Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ishpumalibu on January 10, 2010, 08:38:32 pm
I got a phone number from a witty, intelligent, down-to-earth, ga ga ga.....gorgeous girl today, so I'm just hoping you guys can send me some luck, hopefully it's not a fake number, or I put my foot in my mouth. Thanks!
Good luck~! x333
Thanks STARRY!
(It's moving because it's being sent to you...
True fact)
(It's moving because it's being sent to you...
True fact)
cutely awesome! Thanks :)
break a leg Ishpu, really.
break a leg Ishpu, really.
ouch, sympathy points?
break a leg Ishpu, really.
No, I mean 'break a leg' as in theater. it's bad lick to wish one luck. I didn't mean to come off as mean :l
ouch, sympathy points?
break a leg Ishpu, really.
No, I mean 'break a leg' as in theater. it's bad lick to wish one luck. I didn't mean to come off as mean :l
ouch, sympathy points?
yeah, i've heard it I was just being silly, but really, thanks!
break a leg Ishpu, really.
ouch, sympathy points?
No, I mean 'break a leg' as in theater. it's bad lick to wish one luck. I didn't mean to come off as mean :l
yeah, i've heard it I was just being silly, but really, thanks!
Yeah, so really best of luck/break a leg xD too tired lol
**super lucky powers go**
Well played miss!
Thank you!
Luck Luck Luck --->
To you.
Me -----Luck-----> You
You are more fortunate than I. May fortune smile brighter upon you and give what you so deserve.
YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks guys, just called her, didn't get her, if it is her number, but I left a message, not a very good one either haha, but hopefully she calls back!
take luck
Isn't saying, "Good luck!" actually bad luck? ???
Only when acting, operating a vehicle at high speeds, or skydiving.
when you actually get to talk to her you need to let us know how it went!
luck! ^^
Only when acting, operating a vehicle at high speeds, or skydiving.
So you need to say "brake a leg" to a race car driver? Because if they brake their leg, how will they ever break it?
How cute! Ganbare! ~ :D
i wish you all the luck your capable of getting.. long as shes a cosplayer/geek/nerd.... >>
I think maybe it was some head games, she hasn't called yet, but there could be some mix up I guess. I'll wait till like saturday to call again though, I don't wanna seem desperate or weird. Bleh, now I remember why I've liked being single all these years haha. Thanks again for the helpful thoughts though guys.
She got ahold of me tonight via text, said she has monday or wednesday of next week free idealy! *excited aura*!
rotsa ruck said scooby doo
yay! ;D
whatever you do don't wear a red shirt!
The cow shines upon you... may you be blessed with epic win!
(when the cow says good luck, he means bad luck!)
awww w.t.h? what'd i ever do to lotus...?
I'll take any good luck wishes, monday or wednesday date plans are hard, as if finding something to do for a date in eugene isn't bad enough. I'm know what I want to do next date... if there is one, but I won't have ze moneyz to do it this time.
thanks I'll be doing Ikaku's lucky dance for the next few days *lucky lucky lucky*
you all do realize luck is a placebo? and its only as effective as you are at lying to yourself...
pshhh tell that to the urine covered blarney stone.
oh and i'll tell that to my lucky charm that never leaves my wallet and prevents industrial shocks when i weld hahaha
So did you get her???
Sorry Griff is just curious it sounds like you did
yeah, well she called back, so planning a date! ;D
assuming you stop feebly worrying about "luck" and go w/ the flow, you obviously win as she must like you. good on ya sir (no Freudian slips alright?)
yeah, well she called back, so planning a date! ;D
Woot congrads on the catch
so still no date and I got contacted by her basically saying she doesn't want to now... bleh fricking women, I wish they'd be all like... "you're too ugly for me." or whatever instead of leading me on and wasting my time.