Convention Events and Programming => Panels & et cetera => Topic started by: lychee-twist on May 22, 2007, 12:43:25 am
So, uh... I hear rumor that there's a admission price cut for panelists. :D Any truth to this, and if so, how do I go about getting it? I already turned in my submission form for it.
Thanks for your help!
As a panelists last year I was told there was a discount then a week before the con I was told there is no discount but panelists can be fast tracked through the reg line on opening day. So both were untrue I found out.
Neither of these things made much of a difference to me other then waiting 4 hours to get things resolved on sat morning when I had a truck to unload and my friends there to help me set up are really pissed at me. It would have been better all the way around if I had not been told of either perk for panelist
A decision should be made on both these issues and announced and posted as early as possible and stuck with. Adding more benefits that don’t really cost the con a lot the more panelist we may get to the point that we can pick and choose the panels that will attract the most new attendees.
I hope mine's interesting enough, then. I can always switch it to another theme if need be. :/ I'm a Japanese Art History major so I can always talk about something there. Like haniwa! I love haniwa.
Or I can continue with shunga. That's much more awkward, but still just as cool, I guess.