My current forum crushes are Malaria, reppy, and fleur_fraise. I had one on Mr_Mustash way back in the day.
There is this one girl, she's into that whole Lolita thing, but I can never remember her name it's french or something.Yeah she's really rude to everyone and won't shut up about DURARARA!! or whatever.
Just kidding, I love ya, Katie.
I've just realized I seem to find Camname and Reppy everywhere I go. :P
So either I'm stalking them or the other way around. Or it just so happens that we coincidentally like very similar things. >.>
I stalk fleur sometimes >: D oh fleur! CAN I HAVE A HUG O_oOH GOD IT'S YOU
I have a forum crush on my kawaii boogiepopi-chan <3I'm sorry Matthew Patel, I don't like bollywood hipsters.
My current forum crushes are Malaria, reppy, and fleur_fraise. I had one on Mr_Mustash way back in the day.
Hurdur I'm too shy to say anything more.
-Runs away from thread-
I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!ANOTHER MOE GIRL!?
I THOUGHT YOU L-LOVED ME.I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!ANOTHER MOE GIRL!?
YUSYUSYUSSSSI THOUGHT YOU L-LOVED ME.I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!ANOTHER MOE GIRL!?
-Pouts- ;3; I'm just...second best~ -Dramatic eye water-YUSYUSYUSSSSI THOUGHT YOU L-LOVED ME.I'm to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy to share MY crushes! *moe blush* *bats eyelashes* TEEHEEHEE!ANOTHER MOE GIRL!?
-Pouts- ;3;
i don't wanna say, because people often seem to hate me once they know i like themSaaay eeeet. It won't bring any harm.
my biggest problem is remembering who is currently my enemy, and who is my friendi don't wanna say, because people often seem to hate me once they know i like themSaaay eeeet. It won't bring any harm.
/QQ :'(I have a forum crush on my kawaii boogiepopi-chan <3I'm sorry Matthew Patel, I don't like bollywood hipsters.
...tofutakeout.<3333 Thank you~ >///<
Everytime I see your Rittz icon it makes me laugh more than I need to XD
You win. At life.
I'm not known very well around here, so I feel somewhat awkward posting. ;o; But, here is my list, although some of these people seem to have disappeared~:
I'm not known very well around here, so I feel somewhat awkward posting. ;o; But, here is my list, although some of these people seem to have disappeared~:
Really...? [/teary eyes]
Gryff is loved...? [/happy sniffle]
^^^ Well thanks bro. As for me I ain't sharing crap.
But I will show the people that I enjoy as well.
Bucket-Stalker, TurboSaiyanJason, Konan Chan, Sound ninja, and...You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.
Reppy, KHking, mentally Hillarious, etc...
You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.
You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.Lolololol I only called him pretty a few times. > u >
You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.Lolololol I only called him pretty a few times. > u >
EDIT: Wait, unless I'm bribed with millions of dolalrs maybe.
I mean, aw, how nice of you~~ -Bats eyelashes-
I love everybody. C: Mostly.
If I said that you were my crush would you give me ten bucks? ;D
I love everybody. C: Mostly.
^^^ Well thanks bro. As for me I ain't sharing crap.MY MUNNEH ALSO. YOU LOST.
But I will show the people that I enjoy as well.
Bucket-Stalker, TurboSaiyanJason, Konan Chan, Sound ninja, and...You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.
Reppy, KHking, mentally Hillarious, etc...
You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.
^^^ Well thanks bro. As for me I ain't sharing crap.MY MUNNEH ALSO. YOU LOST.
But I will show the people that I enjoy as well.
Bucket-Stalker, TurboSaiyanJason, Konan Chan, Sound ninja, and...You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.
Reppy, KHking, mentally Hillarious, etc...
You know I didn't see anyone liking Kogya Ryu ( I just skimmed it). Im pretty sure that's Shays crush.
I feel jipped. And here I was telling everyone how much I love you. ;A;If I said that you were my crush would you give me ten bucks? ;D
eeeeehhhh. no. but i'll pay you in trident layers.I WANT MAH MUNEH
I love everybody. C: Mostly.
MOSTLY! it doest not count! XD
I have soooooo many.D'aaaaw thank you. The feeling is mutual <3
Maki, CatchxMe, Nikki, Reppy, Boogie, Koga, Shay, Jaybug, Trumby, Griff.... ummm.... can't think of any others atm....
@Maki: yeahhh! I miss me some Waffles! And Totemo and Laurifer, those two are cool kids! I don't know about this boogiepop though, she seems kind of shady to meHhhmm, you make a valid point. You just can't trust that shady lady. P:<
You know I really enjoy everyone, even if there douches.
Washougal Otaku, Lychee-Twist, Reppy, Demonspawn, Soundninja, Kimiski, Nikkolie, TurboSaiyenJason, BucketStalker, Narunik,
Very much that feeling of standing in line during gym in elementary school through high school waiting to be picked
Me too! I was always picked last, and everyone hated me because I always struck out, was a slow runner, and accidently passed the ball to people who weren't on my team in basketball. The only thing I was ever any good at was dodgeball, and the way we played didn't require any teams. Just a couple people picked to stand in a circle and throw balls at people.QuoteYAY!!! I MADE ONE PERSON'S LIST!!!LOL
Very much that feeling of standing in line during gym in elementary school through high school waiting to be picked
Yep, feels exactly the same. I never get picked, but when i finally do, it's out of pity..... until everybody realized how beastly i was at kickball...
Get ready to Battle,
I Choose you kimiski.
Gotta catch them all. lol
D: i hope its a good laugh and not a creppy one xDOf course it's a good laugh. xD
D: i hope its a good laugh and not a creppy one xD
D: and i totaly made someones list D: awesome nes
Thank you Dubaby. ; o ;
I love reading your posts, partly because 'Dubaby' is fun to say, and partly because you're always so nice to everyone! > u <
And plus you are very pretty, so looking at your pictures isn't bad either, ho ho ho. ;3
[/end creeper post]
[/end creeper post]
I will go out of my way to duct tape your world together so it can no longer tumble! >:'O
Duct tape is un-breakable, heh heh heh.
I like reppy :D he has a cool accent
I like reppy :D he has a cool accent
D: omg whatevarrrrrrrr
Well, I cant know~
With amazing friends, a boyfriend who has longer hair than me and likes to show off his parcore with his funny long hair xD (fun to say).
Great people who can always make me smile in those darkest days~
Im so planning a party for all you.
I like reppy :D he has a cool accent
D: omg whatevarrrrrrrr
you totally do :O
you should sing another song for me :D
Hmmm, I liked Romo for a while, mainly becasue she was Matt last year, but my world came tumbling down, x3
Reppy has funny dance moves. XD
And a scary laugh... XD
Reppy has funny dance moves. XD
And a scary laugh... XD
Omg mean! D:
My laugh is purer than a thousand sunsets combined with the smoothness of a baby's rump.xDDDDDDDD *DIES*
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.
The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)
D: oh noes i totaly for got jason in meh list D: im sorry "husbend"
My favorite was "Oh...KITTY" and then you cackled for like ten minutes. XD
@ish if you read the sailor moon topic youd understand xD
@soundy <3 make sure i dont miss you.... again xD
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.
The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.<3 you too Rebel :D
The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)
d'aww =w=She almost never posts...but still!
I should put Jess on my list, because I love her so!
Adding: Tekia and Trumby! And Makichan!
Wah! That's two people who like little Gryff~<3
(Not little because I'm a kid you jerks! Little because I'm short~!)
Thank you for liking my posts! ^^
Wah! That's two people who like little Gryff~<3
(Not little because I'm a kid you jerks! Little because I'm short~!)
Thank you for liking my posts! ^^
Cyprus -
8D Yes we are~<3
(Thank you by the way! ^^ You gave me the idea for my Group~<3)
Ish - D< Fffffuuu! You're just a big meanie!! [/hides behind Cyprus] Bleh! [/sticks out tongue]
Cyprus -(
8D Yes we are~<3
(Thank you by the way! ^^ You gave me the idea for my Group~<3)
Ish - D< Fffffuuu! You're just a big meanie!! [/hides behind Cyprus] Bleh! [/sticks out tongue]
He's only on youtube now ;D
He's only on youtube now ;DThat's what he wants you to think.
o.O my could you!!He's only on youtube now ;DThat's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...
d'aww =w=D'aaaaw.
I should put Jess on my list, because I love her so!
Adding: Tekia and Trumby! And Makichan!
He's only on youtube now ;DThat's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...
Oh damn makichan, I remember at the dances when you and your friends were in Vampire Knight cosplay I always would think that you were the coolest thing ever. Good times ~Really? Haha. I'm such an idiot on the dance floor XD
I enjoy reading Zach from the Anime Hunter's posts.
They are very rare and barely ever happen.
And Taikei my Husubando, and Fleur my Waifu. <3
He's only on youtube now ;DThat's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...
Well, I cant know~
With amazing friends, a boyfriend who has longer hair than me and likes to show off his parcore with his funny long hair xD (fun to say).
Great people who can always make me smile in those darkest days~
Im so planning a party for all you.
Story of my life. Guys with ponytails who are non-creeps are the best, imo~ ; D
He's only on youtube now ;DThat's what he wants you to think.
The truth is that I ate him. [/burp]
I fried him, dipped him in chocolate, and ate him like pocky...
He would have wanted to go that way. Pocky was his life.
People I enjoy seeing and talking with on the Forums.
Reppy, Soundninja12, Jaybug (even if he lives in Oregon), Griff_the_Dragoon, Dubaby, Boogiepop, DancingTofu, Oslapedo, StarryShay, Mr_Mustash, Nightlotus, Nikkiolie, TomtheFanboy, DemonSpawn, CatchxMe, princessmoon, Cassiopeia, Cyprus, Narunik, Blackstar, Makichan
Also anyone I've ever talked to in person or have as a friend FaceBook. There are a ton of awesome peeps on the Kcon Forums, so I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a few.
So, who are yours? \o/
I'm not known very well around here, so I feel somewhat awkward posting. ;o; But, here is my list, although some of these people seem to have disappeared~:
I love that I'm not in my girlfriend's list. Thanks, Cloudy, thanks.<3 you too Rebel :D
The people that I adore(d) reading their posts are:
~boogiepop~, Dubaby, Tofutakeout, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, Cyprus, KHking, NARUNIK, Danayoki, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe (or darknight-whaevah), demonspawn, xcthulux, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Tanuki19, NeonFoxRocks, and Selucos. Oh! And whenever yattacloud posts it makes me happy!
(Yeah, Amy, I left you out of my list too!)
I can't say that I have forum crushes, but I do find many of the regular posters here very fun to chat with or just read their posts (even if I do just stalk certain threads). Lots of very open-minded & accepting people for the most part...most friendlier than myself.
Shadow, ~boogiepop~, Griff_the_dragoon, Kylite, KHking, Nikkiolie, CatchxMe, demonspawn, RemSaverem, StarryShay, Oslapedo, kinkyfriedchicked, chelseahavoc, jaybug, sakis01, Selucos, nora, reppy, KogaRyu, Cassiopeia, Gryffinclaw Princess, Pots, superjaz, danayoki, RozenMaiden_Girl, Animeman73, Dubaby, soundninja12, cloud-9, Sugarlat, Dancingtofu, fleur_fraise, Jacob_Blackfeather, Cloudestrife32, Washougal_Otaku, AllyKat, bucket_stalker, Roddy Manic, TomtheFanboy, Saki-the-cat & several more people here have entertained me throughout my time here on the forums. Whether it be from posting epic cosplay pics, silly pics or just plain adorable pics (you know who you are :P); from discussions, debates (even if semi-heated ones ;D), advice sharing, or just plain BSing/joking around; then of course there are those of you that I know in person or have had the pleasure of meeting a time or 2, & had a lot of fun. The forums have been a great way for me to escape here & there from my usually buried in work guys are awsome here. :D
But, in all fairness, if I were to pick a "crush"...I am going to cheat & say Tekia, since she & I have been together for a great 7 years & nobody on this planet means more to me than she does (nothing personal guys :P).
People I enjoy seeing and talking with on the Forums.d'awwww I made some lists! I feel missed! :D
Reppy, Soundninja12, Jaybug (even if he lives in Oregon), Griff_the_Dragoon, Dubaby, Boogiepop, DancingTofu, Oslapedo, StarryShay, Mr_Mustash, Nightlotus, Nikkiolie, TomtheFanboy, DemonSpawn, CatchxMe, princessmoon, Cassiopeia, Cyprus, Narunik, Blackstar, Makichan
Also anyone I've ever talked to in person or have as a friend FaceBook. There are a ton of awesome peeps on the Kcon Forums, so I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a few.
It really weirded me out when I was trying to sleep on the floor and suddenly DancingTofu and KogyRyu are in the room. And Tofu looks at me and says, "Hey reppy!" (At this point I'm like who is this dude.. do I know him from a metal show or something.. he must be cool, he has a Guns and Roses t-shirt on) Then he adds, "It's Tofu!"
I lol'd.
It really weirded me out when I was trying to sleep on the floor and suddenly DancingTofu and KogyRyu are in the room. And Tofu looks at me and says, "Hey reppy!" (At this point I'm like who is this dude.. do I know him from a metal show or something.. he must be cool, he has a Guns and Roses t-shirt on) Then he adds, "It's Tofu!"
I lol'd.
It really weirded me out when I was trying to sleep on the floor and suddenly DancingTofu and KogyRyu are in the room. And Tofu looks at me and says, "Hey reppy!" (At this point I'm like who is this dude.. do I know him from a metal show or something.. he must be cool, he has a Guns and Roses t-shirt on) Then he adds, "It's Tofu!"
I lol'd.
Sorry about that, Reppy.
Next time I bring guys into the room I'll try and be more quiet. :P
@Reppy: I didn't realize you were in that room until checkout time >.<...I might have randomly bothered you if I had known lol.
Darn...we were up late on Sunday too :( Could have joined the nerdness...oh well, next year!@Reppy: I didn't realize you were in that room until checkout time >.<...I might have randomly bothered you if I had known lol.
Haha well, I actually only stayed the night on Sunday. ^^ I live close enough to the con that driving back and forth isn't too big of a deal. But on Sunday the parking garage I was at was going to close at 8, and no way I was leaving before 8 on Sunday. ^^ Plus, I'd always wanted to stay the night during a con anyways, so I could stay up late and be super nerdy with other nerds.
My newly aquired 'crushes' are like... anyone I talked to at con.... I miss you alllllllll!i second this notion
@Gryffinclaw Princess: Maybe next time I will! I was super busy with taking pictures & whatnot lol. Had fun chatting with you of the funnest people I met this weekend as far as personality goes...not a shy person at all & I like that lol. Your cute too (I mean that in a totally non-creeper way) :-X
Also I met KogaRyu this weekend and that boy is atttraaaaaactiiiiiveeeee. He probably has all the young ladies swooning at him, hahahaha.
@Charles- I DON'T STAND OUT IN YOUR MEMORIES D:We don't talk on the forums though; I stalk you IRL and on Facebook silly.
Also I met KogaRyu this weekend and that boy is atttraaaaaactiiiiiveeeee. He probably has all the young ladies swooning at him, hahahaha.
Uhhhhh..... What did I say? O: >.>
Demony: Psh, I didn't say anything like that when I talked to you. I was too shocked by what you said to me. >///<
Well you didn't act shy when I talked to you that must mean you weren't uncomfortable & enjoyed my nonsensical attitude. :P Don't be so are an attractive young woman & I'm sure you have your fair share of admirer's out there. :D Anyway, look forward to hanging out with you at future events & whatnot.@Gryffinclaw Princess: Maybe next time I will! I was super busy with taking pictures & whatnot lol. Had fun chatting with you of the funnest people I met this weekend as far as personality goes...not a shy person at all & I like that lol. Your cute too (I mean that in a totally non-creeper way) :-X
I didn't take any pictures...
Well, I took like, two maybe. XD One of oslapedo and one of KogaRyu. That was it. My camera felt so forgotten but I'm no someone who runs around and takes pictures.
But thank you for the compliments. :P
I actually am fairly shy when I don't know people very well or I'm tossed in an uncomfortable situation where I don't feel like I belong. Otherwise I'm outgoing and pretty normal.
I'm not too sure about that cute comment though. o 3o I'm pretty average I think. But thanks anyways Mr. Creeper Man. (jk. You're not creepy. I loved your cosplay, btw~<3 It was so awesome looking!! I wish I had gotten a picture...)
Charlyyyyyy you too. Like, we haven't talked at all in months, and we've never really talked on the forums; mostly at cons and stuff. :P
Besides you have plenty of way cooler stalkers than me. Both of you do. :P
Cyprus : Yeah, you seemed pretty chill so I was perfectly fine around you. :PJust because they haven't told you, doesn't mean they aren't there(kinda creepy when put that way o.O). ;) It must be that I know people so much worse because I thought you were very kind...quite opposite of a bitch in fact. No more picking on yourself! :P
And I'm sure I don't. People think I'm a bitch. ^^
Psh, my Sasuko was crap. XD First one I ever sewn and it still needs some major work to get it perfect. So I'm going to hold it from cons until I fix it up a bit more. But at the same time I'm working on two new cosplays I hope to show at Akicon or Sakuracon. After class today I'm going to do some homework, finish cleaning my room from the mess left behind from KumoSpaz and then bust out my sewing machine and start working again.I am not too familiar with the character or I just thought it was a cool costume lol. I understand the feeling of wanting to continuously improve your cosplays though lol. I have yet to start on any of my other cosplays that I want to do...
And I'm glad I could make you laugh. ^^ A laugh in the morning is always a good start to a day.
Demony : You don't remember? Sadness. XDOh I remember that but I didn't think it was a big deal? XD
I was with DancingTofu and KogaRyu in normal clothes and we were about to head to Voodoo Donuts and all of the sudden you were like, "You're so pretty..." And I was like, "Huh?! D: [/bluuuuuuuuuuuush]"
lololol I bet a lot of people know who mine is.HER FORUM CRUSH IS-*gets shot*
Cyprus:I'm sure you are a strong enough person that you will always be able to improve who you are...just never hold yourself back! :D
XD That is such a creepy way to put it!
But thanks. :P Even though I will probably continue to pick on myself. If I never did, I would never be able to improve who I am.
Demony: Fffff, I get embarrassed really easily when people comment on my looks. XP Cause for the longest time in my life I thought I was super ugly so to have someone tell me otherwise is always a big shock.I'm gonna have to agree with Soundy on this are a good looking lady. Ask her...I'm not one to lie to people, I can assure you that! I have also cheated this thread by picking my own G/F...but, as much as I don't want to sound like a creeper, I would still gladly name you as my forum "crush".
What do I get out of this?Support & encouragement!
MEGAN. Dude I practically blew it for you.... do somethin'.SHUDDUP
Wait is this real crushes? Or forum ones?
If we can do that then KyletotheJones is mine.WHAT DON'T STEAL MY MAN!
D: zach after the ff shoot your officaly on my list. you were so freaking cool
oh and mike is totaly on my list too xD
ISPUMAASDFDSNFGS !!!!XDDD That just made my day.
....... C;
Well I mean he had a dress on, too.
Okay I fixed it!