Convention Events and Programming => Panels & et cetera => Topic started by: RoscoeTEHclam on August 22, 2010, 01:34:24 am
sooo, I'm probably gonna get a lot of grief for this, but how does this actually work? (i've never done speed dating, much less anime speed dating)
ooh i did that at sakuracon last, last year
i've never been to a Kumoricon speed-dating panel, but here's a pretty generic set up....
When you enter the room there will be two rows of chairs wrapped around the room, with the two rows set-up so that when sitting people will be facing each other. Girls will be instructed to sit on one side and given a sheet of paper, while guys are instructed to sit across frm the girls on the other side (I've heard of events where guys are given the paper instead but I've only ever seen it done this way.)
Once everyone is situated the guidelines should be explained, in most speed-dating panels it is a set rule that only the girls are allowed to ask for a guys information, or to initiate the exchange of info, at the end of each round (granted this rule changes from event to event too, but this is what I've seen at Akicon and Sakuracon.)
As for how a round works, the overseers will give a set amount of time (normally around 3-5) minutes, and when the event starts you will introduce yourself with the person across from you and talk about whatever until music or some other audio signal sounds, at which point the girl may or may not ask for your info, you exchange pleasantries, and one of the rows (normally the guys) will all sand up and rotate one seat over while the girls stay still so that they are now paired with someone new.
So the process repeats itself until the event ends... and VOILA! You have speed-dating. =]
thats how it was for sakura con :D there was a major shortage of girls too.
for some reason they also had minors and adults mixed together so there were some pedo moments D:
I'm slightly interested in this but... gahh, I would feel so horrible not asking for someone's info or having to reject them if it was the other way around. Awkward momennntttt
This sounds like it would be fun but I'm only 17 and it's an 18+ event. Oh well. ):
I'm slightly interested in this but... gahh, I would feel so horrible not asking for someone's info or having to reject them if it was the other way around. Awkward momennntttt
Yeah. It'd probably end up being Speed Rejection for me. XD
In 2008, when I thought I'd go for it and stood in line, some guys started pacing up and down the line looking at all the girls and started whispering to each other and pointing..... I got out of line. >:(
Creeper alert!! :o
Yeah no kidding
I was also pissed they were sizing up 'their pickings' and thought if this is the kind of person to participate, I want nothing to do with it.
Yeah. It'd probably end up being Speed Rejection for me. XD
Reppy, you have no idea.... hell, i'd ask for your phone #, and i'm a dude
I guess I have no idea D:
In 2008, when I thought I'd go for it and stood in line, some guys started pacing up and down the line looking at all the girls and started whispering to each other and pointing..... I got out of line. >:(
And that would have been the moment where I may have disregarded "being a lady" and flipped someone the bird.
It seriously peeves me when people pull stunts like that. >=[
"I've got dibs on her, dooood!"
"No wai! She's mine! lololol!"
"I've got dibs on her, dooood!"
nah dood, she's totally mine!
"I've got dibs on her, dooood!"
nah dood, she's totally mine!
You realize this means war?
I wouldn't know what to talk about. All my conversations would prolly start with "Umm hi." and end with "Hey." and then three minutes later It would start all over again.
I am glad people are posting about this. But don't worry to much about it. I know my way around making it less awkward for people and i will also proved you with simple guide lines as to what will get the ball rolling.
Hope to see you guys there. <3
In 2008, when I thought I'd go for it and stood in line, some guys started pacing up and down the line looking at all the girls and started whispering to each other and pointing..... I got out of line. >:(
Sounds like a moment straight out of 8-bit D&D Theatre (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHdXG2gV01k#t=154). ;)
Seriously, sorry you missed out on something you wanted to try... for whatever it's worth, I'd bet they just had a bad case of sour grapes because they wanted to go but were too scared to line up. Boys are dumb sometimes. (Okay, a lot of the time.)
"I've got dibs on her, dooood!"
nah dood, she's totally mine!
You realize this means war?
XD You guys just made my day. lol
Yeah. It'd probably end up being Speed Rejection for me. XD
Reppy, you have no idea.... hell, i'd ask for your phone #, and i'm a dude
* nod, nod *
I am ready to meet men.
*Spongebob voice* IIIIII'MMMMMM REEAADDDYYY!!!!!
Like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ4x5rAz9Ic)?
I am ready to meet men.
Oh man if you go as Ramona all the guys will be all over you ;D Edit: Lol sorry for the totally random comment.
Also: I have decided that I will most likely be attending. :)
So I kind of want to go to this, but I'm in my thirties, and I really don't want to be the Creepy Old Dude. Are there generally many attendees over the age of, say, 25?
This panel was really poorly run, the rules were poorly explained and vague, it was noisy because it was right next to the "rave", exchanging of contact info pretty much just didn't happen since we were told to do so after the event in a hallway were we weren't aloud to loiter, and the way it was set up made it really easy for me to dominate whatever table I happened to be sitting at and be one guy talking avidly to 3 or 4 girls, especially since a lot of the guys there were either friends of mine (most of whom weren't single or looking) or reallllllly awkward.
I had a great time because I wasn't really taking it seriously, but it was really badly put together and I feel pretty bad for anyone how did go to this panel taking it seriously. ^^;
I agree with Tofu.... Normally time is put aside to really EXPLAIN the process, but I feel like people were just kind of thrown wherever. I liked the concept of sitting at a table with multiple people because I can see that being less pressure for some people, and I enjoyed the bro-tastic group conversations, but again with the noise from the rave and no time for exchanging info it just wasn't set-up very well.
That being said speed-dating was one of the highlights of my weekend. Great times were had. Besides Tofu you can't blame people for being intimidated by your epic mandolin. =>
Just imagine if I had brought my keytar! ;D
I tried to go to this, but the companion cube dragged me to McD's and decided we should try to do the 50 mcnugget challenge
Was going to go to this, I raved instead~
I tried to go to this, but the companion cube dragged me to McD's and decided we should try to do the 50 mcnugget challenge
Sounds carcinogenic. Was it fun at least?
I tried to go to this, but the companion cube dragged me to McD's and decided we should try to do the 50 mcnugget challenge
Sounds carcinogenic. Was it fun at least?
yeah, i got to talk to Sax Guy about having an otaku band, and we got the praise of some of the video gaming staff when we brought down the rest that we couldnt finish to let them eat