
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: CardCaptorConnor-EX on December 19, 2006, 09:58:51 pm

Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: CardCaptorConnor-EX on December 19, 2006, 09:58:51 pm
so sometimes when I'm reading posts I picture you epoples as your avatars.  That seems really weird, but it happens.
How bout you?
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: jaybug on December 19, 2006, 10:14:49 pm
Yup. Can't help it, it is the only visual clue to work with. why I tried to get an avatar, that looks more like me than say Asuka would.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: totemo_oishii on December 19, 2006, 10:18:46 pm
yeah, it happens to me. i usually need a picture to go with a name, even if it's something obscure.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: pieisexactlythree on December 19, 2006, 10:51:13 pm
Actually, my avatar looks a lot like me because it's drawn that way.  My friend Andrew made a webcomic of his daily life, featuring his housemates and friends, and I used the Jon, er, I mean, Pi character from the strip as the basis of my avatar.  I use the same one on flickr.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Lit_of_Fey on December 19, 2006, 10:57:57 pm
^ that's sweet.
Yeah I do that too, and then like, if I see someone in real life I get dissappointed. it's silly I know but whatever.

rofl...I hope you all picture me as snape now X3
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Pixie Stix on December 20, 2006, 01:11:46 am
XD i get that sometimes
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Hazuza on December 20, 2006, 02:40:51 am
Actually, Pixie, I usuallysee you as Neji because his picture is bigger, and draws attention easier o.o...

But yeah, I see what you mean  :lol:
I do that a lot... o.o...

*can't help but picture CardCaptorConnor-EX as Cloud*  :shock:
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: pieisexactlythree on December 20, 2006, 09:09:50 am
Quote from: "Hazuza"
Actually, Pixie, I usuallysee you as Neji because his picture is bigger, and draws attention easier o.o...

This is why I dislike signatures, particularly those with gifs in them.  They just distract people from the content.  I actually prefer the format of sites like Metafilter (http://www.metafilter.com), Metachat (http://www.metachat.org), and the various imitators which run on the same code, because they have no avatars or signatures.  This allows people to engage eachother's ideas better, IMO.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Neko_Chan on December 20, 2006, 09:22:36 am
If anyone's met me they would know I really am a cat in a peice of cake.

It's a rare birth defect.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: totemo_oishii on December 20, 2006, 10:19:19 am
lol. but when i see neko-chan post something, i always think of neko-chan. ^w^
since i met you before. :3 yup.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Neko_Chan on December 20, 2006, 10:24:47 am
Yep. :D I picture the people I know, Princess, Tom, Guspacho, ect. because I've met alot of the people from the forums, the icons don't really mean anything. :)

Orange soda! xD Hahaha.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: pieisexactlythree on December 20, 2006, 10:34:33 am
I think my avatar is actually quite striking in its resemblence.  Behold:

The bunny in the middle of the first frame is supposed to be me.   (http://www.outsideworld.org/archive/051023.html)
This actually is me, at my desk, last week.   (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pieisexactlythree/322754883/)

Pretty accurate, eh?
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: EveofAbyss on December 20, 2006, 11:49:54 am
Wow, it really is a remarkable similarity!

As for my avatar, I am Vincent. I mean.....in the minds of anyone who went to Kumoricon, if they remember me, then I'm Vincent, since that's who I cosplayed, and I haven't actually seen anybody else outside the con, sadly. T_^
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: pieisexactlythree on December 20, 2006, 02:40:49 pm
On topic, totemo_oishii is the only person here I recall having spoken to at the con, and she has a picture of herself in the signature, so I actually picture her saying stuff.  On the other extreme, I really do see princessfrodo as a kawaii chibi Asuka, winking at us.  

If anyone's met me they would know I really am a cat in a peice of cake. It's a rare birth defect.

Neko_Chan, do you suffer from the same condition as Meg?  She's embedded in a loaf of bread.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: kylite on December 20, 2006, 03:49:09 pm
<  avatar
>  Picture Http://profiles.yahoo.com/kylite
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: BigGuy on December 20, 2006, 04:16:36 pm
haha I am kinda like a sandbear!
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: totemo_oishii on December 20, 2006, 10:07:48 pm
@ kylite
that's quite a striking resemblance. [nod]

@ pie
you were listening to azumanga daioh music in the car, weren't you? XD
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: jaybug on December 21, 2006, 09:11:44 pm
Good grief, so you are either something to eat, or a used panty machine Totemo?

And the little pachenko balls go rattling around his mind.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Lit_of_Fey on December 21, 2006, 09:20:08 pm
Haha I <3<3<3 totemo_oishii's avatar ^.^ reminds me of this crappy "learn japanese" computer game I have, except much cuter!

haha Gurepufurutsu
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: jaybug on December 21, 2006, 10:07:37 pm
Oh wow, I figured it out. Grapefruit! lol

so how do you spell wyshatsu?
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Negima on December 21, 2006, 11:16:59 pm

Does that mean people think I look like a 10 year old boy wearing a pink kimono and cat/fox ears?

Oh well
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Vondan on December 21, 2006, 11:41:07 pm
No like a 10 year old girl wearing a pink kimono and cat/fox ears?
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: pieisexactlythree on December 21, 2006, 11:51:21 pm
Quote from: "totemo_oishii"

@ pie
you were listening to azumanga daioh music in the car, weren't you? XD

Um, yeah.  But how did you know that?

Quote from: "Negima"

Does that mean people think I look like a 10 year old boy wearing a pink kimono and cat/fox ears?

Oh well

Yeah, what Dan said.  That's precisely what I think you look like.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: reppy on December 22, 2006, 02:58:30 am
I would surely hope that you think of me when you see my avatar because.. it's a picture of me. :(

If not, then I would have failed at being.. picturable. Or something.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Vondan on December 22, 2006, 04:06:48 am
Quote from: "reppy"
I would surely hope that you think of me when you see my avatar because.. it's a picture of me. :(

If not, then I would have failed at being.. picturable. Or something.

We think of you but with those little wing type things on your head like Mercury the Greek messenger god's helmet but they are on your head and you don't deliver messages you follow the gods around and document when ever they talk to goddesses under 1800 years old.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: totemo_oishii on December 22, 2006, 09:58:39 am
i couldn't help but use this avatar once i saw it...

you told me when we met, lol. :3
since i was in azumanga daioh cosplay.

those bunnies make me giggle.
misha cosplay su?
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: pieisexactlythree on December 22, 2006, 10:38:19 am
Quote from: "totemo_oishii"
you told me when we met, lol. :3
since i was in azumanga daioh cosplay.

Did I?  I must have forgotten about that.  :)  I do recall circling the parking lot looking for a space, with "Cruel Angel's Thesis" playing.  

These days I listen to my 120 track anime themesong megamix at the gym mostly.  The Love Hina opening track is really great when I'm on the elyptical machine, as is the closing credits track from Banner of of the Stars!
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Shadow on December 22, 2006, 05:27:30 pm
I do this all the time. I just learn to know people on forums by their avatars. Needless to say when someone switches theirs it throws me off. x_x But I completely know what you're saying.

But in no way am I a black and red hedgehog. XD Sure I cosplay as him, but I don't look like him.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Negima on December 23, 2006, 10:50:50 am
Quote from: "Vondan"
No like a 10 year old girl wearing a pink kimono and cat/fox ears?

 :shock: Oops

Hmmm, maybe I should change my avatar again once I'm past the Catgirl title.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Vondan on December 23, 2006, 12:23:40 pm
Quote from: "Negima"
Quote from: "Vondan"
No like a 10 year old girl wearing a pink kimono and cat/fox ears?

 :shock: Oops

Hmmm, maybe I should change my avatar again once I'm past the Catgirl title.

you could g baco to the first one you had when we though you were a 3 foot tall boy dressed as a magician.  That' why I let you wear the magicians cape at the meeting so you'd feel right at home.
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: Waffles on December 23, 2006, 12:28:11 pm
I hope people think of me as ash!

( I have a cat attacking my face as I write this. )
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: reppy on December 23, 2006, 01:15:46 pm
those bunnies make me giggle.
misha cosplay su?

One day.. one day.. I shall!
Title: SO have you ever pictured these avatars as people?
Post by: superjaz on December 23, 2006, 06:39:24 pm
kinda happens to me in a way peopleeither corner me shouting gir phrases, or they ask me if i was the person in the gir suit or they ask me if i've seen the giant gir or hugged it or why arnt i dressed as gir and why arent i wearing more gir clothes