
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Cassiopeia on August 11, 2010, 09:27:44 pm

Title: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cassiopeia on August 11, 2010, 09:27:44 pm
I'm not alone in having these, right? There are some people you just enjoy reading the posts of and feel special when you talk to them. Or you feel too shy to talk to them and end up being more like a stalker --- WAIT I SAID NOTHING

My current forum crushes are Malaria, reppy, and fleur_fraise. I had one on Mr_Mustash way back in the day.

So, who are yours? \o/

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kimiski on August 11, 2010, 09:45:40 pm
*sits backs and watches* this thread will be interesting Cassiopeia. xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Auricle on August 11, 2010, 09:48:00 pm
I wouldn't even say mine 'cause it would be embarrassing. ' A '
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cassiopeia on August 11, 2010, 09:51:26 pm
kimiski, have you got any?

Auricle, you should share~ We're all accepting folk here.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Auricle on August 11, 2010, 09:55:15 pm
Mmm, as far as just wanting to talk to certain people, I always look out for posts by my friends. Malaria, Yagi, Hashi, Felix, Jaqua, Kero-Sempai, and of course you, Cassiopeia. ' w ';
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kimiski on August 11, 2010, 09:55:23 pm
I plead the fifth.  ::)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: thesirensings on August 11, 2010, 09:56:26 pm
^ I, also, plead the fifth.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 11, 2010, 10:02:37 pm
I'm super shy actually about approaching people online. ^^;   When I first started posting here, there was a group of people that I was like, "Woah, those are the kewl kids.  Well, don't bother them, ... Just kind of poke your head in threads, don't try to draw too much attention to yourself . . and just see what happens."  ^^;

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cassiopeia on August 11, 2010, 10:07:17 pm
Auricle: Yay!

kimiski and thesirensings: Hmm, but I sense that you guys have some for sure.  8)

I know it's embarrassing, but come on guys. I SHARED MINE. ಠ_ಠ
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Auricle on August 11, 2010, 10:09:52 pm
C'mon, guys! It doesn't have to be people you like romantically~ It can just be people whose posts you enjoy reading. Or friends. Right? = w =
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: CloudStrife32 on August 11, 2010, 10:14:38 pm
I think the post I enjoy reading the most, at the ones posted by ~BoogiePop~, Nikkiolie, Trumby, Agent 47, and NeonFoxRocks.
Oh! Oh! And StarryShay! =D

I probably have more, but those are the ones that popped into my head, at the moment.
If I remember anymore, I'll probably pop back in here and post the names. :3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kallika on August 11, 2010, 10:18:33 pm
I have a not crush crush on reppy :P we seem to have similar interests.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cassiopeia on August 11, 2010, 10:20:47 pm
Well, yeah. But my intention was not a general appreciation thread. There are friend's posts who I enjoy reading, like Dana's and Shay's and Seraph's and yours, Auricle, and people who I'm not necessarily friends with but enjoy reading their posts, like Nikkiolie and AllyKat, but I wouldn't go so far as to call any of them forum crushes. I wouldn't call forum crushes a romantic interest sort of thing, though. It's hard to describe.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 11, 2010, 10:29:59 pm
Cassiopeia, I think I tried messaging you once on AIM coz you're interesting to me but you weren't online. ^^;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cassiopeia on August 11, 2010, 10:40:34 pm
8D  You should try it again sometime.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on August 11, 2010, 10:43:51 pm
Well, I remember my first one was totemo_oishii, but that was mainly because, at the time, the posts we made here in the Off-Topic area counted towards our overall post total.  At the time, she and I were usually fighting for a particular rank (I think it was as high as 3rd at one point).  But then that changed.  She and I are MySpace buddies now (as are some other people from this forum).

Now, I'd have to say that Mentally Hilarious is the closest thing to a "forum crush" I have here, mainly because of some of the whacky things she's written (especially in the Avatar thread).
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: AllyKat on August 11, 2010, 10:49:03 pm
My first forum crush was Rathany... I just looooved her posts... still do!

I think bressler and maybe jeff's posts are my current crushes... I have others but they are uber fun!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 11, 2010, 11:13:58 pm
You are a brave soul, Cassi.
I could never say who my forum crushes are. I mean, I stalk my best friend FateChooseMe but that's because I'm stalkerish like that. :P
But as far as someone other than her, if I said it I would die of embarrassment. D8 Just cause...

But, then again... I stalk some of my other friends. But they aren't really crushes. I just like to stalk them. 8D
Like CLAP_Atack...I stalk her, too cause she normally gets in funny conversations. 8D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Nando-KiT on August 11, 2010, 11:29:05 pm
used to be frozenlight but its passed since then nobody now since nobody talks to me on here
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Romo on August 11, 2010, 11:31:31 pm
I just watch people post, I don't have anyone in particular I pay attention to unless they're saying something exceptionally smart or cool. xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Fuyuko on August 11, 2010, 11:59:04 pm
... I confess, I'm a Potato Smashers stalker admirer; so I always enjoy them and their conversations but I'm too intimidated by their... awesome atmosphere? to say or do much around them. >///<;;;

I feel that way about some others too but I also really like the convos and company of Saki, Genki, Kero, Ageha, and basically anyone who is cool and nice towards me. :3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Auricle on August 12, 2010, 12:02:38 am
Oh yeah! I forgot to add Fuyuko to my list. You just don't post very often, so it's a rare treat. Don't be intimidated by the PoSms, they're really super nice (I'm sure I could represent them here.) We really like you, so don't be shy~ Plus you're too adorable to get rejected. X3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Fuyuko on August 12, 2010, 12:07:14 am
... Excuse me while I sit in my happy corner and smile like an idiot. Hehehehehe... ////
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Auricle on August 12, 2010, 12:11:01 am
See! That, that right there! I want to poke you and then take you home and feed you or something. > w <
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Fuyuko on August 12, 2010, 12:40:27 am
I-I don't know what to say to that; except... meep. >///<
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 12, 2010, 06:18:01 am
Man, this is tough xD  I know I has a forum crush on some people!  Well, I know at least one person, and it's prolly a long-time "forum crush".


OK, run along now kiddies! D:
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: killblazer on August 12, 2010, 06:35:58 am
I think im to new here to have a forum crush lol, I was active the first couple weeks after joining but I have been busy lately and have not had the time to keep up with things. aka Male vs Female thread lol
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: nikkiolie on August 12, 2010, 08:45:04 am
God I got a few :P I like Mr. Mustache but he isn't on any more. Night Lotus ;) oh and I would have to say my biggest crush is Bresslol XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 12, 2010, 10:26:53 am
Oh gosh I have a crush on you all XD I wish I knew the following people more cause of their awesomeness on the forum: Cassiopeia, Boogiepop, NightLotus and her sister the double link was adorable, Anyone who posts their face on the forums really, I'm too shy but I do put my facebook profile open. But StarryShay takes the cake, her pictures make me want to beat myself to a bloody pulp they are so cute >.< and she's nice too boot! Any body else that I know that are like, "Where am I?" It's because I wuv you <3

And as for guys soraandfriends is already a part time lover so i guess he's not a crush... All the other guys I haven't met or they are really awkward XD

@Amy: *blush* I think I've met you but I'm not sure =-/ I know your Amy via Katie though >.<  Well I do love Katie so i guess that includes you by proxy =D

Edit: Add Black~Rose
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Irnogs on August 12, 2010, 10:44:12 am
What an interesting topic! I can relate to this one since I "met" my husband through these forums! :-D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on August 12, 2010, 11:06:17 am
I have a crush on EVERRRRYYYYYY BOY~ <3

Uhhhh, I dunno who I have a crush on. I can tell you who I don't though, KyletotheJones, he's some bum that never ever posts and is squatting in my house. He's also a total tool and thinks he can cosplay the love interests to the costumes I do. Talk about creeeeepy~

@Cloud :'D
@Neonfoxrocks Maybe I will see you at con.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: CloudStrife32 on August 12, 2010, 11:32:49 am
@NeonFoxRocks: You know that's sad when you know my name and I can't remember yours...>.e
We met at the meet up that you met Katie at. I was the one with the blue wig and the white hat. :3

@Boogie: Don't you just hate when you have those creepy folks around you? =O
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on August 12, 2010, 11:34:47 am
@Cloud: Yeah, especially when they live with me, and share a bed with me. I feel him breathing and staring at me while I sleep. He also smells my hair and keeps my skin flakes in a Tupperware container >:
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RemSaverem on August 12, 2010, 11:45:11 am
There are some people whose posts make my day because they are uplifting, silly, informative, and/or about fan creations or fandoms close to my heart.

It's funny, outside of conventions I don't have any problems being forward if I have a crush on someone, but within the world of conventions I only admire people from afar (usually for talent & charisma & enthusiasm, more than 'looks').
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: fleur_fraise on August 12, 2010, 01:04:40 pm
My current forum crushes are Malaria, reppy, and fleur_fraise. I had one on Mr_Mustash way back in the day.

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Man of the Public on August 12, 2010, 01:14:15 pm
There is this one girl, she's into that whole Lolita thing, but I can never remember her name it's french or something.

Just kidding, I love ya, Katie.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 12, 2010, 01:16:45 pm
I've just realized I seem to find Camname and Reppy everywhere I go. :P
So either I'm stalking them or the other way around. Or it just so happens that we coincidentally like very similar things. >.>
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: fleur_fraise on August 12, 2010, 01:20:18 pm
There is this one girl, she's into that whole Lolita thing, but I can never remember her name it's french or something.

Just kidding, I love ya, Katie.
Yeah she's really rude to everyone and won't shut up about DURARARA!! or whatever.

But you guys we totally have a forum romance. Met on the forums, then a meetup, hung out at kcon, and now we're dating. DAWWWWWWWW.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Coconutty93 on August 12, 2010, 01:27:17 pm
CatchxMe(who seems to have changed her name)-funny person-fun to hang out with
StarryShay-for her cutesy everything
GANG//GReeN-she was a cool chick
oslapedo-funny/dumb as hell
~boogiepop~-really funny and cool
AgehaIX-cosplay maniac
nikkiolie-epic cosplayer
KinkyFriedChicken-was my Kinkeh for awhile-I miss her!!!

There's probably more but I haven't gotten on a whole bunch so I only remember the ones who REALLY stood out.  :D

Boogie: That's creepy as hell! xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 12, 2010, 05:29:29 pm
I've just realized I seem to find Camname and Reppy everywhere I go. :P
So either I'm stalking them or the other way around. Or it just so happens that we coincidentally like very similar things. >.>

How do you know we like similar things.. unless you've been stalking us?


"Oh, so this is where reppy spends his evenings.. Heh, heh, heh.." *rubs hands together*  "Oh, and what do you know.. who's this?  It's camname21!  What a delight.  Muhahahaha."

(Seriously though, define "everywhere") xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 12, 2010, 05:37:21 pm
Well, I've gone to a lot of threads to read stuff or post and I always see that you or Cam have posted there. To the point that I don't even post in some threads cause I'm like, "Fuuuu, he's going to think I'm a stalker. D8"
Or I'll post somewhere and one or both of you show up.

Like Cam...We're both going to be at the Naruto shoot and the skit rehearsal and he'll be at the spin the bottle. And he's in quite a few threads here and there.

And you...are here and in spin the bottle and my visit thread and like...every where else. XD

And I've just noticed this since I posted in this thread. I guess I'm just paying more attention cause I never thought about stalking people except Fate and Clap...
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 12, 2010, 05:49:29 pm
Maybe it's one of those things like, you don't notice certain cars on the road until you own one.  Like, I bought a Ford Ranger and now it seems like everywhere I go I see Rangers.  ^^  GOSH QUIT COPYING ME GUYZ.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 12, 2010, 05:56:52 pm
I kinda understand I guess...
I don't really know cars though. But I still don't have that problem. :/
I own a 2006 Lincoln Zephyr and I never see any of them anywhere.

So while that may be relevant to you, it's not to me. XD
My family likes to be different and so we try to go against what people have.
We always buy cars we know other people in the area can't afford. My mom hates having things other people have because it makes us less unique...

But back on topic!
I still think you guys are stalking me or I unknowingly am stalking you guys...
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: nyahaha on August 12, 2010, 07:03:13 pm
I stalk fleur sometimes >: D oh fleur! CAN I HAVE A HUG O_o
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: fleur_fraise on August 12, 2010, 09:51:04 pm
I stalk fleur sometimes >: D oh fleur! CAN I HAVE A HUG O_o
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: kylite on August 12, 2010, 09:55:57 pm
Iv had a few forum crushes buth their usually either taken or under age

eitehr way not gonna hapen LOL

as to anyone crushing on me, im totally oblivious so if u liek me just run up and tell me so LOL. im sooooo clueless
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Trumby on August 12, 2010, 10:13:43 pm
I have a forum crush on my kawaii boogiepopi-chan <3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on August 12, 2010, 10:26:20 pm
I have a forum crush on my kawaii boogiepopi-chan <3
I'm sorry Matthew Patel, I don't like bollywood hipsters.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: flyinvee11 on August 12, 2010, 11:02:42 pm
My current forum crushes are Malaria, reppy, and fleur_fraise. I had one on Mr_Mustash way back in the day.

I'm pretty sure EVERYONE has had a crush on Reppy at some point; even the guys, before they realized he was a guy ^.^
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 12, 2010, 11:37:19 pm
Hurdur I'm too shy to say anything more.
-Runs away from thread-
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 12, 2010, 11:39:39 pm
There's one! [/points to Shay]
She's too adorable to not have a Forum crush on...
And Romo, too! -^^- They are just so cute!
I want to pick them up and huggle them as tight as I can. [/Even though we are probably the same height. XD]
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on August 12, 2010, 11:54:01 pm
Hurdur I'm too shy to say anything more.
-Runs away from thread-

You don't need to say any names, everyone will willfully post their shock and awe of your cuteness anyway  :-\
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: tofutakeout on August 13, 2010, 12:21:08 am
Hmmm well I don't really have any crushes per se. Just those that I really like to see posting.

Boogie of course
Sagebell(who's never on anymore. ;A;)
Meep <333

I feel weird mentioning people I've never met so I'm not going there. And I know I'm forgetting some people, I just can't think of their names off the top of my head. >_>

Edit:I also love those that post pictures of themselves or cosplay project. Because it's cool to see how people really are. :3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: devyrae on August 13, 2010, 04:42:20 pm
Forum crushes..? *blushes* Umm well i dont normaly post much...and i dont think i really have one anymore, but even though this will sound creepy i just like reading everyones posts, and finding people i have alot in common with but...
Im to shy to really jump in much...>////>
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: melchizedek on August 13, 2010, 04:47:41 pm
Used to have one on giapet :P

Would read her blog about anime first dates and swoon.

also: foxmouse, tho she doesn't post much anymore, kinda had a little one on makichan for a while
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 13, 2010, 09:58:01 pm
i don't wanna say, because people often seem to hate me once they know i like them
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 13, 2010, 10:03:13 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: FateChooseMe on August 13, 2010, 10:08:14 pm
I totally stalk Gryfinnclaw Princess.
As a matter of fact, she's right next to me!
Total stalker syndrome. Lol.

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 13, 2010, 10:14:03 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 13, 2010, 10:14:20 pm
HOMG Fate! D8 How did you get in my room!?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 13, 2010, 10:26:30 pm

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 13, 2010, 10:30:47 pm

I feel loved.
= w =
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: thesirensings on August 13, 2010, 10:31:26 pm
I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 13, 2010, 10:34:35 pm
I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 13, 2010, 10:40:17 pm
I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!
-Pouts- ;3;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 13, 2010, 10:41:30 pm
I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!
-Pouts- ;3;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 13, 2010, 10:43:57 pm
I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!
-Pouts- ;3;

Hm...so I'm just...second best~ -Dramatic eye water-
I-I see how it is then....um.... ; 3 ;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: thesirensings on August 13, 2010, 10:44:15 pm
^I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble... *tearey eyes* *sniffle*
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 13, 2010, 10:58:48 pm
H-Home wrecker.... ; 3 ;
-Runs off to live as a hermit-
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 13, 2010, 10:59:45 pm
*runs very dramatically like off of bay watch towards Shay*
Shayyyyyyy!!! I love yooooouuuu!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: thesirensings on August 13, 2010, 11:38:08 pm
I didn't mean to be a home wrecker! D: I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! *cries*
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: tofutakeout on August 13, 2010, 11:57:43 pm
i don't wanna say, because people often seem to hate me once they know i like them
Saaay eeeet. It won't bring any harm.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 14, 2010, 12:03:47 am
i don't wanna say, because people often seem to hate me once they know i like them
Saaay eeeet. It won't bring any harm.
my biggest problem is remembering who is currently my enemy, and who is my friend
the only one I'm sure of is SirenMarina
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 14, 2010, 12:14:30 am

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: tofutakeout on August 14, 2010, 12:15:14 am
See that's not so bad. =D

I just remember one of mine not mentioned. I like Griff as well. :3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Trumby on August 14, 2010, 03:28:51 pm
I have a forum crush on my kawaii boogiepopi-chan <3
I'm sorry Matthew Patel, I don't like bollywood hipsters.
/QQ :'(
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Blackstar on August 14, 2010, 03:55:49 pm
Is batman on the forum : D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RokusasuKun on August 14, 2010, 10:41:53 pm
Everytime I see your Rittz icon it makes me laugh more than I need to XD
You win. At life.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: tofutakeout on August 14, 2010, 11:16:42 pm
Everytime I see your Rittz icon it makes me laugh more than I need to XD
You win. At life.
<3333 Thank you~ >///<
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Hawk_Gyrl on August 15, 2010, 12:06:22 am
Nikkioli is my forum crush!!!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: FateChooseMe on August 15, 2010, 12:09:44 am
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: tofutakeout on August 15, 2010, 07:41:38 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kagome219 on August 15, 2010, 08:43:05 pm
I'm not known very well around here, so I feel somewhat awkward posting. ;o;  But, here is my list, although some of these people seem to have disappeared~:
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 15, 2010, 08:54:46 pm
Well darn. I read every page to not find me anywhere. I feel so dejected. lol As if...

In the five or so years of coming here, I seem to be getting older, and everyone else is getting younger. So I don't think a "crush" crush would be a good idea. But there are a lot of people here who I am glad are here.

Washougal Otaku, Lychee-Twist, Reppy, Demonspawn, Soundninja, Kimiski, Nikkolie, TurboSaiyenJason, BucketStalker, Narunik,

I miss more people though. I haven't seen hide nor hair of in years now.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 15, 2010, 08:58:20 pm
I'm not known very well around here, so I feel somewhat awkward posting. ;o;  But, here is my list, although some of these people seem to have disappeared~:

Really...? [/teary eyes]
Gryff is loved...? [/happy sniffle]
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 15, 2010, 09:01:19 pm
I'm not known very well around here, so I feel somewhat awkward posting. ;o;  But, here is my list, although some of these people seem to have disappeared~:

Really...? [/teary eyes]
Gryff is loved...? [/happy sniffle]

Hey, I like your posts too. I just don't know you well enough to miss you yet.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: NARUNIK on August 15, 2010, 09:02:53 pm
^^^ Well thanks bro. As for me I ain't sharing crap.

But I will show the people that I enjoy as well.

Bucket-Stalker, TurboSaiyanJason, Konan Chan, Sound ninja, and...You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.

Reppy, KHking, mentally Hillarious, etc...

You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 15, 2010, 09:26:21 pm
^^^ Well thanks bro. As for me I ain't sharing crap.

But I will show the people that I enjoy as well.

Bucket-Stalker, TurboSaiyanJason, Konan Chan, Sound ninja, and...You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.

Reppy, KHking, mentally Hillarious, etc...

You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.

Oh yeah, them too! Even if Koga lives in Seattle area.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Auricle on August 15, 2010, 10:01:19 pm
@Kagome: R-really? : O Thank you very much. I think you're pretty cool too~ I don't really get to see you all that often though, unfortunately. ' w '
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 15, 2010, 10:08:23 pm
You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.
Lolololol I only called him pretty a few times. > u >


EDIT: Wait, unless I'm bribed with millions of dollars maybe.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 15, 2010, 10:09:50 pm
You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.
Lolololol I only called him pretty a few times. > u >


EDIT: Wait, unless I'm bribed with millions of dolalrs maybe.

It's me. I know it's me!  As if anyone would believe that.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: NARUNIK on August 15, 2010, 11:09:16 pm
1 dollars says it's Justin Beiber.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 15, 2010, 11:10:14 pm

...oh wait, FORUM crushes...my bad.  :-X
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 15, 2010, 11:13:36 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 15, 2010, 11:15:42 pm
You don't even know...every day in his class, Shay, he had the cutest smile! XD  And I'm fairly sure that he's gay anyway!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 15, 2010, 11:19:25 pm
Mhm, sure, yeah that totally makes sens-- NO. >:l
It's like reverse stalker'ness.
Because he's the old one and you're the creeper, pfffft.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 15, 2010, 11:21:47 pm
He was like...40-50 something haha!

Anyway onto forum crushes...

I love everybody. C: Mostly.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: makichan on August 15, 2010, 11:23:24 pm
Many of my "crushes" left this place a long time ago. People might not even know who they are anymore. :'D
The Goggle squad members made me laugh. Then there was Oishii and Laurifer, Mustash, etc. Trumby, Boogiepop, and Tofutakeout are still kickin' though ^^
I know there's more, so I'll list them later if I remember them. Or if I feel like it, ha.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 15, 2010, 11:31:29 pm
I have soooooo many.

Maki, CatchxMe, Nikki, Reppy, Boogie, Koga, Shay, Jaybug, Trumby, Griff.... ummm.... can't think of any others atm....
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 15, 2010, 11:32:06 pm
Man, KogaRyu is a freakin' pimp.  Cool as heck dude, too.  I talk to him on MSN and occasionally we'll rock 'em sock 'em boppers (I have no idea what that means) on Xbox Live.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 15, 2010, 11:35:22 pm
Demony- Hey there mommy ;DD -Shot-
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 15, 2010, 11:42:44 pm
I can die happy now. I made someone's list! lol

Thank you
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Trumby on August 15, 2010, 11:44:52 pm
@Maki: yeahhh! I miss me some Waffles! And Totemo and Laurifer, those two are cool kids! I don't know about this boogiepop though, she seems kind of shady to me
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 15, 2010, 11:48:43 pm
This from the guy with FLCL eyebrows? lol
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 15, 2010, 11:51:46 pm
I talk to Laurifer on AIM, and well .. I'll occasionally talk to Priscilla on MSN, when she's actually on. ^^;

Like a week ago, I totally hooked up Laurifer with almost a million bells in Animal Crossing Wild World for DS.  Coz I'm koo' like that.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 15, 2010, 11:52:40 pm
I mean, aw, how nice of you~~ -Bats eyelashes-
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 16, 2010, 12:38:27 am
I mean, aw, how nice of you~~ -Bats eyelashes-

Do you play it? I totally can!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Tanuki19 on August 16, 2010, 12:52:25 am
10 bucks nobody has a crush on me! >:3 now everyone owes me munniezzzz
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: NARUNIK on August 16, 2010, 12:59:14 am
Oi I know one person that MIGHT like you.

( Ill give you 1 rubble.)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: makichan on August 16, 2010, 12:59:47 am
If I said that you were my crush would you give me ten bucks?  ;D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 16, 2010, 01:00:18 am

I love everybody. C: Mostly.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Tanuki19 on August 16, 2010, 01:01:12 am
If I said that you were my crush would you give me ten bucks?  ;D

eeeeehhhh. no. but i'll pay you in trident layers.

I love everybody. C: Mostly.

MOSTLY! it doest not count! XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: NARUNIK on August 16, 2010, 01:02:48 am
^^^ Well thanks bro. As for me I ain't sharing crap.

But I will show the people that I enjoy as well.

Bucket-Stalker, TurboSaiyanJason, Konan Chan, Sound ninja, and...You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.

Reppy, KHking, mentally Hillarious, etc...

You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Tanuki19 on August 16, 2010, 01:05:30 am
^^^ Well thanks bro. As for me I ain't sharing crap.

But I will show the people that I enjoy as well.

Bucket-Stalker, TurboSaiyanJason, Konan Chan, Sound ninja, and...You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.

Reppy, KHking, mentally Hillarious, etc...

You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.

this shows no proof! and you used the wrong there! you meant they're!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: makichan on August 16, 2010, 01:07:33 am
If I said that you were my crush would you give me ten bucks?  ;D

eeeeehhhh. no. but i'll pay you in trident layers.

I love everybody. C: Mostly.

MOSTLY! it doest not count! XD
I feel jipped. And here I was telling everyone how much I love you. ;A;
(I'll only accept cash. I'm no sucka foo').
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Tanuki19 on August 16, 2010, 01:09:21 am
fine fine fine fine fine. everyone gets paid.......in monopoly money. but i still proved that nobody has had a forum crush on me. therefore i win. [or lose... oh well]
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Tanuki19 on August 16, 2010, 01:21:22 am
aaaaaaaaanywho. i wouldnt call them actual crushes because i'm a straight girl with a boyfriend, but people on here who are totally cool and possibly my heros are:

Pots: for her freaking amazing artwork
Nikkiolie: for her freaking amazing cosplays and photography
Sakis01: 'cause she's awesome

and thats all for now. XD i'm having trouble remembering names
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: The_Geek on August 16, 2010, 05:16:54 pm
I just have respect for all the staff and cosplayers on the forums here. You guys interact so much with the community, it's awesome.
I get these on DA to a high degree. I follow so many people because of how much I love their work.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 16, 2010, 09:45:47 pm
Reppy uses Koo Wip!

I am getting a crush on Pots' cupcakes and tarts! Man, they look good.

Thank you danayoki. I think you're pretty neat. Wasn't sure you still liked me when I wasn't excited for one of your cosplays a year or so ago.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 16, 2010, 11:42:35 pm
As of recently I have found AllyKat to be a new love of mine on the forums.
Posts = Win~<3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: makichan on August 16, 2010, 11:55:25 pm
I have soooooo many.

Maki, CatchxMe, Nikki, Reppy, Boogie, Koga, Shay, Jaybug, Trumby, Griff.... ummm.... can't think of any others atm....
D'aaaaw thank you. The feeling is mutual <3
I enjoy reading your posts too :>

@Maki: yeahhh! I miss me some Waffles! And Totemo and Laurifer, those two are cool kids! I don't know about this boogiepop though, she seems kind of shady to me
Hhhmm, you make a valid point. You just can't trust that shady lady. P:<
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kimiski on August 17, 2010, 12:53:26 am
Awww hurray, thanks Jaybug! And don't worry, I'm getting older too! Oh why, I miss my teenage con days with the chibi badge!!! (not really xD )
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: pyronine on August 17, 2010, 11:56:47 am
Nikkiolie, Ally Kat, Reppy, and Cassiopeia.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on August 17, 2010, 12:31:30 pm
You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.

Wrong "there" dude.  You want "they're" in this case.

Washougal Otaku, Lychee-Twist, Reppy, Demonspawn, Soundninja, Kimiski, Nikkolie, TurboSaiyenJason, BucketStalker, Narunik,

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 17, 2010, 03:07:23 pm
Hrm... Well, i'm very much a flirt, but I would say... Chelseahavoc, sutie, and fynfoxok (hope I didn't butcher her name) but i'm on here very little.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kimiski on August 17, 2010, 03:17:39 pm


Very much that feeling of standing in line during gym in elementary school through high school waiting to be picked
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 17, 2010, 03:53:20 pm
Very much that feeling of standing in line during gym in elementary school through high school waiting to be picked

Yep, feels exactly the same. I never get picked, but when i finally do, it's out of pity..... until everybody realized how beastly i was at kickball...
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: pyronine on August 17, 2010, 04:40:01 pm
Get ready to Battle,

I Choose you kimiski. 

Gotta catch them all. lol
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: thesirensings on August 17, 2010, 04:54:02 pm
Very much that feeling of standing in line during gym in elementary school through high school waiting to be picked

Yep, feels exactly the same. I never get picked, but when i finally do, it's out of pity..... until everybody realized how beastly i was at kickball...
Me too! I was always picked last, and everyone hated me because I always struck out, was a slow runner, and accidently passed the ball to people who weren't on my team in basketball. The only thing I was ever any good at was dodgeball, and the way we played didn't require any teams. Just a couple people picked to stand in a circle and throw balls at people.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 17, 2010, 05:14:07 pm
I dominated fools in all sports in school.



But I was always really nice and encouraged the people that weren't "good" and  shared the ball w/ them (even if they immediately passed it back out of fear).

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 17, 2010, 05:23:50 pm
I um, ran track for a while. o u o
Now I'm lazy orz.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: oslapedo on August 17, 2010, 06:46:48 pm
I would say that I've got a twincestuos crush on my twinnay but her change of forum name is making me freak out.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on August 17, 2010, 08:56:08 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Squallity on August 18, 2010, 03:10:50 am

And yeah this ahahaa... XD~

I have forum crushes on anyone who (that I know of <___<) likes Devil May Cry and/or 5D's , haha, seriously <___< /getsshot



As for 5D's/YGO people, I can only think of...

Silent Observer

And, Kotoumi totally used to be a forum crush~! But, now she's one of my best friends, both IRL and online, so... that awkward... omfgyou'reamazingIwanttomeetyouandtellyouhowamazingyouareandtakeyourpictureandstuffahaha phase has ended. XDDD Or, has it... XD

Edit: TOTALLY~ XD Also, I'm not heterosexual or anything (I be pan |:), so, haha, I find it amusing that everyone but Kotoumi is a guy. XDD~

OH AND reppy. But everyone has a forum crush on reppy, so... XD Am I being Captain Obvious here?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kimiski on August 18, 2010, 03:20:23 am
Get ready to Battle,

I Choose you kimiski. 

Gotta catch them all. lol

Hurrayyy!!! What kind of pokemon am I?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: emasik on August 21, 2010, 06:29:14 am
I have the biggest crush on Radien. And he knows it too.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 21, 2010, 10:07:51 pm
id have to say reppy, lychee, kimiski, sutie, amaya, soundy, shayy, lotus, kinky, blizzara and chibioro xD (yay for shortening names....)

these guys always make me laugh <3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: linksimposter69 on August 21, 2010, 10:16:07 pm
i seem to like froggers posts
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 21, 2010, 10:18:16 pm
Oh Chelsea, you make me laugh too~~~ > u <
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 21, 2010, 10:19:32 pm
D: i hope its a good laugh and not a creppy one xD

D: and i totaly made someones list D: awesome nes
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Tanuki19 on August 21, 2010, 10:21:58 pm
i totally vote Chelsea too because you agree that Star Trek isnt that great. and you're funny. XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 21, 2010, 10:22:32 pm
D: i hope its a good laugh and not a creppy one xD

Of course it's a good laugh. xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 21, 2010, 10:25:54 pm
D: i hope its a good laugh and not a creppy one xD

D: and i totaly made someones list D: awesome nes

I think you made a few lists.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Dubaby on August 22, 2010, 09:33:30 am
I just remember when I first started posting here being super intimidated by most the people I chill with at cons now because they just seemed so cool. XD (Nikki I'm looking at you and your fierce lion mane)

As for recent "forum crushes" I laugh at most of Reppy's posts, and I always like the progress pictures from starryshay and KogaRyu, because their stuff just always looks really well done. =]
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 22, 2010, 10:53:48 am
KogaRyu is the man.

Ànd Shay is Shay, what else can you say?  (It rhymes, therefore its logic is indisputable.)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 22, 2010, 10:56:31 am
Thank you Dubaby. ; o ;
I love reading your posts, partly because 'Dubaby' is fun to say, and partly because you're always so nice to everyone! > u <
And plus you are very pretty, so looking at your pictures isn't bad either, ho ho ho. ;3
[/end creeper post]
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 22, 2010, 10:59:51 am
I have like...A few really good friends on the forums.
But...I'm unloved.

I love reading everyone's post, because I love everyone! :3c
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 22, 2010, 11:02:00 am
[/end creeper post]
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Dubaby on August 22, 2010, 11:09:00 am
Thank you Dubaby. ; o ;
I love reading your posts, partly because 'Dubaby' is fun to say, and partly because you're always so nice to everyone! > u <
And plus you are very pretty, so looking at your pictures isn't bad either, ho ho ho. ;3
[/end creeper post]

Dawwww.... that actually kinda just made my morning =3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Teddy_Bearxx on August 22, 2010, 11:09:46 am
Oh gawd, this is a haha.
Hmmm, I liked Romo for a while, mainly becasue she was Matt last year, but my world came tumbling down, x3
Shay was a cutie, one to always be. A great person that can easily make you smile.
and I like Jacob_Blackfeather for a coulple months as well.

My world always tumbles. DxD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 22, 2010, 11:11:06 am
[/end creeper post]

When I saw this I said: "Awwwwww.~"
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 22, 2010, 11:17:48 am
Dubaby - Aww I'm glad. ; o ;
I really do appreciate all of your kindness!

I will go out of my way to duct tape your world together so it can no longer tumble! >:'O
Duct tape is un-breakable, heh heh heh.


Aww, I was like "Pffft hehehe > u <"
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Pots on August 22, 2010, 11:27:09 am
I like reppy :D he has a cool accent
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Teddy_Bearxx on August 22, 2010, 12:58:30 pm

I will go out of my way to duct tape your world together so it can no longer tumble! >:'O
Duct tape is un-breakable, heh heh heh.

Well, I cant know~
With amazing friends, a boyfriend who has longer hair than me and likes to show off his parcore with his funny long hair xD (fun to say).
Great people who can always make me smile in those darkest days~
Im so planning a party for all you.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 22, 2010, 01:16:21 pm
I like reppy :D he has a cool accent

D: omg whatevarrrrrrrr
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Mew*Haruko on August 22, 2010, 01:21:16 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 22, 2010, 01:31:15 pm
Teddy - I'm glad that you're happy. :3

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Pots on August 22, 2010, 01:47:45 pm
I like reppy :D he has a cool accent

D: omg whatevarrrrrrrr

you totally do :O

you should sing another song for me :D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kagome219 on August 22, 2010, 02:30:33 pm
Well, I cant know~
With amazing friends, a boyfriend who has longer hair than me and likes to show off his parcore with his funny long hair xD (fun to say).
Great people who can always make me smile in those darkest days~
Im so planning a party for all you.

Story of my life. Guys with ponytails who are non-creeps are the best, imo~ ; D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: thesirensings on August 22, 2010, 02:58:01 pm
I like reppy :D he has a cool accent

D: omg whatevarrrrrrrr

you totally do :O

you should sing another song for me :D

I concur! You totally do! You'll have to grace everyone with your Southern charm at the con! xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 22, 2010, 03:13:30 pm
I've never even been to the South! D:
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: thesirensings on August 22, 2010, 03:15:49 pm
Psh, details. xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 22, 2010, 03:34:41 pm
Reppy has funny dance moves. XD

And a scary laugh... XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Romo on August 22, 2010, 04:07:04 pm
Hmmm, I liked Romo for a while, mainly becasue she was Matt last year, but my world came tumbling down, x3

D'awww thank you. c: That made my afternoon better! But I'm a little confused about why your world came crumbling down. What happened? xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 22, 2010, 04:14:22 pm
D: oh noes i totaly for got jason in meh list D: im sorry "husbend"
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 22, 2010, 04:37:29 pm
Reppy has funny dance moves. XD

And a scary laugh... XD

Omg mean! D:
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 22, 2010, 04:56:29 pm
Hehehe, you deserve it you bully! xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 22, 2010, 04:57:16 pm
Reppy has funny dance moves. XD

And a scary laugh... XD

Omg mean! D:

Mean... but true... ;D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 22, 2010, 05:05:04 pm
My laugh is purer than a thousand sunsets combined with the smoothness of a baby's rump.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 22, 2010, 05:17:23 pm
My favorite was "Oh...KITTY" and then you cackled for like ten minutes. XD

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: thesirensings on August 22, 2010, 05:18:45 pm
My laugh is purer than a thousand sunsets combined with the smoothness of a baby's rump.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: soundninja12 on August 22, 2010, 06:29:15 pm
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.

The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Tanuki19 on August 22, 2010, 06:52:49 pm
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.

The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)

yess!! i finally made a list! you are so on my list, Soundy! <3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaqua on August 22, 2010, 07:22:53 pm
I have a crush on Malaria and Hashi and Yagi and Felix and Auricle and Kero-sempai and ~boogiepop~ fleur_fraise and danayoki and I'm not ashamed
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 22, 2010, 07:30:04 pm
D: oh noes i totaly for got jason in meh list D: im sorry "husbend"

Aww the chelsea is taken. This is not the girl you're looking for, move along.... Move along lol.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 22, 2010, 07:43:35 pm
My favorite was "Oh...KITTY" and then you cackled for like ten minutes. XD


Don't even act like that wasn't good.  That's also your fault for introducing a picture of a kitty into the conversation without first warning me.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 22, 2010, 08:13:07 pm
Or maybe you should have been expecting a kitty, after all, it's ME you were talking to.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 22, 2010, 08:28:51 pm
@ish if you read the sailor moon topic youd understand xD

@soundy <3 make sure i dont miss you.... again xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: soundninja12 on August 22, 2010, 08:49:43 pm
No way! We'll be at the SM shoot together!

I forgot KogaRyu. I love him so much! In a non-creepy-friendly-sort-of-way.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 22, 2010, 09:03:33 pm
@ish if you read the sailor moon topic youd understand xD

@soundy <3 make sure i dont miss you.... again xD

But .... I wanted a star wars moment.....
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Dubaby on August 22, 2010, 10:59:09 pm
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.

The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)

Soundy I love when you post.... and seeing you in person as well.

When I overheard you commenting on that rude guy at Sakuracon on the escalators I died for like a solid ten minutes. lol. =]
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: soundninja12 on August 22, 2010, 11:22:19 pm
That guy was a jack-ass.
Good times, good times.
Leonmasteries, haven't seen him in a while, but I adore his posts. And Dancingtofu.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on August 23, 2010, 07:51:21 am
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.

The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)
<3 you too Rebel :D

I can't say that I have forum crushes, but I do find many of the regular posters here very fun to chat with or just read their posts (even if I do just stalk certain threads). Lots of very open-minded & accepting people for the most part...most friendlier than myself.

Shadow, ~boogiepop~, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, KHking, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe, demonspawn, RemSaverem, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Selucos, nora, reppy, KogaRyu, Cassiopeia, Gryffinclaw Princess, Pots, superjaz, danayoki, RozenMaiden_Girl, Animeman73, Dubaby, soundninja12, cloud-9, Sugarlat, Dancingtofu, fleur_fraise, Jacob_Blackfeather, Cloudestrife32, Washougal_Otaku, AllyKat, bucket_stalker, Roddy Manic, TomtheFanboy, Saki-the-cat & several more people here have entertained me throughout my time here on the forums. Whether it be from posting epic cosplay pics, silly pics or just plain adorable pics (you know who you are :P); from discussions, debates (even if semi-heated ones ;D), advice sharing, or just plain BSing/joking around; then of course there are those of you that I know in person or have had the pleasure of meeting a time or 2, & had a lot of fun. The forums have been a great way for me to escape here & there from my usually buried in work life...you guys are awsome here.  :D

But, in all fairness, if I were to pick a "crush"...I am going to cheat & say Tekia, since she & I have been together for a great 7 years & nobody on this planet means more to me than she does (nothing personal guys :P).
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: soundninja12 on August 23, 2010, 09:18:31 am
d'aww =w=
I should put Jess on my list, because I love her so!
Adding: Tekia and Trumby! And Makichan!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on August 23, 2010, 09:26:58 am
d'aww =w=
I should put Jess on my list, because I love her so!
Adding: Tekia and Trumby! And Makichan!
She almost never posts...but still!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 23, 2010, 10:25:52 am
Wah! That's two people who like little Gryff~<3

(Not little because I'm a kid you jerks! Little because I'm short~!)

Thank you for liking my posts! ^^
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on August 23, 2010, 10:37:43 am
Wah! That's two people who like little Gryff~<3

(Not little because I'm a kid you jerks! Little because I'm short~!)

Thank you for liking my posts! ^^

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 23, 2010, 12:01:56 pm
Wah! That's two people who like little Gryff~<3

(Not little because I'm a kid you jerks! Little because I'm short~!)

Thank you for liking my posts! ^^

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 23, 2010, 12:04:13 pm
Cyprus -
8D Yes we are~<3
(Thank you by the way! ^^ You gave me the idea for my Group~<3)

Ish - D< Fffffuuu! You're just a big meanie!! [/hides behind Cyprus] Bleh! [/sticks out tongue]
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on August 23, 2010, 12:08:43 pm
Cyprus -
8D Yes we are~<3
(Thank you by the way! ^^ You gave me the idea for my Group~<3)

Ish - D< Fffffuuu! You're just a big meanie!! [/hides behind Cyprus] Bleh! [/sticks out tongue]

Hey That isnt mean. Being young is good.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on August 23, 2010, 01:00:19 pm
Cyprus -
8D Yes we are~<3
(Thank you by the way! ^^ You gave me the idea for my Group~<3)

Ish - D< Fffffuuu! You're just a big meanie!! [/hides behind Cyprus] Bleh! [/sticks out tongue]

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: nyahaha on August 23, 2010, 06:09:54 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: oslapedo on August 23, 2010, 06:39:38 pm

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kimiski on August 23, 2010, 06:55:27 pm
He's only on youtube now  ;D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 23, 2010, 06:58:37 pm
He's only on youtube now  ;D

I'm crushed
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on August 23, 2010, 06:59:44 pm
He's only on youtube now  ;D
That's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on August 23, 2010, 07:55:52 pm
He's only on youtube now  ;D
That's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...
o.O my god...how could you!!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: makichan on August 23, 2010, 08:32:19 pm
d'aww =w=
I should put Jess on my list, because I love her so!
Adding: Tekia and Trumby! And Makichan!
Love to you, as well O3O
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: oslapedo on August 23, 2010, 08:49:47 pm
Oh damn makichan, I remember at the dances when you and your friends were in Vampire Knight cosplay I always would think that you were the coolest thing ever. Good times ~
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 23, 2010, 08:51:23 pm
He's only on youtube now  ;D
That's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...

He would have wanted to go that way. Pocky was his life.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 23, 2010, 08:55:30 pm
I enjoy reading Zach from the Anime Hunter's posts.
They are very rare and barely ever happen.


And Taikei my Husubando, and Fleur my Waifu. <3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: oslapedo on August 23, 2010, 09:02:21 pm
Yes, Zach from the Anime Hunters can be quite insightful. He is from the Anime Hunters after all.

I LOVE OUR SIMON MORE. Just in a different way.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: makichan on August 23, 2010, 09:06:34 pm
Oh damn makichan, I remember at the dances when you and your friends were in Vampire Knight cosplay I always would think that you were the coolest thing ever. Good times ~
Really? Haha. I'm such an idiot on the dance floor XD
Thank youuu <3
I remember dancing with you once. We were fake fighting. That was fun! lol.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: nyahaha on August 23, 2010, 11:01:57 pm
I enjoy reading Zach from the Anime Hunter's posts.
They are very rare and barely ever happen.


And Taikei my Husubando, and Fleur my Waifu. <3

I feel so left out Shay ;u; ilu <3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 23, 2010, 11:05:10 pm
Let's go swimming together again. > u <
I ♥ uuuuuu ; u ;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: nyahaha on August 23, 2010, 11:55:55 pm
of COURSE we will!!! we can attempt Marco-Polo again, too!! and that one color game lol
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: superjaz on August 24, 2010, 08:23:01 am
He's only on youtube now  ;D
That's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...

He looked okay last time I saw him....
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Teddy_Bearxx on August 24, 2010, 12:23:27 pm
Well, I cant know~
With amazing friends, a boyfriend who has longer hair than me and likes to show off his parcore with his funny long hair xD (fun to say).
Great people who can always make me smile in those darkest days~
Im so planning a party for all you.

Story of my life. Guys with ponytails who are non-creeps are the best, imo~ ; D

Ellie I got jinxed.. xDx
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: chelseahavoc on August 25, 2010, 11:50:54 am
;-; i used to feel so unwelcome but seeing how many people lovers me makes me so happy <3 i lovers you guys
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on August 25, 2010, 11:53:44 am
psh of course! you r0x0r! XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kimiski on August 25, 2010, 01:58:20 pm
He's only on youtube now  ;D
That's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...

He would have wanted to go that way. Pocky was his life.

LOL nice... xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: KogaRyu on August 25, 2010, 06:19:46 pm
People I enjoy seeing and talking with on the Forums.

Reppy, Soundninja12, Jaybug (even if he lives in Oregon), Griff_the_Dragoon, Dubaby, Boogiepop, DancingTofu, Oslapedo, StarryShay, Mr_Mustash, Nightlotus, Nikkiolie, TomtheFanboy, DemonSpawn, CatchxMe, princessmoon, Cassiopeia, Cyprus, Blackstar, Makichan

Also anyone I've ever talked to in person or have as a friend FaceBook. There are a ton of awesome peeps on the Kcon Forums, so I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a few.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: soundninja12 on August 25, 2010, 06:29:59 pm
I'm in the first 2 you thought of? <3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on August 25, 2010, 06:30:43 pm
Yaaay, I'm lovedddddd! :D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on August 25, 2010, 07:45:13 pm
Aw how sweet ; u ;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: jaybug on August 25, 2010, 08:17:52 pm
People I enjoy seeing and talking with on the Forums.

Reppy, Soundninja12, Jaybug (even if he lives in Oregon), Griff_the_Dragoon, Dubaby, Boogiepop, DancingTofu, Oslapedo, StarryShay, Mr_Mustash, Nightlotus, Nikkiolie, TomtheFanboy, DemonSpawn, CatchxMe, princessmoon, Cassiopeia, Cyprus, Narunik, Blackstar, Makichan

Also anyone I've ever talked to in person or have as a friend FaceBook. There are a ton of awesome peeps on the Kcon Forums, so I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a few.

Damn dawg. Same to you big guy. lol
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: tarutaru on August 31, 2010, 01:30:08 am
hay!  do friend-crushes count?  lol
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: soundninja12 on August 31, 2010, 08:53:25 am
And: Cheshirestray
I love him. He makes me laugh.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 01, 2010, 04:18:57 pm
Nikkiolie, but don't tell her.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Ritsu-chan on September 01, 2010, 04:30:18 pm

So, who are yours? \o/

hahahahaha ... um ... you're mine.. >///<;;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kagome219 on September 01, 2010, 06:09:09 pm
@Teddy: wut?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: kit2kit on September 01, 2010, 06:35:48 pm
I kinda stalk Figgles, Areo, Emirintan, reppy, boogiepop, starryshay, romo... or pretty much anyone whoever replys to my posts and I remember the username ;-; *feels like a creeper*

So Reppy, how does it feel to be loved by everyone?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Romo on September 01, 2010, 06:37:49 pm
You are a creeper. >__> But that's what makes you so awesome. ;D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: xRIxKUx on September 02, 2010, 07:00:05 pm
Awww I am happy to see one of these threads! I made one of these to confess to my forum-crush back in '05 x]
 <3333333's for you guysssssssss <33333333333
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DancingTofu on September 06, 2010, 05:51:49 am
I'm not known very well around here, so I feel somewhat awkward posting. ;o;  But, here is my list, although some of these people seem to have disappeared~:
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.

The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)
<3 you too Rebel :D

I can't say that I have forum crushes, but I do find many of the regular posters here very fun to chat with or just read their posts (even if I do just stalk certain threads). Lots of very open-minded & accepting people for the most part...most friendlier than myself.

Shadow, ~boogiepop~, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, KHking, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe, demonspawn, RemSaverem, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Selucos, nora, reppy, KogaRyu, Cassiopeia, Gryffinclaw Princess, Pots, superjaz, danayoki, RozenMaiden_Girl, Animeman73, Dubaby, soundninja12, cloud-9, Sugarlat, Dancingtofu, fleur_fraise, Jacob_Blackfeather, Cloudestrife32, Washougal_Otaku, AllyKat, bucket_stalker, Roddy Manic, TomtheFanboy, Saki-the-cat & several more people here have entertained me throughout my time here on the forums. Whether it be from posting epic cosplay pics, silly pics or just plain adorable pics (you know who you are :P); from discussions, debates (even if semi-heated ones ;D), advice sharing, or just plain BSing/joking around; then of course there are those of you that I know in person or have had the pleasure of meeting a time or 2, & had a lot of fun. The forums have been a great way for me to escape here & there from my usually buried in work life...you guys are awsome here.  :D

But, in all fairness, if I were to pick a "crush"...I am going to cheat & say Tekia, since she & I have been together for a great 7 years & nobody on this planet means more to me than she does (nothing personal guys :P).
People I enjoy seeing and talking with on the Forums.

Reppy, Soundninja12, Jaybug (even if he lives in Oregon), Griff_the_Dragoon, Dubaby, Boogiepop, DancingTofu, Oslapedo, StarryShay, Mr_Mustash, Nightlotus, Nikkiolie, TomtheFanboy, DemonSpawn, CatchxMe, princessmoon, Cassiopeia, Cyprus, Narunik, Blackstar, Makichan

Also anyone I've ever talked to in person or have as a friend FaceBook. There are a ton of awesome peeps on the Kcon Forums, so I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a few.
d'awwww I made some lists!  I feel missed! :D

Over the last four years or however long it's been I've really enjoyed chatting with a lot of people, but the ones that stand out in my memories particularly are Mr_Mustash, KogaRyu, laurifer, Blackstar, Seluecos, Fleur_Fraise (or whatever Katie's name is), dubaby, and CatchxMe.  There are tons of other people on the forums who are great friends of mine IRL too of course, and plenty of other chill dudes whom I just haven't happened to have spent any time stalking properly.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Dubaby on September 06, 2010, 07:02:06 pm
^ Tofu you need to start posting more again. I enjoy your sharp wit.... that and your icon makes me laugh a lot for some reason.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on September 06, 2010, 07:29:20 pm
It really weirded me out when I was trying to sleep on the floor and suddenly DancingTofu and KogyRyu are in the room.  And Tofu looks at me and says, "Hey reppy!"  (At this point I'm like who is this dude.. do I know him from a metal show or something.. he must be cool, he has a Guns and Roses t-shirt on)  Then he adds, "It's Tofu!"

I lol'd.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: flyinvee11 on September 06, 2010, 07:44:04 pm
So I wouldn't call this a crush exactly, but now that I've seen Cassiopeia in real life, I think that she and I would have really cute babies ^.^
(Not that I want to :P)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Dubaby on September 06, 2010, 07:55:10 pm
It really weirded me out when I was trying to sleep on the floor and suddenly DancingTofu and KogyRyu are in the room.  And Tofu looks at me and says, "Hey reppy!"  (At this point I'm like who is this dude.. do I know him from a metal show or something.. he must be cool, he has a Guns and Roses t-shirt on)  Then he adds, "It's Tofu!"

I lol'd.

I'm jealous... this room sounds baller.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DancingTofu on September 06, 2010, 08:49:50 pm
Haha yeah a lot of people didn't recognize me without my hair or anything going on. XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: MiriaRose on September 06, 2010, 09:12:55 pm
I have a forum crush on myself.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 06, 2010, 10:13:34 pm
It really weirded me out when I was trying to sleep on the floor and suddenly DancingTofu and KogyRyu are in the room.  And Tofu looks at me and says, "Hey reppy!"  (At this point I'm like who is this dude.. do I know him from a metal show or something.. he must be cool, he has a Guns and Roses t-shirt on)  Then he adds, "It's Tofu!"

I lol'd.

Sorry about that, Reppy.
Next time I bring guys into the room I'll try and be more quiet. :P
But I have acquired new forum crushes from this con~<3
I may not have seen them post much if at all but it doesn't really matter because their personality from meeting in person is awesome enough.

KogaRyu, DancingTofu, Soramunesan (you're so adorable~<3), SHAY & OSLAPEDO (This actually was acquired before meeting in person but I just never posted it so I am now. :P But just so you guys know, I love you two very, very much and I want to surprise adopt you both and keep you in my closet~<3), Soundy, & Griff
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DancingTofu on September 06, 2010, 10:48:10 pm
Man I've been on facebook too much lately.  I just tried to "like" that post XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on September 07, 2010, 12:42:17 am
It really weirded me out when I was trying to sleep on the floor and suddenly DancingTofu and KogyRyu are in the room.  And Tofu looks at me and says, "Hey reppy!"  (At this point I'm like who is this dude.. do I know him from a metal show or something.. he must be cool, he has a Guns and Roses t-shirt on)  Then he adds, "It's Tofu!"

I lol'd.

Sorry about that, Reppy.
Next time I bring guys into the room I'll try and be more quiet. :P

It's no problem . . . I just have to warn you, I saw KogaRyu first.  ;)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DancingTofu on September 07, 2010, 02:20:00 am
For the record, he's totally mine.  You can't have him.  Either of you. ;P
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 07, 2010, 06:35:39 am
@Gryffinclaw Princess: Was fun being your neighbor across the hall...got to see cool people everytime I went to catch an elevator. 11th floor was win!
@Reppy: I didn't realize you were in that room until checkout time >.<...I might have randomly bothered you if I had known lol.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 07, 2010, 09:10:03 am
My newly aquired 'crushes' are like... anyone I talked to at con.... I miss you alllllllll!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on September 07, 2010, 09:37:49 am
@Reppy: I didn't realize you were in that room until checkout time >.<...I might have randomly bothered you if I had known lol.

Haha well, I actually only stayed the night on Sunday. ^^  I live close enough to the con that driving back and forth isn't too big of a deal.  But on Sunday the parking garage I was at was going to close at 8, and no way I was leaving before 8 on Sunday. ^^  Plus, I'd always wanted to stay the night during a con anyways, so I could stay up late and be super nerdy with other nerds.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 07, 2010, 10:08:02 am
@Reppy: I didn't realize you were in that room until checkout time >.<...I might have randomly bothered you if I had known lol.

Haha well, I actually only stayed the night on Sunday. ^^  I live close enough to the con that driving back and forth isn't too big of a deal.  But on Sunday the parking garage I was at was going to close at 8, and no way I was leaving before 8 on Sunday. ^^  Plus, I'd always wanted to stay the night during a con anyways, so I could stay up late and be super nerdy with other nerds.
Darn...we were up late on Sunday too :( Could have joined the nerdness...oh well, next year!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on September 07, 2010, 10:09:31 am


Also I met KogaRyu this weekend and that boy is atttraaaaaactiiiiiveeeee. He probably has all the young ladies swooning at him, hahahaha.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: soundninja12 on September 07, 2010, 10:54:55 am
I know right? I told him that once and he was like *bluuuuuuuush*
And I got to chill with KinkyFriedChicken, and I love her. Along with konan_chanX3, Shinigami_lover, Demonspawn, darkknight(wtfnumberssheadded), SHAY, oslapedo, nikkiolie, PAPERROXAS, and every single other person I hung out with. Seriously all of y'all give me heart eyes!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 07, 2010, 11:03:49 am
KATIE I MISSSEEDD YOU. No more going so long without seeing you! Totally sucked.

I mean.... stalking break-dancing asians with you was one of the highlights of my weekend!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 07, 2010, 11:15:18 am
Reppy & Tofu::
Its so cute how you guys think you have a chance against me. ;P
Just cause I'm shy around really attractive guys in person doesn't mean I won't steal him away from both of you.

Cyprus:: Yeah. It was pretty cool seeing you everywhere. XP You should have come and hung with us for a bit.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 07, 2010, 11:21:25 am
@Gryffinclaw Princess: Maybe next time I will! I was super busy with taking pictures & whatnot lol. Had fun chatting with you though...one of the funnest people I met this weekend as far as personality goes...not a shy person at all & I like that lol. Your cute too (I mean that in a totally non-creeper way)  :-X
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cassiopeia on September 07, 2010, 04:53:55 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: StarryShay on September 07, 2010, 04:56:39 pm

AND FORUM CRUSHES = Everyone I saw at con lololol
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on September 07, 2010, 05:18:31 pm
My newly aquired 'crushes' are like... anyone I talked to at con.... I miss you alllllllll!
i second this notion
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 07, 2010, 05:32:51 pm

I'm assuming you don't mean me.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 07, 2010, 06:26:40 pm
@Gryffinclaw Princess: Maybe next time I will! I was super busy with taking pictures & whatnot lol. Had fun chatting with you though...one of the funnest people I met this weekend as far as personality goes...not a shy person at all & I like that lol. Your cute too (I mean that in a totally non-creeper way)  :-X

I didn't take any pictures...
Well, I took like, two maybe. XD One of oslapedo and one of KogaRyu. That was it. My camera felt so forgotten but I'm no someone who runs around and takes pictures.
But thank you for the compliments. :P
I actually am fairly shy when I don't know people very well or I'm tossed in an uncomfortable situation where I don't feel like I belong. Otherwise I'm outgoing and pretty normal.
I'm not too sure about that cute comment though. o 3o I'm pretty average I think. But thanks anyways Mr. Creeper Man. (jk. You're not creepy. I loved your cosplay, btw~<3 It was so awesome looking!! I wish I had gotten a picture...)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Pots on September 07, 2010, 06:41:27 pm
@Gryffinclaw Princess: i saw you :D you are very pretty :D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 07, 2010, 10:02:12 pm
@Pots: [/bluuuuush & hides under a blanket] >///< Thanks... I don't think I saw you though. D: Did I?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: oslapedo on September 07, 2010, 10:06:58 pm
Also I met KogaRyu this weekend and that boy is atttraaaaaactiiiiiveeeee. He probably has all the young ladies swooning at him, hahahaha.

HAHAHAHHAHA, I'm laughing because I came in here just to point that out!

I don't know if they're on the forums but I've got a cosplay crush on this super badass C.C. and Lelouch pair that had different outfits for them and were totally in-character and amazing. ~
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Pots on September 07, 2010, 10:10:20 pm
@Gryffinclaw Princess: i dont think so, reppy pointed you out in your luka cosplay. I was dressed as myself :D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 07, 2010, 10:11:10 pm
Pretty much everyone I talked to this weekend mentioned atleast once how attractive Koga is. Cracks me up.

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Pots on September 07, 2010, 10:13:23 pm
darn, i dont think i saw him :O
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 07, 2010, 10:33:06 pm
Pots: D: No fair!

Demony: Psh, I didn't say anything like that when I talked to you. I was too shocked by what you said to me. >///<
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on September 07, 2010, 10:40:34 pm
:D Crushcrushcrush!

So many awesome people, too many to count.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Lady Locust on September 07, 2010, 11:10:57 pm
it takes me like, a year to develop a web 'crush' on someone, but an instant to develop a RL crush on someone.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DancingTofu on September 08, 2010, 12:49:40 am


Also I met KogaRyu this weekend and that boy is atttraaaaaactiiiiiveeeee. He probably has all the young ladies swooning at him, hahahaha.
We don't talk on the forums though; I stalk you IRL and on Facebook silly.

And yeah, Jeff's hella attractive. XD

Charlyyyyyy you too.  Like, we haven't talked at all in months, and we've never really talked on the forums; mostly at cons and stuff. :P

Besides you have plenty of way cooler stalkers than me.  Both of you do. :P
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Higuma on September 08, 2010, 07:31:56 am
I wish I had stalker. Then my life would be less boring.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 08, 2010, 07:34:35 am

Demony: Psh, I didn't say anything like that when I talked to you. I was too shocked by what you said to me. >///<
Uhhhhh..... What did I say? O: >.>
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 08, 2010, 07:39:46 am
Stupid double post....
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 08, 2010, 08:09:14 am
@Gryffinclaw Princess: Maybe next time I will! I was super busy with taking pictures & whatnot lol. Had fun chatting with you though...one of the funnest people I met this weekend as far as personality goes...not a shy person at all & I like that lol. Your cute too (I mean that in a totally non-creeper way)  :-X

I didn't take any pictures...
Well, I took like, two maybe. XD One of oslapedo and one of KogaRyu. That was it. My camera felt so forgotten but I'm no someone who runs around and takes pictures.
But thank you for the compliments. :P
I actually am fairly shy when I don't know people very well or I'm tossed in an uncomfortable situation where I don't feel like I belong. Otherwise I'm outgoing and pretty normal.
I'm not too sure about that cute comment though. o 3o I'm pretty average I think. But thanks anyways Mr. Creeper Man. (jk. You're not creepy. I loved your cosplay, btw~<3 It was so awesome looking!! I wish I had gotten a picture...)
Well you didn't act shy when I talked to you lol...so that must mean you weren't uncomfortable & enjoyed my nonsensical attitude. :P Don't be so modest...you are an attractive young woman & I'm sure you have your fair share of admirer's out there. :D Anyway, look forward to hanging out with you at future events & whatnot.

Thanks for the compliment on my cosplay...I have a lot more work to do to it & so little time lol. I liked the 2 cosplays I seen you wear over the weekend, they looked really good(Luka & Sasuko if I'm not mistaken). & LOL to what you posted above in bold...made me laugh this morning
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cassiopeia on September 08, 2010, 10:13:36 am
Charlyyyyyy you too.  Like, we haven't talked at all in months, and we've never really talked on the forums; mostly at cons and stuff. :P

Besides you have plenty of way cooler stalkers than me.  Both of you do. :P



I'm more of a stalker than a stalkee because I lurk so much more than I post. \o/
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 08, 2010, 10:40:17 am
Demony : You don't remember? Sadness. XD
I was with DancingTofu and KogaRyu in normal clothes and we were about to head to Voodoo Donuts and all of the sudden you were like, "You're so pretty..." And I was like, "Huh?! D: [/bluuuuuuuuuuuush]"

Cyprus : Yeah, you seemed pretty chill so I was perfectly fine around you. :P
And I'm sure I don't. People think I'm a bitch. ^^

Psh, my Sasuko was crap. XD First one I ever sewn and it still needs some major work to get it perfect. So I'm going to hold it from cons until I fix it up a bit more. But at the same time I'm working on two new cosplays I hope to show at Akicon or Sakuracon. After class today I'm going to do some homework, finish cleaning my room from the mess left behind from KumoSpaz and then bust out my sewing machine and start working again.

And I'm glad I could make you laugh. ^^ A laugh in the morning is always a good start to a day.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 08, 2010, 12:00:07 pm
Cyprus : Yeah, you seemed pretty chill so I was perfectly fine around you. :P
And I'm sure I don't. People think I'm a bitch. ^^
Just because they haven't told you, doesn't mean they aren't there(kinda creepy when put that way o.O).  ;) It must be that I know people so much worse because I thought you were very kind...quite opposite of a bitch in fact. No more picking on yourself! :P

Psh, my Sasuko was crap. XD First one I ever sewn and it still needs some major work to get it perfect. So I'm going to hold it from cons until I fix it up a bit more. But at the same time I'm working on two new cosplays I hope to show at Akicon or Sakuracon. After class today I'm going to do some homework, finish cleaning my room from the mess left behind from KumoSpaz and then bust out my sewing machine and start working again.

And I'm glad I could make you laugh. ^^ A laugh in the morning is always a good start to a day.
I am not too familiar with the character or series...so I just thought it was a cool costume lol. I understand the feeling of wanting to continuously improve your cosplays though lol. I have yet to start on any of my other cosplays that I want to do...
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: emasik on September 08, 2010, 03:44:02 pm
I've decided I have a new crush on Lychee. She is super-cute in person. Herp derp.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on September 08, 2010, 03:52:54 pm
lololol I bet a lot of people know who mine is.

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 08, 2010, 03:55:57 pm
XD That is such a creepy way to put it!
But thanks. :P Even though I will probably continue to pick on myself. If I never did, I would never be able to improve who I am.

It's pretty much my outfit without boobs and short, "chicken butt" hair. I just want to redo the pants to make them more comfortable and longer so I don't appear as short. And I want to make the shirt more fitting so I don't look so fat from certain angles I have seen in pictures...
If you start early then procrastination will have it all ready by next year. ;D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 08, 2010, 04:05:08 pm
Demony : You don't remember? Sadness. XD
I was with DancingTofu and KogaRyu in normal clothes and we were about to head to Voodoo Donuts and all of the sudden you were like, "You're so pretty..." And I was like, "Huh?! D: [/bluuuuuuuuuuuush]"
Oh I remember that but I didn't think it was a big deal? XD

lololol I bet a lot of people know who mine is.

HER FORUM CRUSH IS-*gets shot*
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 08, 2010, 04:08:34 pm
Demony: Fffff, I get embarrassed really easily when people comment on my looks. XP Cause for the longest time in my life I thought I was super ugly so to have someone tell me otherwise is always a big shock.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: soundninja12 on September 08, 2010, 04:53:36 pm
When I talked to you the first day you were crazy checked out... I just figured your Sasuko contacts must have made you blind xD

And just a btw:
The person on the forums that I do honestly have romantic feelings for is CloudStrife32, and our anniversary is only a couple months away. I adore her so much, and I don't think I have ever liked someone as much as I love her.
(Yeah, I just cheated and chose my girlfriend xD)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on September 08, 2010, 05:44:29 pm
If we can do that then KyletotheJones is mine.

He is my bitch.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 08, 2010, 08:32:13 pm
XD That is such a creepy way to put it!
But thanks. :P Even though I will probably continue to pick on myself. If I never did, I would never be able to improve who I am.
I'm sure you are a strong enough person that you will always be able to improve who you are...just never hold yourself back! :D

Demony: Fffff, I get embarrassed really easily when people comment on my looks. XP Cause for the longest time in my life I thought I was super ugly so to have someone tell me otherwise is always a big shock.
I'm gonna have to agree with Soundy on this one...you are a good looking lady. Ask her...I'm not one to lie to people, I can assure you that! I have also cheated this thread by picking my own G/F...but, as much as I don't want to sound like a creeper,  I would still gladly name you as my forum "crush".
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 08, 2010, 08:36:35 pm
I am gunna pick the father of my child (SHAAYYYYY) if you guys don't stop it. XD


Haha... not really. My REAL crush is a secretnotreally. (Meaning lots of people know but I'm still not telling.)
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 08, 2010, 08:43:53 pm
Wait is this real crushes? Or forum ones?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 08, 2010, 08:46:49 pm
Soundy: XD I was seeing red everywhere from my contacts. And I was pretty tired...so I was out of it, sorry.

Cyprus: Yeah, I have some anger issues I've been working on. I've made a lot of progress but I'm still pretty bad. In 4th grade a slammed a kid's head into the basketball court. Now I don't hurt people unless they are like, "It's okay, you can punch me to get your anger out." Which is usually just me punching Molly's arm. But I actually need to teach myself to hold back more. Which is why I have become fairly shy and introverted around new people or uncomfortable situations. I'm always afraid people will find out about my anger issues and won't want to be around me.

>////< Thanks.

Demony: You know my real crush, too. XD
A few people do but not a lot. :/ I'm too much of a chicken to make any moves out of fear of being tossed away.
If I knew I had a chance with him he would know already but there's a very slim chance on that. :P
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 08, 2010, 08:52:32 pm
@gryff I think you underestimate yourself.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on September 08, 2010, 09:34:43 pm

Demony and I are together suffering XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: makichan on September 08, 2010, 09:45:29 pm
You people and your secrets.  :D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on September 08, 2010, 09:49:02 pm
I'm an open book to the right person. >_>
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 08, 2010, 09:53:08 pm
@Gryff: I have had a lot of anger issues in my life too...but it sounds like you have done a great job at controlling them as I have.

 I really hope you muster up the courage to talk to/make a move on your crush...too many times in my life that I didn't speak up, take a chance/risk, or try something new & exciting out. I still look back on some of those times & wish I had just went for it. That is what I try to do now days...a much as possible...just go for it!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on September 08, 2010, 09:54:13 pm
I'm working on it. :D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 08, 2010, 09:54:54 pm
MEGAN. Dude I practically blew it for you.... do somethin'.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cassiopeia on September 08, 2010, 09:59:23 pm
Tell mee your secrettttssssssssssssssSSSSSSSsssssSSSSsssssss
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on September 08, 2010, 10:01:55 pm
What do I get out of this?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 08, 2010, 10:03:04 pm
We spare your liiiiiffeeeee. :D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Cyprus on September 08, 2010, 10:04:39 pm
What do I get out of this?
Support & encouragement!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on September 08, 2010, 10:06:22 pm
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Darknight2433 on September 08, 2010, 10:08:03 pm
MEGAN. Dude I practically blew it for you.... do somethin'.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 08, 2010, 10:08:38 pm
That's not very nice language there, young lady.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: oslapedo on September 08, 2010, 10:20:37 pm
I'VE GOT A CRUSH ON OBAMA-I mean jaqua. All of her cosplay were super badass and most importantly she was the gnarliest boyfriend-stealing Lynette I ever did see.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: NeonFoxRocks on September 08, 2010, 10:50:31 pm
Wait is this real crushes? Or forum ones?

I think saying real crushes would ruin any chance of a spontaneous relationship, thus I think this has devolved into a I Love You Guys thread XD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Trumby on September 08, 2010, 11:08:11 pm
If we can do that then KyletotheJones is mine.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 08, 2010, 11:09:45 pm
Dude I forget if I mentioned Trumby as one of mine but ^ totally is if I didn't.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Dubaby on September 08, 2010, 11:30:51 pm

I can't take all the secrecyyyyyyy. D=
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: TomtheFanboy on September 09, 2010, 12:00:52 am
Oh lord, what is going on now?  ???

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RoscoeTEHclam on September 09, 2010, 01:29:41 am

i tried to put an ^ up arrow and say "this guy" but it threw me on a new page
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Bokensai on September 09, 2010, 01:52:10 am
I had a couple crushes at the con but I haven't found any of them on the forums yet =\
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: chelseahavoc on September 09, 2010, 07:53:34 am
D: zach after the ff shoot your officaly on my list. you were so freaking cool

oh and mike is totaly on my list too xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Bokensai on September 09, 2010, 10:47:43 am
D: zach after the ff shoot your officaly on my list. you were so freaking cool

oh and mike is totaly on my list too xD

Aww.. Well thanks =D The Final Fantasy Shoot was so much fun. I kinda hope we can do another one sometime outside of the con.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RemSaverem on September 10, 2010, 06:44:09 am
I have a new favorite in terms of agreeing with basically everything he posts & wondering if he read my mind to post them, & this was true even before he started a thread praising my department: randompvg. Though, I have zero idea who he is IRL!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Kero-sempai on September 10, 2010, 11:27:13 pm
Ah jeez. If this is the case, I have so many. xD Of course I love me some PoSms, (Yagi, Hashi, Malaria) and what are currently the OCD (jaqua, Auricle, Felix, Cassiopeia). I like Fuyuko, too, she's such a sweetie. Very quiet, though. She make me want to give her small valuables. xD
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: TomtheFanboy on September 11, 2010, 10:29:48 am
JeffT  ;)
...in cat ears.  ;D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Negima on September 11, 2010, 02:11:22 pm
*Read through the thread.*

*Goes to sulk in corner.*
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 11, 2010, 03:19:09 pm
Aww negima don't feel bad nobody loves me either haha. But No seriously, you are awesome.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 11, 2010, 04:01:31 pm
....... C;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Gryffinclaw Princess on September 11, 2010, 04:08:49 pm
XDDD That just made my day.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 11, 2010, 04:11:13 pm
Who demony?.... Lol.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on September 11, 2010, 04:12:40 pm
That's pretty much what I yelled out loud when I saw him walk past.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 11, 2010, 04:16:16 pm
I spell gewd, ya?

Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 11, 2010, 04:19:02 pm
Reppy, thats funny because it sounded right on to me. It was still awesome to meet everyone I did. Though, I didn't even realize I had met so many people from the forums
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RemSaverem on September 11, 2010, 04:24:11 pm
Honestly I usually don't know if I've met someone from the forums unless I recognize their cosplay. Like today I met Fyuuku, who is superawesome, took me a minute to realize she is the same person as I've friended on facebook by her real name...
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Negima on September 11, 2010, 04:37:57 pm
....... C;
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Fuyuko on September 11, 2010, 05:27:26 pm
@Kero: K-Kero... =;w;= *side huggle*

@Rem: Wow, thank you! I'm flattered. =^.^=

*feels very loved* <3
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: RemSaverem on September 11, 2010, 05:59:16 pm
Well-earned! Today all 4 of you made me very happy and I felt very comfy with all of you. Let's for sure all hang out again soon! Please come to my bday party at Wuntvor's (also belatedly his bday party) 9/24! Bring anyone you want.
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Pots on September 11, 2010, 06:07:57 pm
i like reppy because he said the applesauce line like 10 times :D
and he looks perty
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: reppy on September 11, 2010, 08:33:38 pm
Yer such a weirdo, Pots.

And yes I did look perty, didn't I?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 11, 2010, 08:36:49 pm
You looked particularly perty when you were just wearing a wig cap. Mmmm. :P
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 11, 2010, 08:48:36 pm
"paint me wearing this.....only This."  ?
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: DemonSpawn on September 11, 2010, 08:52:04 pm
Well I mean he had a dress on, too.

Okay I fixed it!
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: Pots on September 11, 2010, 09:04:10 pm
I like Demonspawn too!

she is perty as well :D
Title: Re: Forum Crushes
Post by: ishpumalibu on September 11, 2010, 09:30:36 pm
Well I mean he had a dress on, too.

Okay I fixed it!

Oh no... Its too late, dont be embarrassed :p