Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: makichan on October 13, 2005, 05:38:32 pm
Alright, well I'm doing hatsuharu's hair... using a wig, mind you.... and I was wondering, what should I do for the whole bottom part, you know, the black part... how do you guys usually die your wigs?
hmm...yeah that could be difficult. I'm not sure about dying it exactly, but you may have some trouble finding the right dyes(normal hair dyes won't work I think). Katie Blair's site may have some that work, but I dun know how well they are. only other way I could think of is maybe some sort of mix of 2 wigs or maybe your natural hair but thats likely more difficult.
somebody somewhere said something about using a marker and coloring the whole wig by hand, labor-intensive, but she said she got it the exact color she wanted.
hhhhmmmm, sounds like a lot of work, but... it could actually work, thanks.....