Convention Events and Programming => Panels & et cetera => Topic started by: Runa on September 28, 2006, 11:20:59 am
So what panels do you want to see in 2007?
Please recommend panelists if you know their names, etc (of course including yourself if you will be on the panel)...
Never to early to solicit suggestions!
I have one: anyone want a "How to do Applique" workshop? I think we could do that in the creation station. It most likely would have to be exclusively hand applique techniques (I know how to do invisible stitches :D ) since I doubt we could scare up enough sewing machines (unless people brought their own).
I'll do my leather panel again if just one person says yeah.
I'll sit in on a joint panel and do zippers, snaps, Grommets etc
With the foam Panel I knew all the cutting stuff already from making foam stage sets and the armatures for metal sculpture and know some tricks for doing cuts with giant templates, making multiple copies with injectable foam with molds and texturing and stuff. I would be willing to sit in on that one too.
I'm also going to be learning epoxy casting this year, which is used in "Cold Cast" metal and stone. (I have to learn it I have $300 worth of Molds and junk in my shop)
I want to see some more advanced classes in all subjects.
Idea for a Sharp Shooters Panel Here http://www.kumoricon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3426
And anyone feel like combating the yaoi fans with an anti-yaoi panel? XD *is going to get beaten to a pulp for that*
And anyone feel like combating the yaoi fans with an anti-yaoi panel? XD *is going to get beaten to a pulp for that*
YES!!!! :D Excellent idea! It's about time someone came up with that.
I know im thinking all pirate like, but we should have a panel to where its ninjas vs. pirates... that would probably catch some eyes of con folk... especially ninjas and pirates... and fans of either one.
I know im thinking all pirate like, but we should have a panel to where its ninjas vs. pirates... that would probably catch some eyes of con folk... especially ninjas and pirates... and fans of either one.
how about a panel with
Ninja Girls
Pirate Wenches
I like the Idea... but who would be the panel people (dont know what their called) I mean, that could be one of the competions that are in the panel... but lets think....
I've got myself a Jack Sparrow *plastic* sword. I'd be more than willing to throw my hat in and battle Ninja Chicks for fun. ^.^
*rushes to find her pirate costume*
I wanna be a pirate ninja monkey from middle earth! Got a panel for that?! XD
Seriously, though, that'd be a cool panel. Maybe give some real history of pirates and ninjas and then the "history" of their feud. And present it all serious like while you're at it. XD
And then afterwards have a battle royal of sorts. Just trying to figure out how you'd do that with peace bonded weapons...
I wanna be a pirate ninja monkey from middle earth! Got a panel for that?! XD
I've got a ring of power. Wanna run around the Con trying to destroy it? Now THAT would be a Quest, going around the Con and finally destroying the Ring on the last day in some awesome event. ^.^
I wanna be a pirate ninja monkey from middle earth! Got a panel for that?! XD
I've got a ring of power. Wanna run around the Con trying to destroy it? Now THAT would be a Quest, going around the Con and finally destroying the Ring on the last day in some awesome event. ^.^
I got one, it came in my LOTR Risk set. It dont work, even when I wear it I can't get the Alpha Aunt who went out halloween as a Nazgal to call.
That's because I have the TRUE Ring of Power, Vondan. And besides, I sent the Nazgul to go invent lactose-free yummy ice cream a few years back. They're still too busy working on it to bother with anything else at the moment. ^.^
That's because I have the TRUE Ring of Power, Vondan. And besides, I sent the Nazgul to go invent lactose-free yummy ice cream a few years back. They're still too busy working on it to bother with anything else at the moment. ^.^
But I Dont want the Nazgul to visit just Nazgal Queen (she is in charge of the Nazgirls)
I would love to do the webcomic panel again. that was fun ^_^
How about a panel / workshop / demo on doing applique correctly (I can run the panel)? I've noticed that several cosplayers clearly had issues with how to properly applique something on their costumes.....
We could also use a cosplay panel covering things like giving your costumes structure -- you know tricks like using wire to get the ribbons to stand out, or which kinds of interfacings work well to stiffen parts of costumes to get things to look just right) ... I'd be on that panel, but would like some additional people on it besides moi.
A fabric swap or costumer's trade blanket could also be fun. People gather into a room with the stuff they want to trade and negotiate with others who have stuff they want. Great way to get rid of stuff / fabric / costume making supplies that you don't want and get new items you've been wanting to get. :D
I don't quite know how Panels work, because I have never been to one even though I have been going to K-con three years running. (I feel pathetic for that, but I could never break away from my group long enough to visit them.)
I would Love to see how to make Cosplay armor and weapon panels, I know there have been those in the past, but like I said I always seem to miss them.
If pannels are general fanbase gathering type places? (don't know where I was going with that) Like a Yaoi enthusiest pannel ect. then how about a Fighting Game Character Pannel. I see enough fighter character cosplays around, and I do one every year. It might be kind of nifty.
Sorry if my suggestions are either confusing or really lame.
ya know, a anti-yaoi pannel would be great....hmmmm...
and i've never been to a pannel that shows how to perfectly complete your cosplay costume and stuff, so i'm definately going to go to all of em next year......as long as they're not going on @ the same time...
If I run fanfic programming again, there will be at least one panel on webcomics, and my goal would be to have multiple panelists: at least one who hand-draws art and at least one who computer-generates art. Anyone who has been a panelist for me once, I try to keep you aboard for multiple years and multiple cons, so consider yourself to have the option to be aboard, if I get the position again, catboy!
I would like to see panels for specific shows/mangas fandoms. I would like to attend one on deeper meanings in Utena, for example.
I had wanted to attend David's Yuri panel, before that got canceled....hint hint.
I had wanted to attend Brenda's on the Japanese view of the apocalypse or whatever it was that had to do with post-atomic bomb psychology....did that happen?
I was privileged to be on Guy's panel on Christian Anime Fandom (though not personally Christian), and hope that something comparable can take place, perhaps expanding to incorporate reps from other religious vantage points.
Rem, if you can't find any good hand-drawing artists, I can draw decently. I can send you a few in-class sketched if you want (my art book seems to have grown legs and wandered off, so nearly everything is currently on notebook paper in my English notebook. Because Jane Austin lectures are just that freakin' boring! :x )
A panel on Japanese history would be pretty neat. I know a lot of people just think that there were samurai that magically transformed into buisness men over night, and that always annoys me a little.
Something on the Ainu would also be really cool, as almost no one really knows much about them, as they don't show up in anime ever. The Ainu, for those not in the know, are actually the natives to Japan, not the Japanese. I know, it's weird, but the Ainu crossed on a land bridge, if I remember correctly, from Russia, while the Japanese cam over from China/Korea. So the Ainu actually have a much different culture than the Japanese because they came from a much different culture originally.
I think that's why parts of an old Norweigen folk tale are in one of the creation stories of the Shinto religion, the Ainu probably brought the story over from Russia, and they probably got it from who knows where. But that old story traveling half way around the world is just amazing, and so odd. It's kinda creepy, actually. :shock:
Sorry, I did a teh Rant. I read far too many history books. ^.^;
Something on the Ainu would also be really cool, as almost no one really knows much about them, as they don't show up in anime ever. The Ainu, for those not in the know, are actually the natives to Japan, not the Japanese. I know, it's weird, but the Ainu crossed on a land bridge, if I remember correctly, from Russia, while the Japanese cam over from China/Korea. So the Ainu actually have a much different culture than the Japanese because they came from a much different culture originally.
IIRC the first to Japan were the Popakoo (sic) a sea shore based culture existing on shellfish and such
Then the Ainu migrated from the northwest to Hokido and the main island and mostly displaced or absorbed the popokoo
Then a migration from south East Asia like the Philippines, that pushed the Auni out of the main island to just Hokido
Then a migration from Korea of a Chinese influenced culture that formed the ruling class and began the formation of historical Japan that further pushed the Aino to the north end of Hokido and the smaller islands north of there.
I think that's why parts of an old Norweigen folk tale are in one of the creation stories of the Shinto religion, the Ainu probably brought the story over from Russia, and they probably got it from who knows where. But that old story traveling half way around the world is just amazing, and so odd. It's kinda creepy, actually. :shock:
It's because to a lot of modern eyes prehistoric peoples were total boneheads. They had skills and knowledge of certain things we can never duplicate and were able to conquer large areas with just rocks and sticks and the curiosity of “what’s over there” The prehistoric world was much more traveled and explored than history admits. It’s nothing mysterious or conspiratorial. A lone family or group would find/locate/discover/invent and it was not written down and when all those who knew of it passed on it as lost.
They still find things like 1000 year old bronze dishes from china in Canada and it’s a 50/50 toss up that they came over in a Eskimo Canoe or a Viking Long ship by way of Constantinople
Sorry, I did a teh Rant. I read far too many history books. ^.^;
A lady can never read to much
It's because to a lot of modern eyes prehistoric peoples were total boneheads.
Correction, what evidence we currently have exisiting suggest they were boneheads imagination wise (setting aside the Greek plays, because those are just awesome). But, you must remember, we don't even have a complete text of Beowulf, and we probably lost some of the most beautiful texts in the world in the third burning of the Library of Alexadria. :wink:
It's because to a lot of modern eyes prehistoric peoples were total boneheads.
Correction, what evidence we currently have exisiting suggest they were boneheads imagination wise (setting aside the Greek plays, because those are just awesome). But, you must remember, we don't even have a complete text of Beowulf, and we probably lost some of the most beautiful texts in the world in the third burning of the Library of Alexadria. :wink:
Yeah those damn Library burners and worse they killed Hypatia the librarian (the worlds first Nerdy girl, I wonder if deadalus made her glasses). That’s the same thing I was talking about but for a later era as history repeats itself. Between the loss of written records in the social changes of the turn of eras BC/AD and the Plague killing off enough wise men and trades men a lot of historical and technical knowledge was lost and it took 500 years for the west to recover it (this was helped by the crusades bringing captured Greek documents back from the middle east) but it would have been just as easy to just send kids to college in Damascus. But before written history a lot of things could have been discovered but it was still stuck in some ones head then they died. Even after written history something were kept secret in various families or trades. For example the fishermen from Cornwall and Normandy knew the location of America but they did not talk about it because the fishing off Canada’s grand bank was so good and profitable
Just 500 years to recover it? Far more than that. They have written evidence of working steam engines back in the day of Alexandria. Non spontaniously exploding steam engines.
And they killed far more than just librarians, they slew any females who had been educated there as well. This includes doctors, scientists, and other facests of knowledge.
I just suddenly realized something: my roommate is right, I am a nerd. ^.^; I'm online discussing history at 1:30 in the morning. Damn you KHAN!!!!
Just 500 years to recover it? Far more than that. They have written evidence of working steam engines back in the day of Alexandria. Non spontaniously exploding steam engines.
And they killed far more than just librarians, they slew any females who had been educated there as well. This includes doctors, scientists, and other facests of knowledge.
I just suddenly realized something: my roommate is right, I am a nerd. ^.^; I'm online discussing history at 1:30 in the morning. Damn you KHAN!!!!
Yes I know it was more then just that one library and Hypatia, there was social unrest between the new religions and a new philosophy of logic and order. But of course the Christians will blame the burning on the Moslems saying they used the records to fuel the hot tubs when in reality they would have taken any historical documents back to the researchers in Damascus
Well, to be fair, the Muslims did burn the Library the second time. But it was able to be completely rebuilt, and the collection restored. It was the Christians who went into a hoop-la and just torched that sucker and had a marshmellow fest the third time.
At least, that's what I remember from my Lit class last year. But, then again, the NyQuil and ibuprfain might be doing funny things to my memories of who did what in what order and when.
Who burned the library the first time, again?
Well, to be fair, the Muslims did burn the Library the second time. But it was able to be completely rebuilt, and the collection restored. It was the Christians who went into a hoop-la and just torched that sucker and had a marshmellow fest the third time.
At least, that's what I remember from my Lit class last year. But, then again, the NyQuil and ibuprfain might be doing funny things to my memories of who did what in what order and when.
Who burned the library the first time, again?
that can be your new rap song
Who burned the library,
who who who
who who
Who burned the library
It's been a while since I read up on it (AndI had made a longer post above but damn it the forum times out if I take my time to research and type a long post) I just Wikid and it was burned at least 4 times
1. Caesar's conquest 48 BC (a fire on the dock spread to the building)
2. the attack of Aurelian in the 3rd century AD
3. the decree of Theophilius in 391 AD, and
Christian uprising Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria 415 (Hypatias death)
4. the Muslim conquest in 642 AD or thereafter.
But by the last time it had already been burned 3 times
And in the 8 th or 12th century it was a store house for munitions and was bombed or was that the Parthenon
I read a lot of history but have not had an actualy history class in 20 years
Okay we always have a Sailor Moon Sleep over and I really want to have a Ninja Pajama party!
And moring Calisthenics!
Cat girl training!
Three cheers for Yuri!
Mochi Party
Glomp Police (like fastion Police and if you are arested and taken off to jail you have to pay pocky to get them out :-P )
Name that Anime (like name that tune)
Okay we always have a Sailor Moon Sleep over and I really want to have a Ninja Pajama party!
And moring Calisthenics!
Cat girl training!
Three cheers for Yuri!
Mochi Party
Glomp Police (like fastion Police and if you are arested and taken off to jail you have to pay pocky to get them out :-P )
Name that Anime (like name that tune)
I keep sujesting (so I can make the belt) Catboy or Girl wrestling
I want a pannel discussion on Paranoia Agent!!!
I want a pannel discussion on Paranoia Agent!!!
I second the nomination!
I'm going to do a Gothic Lolita how to. :)
Does anyone know if Panalists get a discount of admission? It's what I've heard (Is there an age limit? I'll be 16 at con time.)
Rem, if you can't find any good hand-drawing artists, I can draw decently. I can send you a few in-class sketched if you want (my art book seems to have grown legs and wandered off, so nearly everything is currently on notebook paper in my English notebook. Because Jane Austin lectures are just that freakin' boring! :x )
You are definitely welcome to be in the mix for any of our contests and/or panels, thanks!
A panel on Japanese history would be pretty neat. I know a lot of people just think that there were samurai that magically transformed into buisness men over night, and that always annoys me a little.
I would also like to attend such a panel...I'm big on authors' learning to but authenticity into their works set in various epochs of Japan or China.
Something on the Ainu would also be really cool, as almost no one really knows much about them, as they don't show up in anime ever. The Ainu, for those not in the know, are actually the natives to Japan, not the Japanese. I know, it's weird, but the Ainu crossed on a land bridge, if I remember correctly, from Russia, while the Japanese cam over from China/Korea. So the Ainu actually have a much different culture than the Japanese because they came from a much different culture originally.
Actually, Toni Levi wasn't available for KC this year, but at SC and especially at Anime Evolution, she gave workshops for me in the Creation Station called "The Werewolf in the Crested Kimono," which largely pertained to not only Japanese, but also especially Ainu, mythos as regards shapeshifters and/or those sharing the spirits of both or characteristics of both humans and non-human animals. This was based on an article of like title that she will publish in the debut issue of "Mechademia," a forthcoming academic journal on all things otaku---and I was her extensive beta reader for that article! :)
I think that's why parts of an old Norweigen folk tale are in one of the creation stories of the Shinto religion, the Ainu probably brought the story over from Russia, and they probably got it from who knows where. But that old story traveling half way around the world is just amazing, and so odd. It's kinda creepy, actually. :shock:
Sorry, I did a teh Rant. I read far too many history books. ^.^;
you're adorable...and you'd love Toni's workshop. i'll try to lure her to Kc again!
I want a pannel discussion on Paranoia Agent!!!
I second the nomination!
I third it!
Also what about cat ears again. There should definetly be something invovling cat girls/guys..
i'd like to see a pannel on how to do ddr (it can be really intimadating if you've never played, and you see a bunch of people playing on hard X2 speed) and the healthy benifits of ddr
it would have to be where ddr is set up
yeah this is also somthing i do when ever i'm at fries i explain to the little kids how to play pick a speed and song thats easy and let them go, while i tell their parents that its very good exersize and how much weight i've lost playing it
I want a pannel discussion on Paranoia Agent!!!
I second the nomination!
I third it!
Also what about cat ears again. There should definetly be something invovling cat girls/guys..
I keep sujesting Catgirl wrestling but every one in charge poo poo's the idea. I want to make the championship belt
I'm going to do a Gothic Lolita how to. :)
Does anyone know if Panalists get a discount of admission? It's what I've heard (Is there an age limit? I'll be 16 at con time.)
I had to pay full price last year. I was told before the pre-reg cutoffs that panelists got discounts, but then AFTER pre-reg closed I was told "sorry, you have to pay full price now" -_-
the Lolita Tea Party will return again next year, of course
I want a pannel discussion on Paranoia Agent!!!
I second the nomination!
I third it!
Also what about cat ears again. There should definetly be something invovling cat girls/guys..
I keep sujesting Catgirl wrestling but every one in charge poo poo's the idea. I want to make the championship belt
Well I too find catgirl wrestling interesting....v.v I dont think wresting is something catgirls would really do. When I picture it I picture a bunch of fat cagirl chicks throwing each other around in mud and trying to be sexy...EWWWWW....That doesnt sound to appeasing to me..
I want a pannel discussion on Paranoia Agent!!!
I second the nomination!
I third it!
Also what about cat ears again. There should definetly be something invovling cat girls/guys..
I keep sujesting Catgirl wrestling but every one in charge poo poo's the idea. I want to make the championship belt
Well I too find catgirl wrestling interesting....v.v I dont think wresting is something catgirls would really do. When I picture it I picture a bunch of fat cagirl chicks throwing each other around in mud and trying to be sexy...EWWWWW....That doesnt sound to appeasing to me..
I picture a lot of running and pouncing and leaping and of course lots of B***H slapping with those Kwaii cat girl mittens. Go “research” and watch some GLOW or WOW and Pris’s fight scean in Bladerunner
And then posing with the belt and issuing challenges. Cause really the few times I watched "real" wrestling I’d get a snack during the fight and then watch the soap opera in between.
The show must have reference to the Squared Litterbox, the Kitty Slam, The Tail Lash, and The Fuzzy Nelson etc.
The sound track should be from the worst rated fight game ever titled "Catfight" and the theme song from Billy and the Boingers
One way or another
I'm Gonna git you
I'm gonna bite you scratch you claw you
Von "Just realized I have a 'friend' I call Kat who may visit in a few months I must make some Kwaii mittens for shiaw mao” Dan
I want a pannel discussion on Paranoia Agent!!!
I second the nomination!
I third it!
Also what about cat ears again. There should definetly be something invovling cat girls/guys..
I keep sujesting Catgirl wrestling but every one in charge poo poo's the idea. I want to make the championship belt
Well I too find catgirl wrestling interesting....v.v I dont think wresting is something catgirls would really do. When I picture it I picture a bunch of fat cagirl chicks throwing each other around in mud and trying to be sexy...EWWWWW....That doesnt sound to appeasing to me..
I picture a lot of running and pouncing and leaping and of course lots of B***H slapping with those Kwaii cat girl mittens. Go “research” and watch some GLOW or WOW and Pris’s fight scean in Bladerunner
And then posing with the belt and issuing challenges. Cause really the few times I watched "real" wrestling I’d get a snack during the fight and then watch the soap opera in between.
The show must have reference to the Squared Litterbox, the Kitty Slam, The Tail Lash, and The Fuzzy Nelson etc.
The sound track should be from the worst rated fight game ever titled "Catfight" and the theme song from Billy and the Boingers
One way or another
I'm Gonna git you
I'm gonna bite you scratch you claw you
Von "Just realized I have a 'friend' I call Kat who may visit in a few months I must make some Kwaii mittens for shiaw mao” Dan
Okay described like that a catfight sounds more fun. but I want them to move in slow mo. We should get a kiddie pool and fill with something. ^.^-
sorry I havnt possted lately, but I have been kind of busy.
but anywho, I second the catgirl (Neko) wrestling, that would kick *buttons* but would it be for adults only, or for everyone?
I plan on trying to get a mock sumo set. You know those big padded suits they make people wear for anger management or in MXC stuff.
You could wear cat ears with it and that would work I guess. :)
I was thinking about that as a possibility, as well. This way, we could form a tournament & Vondan can make a Kumoricon Wrestling Championship belt.
Lol that would be to funny. ^.^- I would love to go to that. sumo-wrestling kittie girls
thinks about it and starts drooling* sexxy, I would go to that in an instant.
<---{is currently having a very fun (frustrating) time styling a wig for a costume}
maybe a panel / workshop/ demo on how to style wigs :!:
I plan on trying to get a mock sumo set. You know those big padded suits they make people wear for anger management or in MXC stuff.
You could wear cat ears with it and that would work I guess. :)
Check with Rarnom of Lanime I was talking to him about the cat girl or sumo wrestling and he said they had the sumo wrestling at one of the lanime parties. So some one with Lanime may have a line on the suits and any reg or wavers needed.
I just had an idea since Lanime has run the Sumo Suit wrestling before why not see if they would run it for K con. Have the big anime clubs in Oregon each sponcer and run one event and they can pull together the volenteer crew
Hmm... that's not a bad idea.
Hmm... that's not a bad idea.
they always told me I was full of something that starts with B I guess they meant Big ideas
Any others?
Yeah the Clark College Anime Club is to run a 90 minute musical program on the history of anime entitled Lewis and Clark: Anime Journey of Discovery. When President Jefferson sends Lewis and Clark out to explore they end up in various anime lands and there guide is the catgirl Nekojawea.
That’s it I had another tiffany! The Clark College Anime Club mascot is now officially Nekojawea. So as the Clark entry in the catfight you will have a catgirl in a Indian princess outfit with a hatchet.
Von “Ware did I put that 2 foot square piece of white brained tanned doe skin that would be perfect for a native princess mini skirt” Dan
Okay. I've gathered up all of the suggestions from this area, along with a few from other places. This is what we have.
anime_lover - Cat ear making workshop
BoredHorror - Wig styling panel
catboy-trades - Webcomic panel
corpsic beauty - Perfectly complete cosplay
Darkerlight - "Darker animes & myths behind them" panel
leonmasteries - Ninjas vs. Pirates; fangirl/fanboy panel
maetel - Lolita Tea Party
MistressLegato - Survival Horror Video Games panel
Neko_Chan - Gothic Lilita panel
PixeL - Style Swap
princessfrodo - The History of Japan; the Ainu
RemSaverem - "Hand-draw" panel; "Computer-generating" panel; Utena panel (Revolution Girl Utena, right?); Yuri panel; Japanese apocalypse/post A-bomb; Christian anime (perhaps other religions also)
Riza-Chan - Anti-Yaoi panel; Sharp shooter (Duck Hunt) panel
Runa - "How to do Applique" workshop; Cosplay structure panel
spindrift - Ninja pajama party; Morning Calisthenics; Cat girl training; Mochi party; The Glomp Police; Name that Anime; Paranoia Agent
superjaz3p - DDR
TheNightBringer - Cosplay armor & weapons; Fighting game character panel
Vondan - Leather panel; advanced classes; Ninja girls vs. Pirate wenches; Catboy or Catgirl wrestling
Washougal_Otaku & Nyco - Catperson sumo wrestling
This is a great list of suggestions, eveyone! Please keep them coming!
Hey Washougal, would you mind taking another suggestion or two? I'd really like to see a more academic panel, something which would address the world of anime from a cultural studies/anthropological background, so we could talk about the patterns of symbolism and representation in the genre. I just picked up the Napier book, and I'm really excited about it. I also noticed that in years past, we had some academics from PSU presenting at the con. I would LOVE to see something like this next year.
Hey Washougal, would you mind taking another suggestion or two? I'd really like to see a more academic panel, something which would address the world of anime from a cultural studies/anthropological background, so we could talk about the patterns of symbolism and representation in the genre. I just picked up the Napier book, and I'm really excited about it. I also noticed that in years past, we had some academics from PSU presenting at the con. I would LOVE to see something like this next year.
the guy who said he would be the advisor for TUNAC again wrote a book on Anime and is a teacher a the U of O
the guy who said he would be the advisor for TUNAC again wrote a book on Anime and is a teacher a the U of O
TUNAC? Pardon pi's ignorance, what's this?
the guy who said he would be the advisor for TUNAC again wrote a book on Anime and is a teacher a the U of O
TUNAC? Pardon pi's ignorance, what's this?
Doh Squared! TUNAC: the Totally Unnamed Anime Club (at the U of O). The founding members of TUNAC are the Founding member of Kumoricon and the Board members of Altonumbis. Maybe there should be a panel on the history of K Con
With tentacle monsters
Ok, that could be good. Can you send or link his faculty profile?
Ok, that could be good. Can you send or link his faculty profile?
here is a link to a review of his book. I had just googled for anime University of Oregon and he kept coming up. I sent Nyco27 his info and she said he was the same teacher she had already spoken to about reforming the club (When the founding member graduated it sort of died out)
pi, that suggestion rocks!
A history of the con? Hmm... maybe.
By the way Vondan, what the hee haw is that green thing?
I knew it was him when you mentioned he wrote a book on anime. I had him for a Japanese Literature class.
Anyway, now that I'm done with random trivia...
By the way Vondan, what the hee haw is that green thing?
Do you mean on the book cover? I think that's a picture from Serial Experiment Lain.
I knew it was him when you mentioned he wrote a book on anime. I had him for a Japanese Literature class.
Anyway, now that I'm done with random trivia...
By the way Vondan, what the hee haw is that green thing?
Do you mean on the book cover? I think that's a picture from Serial Experiment Lain.
no he means
he has no tast for classic Kroft
The idea of an Anti-Yuri panel run by girls and an anti-yaoi panel run by guys colaberation..... it makes me giggle!
Okay Some new ideas!
expanding on Darklighters idea of dark animes & Myths behind them.
Why not have "Anime Inspired?" As in what are the real myths and stories that have inspired some of the most popular Animes.
Next What about Some more Kid programing Like a small kids festival that include yugio card games and pin the tail on Inu Yasha.
Expanding the Creation Station to include: Flower arangment & Origami.
Okay Some new ideas!
expanding on Darklighters idea of dark animes & Myths behind them.
Why not have "Anime Inspired?" As in what are the real myths and stories that have inspired some of the most popular Animes.
Next What about Some more Kid programing Like a small kids festival that include yugio card games and pin the tail on Inu Yasha.
Expanding the Creation Station to include: Flower arangment & Origami.
I had an idea for a Chibi Room or Chibi Day.
And it's pin the fox tail on Naruto
If we had the room the panels on Flower Arangment, origami, Samurai Swords, Medevil Japanese clothing, japanese history and japanese myths could all be in one room devoted to Japanese history and culture. thats about 12 hours of programing other could be added but it would mean the need for another team of volunteers (In Kimonos) to watch the room
Okay Some new ideas!
expanding on Darklighters idea of dark animes & Myths behind them.
Why not have "Anime Inspired?" As in what are the real myths and stories that have inspired some of the most popular Animes.
Next What about Some more Kid programing Like a small kids festival that include yugio card games and pin the tail on Inu Yasha.
Expanding the Creation Station to include: Flower arangment & Origami.
Anime Inspired, eh?
I like the idea of doing something on the kiddie level.
I had an idea for a Chibi Room or Chibi Day.
And it's pin the fox tail on Naruto
If we had the room the panels on Flower Arangment, origami, Samurai Swords, Medevil Japanese clothing, japanese history and japanese myths could all be in one room devoted to Japanese history and culture. thats about 12 hours of programing other could be added but it would mean the need for another team of volunteers (In Kimonos) to watch the room
Chibi Room! Yes! Awesome name for it!
I also like the Kimonos for the volunteers watching the room, & maybe for whoever will be doing panels in there.
he has no tast for classic Kroft
Chibi Room! Yes! Awesome name for it!
With events like the Pin the tail games (I want to bring real fox tails mwaa haaa haaa) Shadow in a hat reading Dr Suess style Stories Like "Green Eggs and Tofu" the musical act Mustang Roy Orbison singing "Little Chibis (walking down the street) Messy Jr level fan art stuff. lots of short panels and stuff to keep the rats occupied and excited about anime so they make there parents go buy them more anime stuff and they want to staff K con 2017
I also like the Kimonos for the volunteers watching the room, & maybe for whoever will be doing panels in there.
I have an Idea to have the volunteers working at the repair station in anime mechanic girl outfits
he has no tast for classic Kroft
It was from the Sid & Marty Kroft show "Sigmund and the sea monsters". hey sigmund could be the tenticle mascot for the chibi room
I have not yet reached Toni (Dr. Antonia) Levi, PhD, so I don't know if she would be available again. But for a couple KCs, and also at the Creation Stations at SC & Anime Evolution, she provided multiple academic presentations on topics including shapeshifters (etc.), the Joss Whedon universes, & yaoi........She's AMAZING. brilliant & engaging.
OMFG! I just had the coolest idea! A home made bento workshop panel. We could learn to make all those delicious things Sakura and Tomoyo have for lunch, or perhaps Yomi's extra spicy croquettes.
How about a panel about ideas for panels for K Con 2008
OMFG! I just had the coolest idea! A home made bento workshop panel. We could learn to make all those delicious things Sakura and Tomoyo have for lunch, or perhaps Yomi's extra spicy croquettes.
This is gonna sound sad, but are you referring to Azumanga Daioh?
How about a panel about ideas for panels for K Con 2008
Uh, maybe.
This is gonna sound sad, but are you referring to Azumanga Daioh?
You're right, Washougal. I was also referring to Card Captor Sakura btw.
I have not yet reached Toni (Dr. Antonia) Levi, PhD, so I don't know if she would be available again. But for a couple KCs, and also at the Creation Stations at SC & Anime Evolution, she provided multiple academic presentations on topics including shapeshifters (etc.), the Joss Whedon universes, & yaoi........She's AMAZING. brilliant & engaging.
I actually had her for two of three semesters last year at Portland State. She seemed like a very interesting and engaging professor on the topic of Japanese culture, and the many facets of japanese pop culture. Unfortunately, that wasn't the course, it was simply freshman inquiry which didn't really click with her academic focus, I suppose. I did get one class hour where she discussed Japanese pop culture and anime, which really was amazing and I think it would be a great idea to have her on a Kumoricon panel, in some way. I think a lot of people would benefit from checking it out.
OMFG! I just had the coolest idea! A home made bento workshop panel. We could learn to make all those delicious things Sakura and Tomoyo have for lunch, or perhaps Yomi's extra spicy croquettes.
I also really like the sound of this idea! That seems like it would be a lot of fun, and pretty tasty, too! Mmmm...croquettes. ^_^
(a) Sorry that I had missed the earlier post re: Expanding the Creation Station to include flower arranging & origami. As the Creation Manager for KC, I can say that pretty much anyone who says they want to run an event, contest, workshop, demo, skit, whatever, and to run it in the creation station, is more than welcome to do so. However, I don't personally know anyone particularly skilled in those areas. I did have origami paper available at KC '05, and in fact, received 2 entries in KC's first Creation Station art contest that were origami instead of drawings or paintings! (one was even of godzilla!)
The only concern I have about flower arranging is allergies. Personally I have been hospitalized with asthma before (right before KC '05, in fact), and some plant products prompt an allergic / asthmatic response in me. I don't know of how many others this is true...but due to this possibility I would recommend that if there is a flower arranging panel, that it be held outside, and/or in a room that could ventilate well before and after, and that whatever occurs in the room immediately after (if it is not outside), that there be a little sign up cautioning that there may still be pollens in the air and to be cautious if one is allergic.
Ditto regarding food workshops...I would *LOVE* to have a theme party type atmosphere in which folks bring and/or demo/learn how to make, items prominently featured in eps of various anime. The strawberry-picking ep & sweet card ep of Card Captor Sakura come to mind, of course, but maybe also some sweets visible in the bakeries in CLAMP School Detectives and/or Chobits?......but we should probably put up signs saying things like "if you have any food allergies please let us know and discuss with us before sampling any products" and have a list of ingredients visible in print for each item. (this also helps those trying to have vegan, vegetarian, pesadich/ passover-specific, kosher, diabetic, or other special diets.)
i attended psu in the past but not in toni's department, regretably.
a panel on the forming of the con would be great because we are a highly successful & innovative newbie on the scene, known for some of the ways we stand out from the crowd of other cons....and it would be great fun to inspire others to start up something that was actually still in oregon *chortle* i mean it's always fun to help folks develop their own projects with zeal and enthusiasm.
I do love the idea of a Japanese cooking panel, but I shudder to think of the potential difficulties involved. Such as having stovetops available, including the possibility of getting burned and is KCon liable for such a thing. Then there's Rem's earlier mention of food allergies. I know there's even more problems involved, so this kind of thing would require a lot of thought and preparation.
I still love the idea though...
if gonna do food work shop i would sugest japanese style chinese potstickers called gyoza it fried and steamed and very differnt from what people call potystickers there super good
Ooh, I almost forgot, Fried Octopus Balls (http://www.bob-an.com/recipe/dailyjc/ref/tako/tako.html)!
i would sugest japanese style chinese potstickers called gyoza
Actually, Trader Joe's pork gyoza are a staple of my diet.
i think Relations would have to weigh in on the subject of any kind of food demo, because they would know whether this new hotel of ours has any restrictions on preparing and/or serving food, such as having a food handler's and/or restaurant license......
I like the idea of making home made bento's.
Or just a panel on a panel on making japanese food.
I could help with that one too as I make different japanese dishes
My family has a really yummy gyoza recipe. We always make it on special occasions like birthdays and holidays.
I would not mind teaching it to people.
How about a panel ware we go to see some one "Demonstrate" how to make a bento. And this class has a fee of $4 or $5 and the student gets to take the "Project Bento" to "Examine". I bet several hundred "students" would attend that panel over all 3 days probebly during lunch time. And there should be a nearby short class ware they demonstrate how to poor soda for 99 cents.
I like the idea of making home made bento's.
Or just a panel on a panel on making japanese food.
I could help with that one too as I make different japanese dishes
My family has a really yummy gyoza recipe. We always make it on special occasions like birthdays and holidays.
I would not mind teaching it to people.
*pounce* SHARE! I want that recipe!
I would like to try some. I've heard it tastes good.
thats it! In the fanfic I shall have a half Japanese and Italian villain Bento Mussolini
thats it! In the fanfic I shall have a half Japanese and Italian villain Bento Mussolini
Can't you throw in some German too? Then you'd have the whole Axis!
I wonder if Uwajimaya would be interested in getting involved in a Japanese food demo...? And really, as long as you could plug in a rice cooker, you could probably demo a bunch of stuff. It would be the sampling that would be hard since I think you need a license to disperse foodstuffs (and there are laws about sanitation blabla.)
Another idea I just got from stealing it from another con - Japanese travel panel. Just people who have gone in the past year or two relating there experiences.
Would anyone be interested in a "Cosplaying on the Cheep" or "Raiding your closet for fun and cosplay" panel? I was thinking about taking a trip to the Goodwill and throwing together a few popular costumes for under $20, then just add a piece or two from the vendor room. Would be a fun challenge...
Would anyone be interested in a "Cosplaying on the Cheep" or "Raiding your closet for fun and cosplay" panel? I was thinking about taking a trip to the Goodwill and throwing together a few popular costumes for under $20, then just add a piece or two from the vendor room. Would be a fun challenge...
yeah you stole my idea when I'm rich I was gonna have a game show "Who wants to date a Millionare Nerd with contest like LOTR Trivia, Build a Computer from a box of Parts and MAKE A COSTUME FOR $20 in TWO HOURS.
I could speak a but on costume stuff and goodwill I scrounge costume type stuff a lot (I found a post man hat for $1 that sold at an auction for $120). If it is in the Cosplay panel room I'll be there any ways at the repair station with boxes of junk. The other day I dressed Negime as Negime with a cape made from a 25 cent futon cover and a magic Scepter that was one leg of the tripod to a Portable 35 MM Microfilm camera
yeah you stole my idea when I'm rich I was gonna have a game show "Who wants to date a Millionare Nerd with contest like LOTR Trivia, Build a Computer from a box of Parts and MAKE A COSTUME FOR $20 in TWO HOURS.
oh yeah - thats where I heard it! hee! Sorry! PATENT PENDING!
The other day I dressed as Negime with a cape made from a 25 cent futon cover and a magic Scepter that was one leg of the tripod to a Portable 35 MM Microfilm camera
Ha! Awesome! I think this would be fun. Hm. Creative "reuse?" I used some old water stained curtains to be Samara from The Ring. Just combed my hair over my face and was scary as hell!
Ok - some things that have been mentioned that I second (or 3rd):
- Cat ear workshop
- "Darker animes" panel / Survival Horror Video Games panel
- The History of Japan
- Ninja pajama party; Morning Calisthenics
Some other ideas:
- Photoshop 101 / coloring
- Karate / Judo / Ta Kwan Do / Yoga etc.
- Older anime fan meetup
- AMVs for Dummies
- Anime Hell!
And my crazy Idea of having like panels in the same room and then a staff for each room to watch supplies and displays. Like a cosplay room and a new one this year if we can get more Japocentric panels a room of Japanese history and culture. And how about a room for older anime fans 30 to 40 and the ladies with glasses get in free
How about an “Anti Cute Things” Panel?
They anger me to no end with their annoying high pitched voices, them being on the verge of ether uselessness or Godliness in terms of power. I can’t be the only one!
Pikachu, Nall, Mieu, Haro, CURSE YOU!
Kayoe, you need some of Guy's AMVs. Guy (our AMV dude) made an AMV called "The Chibi things that met Ma Deuce."
MaDeuce is a large military rifle. :twisted:
Thanks! XD
I needed that!
But I should point out that I don't hate ALL cute things, just the annoying ones. If that happens to be most of them so be it.
But to clarify maybe it should be an “Anti Annoying Cute Things” Panel, there by we don't accidentally involve the ones that are not that annoying and couldn't be taken out of the anime without major plot changes.
Some other ideas:
- Anime Hell!
I'm curious as to what you mean by this one, Antares.
"ANIME HELL = Three hours of short films, wacky commercials, bizarre footage, forgotten educational films, inane public service announcements, and trailers for films that may or may not exist! Not for women, children, or sissies. In fact we're not sure who this show is for..."
Funny funny stuff....
If the Wi fi at the hotel is fast enough this could be done using the sources off the net at the con. There was a panel last year that showed video off youtube of the Bishe walk off at another con. All they had was a laptop and an overhead projector that can display a laptop sceen onto the wall
If the Wi fi at the hotel is fast enough this could be done using the sources off the net at the con. There was a panel last year that showed video off youtube of the Bishe walk off at another con. All they had was a laptop and an overhead projector that can display a laptop sceen onto the wall
Correct, we did that at the Creation Station's Parody Panel. The Bishie Walk-Off is anime cons' answer to the Ben Stiller-Owen Wilson gem "Zoolander", a highlight of Anime Evolution!
My understanding was that cost was a factor in ongoing negotiations with the new hotel as to whether or not WiFi will be accessible throughout. I certainly hope that it is....not having it at Sakuracon causes complications for my room, particularly the fan art & fanfic contests & multimedia/parody events.
Washougal Otaku, have you heard whatever happened with the idea that some of last year's proceeds would go into buying some projectors & screens for panel rooms? Knowing how many staple supplies we have, & whether or not we have net access, will really help you with scheduling!
Meantime, the following are new panels at Sakuracon's Creation Station that *might* also make their way to the Kumoricon Creation Station if there is interest:
(a) NaNoWriMo (with permission from said event);--National Novel Writing Month;
(b) a 3-day Anime Drawing workshop.
Washougal Otaku, have you heard whatever happened with the idea that some of last year's proceeds would go into buying some projectors & screens for panel rooms? Knowing how many staple supplies we have, & whether or not we have net access, will really help you with scheduling!
Actually, I was hoping to talk with Brenda about this at tomorrow's meeting & get this ball rolling.
Washougal Otaku, have you heard whatever happened with the idea that some of last year's proceeds would go into buying some projectors & screens for panel rooms? Knowing how many staple supplies we have, & whether or not we have net access, will really help you with scheduling!
Actually, I was hoping to talk with Brenda about this at tomorrow's meeting & get this ball rolling.
I kinda had the impression it had to roll by 12/31...?
Sorry I had to miss the meeting...had spent most of the week back East w/my dad, who was having cancer surgery.....
I have read up on this entire thread (after ignoreing it for way too long) and have made a nifty spreadsheet with all ya'll names and ideas. Now I will in the next few days proceed to harrass you 'til you run something. :D
Thank you and have a good day,
Now I will in the next few days proceed to harrass you 'til you run something. :D
*dives for cover* They were all Vallie's idea!
Re. My idea, I have this to say on it's behalf:
Cooking is so fun!
Cooking is so fun!
Now it's time to take a break and see what we have done!
(Hopefully at this point we don't discover that we've accidentally made neko conneco instead of delicious cake!)
Re. My idea, I have this to say on it's behalf:
Cooking is so fun!
Cooking is so fun!
Now it's time to take a break and see what we have done!
(Hopefully at this point we don't discover that we've accidentally made neko conneco instead of delicious cake!)
The only worry I have about an actual cooking panel is that the hotel may have issues about using certain cooking devices in the panel rooms. We'll have to check with the hotel to be sure it's allowed. (hotels do not like people building fires in their panel rooms....) Sushi may work -- though that's not exactly cooking....
I think the only way we could pull off any sort of cooking panel at this con (in this space particularly) is to have it be very small and have the panelist hold it in one of the hotel's suites. That way there'd be a sink and refrigeration and counterspace to demonstrate everthing.
Unless that happens I sense that a real cooking panel will be an impossibility until we're at the actual Portland Convention Center (in a couple years, fingers crossed).
That's ok, I suppose. Now can you help me figure out how to combine butter, flower, eggs, and sugar to make neko conneco?
That's ok, I suppose. Now can you help me figure out how to combine butter, flower, eggs, and sugar to make neko conneco?
well i know you would cream suger and butter then add eggs and shift the flour in mix well on med speed and then form dough into neko ko neko!!!
Lat year I did a Q&A panel about the video game industry. Anyone interested in me reprising that one? I could do another panel about the industry, too. Maybe 3-D Studio Max 101? What does modeling and unwrapping mean? Just what goes on in a game studio, anyway?
Also, I could do a panel about amigurumi, which is the Japanese craft of crocheting painfully adorable toys.
Yea? Nay? Ponies?
Ponies? EEK!
Yea, that sounds good, both ideas.