
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: nikkiolie on April 20, 2010, 01:31:57 pm

Title: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: nikkiolie on April 20, 2010, 01:31:57 pm
I was going to do this as a poll but that wont work out as well. For the longest time I didn't want a relationship but now I think I am ready. I am feel unsatisfied and I need someone that I can talk to. I am just wondering what makes a person attractive to others.

For me I like someone who makes me laugh. Someone who accepts me the way I am, flaws and all and wont try to change me. Being attractive would help too but isn't a must. This is just a personal thing of mine, but I have always been the outcast and have never gotten the guy I want so going out with a really hot guy would be nice at least once for me. That happened once but like I said I wasn't really looking for a relationship so it didn't work out and now he lives in Vegas x.x I miss him ;_;

So yeah. I want to know what other people think is attractive.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: cloud-9 on April 20, 2010, 06:55:03 pm
an understanding kind hearted human being, whom you can relate to and share your deepest secrets and feel safe.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on April 20, 2010, 07:33:43 pm
I'm trying to figure out if you want to get a guy who is hot for bragging rights, or ...dunno.

Anyway. Can girls ask guys to buy her a cup of coffee today? Then make it like an interview. If all he can talk about is himself, reject. It he is a complete jerk, reject. If he is socially clumsy, toss-up. If he talks about what he is doing, non-stop, could be the next Bill Gates, or just obsessive compulsive, lol.

Try not to be so tsudere. Because most guys don't get to see the softer side, only the I wanna kick your @ss side. I say this, as most of your photos have you looking in this manner.

I have a personal theory. That if you go to a mirror, and make a big smile, if you start cracking yourself up, you don't take yourself too seriously. Lordy, how I need those sometimes. lol

If opposites attract, go find a flake.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: oslapedo on April 20, 2010, 07:37:20 pm
I think that the most attractive thing of all is good conversation ~

nikki, Maybe you could try blind dates or something more casual to meet new people and see what you're into?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: superjaz on April 20, 2010, 07:38:37 pm
The first thing I Noticed about my husband at a group mall meet up was that he was nice to people around him, and that is something caught my eye, little things like holding doors or making sure people had a ride home.  I had mentioned wanting to see azumanga daioh and when we met up again we talked and So many little things from child hood that we both remember and the fact I Didn't think anime was dirty word, we have a lot of same likes but a lot of things we like different.   For advice  I would suggest 2 things 1 some one you can eat with because if you love a big steak and they are vegan it will be difficult.  2 some one you can read play games veg out with, like its a half hour before bed you want to what? read play rock band? watch anime, if they play video games for hours on end is that okay? or is it you playing on end what are they doing?                             on physical attributes I longer hair but not longer then mine, and this is one that that i realised after meeting my husband, I loves me a tall skinny nerd with glasses, emphasis on the tall, I think because I am short ish and that high shelf is so high , my tiny grandma liked my husband right off the back because he was tall.   
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on April 20, 2010, 08:33:16 pm
Someone that's a little unusual, like me.  Has an open heart and mind.  Can be silly, but is just barely mature enough.  I should be able to talk to her about anything without fear of being judged and viceversa.  Values are very important, too.  I can't date someone that does drugs or treats people poorly.  Should have a good sense of humor (see also: laugh at my jokes).  A love of puns is a plus.

But when it really comes down to it, I think it's really attractive when I can have amazing conversations with someone. That sounds like a lot of pressure, but it's not.  My mind is constantly racing and I'm always thinking of things and it's nice to have someone to share it with it, discuss, expound upon, etc.  As a guy, I'm very reserved with my male friends.  But if I feel I can trust a girl with my thoughts and feelings, I'll openly share.  And to me, if a girl wants to listen and understand to what I say, that's very sexy.  I also have a tendency to get randomly really excited about certain topics, read a whole ton about them, and then want to nerd out and discuss them with someone.  So, she'll have to be able to tolerate topics ranging from mechanical pencils, bodybuilding, and Middle Eastern politics.  ;D

Originality is a plus.  If someone can surprise me somehow, tell me how they came to a conclusion that I find interesting, that's awesome.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: cloud-9 on April 20, 2010, 08:50:52 pm
Someone that's a little unusual, like me.  Has an open heart and mind.  Can be silly, but is just barely mature enough.  I should be able to talk to her about anything without fear of being judged and viceversa.  Values are very important, too.  I can't date someone that does drugs or treats people poorly.  Should have a good sense of humor (see also: laugh at my jokes).  A love of puns is a plus.

But when it really comes down to it, I think it's really attractive when I can have amazing conversations with someone. That sounds like a lot of pressure, but it's not.  My mind is constantly racing and I'm always thinking of things and it's nice to have someone to share it with it, discuss, expound upon, etc.  As a guy, I'm very reserved with my male friends.  But if I feel I can trust a girl with my thoughts and feelings, I'll openly share.  And to me, if a girl wants to listen and understand to what I say, that's very sexy.  I also have a tendency to get randomly really excited about certain topics, read a whole ton about them, and then want to nerd out and discuss them with someone.  So, she'll have to be able to tolerate topics ranging from mechanical pencils, bodybuilding, and Middle Eastern politics.  ;D

Originality is a plus.  If someone can surprise me somehow, tell me how they came to a conclusion that I find interesting, that's awesome.
tell it like it is! i totally agree with you. and nice crossplay profile photo? lolz
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Princette on April 20, 2010, 11:38:10 pm
Most of all, they have to be very fun. People that are constantly negative are very annoying to be around and I dislike when they don't ever want to try different things. Otherwise, I'm attracted to lots of different types. It's just the way they carry themselves that attracts me, I suppose.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Cyprus on April 21, 2010, 09:55:10 am
  I love that I can come home after work, turn on a video game & my G/F & I play through it together even if it's only one player. One of us controls it while the other helps navigate as well as enjoying the story.

  Although that is just one example, that applies to just about our entire life together. We do just about everything as a couple & enjoy every bit of it equally. We share the same interests in just about everything & we accept the ones that we don't share. We have been together around 6 years now & still enjoy each others company just as much as when we met. We finish each others sentences all the time & even read each others thoughts.

So I guess for me...someone who is physically appealing is nice & all, but if I don't have anything in common with them or they have a terrible personality, it's very un-attractive. I have been through the dating different people routine & experimenting to see what types of girls interest me...& to be honest, you will never know until you get to know them. Some may be super "hot" but be complete jerks, others may be kinda plain but have the most amazing personalities...I will take the latter.

I'm not gonna say much more than that really...I love my G/F & don't ever plan to be on the search for another partner in this lifetime. So on that note, good luck Nikkiolie on your search for a mate...be open-minded & no matter what, be yourself! Nothing worse than finding out someone isn't who you thought them to be. Best of luck!

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on April 21, 2010, 10:15:56 am
^ What I love about you guys is that you guys are so together, and yet so individual ^^
Makes me very happy when I see couples like that.

I like people that can accept me for who I am, no matter what. And they don't mind it when I go in to my super emo mood and start crying for almost no reason at all, I especially like when people talk me down out of it. I like people that laugh at my puns and horribly perverted jokes, because if they can't get those, then most of the time, they don't get me.
Being a cosplayer, of course, is one MAJOR plus~

What I like in couples (as Chris was sort of saying) is when people like each other, you can see it in the way they look at each other, but they don't hang on each other all the time. I like when they are different people, and when they are together they are still different people, just, well, together xD

I promise, you are an awesome person, a beautiful girl, and very very lovable.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: nikkiolie on April 21, 2010, 11:03:17 am
I'm trying to figure out if you want to get a guy who is hot for bragging rights, or ...dunno.
Not really for bragging rights. I just want to be with a good looking guy. The real reason....well isn't very appropriate for this forum XD

Thanks to everyone. I am still interested in hearing what others have to say. Not sure if I would be willing to do the whole blind date thing. =/
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Teasel on April 21, 2010, 02:51:42 pm
I find nerdy or geeky women to be very attractive. Physical appearences isn't a must for me, as I have had to basically lower my standards because I've learned that beautiful women tend to want someone more attractive than me. :P
And like just about everyone else here, I'm looking for someone who will accept me and all my flaws. But more importantly, I'm looking for someone that I can make happy. I want them to be happy with me, I want them to enjoy being with me. I enjoy making other people happy and laugh, which is why I want to be a comedian.

But to be honest, I'm lonely; I've been lonely for a while now. I don't really want to get into it, but if someone can fill that hole in my life, then appearances don't really matter that much to me.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: dshwshr55 on April 21, 2010, 03:30:29 pm
Well ..... I like girls with long hair .. >.>
I guess that's simple.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Wuntvor on April 21, 2010, 06:50:28 pm
Well ..... I like girls with long hair .. >.>
I guess that's simple.

You know, I thought about it and I agree, long hair.   :o

I sat here for awhile just contemplating this.  What is it that I find makes me attracted to a person.  For women it has always been long hair.  I guess it is the whole femininity thing.  It easier for me to say what I don't find attractive  I am turned off by piercings and tattoos.  I don't mind earrings (small ones) but eyebrows and nose and tongue piercings turn me off fast.  I also don't like cornrows or dreadlocks.  I don't know why exactly I just don't.  Smoking is also a turn-off for me.

I am attracted by a persons attitude as well.  How do they act in public?  I tend to migrate towards the quiet wallflowers.  I myself am a bit of an extrovert, but tend to be shy in social settings.  If someone is having a good time with their friends I usually don't want to butt into their time and so I look for the person who isn't really doing anything and go and try to start a conversation.  I think I just like to make people happy, so when I see someone who doesn't look like they are actually having a good time, I am drawn to them.

I don't  really care a lot about appearance other than what I already stated are turn-offs.  I suppose everyone is slightly effected by the socially accepted standards of beauty.  We all want our love interest to fit to this standard.  Such a standard does effect my choices in who I will approach first in a given situation, but it doesn't effect my affections when I find someone I like.  My wife doesn't really fit the standard of beauty that most Americans follow, but I love her dearly for other reasons.

What attracted me to her in the first place?  I suppose it was her artistic talent and my interest in cartoons and animation.  She is a very good artist and I was drawn to her because of it.  She also is a very shy individual around people she doesn't know.  And she has long hair.   ;D

I think if you really want to understand the opposite sex you should watch Mark Gungor and his Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage videos.  I have a YouTube clip here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuMZ73mT5zM) that will give you an example of one of them.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on April 21, 2010, 08:36:03 pm
I am turned off by piercings and tattoos.  I don't mind earrings (small ones) but eyebrows and nose and tongue piercings turn me off fast.

I agree.. tattoos really gross me out.  Piercings, it depends where they are.  The tiny little stud in the nose?  It can be cute.  But big gauge earrings and stuff like that?  Not for me. ^_^;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: oslapedo on April 21, 2010, 08:50:43 pm
I find tattoos and piercings attractive on guys and chicks P:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on April 21, 2010, 08:59:58 pm
I'm a fan of skin, I guess. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: kylite on April 21, 2010, 09:03:18 pm
What do I find attractive...

Looks count for 30%
Attitude/Smarts/Loyalty counts for 30%
Being Self Sufficient counts for 30%
Love of video games/anime/fun is the final 10%
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on April 21, 2010, 09:44:06 pm
I'm just putting it out there~
And I think that above all else is the way someone treats you. I have only had a few friends that have never used me, and those are the ones I love most, and would be most willing to date.
I think piercings are fine, anywhere. I don't give a rat's ass about tatoos either. People are people no matter how small, tatooed, or pierced~
Every person has a chance to be awesome, you just have to get to know them. Do not ever give an automatic "NO" because of a lip ring.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on April 21, 2010, 10:04:45 pm
the eyes and personality is what gets me. as they say, the eyes are the window to the soul. and having thing in common (like anime/videogames/cosplay/pool/otherstuff) is a big helper xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on April 21, 2010, 10:10:59 pm
Gee, forgot to mention being needed/wanted. duh.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Sayda on April 22, 2010, 12:48:54 am
If I can fart in front of them, then I know what I have is good.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kimiski on April 22, 2010, 06:18:41 am
Honestly, personality is way bigger for me than looks are, though looks are important
I'm not gonna find someone who looks greasy and like they don't care about themselves a bit attractive.

Someone with a very outgoing and adventurous personality. Recently, this one guy really caught my attention because he just seemed to be enjoying life. He didn't know me but we were sitting with the same group of friends and he just started talking to me like we were friends, and it was really natural conversation. As we got to know each other, we had amazing conversations on music, writing and art.

 So I guess good conversation it a big plus for me too. Also the small things like being polite to other people and all that too. Physically, eyes really get my attention.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Cyprus on April 22, 2010, 08:47:19 am
I am turned off by piercings and tattoos.  I don't mind earrings (small ones) but eyebrows and nose and tongue piercings turn me off fast.

I can say the complete opposite here...having spend most of my growing up hanging with punkers & the like. I love tattoos & piercings (except septums & disc guages) on people...it's another form of art & I think that when done right, it only adds to a person's beauty. My G/F has multiple ear piercings as well as a beautiful rose tattoo on her lower back...LOVE IT! I myself happen to have 5 piercings as well as a few tattoos. They are a way for people to express themselves as well as a form of "fashion." Those are my feelings on that matter anyway  :D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on April 22, 2010, 08:54:57 am
I am turned off by piercings and tattoos.  I don't mind earrings (small ones) but eyebrows and nose and tongue piercings turn me off fast.

I can say the complete opposite here...having spend most of my growing up hanging with punkers & the like. I love tattoos & piercings (except septums & disc guages) on people...it's another form of art & I think that when done right, it only adds to a person's beauty. My G/F has multiple ear piercings as well as a beautiful rose tattoo on her lower back...LOVE IT! I myself happen to have 5 piercings as well as a few tattoos. They are a way for people to express themselves as well as a form of "fashion." Those are my feelings on that matter anyway  :D

Hm, not sure how that quote got attributed to me.  But I basically said the same thing, so...  To each his own.  Some women would not be attracted to a guy that shaves his head or has a gigantic beard.  Or doesn't shower.  All of those are "statements", haha.  Just so happens I'm not attracted to tattoos.  I guess I'm more attracted to someone that makes a statement by not getting a tattoo.   ;)

I've yet to see a piece of art that was so awesome that I simply could not live without having it on my body at all times. ^_^ If I ever did, I'd just remember what it looked like. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: shadoworganoid on April 22, 2010, 10:19:21 am

Well, as much as I hate to think this way, I would have to say I notice Asian Girls before anything else. lol

2 years ago when we did had Japanese exchange students visit ths school for a week, I could not stop staring at them.... lol

But yes, the first and most important thing to look for is someone with good values and a good personality.
The inside is what matters really, not the outside.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on April 22, 2010, 01:33:36 pm
Humor and having fun is the biggest thing for me. And that they accept me for me.

I hate people who take things too seriously. Around me they get easily offended because usually I'm just being silly.

I guess that's one of the reasons my boyfriend and I get along so well. He's pretty much my dream guy though, and I've never thought about anyone that way before. He's hilarious and fun, outgoing, nice and thinks about me and my feelings constantly, accepts every hobby or weird oddity I like even if he isn't fond of them himself, I can have a range of conversations with him from stupid crap to intelligent discussions, and he's taller then me, attractive and has curly hair.

PERFECT I SAY. For me at least. He's also started to make me find random things attractive that I didn't think of before. Like now that I've dated him I find guys with broad shoulders attractive, and stupid little mannerisms he has.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on April 22, 2010, 07:30:51 pm
I think people who can reach the top shelf for me (;)) are attractive. Lol, j/k, but that is a plus...

Hrmm, I must say I'm a sucker for eyes, I love eyes, they can say so much about a person.

I am really big on a great sense of humor and open-mindedness as well.

Someone smart is big too, someone I can have a great conversation with, someone who challenges me. :)

Looks are a plus, but unnecessary if everything else feels right. :)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Tanuki19 on April 22, 2010, 07:52:52 pm
he has to be a TOTAL nerd like me and when i make a nerd reference, he has to understand it. XD
he has to be super duper sweet!
he has to be super duper funny!
and cute is always a plus~
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on April 22, 2010, 09:01:50 pm
he has to be a TOTAL nerd like me and when i make a nerd reference, he has to understand it. XD
he has to be super duper sweet!
he has to be super duper funny!
and cute is always a plus~
Sounds like me, except I'm a young old fart, and I barely have enough money to call myself a half-breed nerd. Though what I can afford I make sure it's something useful and worthwhile. Even the plushies and figures I buy.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on April 22, 2010, 10:22:42 pm
I had a female friend a few years back. For a while she was my best friend. She was beautiful to look at, and terribly sweet too. But there was no way I was ever going to let myself become her boyfriend. It goes back to the needed/wanted. I knew I was never going to be more than a niche toy, or something that you pull off the shelf and use, and then forget about afterward. And most of the uses would be for things like getting stuff off the top shelf.

But I don't regret being her friend. I learned more about women from that, and it has made me a better husband.

Go for handsome, rather than beautiful, the chances they may not be as great a pain are better. lol
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on April 22, 2010, 11:57:36 pm
I didn't get to finish earlier because of some unfriendly noise in a nearby room and we'll leave it at that.
But now that I'm back...

What attracts me to a girl most often is when she's in a Cinderella situation. Either pretty, clever, or both, and perfectly willing to accept someone but has no one to notice her. it's when I see this situation, that I swoop in and do everything I can to help her.

Other turn ons are being both a halfway nerd/otaku and outgoing partygirl, optimistic is the word.

Funny how we're openly posting our opinions on here, yet we're wise enough to not post in the singles +18 or -17 topics.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on April 23, 2010, 11:58:41 pm
I have a thing for silly guys who know how to have fun and when to just take it easy. I really like piercings and tattoos but I don't really like plugs, long hair, or buzz cuts. I don't mind shaggy hair at all though. In fact, I think it's cute  :>

And I don't care what anyone says, I find that looks are important to some degree (since we all have different tastes anyway). It's certainly not the most important thing to me but it's nice to be physically attracted to one another, amirite? Also, they have to be an animal lover and put up with my love for cats. I collect a lot of cat stuff ^^;

I love a guy that likes to dress up and is willing to have fun on the dance floor, even if he's not the best dancer. It's also a plus if he appreciates art to some degree and will allow me drag him to plays, musicals, and concert events from time to time. Lastly, while similar interests are a definite plus, I recognize that, for me, shared values and beliefs are more important to have in common.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Wuntvor on April 24, 2010, 11:28:46 am
..... Lastly, while similar interests are a definite plus, I recognize that, for me, shared values and beliefs are more important to have in common.

This is the topic that people tend to avoid talking about, but ends up being a major deciding point about a lasting relationship.  Religious, or even life values and beliefs.  That certain someone could have every other thing you look for in a soul-mate, but if they constantly try "converting" you to their way of viewing the world (both physical and spiritual), give them up now and save yourself a lot of grief.

I pride myself on not caring about what others believe or practice, as long as it doesn't harm anyone or become a nuisance to me.  When you get close to someone though, you can't ignore this anymore.  Visiting a shrine, going to church, Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, burning incense, karma, going door-to-door with them to "spread the word".  These things will become obstacles that most will not be able to overcome, and frankly shouldn't try to.  I am sure many of you have already stumbled onto an uncomfortable situation involving this.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on April 24, 2010, 11:54:18 am
Values are most important to me. But, I will admit despite the fact that I am non-religious I don't think I could see myself marrying and raising a family with an atheist. Anyone else I could. It's not that I think atheists are bad people, since plenty of my friends are. I guess for me, I think of raising a family a chance to instill my values into someone and hopefully do my part to make the world a better place. And while my views on "God" are hard to make tangible, it is a part of who I am and I want to share that with someone that doesn't think that is silly, foolish, whatever.

May the god (or non-god) of your choosing grant you peace. ^_^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Teasel on April 27, 2010, 11:31:53 am
..... Lastly, while similar interests are a definite plus, I recognize that, for me, shared values and beliefs are more important to have in common.

This is the topic that people tend to avoid talking about, but ends up being a major deciding point about a lasting relationship.  Religious, or even life values and beliefs.  That certain someone could have every other thing you look for in a soul-mate, but if they constantly try "converting" you to their way of viewing the world (both physical and spiritual), give them up now and save yourself a lot of grief.

Yeah, I've encountered this a couple times now. Luckily, I could see this coming with most of them and pulled the rip chord and dismissed any notions of a relationship with them. However, this last girl (luckily we were just friends) was a born again christian and practically fanatical in her beliefs. Not only that, she confused auditory hallucinations of psychosis brought on by PTSD, with the voice of God. Now even a friendship with her is becoming difficult as she tries to convert me.

Like reppy, it's hard for me to define my beliefs in a clear and concise manner. But I can be with someone, even an atheist, so long as they can respect my beliefs.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on April 27, 2010, 12:15:17 pm
I can't date people who are really religious. Just can't deal with that, as an atheist, I have an issue with debating with religious people ><
I like fighting too much, and they're defensive, so I end up fighting :3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on April 27, 2010, 12:17:57 pm
I went through a really argumentative atheist stage.  And then I mellowed out and found a comfortable middle ground for me.  It doesn't really matter to me if a person is super religious, as long as they don't try to force it on me and have a good heart.  I dated a Muslim girl that wore a hijab for like 6 years. ^_^;  It didn't work out, but not because of religious reasons.  She liked anime and video games and me so that made her the coolest person in the world to me. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: The_Geek on April 27, 2010, 06:01:25 pm
I look for someone who is very mentally centered. If I can't have a decent conversation, then there is little doubt that I will not be able to stand their company. I'm a vegetarian sXe, so I try to stay within the circles of people who are as well. Generally, I just look for (As corny as it sounds) a spiritual connection. I don't really care about too much else.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on April 27, 2010, 06:41:45 pm
My boyfriend and I clicked really well because of our interests. Back when I lived with my mom, he'd sneak over and we'd watch "Welcome to the NHK" and other anime shows together XD
But as our relationship progressed, I started to realize just how important my beliefs were and I became tired of being caught in between two worlds with him. It was like, he knew how I felt about God but he never once tried to understand where I was coming from.
Finally, I had to just have a serious heart-to-heart talk with him about how important it was to me. Kind of like a "I'm not going to force you, but I know that I'd like to share this experience with the person I love and if you don't want to, that's okay. I just don't know how long I can keep doing this" kind of thing. Once he saw how much it meant to me he decided to give it a try and, to my surprise, he's decided to keep going because he actually liked it. We've been together for nearly three years and it feels nice to finally share this side of myself with him.
So, while I felt that it didn't matter in the earlier stages of my relationship, I started to realize how important those beliefs were as we started getting more and more serious. That's why I feel that beliefs slowly become more important than interests as things progress. Interests seem to be more of the initial spark, I guess. At least, that's how I've experienced it.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: kylite on April 27, 2010, 07:58:25 pm
In my case religion has really put a damper on past relationships. I am just not religious... *shrugs* I dont dislike it and everyone is entitled to their own belifs but I just do not partake
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on April 27, 2010, 09:22:39 pm
I look for someone who is very mentally centered. If I can't have a decent conversation, then there is little doubt that I will not be able to stand their company. I'm a vegetarian sXe, so I try to stay within the circles of people who are as well. Generally, I just look for (As corny as it sounds) a spiritual connection. I don't really care about too much else.

I'm not vegetarian but I am I guess straight edge.  Unfortunately, very few of my friends are.  All of them drink / do other stuff.  It's frustrating.  And I know I could never be with a girl that drank / did drugs / whatever.

Also, that's not corny .. that's what I'm looking for too. ^_^;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Saki-the-cat on April 28, 2010, 11:03:17 am
I've never accually dated anyone before but i know what i like to look for. I mostly go for personallity when it comes to that sort of thing. I like more of a 'strong' attitude if that makes any sense. I guess i should say 'i don't want too tough and i don't want too shy of an attitude'. Also i try to find people who are into the same things as me (anime, videogames, hobbies, whatever). As for looks. I tend to like more 'cute' people (but realy i find most things in this world cute so that's not very hard for me xD). I also try and look for people who are around my height and/or weight (i want to be able to give someone a huge bear hug without worrying about seriously hurting them oAo).
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Teddy_Bearxx on June 13, 2010, 06:29:02 pm
>.> emo children.... v.v
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Pots on June 13, 2010, 07:36:00 pm
well for looks wise

must have:
shiny hair
nice teeth
and clear eyes

all the qualities you find in a good horse....
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on June 14, 2010, 12:28:55 pm
Easiest anwser is: They like to do things you like to do, but at the same time are their own person.

other anwsers include;

funny fun athletic fit smile eyes adventurous tough open truthful comfortable cuddly driven motivated spirited sexy brave understanding healthy kind
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Blackstar on June 14, 2010, 12:58:10 pm
Personally I like a girl that I can have a intelligent conversation with. A girl is will to go outside and have some good fun and enjoy the beauty of the world
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on June 15, 2010, 01:33:24 pm
Attractive....physically? >n>
Someone taller, and older then me.
Who is s pretty boy, heh heh.
And personality wise, um, I think someone I can relate to, who has a cool personality. B')
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on June 15, 2010, 02:07:34 pm
I heard from DemonSpawn that you're really tall.  But then again, ... nevermind.  I'm too big to make a joke about her height. 

(Haha! I still snuck one in!)  XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on June 15, 2010, 02:27:55 pm
That I'm tall? ; 3 ;
Yeah, I guess.
It's terrible.
I'm 5'6". ; O ;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NARUNIK on June 15, 2010, 07:47:29 pm
I have a natural good vibe. So that just so happens to attract people. ( Yet of course I tend to be annoying to some peoples)


 I wanna play Momotetsu with Yoshi Sawai.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on June 15, 2010, 11:13:50 pm
I heard from DemonSpawn that you're really tall.  But then again, ... nevermind.  I'm too big to make a joke about her height. 

(Haha! I still snuck one in!)  XD

Grrrrrrr. :c

Maybe I'm normal and YOU'RE all just off.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on June 15, 2010, 11:37:32 pm
I'd tell you guys, but you'd just turn around and tell my wife wouldn't you? lol
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NARUNIK on June 16, 2010, 08:18:43 pm
I dont know who your wife is...SO YOUR SECRET IS SAFE WITH ME.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on June 16, 2010, 10:27:21 pm
I dont know who your wife is...SO YOUR SECRET IS SAFE WITH ME.

And you're Mr. Trustworthy, now eh? lol

I'm a guy, what attracts me is looks. The other qualities that comprise my personality are what make it so that looks don't keep my interest if the woman I am looking at has the personality of a goldfish, weasel, badger, shrew, a brick, ( I'm stuck, what's an arrogant female animal?), bear, etc.

Actually you know what really gets me going, she says yes to going out! I find that about irresistable.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: mini-man on July 04, 2010, 01:30:10 am
Now if we could just clone me but into a women there ya have it.

But Seriously What I find "Attractive" would be Funny. Into some of the stuff I'm into. Knows when it time to be serious. Doesn't give a rats as about what other people think. Someone I can hold a conversion with. Someone who can call me on my @#$%. Someone can truly appreciate the beauty of the Leviathan from resistance 2 God that thing is Gorgeous seriously look that thing up on Google I want it to bare my children. But those are just a few thing I like and I don't think I should Prattle on about this any more than I have.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kimiski on July 06, 2010, 02:58:50 pm
That I'm tall? ; 3 ;
Yeah, I guess.
It's terrible.
I'm 5'6". ; O ;

5'6" is tall? *is also 5'6"*
I thought 5'9" was tall.... O.O
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kallika on July 06, 2010, 05:58:28 pm
Visually..uhhh so far every person I've been attracted to/ had a crush on has been tall and had black hair :P

Personality..so far every one of them has been a bit nerdy, I like funny people also, they have to be at least a little bit mature though. Also people with the same interests are a plus.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on July 09, 2010, 09:22:23 pm
I like girls who respect their bodies.  No smoking, one tattoo at most (preferably none of those back ones), NO DRUGS!!!  This also applies to too much make-up.  I don't date clowns or mimes.

She also has to be into humor, and I don't mean the sick crude humor that's in a lot of movies nowadays.  (Not that there's anything wrong with perverted humor, but sometimes it's way too much).

In terms of her looks, there are things I like and things I don't.  However, these things have to work with the girl overall.  One of my favorite things is long, healthy-looking hair.  If the rest of her looks like Danny DeVito, no thanks.

Oh, yeah.  I forgot something very important.  SHE HAS TO BE OF LEGAL AGE!!!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 09, 2010, 11:17:11 pm
I like girls who respect their bodies.  No smoking, one tattoo at most (preferably none of those back ones), NO DRUGS!!!  This also applies to too much make-up.  I don't date clowns or mimes.

Yeah.  I agree with this.  Although, "respecting your body" differs from person to person.  But I'm with you here entirely.  Except I probaby go one step further and say I can't date a girl that drinks alcohol.  ^_^;;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: LexManos on July 10, 2010, 01:46:03 am
I'd have to disagree with you on that one, having a drink every now and again isn't bad.

So, what makes a girl attractive. I'll be the first to admit physical appearance is important, but only in the beginning.
Physically, long hair, shorter, but not really important.

More so its mainly someone who likes to talk, but not be talked to.
I am a quiet person, but I like having people talk to me. But, 90% of people get annoyed when I don't talk.
Subject doesn't matter, I'm a jack of all trades, and been through all walks of life so I can relate to pretty much anything.

You know that friend of the opposite gender who you hang out with just cuz you're bored, but don't actually do anything. Thats it.
Its the comfort not really anything else you can name.

The only real deal breaker for me is an addiction/dependency on any substance. I've dealt with more then my fair share of druggies.. no.. just no... (Now, I don't count 'recreational' as an addiction)
Tattoos, piercings, doesn't matter.

Don't get me wrong, I don't ALWAYS do nothing. As I said I'm a jack of all trades (ranging from ballroom dancing to military strategy and everything in between), but that's extra stuff that has nothing to do with the relationship.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: killblazer on July 10, 2010, 02:00:19 am
Someone who I get along with and can laugh together.
Someone who enjoys or doesn't mind trying new things.
Someone who is not judgmental but understanding.
Preferably someone who doesn't drink or smoke. Especially smoke :P

As for appearances, I have always had a thing for red heads or women with gorgeous eyes.
Though I don't let appearances be the breaker.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on July 10, 2010, 10:53:02 pm
T.T someone who doesnt try to get in your pants! ugh! so tierd of that >.<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 10, 2010, 11:04:13 pm
T.T someone who doesnt try to get in your pants! ugh! so tierd of that >.<

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on July 10, 2010, 11:20:48 pm
T.T someone who doesnt try to get in your pants! ugh! so tierd of that >.<
Then maybe someone who offers a tighter belt to keep the ones who want in your pants...out?

Not speaking for myself since I have my Pai and through anything and everything, I'll stick by her.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 11, 2010, 08:51:11 am
You know, after having experienced this lately, what I really dislike, is jealousy. I mean I should be allowed to have guy friends. o3o
If they're a little bit possessive it's one thing and that's not entirely bad, but going into a complete rage because of other men is so dumb. : /
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on July 11, 2010, 11:26:39 am
If he doesn't trust your loyalty when you socialize with friends who happen to be male, then either talk it over with him, or break it off. Ask him if he thinks you would get jealous of him if he hung out with a group of friends who happen to be girls.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on July 11, 2010, 03:30:01 pm
   Guys are hardwired to have as many mates as possible, females are hardwired to find the best mate possible. It's hard to fit a moral cap over the issue when it's not what nature intended =/. I believe honesty is the best quality, usually if the person I'm going out with wants to go after other people I'm fine with it as long as they don't make a childish game about it and go around my back and not having the integrity to say whats true in their heart.

   On the main topic I don't think there are individual qualities that make a difference in a decision for a girl/boyfriend. It's just about finding someone you feel comfortable and enjoy being around, sub-qualities of that include what they look like, think like, act like. I can't exactly say what I like because people are so different there might be a quality in someone that I never knew about, and am attracted to. I do, however, universally like a higher state of maturity one that can be silly like a kid but still aware like an adult.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 11, 2010, 11:39:54 pm
T.T someone who doesnt try to get in your pants! ugh! so tierd of that >.<
I thought that was the goal in life for guys?      JK!!!  /hides, don't hate me..
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 16, 2010, 09:45:02 am
^It is actually. Is a psychological trigger to want to reproduce.
Some rapists don't think they are doing anything wrong because in their mind, they're just trying to impregnate as many females as they can because of that need to reproduce.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Cyprus on July 16, 2010, 11:39:01 am
Although I agree about the psychological/extinctual aspect of your statement, I have to also disagree. I personally feel that urges can be controlled & overcome with confidence & will-power alone. Regardless of the psycological aspects of the matter, I still feel that there is no excuse for behaving with such disrespect towards a lady.

It is sad that as a guy, I can whole heartedly agree with the notion that a lot of guys seem to be "horn-dogs". Not to say that women are innocent, as I have met plenty that display similar behavior. But the ratio is a bit un-even with guys taking the higher percentage. Luckily for you ladies, not ALL guys are that way...there are plenty of gentlemen still left in this world, you just have to look hard enough to find them :D

As far as what is attractive to me...all the beauty in the world can never cure a terrible personality(no sense of humor, not open-minded, no sense of adventure, etc), negative attitude or selfishness. I like physical beauty as much as the next guy, but if that person harbors any or all of those traits, it's hard for me to see past that.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 16, 2010, 11:48:45 am
You know, after having experienced this lately, what I really dislike, is jealousy. I mean I should be allowed to have guy friends. o3o
If they're a little bit possessive it's one thing and that's not entirely bad, but going into a complete rage because of other men is so dumb. : /
Oh god, I just got out a relationship with a guy like that. He'd constantly accuse me of cheating on him for absolutely NO reason, and wouldn't believe me when I said I wasn't. He wanted me to prove it. He kept flipping his lid over it, too.

He also asked me to marry him two weeks in. Yeah, I don't get it either. He didn't make any sense.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on July 16, 2010, 12:40:26 pm
lol some of the replies in here are very entertaining.

Okayyy soo for me looks are slightly important, my boyfriend happens to be adorable in my opinion lol. Also, I don't understand the muscle thing.. Muscles are nice to look at but I like a little bit of a softer place to rest my head. My boyfriend has muscles but they are kind of soft so its okay =] hehehe

Personality is big for me.. I have been through a lot this year and I tend to be a bit of a nervous wreck now so I thank my lucky stars that my boyfriend is so understanding. I am attracted to sweet guys that like to laugh and have fun. Liars are a big no, jerks are a big HUGE no, and guys that are too into themselves to notice or care about anyone else.. just run.

Good luck on your quest and may you not make the same mistakes I did X_X
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 16, 2010, 01:10:21 pm
Muscles are fun *flex* D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 16, 2010, 01:12:30 pm
Muscles can be nice as long as there aren't too many of them. If you look like a DBZ character, or one of the guys on the cover of Muscular Development, or whatever its called, I'd have to say no thank you.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on July 16, 2010, 04:05:40 pm
exactly lol muscles are nice but too many are kinda.. yikes o.O
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 16, 2010, 04:34:23 pm
I dun like them. :c
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 16, 2010, 05:58:03 pm
Those guys are all on steroids. So you all think Brad Pitt and Edward Norton looked gross in Fight Club?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on July 16, 2010, 07:28:25 pm
Havent seen that movie, but if you notice I said they are fun to look at but not much fun to cuddle with.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 16, 2010, 08:51:28 pm
Muscles are fun *flex* D:
That is not vary lady like.    :D

Muscles can be nice as long as there aren't too many of them. If you look like a DBZ character, or one of the guys on the cover of Muscular Development, or whatever its called, I'd have to say no thank you.
I happen to think goku's body is vary well made, sure there are some (as stated above) steroid characters in DBZ but to say they all are unappealing?  That is quite odd, most girls I hear talking about muscles would  probably agree on goku having a nice body. :/ 

(oh and if you are not sweating/oiled and working out muscles usually don't pop like a DBZ characters, and are quite soft to lay on)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on July 16, 2010, 08:55:34 pm
Muscles are fun *flex* D:
That is not vary lady like.    :D

Muscles can be nice as long as there aren't too many of them. If you look like a DBZ character, or one of the guys on the cover of Muscular Development, or whatever its called, I'd have to say no thank you.
I happen to think goku's body is vary well made, sure there are some (as stated above) steroid characters in DBZ but to say they all are unappealing?  That is quite odd, most girls I hear talking about muscles would  probably agree on goku having a nice body. :/ 

(oh and if you are not sweating/oiled and working out muscles usually don't pop like a DBZ characters, and are quite soft to lay on)

LOL at the lady like comment XD and yes I meant the ones that pop, I like ones that are there but soft =] no bodybuilders for me.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 16, 2010, 09:02:35 pm
Ya body builders look odd with those massive shoulders and the unproportional legs and sometimes waists.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on July 16, 2010, 09:06:19 pm
lol yeah its like they are wearing football armor without actually wearing any, its kinda scary x_x
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 16, 2010, 09:26:50 pm
haha football armor, who wants to look like they have that on!  I would rather look like a knight if i had to wear anything.  Mmmm capes........
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on July 16, 2010, 10:10:04 pm
Those guys are all on steroids. So you all think Brad Pitt and Edward Norton looked gross in Fight Club?

Brad Pitt in Fight Club = <3

Seriously though, muscles really aren't all that important... in fact my only thing with weight is that I am normally not attracted to overly thin guys because the idea of dating someone thinner than me makes me feel like I'll break them or something. That and I thrive off of masculinity so a bit of something always helps (whether it's muscles or just broader structure.) =]

I like guys who are really intelligent and can challenge my views or opinions on things, not necessarily looking for a guy who is always cracking jokes and playing around but is funny in the kind of way that you don't actually realize how funny they are until you get to know them better. I like guys who are supportive and understanding of the fact that school and work are a priority for me, because I'm a busy person and a lot of people don't seem to get that. My biggest issue is a lot of the guys who like me are extremely clingy... like to the point that one guy wrote out a letter stating if we were going to make things work I needed to set aside at least 4 days a week of one-on-one time. I'm 20, I'm extremely busy, and I refuse to ignore my friends once I get a boyfriend, so yeah that's not likely to happen. lol.

In all honesty, I just don't really ever meet people that I see a point in taking the time to cultivate a relationship with. I'd rather focus on other things, which is probably why I've been single ever since High School. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on July 16, 2010, 10:17:04 pm
lol I dont much like clingy either XP but with weight I have to say Im not really attracted to too much extra weight either. I dont like either of the extremes somewhere in the middle is good =]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 16, 2010, 11:23:24 pm
I don't need physical contact constantly, but when I was dating a girl we always made sure we got to talk on the phone every night before bed.  It was something important and fun for both us, and well I usually ended up talking to her to sleep and then singing random silly songs for another 10-15 minutes while she was sleeping before I would hang up . . just to make sure she was actually asleep. ^_^;

And I'll admit, I would get kind of grumpy if I didn't get to talk to her on the phone.  I never held it against her, but like if her mom suddenly decided she wanted to sleep in the bed with her that meant we wouldn't get to talk .. and I'd be all grumpy. D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Cyprus on July 16, 2010, 11:24:11 pm
Daniel Craig from Casino Royale is a very attractive guy IMO >.>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on July 16, 2010, 11:30:14 pm
I don't need physical contact constantly, but when I was dating a girl we always made sure we got to talk on the phone every night before bed.  It was something important and fun for both us, and well I usually ended up talking to her to sleep and then singing random silly songs for another 10-15 minutes while she was sleeping before I would hang up . . just to make sure she was actually asleep. ^_^;

I have to say, despite me fussing abot how busy I am etc, etc, I am a HUGE fan of this. Just a phone call every day or two can really make a difference. I normally don't enjoy talking on the phone much, but lately I've bee chatting with a friend almost every night before bed just to do a quick rundown of our days and it's really made us better friends. I wouldn't even mind seeing someone for a little bit everyday if they really needed that, my problem is when a guy wants to spend 8+ hours a day like 5 or more times a week just hanging out. I like having my own space and it just makes me uncomfortable and irritable. The more I read what I'm typing I feel like I sound like a cantankerous old hermit.... I'm out doing stuff with people all the time I swear! lol.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 16, 2010, 11:55:26 pm
You know, after having experienced this lately, what I really dislike, is jealousy. I mean I should be allowed to have guy friends. o3o
If they're a little bit possessive it's one thing and that's not entirely bad, but going into a complete rage because of other men is so dumb. : /
Sometimes it's hard, though. Especially in my situation, as I'm jealous (not that kind of jealous, but jealous) of everyone who has the option to see my girlfriend everyday. I also get jealous when I think she likes someone more than me. Stuff went down a few months ago. Luckily, we talked it out, and now everything is peachy again!
I don't know what I would do without her (Me: "Amy, What would I do without you?" Her: "You'd die. Strait up" Me: "Probably xD").

I don't need physical contact constantly, but when I was dating a girl we always made sure we got to talk on the phone every night before bed.  It was something important and fun for both us, and well I usually ended up talking to her to sleep and then singing random silly songs for another 10-15 minutes while she was sleeping before I would hang up . . just to make sure she was actually asleep. ^_^;

I have to say, despite me fussing abot how busy I am etc, etc, I am a HUGE fan of this. Just a phone call every day or two can really make a difference. I normally don't enjoy talking on the phone much, but lately I've bee chatting with a friend almost every night before bed just to do a quick rundown of our days and it's really made us better friends. I wouldn't even mind seeing someone for a little bit everyday if they really needed that, my problem is when a guy wants to spend 8+ hours a day like 5 or more times a week just hanging out. I like having my own space and it just makes me uncomfortable and irritable. The more I read what I'm typing I feel like I sound like a cantankerous old hermit.... I'm out doing stuff with people all the time I swear! lol.

Agreed. I like knowing that she's thinking about me, caring about me, still loving me, even though we're hundreds of miles away.
Makes me feel special.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on July 17, 2010, 10:17:59 am
Agreed. I like knowing that she's thinking about me, caring about me, still loving me, even though we're hundreds of miles away.
Makes me feel special.

DAWWWWW... I must say Katie you two are absolutely adorable! Is Amy coming to K'Con because I want to meet herrrrrr. =3

Aywho I agree with the issue of people being overly possessive. Like I tend to be attractived to guys who are a bit "agressive and manly," but I started seeing a guy once who I found out hd been threatening most of my gu friends when I wasn't around because he didn't feel comfortable wit hthe fact that I had so many of them. When people get overly jealous or paranoid it just instantly ruins things. =/
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 17, 2010, 10:27:44 am
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 17, 2010, 12:24:58 pm
Agreed. I like knowing that she's thinking about me, caring about me, still loving me, even though we're hundreds of miles away.
Makes me feel special.

DAWWWWW... I must say Katie you two are absolutely adorable! Is Amy coming to K'Con because I want to meet herrrrrr. =3

Thanks >///>

We all wish >>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 17, 2010, 12:54:14 pm
Agreed. I like knowing that she's thinking about me, caring about me, still loving me, even though we're hundreds of miles away.
Makes me feel special.

DAWWWWW... I must say Katie you two are absolutely adorable! Is Amy coming to K'Con because I want to meet herrrrrr. =3

Thanks >///>

We all wish >>

We have this thing called testosterone .. so .. no, not really. ^^

(As I type this, I'm listening to deafeningly loud death metal.  Mmmm, I <3 you subwoofer.  Too bad you piss off everyone in the house D: )
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 17, 2010, 11:32:37 pm
Dear God (whoever the heck you are),

Can I just get a nice, caring person of either gender who isn't insanely jealous and possessive and shares some common interests with me? An added bonus would be the willingness to skip down the street with me singing obnoxious songs.

Those are really my only requirements.

Thank you,

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 18, 2010, 12:02:15 am
I co-sign that, except I'm a little more specific about gender requirements. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 18, 2010, 12:41:02 am
^ Yay for agreeing on things! Wooooooooooooooop! I feel.....foolish.

What I find slightly ironic is that my list of requirements or what I'm attracted to seems to be one of the shortest on this thread. And I'm the one with the friend that told me I was too picky. She can't say that anymore, not after the last one. :/
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on July 18, 2010, 01:12:04 am
^I AM HERE!!!! (cuz skiping down streets with out geting run over is fun)

someone that doesnt ask me if its halloween D: (normal people need to get a cooler life, ya know?)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on July 18, 2010, 11:27:39 am

someone that doesnt ask me if its halloween D: (normal people need to get a cooler life, ya know?)

I second this, although I haven't done any cosplaying besides my lolita outfit in my own house all year sooo lol
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 19, 2010, 02:05:12 pm
I don't need physical contact constantly, but when I was dating a girl we always made sure we got to talk on the phone every night before bed.  It was something important and fun for both us, and well I usually ended up talking to her to sleep and then singing random silly songs for another 10-15 minutes while she was sleeping before I would hang up . . just to make sure she was actually asleep. ^_^;
I remember this when I was dating years ago, aww the memories.  So fun, but I agree with Dubaby that there needs to be a little more space now a days.  Maybe not as much space as she wants, but when you want space you should have already talked about it and be able to say BREAKZ OR GOOOO.  ^.~
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 19, 2010, 02:08:00 pm

someone that doesnt ask me if its halloween D: (normal people need to get a cooler life, ya know?)

I second this, although I haven't done any cosplaying besides my lolita outfit in my own house all year sooo lol
Agreed, xD
I definitely want a cosplaying boyfriend, but there are so few guys that cosplay. :c
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 19, 2010, 02:14:52 pm
If you make me something to wear I would be considered a "cosplayer".  Untill then I'll just be another anime whore *tears*
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on July 19, 2010, 06:35:46 pm

someone that doesnt ask me if its halloween D: (normal people need to get a cooler life, ya know?)

I second this, although I haven't done any cosplaying besides my lolita outfit in my own house all year sooo lol
Agreed, xD
I definitely want a cosplaying boyfriend, but there are so few guys that cosplay. :c

Just agree to a date on one condition, they wear a cosplay. It'll be like Amagami SS (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=7506)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 19, 2010, 09:29:16 pm
skirts are always good.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on July 19, 2010, 10:44:33 pm
well my boyfriend doesn't cosplay but he doesnt mind that I do and actually thinks its kinda cool.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on July 19, 2010, 10:55:45 pm
I like girls who respect their bodies.  No smoking, one tattoo at most (preferably none of those back ones), NO DRUGS!!!  This also applies to too much make-up.  I don't date clowns or mimes.

Yeah.  I agree with this.  Although, "respecting your body" differs from person to person.  But I'm with you here entirely.  Except I probaby go one step further and say I can't date a girl that drinks alcohol.  ^_^;;

I'd say drink excessively.  There's nothing wrong with a little drink here & there.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on July 20, 2010, 08:31:28 pm
She says yes.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 20, 2010, 11:28:06 pm
She says yes.
Would you then don her a ring pop?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on July 21, 2010, 09:17:09 pm
Naw, my wife insisted on real diamonds. There are 5 of them on each of our bands.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on July 22, 2010, 07:47:47 am
when they only know how to be them selves and dont act like something/someone thier not....... excetpt for cosplay O.o
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Robert the Ninja on July 22, 2010, 10:48:54 am
I find cuteness very attractive. And cuddliness. Can't get enough cuddlins. And I dunno why, but i've always kinda been drawn to girls with a bit of an irrational side.

And I've come to find that, what I'm most attracted to is a girl who knows me as well as I know myself and vice versa. Can only happen over time, of course. But its like someone who is a part of you and who you are. If that makes any sense.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 22, 2010, 11:19:06 am
when they only know how to be them selves and dont act like something/someone thier not....... except for cosplay O.o
Oh so there are exceptions, eh?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on July 22, 2010, 11:43:12 am
when they only know how to be them selves and dont act like something/someone thier not....... except for cosplay O.o
Oh so there are exceptions, eh?

xD!!! you kinda have to protray a char when in cosplay so.... yeah
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 22, 2010, 12:08:02 pm
@ Ninja
Nice to see are friendly neighborhood ninja posting on our forums :D
And I agree. I like dating people that know me, and actually remember what I've said. If I mention that I love when people touch my hair, when I lay down on their lap, they should know to touch my hair.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 22, 2010, 12:20:33 pm
A girl that can tolerate me totally nerding out about random things.  Especially music.  xD  I've been listening to this album by a Finnish viking/folk metal band called Ensiferum more or less nonstop for the past 2 days.  When I'm working out, I'm listening to it.  Driving.  Doing homework.  ^^;

People that have been unlucky enough to be talking to me while I'm listening to it have already fallen victim to my rantings and ravings. xD

(As some people have already found out .. this album has caused me to coin a new term .. specifically, this part (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARrVczoXtlc#t=5m30s) of this song.  Anyways, it's a combination of the word aural ("of or pertaining to hearing") and um, another word .. *ahem*  the word is aurgasm. xD  You know that feeling you get when a certain part of a song comes on and it's like .. yeah ..  ? ^^;)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 22, 2010, 12:40:19 pm
ack. double post. D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kimiski on July 22, 2010, 01:54:00 pm
You know that feeling you get when a certain part of a song comes on and it's like .. yeah ..  ? ^^;)

lmfao! Wow, nice one. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 22, 2010, 03:49:48 pm
@ Ninja
Nice to see are friendly neighborhood ninja posting on our forums :D
And I agree. I like dating people that know me, and actually remember what I've said. If I mention that I love when people touch my hair, when I lay down on their lap, they should know to touch my hair.
Awwww. x3
I wish people would touch my hair, gawsh. D:

I find cuteness very attractive. And cuddliness. Can't get enough cuddlins. And I dunno why, but i've always kinda been drawn to girls with a bit of an irrational side.
D'awwww! x333
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 22, 2010, 03:59:02 pm
I agree with those sentiments.  I like cuteness/cuddliness, and a little bit irrational. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kimiski on July 22, 2010, 04:02:48 pm
Is there such thing as a rational otaku?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 22, 2010, 04:22:03 pm
Good point.  That's why I like nerds / otaku. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 22, 2010, 04:26:10 pm
Haha. x33
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 22, 2010, 04:45:46 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 23, 2010, 11:36:28 am
Awwww. x3
I wish people would touch my hair, gawsh. D:
Are you kidding?  I would so touch your hair, how would I know its not a wig first? XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on July 23, 2010, 11:37:00 am
o.o D: ill touch your hair shay even if it is a wig....
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 23, 2010, 12:29:24 pm
Bahaha, thanks you two. xD
It's good knowing that I have people willing to touch meh hair. ; u ;
And yuh, at cons it'll mostly be a wig BECAUSE I LOVE MY NIA WIG SO SO MUCH~!
But my real hair is short and blonde. c:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Tsuki-Ken on July 23, 2010, 01:44:38 pm
For me, taller then 5 feet/me, clean, not very hairy and smart; i.e., a hot nerd. Unfortunately, the closest person I know of to being a hot nerd is my sister.
I also appreciate people who don't smoke or eat things that'll kill me (peanuts). I'm not looking for a kiss of death.
Good luck to all of the single people :)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 23, 2010, 06:04:11 pm
How old is your sister, and is she looking for a someone to date?  ^.~
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Tsuki-Ken on July 23, 2010, 08:24:12 pm
Legal but not going away. I don't think she's looking. Sorry
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 23, 2010, 10:28:20 pm
Lulzzzz, legal. xDD

For me, taller then 5 feet/me, clean, not very hairy and smart; i.e., a hot nerd. Unfortunately, the closest person I know of to being a hot nerd is my sister.
I also appreciate people who don't smoke or eat things that'll kill me (peanuts). I'm not looking for a kiss of death.
Good luck to all of the single people :)
Hai I'm Shay. ;3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 24, 2010, 02:19:57 am
starryshay and tsuki-ken sitting in a tree, K I S . . . .    =D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Tsuki-Ken on July 24, 2010, 09:45:45 am
Keep in mind that my sister's the legal one :P
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 24, 2010, 07:16:17 pm
starryshay and tsuki-ken sitting in a tree, K I S . . . .    =D
No...I was saying that I was a-- Nevermind. xD

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Tsuki-Ken on July 24, 2010, 09:20:16 pm
No, I understand. It was directed at camname21.
Welcome to the singles group :D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 24, 2010, 09:21:24 pm
No, what? xD
I'm so confused...
But yay, singles group. :33
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 25, 2010, 12:20:34 am
Wha?  Im confused too shay, can I have a hug?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on July 25, 2010, 02:13:19 pm
If I mention that I love when people touch my hair, when I lay down on their lap, they should know to touch my hair.

That makes perfectly logical sense to me.

I don't remember if I said this the first time or not, but something else that's improtant is that, for me, the girl has to be SMART!!!  I don't mean "she can difuse four bombs at the same time while reciting Hamlet in German" smart, but more along "she can hold an intellectually stimulating conversation with me" smart.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 25, 2010, 03:11:01 pm
I don't remember if I said this the first time or not, but something else that's improtant is that, for me, the girl has to be SMART!!!  I don't mean "she can difuse four bombs at the same time while reciting Hamlet in German" smart,
This kind of smart what I likes.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2010, 07:19:14 am
You know what's REALLY kinda awkward?

I know someone who's like.... over 6'5'' and he keeps asking me out....

Now his height isn't the only reason I say no, but I'm 5'1'' (almost.... I sorta added a little but don't tell anyone, I'm sooo cloooseeee.) and I just really think that's too tall. O:

Tall people kinda freak me out though.... o3o.... >.>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Tsuki-Ken on July 28, 2010, 08:02:10 am
It's okay, I myself am not even 5 feet. But my friend is about a foot taller then me, so it can get a little awkward when we hug.
But people seem to stay away from me since they think I'm crazy so there's not much of an effect
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2010, 10:07:21 am
o3o The worst part is having to look up at everybody. MAH POOR NECK.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on July 28, 2010, 11:13:01 am

anyways. someone i feel like i can talk to about anything and not scare them off and vise versa
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on July 28, 2010, 12:53:34 pm
You know what's REALLY kinda awkward?

I know someone who's like.... over 6'5'' and he keeps asking me out....

Now his height isn't the only reason I say no, but I'm 5'1'' (almost.... I sorta added a little but don't tell anyone, I'm sooo cloooseeee.) and I just really think that's too tall. O:

Tall people kinda freak me out though.... o3o.... >.>

I'm the same height, and I have to say even though it's extremely akward being with someone that height at first (kissing and such can be a pain) after awhile you get used to it and it's not so weird. In my case I'm actually more attracted to taller guys, but just like how tall people kinda freak you out, most tall guys are kinda freaked out by the fact I'm short. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2010, 05:27:02 pm
^Really? O.o I just get that it's "SO CUTE" all the time. Makes me go  :'(.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on July 28, 2010, 05:29:47 pm
Looking like this.

I got a new shirt and I think it's perty cool. And I probably shouldn't be encouraging all them peoples who call me short but I LIKE IT.

And if you can't read that, cause I fail at taking pictures, it says "I'M NOT SHORT I'M FUN SIZE" And that's a LAWN GNOME.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2010, 05:47:07 pm
o3o Wut? Thanks I think. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on July 28, 2010, 05:56:10 pm
LOL. You look cute. That's all.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2010, 05:57:53 pm
Ohhhh. Well then yeah, thanks. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 28, 2010, 07:25:01 pm
I love, love, love short girls. Short and weird mmhmm xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 28, 2010, 09:18:04 pm
I love, love, love short girls. Short and weird mmhmm xD

Pahaha too bad I'm a lesbian then, Rep :D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 28, 2010, 09:26:53 pm
Haven't you seen what an attractive female I make?  ;)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2010, 09:37:54 pm
^You look better in a dress than some females I know. :P
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 28, 2010, 09:46:02 pm
Haven't you seen what an attractive female I make?  ;)

No actually hahaha ;D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 28, 2010, 09:50:40 pm
Oh. D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 28, 2010, 09:51:37 pm
Oh. D:
I will make sure to track you down at kcon!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 28, 2010, 09:55:35 pm
^You look better in a dress than some females I know. :P
EX: Me. I look horrid in a dress xD

I love, love, love short girls. Short and weird mmhmm xD

Pahaha too bad I'm a lesbian then, Rep :D
LESBIAN 5! *high fives*

I like people to be the same to me, as they are to their friends. Just because we're dating, doesn't mean I'm not your friend.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 28, 2010, 10:09:57 pm
I love, love, love short girls. Short and weird mmhmm xD

Pahaha too bad I'm a lesbian then, Rep :D
LESBIAN 5! *high fives*

/high fives

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 28, 2010, 10:15:14 pm
I love, love, love short girls. Short and weird mmhmm xD

Pahaha too bad I'm a lesbian then, Rep :D
LESBIAN 5! *high fives*

/high fives

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 28, 2010, 10:19:31 pm
I love, love, love short girls. Short and weird mmhmm xD

Pahaha too bad I'm a lesbian then, Rep :D
LESBIAN 5! *high fives*

/high fives


COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY /reads lesbian webcomics
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 28, 2010, 10:48:50 pm
Did we just get lesbwned? D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 28, 2010, 10:49:53 pm
Did we just get lesbwned? D:

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 28, 2010, 10:58:49 pm

Straight people can be kewl toooo! >.>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 28, 2010, 11:00:01 pm
Yeah lol.

But leshbians are better :3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 28, 2010, 11:22:20 pm
Where do the bisexuals fit in?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 28, 2010, 11:35:15 pm
you're cool, too.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 28, 2010, 11:44:57 pm
Yay! *claps*
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 29, 2010, 12:08:37 am
Did we just get lesbwned? D:



I love you Sora <3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on July 29, 2010, 12:09:23 am
What this thread boiled down to:
What makes a person attractive to you? -The appropriate sex- lol
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 29, 2010, 12:26:00 am
Did we just get lesbwned? D:



I love you Sora <3


What this thread boiled down to:
What makes a person attractive to you? -The appropriate sex- lol

I like brunettes. And I like them shorter than me :3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Taikei on July 29, 2010, 03:39:53 am
In my particular case (I feel awkward and shameful for some reason) I am still in a toss up between men, women..or both.

I think that a way a person acts when they think no one is watching is most important..because that is who they really are, without the pressure of society molding them.

Physically...I am really attracted to flat chests. Its odd but true. >:I Maybe it's cause my own is so opposite of that and it's something I wish for in myself. I just don't know anymore.

I have had two boyfriends in my life, one of them turning out gay after four months of being happy, and the other a stalker after just two weeks.

I don't understand people as well as I wish I did. I can understand them perfectly when looking from an objective perspective...but subjective- is a whole other matter.

(Done spilling guts and drama onto this thread)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Tsuki-Ken on July 29, 2010, 01:35:26 pm
It's okay if you're not sure - you have to figure it out sometime, or find a hermaphrodite perhaps?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 29, 2010, 01:38:09 pm
What this thread boiled down to:
What makes a person attractive to you? -The appropriate sex- lol
Haha, that's usually a good quality. x3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 29, 2010, 04:08:12 pm
What about them people that you just REALLY can't tell their gender? O:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 29, 2010, 04:33:52 pm
Cross your fingers and hope their genitalia is what you want.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on July 29, 2010, 05:06:35 pm
I go by the theory if I like how they look I probably like what their packing >.<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 29, 2010, 05:08:05 pm
Best way to say that ever.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on July 29, 2010, 07:57:46 pm
Made me think of this film. What Planet are You From? (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181151/) Who's wearing the pen*$ tonight?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kimiski on July 29, 2010, 10:58:25 pm
Cross your fingers and hope their genitalia is what you want.

That made my day xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 29, 2010, 11:51:01 pm

I have a slightly more discerning palette when it comes to that kind of stuff .. >_<;;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 30, 2010, 07:15:18 am
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Auricle on July 30, 2010, 09:44:40 am
For me, initial attractiveness  is mostly based on looks. I’m not very picky about looks, but as far as that goes the person’s face is important. Just, you know, someone nice to look at. Interesting hairstyles are also a plus.

The more I get to know someone, mostly the more I talk with them, the more they become attractive to me. It’s almost exponential, really.
' w ';

It all depends on the individual in the end. I’m pansexual, so gender doesn’t really enter into how much I like a person.

I also tend to get crushes really easily, but I hardly ever act on them.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 30, 2010, 10:17:28 am
It all depends on the individual in the end. I’m pansexual, so gender doesn’t really enter into how much I like a person.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Auricle on July 30, 2010, 10:23:07 am
Awesome~ You make the third person I know that's like that. : D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 30, 2010, 10:25:16 am
You're my third too. XDD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on July 30, 2010, 12:04:52 pm
*just putting it out there*
My third too :O
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: The_Geek on July 30, 2010, 01:21:47 pm
It all depends on the individual in the end. I’m pansexual, so gender doesn’t really enter into how much I like a person.
I identify this way as well. Though, I'm curious, do you get the very inquisitive idiots asking oddly personal questions as well?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on July 30, 2010, 05:43:07 pm
I identify this way as well. Though, I'm curious, do you get the very inquisitive idiots asking oddly personal questions as well?
I guess I'm one of those "idiots" who ask questions to people who are different.  Some of "us" might be trying to be rude, while I for one just ask because I don't understand and am looking for insight.  Personal boundaries do not exist until something is established through conversing for mwah.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Darknight2433 on July 30, 2010, 05:53:27 pm

Outfits- a good outfit always gets me. I'm a sucker for some unique, awesome way a series of clothes can be pulled off.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 30, 2010, 06:20:45 pm
Y'know, they say size doesn't matter, and I hate to disagree, but to me it does.. the size of the heart, that is. ^^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on July 30, 2010, 09:42:53 pm
^You big cheeseball. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 31, 2010, 12:30:54 am
I guarantee the pitchforks were halfway out of the storage room and then they read the rest of the sentence.. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 31, 2010, 10:58:09 am
LololcheesyReppycomment. xD

I guess another thing is that I prolly wouldn't wanna date someone girlier then me. o n o ;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 31, 2010, 11:14:44 am
^So, aside from the rather large age difference, there's no chance of you and reppy getting together, amirite? xDDD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on July 31, 2010, 11:37:19 am
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 31, 2010, 11:40:33 am
What?! How wude! *stomps his feet*  Ow, that hurts in heels.. D:

Bbl, pumpin' iron and listening to black metal and drinking a can of tobacco spit .. yep, I'm a man alright.

(Actually, I'm just listening to black metal and doing chemistry homework.. and drinking a Diet Mountain Dew.. ahem..)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on July 31, 2010, 01:56:10 pm
Diet soda is gross.

I can't be with someone who makes me promise them things all the time because they don't trust me. I hate making promises, because I know stuff could possibly come up that would make me unable to keep them. I need someone who can trust me and isn't overly insecure to the point where they constantly need reassurance that I'm not out sleeping around. -_-lll
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on July 31, 2010, 04:59:12 pm
Hrm, probably my personality.... I'm funny, somewhat intelligent, definitely can be goofy. Oh what makes me attracted to others? I thought this was what makes me attractive to others. J/k
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on July 31, 2010, 05:02:43 pm
I like really girly girls, too. Girly girls who like doctor who and final fantasy. Then we can nerd out together :D

They also have to be willing to put up with all my problems owo
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on July 31, 2010, 07:18:12 pm
Yeah, girly girls are nice .. as long as they're not like, always girly girly.  She can be girly girly with me when we're together. xD

Man, re-read that sentence a few times and it loses all meaning.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on July 31, 2010, 11:05:23 pm
I was venting to a coworker today about this guy I had gone on a date with a few weeks ago and I realized that more than anything I think I just want to be with someone who accepts me exactly as I am and doesn't expect me to suddenly become someone different. When I started to think about it almost every guy I've tried to pursue a relationship with has had some kind of issue with my weight/height/ethnicity/ideology or schedule and have focused on changing whatever that one thing is for them..... Which is especially frustrating since they are facets of myself that really cannot be changed (I am always going to be white, sorry but there's no changing that.)

Dang, maybe this is my problem. lol. Normally you can't tell these things until you really start to get to know a person though, so the intial attraction has already taken place. Hmmm... Tricky.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 02, 2010, 05:28:38 am
I guess another thing is that I prolly wouldn't wanna date someone girlier then me. o n o ;
Your right, as much as I like strong, free willed, rugged and daring traits in me girls if they are not more girlie then me, how would I ever get to cuddle?  :D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 02, 2010, 07:52:55 am
Yeah, girly girls are nice .. as long as they're not like, always girly girly.  She can be girly girly with me when we're together. xD

Man, re-read that sentence a few times and it loses all meaning.

xDDDDDD reppy doesnt she also need to like - oh crap, now i dont reamember the name of it .______. *is horrible*
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 02, 2010, 09:01:05 am
I just thought of another thing.

So I'm a complete dweeb and so anyone I'm with has to know how to be silly. 'Cause some people are just waaaaaayyyy too serious and I need fun!

I <3 Big Dorks. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 02, 2010, 11:53:28 am
Yeah, girly girls are nice .. as long as they're not like, always girly girly.  She can be girly girly with me when we're together. xD

Man, re-read that sentence a few times and it loses all meaning.
Yup, meaning is gone. xDDD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: The_Geek on August 02, 2010, 08:03:04 pm
I identify this way as well. Though, I'm curious, do you get the very inquisitive idiots asking oddly personal questions as well?
I guess I'm one of those "idiots" who ask questions to people who are different.  Some of "us" might be trying to be rude, while I for one just ask because I don't understand and am looking for insight.  Personal boundaries do not exist until something is established through conversing for mwah.
        Don't take my wording too personally. I was thinking more along the lines of people asking, "So, have you ever slept with (Insert alternative of choice here)?" Because I get that all too often. I have had people ask intelligent questions, but a majority decide to be jerks and get really creepy to be quite frank. I'm open though, so really, that's the only thing that should matter to me. I don't mind the questions, just so long as they have some amount of thought behind them (other that sex).
        What makes someone attractive to me is not based in their looks nor their gender. I find one grounded in thought beyond the ordinary attractive. Those who give existential analysis as a topic for discussion interest me. Someone who challenges my thoughts, morals, beliefs; Someone who can have the two hour long conversations on what being humane means for that person. People who have integrity within their speaking interest me. I know I am not alone as long as this person is out there.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 03, 2010, 07:52:11 pm
Huh...attractive huh?

Well, off of first glance for me it would be height. |D Since I'm short at 5'3", I like guys who are taller than me. 5' 9" or taller is the best for me. :P
I also like eyes so if a guy has pretty eyes then more points to him. A lot of people think brown eyes are ugly but there are so many different types of browns that it's not really. I don't have any specific color though.
I prefer lighter toned guys with a slight tan.
I also like them with an athletic build. Now, I don't need a six pack, I just like them to be nice.

For after the general outside, I like guys with smooth voices.
No offense, but I like my guys to have hit puberty, thanks. >.>

I also like them to be open & secure about themselves.
I crossplay as guys from time to time and I am open with who I am. I'm Bi so I don't mind hitting on girls if my crossplay calls for it and I would want him to be okay with that. I would also want him to be willing to hang out with me as a guy at a con and though I'm not the hugest fan of yaoi pairings, it wouldn't be bad.
But I also don't want him to be clingy, ya know? Clinginess is a huge turn off for me. I like to cosplay my things and he should like to cosplay his own. We don't always need to do pairings that end up together and we don't always need to be from the same series. I like to spend days where I don't touch my phone and I don't want to have to worry about 50 texts at the end of the day asking if I'm okay cause I didn't respond or 20 phone calls with 15 voice mails.
Edit: Not that I don't want to talk to them. But I like not being bugged by other people. We can talk over an IM or something on those days...

I like guys who are taller than me, light skinned, & have an athletic build with nice eyes, a smooth voice, and comfortable with his own sexuality and mine. This includes being comfortable with me wanting to crossplay from time to time!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Vysh on August 07, 2010, 09:52:30 pm
Their voice, i mean sure, i like attractive people, but if I don't like someones voice I can't stay with them for days on end.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 15, 2010, 11:35:29 pm
Agreed. It might sound shallow of me, but there are some people you just want to shut up already and let you stare at them in silence. xD;;; Physical beauty only goes so far.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on August 15, 2010, 11:46:24 pm
I dunno, but I think I can sing unchained melody nice enough. BUt I am not brave enough to karaoke, and find out the hard way.

I have a theory that girls who do sing, have nicer speaking voices. I think it relates to breath control, and using the mouth to talk, and not the nose.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 15, 2010, 11:48:26 pm
La la laaaaaaaaa -voice cracks-

Somebody who makes the first move is more my type. = u =
Unless they make the first move when I have expressed no interest in wanting them to make a move. >o>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 15, 2010, 11:52:41 pm
La la laaaaaaaaa -voice cracks-

Somebody who makes the first move is more my type. = u =
Unless they make the first move when I have expressed no interest in wanting them to make a move. >o>

Then that's not really making the first move, is it?!  A signal = first move!  Just because it wasn't the first physical move..!!

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 15, 2010, 11:53:56 pm
How do I know what's a signal and what isn't?
This one time I only said hello to a guy and he was all "heheh be my girlfriend"
Should I just be mean to guys? = o =
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 15, 2010, 11:56:36 pm
Well maybe you shouldn't have said "Why hellllllooooooooooo..." while winking and playing with your hair. HUR DUR HUR.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 15, 2010, 11:58:08 pm
Maybe people should learn the difference between friendly and flirty.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 15, 2010, 11:58:32 pm
Reppy- NOT EVEN. xD
I smiled and said "Hello, I'm Shay~ Let's be friends" ;O;

Mommy- ♥♥♥
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 16, 2010, 12:01:57 am
Shay: "Here, little boys, let me show off my widdle eyes and wink at you all and tease you then scurry away behind mommy when they look. C:"

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 16, 2010, 12:21:08 am
I have no problem making a first move so long as I know that our feelings are mutual. I took the initiative with my first kiss and I'm still with the same person today :>

Reppy- NOT EVEN. xD
I smiled and said "Hello, I'm Shay~ Let's be friends" ;O;
More like, "Hello, I'm Shay~ Let's be... "friends"."
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NARUNIK on August 16, 2010, 12:34:46 am
You guys sound like your playing a romantic role playing game. lol
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 16, 2010, 12:35:49 am
Well maybe you shouldn't have said "Why hellllllooooooooooo..." while winking and playing with your hair. HUR DUR HUR.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 16, 2010, 07:57:03 am
<.< when they turn beat red over the smallest compliment you give them D: its so freaking adorable
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: agpgirl on August 16, 2010, 03:17:21 pm
(i dont know if we got off-topic or not XD but if we did, i guess i'm pulling the topic back on track~)

Well for starters he has to be good looking, but I'm not looking for someone like a HOT MALE MODEL type of person..
Also, I like a funny guy, who can make me laugh when I'm down or bored but then at can be serious also. And, I don't really like people with piercings or tattoos, that just makes me wanna go *bleeh*

I prefer american or asian guys x3 (mostly asian. not being racist or anything, i'm just sayin..)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 16, 2010, 03:30:26 pm
I prefer american or asian guys x3 (mostly asian. not being racist or anything, i'm just sayin..)

I think in all truth, every one of us wants an asian boyfriend.

But I would only want one young. :/
They may stay young for long but then they get old looking really fast.
So while it may be nice while we're teens, he's going to look ugly at 50 while a white guy still has the chance to look good.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: agpgirl on August 16, 2010, 03:40:04 pm
I prefer american or asian guys x3 (mostly asian. not being racist or anything, i'm just sayin..)

I think in all truth, every one of us wants an asian boyfriend.

But I would only want one young. :/
They may stay young for long but then they get old looking really fast.
So while it may be nice while we're teens, he's going to look ugly at 50 while a white guy still has the chance to look good.

Oh i know, thats what i tell my friend who just falls for ALL the hot asian guys, i tell her "he's gonna look ugly when he gets like, 30".
But like i said, i don't want some hot smokin guy, but at least someone with looks ^^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 16, 2010, 07:30:04 pm
Shay: "Here, little boys, let me show off my widdle eyes and wink at you all and tease you then scurry away behind mommy when they look. C:"

I think when I see you I will greet you with a punch to the face, hehe. >:U

Er, lolol I've seen some Asian guys that still look good in their thirty's and stuff. c:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 16, 2010, 08:05:16 pm
You know, I actually have a sort-of date with an asian guy tomorrow. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 16, 2010, 09:04:35 pm
Oooh la la~! > u <
Have fun mommy. c:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 16, 2010, 09:04:54 pm
The number one thing for me is whether they are nice or not.
I couldn't date a mean guy.
Next comes honesty and beliefs/views.
Can't date anyone that I'd argue with.
Looks are kind of important for me, but I don't instantly see a hot guy and say: "I WANT TO DATE HIM."
I have to get to know the guy.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 16, 2010, 09:16:42 pm
I know this is what makes people attractive...but I have something that's a huge turn off...

Creepers. :/
I mean, he can be as hot as the sun but if he's a creeper then it's an instant no.
And I don't mean just like...staring at girls and their chests or legs or something but also dealing with younger girls.
I could never date a guy who has any level of pedo status...I just think it's creepy and I worry about the younger girls around them.
And even if he's not all for little girls, I don't want to look out my window and see him in the bushes...

On the positive side, I like guys who appear to be good father figures.
I grew up never wanting to have children because I was afraid I would meet a guy who would abandon me like my father had done to my family. I ended up planning one of my first children would be a little girl adopted from China.
And yet, I still want to have my own child. So I want to find a guy who would care about a child even if he didn't love me anymore. Someone who would still want to see his children if we divorced or something, ya know?
Of course I would hope divorce never happened but you can never know and I wouldn't want my children to be effected by it.

Also! I want a guy who likes animals.
I love animals and I own two cats and a dog on my own. My family has a total of four cats and two dogs.
My animals are like my children and they sleep with me and everything. I could never date an animal hater.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 16, 2010, 09:37:53 pm
Can't date anyone that I'd argue with.
Aww I was going to wait 5 years for you too!  lol, okay.. just so you know, you will argue with your boy/girlfriend.  It just happens, how much..?  That depends on the two of you of coarse.

OMG gryff, I posted this before I read what you said.  When I went back to looking at your post all I could do was LoL
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 16, 2010, 09:52:40 pm
Oooh la la~! > u <
Have fun mommy. c:
Hahaha, thanks, it should be fun. :)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 16, 2010, 09:56:47 pm
I admit, I am somewhat of a snob when it comes to people I would consider being in a relationship with. I have really high standards, which is why it is rare for me to even have someone I find attractive these days.

Number one standard: they have to be more intelligent than me. (Not trying to sound pretentious, but the majority of [well, guys, at least] my age act, or are, just plain stupid.) I like people who know about current events, politics, religion, philosophy, psychology, science, and literature; and who adore deep conversations. I love being lost in discussions, in which I lose track of time. Seriousness is always nice. Of course, they also have to be at least a little bit human and enjoy life, so adaptability is up there, too. ;3

I also like people who are okay with some space. I used to be a clingy person, but now I tend to be busy (during the school year) and need some "me time". Usually this isn't a problem due to my top standard, because that means they are booked with IB classes and numerous outside activities, as well. A couple other things I need in a relationship is someone who respects and supports me and my views on liberalism, agnosticism, and feminism. Anyone who disrespects those parts of my life will simply not workout with me.

As far as looks go, I'm not picky. I tend to go with the theory of "equal physical attractiveness", meaning I don't usually fall for those who are out of my "range". (But I still might think someone is "cute", like an average teenage girl. d: ) I do tend to have a weakness for stylish hair and pretty eyes. (I find anyone with blonde hair/blue eyes beautiful, not meaning I actually like them, though.) Long hair seems to be my recent attraction (as long as they aren't a creep).

Anyway, long post (xD), but, again, the most important thing to me is intelligence, and someone who knows when the right times for seriousness and fun. : ]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 16, 2010, 10:15:58 pm
Kagome - That sounds nice, but if you are 16 these things don't develop in most guys until after high school.  Where we get kicked in the #$%@ by life and are told to grow up.  I would point you to your nearest collage, but then I might be aiding in possible illegal activities. 
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 16, 2010, 10:19:28 pm
Lol, possibly, but there are some intelligent individuals at my school. I set my current standards after joining Speech and Debate, where I found my, er, not sure what to call him except: "currently-on-a-dating-break-for-summer-traveling" guy. He is pretty much the best I have had so far. :3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 16, 2010, 10:22:23 pm
Creepers scare me, too!
I was dating this boy, m'kay?
On the 3rd date he asks: "Do you think we'll get married?"
Trying to be nice I said: "Well, maybe. But we're only teenagers..."
After that...He kissed me and it was...So...Awkward...

The next day he dumped me over a text message and called me Bipolar.
It was a lot nicer than what my previous one did.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 16, 2010, 10:27:44 pm
Ya the good ones at that age are in things like plays, the library, and studying at home, and not in sports.  Well for you anyhow.  

I for one liked the gals in sports back in the day, and even now.  Something about a female who wants to keep the body in shape is much more attractive then looks alone.  At the vary least, if they are willing to do something physical with you that they normally don't, they seem to understand and try to do something you enjoy.  That also tells ya they really like you <3

Wow haruko, that is harsh.  I think girls should just not date boys until they are 14-15.  Going on dates are fine, but boys are so retarded at that age.  It makes my head hurt they are so retarded...... 
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 16, 2010, 10:44:17 pm
@cam: No offense, but the Thespian types creep me out... At my school, at least, they obsess over theatre. Constantly. Nothing else. Still, I do like those who are into studying, but are still physically active (such as participating in a martial art or recreation activity). The super-skinny "nerd" doesn't do much for me if they aren't willing to be healthy, even if skinny. I'm not skinny, but I'm still healthy and active.

@Mew: I agree, that is creepy. Most kids (males at least) under the age of fifteen are pretty much all emotion and aren't fit to be in a relationship. I can see why some parents want their kids not to date until sixteen or eighteen.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 16, 2010, 10:52:04 pm
My creepy boyfriend actually WAS in plays.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 16, 2010, 10:53:22 pm
There's...nothing wrong with theatre people. We're...just very friendly... [/sad sniffle]

-is a theatre major- D':
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 16, 2010, 10:56:56 pm
@Mew: Oh, wow. xD

@Gryff: Don'tworryIstillloveyou. D':  I have some good friends in theatre, as well. I'm just saying that I would never date one, at least, not from my school.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 16, 2010, 11:11:19 pm
Mm, mm, lots of good ponits have been made in this thread for sure.
I agree with a lot of what Mewmew has been saying.
I, like most people, can't stand people who are intentionally rude.

And another thing that's pretty important for me, is that I'd want to date somebody that was proud of our relationship.
I'm not saying that I'd want to be a trophy wife or anything, but I would like to be with a guy that was happy to let me meet his mom, or whatever. ; 3 ;

Er, and I'm in theatre, hurdur.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 16, 2010, 11:12:13 pm
@Gryff: Nothing is wrong with it at all! Infact, I'm actually in a drama club!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 17, 2010, 12:22:28 am
Personally, i don't find myself too hard to please.
All i really care about is that they love me for who i am, that they can be kind and caring, and that they can put up with my bad puns and often crazy attitude. Idk, do you guys think thats too much to ask
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 17, 2010, 12:23:06 am
I want someone that I can use as a body pillow while I watch anime =/
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 17, 2010, 12:23:39 am
Personally, i don't find myself too hard to please.
All i really care about is that they love me for who i am, that they can be kind and caring, and that they can put up with my bad puns and often crazy attitude. Idk, do you guys think thats too much to ask
Of course not! ^^
I think you and Neon will be very happy together~<3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 17, 2010, 07:40:33 am
I want someone that I can use as a body pillow while I watch anime =/
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 17, 2010, 12:56:21 pm
I want someone that I can use as a body pillow while I watch anime =/
I agree with this statement as well.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 17, 2010, 02:48:47 pm
Oh, yeah. I also adore cuddling~ x3  The only issue is that I tend to fall for the more "serious" types who are strictly: *takes you out on date -> gives quick hug -> 'kay, see you around*  Makes me almost uncomfortable with the non-hug-iness. Then again, maybe that's just the con-person in me. > 3>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 17, 2010, 02:54:06 pm
That would be amazing, neh?
To have a guy who just wants to hold you close until you fall asleep at night or while watching anime or something.

Also, a guy who will eat your food even if it's bad just to make you feel better.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 17, 2010, 02:55:27 pm
We should make a cuddle pile at con lol ^.^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 17, 2010, 02:59:15 pm
@Gryff: I fail as a womenz and can't cook, clean, or sew. D8

@Neon: That would be fun~ But, it would have to be age groups because, well, if it's a cuddling -pile-, it could get a bit awkward. > 3>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 17, 2010, 03:01:24 pm
lol I can't cook either but I want to learn so I can make food for my man when I get older.
And I can sew, just not amazingly well...
And I'm allergic to Ammonia so I can't use cleaning chemicals... :/
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 17, 2010, 03:03:30 pm
That's what frozen dinner and mac 'n cheese are for~ : D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 17, 2010, 03:06:20 pm
Hey, I make a good pot of Mac n' Cheese! ;D
And I have a rice cooker that I can toss in the microwave for 6 minutes for some good rice.

I can cook if it has directions but I can't make stuff from scratch for anything. :/
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 17, 2010, 03:17:38 pm
If you can do that, you can impress a man!
Making things from scratch is difficult. I can only bake things from scratch. >.<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 17, 2010, 03:23:27 pm
I make stuff for girls.... but they never seem to be impressed, instead they sit on me and poke me....
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 17, 2010, 06:09:44 pm
I have a goal. I said that I would never learn to cook because I can already sew and clean, and knowing how to cook would make me a house-wife which is the one thing in this world I never want to be.
I think the idea of learning to cook just so you can cook for your man is sexist to the max. If I was with a man (which I am not) then I would want to trade off evenly with him.

I guess that's one thing I like in a person, someone who realizes that we are equal, and that a lot of the time I can keep up. I don't like being babied. I hate it. Even if that means I have to initiate things, so be it.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: oslapedo on August 17, 2010, 06:17:33 pm
Cooking is a good skill, yo, especially when you're poor and have to improvise.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 17, 2010, 06:17:59 pm
How is that sexist?  ^^  You want to be able to do something for someone you care about.  The only time I think something is sexist is if you try to say "because you're such and such gender, you must do this."
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 17, 2010, 06:32:59 pm
Eh being a housewife is more of a choice, just because you have a certain skill set people may label you as something, but they can't tell you who you are
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 17, 2010, 07:22:49 pm
It's not really sexist in my opinion, unless if it becomes the "woman's duty" to do certain things. Even in the man's case of it being a "man's job" to go out and make all of the money. No pressure there, amirite? Lol. And honestly, I've met some women who just want to be housewives (and men who want to be stay-at-home dads). So long as they are able to work together cooperatively with their significant other, it's their relationship. If it makes them happy, cool!
For me, I don't mind cooking and cleaning, so long as it's not my designated role. Sometimes it's really nice when he makes dinner or something. I also like to take him out every so often, because I don't feel that it's his responsibility to pay for everything. Lately I've been doing more of the chores around here though because I'm still job hunting and he's been working full-time. So, basically I do my part and help out where I can atm. What's important here is that I would expect the same if our situations were switched~
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 17, 2010, 07:28:46 pm
I agree.  Whatever you choose, as long as you know, it's reasonable, your partner should be willing to work with, accommodate you, etc.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 17, 2010, 11:55:19 pm
My dad cooks, cleans, and can sew.
He's not a house wife. : P
He actually has a girlfriend that does nothing whatsoever to help out around the house. >_<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 17, 2010, 11:55:28 pm
I want someone that I can use as a body pillow while I watch anime =/
You too?  I love being clung/clinging to someone!  Its so warm.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 17, 2010, 11:59:54 pm
I think the idea of learning to cook just so you can cook for your man is sexist to the max.

D': I'm sexist?
I just...want to be able to make a nice dinner for the person I love.
I know a woman's place isn't really in the kitchen and I can't cook for crap on my own but I just want to be able to show them I care enough to spend more than five minutes sticking something in the oven or microwave.
I think it would be romantic to cook a meal for the person I love and have them come home from work to see everything ready for them.
Not because I'm a woman but because I love them. With my major in particular, it will be hard for me to find work based on it so most of my time I would probably be a housewife unless I end up working at something small that I wouldn't love. I would hope I could find a husband who would let me aim for my dreams. This would leave me at home most of the time so I would want to do special things for them to show that I appreciate them letting me live out my dream.

And even if I'm not a housewife, I would still want to cook for them because it's special. It's something I spent time working on just for them.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 18, 2010, 12:09:10 am
Aww gryff, you can cook for me any time you want hun. <3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 18, 2010, 05:41:05 pm
Cooking with your partner can be a lot of fun. At Least as long as they aren't kitchen nazis.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 18, 2010, 07:18:41 pm
Aww gryff, you can cook for me any time you want hun. <3
That's a bit presumptuous of you, don't you think? O_o
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaqua on August 18, 2010, 08:05:42 pm
Well, honestly, what's going to attract me to a person first is how he looks. Is he hot, and/or does he look like he knows how to take care of himself? Then heck yes I want to get to know him. Does he look like he lives in a basement and doesn't own shampoo or a razor? I'm going to turn the other way. Whether or not someone takes pride in their appearance says a lot about them, emotionally: if they want to look good and take the time and effort to do so, they probably have self-confidence and pride in themselves and that's pretty hot. Plus I like to look my best and I appreciate if the guy I'm with is the same way.
Purely physically I think my ideal man would be tall and muscular (not too beefy, but I do like biceps, pectorals, back muscles, and dem thighs... so basically, professional soccer player build; yes I am still in World Cup mentality) with broader shoulders, curly/wavy blonde hair cut relatively short, and dark eyes. Dimples are adorable and I really like nice hands and forearms. Mentally I like someone who doesn't take themselves seriously and who can laugh at just about anything. I'm not a serious person and I don't want to be dragged down by someone who feels they need to be. Nerdiness is a huge bonus, but it has to be the right kind of nerdiness: I'm more a fan of western nerdstuff in general and I'm not really into anime at all. If he likes anime like Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo then that's badass, cuz that's like... Manly anime? And that's chill. I don't think I'd exactly be turned on if he was all into Tokyo Mew Mew or whatever. But stuff like Star Wars, Star Trek, Venture Brothers, superheroes, comic books, that's all awesome and if he was big into that I would jump for joy (probably literally). Intelligence is also a huge thing, but not just booksmarts, since I like a man who's socially intelligent as well. I hate it when I'm with someone and I'm talking to people, and I feel like they're all awkward because they don't know how to socialize. And finally, just having a good sense of humor and personality that meshes well with mine is awesome. I want to feel like my dude and I have a total bromance, except that I'm a chick. If I feel like he respects me as a friend in addition to a girlfriend then I'm going to like him that much more.
Bonuses: I'm not clingy. I don't want him to be. He needs to be fine with me running off to do things by myself, and needs to feel fine doing the same. Also, I'm pretty atheist, and would like if he were the same or similar (but really, as long as he's not going to try and get me to go to church with him or pray or whatever I'm probably fine).

tl;dr My ideal man is Sherlock Holmes with like 20lbs more muscle
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaqua on August 18, 2010, 08:06:11 pm
Omg I typed a novel sorry everyone
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 18, 2010, 09:40:02 pm
If this fool was real then the search for my dream man would be over....


Curse you Bioware for making such attractive character designs!  :o
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 18, 2010, 09:50:07 pm
If this fool was real then the search for my dream man would be over....


Curse you Bioware for making such attractive character designs!  :o
Thats me btw =P
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 18, 2010, 11:46:07 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 19, 2010, 02:48:25 am
If this fool was real then the search for my dream man would be over....


Curse you Bioware for making such attractive character designs!  :o
Thats me btw =P

No, Fox, that is not you. you are gary oak
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 19, 2010, 03:03:19 am
Neon - You wish. XD

Men are nice, ya know?
And I mean men, not boys. I don't like pansy guys. I'll get my own ass out of the castle, thank you.
Not that I don't like a protective guy but most guys now a days are just...weak. It's kind of pathetic really. I only hate chivalry because guys use it as some kind of manly standing. I would take a guy who is strong and a slob over a guy who opens my door and can't fight for himself any day.
Also, I've recently noticed a lot of guys I know are chance seekers. They wait until you say something you like and then they go, "Oh wow, I like that, too! 8D" even though it contradicts things they have said before. So now I don't talk about what I like that much because I expect guys to go, "Oh hai! I love shooting guns despite the fact five minutes ago I said guns kill people. They r cul nao!"
But hey, if a guy wants to be chivalrous I have no issues with it as long as I'm not pampered like a princess.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 19, 2010, 08:23:00 am
My friend told me I'm too picky. D:

(Also, my maybe-date went okay and we're gunna go to the park next week :))

I think I don't know what I'm looking for until there's a possible candidate before me. I'm trying to be LESS picky and not so quick to say no, I had a lot of fun on Tuesday and so so far it's working out for me.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 19, 2010, 09:24:55 am
There's nothing wrong with being picky Demony... when I was in high school I had this view that if a guy asked me on a date it was only polite to agree to at least one. Seems nice, but honestly it put me in so many akward and miserable positions. Then finally some day a guy friend of mine made the point that it wasn't my DUTY to date people.... been fairly picky ever since.

Granted I don't go out on dates very often, but I know I'd rather wait for someone I actually feel attracted to than just waste time with someone I know I'm not interested in, it's not really fair to them or me.

I'm like you though, I'm not really sure until the opportunity arises whether a person is right for me or not.

@Neon: I will not be fooled by you! lol. I suppose the search continues for my Bioware dream-man. 
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 19, 2010, 09:44:51 am
=( Give me a few years, I age like a god ;_;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 19, 2010, 09:56:15 am
._. when was the last time i went on a date...... i want one bad ;_; then again dates are realy uncomfortable... meh xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 19, 2010, 12:21:02 pm
It really helps make it not-awkward if you're friends first. :)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 19, 2010, 12:34:38 pm
^ sometimes it makes it more awkward...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 19, 2010, 12:46:22 pm
I really just need to start going on dates more.... my problem is they always seem to go well, and then a few days later things just get weird and full of drama (last guy I went on a date with things actually got weird DURING the date... ever been cornered by two angry girls? It's terrifying I tell ya.) I have really low tolerance for drama though so once guys start acting that way I normally just cut my losses and bail.

I don't mind though, I'm honestly too busy to actually have a relationship of any kind right now, but having a smart/attractive guy to hang out with wouldn't be terrible.  ;)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 19, 2010, 06:00:36 pm
I'm too annoying to date people. = . =
I don't really have much going for me, and I always try to be someone I'm not so people will like me.
I'm totally gonna die alone hurdur
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on August 19, 2010, 06:12:10 pm
You'll figure it out Shay.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 19, 2010, 06:15:12 pm
Shay YOU ARE CRAZY. I've never met anyone who had a bad word to say about you, everyone loves you, so there!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Sakurakisser on August 19, 2010, 06:19:10 pm
hey did kumoricon every did a cosplay speed dating event? cause i mean that sounds like a fun thing.. but im married now. lmao. but still sounds fun!

okay so the thing that attracts me to guys are their eyes. but of course their personality.. the guy im married to is actually the least expected candidate. rofl. he is super dorky and nerdy, playing his mmo's and collecting all these animes. lol, so its just expect the unexpected.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kimiski on August 19, 2010, 06:58:42 pm
I'll get my own ass out of the castle, thank you.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 19, 2010, 07:28:13 pm
Is anybody on here attracted to people with no soul...?
Cause I qualify for that one.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 19, 2010, 07:36:16 pm
I like you, Shay! I think you're so funny!
I'm a poser a lot of the time too, but I try so hard to be myself with Amy...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 19, 2010, 07:39:00 pm
Mm, funny won't get me anywhere in life. = u =
But thank you, I lovers you Katie. ;-;

That's sweet, you two are adowable. *u*
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 19, 2010, 07:40:26 pm
x3 Thanks~
I can't see someone not liking you o.O
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 19, 2010, 08:07:27 pm
Lots of perfectly lovable people don't get love :c
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 19, 2010, 08:37:07 pm
Is anybody on here attracted to people with no soul...?
Cause I qualify for that one.

I like you on the principle that you take such cute pictures of yourself alone XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 19, 2010, 08:40:48 pm
Oh yesh, I am good at photography.
No reason to be liked though. :<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 19, 2010, 09:10:42 pm
Well, I dont settle for second best, i've had two girlfriends in my 25 years because I know what I like. Physically.... A girl with a great smile, and bright eyes. at Least as fit as me. Red hair is a plus, as jessica rabbit was my first crush, but not necessary. She should want to do things as a couple like maybe learn swing dancing or something. She should have a great imagination and the ability to put herself in other people's shoes for arguments, if not more. She should be able to take a compliment and not fish for them. Finally, always be looking to better herself, and surprise me with her talents, abilities, or thoughts, i like being kept on my toes.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 19, 2010, 10:55:40 pm
It really helps make it not-awkward if you're friends first. :)
are you kidding me? every girl i've ever been interested in became a friend, and unfortunately for me, that's how it's always stayed.....
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 19, 2010, 11:00:00 pm
It really helps make it not-awkward if you're friends first. :)
are you kidding me? every girl i've ever been interested in became a friend, and unfortunately for me, that's how it's always stayed.....

Yeah,being put in the friend spot generally seals the deal.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 19, 2010, 11:09:45 pm
I don't understand why people think that this whole 'friend zone' thing is legit. ;O
If you're gonna act like a friend, you will be my friend, and if you start acting differently, more like a boyfriend would, then maybe things will work out and I will fall in love with you lololol
All I'm saying is that people's opinions of other people change over time~
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 19, 2010, 11:20:36 pm
people remember what you say, what you do, but more importantly how you make them feel, so it stands to logic friends generally remain friends. It goes with the whole "brittany, you're one of the guys" its not every case, there are always exceptions. But its more often right than wrong.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 19, 2010, 11:23:08 pm
Well I believe that anything can happen, and so if you like a girl that's your friend, don't assume you'll always be friends!
[/end caps]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 19, 2010, 11:29:50 pm
Well I believe that anything can happen, and so if you like a girl that's your friend, don't assume you'll always be friends!
[/end caps]

All I can say to that is... Never lose that optimism, its great!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 20, 2010, 12:05:39 am
Well I believe that anything can happen, and so if you like a girl that's your friend, don't assume you'll always be friends!
[/end caps]

All I can say to that is... Never lose that optimism, its great!

'Round here, we just call her crazy. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Pots on August 20, 2010, 12:06:55 am
anyone who has a unicorn : )

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 20, 2010, 12:10:21 am
Well I believe that anything can happen, and so if you like a girl that's your friend, don't assume you'll always be friends!
[/end caps]

All I can say to that is... Never lose that optimism, its great!

'Round here, we just call her crazy. XD

Crazy keeps you sane I hear...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 20, 2010, 12:11:13 am
Well I believe that anything can happen, and so if you like a girl that's your friend, don't assume you'll always be friends!
[/end caps]

All I can say to that is... Never lose that optimism, its great!

'Round here, we just call her crazy. XD
Why're you such a bully? xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 20, 2010, 12:12:47 am
I could never date someone/be with someone who wasn't my friend. I don't want them to just be my 'significant other' but my friend too.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 20, 2010, 12:47:11 am
I think i stay friend-zoned all the time is caused by two different things:
1. unintentionally making you feel akward around me
2. i don't want to offend anybody and lose that friend
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 20, 2010, 12:54:25 am
I think i stay friend-zoned all the time is caused by two different things:
1. unintentionally making you feel akward around me
2. i don't want to offend anybody and lose that friend

In that case, dont hold back so much. Let your awesomeness shine though. cant make an omlette without breaking a few eggs.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 20, 2010, 01:00:13 am
Break some eggs, spill some milk, leave the toilet seat up .. general rebellious and anti-social behavior..

OK, sorry, that was uncalled for.. getting a little ridiculous here.. always, always put the seat back down.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on August 20, 2010, 01:14:05 am
Back before I found Pai, I was afraid to break most of the eggs in a group just to find some friends. Eventually I learned to trust that if the group was bothered by anything I did, the ones who were truly open and friendly would understand and inform me. I started searching for the opportunities to comment or joke about a subject, and opened up more and more. In the end, I found someone on my own, who was so similar to me that we seemed a perfect match. But it took my crazy carefree fun side and some disappointments to get me to that point.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 20, 2010, 01:19:22 am
I just realized what is the most attractive thing i could think of would be if the girl told me she was interested and asked me out. that was one of my favorite things about my only girlfriend: she voiced the fact that she was interested in me

TL,DR: I'm a coward
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 20, 2010, 01:25:11 am
I just realized what is the most attractive thing i could think of would be if the girl told me she was interested and asked me out. that was one of my favorite things about my only girlfriend: she voiced the fact that she was interested in me

TL,DR: I'm a coward

No anyone who can face their fears and flaws is no coward. Just Keep moving forward. A journey around the earth begins with one step.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on August 20, 2010, 01:28:02 am
Then as a shy hunter of love like I was, if you don't care who and what she looks like, wait and plan for the opportune moment. When someone (or that someone) is feeling down and you offer to help. Another approach is to slip a letter to her expressing what your heart wants to say without your lips jumbling your words, even mention that in your letter. Ex. "What words my heart wishes to express so true, that my lips may nervously stumble and mispronounce, are these..."
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 20, 2010, 07:50:35 am
D: to behonest.... telling a close friend you feel that way about them... is scary. as. hell. but when it turns out they feel the same way.... you float on cloud nine for weeks
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 20, 2010, 08:16:39 am
My problem atm is that other than the guy I was with this week, anyone else that I know likes me (or that I am interested in) are 'too old' for me. Which is soooo stupid. The good news is I turn 18 in threeeeeeeee more months. ;D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 20, 2010, 08:37:42 am
Go get em girl!
Every guy Ive dealt with before was my age or younger and it just doesnt work for me. I realize I need a man and not some little boy.

So once you hit your mark, go out there and do your best. Age is but a number, my dear. Just be careful you dont find a freak or a guy who stills looks upon age as a factor.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 20, 2010, 09:07:51 am
I can see how being a friend might complicate moving further. I had a friend who liked me for a decent amount of time in high school and when he came out and told me, it totally took me by surprise and I didn't know how to handle it. We sort of drifted after that because it became awkward :<
I'm actually pretty oblivious to how people feel about me (as I, like many, am my own worst critic) so when someone comes right out and tells me I'm often not quite sure how to react (that is, unless if we never took the time to really know each other. I know how to handle those lol). If you're friends with someone that you want to start dating, my opinion is that you need to drop hints first, otherwise you'll stay in the friend category :/
Also, it's better to let the person at least consider the possibility of you two becoming more than friends before you come right out and say that you want to be with them. So, be courteous and drop hints (and, you know, GOOD hints... not creepy ones lol).
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 20, 2010, 11:06:25 am
My biggest issue that I've had with dating guys that I was already good friends with was always that once we actually started never dating they wouldn't treat me any different than they did before. They'd still just treat me like one of the guys, which is fine when we're hanging out, but if we're dating than I want to be treated like a girlfriend.

I've never really had an affectionate boyfriend, it's always bee nthe guys that I've just kind of "hung out" with and such that have treated me more like a girlfriend.

I've realized recently that I'm just terrible at flirting, and when a guy does hit on me or compliment me I get really embarrassed because I'm not really used to it. Once again I blame the string of non-affectionate boyfriends. lol.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 20, 2010, 12:02:42 pm
Hehe. I'm super affectionate D: any girl I date better be willing to stomach all kind of sugary and sweet nicknames ^^;;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 20, 2010, 12:23:59 pm
Hehe. I'm super affectionate D: any girl I date better be willing to stomach all kind of sugary and sweet nicknames ^^;;
You are a gentleman.
Most guys these days have no respect for women. They call them: "Babe" and stuff. I mean...It's fine and all, but sometimes they say it with no feeling.
I hate it when guys say I'm 'Sexy'...Because I just hate it.
I love being called Beautiful and Gorgeous.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 20, 2010, 01:01:16 pm
Hehe. I'm super affectionate D: any girl I date better be willing to stomach all kind of sugary and sweet nicknames ^^;;

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 20, 2010, 01:15:54 pm
Hehe. I'm super affectionate D: any girl I date better be willing to stomach all kind of sugary and sweet nicknames ^^;;


Psh, or he can stay the same and I'll be his. ;P

It would be interesting to see people fighting over Reppy... We should tie him up at con and do a mock battle for him. :P
OMG! We could make people pay to fight~<3 Then all the money can go to charity and the winner gets a date with him. XD
But it has to be a mud fight cause those are sexier. ;D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 20, 2010, 01:26:40 pm
GOOD IDEA. Only I would win, of course.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 20, 2010, 01:32:17 pm
Hehe. I'm super affectionate D: any girl I date better be willing to stomach all kind of sugary and sweet nicknames ^^;;


Psh, or he can stay the same and I'll be his. ;P

It would be interesting to see people fighting over Reppy... We should tie him up at con and do a mock battle for him. :P
OMG! We could make people pay to fight~<3 Then all the money can go to charity and the winner gets a date with him. XD
But it has to be a mud fight cause those are sexier. ;D

I can't wait until reppy sees that post. xDDDDDDDDDDDD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 20, 2010, 01:42:17 pm
Sora - Psh. We'll see about that. ;P

Siren - >.> Shhh....He'll never know.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 20, 2010, 01:47:07 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 20, 2010, 01:55:42 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 20, 2010, 01:58:42 pm

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 20, 2010, 02:00:50 pm

Do we need to take this to messages, little miss?
Cause we can so go there.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 20, 2010, 02:09:11 pm

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 20, 2010, 02:38:13 pm

Prepare yourselves for battle...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 20, 2010, 03:10:14 pm
Weird.  I was reading through this thread, and I thought I may have seen "reppy" mentioned, but the text was so obscured by a line, almost as if it it had been "striked" out", and so I couldn't decipher it.  It must have just been my imagination. ^^;;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 20, 2010, 03:13:26 pm
Weird.  I was reading through this thread, and I thought I may have seen "reppy" mentioned, but the text was so obscured by a line, almost as if it it had been "striked" out", and so I couldn't decipher it.  It must have just been my imagination. ^^;;

Also, see that sexy woman up there? YOU SHOULD COSPLAY HER
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 20, 2010, 03:28:51 pm
You sure that isn't already me?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 20, 2010, 04:36:29 pm
He's got a point. The resemblance is striking.   
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 20, 2010, 04:47:21 pm
You know what's funny?  I was talking to DemonSpawn on MSN and she said that character totally reminded her of me.

She said something along the lines of, "He just said 'I only eat falcon eggs, rocks, and protein shakes.'  And he's wearing a dress."
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 20, 2010, 05:09:02 pm
So you eat rocks? xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 20, 2010, 05:40:06 pm
Good source of minerals.  A bit rough on the ol' chompers, but hey, I figure I'll need dentures some day eventually.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 20, 2010, 10:29:08 pm
anyone who has a unicorn : )

Id you have a white horse and cosplay him as a unicorn does it count?  Why does everyone want a real one when they KNOW they can just genetically modify one themselves in 10 years, shesh.

On a counter note, the must like cats.  Or at the vary least not have a burning hatred of them.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 21, 2010, 03:11:39 pm
Oh, another thing that I find attractive is someone who is eco-friendly. (And being vegetarian/vegan is also a plus~ ;3)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 21, 2010, 03:22:09 pm
Them vegans and their vegan powers, gets me every time!
I don't eat meat, and I like people who respect that. Yup yup!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 21, 2010, 03:26:21 pm
I really like when a person isn't afraid to be silly.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 21, 2010, 04:23:10 pm
Someone who won't flirt with other girls while dating me. :<
I get jealous easily... ;^;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 21, 2010, 04:27:01 pm
I read that and went, "Awwwwwww."
[/huggles Shay] Any guy who flirts while with you is a loser.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 21, 2010, 04:29:44 pm
Thankssss Krissssss. ; o ;
I'm just afraid that I'd get boring and he'd move on easily, pfff.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 21, 2010, 04:33:21 pm
But Shay, if a guy leaves you because of that reason then he's not the guy for you.
I know it will be hard, but don't get too upset, okay? Any guy like that is a jerk and not worth your time or your love.
So though you may have a few jerks in your life, sooner or later you'll find the guy who is perfect for you and cares about you no matter what happens.

So when a guy say's your boring, just remember that he must not be worth the time.
Because a true love will never get bored with you. Just sitting alone with you and watching TV or even just snuggling together in silence should be enough for him to be happy that he has you.
You aren't in a relationship to entertain him but to love him for how he is and for him to return the favor.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 21, 2010, 04:36:20 pm
;O; -Glomps Gryff-
That's such a kind and sweet thing to say.
Thank you so very much.
I suppose that when I do get in a relationship I'll understand more of what you're saying, because right now the thought of not entertaining someone and just being able to relax seems too good to be true.

Erm, sorry for getting off topic btw. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 21, 2010, 04:53:17 pm
Eeep! Sorry. ^^; I tend to make topics drift from the subject. Eheheh....

But I would totally like a guy exactly as I described. ;P So it's not too off topic.
I'm attracted to guys who wouldn't mind just laying on the bed or a couch and watching anime or a movie.
A lot of people think movie dates are boring but I think they would be fun. Because it shows a guy doesn't need to talk or actually do anything to have fun with you. ^^

But yeah. [/huggles Shay] Just keep your head up, okay? ^^

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 04:59:11 pm
Eeep! Sorry. ^^; I tend to make topics drift from the subject. Eheheh....

But I would totally like a guy exactly as I described. ;P So it's not too off topic.
I'm attracted to guys who wouldn't mind just laying on the bed or a couch and watching anime or a movie.
A lot of people think movie dates are boring but I think they would be fun. Because it shows a guy doesn't need to talk or actually do anything to have fun with you. ^^

But yeah. [/huggles Shay] Just keep your head up, okay? ^^

movie dates are fun, but not the best for stimulating conversation, or learning about the other person...

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 21, 2010, 05:11:19 pm
So all dates have to be about conversation and learning about someone via voice?
If I know the person, I don't see why not.
Plus, if you do something before or after, you can talk then.
I just don't think dates should be all about talking.

I finally went on my first date not too long ago and the guy talked for 3 hours straight while we sat at an ice cream parlor.
I am semi-lactose intolerant so I can only eat a little bit of ice cream before I get sick and I had to sit around the stuff for three hours listening to him gab on about his Eagle Scout badges, how his family is so rich, and all his troubles as a child. And he even knew I can't eat a lot of ice cream before he took me there.

So the idea of a date where it's quiet seems pretty nice.
I don't like guys who just talk and talk and don't let you get a word in edge wise.
Or a guy who doesn't take how you feel into consideration...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 05:16:20 pm
I didn't say that, i merely stated what isnt as good about them. Also, if you date those kinds of guys you mentioned the date will be lame no matter what you do.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 21, 2010, 05:23:44 pm
I don't... Like I said, it was my first ever date.
I met him at the boat races while I was working. We were working the Starting Line Club together and he seemed nice so I agreed to go on a date.
It...was terrible. Not only did he never shut up but he decided on his own I was his girlfriend from that moment on and I had to confront him about it.
I don't like guys like that at all. I felt like Haruhi the whole date as my mind turned to what a rich bastard he was.

But I figured I would get to know him better on a date when we weren't both working. That's what dates are supposed to be for after all, right?
Yeah...I learned I don't want to deal with him anymore. Even though everything that happened and telling him to leave me alone, he still keeps calling me and leaving me messages on my phone and sending me messages on facebook. He even got our mutual friend to pester me about what's going on with my life. I feel stalked... ; 3; [/hides in closet]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 05:30:11 pm
I don't... Like I said, it was my first ever date.
I met him at the boat races while I was working. We were working the Starting Line Club together and he seemed nice so I agreed to go on a date.
It...was terrible. Not only did he never shut up but he decided on his own I was his girlfriend from that moment on and I had to confront him about it.
I don't like guys like that at all. I felt like Haruhi the whole date as my mind turned to what a rich bastard he was.

But I figured I would get to know him better on a date when we weren't both working. That's what dates are supposed to be for after all, right?
Yeah...I learned I don't want to deal with him anymore. Even though everything that happened and telling him to leave me alone, he still keeps calling me and leaving me messages on my phone and sending me messages on facebook. He even got our mutual friend to pester me about what's going on with my life. I feel stalked... ; 3; [/hides in closet]

Sorry to hear that, you should probably warn him you will go to the police if he doesnt leave you alone. Sadly This probably wont be the last guy you have stalk you... Its a cute girl curse that I hear about more and more.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 06:49:01 pm
i just want sum body to like me for me. I am jealus alot though. And the fact that me bi sends most of the guys runin ;.;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 07:01:16 pm
Are you serious, every guy I have known thinks bi girls are awesome...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 07:07:47 pm
we are totaly awesome! But some ppl hav difrent views and i can respect that. But maybe i cant keep a guy or a girl is cuz i ... Um. .. Wouldnt give my first kiss up.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 07:15:41 pm
Well, if it makes you feel better, I didn't kiss my first time until I was 18. But I was embarrassed back then, and afraid to be bad at kissing.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 07:21:00 pm
il be 18 next year. And just in time for next yrs k con. But stil i realy think thats why i cant get or keep a some one
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 07:25:22 pm
Probably, I mean at that age it is even easier to get caught up on the physical.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 21, 2010, 07:26:15 pm
I felt like a loser for getting my first kiss this year.
I know getting a first kiss your Freshman year isn't a bad thing, but dating someone for 8 months and only getting 1 kiss was... Lame.
I was scared that I'd be bad at it, but I don't think it matters to her. Not at all. She called me cute and innocent when she found out she was my first kiss... I guess that's what I get for dating someone 3 1/2 years older than me ><
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 21, 2010, 07:27:34 pm
Shay hasn't had her first kiss yet, so good job Katie! c:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 21, 2010, 07:28:28 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 07:33:12 pm
and tha fact that i havent gone a date and iv been with 5 ppl for like a month each
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 21, 2010, 07:34:37 pm
Megan: one is on dA xD

That's lame. I was with my best friend for a week once. He was a horrible boyfriend xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 07:38:16 pm
Just dont fret over it, youre young! Have Fun, theres plenty of time for kissing later.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 21, 2010, 07:43:33 pm
At least you guys had innocent first kisses. :/ Mine was...bad...
My "friends" had just set me up with some guy I never met before. (pretty much all my relationships were set up by classmates...as well as all my dates to school dances.)
And it was after school hours before theatre practice and I was going to go grab a soda from a machine upstairs.
So, as I was walking up the stairs this guy spins me around, introduces himself to me as my "new boyfriend," pins me to the wall, and sticks his tongue down my throat. My mouth was raped. D8 He then proceeded to have a girl try and kiss me in the basement of the school when I was digging for a prop because he wanted to make sure I was straight.
This relationship, obviously, did not last long at all.

My classmates just loved to set me up with freaks apparently. But I was too pathetic to ever flirt with any guys I liked and I felt like it would be mean to say no to people. I figured people deserved a chance and ended up being the one who always got in bad situations because of it.
My longest relationship so far has been...5...months...? I think...?
Anyways, I've never broken up with a guy myself. They find out I'm too much to handle or don't like something about me and I get dumped.
But oh well. [/shrug] I've decided I don't have to give people a chance and I can be as picky as I want to be because I deserve it by now. D<

So I will only go for guys who I have an interest in all on my own and I'm going to be a picky little bitch on which guys I flirt with because I don't want to deal with any more of the drama crap that high school tossed my way.

Be picky and don't let classmates set you up with relationships.
Go for who you want to go for and don't be like me. It's not mean to say 'no' to people.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 21, 2010, 07:47:07 pm
Dude... Lame. I would kick someone so hard in the genitals they would never ever have kids D:

Oh! And McKenzie:
I think you're really pretty, and I genuinely don't understand why you haven't been kissed o.o
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 08:02:18 pm
im just too shy and to fat
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 08:03:52 pm
At least you guys had innocent first kisses. :/ Mine was...bad...
My "friends" had just set me up with some guy I never met before. (pretty much all my relationships were set up by classmates...as well as all my dates to school dances.)
And it was after school hours before theatre practice and I was going to go grab a soda from a machine upstairs.
So, as I was walking up the stairs this guy spins me around, introduces himself to me as my "new boyfriend," pins me to the wall, and sticks his tongue down my throat. My mouth was raped. D8 He then proceeded to have a girl try and kiss me in the basement of the school when I was digging for a prop because he wanted to make sure I was straight.
This relationship, obviously, did not last long at all.

My classmates just loved to set me up with freaks apparently. But I was too pathetic to ever flirt with any guys I liked and I felt like it would be mean to say no to people. I figured people deserved a chance and ended up being the one who always got in bad situations because of it.
My longest relationship so far has been...5...months...? I think...?
Anyways, I've never broken up with a guy myself. They find out I'm too much to handle or don't like something about me and I get dumped.
But oh well. [/shrug] I've decided I don't have to give people a chance and I can be as picky as I want to be because I deserve it by now. D<

So I will only go for guys who I have an interest in all on my own and I'm going to be a picky little bitch on which guys I flirt with because I don't want to deal with any more of the drama crap that high school tossed my way.

Be picky and don't let classmates set you up with relationships.
Go for who you want to go for and don't be like me. It's not mean to say 'no' to people.

Wow that is intense. I hate to know this kind of stuff happens.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 08:06:14 pm
im just too shy and to fat

Bah! Absurd!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 21, 2010, 08:15:47 pm
<.< my first kiss was after a highschool dance with my 2nd boyfriend (3.5 months into the relationship) in the rain n.n;;;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 21, 2010, 08:18:29 pm
I had a friend set me up once. He asked to be my boyfriend, and I couldn't think of a reason to say no. He seemed nice enough. Then two days later he was all, "We can has sex nao? 8D"

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 08:20:13 pm
cute   but i is fat!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 08:29:38 pm
My first kiss... She had told me she wanted it to catch her by surprise.
8 months into the relationship... Midnight picnic under the stars, dancing under the stars
And finally i turned away briefly to remove my glasses turned back to kiss her,
I heard her squeal, then opened my eyes to see my quick movement had scared her out of place, and I barely kissed her lips, skimmed them, I I was now bent over enough it caused me to tumble down the hill.
We dated for 4 more months but that still makes me laugh.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 08:34:53 pm
>w< how cute.  I think i like to hav mine like that too. It must be easier
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 08:41:18 pm
Well, it isn't often you literally fall head over heels for a girl haha
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 08:50:59 pm
weeelll i have major crushs on 3 girls. But they dont know >w>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 21, 2010, 09:48:07 pm
First kiss with a boyfriend/girlfriend is one thing, but to wait till you are 14 or older is insane!  I remember being kissed when I was as young as 10, maybe 8 even.  Kissing back then had sparks, but at the same time, it was just innocent fun with no care for liking the other person more then as friends.  Its to bad people don't like to kiss just because, once they get older.  To many people let the excitement of life drain away as they age.  If you are going to be attractive, you need to have that sparkle around you when we talk about stuff we like.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 21, 2010, 09:51:27 pm
i actualy think waiting till your in your teens is way magical..... then again i didnt date til i was in highschool so...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 09:56:38 pm
me first boyfriend was in middle skool
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 21, 2010, 10:19:17 pm
middle school dating was SO weird.  Girls changing their minds every 3 days was like.. ya... why bother.  Boys were not much better, but for other reasons.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 21, 2010, 10:23:09 pm
Dude, I dated one guy in middle school, and it was my best friend ><
We lasted a week, decided it was stupid, and stopped dating.
And when I had a crush on someone in middle school, it lasted at least a year. One of them lasted all 3.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 10:38:43 pm
im just tierd of bein single
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 21, 2010, 10:38:48 pm
I've never dated anyone, hmmmm.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 10:53:38 pm
waa? Wat do u do for fun then?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 21, 2010, 10:56:39 pm
I...um...I read manga and sew stuff.... > o > ;;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 21, 2010, 10:58:20 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 22, 2010, 03:08:11 am
I never had my first girlfriend/kiss till i was like 18 or 19, maybe it was because I always moved around never made friends, or because I always preferred to play games instead of the stupid highschool relationship crap (it's my opinion all I ever hear about is relations beginning and ending in week spans)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 22, 2010, 08:40:17 am
My first real kiss got stolen when I was 15.... I was at a drama after party when everyone started playing spin-the-bottle. They asked if I wanted to play and eventually they found out I had never been kissed before. The older kids decided to take it upon themselves to "fix" the problem, and held a little mini-competition between three of the guys and a girl to see who got to claim my first kiss.... I thought they were joking until the girl won and next thing I know I've got the senior Homecoming Queen kissing me.

It was hilarious... It actually got me to stop being so shy about the whole "kissing" thing and I became a bit of a "spin-the-bottle" addict after that. I just find it funny that my first kiss was with a chick when I'm not even the slightest bit attracted to women. lmao. I kissed my first guy that night too so it works out. lol.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 22, 2010, 11:39:09 am
BOOOO /never been kissed

/too old for this
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 22, 2010, 11:43:13 am
BOOOO /never been kissed

/too old for this

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 22, 2010, 02:49:54 pm
Middle school dating is pointless. No one is old enough to understand emotional attachment. I'm sixteen years old and wish I had waited until now to start dating. The vast majority of people I know have matured [at least somewhat].
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 22, 2010, 03:33:45 pm
I don't see why people get embarrased about the fact that they haven't kissed anybody. I'm saving that and I'm not ashamed of that fact at all.

I'm not comfortable with other people's spit so if I'm gunna kiss anyone I'm gunna make damn sure I like them a LOT.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 22, 2010, 04:17:56 pm
i have so much respect for you deamony
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 22, 2010, 04:20:06 pm
Thanks Chelsea. :)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 22, 2010, 04:25:09 pm
I love you Mommy! > u <
Good job for standing up for what you believe innnnn. ♥
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 22, 2010, 08:19:30 pm
I kinda feel like relationships are something you get addicted to, so if you've never been in a relationship it's not a big thing, but once you've had that rush of attraction it's something you kinda want to happen again.... So I guess the message is, if you haven't been in a relationship, rock on! Play video games and such like there is no tomorrow! relationships usually end up in a downer anyway =P
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 22, 2010, 08:24:49 pm
I kinda feel like relationships are something you get addicted to, so if you've never been in a relationship it's not a big thing, but once you've had that rush of attraction it's something you kinda want to happen again.... So I guess the message is, if you haven't been in a relationship, rock on! Play video games and such like there is no tomorrow! relationships usually end up in a downer anyway =P

I think this is true somewhat. But I think relationships ending doesnt have to be negative.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 22, 2010, 08:52:27 pm
For me, the attraction fades too quickly, and usually the other person involved is still way too attached, so I feel disconneccted and they get clingy, and I dislike clingy. So I like being single sometimes, I like my space. I like dating, dating is fun, but being in a relationship is difficult.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 22, 2010, 09:00:38 pm
Well sadly the person who cares the least holds the power as a general rule.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 22, 2010, 10:30:03 pm
i guess i loose intrest in the person if nothin happens.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 22, 2010, 10:57:38 pm
I had my first boyfriend in 5th grade, if you could even call that a relationship lol. Basically all we did was pass notes in class, giggle, hold hands, and trade Pokemon cards.
My first kiss was taken at 18 but I guess it wasn't really taken because I kissed him. I'm happy that I waited though :3
My advice is to move at your own pace. There's certainly no need to rush things, especially when you could end up regretting it.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 22, 2010, 11:28:02 pm
I do agree with moving at your own pace. I had a girl tell me that my girlfriend was going to break up with me for not being ballsy enough to kiss her. I explained to her, in a friendly but stern manner, that my girlfriend loves me, and whether or not I have the guts to kiss her or not doesn't matter. Then she called me a dyke and walked away >:
But still, I think I got my point across!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on August 22, 2010, 11:42:18 pm
I'm glad you have enough self-esteem to have been able to do that soundy. And women wonder why guys fight.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 22, 2010, 11:45:04 pm
I do agree with moving at your own pace. I had a girl tell me that my girlfriend was going to break up with me for not being ballsy enough to kiss her. I explained to her, in a friendly but stern manner, that my girlfriend loves me, and whether or not I have the guts to kiss her or not doesn't matter. Then she called me a dyke and walked away >:
But still, I think I got my point across!

and this is the point where me and said girl would have a "chat" about manners.... Seriously when I hear things like this it makes me rage.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 22, 2010, 11:52:40 pm
It's all good. She got what she deserved in the end (the guy that she really liked, happened to be a good friend of mine. He know thinks she's a homophobic jerk and won't even go near her)
Confidence in myself is just one of the things I have a little too much of xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on August 22, 2010, 11:55:53 pm
I feel as if I aught you well young Jedi. lol I guess you aren't 13 anymore either huh? ah hahahahahhahaq cough cough
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 23, 2010, 12:03:31 am
xP Nope
I'm going in to my sophomore year! Not a baby anymore... A toddler xD
I always seem to like people that are older than me. My therapist says it is because I am "smarter and more socially mature than most people your (my) age" >>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on August 23, 2010, 03:43:30 pm
smarter and more socially mature than most people

That's a good feature to find in someone.

Having them not complain over every little thing, especially when honesty is asked, called for is not a trait I look for.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 24, 2010, 09:06:06 pm
a girl who can deal with my corny princess brideness "death cannot stop true love, it can only delay it." no but seriously, I can get overly affectionate. Bleh.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Higuma on August 24, 2010, 09:10:18 pm
Someone who can laugh all the time even during a bad situation.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 24, 2010, 09:18:33 pm
somebody whos not afraid to take first steps in the reationship. Like a leader of some sort
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: tarutaru on August 24, 2010, 10:40:46 pm
i like fun sized girls with lots of energy!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 24, 2010, 11:26:10 pm
Someone that will discus why you screwed up before they instantly hate you.  Being unfamiliar with someone's personality shouldn't mean you fail forever to get to know each other.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 25, 2010, 12:33:31 am
has difrent tasts in diffrent things.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 25, 2010, 01:25:49 am
I find it insanely attractive when a guy is able to say what is on his mind. Now this isn't the same as not having a filter for what is decent and indecent to say mind you, but if a guy can make it clear what he does or doesn't want in a situation it just makes having a lucrative relationship easier.

I also instantly respect a person more when they are able to say how they feel without worrying if it's seen as "cool" or "normal" by other people. I don't want to be with someone who is going to compromise their views just to please other people. It kind of ties into my whole attraction to confidence thing. =]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: beast on August 25, 2010, 01:28:00 am
Gotta have suspenders.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 25, 2010, 09:32:56 am
I find it insanely attractive when a guy is able to say what is on his mind. Now this isn't the same as not having a filter for what is decent and indecent to say mind you, but if a guy can make it clear what he does or doesn't want in a situation it just makes having a lucrative relationship easier.

I also instantly respect a person more when they are able to say how they feel without worrying if it's seen as "cool" or "normal" by other people. I don't want to be with someone who is going to compromise their views just to please other people. It kind of ties into my whole attraction to confidence thing. =]
I agree.

Gotta have suspenders.
I double agree. I had this conversation with a large group of friends. Why aren't more people wearing them? :x
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: jaybug on August 25, 2010, 05:23:35 pm
Someone that will discus why you screwed up before they instantly hate you.  Being unfamiliar with someone's personality shouldn't mean you fail forever to get to know each other.

Shouldn't but that is usually how it goes. At least for us old geezers. "There are plenty of fish in the sea" is what is used to make everyone that is not utterly perfect upon first glance, disposable, expendable, not worth the time of day.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on August 27, 2010, 01:10:35 pm
Someone who won't flirt with other girls while dating me. :<
I get jealous easily... ;^;

Its rude for boyfriends to flirt with other girls in front of their girlfriends in general =p I don't usually get jealous. Its funny cuz my boyfriend told me about his ex who is also his sisters friend. She and him are friends too and I know he absolutely loves me but I get this funny twinge of territorial jealousy when she's around o.o I never act rude towards her or anything it just feels odd.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 27, 2010, 08:37:35 pm
some one who enjoys the wonderful world of yao.... I mean sugar
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 27, 2010, 09:57:58 pm
Someone who won't flirt with other girls while dating me. :<
I get jealous easily... ;^;

Its rude for boyfriends to flirt with other girls in front of their girlfriends in general =p I don't usually get jealous. Its funny cuz my boyfriend told me about his ex who is also his sisters friend. She and him are friends too and I know he absolutely loves me but I get this funny twinge of territorial jealousy when she's around o.o I never act rude towards her or anything it just feels odd.
I think I know what you mean ^^;
It is an odd feeling.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on August 28, 2010, 10:06:22 am
Someone who won't flirt with other girls while dating me. :<
I get jealous easily... ;^;

Its rude for boyfriends to flirt with other girls in front of their girlfriends in general =p I don't usually get jealous. Its funny cuz my boyfriend told me about his ex who is also his sisters friend. She and him are friends too and I know he absolutely loves me but I get this funny twinge of territorial jealousy when she's around o.o I never act rude towards her or anything it just feels odd.
I think I know what you mean ^^;
It is an odd feeling.
yeah and its not a very pretty one either. I tend to hug him more when that happens
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 28, 2010, 06:30:48 pm
Someone who won't flirt with other girls while dating me. :<
I get jealous easily... ;^;

Its rude for boyfriends to flirt with other girls in front of their girlfriends in general =p I don't usually get jealous. Its funny cuz my boyfriend told me about his ex who is also his sisters friend. She and him are friends too and I know he absolutely loves me but I get this funny twinge of territorial jealousy when she's around o.o I never act rude towards her or anything it just feels odd.
I think I know what you mean ^^;
It is an odd feeling.
yeah and its not a very pretty one either. I tend to hug him more when that happens

I love flirting, even jokingly using corny pickup lines, but once i'm with someone other girls are not even girls to me.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Black~Rose on August 28, 2010, 06:32:39 pm
Someone who won't flirt with other girls while dating me. :<
I get jealous easily... ;^;

Its rude for boyfriends to flirt with other girls in front of their girlfriends in general =p I don't usually get jealous. Its funny cuz my boyfriend told me about his ex who is also his sisters friend. She and him are friends too and I know he absolutely loves me but I get this funny twinge of territorial jealousy when she's around o.o I never act rude towards her or anything it just feels odd.
I think I know what you mean ^^;
It is an odd feeling.
yeah and its not a very pretty one either. I tend to hug him more when that happens

I love flirting, even jokingly using corny pickup lines, but once i'm with someone other girls are not even girls to me.

lol thats a good way to be
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 03:49:26 pm
Meh,  I think i'm too old for a new relationship though.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 29, 2010, 04:38:04 pm
You are never too old for a relationship, new or old!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 04:54:12 pm
Gah, I think I may be an exception, but maybe you are correct.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Fuyuko on August 29, 2010, 05:11:33 pm
Well, it may not seem like it but I'm so full of affection that whenever someone I like (either friend or admirer) shows or gives me a loving gesture, I feel like I'm going to burst out of bliss...
So, I find that someone who isn't afraid of expressing their genuine affection to someone they really like is something attractive. =^_^=
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 06:14:38 pm
Well, it may not seem like it but I'm so full of affection that whenever someone I like (either friend or admirer) shows or gives me a loving gesture, I feel like I'm going to burst out of bliss...
So, I find that someone who isn't afraid of expressing their genuine affection to someone they really like is something attractive. =^_^=

That is cool, I personally find I have an aversion to physical affection, and I blush a lot.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 06:35:18 pm
Somebody that looks like this please :
Hurdur that series is my latest addiction.

Seriously though, as far as physical appearance, I like dark hair and glasses lately, ho ho ho.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 29, 2010, 06:45:36 pm
Well, it may not seem like it but I'm so full of affection that whenever someone I like (either friend or admirer) shows or gives me a loving gesture, I feel like I'm going to burst out of bliss...
So, I find that someone who isn't afraid of expressing their genuine affection to someone they really like is something attractive. =^_^=

I'm the same way. I dunno, when someone looks into my eyes even if it's for the thousandth time, my heart races and I melt like it was the first time. Actually, I think it gets worse. D:  I'm also a sucker for cute names and stuff D: *omgblush*

Course, I also love to give the same back, if not more, sooooooo whoever I date better be able to deal with it xD also, they better have a good texting package coz I also like to give/receive texts of affection at random times

Agghhhhh xD *runs away and hides*
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 08:50:44 pm
^its almost scary that its about the same with me. And i lovers to tex >w<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 29, 2010, 09:40:01 pm
OMG SAME HERE Y'ALL. I adore cuddling and random texts and just everything <3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 09:41:34 pm
This thread makes me want a boyfriend. >:l
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 09:44:57 pm
thats why i gave up on them
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 09:46:44 pm
Haha, all guys are immature, we just apply that immaturity in different aspects of life as we age.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Fuyuko on August 29, 2010, 09:46:59 pm
@Reppy: ... *tries to keep from squee'ing*
But yeah, I totally hear you on cherishing those simple, barely noticable moments that make your heart go "doki doki", tehe. x3

Except it's difficult for me to express affection cuz I haven't had a friend or special someone close/comfortable enough to share that with... It doesn't feel natural for me; so that's something I need to practice on. This is something I recently found out about myself too. ^_^;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 09:48:43 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 09:49:42 pm
@Reppy: ... *tries to keep from squee'ing*
But yeah, I totally hear you on cherishing those simple, barely noticable moments that make your heart go "doki doki", tehe. x3

Except it's difficult for me to express affection cuz I haven't had a friend or special someone close/comfortable enough to share that with... It doesn't feel natural for me; so that's something I need to practice on. This is something I recently found out about myself too. ^_^;
Same here. :<
I don't even feel affection towards my parents or friend. ;^;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 29, 2010, 09:55:16 pm
@shay- Just become a lesbian! Girls are better 8D

I would date youuu.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Fuyuko on August 29, 2010, 09:56:35 pm
@Shay: *pat pat* But that doesn't mean you don't love them, right? I sometimes feel guilty for not returning affection to my mom who is like, the total opposite and loves on me like crazy. There are times when I feel so spoiled and undeserving of so much of something that I can't even give back without feeling awkward about it. My friends are a different story since I'm more at ease when showing a bit affection but you know what I mean, right? (Hopefully?) ;w;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 09:57:21 pm
i would give you a try too
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 09:59:20 pm
Sora - . . . . . . . . . . o x o -Admires your straight forward'ness-

I don't think that's something that somebody can just do, right? xD

Fuyuko - I know exactly what you mean. ; u ;
And I probably love them...I just can't really feel it. >>;
I think I sort've locked up my emotions in a chest and threw it into the ocean a while ago. o.o;
But thank you for sharing all that with me. > u <
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 29, 2010, 10:01:45 pm
@Reppy: ... *tries to keep from squee'ing*
But yeah, I totally hear you on cherishing those simple, barely noticable moments that make your heart go "doki doki", tehe. x3

Except it's difficult for me to express affection cuz I haven't had a friend or special someone close/comfortable enough to share that with... It doesn't feel natural for me; so that's something I need to practice on. This is something I recently found out about myself too. ^_^;
Same here. :<
I don't even feel affection towards my parents or friend. ;^;

W-w-what? T~T
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 10:02:17 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 10:03:27 pm
@Reppy: ... *tries to keep from squee'ing*
But yeah, I totally hear you on cherishing those simple, barely noticable moments that make your heart go "doki doki", tehe. x3

Except it's difficult for me to express affection cuz I haven't had a friend or special someone close/comfortable enough to share that with... It doesn't feel natural for me; so that's something I need to practice on. This is something I recently found out about myself too. ^_^;
Same here. :<
I don't even feel affection towards my parents or friend. ;^;

W-w-what? T~T
It's just that I am a very strange person. ; o ;
-Sobs- ' - '
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Fuyuko on August 29, 2010, 10:04:34 pm
@Shay: *GASP* I believe that's where I last stored my emotions too! So that's where they went... OAO
Oh and you're welcome. It feels good sharing those sort of things with someone who can relate. ^w^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 29, 2010, 10:05:22 pm
Okay, Shay, I'll let it go this time. X3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 10:06:54 pm
Fuyu - Me and you should go scuba diving sometime to look for them! ' o '

Mommy - ; ^ ;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 10:33:26 pm
can make any boren day an awesome day
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 10:37:50 pm
A girl who will smile and laugh at the silly things I do, not the silly looks I have.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 10:53:40 pm
i no what you mean
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 10:56:29 pm
i no what you mean

Oh come on, you dont look silly.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 29, 2010, 10:59:12 pm
You know it's weird, I sort of cringe at the idea of most public displays of affection.  I'm not sure why.  I guess like part of me feels like that part of a relationship is special and should be kept private between just the two of you?  D:  I dunno.  I've never been with someone that wanted to be all snuggly in public, so . .

I'm not really sure what is meant by returning affection to your family, though. ^^  I guess moms and daughters have a different relationship than fathers and sons.  But, having said that, everyone in my family says "I love you" to each other.  Like if I see my mom, dad, a brother, or my sister at the store, we'll always end with "Bye, love ya!"  or something.  It's just .. what we do?  ^^;;

I'm a pretty firm believer in always trying to end an encounter with close people on a good note?  ^^  What if something happened to you or that person?  Would you really want your last memory of them to be you storming out of the room or would you prefer it to be telling them "I love you"?  I vote for the latter, personally .. even when I'm mad at the person, and I need to be alone, I'll still say it. ^^;

This post isn't really directed at one particular person, just the culmination of reading about a page and a half worth of posts and some ruminatin' up in my brain.

[/reppy rant]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 10:59:38 pm
ur right im ugly
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 29, 2010, 11:01:46 pm
You know it's weird, I sort of cringe at the idea of most public displays of affection.  I'm not sure why.  I guess like part of me feels like that part of a relationship is special and should be kept private between just the two of you?  D:  I dunno.  I've never been with someone that wanted to be all snuggly in public, so . .
Hehehe, my friends get annoyed at my aversion to PDA. Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 29, 2010, 11:05:33 pm
I think we all agree with you, Ish.
To have someone who accepts you for who you are and doesn't try to change you.
They accept your flaws instead of trying to fix them and don't try to force you to live life how they want you to.
That's a dream person.

I would want a guy who would lay in my lap, too.
I like being used as a pillow from time to time. XP
I think it's cute.

My mommy taught me PDA was a very bad thing. :P
Once I was holding hands with someone in public and she glared daggers at me the whole time until I pulled my hand away.
But I'm a rebel I guess...cause I like hugs and holding hands. D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 11:07:34 pm
Reppy - I say I love you to my mom, but I'm not sure how much I actually feel it. '-'
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 11:10:23 pm
ur right im ugly

Not at all, but you seem to like being critical of yourself.. I'm sure you are awesome all around, you just need to come to terms with it, and not put yourself on a pedestal at the same time. Enjoy life all the time, you may only get one, and nobody can stop you but yourself champ.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 29, 2010, 11:13:09 pm
I like a guy who's bold enough to ask me out.... there aren't enough of them around anymore. It seems like everyone is waiting for someone else to make a move.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Pots on August 29, 2010, 11:13:09 pm
my family isn't really the hugging type so i don't really gets hugs LOL

as for pda, it never really comes up.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 11:14:51 pm
My mom tried to hug me the other day and I pushed her away, then she got mad.... ._.;;
Usually I hug her back, but she didn't believe me about sleep paralysis. >:l
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 11:17:32 pm
Pda should just be tastefully done, making out isnt okay in my book, but I wont be a guy who regrets not holding her hand when she tries, or kisses at parting, I wont ever be a guy who regrets
... I wish I had told her how great she makes my world and held her tight, especially because someone was there.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 11:18:26 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 29, 2010, 11:20:32 pm
My family isn't affectionate either.
No hugs or anything. [/shrug] It's the military way, I guess.
I was surprised my mom and Ron kiss before he would go to work. :/

I guess that's why I like affection because I rarely get it.
So I want a guy who isn't afraid to hug me or cuddle with me and stuff.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 29, 2010, 11:20:47 pm
Yeah I think hugs, hand holding, a peck is fine.. but it better be done tastefully done D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 29, 2010, 11:22:23 pm
Ho ho ho ho, I think PDA is fine in moderation, because it wou--

NevermindI'macreepnoPDAisfine. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 29, 2010, 11:24:28 pm
Yeah I think hugs, hand holding, a peck is fine.. but it better be done tastefully done D:

You Are one classy guy sir reppenheimer!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 29, 2010, 11:46:27 pm
burnets are cute and with glaces. And some one who isnt weirded out by my small gadges
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 30, 2010, 12:12:29 am
I've never really had an affectionate boyfriend, and for some weird reason unless I'm at convention or something hugs make me feel akward. I think it's because of this that I prefer guys who are a bit more reserved with their actions and emotions even though it's extremely frustrating and non-condusive to a successful relationship. I honestly think if a guy was flirty and affectionate with me I'd feel so akward that I wouldn't know what to do.

.... I'm getting the feeling that maybe my lack of affection is what has been hindering my dating life. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 30, 2010, 12:14:58 am
I personally couldn't care less whether someone gets me flowers or chocolate, because that's really not that important to me. I also don't mind terribly if they look at other girls while they're with me. Now, if they're looking down her shirt and drooling, or talking about how much hotter she is than me, then I'm going to have a problem. But if they're just all, "Hey, look at that girl over there, she's really pretty." I'll be all "Really?" and have a look for myself. Just because they think someone else is pretty doesn't mean they don't think I am, and it doesn't make them care any less about me. And if the girl's looks really meant enough to them that they didn't want to be with me anymore, I probably wouldn't want to be with them in the first place.

Oh yeah, things I like......I like smiles. And faces that don't have to be the most beautiful faces in the world, but when you look at them, they just look friendly. Not to say that all friendly, nice people have friendly faces, some of my best friends walk around with an angry look on their face a lot of the time. It's just one of those things I find incredibly charming.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 12:19:41 am
I love eyes, especially when you look at them and you can see .. *melts into a puddle and disappears for a second*  i dunno, when you can see that those same eyes love you back? ;_;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 30, 2010, 12:23:04 am
cute >w<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 30, 2010, 12:26:23 am
I like a guy who's bold enough to ask me out.... there aren't enough of them around anymore. It seems like everyone is waiting for someone else to make a move.
It be hard. :(
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 30, 2010, 12:37:51 am
I like a guy who's bold enough to ask me out.... there aren't enough of them around anymore. It seems like everyone is waiting for someone else to make a move.
It be hard. :(
What is it, fear of rejection? TAKE RISKS XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 12:42:35 am
That's what I'm scared of!  D:

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 30, 2010, 12:45:19 am
i agree its real hard.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 30, 2010, 12:56:02 am
That's what I'm scared of!  D:


I thought you were a real man with your frilly dress and your hello kitty bandaids!!!


On another note: I think intelligence in a man is really attractive. :3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: camname21 on August 30, 2010, 12:56:57 am
I like a guy who's bold enough to ask me out.... there aren't enough of them around anymore. It seems like everyone is waiting for someone else to make a move.
It be hard. :(
What is it, fear of rejection? TAKE RISKS XD
I've had a friend not talk to me afterwords, it sucks loosing a friend because you wonder if they might be interested in you in other ways.  Though it seems dumb of someone to not talk to  you over such a thing.  At this age you would think the other person might be more mature about it.  Feelings, however, are weird.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 30, 2010, 12:58:21 am
That's what I'm scared of!  D:


I thought you were a real man with your frilly dress and your hello kitty bandaids!!!


I love you, Demony. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 01:01:08 am
That's what I'm scared of!  D:


I thought you were a real man with your frilly dress and your hello kitty bandaids!!!


On another note: I think intelligence in a man is really attractive. :3

Pretty sure you always made fun of me for LIKING MATH and TALKING ABOUT IT A LOT.  Punk.  xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 30, 2010, 01:04:55 am
That's what I'm scared of!  D:

I thought you were a real man with your frilly dress and your hello kitty bandaids!!!


On another note: I think intelligence in a man is really attractive. :3

Pretty sure you always made fun of me for LIKING MATH and TALKING ABOUT IT A LOT.  Punk.  xD
Don't you know when I call you a 'dork' and a 'dweeb' it's with the utmost affection? <3 XDDDD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 01:15:25 am
You mean this whole time all those people liked me?  What about when they pushed me into the lockers?  THEY REALLY, REALLY LIKED ME?

(Just kidding, that totally never happened.)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 30, 2010, 01:20:31 am
That's right, reppy! Everyone who loves you is a SADIST! There were fooled by your meek demeanor into thinking you're a MASOCHIST, so they were trying to show afffection in the only way they knew how....
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 30, 2010, 01:46:02 am
Sora - . . . . . . . . . . o x o -Admires your straight forward'ness-

I don't think that's something that somebody can just do, right? xD

Lol i'm only straight-forward when i'm not really in love ahaha otherwise i hide behind a shield.

and no lol it doesn't work like that.

Reppy- Will you be my not-gay gay boyfriend? I'll be your lesbian girlfriend 8D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 02:03:25 am
@Sora  Does that mean you'll help me w/ my makeup? ^___^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 30, 2010, 09:06:31 am
^You never showed me your first attempt like you said you were gunna! XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 30, 2010, 09:48:20 am
xD i freaking love you guys, makes my day so much brighter.

and blue/green eyes are very very atractive to me >.>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: tarutaru on August 30, 2010, 09:54:01 am
cosplayers who get into character are hot!  =)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 30, 2010, 10:58:45 am
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 30, 2010, 11:29:06 am
Omg come find me then because I'm always in character lololol

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 30, 2010, 11:36:32 am
@Sora  Does that mean you'll help me w/ my makeup? ^___^

YES I WILL, REPSTER. When do you need it owo
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 30, 2010, 11:54:10 am
A girl who doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 30, 2010, 12:01:22 pm
drugs are bad as is smoken
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 12:37:13 pm
@Sora  Does that mean you'll help me w/ my makeup? ^___^

YES I WILL, REPSTER. When do you need it owo

Anytime?  ^^  Got Skype?  You can walk me through it and watch me fail live!! ^^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 30, 2010, 03:21:58 pm
i agree with drugs and smokeing and drinking thats a MAJOR turn off for me
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 30, 2010, 03:36:37 pm
@Sora  Does that mean you'll help me w/ my makeup? ^___^

YES I WILL, REPSTER. When do you need it owo

Anytime?  ^^  Got Skype?  You can walk me through it and watch me fail live!! ^^

I have aim and a webcam? No skype. Lemme see if I can hook it up to my ichat maybe. we can do it together!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 30, 2010, 04:23:41 pm
somebody who keep things goin in a relationship.not afraid to try something
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 30, 2010, 04:49:14 pm
A girl who can listen to frank sanatra with me occasionally.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 30, 2010, 05:04:47 pm
A girl who can listen to frank sanatra with me occasionally.
I know a girl who would love you if she read that. XD
Our current Miss Tri-Cities. She is in love with his music and sang one of his songs as her talent.
She's an amazing girl though a bit obsessed with him.
During one of our rehearsals we met an MCs husband who used to work with Sinatra and she looked like she was going to pass out from shock/happiness.
We had to all coax her to actually go talk to him because she was scared of saying something weird/wrong.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 30, 2010, 05:13:44 pm
Gryff you can just say it was you, you confuse me when you talk about yourself in that perspective...  :P
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 30, 2010, 05:28:48 pm
D: Ahahaha...
Not even.
I am not Miss Tri-Cities 2010. If I was, I would have a life...
Because then I would be going to multiple events and this weekend would have been at the fair instead of sitting on my butt working on cosplay.
Plus, I don't know any of his songs or even who he was until Adrienne started talking about him.
I don't do names very well. I don't know actors or actresses even and I'm a theatre major! I just don't care about famous people because I think it's bull that people put them on this high pedestal because they can repeat a line and if they sneeze, they can repeat it again and toss out the last shoot. Or if someone can sing or play an instrument. Congrats, you have a nice voice and you were in band. I don't see the point in remembering famous people because I don't know them or really care about them. I care about the people I know and that's it.

I need a guy who will accept me for my random rants when I get on certain topics. XP
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 30, 2010, 05:36:34 pm
D: Ahahaha...
Not even.
I am not Miss Tri-Cities 2010. If I was, I would have a life...
Because then I would be going to multiple events and this weekend would have been at the fair instead of sitting on my butt working on cosplay.
Plus, I don't know any of his songs or even who he was until Adrienne started talking about him.
I don't do names very well. I don't know actors or actresses even and I'm a theatre major! I just don't care about famous people because I think it's bull that people put them on this high pedestal because they can repeat a line and if they sneeze, they can repeat it again and toss out the last shoot. Or if someone can sing or play an instrument. Congrats, you have a nice voice and you were in band. I don't see the point in remembering famous people because I don't know them or really care about them. I care about the people I know and that's it.

I need a guy who will accept me for my random rants when I get on certain topics. XP

I.....was only kidding....
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 30, 2010, 05:40:42 pm
I know you were, Ish.
But I am a ranter... Kinda like Holden Caufield. ^^ (Catcher in the Rye) [Did you know that he is mentioned on the first page of Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases?]
I get on a topic and I just can't stop.
It's the debater in me...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 30, 2010, 05:42:15 pm
A girl who is slow to anger, and who doesn't sweat the small stuff, but who doesn't mind getting flowers and such.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Fuyuko on August 30, 2010, 08:41:50 pm
I like a gentleman. Someone who is not afraid to swallow his pride and fuss over little things.
I can be very sensitive; so I look up to those who are strong-willed and can handle themselves in even the gravest situations. :3

Feeling good about themselves is another important thing. I don't like it when people belittle themselves for no reason. It gets annoying after a while and they should fix their act by doing good deeds and other stuff that make them feel better about themselves. If they don't even try, that's really too bad. :/
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: tarutaru on August 30, 2010, 08:54:27 pm
Kinda goes without saying, but nerdy girls!  omggg xD

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 30, 2010, 10:01:45 pm
I need to stop looking at this thread. It makes me sad because i realize why i don't have a girlfriend
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 30, 2010, 10:02:54 pm
I just realized how even though I normally dislike talking on the phone that it makes me really happy when a guy calls/messages me just to see how my day went or to even just chat... especially if they throw something nice like "sweet dreams" on at the end. *blush*

I really don't require that much attention. But little things like that just make me feel all warm and tingly.

I need to stop looking at this thread. It makes me sad because i realize why i don't have a girlfriend

Dude I've been single for nearly 3 years now, it's nothing to get too down about, just enjoy the time you have with friends and such. Besides I'm a firm believer that there are plenty of people out there for every person. =]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 30, 2010, 10:04:36 pm
I just realized how even though I normally dislike talking on the phone that it makes me really happy when a guy calls/messages me just to see how my day went or to even just chat... especially if they throw something nice like "sweet dreams" on at the end. *blush*

I really don't require that much attention. But little things like that just make me feel all warm and tingly.
I agree with you completely.
I hate talking on the phone more than...more than anything actually.
But to get a call from someone you like is different in a way. It shows that they were thinking about you and wanted to hear your voice.

As for another thing...
Someone who won't judge me on my insane ideas.
So when I say I want to do something, they won't throw it back in my face and say I'm not talented enough and shouldn't even bother thinking about it.
People like that made me stop singing in front of people because of my "terrible voice."
I'm a fairly emotional person, as are most girls...so I don't want someone who won't even listen to what I have to say.
I want someone who will laugh and take me down easy or at least not completely ridicule me for thinking I can do something.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 30, 2010, 10:12:03 pm
^ This exactly. I was in a relationship with a guy a few years back and whenever we were together he just made me feel like I wasn't good enough for really anything. I tend to be really hard on myself as is, so even though I get kind of akward when someone compliments me or points out a talent of mine, in the long run that kind of support is really appreciated.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 30, 2010, 10:15:32 pm
OMG the best thing ever (to me) is getting told 'Sweet Dreams' by someone you really care about. Having it be the last thing someone says to you before you fall asleep. :3  :-*
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 30, 2010, 10:17:20 pm
Man, I'd be such a good girlfriend. >:U
I always tell my guy friends sweet dreams when we're done talking, and I bake them sweets, and help with homework, and rada rada rada radaaa. -Dies-
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 30, 2010, 10:21:05 pm
a girl who wil watch movies with me
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 30, 2010, 10:22:51 pm
Aww, Shay~<3
I know how you feel.
I love making little trinkets and such.
I always talk myself down about the stuff because I think what I make isn't good enough and then I loose the courage to give what I make.
Then I normally destroy it because I'm ashamed of myself. :P

But I love making things for a guy I like because I like showing I care. I'm just shy as all get out when it comes to giving gifts... >///<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: CheshireStray on August 30, 2010, 10:23:09 pm
@DemonSpawn ...totally reminding me of my ex. That one ex I never get over. The one I ended each day with "Sleep sweetly, princess..." T_T
Prolly not relevant to the thread, but when I get  flashbacks, I gotta post XP
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 30, 2010, 10:25:41 pm
OMG the best thing ever (to me) is getting told 'Sweet Dreams' by someone you really care about. Having it be the last thing someone says to you before you fall asleep. :3  :-*
hmm, that's funny. that's exactly what i tell my vic-.. err... friends before they "go to sleep"
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 30, 2010, 10:26:14 pm
Hahahaha that's awesome xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 30, 2010, 10:37:57 pm
Going for the cheesiness, but... someone who, no matter how long I've liked them, always makes my heart skip a beat.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 30, 2010, 10:43:46 pm
That's not something they can really control though. > o >
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 30, 2010, 10:47:33 pm
Who says they need to control it? If they don't have that, they just aren't attractive to me. d:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 30, 2010, 10:49:21 pm
Oh also, if a guy is bilingual I am instantly impressed. Culture is something I'm really drawn to so I tend to be attracted to people who know about their heritage or embrace their ethnicity. Seriously though, when a guy is talking to me and throws something from another language in there I get weak in the knees.

I just realized that it's kind of funny that I've posted in here so much because generally I don't get really attracted to people very often. Doesn't mean I can't take notes of what I do like though! =]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: marsvoltafrances on August 30, 2010, 10:51:58 pm
A nice girl :)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 10:59:41 pm
I just realized how even though I normally dislike talking on the phone that it makes me really happy when a guy calls/messages me just to see how my day went or to even just chat... especially if they throw something nice like "sweet dreams" on at the end. *blush*

I really don't require that much attention. But little things like that just make me feel all warm and tingly.

Really?  I love talking on the phone.  ^^  Especially if it's someone I care about.  There's nothing better than talking to someone you really care about right before bed.  Especially if they fall asleep to your voice omg *swoooon*

Going for the cheesiness, but... someone who, no matter how long I've liked them, always makes my heart skip a beat.

I know that exact feeling.  When I really like someone, it doesn't matter how long it's been we've been together, I still get that feeling every time we would give each other the eyes or ... ^^;; I dunno, I'm silly xD  I get excited about stuff and get butterflies in my stomach even if it's something we've done plenty of times together, y'know?  Someone that parks that kind of interest in me has my love forever. ^^;;;;
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 30, 2010, 11:01:55 pm
A nice girl :)
You should probably not have such high expectations, I mean seriously. ;O
Why do you have to be so picky about people, it's just plain vulgar. -Preppy voice-

Loljk. xD

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 30, 2010, 11:09:52 pm
@Reppy: There are some people, like my friends who live out of state, that I love talking on the phone with. Generally though I just feel akward talking on the phone and I'm always afraid of the conversation dying or saying something with the wrong tone or something.... so it really says a lot about how I feel towards a person if I am comfortable talking with them on the phone and such.

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 11:19:20 pm
Ah.  Well, I can usually keep a conversation going.  Or at the very least, I can be very entertaining with my wacky antics, my tendency to go off on tangents for a long time and get super excited about random topics, etc.  The laughter on the other side, I hope, is an indication of general approval.  Either that or they're going, "Wtf, this guy is nuts but I'm having a good time laughing at how crazy he is."
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Cassiopeia on August 30, 2010, 11:19:57 pm
I hate talking on the phone too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Like Dubaby, I only feel comfortable talking with certain people.

If I make a repeated attempt, I can become more comfortable with a person on the phone, but it takes work. orz
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 11:22:31 pm
That's weird.  I'm like, 100x more comfortable talking on the phone.  Well, not 100x, but you know . . . for instance, if I'm going to meet someone for the first time, or say we are classmates or something but have never really talked extensively outside of class . . . I'll feel so much better if I can talk to them first on the phone, just to get a feel for their sense of humor and interests.  That way, when we meet and hang out, there won't be as much awkward "feeling each other out" time. ^^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 30, 2010, 11:26:16 pm
My phone conversations are mostly my mom calling to ask me what I want for dinner or me calling my brother asking him what he wants for dinner...
My longest phone conversation was four-five hours. It was almost three years ago when I moved to Washington from Oregon and I called my best friend in Alaska to wish her a happy birthday. We had a year of catching up to do so it lasted a while.
But with anyone else, it just ends up awkward because I'm not a good conversationist...
Things just...die...
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 30, 2010, 11:28:52 pm
Well I guess I never really checked but, I like eyes... alot... yeah >///<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: killblazer on August 30, 2010, 11:29:30 pm
me and my ex used to talk on the phone daily. Some phone calls would be up to 6 hours long, geez my cell phone would get so hot, I would usually have to plug it in to charge in the middle of the call.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: CheshireStray on August 30, 2010, 11:30:30 pm
I love a good phone conversation. But I hate my voice. So I tend to just text instead T_T I can keep a convo going, but every couple of minutes, I realize how stupid I sound, and kinda freeze up. It's pretty annoying  XP
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 30, 2010, 11:31:42 pm
Well I guess I never really checked but, I like eyes... alot... yeah >///<

Eyes are nice, nice eyes are up high on my list of traits I find physically attractive.

I like eyes of all colors, but going off of the people I've dated and such I tend to prefer people with darker features. That being said if a guys got really striking light eyes then I'm not about to complain... ahhh eyes. =]
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 30, 2010, 11:34:05 pm
green and greenblue eyes. But greens the best for me
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 30, 2010, 11:35:00 pm
Well I guess I never really checked but, I like eyes... alot... yeah >///<

Eyes are nice, nice eyes are up high on my list of traits I find physically attractive.

I like eyes of all colors, but going off of the people I've dated and such I tend to prefer people with darker features. That being said if a guys got really striking light eyes then I'm not about to complain... ahhh eyes. =]
Yay someone agrees lol
but yeah the biggest would be personality
she would have to be bubbly, spontaneous, and bright
I have really not dated alot for long distance so I am with the people who dont like to talk on phones
I like face to face
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Kagome219 on August 30, 2010, 11:35:31 pm
@Dubaby: Oh gosh, I couldn't agree more. Light, beautiful eyes~ <333  They are my favorite physical feature. Though, for some reason I tend to develop relationships with people who have darker eyes, while the blue/blue-green-eyed people remain crushes. :[

@reppy: So far there has only been one person in my life who has continued to make me feel like I'm "walking on air". It is quite the emotion. : D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 30, 2010, 11:36:04 pm
Yeah, I love eyes, too. ^^  If I like someone, I could just stare into their eyes all day and blush. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 30, 2010, 11:43:44 pm
i blush in the most random moments
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 30, 2010, 11:45:49 pm
Eyes freak me out. D:
And mine keep becoming wierd colors.
Like, they used to be a green ish blue, and now they are blue with a yellow sunburst.
Creepy stuff man, creepy stuff.

I like good hair, a lot!
That's like...one of the main things. * A *
Good hair.... = u =
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 30, 2010, 11:46:13 pm
Yeah, I love eyes, too. ^^  If I like someone, I could just stare into their eyes all day and blush. xD
Oh stop you >///<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: marsvoltafrances on August 31, 2010, 12:00:08 am
A nice girl :)
You should probably not have such high expectations, I mean seriously. ;O
Why do you have to be so picky about people, it's just plain vulgar. -Preppy voice-

Loljk. xD

haha SORRY!

I guess just a girl will do then.. lol
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Romo on August 31, 2010, 12:00:54 am
I guess just a girl will do then.. lol

Highest. Expectations. EVER. D8
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 12:10:33 am
I guess just a girl will do then.. lol

Highest. Expectations. EVER. D8
Seriously. >:V
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: CheshireStray on August 31, 2010, 12:13:55 am
This sounds like either extreme sarcasm, or an evil yaoi fangirl plot...
Either way, I approve.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 31, 2010, 12:15:42 am
Shay is being a total meanie butt tonight. D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 12:16:46 am
Yeah with reppy
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 12:20:35 am
W-What? ;^;
I was just joking with him because he's n-new.....
Please don't be angry with me. -Bats eyelashes-
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 12:22:31 am
no mad more like scared on my part lol
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 31, 2010, 12:23:01 am
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Romo on August 31, 2010, 12:23:25 am
OH PFFTTTT. Shay is always a meanie. >___>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: marsvoltafrances on August 31, 2010, 12:25:55 am
I guess just a girl will do then.. lol

Highest. Expectations. EVER. D8
Seriously. >:V

Oh I thought of something more specific, A girl who completely ignores peoples personal bubbles is pretty cute. ha!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 12:27:31 am
I guess just a girl will do then.. lol
Highest. Expectations. EVER. D8
Seriously. >:V

Oh I thought of something more specific, A girl who completely ignores peoples personal bubbles is pretty cute. ha!

So you like girls who just come on to you with no warning... aka sluty (not aiming at any of you girls here yes that means you shay)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 12:32:37 am
Y-You all think I'm mean. ;A;
Well if nobody likes me...I might as well not go to con this year....
Sorry for troubling you all... -Sniffles before grabbing teddie bear and wandering off-
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: marsvoltafrances on August 31, 2010, 12:32:48 am
I guess just a girl will do then.. lol
Highest. Expectations. EVER. D8
Seriously. >:V

Oh I thought of something more specific, A girl who completely ignores peoples personal bubbles is pretty cute. ha!

So you like girls who just come on to you with no warning... aka sluty (not aiming at any of you girls here yes that means you shay)

The invasion of ones personal bubble can be done in a cute and subtly flirty way, and not be slutty. ^^

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 12:36:05 am
I guess just a girl will do then.. lol
Highest. Expectations. EVER. D8
Seriously. >:V

Oh I thought of something more specific, A girl who completely ignores peoples personal bubbles is pretty cute. ha!

So you like girls who just come on to you with no warning... aka sluty (not aiming at any of you girls here yes that means you shay)

The invasion of ones personal bubble can be done in a cute and subtly flirty way, and not be slutty. ^^

I honestly dont know that many girls like that. only ones I know like that are the ones that attend the cons that i go to. every other girl that i know is not like that. it is really scary what some girls do for attention (again not aiming at any girl here on the forums)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 31, 2010, 12:36:16 am
Y-You all think I'm mean. ;A;
Well if nobody likes me...I might as well not go to con this year....
Sorry for troubling you all... -Sniffles before grabbing teddie bear and wandering off-

Pretty sure there'd be riots if you didn't come to Kcon. D:
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 12:41:15 am
Oh ho ho ho. -Throws teddie bear aside-
In that case, you shall expect Queen Shay to be there!



What I mean is, that's nice of you to say, but I would never not come..
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 31, 2010, 12:41:25 am
I like people who can make me laugh. Of course, I laugh easily, so that's not difficult to accomplish. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 12:42:31 am
Y-You all think I'm mean. ;A;
Well if nobody likes me...I might as well not go to con this year....
Sorry for troubling you all... -Sniffles before grabbing teddie bear and wandering off-

Pretty sure there'd be riots if you didn't come to Kcon. D:

Agreed katie would not be happy
she needs her nia
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 12:46:08 am
Oh of course!
I would never bail on my darling Simon~♪

Back on topic.
I like someone who plays along with my random roleplaying. xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 31, 2010, 12:49:16 am
Oh! I don't think that this was really brought up on here yet.
Something I am not a fan of is PDA. By that, I don't mean holding hands or a peck here or there. Just, you know, the last thing I'd want is some guy slobbering all over me while I'm out in public or especially around my friends.
It's also a very awkward thing to be around and I find it disrespectful. Again, subtle gestures are fine but when I feel like I'm watching softcore porn, it's a problem, bro. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 31, 2010, 12:52:06 am
Oh! I don't think that this was really brought up on here yet.
Something I am not a fan of is PDA. By that, I don't mean holding hands or a peck here or there. Just, you know, the last thing I'd want is some guy slobbering all over me while I'm out in public or especially around my friends.
It's also a very awkward thing to be around and I find it disrespectful. Again, subtle gestures are fine but when I feel like I'm watching softcore porn, it's a problem, bro. XD

I totally ranted about that for like a page and a half just a little bit ago. XD

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 12:54:30 am
one thing I like is shy
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 31, 2010, 12:54:55 am
Oh! I don't think that this was really brought up on here yet.
Something I am not a fan of is PDA. By that, I don't mean holding hands or a peck here or there. Just, you know, the last thing I'd want is some guy slobbering all over me while I'm out in public or especially around my friends.
It's also a very awkward thing to be around and I find it disrespectful. Again, subtle gestures are fine but when I feel like I'm watching softcore porn, it's a problem, bro. XD

I totally ranted about that for like a page and a half just a little bit ago. XD

Seriously? Haha. I might need to go find that lol.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: CheshireStray on August 31, 2010, 12:59:04 am
God, my high school has issues with PDA's. Passing period is like, a freaking orgy. *mutters* ...cant make it to C hall without walking past at least five couples pinning eachother to the fjajdkwjid wall...
Maybe I'm just bitter. Maybe I'm just overreacting. But it bugs the crap out of me.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 31, 2010, 01:01:13 am
Oh! I don't think that this was really brought up on here yet.
Something I am not a fan of is PDA. By that, I don't mean holding hands or a peck here or there. Just, you know, the last thing I'd want is some guy slobbering all over me while I'm out in public or especially around my friends.
It's also a very awkward thing to be around and I find it disrespectful. Again, subtle gestures are fine but when I feel like I'm watching softcore porn, it's a problem, bro. XD

I totally ranted about that for like a page and a half just a little bit ago. XD

Seriously? Haha. I might need to go find that lol.

Erf, it started here (http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?topic=12806.msg632236#msg632236).  It was further back than I thought. ^^;  I sort of chimed in for the next page or two, but yeah .. that's sort of where I got my start. ^^
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: tarutaru on August 31, 2010, 01:03:31 am
random roleplaying is awesome!  i LOVE people with a keen sense of adventure.

big turn-on:  anyone who understands that a college degree or big job aren't the only measures of success >:3
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 01:05:46 am
random roleplaying is awesome!  i LOVE people with a keen sense of adventure.

big turn-on:  anyone who understands that a college degree or big job aren't the only measures of success >:3
Now the question is what do you consider a success??? ;)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: tarutaru on August 31, 2010, 01:07:31 am
being filled with the holy spirit!!!!!!!

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 01:10:35 am
being filled with the holy spirit!!!!!!!

lol well i fail there
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 01:13:14 am
Someone that doesn't make fun of me for eating so much! xD

Brb gonna go get a snack
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 01:17:05 am
Someone that doesn't make fun of me for eating so much! xD

Brb gonna go get a snack
but eating is awesome you kidding me
i do it all the time
*just finished some poptarts*
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: tarutaru on August 31, 2010, 01:20:10 am
this thread is like practice for the speed dating panel...lolz

ネックスト!  (nexxto!)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 31, 2010, 08:03:03 am
Recently I got to know someone who's borderline perfect for me.... but I have no feelings for him whatsoever. :c

On another note though *read pages* I LIKE EYES TOO!!!
People tell me mine look red. O.o
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on August 31, 2010, 08:09:48 am
Recently I got to know someone who's borderline perfect for me.... but I have no feelings for him whatsoever. :c

On another note though *read pages* I LIKE EYES TOO!!!
People tell me mine look red. O.o
Hence the nick name demony lol
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 31, 2010, 08:16:21 am
I'm not THAT evil... :D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Cyprus on August 31, 2010, 08:28:38 am
Oh! I don't think that this was really brought up on here yet.
Something I am not a fan of is PDA. By that, I don't mean holding hands or a peck here or there. Just, you know, the last thing I'd want is some guy slobbering all over me while I'm out in public or especially around my friends.
It's also a very awkward thing to be around and I find it disrespectful. Again, subtle gestures are fine but when I feel like I'm watching softcore porn, it's a problem, bro. XD

I think it's disrespectful to express that type of PDA. I have nothing against holding hands, hugs, peck-kisses...hell, even laying on a shoulder/somewhat cuddling isn't a big deal. But when a couple is trying to give each other a tonsillectomy in front of everyone...it's extremely rude & disrespectful towards everyone present. I've even been known to (usually only if I know the couple) rudely interrupt the oral surgery being performed. Most doors aren't see-though for a reason people...go lock yourselves behind one to have your fun...

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 31, 2010, 10:42:19 am
@Reppy: I appreciate you looking that up for me. I'll admit I wasn't about to look it up because I wasn't sure how far back it was lol XD

Oh! I don't think that this was really brought up on here yet.
Something I am not a fan of is PDA. By that, I don't mean holding hands or a peck here or there. Just, you know, the last thing I'd want is some guy slobbering all over me while I'm out in public or especially around my friends.
It's also a very awkward thing to be around and I find it disrespectful. Again, subtle gestures are fine but when I feel like I'm watching softcore porn, it's a problem, bro. XD

I think it's disrespectful to express that type of PDA. I have nothing against holding hands, hugs, peck-kisses...hell, even laying on a shoulder/somewhat cuddling isn't a big deal. But when a couple is trying to give each other a tonsillectomy in front of everyone...it's extremely rude & disrespectful towards everyone present. I've even been known to (usually only if I know the couple) rudely interrupt the oral surgery being performed. Most doors aren't see-though for a reason people...go lock yourselves behind one to have your fun...

So true :'D
I have some friends that have issues with this. I don't know why it's so hard for them to grasp, especially since one of them really hates watching PDA because it makes them uncomfortable. My boyfriend and I almost thought of getting back at them by returning the favor but I'm just too prude to make anything public XD
Damn my good taste. Damn it to hell.

Another thing I appreciate is a calm, collected temper. I'd rather talk things through than be yelled at. I come from a very loud family so I don't want to have to put up with that in my relationship too. Besides, I'm a lover not a fighter O3O
If I'm confronted in a very hostile manner I'll walk away until I have no choice but to fight back... and I have lol just not in a relationship because I tend to choose the nice guy over the jerk.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Soramunesanzun on August 31, 2010, 11:06:40 am
People who will do couple cosplay with me are good too~

Whether we're actually a couple or just pretending to be one for my costume.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 31, 2010, 11:36:12 am
D: couple cosplays is something i've yet to beable to do.... well... except with my cousin xD but with an actual guy.... nope D: >.> this con though that changes WAHAHAHHAHAA....ha.....ha.......haaa.....

and i agree with that type of pda it pisses me off >.<
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 31, 2010, 11:45:35 am
I agree! Couple cosplays are FUN.
I really like feminine girls, whether they're obvious about it or not (for example: someone I know has a passion for unicorns, even though that seems completely out of character)

I also like people that will tell me what they're thinking. If they don't like something I did, I want to know.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 31, 2010, 12:09:45 pm
Ughhhh PDA.... I get so irritated by it. I think it's really cute if a couple is sitting on a bench cuddling or whatever and enjoying each others compant, but watching two people make out and grab each other all over is just kind of tacky in my opinion.

I was seeing a guy once who didn't understand this and would always try to be all grabby and such in public, and it really made me angry because not only is it disrespectful to other people, but it was disrespectful to me because I am a fairly private person. >=[
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 31, 2010, 12:11:47 pm
D: dubabys white mage rikku is atractive to me xDDDDDDDD

and i agree with telling what your thinking! i hate it when someones compleatly quiet and you ask and they say nothing >.>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: soundninja12 on August 31, 2010, 12:21:27 pm
If someone did that to me I would yell at them! I agree! PDA is sooooo gross.
I don't have a problem if, for example, they kiss a couple of times while cosplaying a couple that kisses a lot, in fact there is a likeliness I'll take pictures of it. But if I'm walking down the hall at school, I don't want to see people snogging. People I know I'll probably harass.
Katie = the person who throws popcorn at the kissing couples at the movies.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 31, 2010, 12:23:57 pm
and i agree with telling what your thinking! i hate it when someones compleatly quiet and you ask and they say nothing >.>

Do you really want to know what they're thinking?  Like, I think some pretty random stuff up through the day. So possible responses would be like:

"Oh, I was just remembering a conversation I had with someone I barely know like 6 months ago."

"I was trying to remember how to solve the integral of 1 / x^3 from 1 to infinity."

"I was trying to imagine what was going on before The Big Bang."

"Just thinking of a cool song I've been listening to, and what anime it would best be suited for.."

"Well, I was just thinkin' about how much I lurve you and how lucky of a guy I must be!"   (Pull this one out when you really were just sitting there thinking nothing.)

Mah brain doesn't shut up D:  It's terrible!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 31, 2010, 12:35:46 pm
^I'm proud of you, no mention of mechanical pencils and only one comment about math. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 31, 2010, 12:42:59 pm
Well, I don't normally think about them.  Sometimes I do, but it's generally as part of some grand scheme; it's unusual for them to be the central focus.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 31, 2010, 12:51:22 pm
D: dubabys white mage rikku is atractive to me xDDDDDDDD

=3 .... well I think your Rikku cosplay is pretty bomb-dizzle (yeah I said it, I've got swag)

"I was trying to imagine what was going on before The Big Bang."

I... I thought I was the only one who pondered that. lol.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 31, 2010, 03:21:29 pm
and i agree with telling what your thinking! i hate it when someones compleatly quiet and you ask and they say nothing >.>

Do you really want to know what they're thinking?  Like, I think some pretty random stuff up through the day. So possible responses would be like:

"Oh, I was just remembering a conversation I had with someone I barely know like 6 months ago."

"I was trying to remember how to solve the integral of 1 / x^3 from 1 to infinity."

"I was trying to imagine what was going on before The Big Bang."

"Just thinking of a cool song I've been listening to, and what anime it would best be suited for.."

"Well, I was just thinkin' about how much I lurve you and how lucky of a guy I must be!"   (Pull this one out when you really were just sitting there thinking nothing.)

Mah brain doesn't shut up D:  It's terrible!

yes yes i do! then id have a good come back xD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on August 31, 2010, 03:44:02 pm
Oh, I see.  So you just want to know what a guy is thinking so you can put him down?

"OMIGOSH -- You actually thought that?  I mean, maybe if you were 10 years old I could understand.  Man, you stoopit!  I can't believe you admitted that!

Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: tarutaru on August 31, 2010, 05:00:18 pm
penny for ur thoughts?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 05:01:29 pm
Have I mentioned I like dark hair and glasses? = u =
Maybe I like light hair and dark eyes....
Brown hair and medium eyes?
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 31, 2010, 05:02:52 pm
How about a girl who doesnt live in the past, or constantly compare me to exs.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: kylite on August 31, 2010, 05:48:18 pm
^ never gonna happen LOL
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 05:53:08 pm
Unless she doesn't have an ex lolol
But then she might expect you to live up to some crazy ideals, and be like some bishounes from a shoujo.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 31, 2010, 05:54:32 pm
^ lol Just what I was going to say.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 05:56:16 pm
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 31, 2010, 05:57:48 pm
Well... in that case i'm attracted to a girl who is wholly imaginary. :P
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 31, 2010, 05:58:53 pm
Like most girls imagine guys as

ho ho ho, those Twilitards.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: StarryShay on August 31, 2010, 05:59:26 pm
Well... in that case i'm attracted to a girl who is wholly imaginary. :P

Like her?
She's hawt.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 31, 2010, 06:07:55 pm
Imaginary? Who doesn't love imaginary people.

I want a guy just like my imaginary man~<3

Tall with brown hair.
He doesn't mind a bite.
No one knows who/what he really is.
He's super strong and super quick.
He appears to fly through the air with his speed!
He'll save me when I'm in danger!

Yeah, that's right. I'm talking about Spider Man!
What? You thought I was talking about Edward Cullen, huh? D<
I said a man, not a damn Fairy!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 31, 2010, 06:09:04 pm
Well, might as well stick with the first crush I had, and have had for 20 years.... Jessica rabbit
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: thesirensings on August 31, 2010, 06:15:38 pm
Imaginary? Who doesn't love imaginary people.

I want a guy just like my imaginary man~<3

Tall with brown hair.
He doesn't mind a bite.
No one knows who/what he really is.
He's super strong and super quick.
He appears to fly through the air with his speed!
He'll save me when I'm in danger!

Yeah, that's right. I'm talking about Spider Man!
What? You thought I was talking about Edward Cullen, huh? D<
I said a man, not a damn Fairy!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzwYN-wcSSE >w>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 31, 2010, 06:57:02 pm
Well, might as well stick with the first crush I had, and have had for 20 years.... Jessica rabbit
I approve of this.

I think I would choose Wolf from The 10th Kingdom. He's kind of adorable >,>
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Romo on August 31, 2010, 06:58:49 pm
I think I would choose Wolf from The 10th Kingdom. He's kind of adorable >,>

Oh...my...gosh! You're the first person I've ever seen know about this! You are amazing. :'D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 31, 2010, 07:01:25 pm
I was devastated when I found out toons cant really interact with real people.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: makichan on August 31, 2010, 07:58:40 pm
I was devastated when I found out toons cant really interact with real people.
I used to think that people acted like cartoons.
Me: Hey Sissy?
Sister: Yeah?
Me: When you fell in love with Z (her bf at the time) were there hearts in your eyes?
Sister: lololol.
Me: :'D

Yes, this actually happened lol.

I think I would choose Wolf from The 10th Kingdom. He's kind of adorable >,>

Oh...my...gosh! You're the first person I've ever seen know about this! You are amazing. :'D
And you're amazing for also knowing what I'm taking about. Seriously an amazing series! Agh! People, watch it. I'm serious.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 31, 2010, 10:38:08 pm
a girl you can a fun time with no mater what.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 31, 2010, 11:18:14 pm
You know what I think is attractive? When a guy can read signals that say 'I LIKE YOU' and they do something about it. I'm not subtle. -.-
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 31, 2010, 11:19:24 pm
Hailey: Hey there *ILIKEYOU* boy, how are *ILIKEYOUSOMUCH* you on this fine *ILIKEYOULOOKATME* day?

^ everyday :D
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 31, 2010, 11:27:47 pm
Megan IHU!!! :c
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on August 31, 2010, 11:45:45 pm
You know what I think is attractive? When a guy can read signals that say 'I LIKE YOU' and they do something about it. I'm not subtle. -.-


It's not often that I get the guts to actually try flirting with a guy or show interest, so it'd be cool if people actually picked up on it or did something when I do. Oh bother.

I like guys that are straight-forward and don't leave me feeling all confused about how they feel towards me. That wishy-washy feeling is the worst ever.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Cassiopeia on September 01, 2010, 12:00:22 am
I like guys that are straight-forward and don't leave me feeling all confused about how they feel towards me. That wishy-washy feeling is the worst ever.

I'm sure a lot of guys would say this about girls too.
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Dubaby on September 01, 2010, 12:12:01 am
I say for now on people should just be straight forward about their feelings!

..... but then again that would mean I'd have to actually tell guys when I like them wouldn't it? I drop lots of hints though so that should count. XD
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: Griff_the_dragoon on September 01, 2010, 12:38:28 am
I like guys that are straight-forward and don't leave me feeling all confused about how they feel towards me. That wishy-washy feeling is the worst ever.

I'm sure a lot of guys would say this about girls too.
One of them right here!!! *raises hand*
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: marsvoltafrances on September 01, 2010, 12:14:58 pm
You know what I think is attractive? When a guy can read signals that say 'I LIKE YOU' and they do something about it. I'm not subtle. -.-

I can read signals through the internet O.o
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: reppy on September 01, 2010, 12:24:44 pm
I can read traffic signals.  Usually.

Quote from: Mitch Hedberg
On a stop light green means go, red means stop and yellow means slow down, but on a banana it's just the opposite. Green means 'hold on,' yellow means 'go ahead,' and red means, 'where the !@#$ did you get that banana at?'

(This really has nothing to do with my post, but it reminded me of this Mitch Hedberg line...)
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: marsvoltafrances on September 01, 2010, 12:27:40 pm
I can read traffic signals.  Usually.

Quote from: Mitch Hedberg
On a stop light green means go, red means stop and yellow means slow down, but on a banana it's just the opposite. Green means 'hold on,' yellow means 'go ahead,' and red means, 'where the !@#$ did you get that banana at?'

(This really has nothing to do with my post, but it reminded me of this Mitch Hedberg line...)

Mitch Hedberg is the best!
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on September 01, 2010, 12:42:25 pm
Rest his soul
Title: Re: What makes a person attractive to you?
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on September 01, 2010, 04:17:57 pm
I can read traffic signals.  Usually.
Quote from: Mitch Hedberg
On a stop light green means go, red means stop and yellow means slow down, but on a banana it's just the opposite. Green means 'hold on,' yellow means 'go ahead,' and red means, 'where the !@#$ did you get that banana at?'
(This really has nothing to do with my post, but it reminded me of this Mitch Hedberg line...)
reppy just won at the internet