Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: Kagome-ChanWithFoxEars on September 10, 2005, 07:06:34 pm
Does Anyone Have A Picture Of The Boy Dressed Like Human Inu-Yasha The First day and Inu-Yasha The second day?
There's a 'looking for people' thred and also picture gallerys in the general discussion sub-forum.
I'm sorry, but no, I didn't take your picture.
^^;; And not to be rude, but don't expect an answer 10 minutes after you've posted a board.
Heeey...Wheres my cookie? :(
Hrmm ^.^ yay I stole all the cookies....here one for you xAlphonseElricx heheh *ducks and sneaks away*......well if the admin dont have a problem with it...then this person can post ^^ they lock it if they want too....usaully if things have the same title....
Does Anyone Have A Picture Of The Boy Dressed Like Human Inu-Yasha The First day and Inu-Yasha The second day?
I'm from there, too! What part of FG are you in?! I totally want to meet others locally who attended the con. ^^
I'm from forest grove too, and I cosplayed, as well..... that's odd..... reeeeaaaallly odd.... actually, now that I think about it, not that odd....
Hmm nevermind...i didnt say anything
cookie??? cookie, where are you :cry:
*ahem* anyways....i thought i saw the picy somewhere online.... :? i dont know were, i was just skimming through random picys >_<
hey hey I got a pic of the Zabuza as Human inuyasha at Sakuracon...the only one there ^_^ if..that works....yeah...<.<..
Post it anyway! It's better than clicking on this thread and just getting no cookies. :(
where is my cookie!