Convention Events and Programming => Get Involved => Plan Your Own Adventure (archived) => Topic started by: NeonFoxRocks on August 10, 2010, 12:39:29 pm
Ok I guess I'll make the next Pokemon meet up!
Start Location: Holladay Park (park in front of Lloyd center)
Date: 20th
Time: 10-11am start time ish
What Do? Hang out and go places, lloyd, pioneer, waterfront, the 'uge
What Bring? Pokemon cosplay, I'm not really a stickler but the more cosplayers the better.
A few of us had 'tendo DS's last time and picto chat was fun. Maybe a lil money for food and whatnot.
Name you like to be called in RL:
The List!:
NeonFox - Gary Oak w/ Dragonair - Chris/Lynch/Rinchi take your pic
Nando-Kit - Vaporeon - McKinzy
TurboSaiyanJason - Level 200 Pikachu - Jason
nekovamp13 - Kristi - Zorua
Hawk - Gardevoir - Kaye
Shadoworganoid - Skarmory Gijinka - Tayler
i most likely can go Name: Nando-Kit Name in RL:McKinzy Cosplay:Ninetails
One day as a golden pirate...and another as a Pikachu. I'm down for the 20th.
Screen Name:TurboSaiyanJason
Name you like to be called in RL:Jason
Cosplay:Level 200 Pikachu
Heh, I was going to do the same thing ^^;
You beat me!
Name: nekovamp13
RL: Neko, Kristi
Cosplay: Zorua
And the 20th is fine!
There are going to be events at Pioneer Square on the 19th-21st, so please dear god let's not meet there ._.;
How about Halladay Park then? We ended up going there anyways at the last one, so...
I would love to go but idk if I can, even so here is my tentative signup!
Name: Hawk
Name you like to be called in RL: Kaye
Cosplay: Gardevoir
Updated to location: Holladay Park, Date: 20th
I'm thinking time around 12, noon and i'll probably get there at 11:30
Sounds good to me ^^
I must go to this. lol. I want to meet new friends. AKA: YOU guys. :)
Ive been getting real lax on my Skarmory Costumes progress, but I might have it done it time for this. It helps force me to work on it some more.
Name: Shadoworganoid
Real life name: Tayler
Cosplay: Skarmory Gijinka (If finished)
PS: I cant bring myself to going as my Luxray Crossplay. Not for this anyways. It will stand out way too much for anything less then teh Con itself.
I might be able to go.
What time?
Hope you can actually come this time ^^
And I understand about the Luxray cosplay. I'd feel the same way.
Teddy, meeting at noon
Im going with the band that day...
For there show on Division and they wont be leaving till later,
and there mine and Gidgets ride.
Man just 1 day and this is already shaping up nicely.
Teddy, if your around and want to see if we're still around just text or call me, if not maybe next time =/
BTW Nice to see you again Hawk Gyrl
BTW Nice to see you again Hawk Gyrl
hi... yeah, I was on FynXoyk for a while but I forgot the password >< and the email
id kinda like to change mine to vaporeon i already have the hat done for it and i hav no material for ninetails
I want to go but I wont know till Thursday or Friday.
I am kinda unsure if I will make it too :-\
np just keep me updated :D, or feel free to show up unannounced ;D
I shall try to meet up.
Name: Tarina
Name you like to be called in RL: Tarina the Bestest.
Cosplay: Just a regular geek.
Hope you can actually come this time ^^
And I understand about the Luxray cosplay. I'd feel the same way.
Teddy, meeting at noon
I know right? I've been trying to come to the last 2 meet ups. -_-
HOPEFULLY, this time I can.
And yeah.... im glad you understand. At the con I have no problem really. (Since crossplaying is ok) but out in public with only a few friends, no.
so i have the to ear fins done on my hat but im havin some trouble with the top fin any one got an idea how to make it NOT flop over
so i have the to ear fins done on my hat but im havin some trouble with the top fin any one got an idea how to make it NOT flop over
Im not familiar with all the materials and other techniques you master cosplayers use, but you could be simple and make it out of cardboard. Then just paint it.
it wouldnt match the felt the hat is made of
Stuff it with fluff...
You could also sew in wires or poles.
Shadow, yeah. It's easier at con, b/c there's a lot of people who are probably wearing less than you XD
zoki is comen too she just too buzy with work to say shes comen so ill do it for her name zoki pokemon is zangoose
Bump! *
I wish I could go but I work till 5 =/
i finished my hat! Its so cute. X3 i just need to find a top to ware
Nikki, that sucks. Will miss you! But I shall find you at con! (And will probably see you some time before as well)
Nando, can't wait to see it ^^
i showed the hat to my mom and she said"u bettr not ware that out of the dam house"
Aw, sad ;A;
Why are parents so misunderstanding?!?!?!?
As Will Smith once said in the 80's..."Parents just don't understand."
Im just posting an FYI about the meet up.
My parents are doing it again.... They are complaining about me going into downtown portland by myself and how its not safe. Im not a little kid anymore. I can use my head. I can be smart and safe.
Anyways, I plan to go still, but Its just not a guarantee anymore...
Also, my skarmory cosplay is hitting a few bumps. The paint I bought a few weeks ago vanished. Also I still need some sort of long gray socks or somthing for the leg part...
Aw, Shadow D: I can at least help with the socks part... sockdreams.com has like, every type of sock you can imagine. And they're Portland-based, so shipping will be super fast C:
portland is one of the safest cities i've EVER been to :3 and i lived in L.A. lol XDDD
um what time are we meeting? cuz i see no time on the first page... if it's around 10am or 11am i can go... but if it's 12pm or 1pm i can't ...
Template: ? o.o?
Name: luvan1me
Name you like to be called in RL: doe
Cosplay: mystery maaaybe? XDDD cuz i'm NOT going to fry inside my giant furret costume in THAT 100 degree heat DX
Oh I dunno I'm sure we can meet around 10/10:30 for your sake =)
that why im waren a skirt for mine. whare exactly is we meeting i dont wana get lost
@neon: awwz <333~ you're so sweet XDDD *throws a giant unstuffed furret at you* buahahahahz!
yea.. i'm bringing the unstuffed furret to this cuz i need to give it to kristi to stuff it for me :D *i'll be leaving around 1pm on friday so i can get my paycheck and get it turned in so i can get you the stuffing on saturday OR i can just give u the stuffing on saturday early morning before i go to work at 3pm so that i have time to relax with you guys a bit more on friday? up to you guys lol*
i'll probably not be cosplaying cuz it's too hot for my mystery wig... -_-" i just put it on and i was sweating like a pig before getting eaten at a meat lover's fest :D lol that was SUCH a red-neck saying lol
but yea i would love it if you guys hung out earlier :3 <3~
YO BLUE. My dragonair's cooler than your dragonair.
yes, I'm calling you blue instead of Gary cause I'm lame |:
Template (doIneedtodothis)
Name: Hazuza
Name you like to be called in RL: Hazu (as in HAHAHAHA-zoo.)
Cosplay: No ideaaaaa.
I would cosplay Dragonair, but no wig to get that done anytime soon. Maybe mudkip, but I don't think I could sew the whole thing by the meetup. But there's a small chance... I could be Red. Simply because I saw a cool hat at goodwill the other day, don't want to go without a cosplay, and it'll force me to cut my hair finally.
Hazuuuu I need help on it ;_;
Hazuuuu I need help on it ;_;
Lolll I got mine in an art trade I donno xD
Just start baste-stitching things together so you can rip it apart if you do it wrong.
Mines a piece of art... gonna call it massacre of dragonair =P
i should help youz :3 that is if you want me too <.<
Ya I needs help lol... I'm beginning to think that just cosplaying a dragonair woulda been easier >.<
i can easily help u :3 just let me see what i can do :3 i get out of work on thursday at 8pm and i could possibly stay over with nick and help u with it :3 if it's okay with you :D since the next day we go to the pokemon meetup anyways :3
Yeah, I dont really have much room for 2 people to sleep though =/ I got my couch but thats it but we can try and figure something out
lol if nick and i were there i think he can be a gentleman and take the floor and a sleeping bag >:3
I do have a pokemon sleeping bag XD but it's for my niece and in a box to ship but yeah it'll work out
he and i have sleeping bags :P don't worry ^_^
im doin the same thing with zoki. She needs help with some stuf for zangoose plus im there for two nights anyway thanks to the y/y picnic
oh yea i forgot about that ._. when is that? or was? o.o
the 19th theres been a post about for a while
srry for double posting but i just want to no if im the only one waren a hat... Cuz i kinda feel sily unles other people are along the same thing
I can convince my boyfriend to wear his Furret hat C: those were the plans in the first place, and I would wear my Sentret hat, but I won't have it by the meetup; if I can even make it to the meetup.
i just dont want to be the only one waring a hat
well i'll be wearing long tall ears o.O so i mean i'll be the one feeling weirder :P
I'll be there! Wow.. planned this out and never posted. o_o That's what I get for getting a virus and no computer. DX
Name: Eternal-Spring
Name you like to be called in RL: Megumi
Cosplay: Eevee
PS: Hazu, I love you and your Greater-Than-Dragonair. XD
PS: Hazu, I love you and your Greater-Than-Dragonair. XD
Is it bad that it took me a minute to get that? xDD;
yay an eevee how cute
PS: Hazu, I love you and your Greater-Than-Dragonair. XD
Is it bad that it took me a minute to get that? xDD;
Nahhhh. :D ilu!
yay an eevee how cute
Hazuza made it. Hopefully I have it look cute. She did an awesome job on it.
You comin to my place the night/morning before again? o3o
Night before if I can. With Mulahhhhhh. <3
Got everything for Red, now I just need to sew like the wind *_*
I will be the very best, goddamnit. Like no one ever was.
I wish i could go to this ;w;
lol SEARCHING FAR AND WIDE(don't wanna stop the song 8D)
you totally skipped the lines AND THEN said it! T__T
oh well!
wow.....This is so lame. lol ::)
Well, my dads got me helping him all week on replacing the back deck. I will not be able to come....... :( :( :(
Arceus, this is so annoying. I want to see you peoples!
Oh well, Im going to Kcon for sure. Well, if i can scrape up 20 dollars.
Anyone want to donate? lol jk
for ticket or room? cuz if it's room u can stay with us for a night if u like?
I was referring to my badge. The most important item for Kcon. Without it I cant attend. lol
But no, its ok. I never actually ask people for money. I just have to get that last 20 or so dollars...
hmz well maybe we can all donate 1 dollar :3
*continues song...*
Anywhos, I'm excited! I'm going to get all of Zorua done by Friday ^^
Screw the deck! We're more important!!!!1
darn work!! ...and i just saw this >_< sad..
nuu ;A; but sporky haz to come D':
@kristi: you finish that song! :D and that cosplay :D
SPORKY!!!!! *kidnaps* You're coming......
You should come as my trainer!!!! We could get some awesome pics!!!
Since you're being Furret for the con photoshoot.
well okayz :3 i will but i have no white cap >.< i need a white cap with a hole thingy in the back like this
I may be able to find something for ya...
If anyone needs help finding where we're at or gets there late, my number is 503-724-6691
hmz well maybe we can all donate 1 dollar :3
Hmmm.... That would be amazing!
So, who is still officially coming...? Just want to make sure we don't leave anyone behind!
*works on finishing cosplay*
See you all tomorrow!
me zoki and frogger are comin
What time is this at? >>;
Edit with time, 10-11am start time, I didn't update the list of people coming, but I still expect you all to come =D
Red and Eevee are set and going for sure!
We probably won't get there until 11:30, though xD
You still bringing dragonair? I'm wondering if I should drag mine along or not...
10 am....Damn, I'm actually gonna have to get up XP But I will be there!
And we'll meet by the fountains.
Seriously Chris? 10am? I wanna sleep! Dx
I think mainly we made it so early so Doe could actually come and see some of us ^^;
If you guys want to sleep, go right a head I guess...Just call one of us when you get there so we can meet up!
I'll put my number out there too, just incase...
(and can't text, so don't even try)
*remakes ears*
I'm almost done!!!!!
i shall be there ^_^
Can't wait to meet you ^^
I wish the list was updated... It looks like a lot of people are coming *-* butIcan'ttellhaha.
But we'll see who actually shows up later ^^;
Anywhos, I'm going to bed, so I'll see you all there!
me and L arnt sleepen tonight so u wil have nut heads on crak at the meet up
what meetup?
me and L arnt sleepen tonight so u wil have nut heads on crak at the meet up
same here lmao no point in sleeping xD
Yeah i'm still up as of this posting time but i'm gonna try and get there on time >.< doe and nick are sleeping over at my place so... dunno we'll try and be there by 11
i shall be there ^_^
I get to meet you!
Waiting for people in front of lloyd until noon.
was alot of fun. Me and L had a blast
Could have been better, but twas still a lot of fun ^^
ya but stil i has icecream!
lol L had lots of fun