
Convention Events and Programming => Panels & et cetera => Topic started by: EasilyAmewsed on May 03, 2010, 01:34:58 am

Title: Any Digital Art this year?
Post by: EasilyAmewsed on May 03, 2010, 01:34:58 am
Curious..is anyone doing digital art panels this year? What would the most interesting type?
Title: Re: Any Digital Art this year?
Post by: mellonemrys on May 07, 2010, 05:07:50 pm
Jeni (another CS staffer) and I will be doing a panel focusing on Photoshop (CS3 most likely) tricks and tips from colouring to backgrounds to text and other finishing tips. As for a purely 'art' digital art panel (as in using a tablet and drawing in Photoshop or Painter), I'm not sure if Scrum Yummy and Kasa have gotten anything put together or turned in.