Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: PezCat on February 14, 2006, 10:20:38 pm
Woohoo! That's like, supposed to be a landmark or something. So that means we rock, right?
Aint that the name of the new Horrer film about undead Drug Addicts directed by Rob Zombie 1000 Users
Congrasulations to Ryouken. ^_^
We should like... have posters around the conention telling people to join the forums. :3
Hooray, we reached 1000. ^____________________^
I was wondering when we were going to reach that mark. It had been hovering around the 990s for awhile now.
(at last, more victims to spread my virus to and to turn them all into the undea-)
I mean, free kittens for all.
woohoo 1000!
yay who doesn't love ...kittys?
yes we rock so very much that we do
some day it will be 2000!! 2000 it will be some day...
talking like yoda i am... :shock:
woot we reach the great landmark of 1000 I remember like it was yesterday when we were still under 700
Congrasulations to Ryouken. ^_^
We should like... have posters around the conention telling people to join the forums. :3
After last year's con we got a big spike of activity. The trouble seems to be translating that to a big spike of interested regulars.
Congrasulations to Ryouken. ^_^
We should like... have posters around the conention telling people to join the forums. :3
After last year's con we got a big spike of activity. The trouble seems to be translating that to a big spike of interested regulars.
Yes... Most of the people commented for about 20-50 posts but then after October/November it died down to the Hard-core Forum-goers.
Hey, Guspasho, how old are you?
yeah we don't have enouhg loyal forumers to really keep this alive people join give a good 20 post if that and then well BAM gone i have a few freinds who joined the forum but never post shame on them
yeah we don't have enouhg loyal forumers to really keep this alive people join give a good 20 post if that and then well BAM gone i have a few freinds who joined the forum but never post shame on them
Well Waffles, some people make accounts because of problems with the forums, an dnot being able to post without logging in, so no shame on them, and it could be possible that they are busy ding other things with their time then reading a bunch of boring posts on forums...
@ The Jew
Exactly, I prefer to spend my time doing other things than sorting through the endless amounts of spam that somehow ooze from every poer of this forum. Plus thebestcasescenario.com is better :D.
Well Waffles, some people make accounts because of problems with the forums, an dnot being able to post without logging in, so no shame on them, and it could be possible that they are busy ding other things with their time then reading a bunch of boring posts on forums...
I understand this all I am saying is it would be alot nice to have some more loyal formers
Congrasulations to Ryouken. ^_^
We should like... have posters around the conention telling people to join the forums. :3
After last year's con we got a big spike of activity. The trouble seems to be translating that to a big spike of interested regulars.
Yes... Most of the people commented for about 20-50 posts but then after October/November it died down to the Hard-core Forum-goers.
Hey, Guspasho, how old are you?
25, why?
I understand this all I am saying is it would be alot nice to have some more loyal formers
You'll get there, it takes time really. and probably once the con gets a littl bigger int he next couple of years?
Congrasulations to Ryouken. ^_^
We should like... have posters around the conention telling people to join the forums. :3
After last year's con we got a big spike of activity. The trouble seems to be translating that to a big spike of interested regulars.
Yes... Most of the people commented for about 20-50 posts but then after October/November it died down to the Hard-core Forum-goers.
Hey, Guspasho, how old are you?
25, why?
-shifty eyes- No reason... Kekeke...
Looks like guspasho is a few years older then my socks but my Mini Balls are 150 years old
...but my Mini Balls are 150 years old
:shock: :shock:
Every part of my body is telling me I shouldn't ask...
*backs away*
...but my Mini Balls are 150 years old
:shock: :shock:
Every part of my body is telling me I shouldn't ask...
*backs away*
they are bullets, bullets from the civil war designed by a frenchy guy named Minnie'
...but my Mini Balls are 150 years old
:shock: :shock:
Every part of my body is telling me I shouldn't ask...
*backs away*
they are bullets, bullets from the civil war designed by a frenchy guy named Minnie'
Ooooooh, never mind then. *I wish this forum had a sweatdrop emoticon*
could do what I always use for a sweatdrop which is > ^_^*
the Minnie ball...
they're what allowed rifles to be loaded as easily as smooth bore muskets is one of the reason for the large number of casualties on the battlefield of the US Civil War due to rifles much greater effective range. They were replaced by cartridge bullets after the war for use with the trapdoor springfield. okay, I'm done talking about old military history now.
the Minnie ball...
they're what allowed rifles to be loaded as easily as smooth bore muskets is one of the reason for the large number of casualties on the battlefield of the US Civil War due to rifles much greater effective range. They were replaced by cartridge bullets after the war for use with the trapdoor springfield. okay, I'm done talking about old military history now.
yeah I know all that thats why I have them and a cannon ball (but it is a little rusty and looks like a meatball). A friend has an origianl rifle and we will take it out and shoot some rebel tin cans
if I had a rifle, I would ask to join in. But I have other things to spend my money on first however so I won't be getting one for a while.
:shock: rifels.... some one hide those kittys, neko, duck and cover sakaki-san will not let cats be harmed..
anyway, have to ask am i the only one humming the some 1000 words from ffX-2, under there breath when ever they read this thread or once again watashi was hen desu ne (weird)
Sooo um.. Whay are we not talking about rifles, I am so confused..
Haha, I laughed that this board was moved into the "Fun and Games" section and not the General Discussion.
its all fun and games till some one loses and eye, or acidently steps on a video game breaking it ....noooooo!!!!
It's all fun and games until someone's hit over the head with the giant felt pocky stick.
its never fun and games....
its never fun and games....
Waffles, your avatar really scares me ;-;
awesome why?
awesome why?
I dunno it is liek some scary crazy dog ;-; it's like he is going to haunt my dreams
I dunno it is liek some scary crazy dog ;-; it's like he is going to haunt my dreams
Does he? :P
I dunno it is liek some scary crazy dog ;-; it's like he is going to haunt my dreams
Does he? :P
NOT YET,.... Thank Goodness!
I'm more of a cat person...but I don't really like their glowing eyes in the dark...it can get a bit creepy... >_<
i dont know if its cuz i'm going as sakaki this year but now when i see a cat i feel i should try to pet it just for principls, and get bitten i duno
giant pocky stick pain but even more is the
superjaz's mochi hammer of doom
which i dont have ....yet