
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: @random on November 23, 2010, 03:27:51 am

Title: ** Hey!! Where did my favorite thread go? **
Post by: @random on November 23, 2010, 03:27:51 am
Don't worry, it's still there. Nothing was deleted in the process.

It's just been moved to its own board (http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?board=74.0) now.

Conversations that follow a single topic stayed on this board; threads that don't follow a single topic were moved to Posting Games and Chat (http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?board=74.0), a child board of this one). Both will be accessible from the main forum board, they'll just be in their own areas.
Title: Re: ** Hey!! Where did my favorite thread go? **
Post by: DancingTofu on November 23, 2010, 08:51:08 pm
This is something that the mods and administrators of the site have been discussing and weighing the pros and cons of for a couple months now.  This should represent a convenience for forum users rather than an impedance.  If, after some time, this appears to not be the case, we will discuss reverting the forums to their prior state.

The theoretical justification behind this change is that the Off Topic and Chat forum is jointly home to general discussion and arguably topicless threads.  The Off Topic and Chat forum is also home to the highest post per day count and the second-highest active thread per day count.  This change should make it easier for forum users to locate the threads they wish to participate in and help topic posters differentiate between whether they want a thread to closely follow a particular topic or to be more for the sake of open chat.

Hopefully this clears some things up.
Title: Re: ** Hey!! Where did my favorite thread go? **
Post by: Man of the Public on November 24, 2010, 12:23:30 pm
Just an idea but maybe the Off Topic could be renamed the General Discussion. That way it's more accurate way to the board. I know a lot of people equate Off Topic with no topic while General Discussion implies more directed threads with a general topic to them.

Just a thought.
Title: Re: ** Hey!! Where did my favorite thread go? **
Post by: Kimiski on November 28, 2010, 02:55:05 am
Just an idea but maybe the Off Topic could be renamed the General Discussion. That way it's more accurate way to the board. I know a lot of people equate Off Topic with no topic while General Discussion implies more directed threads with a general topic to them.

Just a thought.

I second this.
Title: Re: ** Hey!! Where did my favorite thread go? **
Post by: Sporty_Otaku on December 06, 2010, 08:10:23 pm
i was confused for a minute there since im not on here that much anymore

its an interesting idea though i dont really agree with it but im not here that much so i wont worry about it too much

it looks like i just need to click on something else so i dont think it will be too big of a deal