Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: Sinaj on September 23, 2005, 09:38:17 am
It's that time of year again and I just wanted to remind the cosplayers out there to take advantage of Halloween and stock up on cosplay materials. Wigs, props, make-up, costumes, accessories, etc... are all in bountiful supply now. Take advantage of it and keep an eye out for sales!!!
actually its an even better idea to wait till the first of november, those temp halloween places are trying to dump thier stock and eveything is on super sale!
That would depend on what you are looking for actually. The higher quality, more in-demand items are usually gone by then, and I know that the major stores (not the yearly ones) run out of stuff before Halloween. It's great to get stuff on sale, but don't wait until after the holiday or you might be disappointed by the selection of left over junk.
Best things to stock up on at teh mo' are:
-Coloured hairspray
I cannot stress the makeup one enough. It is NOT easy to find weird colours other times of the year, trust me. I'm always hunting!!!
ANd the coloured hairspray. It's very cheap and uber-useful for those who don't want to dye their hair. I'll be stocking up fer sure!!
*glomps HakkuRyu* Don't we all want to?
this is true, but i like scraping things together, if i can find a great deal ill be really pleased. but yeah anything you think might be eally popular you shoudl get before halloween. but the thing is as far as wigs go, for the most part the ones that they sell arround this time of year really arent something i want to buy anyway. i mean i cant find a place that sells wigs that dont come undone after brushing them once.
i foudn one place online, but its hard to tell. im thinking of picking up some from the lady that does my everyday hair needs. she has a couple of books and used to be into ren faires so i dont think that she would steer me wrong
yes, yes! fabric sales to0o0O!!