
Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: Neko_Chan on October 10, 2005, 07:25:48 pm

Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: Neko_Chan on October 10, 2005, 07:25:48 pm

OMG. Does anyone know this Zabuza?!
I saw him in the glomp line and he had a sign.
And I was like "You have really bad handwriting... I can't read your sign" But I hugged him anyway...
And then I was like... "Your armpits stink. -laughs jokingly-"
omg. If anyone knows him, tell him that I dunno why I said that! D: His armpits didn't stink! TT___TT I could'nt find him the rest of the con to tell him that he smelled fine!
I feel like a bitchy idiot.
Title: Re: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: Shinigami Ryuuku on October 10, 2005, 09:24:03 pm
Quote from: "Neko_Chan"

OMG. Does anyone know this Zabuza?!
I saw him in the glomp line and he had a sign.
And I was like "You have really bad handwriting... I can't read your sign" But I hugged him anyway...
And then I was like... "Your armpits stink. -laughs jokingly-"
omg. If anyone knows him, tell him that I dunno why I said that! D: His armpits didn't stink! TT___TT I could'nt find him the rest of the con to tell him that he smelled fine!
I feel like a bitchy idiot.
haha!! XD...he's my friend we went together ^_^..I can get you his adress phone number cell number e-mail yahoo msn and AIM ^_^..and lots personal info >.>...

and the Kiba ish me XP
Title: Re: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: Neko_Chan on October 11, 2005, 07:08:19 am
Quote from: "Shinigami Ryuuku"
Quote from: "Neko_Chan"

OMG. Does anyone know this Zabuza?!
I saw him in the glomp line and he had a sign.
And I was like "You have really bad handwriting... I can't read your sign" But I hugged him anyway...
And then I was like... "Your armpits stink. -laughs jokingly-"
omg. If anyone knows him, tell him that I dunno why I said that! D: His armpits didn't stink! TT___TT I could'nt find him the rest of the con to tell him that he smelled fine!
I feel like a bitchy idiot.
haha!! XD...he's my friend we went together ^_^..I can get you his adress phone number cell number e-mail yahoo msn and AIM ^_^..and lots personal info >.>...

and the Kiba ish me XP

n_n Yes! Please and Thank you!
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: Shinigami Ryuuku on October 11, 2005, 03:36:32 pm
XD...Ill PM his stuff to you..^_^
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: -MiYaVi- on October 11, 2005, 09:15:54 pm
i saw u guys!!!!!! ashame i dun kno who the frikk those karacters r! i remebrr seeing the dude with no shurt perfectly i saw him fight dancing shnits lolx. and then he was on the grond and i saw himwhile dancing and he looked up lolx
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: Shinigami Ryuuku on October 13, 2005, 01:45:13 pm
Quote from: "xRuKixRoKzX"
i saw u guys!!!!!! ashame i dun kno who the frikk those karacters r! i remebrr seeing the dude with no shurt perfectly i saw him fight dancing shnits lolx. and then he was on the grond and i saw himwhile dancing and he looked up lolx
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: -MiYaVi- on November 07, 2005, 08:00:46 am
U!!!!!! U WERE PROBOBLY THERE OR OR O_O!!!!!!!! IMMA FIND U!!!!!!! PREPARE FOR INTERIGATION FOO'!!!!! i can get 2 ur MySpace too buddy...ur on my girlfriends friends thing ^_^ ur easy! HAH
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: -MiYaVi- on November 07, 2005, 08:08:43 am
UR GAVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: Shinigami Ryuuku on November 07, 2005, 03:30:11 pm
Quote from: "-MiYaVi-"
UR GAVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>_<...and who are you??
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: -MiYaVi- on November 07, 2005, 08:21:50 pm
Ruki.....u should kno me..u IMed me..im Kaoru-San's Girlfriend
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: Shinigami Ryuuku on November 08, 2005, 05:25:46 pm
Quote from: "-MiYaVi-"
Ruki.....u should kno me..u IMed me..im Kaoru-San's Girlfriend
I know that now!!...cause...Miyavi ^_^..X3..*POOOOOKE!*
Title: WHO IS THIS?!
Post by: -MiYaVi- on November 09, 2005, 03:24:52 pm