Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: sumomo_san on August 30, 2005, 09:41:28 pm
My friend is going to kumoricon as Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew, and she's last minute and is going to try some desperate measures. She's spray painting her black boots pink. Do think it will work, or will it just flake and crack off really easily? Would it be better to leave them as is, or should she experiment with the spray-paint anyway and hope for the best?
I can actually tell you this from experiance - it won`t work. I spray painted my black boots white and it all cracked/chipped off. I eventually ended up using white shoe polish, which worked a lot better. But for trying to get your shoes pink....I recommend fabric paint (I also painted my shoes using this) - which can be found at Jo-Ann`s. But DO NOT use spray paint, as your friend will be very sorry. I hope this helps. ^_^;;;
Fabric paint... Oohh that might take a lot though since the boots are like halfway to her knees. I think it might be too late though... She might have already done it @_@ How many coats did you put on it?
Hmmm...if the boots are that high then it will take a lot of fabric paint. However the paint is reasonably cheap, it only costs about $1.19 per bottle. But if your friend is just now going to paint the boots...they may not fully dry in time for the convention. When I painted my boots it took about a whole day to dry, and I just painted the back of them black. So it`ll no doubt take a lot more time to dry if your fully painting them. But just as a warning the paint does scratch off, and tends to be pretty tacky. I think I put about two coats on when I did it.
I see. Well her whole costume is another OMGWTFLOLBBQ?!?! K-CON IN 3 DAYS? throw together, so she may not mind if its tacky. I'll warn her and give her your suggestions, thanks.
No problem. ^_^ Glad I could help.
I guess it turns out she's going to leave them black after all thanks to your warning.
That`s probably a good thing...since there`s no telling if they would have dried in time. ^^;;;
could try just throwing fabric over the boots then lacing the boots though the fabric
SUMOMO-SAAN!!!! remeber me!? i was like..teh punk rock Sakura that molested u and gave u Pocky lolx