
Convention Events and Programming => General Kumoricon => Topic started by: xxxchihiroxxx on November 18, 2011, 10:30:35 pm

Title: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on November 18, 2011, 10:30:35 pm
So I always miss the cerimonies so my first chance to see the new mascot is always online usually when the site changes, and I understand it takes plenty of time to get a new site layout up but I'm generally surprised I dont see a new site layout with the new mascot and it's almost december, so just a bit curios if the staff decided not to get a new mascot this year or something?
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: izamor on November 19, 2011, 01:30:18 am
Got a new mascot.

Probably changing the site fairly soon I'd imagine.
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on November 19, 2011, 02:22:10 am
I think they put the new mascot out in 2012 right after the new year
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on November 19, 2011, 08:24:12 am
^ That's usually correct.  I think the latest I've seen it was a little before Valentine's Day, but that was because they were having some sort of problems, as I recall.
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: JeffT on November 19, 2011, 10:56:17 am
^ That's usually correct.  I think the latest I've seen it was a little before Valentine's Day, but that was because they were having some sort of problems, as I recall.

It was never anywhere near that late.

The new mascot was announced in a front page news post on the last day of the con.

The 2012 website is being designed as we speak and will be up soon. Several pieces are involved that all need to be finished.
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: @random on November 19, 2011, 11:01:06 am
Woohoo! Then maybe we can have a "What gender is the mascot?" contest? ;)
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on November 19, 2011, 01:05:20 pm
^ That's usually correct.  I think the latest I've seen it was a little before Valentine's Day, but that was because they were having some sort of problems, as I recall.

It was never anywhere near that late.

The new mascot was announced in a front page news post on the last day of the con.

The 2012 website is being designed as we speak and will be up soon. Several pieces are involved that all need to be finished.

I could have sworn that one change didn't even happen until late January-late February, like '08, or so.
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: JeffT on November 19, 2011, 02:02:11 pm
^ That's usually correct.  I think the latest I've seen it was a little before Valentine's Day, but that was because they were having some sort of problems, as I recall.

It was never anywhere near that late.

The new mascot was announced in a front page news post on the last day of the con.

The 2012 website is being designed as we speak and will be up soon. Several pieces are involved that all need to be finished.

I could have sworn that one change didn't even happen until late January-late February, like '08, or so.

2007 happened on October 18, 2006.
2008 happened on October 6, 2007.
2009 happened on October 19, 2008.
2010 happened on December 23, 2009.
2011 happened on December 4, 2010.
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on November 20, 2011, 12:45:18 am
^ That's usually correct.  I think the latest I've seen it was a little before Valentine's Day, but that was because they were having some sort of problems, as I recall.

It was never anywhere near that late.

The new mascot was announced in a front page news post on the last day of the con.

The 2012 website is being designed as we speak and will be up soon. Several pieces are involved that all need to be finished.

I could have sworn that one change didn't even happen until late January-late February, like '08, or so.

2007 happened on October 18, 2006.
2008 happened on October 6, 2007.
2009 happened on October 19, 2008.
2010 happened on December 23, 2009.
2011 happened on December 4, 2010.

Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Rathany on November 21, 2011, 06:44:13 pm
Woohoo! Then maybe we can have a "What gender is the mascot?" contest? ;)

I coulda sworn it was a boy, but people have pointed to to me that they think boobage is hidden by the arm.  The overall body, though, hips and proportions look male to me.  But, does our mascot really need to be tied down to gender? 
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on November 21, 2011, 07:00:56 pm
I think the main mascot is tough to tell, though I'd lean more towards female.  The chibi version looks to me like it's clearly a female.

I do think it matters to know for sure, mainly because many people have been wondering and it will make things easier for anyone who wants to cosplay her (or him if I'm wrong) at the con.
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Kimiski on December 09, 2011, 04:11:48 pm
O.o I thought it was obviously a girl but... I guess who knows with anime? O_O Now I wonder...
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: kiichain on December 24, 2011, 07:50:33 pm

lol... i'm surprised that this is actually such a dilemma. i'm actually suarhnir (kiichain was the online handle i used before switching to suarhnir, but i never bothered to change it on this forum yet).

to answer the great mystery: it's a girl. though if it makes a difference, she's very much a tom-boy...
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Jacob_Blackfeather on December 24, 2011, 08:06:45 pm
the new layout is out guys :D
Title: Re: This years Mascot and no new lay out?
Post by: Washougal_Otaku on December 24, 2011, 11:05:53 pm
^ & ^^  YAY!!!