Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: CloudStrife32 on April 21, 2010, 09:06:51 pm
Since the one that was made after K-con '09 was locked, I decided to make a new thread~
This isn't just for the video games, it's for everything.
Video games, movies, comics, manga, novels, etc.etc. EVERYTHING!
Resident Evil 0:
Rebecca Chambers (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn60/CloudStrife32/RebeccaChambersPose3-ResidentEvil0.jpg) - The_Emo_Schemer
Resident Evil 1:
Resident Evil 2:
Claire Redfield (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn60/CloudStrife32/re2-claire-redfield1.jpg) - The_Emo_Schemer's friend(maybe)
Resident Evil 3:
Resident Evil 4:
Leon S. Kennedy (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn60/CloudStrife32/925156_20050516_screen032.jpg) -
Ada Wong (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn60/CloudStrife32/AdaWong.jpg) - KinyFriedChicken
Ashley Graham (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn60/CloudStrife32/1215375-re4___ashley_graham_super.jpg) -
Resident Evil 5:
Jill Valentine (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn60/CloudStrife32/JillValentineRE5.png) - tenshiuyoku
Chris Redfield (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn60/CloudStrife32/re5-chris-redfield-character.jpg) - The_Emo_Schemer's friend(maybe)
Other Resident Evil games:
Resident Evil movies:
ALRIGHT. I finnaly chose a version of Ada. I was hoping to do the longer dress but no one will do it for me. =w=
Anyway yeah. It's one of her alternate dresses or something.
Yay! Ada! :3
*huggles KFC*
I like that outfit, since she wears it in mercenaries mode on RE4~ :3
*huggles Cloud* Huuuuur~ I'm gonna die in her shoes though. I can't walk in heels. XD But at least her shoes are easy~
Woo~ I'm so ready for this. : B
So... Tempted to do Ashley this year... So... Tempted...
I have most of it ready, as I'm using my hair, have her shoes, have her skirt, and could get my mother to knit me both of her sweaters... So... Tempted...
I would drop Mariko... ><
Maybe... Not bring someone else to kumo..
Damn you Amy, Shelby and Sam!
You make me want to do new cosplays >.<
We love you too, Katie~ :3
Found a wig for Ada~
I'm debating if I want to use my hair for Leon or not...
Or if I should use my hair for James...
I'm sure for Kirk, I could find a wig or...something...>>
Good job finding a wig, Sam! =D
Hmmmm...if I can I could ask my Kirk to see if you can't borrow her wig. 8D
...Either way your gonna be epic~ 8'D
ITS ONLY $5 TOO~ Plus shipping. HUUUUUUR. Best deal ever. =w=
*fears really cheap wigs*
I've had some bad things happen with cheap wigs >.e
Okay, I'll do it. I'll talk to my mother about the sweaters tonight. She has a little knitting group one friday a month, with all of her friends (my friend's parents mostly xP) and I could ask a friends parent to do one of them too...
Now, to re-find that pair of shoes and look for her effing belt.
Does Ashley wear earrings?
I've never had bad experiences with cheap wigs. :0
WOO~ 8'D < 3
I'm...not sure. All the pictures I found don't really show her ears very much. > u <
*is on her phone and can't use links unless they're via PM*
Random, I know ><
Oppsie. Well it's like....perfect. =w= So yeah. ANYWAY, Resident Evil...WOO~
We need to do that one pose I sent you. 8'D
I assume you're talking to Katie about that pose, since I don't recall one... =3=
I have an Ashely to go with my Ada~ =D
Does Leon get to be a pimp?*is shot*
Oh! Oh! If she doesn't mind me using the wig for Kirk, that would be great! =O
But if not, I'll figure it out~
P.S. Katie! Ashley does not wearing earrings~
Yeah, she was talking to me xP
You should post that image in here~
LOL Pimp Leon...
But yeah, I'll ask her for ya! She's not using it until MEWcon and maybe a few meet-ups anyway. =w=
Big but for all to see~
Thank ya~ :3
Oh, hey! I know that image! =D
Now we need a hoard of zombies to come at us and it would be perfect! =3=
Yuuuup~ I think it'd be lulsy if we could get Left 4 Dead people to surround us. =w=
That would be quite lulsy, indeed~
Ma said yes to making the sweaters!~
And my mother wanted to take me to the new Kohls, and they had Ashley's belt, and I had money, so I bought it.
Thank god for planning ahead *looks at skirt it closet*
And the shoes'll be done soon ^^
I work fast xD
JESUS.....FFFFFF.......No fair. ; A ;
Any ideas on how to make ANYTHING of Ada's? XD
*just read the first few posts*
If you really want to do the long dress, I'm sure I could make that ^^
Yeah ^^
I'll see if I can find a pattern~
I'll take measurements at the Y/Y picnic~
Katie has to take a LOT of measurements at the Y/Y picnic~ :3
Does that mean I could change the image on the first page to Ada's default?
YEEEEYY~ Would it make a difference if I said I was gonna be binded at the Y/Y picnic. Should I um....measure my chest before hand? :0
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH ILU~ How much do I owe you? ; A ;
Yup~ Thankies. < 3
Depends on the cost of fabric, patterns, and difficulty of costume.
I'll check prices soon ^^
I'll pay it still~ x D
Thank you so muuuuucchhhh~ ; A ;
No problem :3
So I'mma check out patterns for Ada, and knitting patterns for the 2 sweaters that my parental unit is going to knit me :3 I love her forever for doing this :D
*is very happy*
Oh oh oh! I've started playing RE4 and I'm scared shitless xD
It's okay Katie~
I was scared shitless the first time I played RE4, too~ =3=
*is also just a very easily scared person*
I didn't make it through 'Silent Hill' the movie... A 12 year old was sitting next to me, and he did... FML -.-
I'll most likely be cosplaying Rebecca Chambers this year :3
Awesome possum~
I can't wait to see it!
Oh! And I don't know if it's for sure or not, but I've got a friend who is going to try to do Chris Redfield from RE5 and then another is doing Clair Redfield.
Alrightie~ :3
I washed a wig that I was currently useing for another cosplay, and transformed it into Ada Wong's wig.
I also started practicing make-up for Ada, I must say it's lookin' awesome.....and I almost have up enough money to commish her dress.
Embroidered butterflies... they are on everything in my house xD
Except the things my parents were all:
Lol. I'm sorry for that. x D
I have almost everything needed for RE1 Chris Redfield cosplay, just no longer have the hair for it lol.
I have almost everything needed for RE1 Chris Redfield cosplay, just no longer have the hair for it lol.
Because you have awesome hair for Sokka, now! >3
@ sam
ILY too x3
@ Koga
Wigs ftw?
And it's so worth it. Your Sokka is going to be the bomb.
Say hello to wesker (MARK I)
Very rough draft, but that's from a month ago
Woot, Jill's acoming to Kumoricon XD
Keep an eye out for me! I'd love to do pictures with anyone XD Nearly done with her costume!
I think we might need to do a photoshoot
Woot, Jill's acoming to Kumoricon XD
Keep an eye out for me! I'd love to do pictures with anyone XD Nearly done with her costume!
I do adore that the reference image you used just so happened to be from the starter of this thread. Whether or not that was an accident or not, it was epic xD
I'm not doing Ashley anymore >.>
haha yeah Sound I was like "hey... this is the reference picture I used!!!!" so I figured I should keep it ;D And I totally think a photoshoot would be great!
It saddens me that I can't do Leon and I'm the one who planned this. xD
My cousin isn't doing Jill anymore, but we got another one, so it's all good! =D
Oh! I fixed the front page up, too~
As for a photoshoot, even if I don't do Leon, I can still help you guys plan for it.
And I would LOVE to be a photographer for it.
I reaaaaally want to do a photoshoot, especially if it involves a Chris Redfield! Since he's like... the only character I'm involved with (feels lonely with all the RE4 people around)... besides Wesker! (Which btw, that is a B.-freaking-A Wesker!!!!!!!!)
work is coming along well on the final version of wesker. I've got the perfect fabric, and work has begun on his shirt and pants. also, his belt is now done. i really wish i had some good gloves for him though
work is coming along well on the final version of wesker. I've got the perfect fabric, and work has begun on his shirt and pants. also, his belt is now done. i really wish i had some good gloves for him though
yeah his gloves are kind of weird, but I bet you could get a good military standard from opticsplanet.com Thats where I got my gloves for Jill in her S.T.A.R.S outfit.