programming teams.
Storyboarder, two of them. Sure, I may have a couple ideas, but they're the starting brush strokes of the painting. The storyboarders will ultimately decide who says what, where the music goes, how the art plays into it. They'll be working with art and music, and also using the director as a reference.
So I imagine then, are you capable of producing quality work for a 20+ hour game? This is going to be somewhere around 100+ hours of personal investment over the next year or so, and if I get enough staff, it's gonna get made.
Chumps need not apply, and by chump I mean that if you're gonna draw me a picture and call it done, forget it.
Finish LD3. D:
...Psh..Draw a picture and call it done...Wow...
Anyway..I could be of good help to the plot (EPICNESS) and MUSIC.
umm...How about sound effects? I could help with that too.
+ Im not familiar with the ruby thing. I use DARKBASIC Pro.
...Psh..Draw a picture and call it done...Wow...
Anyway..I could be of good help to the plot (EPICNESS) and MUSIC.
umm...How about sound effects? I could help with that too.
+ Im not familiar with the ruby thing. I use DARKBASIC Pro.
Wrong engine. This project is to be done with RMXP, as noted above.
Is RMXP easy to use? I might get it then.
What's it going to be called? And the story and Plot? Characters?
Why hello there good chap. I hear that you are in need of some Ruby programmers. I am here to offer my services to your cause.
Good stuff. How are you on custom menu and battle systems, as well as working with others?
Check out RMXP's prebuilt battle handler; it lets us assign actions for each combatant and rank them by priority and condition, not unlike Final Fantasy XII's gambit system. This can be changed of course, but it's pretty good to start with.
As for custom battle system, have a look at Persona 3's battle system. What steps, programmatically, would you have to take to turn that into, say, the battle system for Final Fantasy X?
Is RMXP easy to use? I might get it then.
What's it going to be called? And the story and Plot? Characters?
The title is the first thing you read, and the last thing we make. Story and plot go first, once a staff is in place.
^ This makes no sense. Ever.
*sigh* You guys never used integers before....
Unfortunaly I can't give some of my code right now because it's on my other computer...and it probably wont work on the program your using sooo..
^_^ good luck with the game then.
^ This makes no sense. Ever.
*sigh* You guys never used integers before....
Unfortunaly I can't give some of my code right now because it's on my other computer...and it probably wont work on the program your using sooo..
^_^ good luck with the game then.
JeffT, paging JeffT.
Seriously, no. Integers are a data class capable of holding a limited whole number and a sign. Programming is an umbrella term that can generally be used to say "make computers dance how I want them to". "Integers on programming" is something Sarah Palin would say.
Try something like "my utilization of the integer data class in C++ is rather poor" or "I can't really grasp the concept of integers in any programming language."
And seeing as how you've declared yourself to not be useful here, please post elsewhere from now on. We have a game to make, excuse us.
"my utilization of the integer data class in C++ is rather poor"
That's what I meant man!
"my utilization of the integer data class in C++ is rather poor"
That's what I meant man!
I'm not paying you.
Why hello there good chap. I hear that you are in need of some Ruby programmers. I am here to offer my services to your cause.
As an example here is a nice Ruby script that will solve a Sudoku puzzle:
def s
81.times do |j|
next if $p[j].to_i!=0
1.upto(9){|v|next if h.has_key?(v.to_s);$p[j]=v.to_s;s}
return $p[j]=0
return (puts "\nSolution:#{$p}")
I approve on almost every point! Just needs more documentation and readability. Took a bit of staring at and stepping through to see it.
So hey, what are your thoughts on RGSS-Ruby?
So hey, what are your thoughts on RGSS-Ruby?
All it is is Ruby with their custom classes implemented all the time so you don't have to import them yourself. Should be pretty simple to learn the syntax.
And not only that, but it's pre-written and documented so all that's needed is edits here and there. ^_^
I just thought...You should call your staff...KUMORISOFT.
I just thought...You should call your staff...KUMORISOFT.
Bumping for hiring, just the once.
wow... patrick cluster is so big. makes my PC seem tiny.
I don't think I could help any in this other them maybe plot ideas and/or character ideas. But if you ever want to throw around thoughts I can throw mine at you to see if it helps you with game plot any. And Good Luck on this endeavor! I want to be a beta tester! ^^;;
I want to be a beta tester too!
What cosole would this be on? PC of course right?
But any other official console.
JeffT, paging JeffT.
I heartily approve of creating a SNES-style RPG. ^_^ But sorry, I'm not available for this project.
Well, here's what I have:
Director, me. Responsible for maintaining game documentation of every hero, monster, chest, event, scripted object, plot point, and integration of the other staff's outputs (such as patching written scripts into the game). Also responsible for overseeing other departments and making sure they collaborate as needed.
Programmers, two of them. To join them, you must demonstrate skill in RGSS-Ruby, editing scripts to reflect changes in documentation, and writing new scripts to reflect a variety of functions, features, and ideas on the fly.
Here's what I need:
Pixel artists, two of them. Can you make a 128 x 32 pixel chunk of canvas accurately look like a decent lamppost? How good are you at animation? The shade of one dot makes all the difference. Pencil artists need not apply; looking for much smaller work.
Music creators, one or two of them. And I use this term not as if I'm looking for a musician, but more of someone who can create music. Good knowledge of musical theory, Audacity, Acid Pro, Fruity Loops et al. Someone who could really make this game aurally pop.
UI designer, one of them. Can you make a menu that is not the least bit tedious to navigate? Dialogue windows that look professional and polished? Do you know enough RGSS-Ruby (or are you good enough friends with the programmer) to put this all together? UI designer will be working with the art, music, and programming teams.
Storyboarder, two of them. Sure, I may have a couple ideas, but they're the starting brush strokes of the painting. The storyboarders will ultimately decide who says what, where the music goes, how the art plays into it. They'll be working with art and music, and also using the director as a reference.
So I imagine then, are you capable of producing quality work for a 20+ hour game? This is going to be somewhere around 100+ hours of personal investment over the next year or so, and if I get enough staff, it's gonna get made.
Chumps need not apply, and by chump I mean that if you're gonna draw me a picture and call it done, forget it.
Must... replay... Final Fantasy 4... Secret of Mana... Final Fantasy 6...
The Integer is the most basic data type that you could ever use in programming, so of course I have used them. Please don't criticize on topics you know nothing about.
In the purest language (family), Lisp, the most fundamental entities are the atom and the cons. More complex data structures, even including singly-linked lists, are reducible to atoms and conses.
Storyboarder interview questions sent to those who professed interest.
Beta testing will come for those who have proven unit testing skills. It will not happen until a major milestone.
Anyone else?
I will write a review of how awesome your game is. I have no skills to qualify for betatesting (since aparently you have to have beta tested in order to be a beta tester) or any of your other positions but I do want to help it along.
I will write a review of how awesome your game is. I have no skills to qualify for betatesting (since aparently you have to have beta tested in order to be a beta tester) or any of your other positions but I do want to help it along.
Nope, you can beta test with no prior experience; you just gotta understand how to unit test.
Nope, you can beta test with no prior experience; you just gotta understand how to unit test.
Ah, I'm sorry. I misunderstood. I will look into that then.
tabletop rpg > console :P
tabletop rpg > console :P
Consoles can sit on tables too.
How much would you sell it for? The game.
How much would you sell it for? The game.
The final, end-all, be-all question.
We don't even have a concept yet. Stop posting in this thread; you've already mentioned several times that you are incapable of helping.
I could help with character designes, I'm not too terribly good with pixels but I make up for that with concept art. If that helps any.
I presume you're refering to RPG Maker XP?
How difficult is Ruby compare to other languages?
And is this more Eastern or Western style RPG?
I presume you're referring to RPG Maker XP?
How difficult is Ruby compare to other languages?
And is this more Eastern or Western style RPG?
Yup. this is RMXP.
Ruby shares many of the same conventions as other languages; learning it should be a simple adaptation if you know other languages, and this game here is probably going to point in the eastern direction.
Soo.....How are you programmers doing so far?
Tanis, I learned i can do pixle stuff, what size do you want?
Bumping this to the top cause it's gonna fly really soon!
Hmm... underhired. I could definitely do with two more pixel artists of proven ability, and another storyboarder.
i suck at every thing and i know some programming and i wanted to know if i could be your
cheerleader tester
i suck at every thing and i know some programming and i wanted to know if i could be your cheerleader tester
Let me know if this seems like your thing. If you still wanna do it, I think we might be in business.
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/1/25/ (Warning to those sensitive to certain patterns of letters, there is a four letter word in here that has letters in it like F, K, and U.)
yes it does
@ Pixel Artists:
Please send samples of your work and a list of what programs you DO use, which programs you CAN use, and what programs you'd be willing to learn to use to Tanis, and he'll forward them to me for checking. Work samples should include original character, animation, and/or tileset sprites, re-skins, and a brief list of influences.
Pixel artists who are willing and able to design and create sprite animations will be given priority for hiring.
@ Storyboarders:
Please include a description of how you can contribute originality, consistency, suspension of disbelief, and productivity to an intriguing and thorough storyline which will be primarily influenced by decisions made by the player.