
Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: Irate Beldam on August 19, 2006, 10:18:52 am

Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Irate Beldam on August 19, 2006, 10:18:52 am
Well, I know it's far too late to be starting on a costume for this Kumoricon. [ I intend to just wear my normal, weird garb to this con. :3 ]

But for the next Kumoricon, I'm still completlely stumped as to who I should cosplay as. I can't seem to find anyone who matches me well. @.@

I'm about 5'5,
and about 100lbs,
so I'm fairly thin.

I have very light skin,
brown eyes,
and brown hair that hair that is in ringlettes.
[ Ugh they look like sausage curls...if I let them.
I can kill them and make it just look wavy, if I want. @.@ ]

I can cosplay male or female; it's of no difference to me.
I work well as both genders, anyway.

Anyway, here's a few pictures to help. D:



Okayso, yeah. The hair is my problem. I can't find any anime/ manga/ whatever character that even remotely resembles me. :C

If anyone has any suggestions, even if I'd have to hide my hair under a wig or something, they would be great appriciated. : D

Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: YumeMegami on August 19, 2006, 10:23:41 am
The fun thing about conventions is not going as who you look like. But making yourself into someone.
That's what so fun about cosplaying!

*points to icon* hell, I don't look a thing like Sakura, but I sure make a damn good one XD
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Irate Beldam on August 19, 2006, 10:25:56 am
Quote from: "YumeMegami"
The fun thing about conventions is not going as who you look like. But making yourself into someone.
That's what so fun about cosplaying!

*points to icon* hell, I don't look a thing like Sakura, but I sure make a damn good one XD

Heehee, you sure do! >_<

Well, the thing is, I'm still not sure who to do. .___.
I want to at least go as something that fits my body shape. x33
Just not sure who would work. ;_;
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: kylite on August 19, 2006, 10:36:02 am
looking at the pic in your sig I think you would make an EXCELLENT dorathy from "BIG O"




Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Irate Beldam on August 19, 2006, 12:40:07 pm
Quote from: "kylite"
looking at the pic in your sig I think you would make an EXCELLENT dorathy from "BIG O"





Oh, with a wig I could pull her off well, I think!

I think I even have an outfit right now that would work for her.
I even have a cravat like her neck tie. : D

Anyone have anymore suggestions? >_<
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Waffles on August 19, 2006, 12:43:35 pm
I like kylites!
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Irate Beldam on August 19, 2006, 12:53:31 pm
Quote from: "Waffles"
I like kylites!

Yeah, it was a good idea. : D[/size]
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Irate Beldam on August 20, 2006, 07:26:31 pm
Quote from: "pencil"
I dont have any suggestions, but I have a question...
Where did you go to highschool? You look really familiar.

Um. South Eugene High School.

I graduated like...uh, a year ago I guess?

[ It's kind of confusing since the college I go to is only three years, so I'm already done with a year and a half. ]

But yeah. I graduated last year...I think....
Did you go to SEHS?
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: pencil on August 20, 2006, 07:41:24 pm
Yeah, I go to south. Thats where I recognise you from then.
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Irate Beldam on August 20, 2006, 07:46:14 pm
Quote from: "pencil"
Yeah, I go to south. Thats where I recognise you from then.


Who are you? x3

Maybe I've seen you before, too! >_<
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: BlackjackGabbiani on August 20, 2006, 09:55:45 pm
I could see you as Beatrix from FFIX...
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Keenon Williams on August 21, 2006, 02:42:01 am
Yeah, I can see that... SHE COULD DO IT.

Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: pencil on August 21, 2006, 11:45:03 am
Quote from: "Irate Beldam"
Quote from: "pencil"
Yeah, I go to south. Thats where I recognise you from then.


Who are you? x3

Maybe I've seen you before, too! >_<

My names Dorothy.
Seeing as you went to south a year ago, if you were to remeber me at all it was when I had annoyingly pink astro-boy hair :

Although, I look alot different from that now. Because I dont wear makeup anymore, I've grown my eyebrows out a bit, and I've lost 10-20lbs.
(Although you cant tell how different I look because of the incredible myspace angle, and massive amounts of photoshop in the first one :roll: I was an idiot then *lol*)
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: oishiidesuyo on August 21, 2006, 02:29:03 pm
wow, you're absolutely gorgeous. <3

for some reason, i think you'd make a lovely anthy (revolutionary girl utena).
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Irate Beldam on August 21, 2006, 04:17:27 pm
Quote from: "pencil"
Quote from: "Irate Beldam"
Quote from: "pencil"
Yeah, I go to south. Thats where I recognise you from then.


Who are you? x3

Maybe I've seen you before, too! >_<

My names Dorothy.
Seeing as you went to south a year ago, if you were to remeber me at all it was when I had annoyingly pink astro-boy hair :

Although, I look alot different from that now. Because I dont wear makeup anymore, I've grown my eyebrows out a bit, and I've lost 10-20lbs.
(Although you cant tell how different I look because of the incredible myspace angle, and massive amounts of photoshop in the first one :roll: I was an idiot then *lol*)

Wait, I think I lied. I was in college last year. I can't remember ever seeing you.

Though, I was sort of...oblivious back then, so. :B How long have you been attending SEHS for?

I bet you know my friend Lain Kaplan. Or, well, Amy I guess. But everyone calls her Lain. :3

But you're cuuuute. :33!!

@ Keenon: Who is Beatrix? I hope she would work~~

 @ Tasty: OMG. ANTHY!!

She would be so fun to go as!!

Nooo, I wanted to be Anthy! ;_________;

...Thanks for the compliment, though. >_<;
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Negima on August 21, 2006, 04:23:43 pm
Quote from: "Irate Beldam"
@ Keenon: Who is Beatrix? I hope she would work~~

Beatrix is from Final Fantasy 9.  Very cool looking.
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: oishiidesuyo on August 21, 2006, 04:26:29 pm
i don't think anyone would complain of a light skinned anthy. especially a pretty one like you! >w<
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: pencil on August 21, 2006, 06:21:40 pm
Quote from: "Irate Beldam"

Wait, I think I lied. I was in college last year. I can't remember ever seeing you.

Though, I was sort of...oblivious back then, so. :B How long have you been attending SEHS for?

I bet you know my friend Lain Kaplan. Or, well, Amy I guess. But everyone calls her Lain. :3

But you're cuuuute. :33!!

Im going into the 11th grade. Its okay, I dont expect people to recognise me *lol* I never really been one to make a name for myself.

I think I might know who Lain is, but Im not sure, like you (only it still applies to me) Im pretty oblivious to things also.

But I agree, you could do anthy!
Title: Cosplaying suggestions? I'm stumped.
Post by: Irate Beldam on August 21, 2006, 06:47:28 pm
Quote from: "Negima"
Quote from: "Irate Beldam"
@ Keenon: Who is Beatrix? I hope she would work~~

Beatrix is from Final Fantasy 9.  Very cool looking.

I looked up pictures of her, and...

OMG. Someone, make me a Beatrix costume! She's freaking PERFECT! ;_____;

@ Tasty: Really? You dun think people would complain?


@ Pencil: Hmm, I think you'd have been a Freshman when I was there, then.

Now I know why I probably didn't notice pink hair. I was obsessed with the guy I was going out with then, and I kind of ignored like everything else in the world for like...a year. XD

Heehee Lain is a cute girl I'm sure you've met her. :3