Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: u2205 on June 16, 2007, 11:15:42 pm
Like me!
whats in it for me?
Well you are a nice guy. What else do you want?
I'm in (unofficially as it is now 9 am)
Awww, I ended up staying up until like 4 am.
So I'm in too.
Dang , there really are alot of random threads now. I use to be on all the time.. OMG WHAT HAPPEND?
Umm, Man Faye recruited you to be one of his new minions, and you are just too busy washing his man-shorts to be on the forums as much now.
like cheese puffs?
I just looked at Union Station and it's 2:43.
I should really go to sleep.
I'm doing an all nighter too.
I can't do that, lol. But I can wake up early. :3
Yeah, waking up early! Well, earlier, lol. So, who of the allnighters is still up? Hmm?
Ah, naps only count as sleeping if it was for more than three hours? Was it? Ah, I say you're a winner anyway, lol
*gasp* The rarely seen Mustash-dance! Very scarce in these parts. I feel lucky to have witnessed it.
Yeah, waking up early! Well, earlier, lol. So, who of the allnighters is still up? Hmm?
Not me, I crashed out 9ish
yep :D
I'm still an early bird.
Its 7:21am... I havent been to bed yet.. WOOT!! I should crash around 10am-12pm and wake about 9-10pm, LOL
Summer schedule... on the plus I get the house all to my self when im awake.
wow, you nightowl you!
wow, you nightowl you!
yes... yes... xD
Should be perfect for those Harry Potter premeires and all night reading but for Kumoricon... oh boy getting my sleep schedule right for that is going to suck big time...
haha, you should justp lan on not sleeping at all, or in fifteen minute shifts. "Hey you, you over there! Come sleep for me so I can go eat more pocky!"
yeah ove tried the stay awake all day and then fall asleep around 10pm at ngiht thign, but it never works, then it comes worse, plus I have a vistor from 2-6am on random nights, and he never tell me when hes coming...
lol, ah, the joy of the random visitor. Or inconvenience, either one, heh
ehh... both for him really xD lol
lol, niiiice
Yeah, I find that if you live on the 3rd floor of a building, it is a major deterent from people coming and visiting (especially at odd hours). Climbing those stairs just begins to seem not worth the visit halfway through, lol.
LOL i get a nock on the side of the house that scares the crao out of me instead
lol, wow, that's waaaay nicer a thing to do. Why use a door when we could knock over this house instead? lol Awesome.
well. cause he knows Im the only ne up and in the backroom all the time so...
Oooh, well, I guess that makes it a little better, lol.
yeah. That became alot of my friends methods of getting me a couple years ago
haha, that's so crazy. Very sitcom-ish, lol
lol. My life as a sit-com... interesting... very,....
haha, "Kimiski in Control", featuring Kimiski and her gang of miscreants and the neighbors who complain about them. It'd be an instant hit!
wow... wanna co-write?
sure! Great opportunity, lol. Comedy Central would pick it up in no time. OR Fox would, and then drop it after four episodes to make room for another reality tv show.
LOL yep yep true true
Psh....lame friggin network. We should pull out The Simpsons and Family Guy....and then we should blow up the network.
Alright, goodnight, Mustashioed-One!
i wasnt late i crashed after geting no sleep and made up a new word
(scurumphy: meaning srumptiousely comphy)
Wooowieee. I'm totally gonna swipe and use that word. Permission do I have?
No problem, Master Mustash!
May your spam live on!
Woo! *Man hugs!*
Hmmmmmm.... no sleep for me tonight.
Let me know when the rest of the worlds awake. I'll be making dinner at 7:30am.
Hmmmmmm.... no sleep for me tonight.
Let me know when the rest of the worlds awake. I'll be making dinner at 7:30am.
haha you stayed up way later than me last night.
Ick, I have to meet with a client at 8:00 tomorrow! I better get to bed early tonight!
*yawns and stretches*
And I'm AWAKE!!! At... err.. 5:30pm!
Is is late night... 3:10.
I just finished my picture, go look at it. :lol:
I did!!!
4:08.... I think time for bed. Going out tomorrow morning on a short roooooad triiiiiiiiiip!!!
yeah bed it starting to look good about now.
Hehehe, we miss you too.
Get your compy back already!
yeah if no one posts at night I get bored at work.
yeah if no one posts at night I get bored at work.
Rocking a night job?
yeah if no one posts at night I get bored at work.
Rocking a night job?
yes sir, til 8am usuallly
OMG you beat me...then again my schedule changed...again T_T I wish I could post at work, bt i have no access to a computer
I used to have a job from like.... 2am to 8am
It was good times. No computer access though, since it was a warehouse job. I did work with three of my close friends though, so it was pretty cool.
Addition to prevent adjacent posts:
4:30am.. Time for bed.
Bah, you call yourselves "late night" forum goers. It's 3am and there is no one here =P
wanna bet?
You people and your irregular sleep schedules *scoffs*
Sorry, sorry. I've had some early shifts recently. No 5 o'clock bed times for me.
Man, I'm like the only one up!! *shock*
I was up until about 4:30 last night, but I didnt see any activity.
Man, I'm like the only one up!! *shock*
I was up too
it is 2 am this thread needs to come alive again
*breathes life into the thread*
Technically it's 12:36 am Tuesday where you guys are but over here it's 9:36 pm Monday. ^^
236 am PDT. Wait, that was thirty minutes ago.
312 am PST
I cannot sleep!!!
Hmm..... ;D Sayu is getting an idea...... :P
Is this late enough?
....my brain doesn't function this late. Ahhhhh. >:I
The power of the eminem rip off burns!!!!
I jest, I jest.
indeed it is... -is prolly one of the latest night goers- look at my stats and see that most of my posting is from midnight up :D
be not afraid.... only be afraid when someone says.... ok well yes be afraid of rawr
it is 4:13 am, do you know where your children are?
aw man evil kitten had wonderful post then she ruins it by hitting a button that erasesh the
]'''post..........beware of teh silent but gasy kitten
toook you long enough
pft!. so wait your driving to cali? but your not and ppl are asleep are you staying sumwhere or sumthin? like right now
ok makes more sence now
i went to the dew action sports tour friday and saw sum41 live
its after 12 this place is now open... muahahaha
harvey birdman is high of bronzer
I have that series on dvd... its fun... wait is it on right now?
WHERE???? WHERE???? :o
sprite doesnt have caffine. sooo i didnt have any
I really have no idea why I'm still up.... =_____=
I really have no idea why I'm still up.... =_____=
And you ALWAYS get up soooo early!
My internal alarm clock wakes me up. ;D Haha.
gah I am lookin at cars on craigslist and damn man... I need to sell my truck so I can get myself a show car or something
dude I just found a BMW M3 for $8,000 which means I would have $4,000 left over to play with... OMG I MUST SELL MY TRUCK NOW!!!!
I'm going to bed at 12:30...I think I've reached my limit. >___> [is a weakling]
baaahhh i'm a sheep
oh dude I would so do this n stuff...hmmmm DUDE THIS IS A SIGN FROM GOD... I need a car for september to go to hot import nights with and this would be perfect :D
OMFG MUSTASH LOOK AT THE BEAUTY OF IT.... I shall buy this car instead of the M3
-does the line from waynes world- That car...shall be mine.... oh yes.... it shall be mine
and also good night totemo sleep well n stuff :D
am i to post a dream car pic
well that is not a dream car of mine... if I wanted to put up a dream car pick Mustash knows what my dream car is because it is his dream car aswell... Nissan Skyline GTR
very nice....-would rather have a skyline gtr though-
a very nice backside if I do say so myself....if I lost to one of those I would brag about it....
I so hate you....lol you will talk to your dad about doing the same for me right :D.... I will pay for it all no problem
lol dude nice call... if you get that I am so gonna be on you all the time... and you better let me drive it lol
hmmm a chevy bel air... is that a 1955 or later?
its been my dream car since i was atleast 10
good call I think someone I know has one of them... I have seen a few around where I live aswell
when i was growing up there was this car place across the street from my dance studio and the bel air was alwayin in the display window. then they went out of business about 2 years ago :(
I like the old school bel airs they were nice... sides I always kind of wished I was my age during the 50s so I could have one
when i was little and didn't know the name i called them the drive in movie cars.. som e times called them the drive in movies make-out car haha
aw drive in movies
I wanna go to a drive in movie with a girl sometime I think it would be fun as hell... granted I would need a nice ass car to do it in
yeah its on my list of quote unquote romantic things that would be awsome if they were to happen~
for sure I think any girl would be like... OMG... and what not
Speaking of nice car's here's my bro's vette, though I have been known to claim it was my own.
ew omg and what not blech. girly girls.
i have a 3 things/places list
1 drive in movie (went to them as a child)
2 snow at beach (missed it this year)
3 northern lights (never seen or had chance to see)
Speaking of nice car's here's my bro's vette, though I have been known to claim it was my own.
Yesh, I love my baby *hugs car*
Wow, niiiiiice vette....Actually I know nothing about cars, it just looks purdy!
Wow, niiiiiice vette....Actually I know nothing about cars, it just looks purdy!
I only posted it cause everyone was talking about nice cars ^^;
do you know what motor it has in it and what its HP and torque
no....no woooosh..... I am the one to say woosh... for I am the silent wind of doom... woosh woosh
then do i get dewt? dewtdewtdedewt
yes you can have dewt.... but no woosh
well :P on you
do not temp me woman lol... man no one is on
stash and i are watching anime on our puters. mine keeps forgetting to finish loading grrrrrrr
yeah I just got done watching anime and now I am hella bored... right now I am looking at tattoo ideas
listening to powerspace while waiting for my puter to quit being gay.
looking at tattoos listening to seether dir en grey and rammstien while my computer is not being gay :D
I'm talking to some friends and looking at the schedule for k-con.
its loading now that i switched to firefox
is still looking at tattos and listening to music....
still loading
I need to find a new anime to friggin watch cause as it is I am bored
watch full metal panic, or gto, or..........something else..
bed now...sleep actually
Up RPing with people over MSN. And debating what fanfics I should submit to Kcon's contest.
Yeah, Im hyper and nervous about the con XD I keep logging onto the forums.
this is not late night >.< YOU HAVE BROKEN YOUR OWN RULES!!! lol j/k
lol we are the head guys on this thread man we are suppose to show restraint >.< lol
I'm not allowed to focus on the con until after my math test... well, I try to not, because I really need to pass the test. But I just can't concentrate on it... I hate studying...
I'm so excited I could start packing for it now! ...oh wait I kinda did a little of that. ^-^0 *packed an extra blanket...so she could have a sleeping place in her crowded hotelroom* yay for coming in groups! ^-^
I'm not staying in a hotel, I don't need to because I don't live too far away. I actually live in Vancouver~~
But it's like 20 minutes away, on the other side of the city, close to Camas... >_>
Lucky... TT__TT
days wont go by fast enough..
yeah, makes it worse that part of my costume hates me and i cant get it right.. so im spending late nights trying to fix it :'(
Back into the late-night... All right! Gigidy!
HA, is 1:37 am late? im goin all night. sleep is over-rated anyways.
i'm freakin hungry!!!!!!! >:(
dude i'm hungry while i'm eating. haha. i miss subway mmmmm subway
i don't know where one of those is. i have a plaid pantry
money.!!!! i have no mooooonnnnneeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy
Wee! Moon!
am I up late enough? ;D
Rawr! now it's peanutbutter jellytime! *does the dance and song on her way to grab her pocky*
the doom song is soooooo better
hmm... your right, but it doesn't really have a dance to it.
I JUST FINISHED SEQUENCING THE 10-SECOND CLIPS for all AMVs in the Contest, created two 'review' sessions, then also set up playlists for both the Contest and the Show.
We got almost DOUBLE the number of contest entries than last year ...
Time to crash - up again at 5:45 for me anyways ...
My bed will deform like the sidewalk surface in 'The Matrix'
when Neo first flubs the Jump Routine...
- G
I can't sleep!!!!!!!!!! Plus I have to kick off early Thursday tomorrow. Today? Today?!
Aaaaargh!! Eternal three hour drive! Upside down van in the ditch on fire. Fiery upside down van in the ditch?
Ahahahahaha! See yas @ the convention!
"Look at the time."
wow people are starting to make me look sane o.o
yeah so i fell lame cause i am up so late but i am heading up to gresham today so i want to make sure that i can get all of my cosplay done which by has worked very well.
Oh, you're not lame, but yeah, sleep deprivation does equal a degree of insanity. It's just true. I, on the otherh and, just woke up. Up too early? Eh, I feel fine.
well I figured 1:30 is a good time to post here
breaking the law breaking the law.... breaking the law breaking the law.... this moment in time has been brought to you by Judhas Priest....have a nice day....
and now for something entirely different... AHHHHH!!!!
Kumoricon is in the morning and I don't get off until 8 am...
I was there today its gonna be nuts
I guess about now everyone is waking up from their rooms and heading to the con. I'm ready for bed.
lawls I so met you n stuff your a good guy by the way n stuff
damn its boring in the ball room right now
.....Wish I was there....Isn't the Ball today?
heh, i dnt reely no, i didn't come prepared...
3:42 am.... LATE NIGHT WOOOO!!!!
lawls I so met you n stuff your a good guy by the way n stuff
damn its boring in the ball room right now
You too, thanks for inviting me to upstairs where we looked down at the heart shaped glomping circle I was highly amused by the commentary
no problem dude next time I will try and do the same
Well, I am up.....don't know why....but yup, I'm here. Where is everyone? Weeknight or not, there is no excuse for asbence from the forums! *shakes fist* ^_0
lawls I so met you n stuff your a good guy by the way n stuff
damn its boring in the ball room right now
You too, thanks for inviting me to upstairs where we looked down at the heart shaped glomping circle I was highly amused by the commentary
Does anyone know if this footage ever got on Youtube, it was highly funny!
That wasn't on your camera ? I wonder who's camera we completely filled up with crazy heart shaped glop circle video and amusing commentary.
........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thats means its gone forever :'( OH DEAR GOD WHY!!!
.....we must find her o.o was it the red headed girls who was up there?
lol you should become my disciple mustash lol
and we shall rule the world!!! even though you are already the ruler of all of spamdom...
Its only a title >..>
heh hurray for people who dont sleep!
w007 bread!!!
lawlz and what not...old phrase that I an gonna try and bring back... BULLY!!!... mainly used by Theadore rosevelt for things he liked or just as a exclamation of something good.... so for instance... "I just had a good day" you can reply to them... "BULLY!!!" and then promptly follow it with a good hearty HAW HAW
it will be cool again -shakes fist-.... sorry this rant has gone on to long and is fuled by 102 octane of no sleep....
Its only a title >..>
heh hurray for people who dont sleep!
i bought kendo fiance tickets for spam alot as a birthday present, he loved it
Just so you know fumoffu is the funniest anime ever.
Let me guess, now that I am working until 3 am tonight and tomorrow, no one will be here! Y'all must have worked very hard doing your homework.
Get to sleep, gawd. >:(
Whaddya talkin' about, I can't even leave here for another 2 1/2 hours. Then I need to eat, then I cna think about sleep. Oh, better feed the cats before I go to bed, otherwise they will wake me up around 5am, again.
Besides sleeping on the job is frowned upon.
Yes, I to understand the lack of sleep that working all night gives...
I have not been sleeping much all week.... w00t
I don't mean to be late-night, I am still jet lagged.
jet lag equals pure full of fail
jet lag equals pure full of fail
I can travel westward easily, but eastward screw me up :)
I've actually been on a pretty good sleep schedule lately. Stayed up 'til 1:20 last night, but no 3am trolling or anything like that for that last few weeks.
jet lag equals pure full of fail
I can travel westward easily, but eastward screw me up :)
I am wierd I can adapt to a time schedule within two days in advance or after.... its helped me many times when traveling...
geez gtb.
omg I'm so not getting up at 9 tomorrow morning.
omg I sooooo got up at nine... wtf is the matter with me?
*runs away from the seductive internets*
I once got up at 7:40.
In the afternoon.
Took me 10 minutes to realise that it was too dark to be 7:40 in the morning. xD
But don't you have school?!?!
She's hardcore! she doesn't need copious amounts of sleep to function in class!
Yes, I did have school. I also wake up around 5am. woo. ;D
I have been ready for an 8 hour nap, about 5 hours after I woke up today. It wouldn't be so bad if I got to sleep before 3am last night, and woke up at 7:30. Ah but I made it to class and to work, and I don't have class tomorrow, ok, I know most of you think I don't have any class on any day, but that's beside the point. The point is, I can sleep in tomorrow!
Yes, I did have school. I also wake up around 5am. woo. ;D
That is pretty much exactly how I roll too.
But I also tend to doze off in Astronomy >_> not today though! I need to take notes for a friend. *waiting for astronomy to start now*
Nice! Haha.
Sometimes I take a nap in the evening, right after I play some Phoenix Wright.
Up all night
2 hours sleep
Wake up 6 hours later
Up all night
Thus the cycle continues...
Gah, double post T.T
I was up til 2 on a school day earlier this week just cos...I'm prolly gonna do it again lol
looks like you are well on your way :)
people shouldn't post in this thread while the sun is up.
just stopping by to say that I'm up. =___=
me three
People who get on the internet after midnight get raepd.
I was up 'til 4am playin' CIV III Friday night though. :D
People who get on the internet after midnight get raepd.
I just got back from seeing Beowulf. Thumbs up.......simple as that. Everyone should see it.
I'm a night owl.
I'm supposed to be working on a story (not Nano), but I've only written one line in a couple of days. I'm messing around with Neopets tonight.
Me tew!
Still working on the same damn story. Last night I was up till 5:30.
Writin' a poem, stayin' up late ~~
Still writing... ^^;
Does it still count as 'late night'? xD
I'm almost done!!! >_<
I'm up too! ;D
lolz 2 hour phone conversation
Damn. I'll have to beat that with a marathon phone call tomorrow.
Well, I have a secret weapon!
T-mobile to T-mobile!
Well, I have Night Time, Weekend, and T-mobile to T-mobile ALL at the same time!
-confused- So i will join in with your "Haha"-ing.
Ha.Ha.o_o; LAME.D:
blah. cant sleep!!!!!!
I'm up too.
at what point does late night ends and early morning starts?
Ummm, perhaps when the day switches over......or when the magical and strange netFairy waves her ethernet over those on the internet, and they all become drowsy enough to not notice the date on their computer clocks switching over. Wow, there is so much pun and double meaning in there, I don't think even I got it. I may be sleepy...
when the sun comes up
today we'll say it is
I Am Legend, super thumbs up! I hope you all enjoy(ed) it! I really love it, great film!
I haven't gone to the cinema in forever
I haven't gone to the cinema in forever
I think the last time I went to the cinemas was at KumoriCon...With a friend. Transformers....Awesome movie. I actually didn't want to see it because I thought it would suck! xp Shows you what I know...
I should be in bed. I have an ear infection to bust. But instead I'm at the computer trying to write a side fic to an RP I'm in. The character in the fic isn't even a player in the RP!
I was up 'til 1AM working on a freestyle routine, then another 2 hours poastin'. :P
Okay, not really, but it can give you all kinds of Cancers, Heart Problems, and breathing problems. (btw, if you smoke, you'll never be able to get as good at DDR as me)
I don't care if you get drunk, stoned, laid, or arrested, but DON'T SMOKE.
Yayyyy the theater opened up at Clackamas last week! Haven't gone yet, though D:
Yayyyy the theater opened up at Clackamas last week! Haven't gone yet, though D:
I've been there twice to play DDR already; first time I rode my bike about 15 miles in the rain.
I'm super tired, even though I napped from 3:30 till 6 and the only thing I did between then and now was go to the movies.
Now I'm trying to write *another* fic, not based on the RP this time.
Oh, yeah, writing. I should do some of that after I finish trollin' the webs.
Yayyyy the theater opened up at Clackamas last week! Haven't gone yet, though D:
Hey, I work at that theatre. I don't mean to brag, but it's late and Im still up. If you ever see a male ticket taker with a state alchemist pocket watch say Hi or something. I get bored easily taking tickets.
It's still late night, because the sun hasn't risen and I haven't gone to sleep yet.
I'm going to sleep very soon though.. :D I'm tired.
Yayyyy the theater opened up at Clackamas last week! Haven't gone yet, though D:
Hey, I work at that theatre. I don't mean to brag, but it's late and Im still up. If you ever see a male ticket taker with a state alchemist pocket watch say Hi or something. I get bored easily taking tickets.
I'll be there to play DDR three or four times a week once the machine's working properly. Look for the guy with the hair and the skirt. You'll know me if you see me.
I just wanted to remind everyone to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, eat healthy, and work hard.
'cause I sure as hell won't.
I haven't been able to sleep at night well for a couple weeks now :(
So yeah
If you're ever up until 3am playing video games, don't follow it up by browsing interwebs until 5.
GAWD. I need a soul.
Is it considered late or early?
It was early when I went to bed at 5 after playing 4 games of Bubble Bobble. 8)
...I've been up until 7 like, every night....and now, when I have school tomorrow [or technically today, as in i have to get up in 5 hours] ....I can't get to bed...These are times when I wish that they made 5-hour-sleeping-pills for 12 year olds...
The solution to staying up late:
Go to bed so early, you don't notice.
Going to bed at 4 tonight.
I WISH I could go to bed early...It's impossible for me!
;D.... :)... :-\... :o... :-X... :D
Don't worry. I once stayed up for 5 days straight when I was 13. 8D
Don't worry. I once stayed up for 5 days straight when I was 13. 8D
Why and how? 0_o
Why: Because I didn't sleep.
How: The interbutts.
Diablo 2 is a healthy game. I wonder if it's bad to play 8 hours of one game in a day. . .
I recently re-played Max Payne (the Xbox version, originally played it on PC). Extremely awesome game that still kicks butt even today. I just wish I could find my copy of Max Payne 2 for the Xbox (never did finish that one..)
w00t classes start up again in just 5 more hours.......crap its gonna suck waking up tomarrow
I'm trying to convince someone to join an LJ comm of mine.
I actually got sick this week and have yet to attend / or register for anything at PSU
I'm proud of myself. I got to bed by 2 last night. ^^
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaat~?
I'm here for once lawl.
D: Go to sleep.
I have to get up at whenever I feel like it.
I'm totally not sleeping until 5. 8)
I'm totally going to try to do my homework and spam...
and throw my gum out it's full of gross.
I'll get you a new gum if you go to avalon with me.
No we can't go to my car sorry >: I won't allow you to go into my toyota avalon.
Okay, what about your pants?
Oh that's ok. I'll go get some chips, so it can be like a party.
And when we say "my pants" we mean my fat lady pants that a circus can be held in yes?
Yeah. 'cause you're soooooooo fat.
Yep with my under 1000 calorie per day intake XD
I should eat some food right now.
Ketchup is for dix eat mustard.
I love ketchup
I'll cook some frenchfries
I'll drive it down your throat. ;D
Well do you know what I'll drive into you?
Well do you know what I'll drive into you?
I know! I know!
A stick!
Good job :D KETCHUP REWARD ::{gives ketchup packets}::
I want a scalp!
I'll trade you?
I'll trade you?
For what? I have none. T_T
>: I was going to say something but some people might take it the wrong way XD
>: I was going to say something but some people might take it the wrong way XD
That's what MSNM is for, unless it's me that would take it the wrong way.
Jesus mixed with high fructose corn syrup and pressed into a red fish shape. That's what that is.
Is it out Febuary or March? I'm getting mixed dates.
officially February for now, but I know there are rumors for March.
If its delayed ONE more time i'm going to die a little on the inside.
I might punch some babies if it is >: I had a friend tell me today that pikmin are going to be a playable character.
Mustash stole my e.
Yeah Olimar and Pikmans
Don't punchy the babies!
Why not?
I'm trying to write a story for one series with homage to events to another series, but I'm worried that the other series is taking over the story. Should I delve more into the relationship of the characters to remedy this? Maybe a flashback to how it started, since the backstory leading up to the homage scene is entirely different?
what series are you paying homage too?
I haven't slept. Does this count as late night yet? If I didn't have school Monday, I'd totally try to beat my 130-hour no-sleep record right now.
yay for late nights
Is it out Febuary or March? I'm getting mixed dates.
This is unrelated but the cosplay in your avatar rocks!
I did die a little on the inside.
Brawl will give me magical zombie powers. : D
[waves finger] Not until March 9.
Ooookaaay.....Uhg.....I should go to sleep. I dunno if I have late start tomorrow or not...so yeah.....Let's see....Oh, yeah! I just bought my very first cosplay wig! *o* [I feel like the guy off of Train Man: Densha Otako, the movie.....Just saw it! ^.^]. Oh....and a small prop for that cosplay....Was is it....? Well, I'm hoping to wear it to one of the meet-ups....Speaking, of which....I need to revive my dead park-meetup thread.....I really don't think anyone's coming and it's a while for me to drive if I'm the only one!!! T.T Like......1 hour......Yeah....1 hours, 15 minutes....
But I'll discontinue my rant..................for now!!!!!!!!! DUH DUH DUUUUUUU! >.>.....<.<.....
I seriously hope I have late start tomorrow. xD
And Syd-chan, I tried posting a bunch in that thread a while ago and no one replied... -.-
it's like 2:00 AM and i'm doin' a retarded wordsearch that has next to nothing to do with wat we're studying in science... but its ok cos' she like never assigns H/W! yay for ms. watsherface! i acctually can't recall her name right now cos' i've been up since like 6 this morning. the only actual reason im doing it is cos' im failing and we start a new semester next week er somethin' and me failing science is refreakin' retarded cos' its like one out of like 3 classes i know wat the freak im doing in! anyway goin to finish word search now, the sleep.. thank god for late-start... and caffine...! zzz...
it is 3:43 am and I just got home....
it is 3:43 am and I just got home....
*hands over hot chocolate*
I should be doing something important.
but I'm not.
Time passes by so quickly at night! :o
Lame.D; I won't be asleep for another 5 hours.;-;
Sooo lonely.D< Somebody should get online.And talk to me.o_o
And i can't wait to work on my cosplay tomarrow.>w<
I haven't gone to sleep yet either, but it is an exciting winter wonderland outside
*sips cocoa*
I haven't stayed up past 1 all week! Go me! (although I think I've talked on the phone about 500 minutes this week (since monday) and the weekend hasn't even started yet. . . :P
Eh its getting there... sure is cold enough out
[yawns] =____=
Atleast i have texting to keep me company while i'm awake. :D
But i like being loud when people are sleeping. ^o^
I'm watching Venture Brothers for the first time.
I'm watching comedy central.^o^ Yay stand up comedy people..? >.>
Oh hey, I just changed the channel to Comedy Central. DEMETRI!
I'm a ninja.
Nahh.Jeff cesario now.I hope he is funny.xD If he isn't i'm changing the channel.
ugh you're right. hahaha
I'm a little confused by the uhhh..Cow background.XD Cows creep me out.I threw a burnt waffle at one once.And it moo-ed at me.
Patrick: I refuse to read anything with Cloverfield in the title.
I refuse to read anything with star trek in the title.
I used to be forced to watch it.o_o;
I haven't seen it yet either. I don't wanna be spoiled though.
I want a banana split.
Hot chocolate sounds nice too.
With marshmellows.
I have hot chocolate. :D I just made some.xD
And i burnt my tongue.;-;
I always do that.=_=
I burn my tongue too. D: Speaking of, I burnt a part of my fingerprint off on accident.
I burn myself when i straighten my hair.
I just think that hot things don't like me.
Haha, we were using a hot needle in fashion design, to make stencils. A piece of plastic got stuck to the tip,,,I wasn't thinking so I tried taking it off and it happened. Only my thumb though.
I think I'm going to bed now. Night everyone!
Aw.;-; Okay.xD Goodnight.^o^
You kids sure are crazy.
Shin chan is on yay.... mmm cosplay ideas lol
And now I'm off to bed!
dam rite u getn in bed mofaga ah smak u ^
*gasp!* no way!
Lame.I went to sleep with a headache.And woke up with one.
Fer seriously,What the hell..?!~D<
Thats not cool.=_=
I should get some.But i have both a fear of the dark,And my living room.xD
But there have been bad times out there.=_=
Ones that happen to not fancy me much.
Or my friends.D:
<_< >_>
looks like I win agian! *passes out*
Technically it's impossible to loose to me on a worknight... I'm awake until 8am at least (when I get off work).
Of course, the days of me liking staying up for 18 or more hours are gone... I've been in sleep deprivation too long to enjoy it anymore.
You all lose.Yesterday i stayed up until 10 am. >:3
I stay up playing on the computer,
Annoying my kittie,
Aaand playing video games.^o^
Awesome games like.:
Dark cloud.
Dark cloud 2.
Naruto uzumaki chronicals.
Naruto ultimate ninja.
Naruto ultimate ninja 2.
Yugioh! Duelists of the roses.
Yep.Laugh at my tiny collection of video games.xD
I love Dark Cloud!
I know it's not late night anymore, but I wanted to post anyway >.>
Lol I got to sleep at 4am, had a weird dream that was a mix between Diablo 2, the civil war, and a first person shooter, then woke up at 11 and couldn't get back to sleep ROFL.
You should all join the yaplet chat room in my signature. ^_^
Or at the very least visit this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/north_east/7101506.stm
bleah. D2 eats souls.
Be jealous for i have a woman in my bed..?!
And her name is Gingahh..?! o_o;
She invites herself over alot.xD
And then falls asleep on my bed.
And talks about kung-fu spiders.o_O
Well, it is a bit after 5, do you know where your children are?
I hate writing essays.
I woke up to Stephen Lynch...."Now I laugh as I count bugs, I give strangers great big hugs..."
I woke up to Tay Zonday's "Internet Dream" the other day.
o.o What are we talkin' about? [/completely lost]
....Okay, then! I'll probably do that tonight... =.=
Awww....Poor Mustash.....I'll probably get off to bed now as well.......Besides.....Well, ok, I don't have a besides, but it didn't it make you keep reading? DIDN'T IT?!?!?!? Anyway....Ja ne.
no bed for me, still four more hours of shift left :(
It is.
I just re-watched both Death Note movies.^o^
hmm been thinking about watching death note... is it any different from the boondock saints?
I don't know.I have never watched,"the boondock saints".
Or heard of it,Really.o_o;
But i can say,Death note is most def worth watching. :3
hmm been thinking about watching death note... is it any different from the boondock saints?
Deathnote is nothing what-so-ever like Boondock Saints. You were reffering to the film, right? Yeah, they are nothing alike, completely different.
really? I heard they were very similar..
Boondock saints kill evil people with guns
The emo dude in death note kills evil people with a diary
Both have a good guy trying to catch them, even though what they do is "good".
Same premise amiright?
What makes them different besides the means they use to achieve the same goal?
Almost midnight... A good time to be up
Almost Midnight? It is almost 2!
It's almost 5 rofl.
PM. :(
=__= ~~
I'm not that good at staying up, haha~
Dude. :D
I got my lip pierced twice. >w<
Can someone explain the attraction of getting lips pierced?
It isnt practical it makes it difficult to kiss people.
Having a large fish hook in ones mouth doesnt help the physical attraction.
Its painful.
And if you decide to take it out then youve got a hole in your lip.
I may seem like an old codger but I can understand things like dyed hair and edgy cloths but holes in your face? No thanks.
patrick this may come to a shock but i'm going to church tomorrow..
Is that what you kids are doing now adays?
When I was your age we used to skip class and smoke behind the bleachers.
You kids ought to respect your elders.
thats better...
good night ...
good night
[/yawn] Ugh....G'night everyone...
Can someone explain the attraction of getting lips pierced?
It isnt practical it makes it difficult to kiss people.
Having a large fish hook in ones mouth doesnt help the physical attraction.
Its painful.
And if you decide to take it out then youve got a hole in your lip.
I may seem like an old codger but I can understand things like dyed hair and edgy cloths but holes in your face? No thanks.
D; Thats why i got studs instead or rings.
I don't like rings as lip piercings.
And i do have a tiny hole in my lip where it was pierced wrong at first.=_=
But i ignore it.
[cracks neck]
[continues homework]
Get one of those pencil forhead bands.
Headbands are always relaxing when doing work. Its like you're pulling your stress away~~
Really? I have a headband. It says ninja (I think...)
I wonder where it is...
you know what else helps? ...tea
Especially licorice tea! Its the most tastiest tea I've ever had. It leaves a sweet taste in your throat <3
Think apple juice will be just as good? :3
^It can be, it might put you to sleep though.
Tea stimulates the brain, I dont think apple juice does that, I could be wrong though. Its happened before.
V Ever happen to you?
I think I'll have some. Just to quench my thirst.
^ :o
V Did it quench every bit as much as you hoped it would?
but aww. I still have to carry my laundry basket up to my room later.
should I do another load?
If you can.
I say yes.
^ Ill do that
V You make that list? only 8 minutes left to do something new
its short.
^ Better hurry up
V Whats on it so far?
try natto
try something weird @ mcD's
go to a a japanese festival
take purikura pics
takoyaki from a steet cart
How about get something wierd from a vending machine?
Or getting fish-shaped taiyaki?
Oh yeah good pick
lets pretend I actually finished this list on time >__>
But you did finish it on time >.>
exactly ;D
About... to nod off. I'm going to bed.
Night Daxe and the guests lurking here!
Well it is almost 3:30 wonder what everyone is up to.
Me, I am cleaning my bathroom
Why are you cleaning your bathroom at 3:30?
because it is nasty, why else would someone clean?
If i clean something,I get carried away and turn it into a bigger mess.Or get myself hurt.
Like when i cleaned the bathroom last time. :D
I out a bunch of cleaners on the tile floor to clean it.
And instead,I ended up having a slip-n-slide thing going on in there.xD
With soap,
Tile cleaner,
And yeah.
But then i fell and smacked my arm on the sink.
And hit my back on the wall.
Hahaha.It was so fun.
I got lots of bruises.D<
hello... [echoes]
the things people post at night... ???
on the forums
sorta kinda late.
10:27 and alls well
I missed late-night shenannigans, cause the forums were rejecting me....so I went to sleep instead.
lolz. It's late, but y'all went to bed.
I am still up and here which is odd huh....
Well, this may be the latest I will be on here for a while. 11:30, w0000, and it seems pretty dead too. Hast sleep claimed all my forum-posting brethren and sistren? Alas, it seemst so. ^_0
uhhh ~ [doze]...
it seems I am still the victor MUAHAHA
I am here! >:3
I shouldn't be.
Go to bed Victoria!!!
I will soon =____=
I'm here too!
I always tend to regret this in the mornings.
Yeyyy DX
I got Death Note volumes for VD, that made me a happy kiddo. (and yeah, I realize how behind the times I am, but putting that aside, I have to say I am completely captivated by this series. I see what all the fuss was about, for sure.)
You've seen my Death Note cosplay right?
Your Death note Nose Play?
you guys know what I meant =__=
We did? :P
You've seen my Death Note cosplay right?
Ummm, no actually. Who did you cosplay as? I have seen Laurifer's Misa, but I don't think I've seen yours. Can I haz shown it to me? ^_^
I cosplayed ~ (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/173/434289773_c2cec28710.jpg) Light Yagami! (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/152/434265095_123cb5dc82.jpg)
Ah, that's awesome. Did you ever coordinate that costume with Laurifer's Misa? Such a proper duo, heh. Great job on your Light, too. ^_^ I was thinking (if I were much taller and much thinner) I'd want to cosplay as Ryuk; that'd be pretty killer, lol
Surprisingly we've never worn them at the same time...thanks!
Ah, well, I hope to see you both in Death Note cosplay sometime. ^_^ Get some good poses/action shots out of that, I'm sure, heh
And I just realized what thread this is....I suppose it's not late-night anymore, huh? lol
>___> ... shhh.
Mmm, took too long of a nap. Gonna be up for quite a bit...
Blah- I'm suppose to be doing homework right now, not posting on these forums...
Yeah, I took a nap earlier too...
Pulling back my hair with a new headband I got at the dollar store. Anybody else weirded out that there is a frozen food section in the back of the store?
good night everyone
=.=.....3:18 am.......[/dies].....G'night.....Gotta love three day weekend, ha ha. I have Monday off....Though, most people probably do....=.=....G'night....Again.....
Wow, what was everyone doing last night? There wasn't a single late-night forumster.....eerie...
You neglect your duties to the forums, sir! ^_0
Up too late...and have to be at work at 5.
I've gotta be up at 6:00am, so I think I have some time to spam. I'm deadtired, but I'll stay up anyway, cause the forums are more exciting than my pillow, dizzet!
heeeeeeeeey who else wants to eat a cupcake and drink vitamine water at 4:50 AM?!
Watashi! kappukeeki to baitamen waataa wa ii desu nee! (I do! Cupcakes and vitamin water are goodzesz!)
Watashi! kappukeeki to baitamen waataa wa ii desu nee! (I do! Cupcakes and vitamin water are goodzesz!)
i think i may have to steal that and say that to m mother to make her look at me funny XDD
I do I do!!!
then stay up till 5 am well make it a fancy cupcake eating partay. haaay~!
well it is almost 4 am I'm going to see if I can get some shut eye.
No Wai!
\m/ "^_^" \m/
it is sooo slow tonight :-X
sometimes reality seems more like a dream, here I am at work feeling that way, waiting to wake up.
get off the ketamine
hmm, I don't know what that is...
It's a drug, special K, I believe.
Which is also a breakfast cereal.
. . .
Sleep is out of style.
:D :D it's not late at night at all
it's 5 in the morning somewhere >.>
:D :D it's not late at night at all
it's 5 in the morning somewhere >.>
Actually, that's false. Time zones are not gradual, otherwise you'd be all like "dude it's five twenty seven and ten seconds" and someone 200 feet to the west of you would be like, "well now it is but it wasn't when you said that".
Crap, overslept that nap...
late night!!
damn it. :<
now it is late night..
where did your interwebz go?
I find its easier to bait them back in with seductive meats and a bit of silicoln
I iz here.
I should go to sleep soon huh...
As should I. I don't function well in Japanese class on 7 hours of sleep.
I have to get up at 6 @___@
Okay, each of us can make three more posts, and then we all must agree to log off, heh
...and go to sleep....for tomorrow....because it appears we all have early mornings, lol
Hahah well it is interesting how tonight is pretty dead...the forums usually have a lot of activity this time at night, don't they?
Well I am off to bed now! Ja ne~
I'm still up, maybe wednesday is the night people goto sleep early
Except me! AAIIIIEEEEE! The sound of toluene in my brain! Sweet, sweet styrene falling away from hobby knives and cutting shears. Unassembled Gundam kits that haunt me, taunt me to put them together or meet a violent death under a pile of kit boxes.
Oh. The window was closed. That's why I was hallucinating.
"When working with liquid glue, have plenty of adequate ventilation."
i has japanese test first period tomorrow.
I think I did okay on that test.
I think I did okay on that test.
*high five!* Good job!
[high five!]
Pi is up late, working on a sketchup model, listening to NIRVANA
(for you kids, Kurt died my junior year of high school - it was a big f|_|cking deal)
I just received some AMV entries from JAPAN (they're AWAKE there...) for this years contest - and one of them is HILARIOUS!!!
the first time I tried to play mario kart on the DS the names were half in japanese it was crazy
oh god... 4chan island?
lols, stay away from /b/each
haha, I know, but the first few seconds would be so terrible wouldn't it.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
Check out a scientologist church some time.
Or 7chan.
Will you be here for the portland protest?
Ah, well more power to you! Ill probably be here in portland for it, but Id want a guy fox mask
I can probably just scoop my hair in front of my face and put on sunglasses. Cousin Itnonymous.
what a way to spend the night.
Indeed! <3
mmmm sleep deprivation.
yeah same ~~ good luck on waking up!
yes, its time to get some sleep
twas an entertaining night.
No sleep the sun is not up yet.
Last time I listened to Mustash: NEVER
tomorrow's gonna be a long day
I should probably go soon too =___=
I guess everyone is asleep now.
Nope, there's still one left! Up and reading Jonathan Swift's 'A Modest Proposal'
He is amazing. I should have a picture frame of his face in my room.
I'm kinda sleepy and haven't even made it half way through shift :-\
feeling tired from my drive back from Ashland
[falls over]
Sounds like an awesome time, send me some pictures yo!
Yes indeed, Shakespeare festival.
Clay Cart
Midsummer Night's Dream
Midsummer was a favorite of the ladies, because the fairies were men in tights, tutus, and mesh shirts... well, they are fairies... lots of cat calls during the dances, haha.
Midsummer was a favorite of the ladies, because the fairies were men in tights, tutus, and mesh shirts... well, they are fairies... lots of cat calls during the dances, haha.
Likes men in tights
o.0 I'm still up! Whether or not it is past my 'bedtime', I shall not say. >.> And men in tights? Wouldn't know...Never seen one.
Still up...At 1:55....I'll check if you are! [/bounces off to main page]
EDIT: HA! I stayed up longer than you Mustash! ^.^ >.> ....Is that even an accomplishment. Oh, great. I outlasted Mustash who actually WORKS.....T.T I'm going to bed now. X.X
I'm still up too
Anyone else up? It's almost 4am in the morning, I wonder if I should go to bed?
I'm up... why am I still awake? =__=
How may days were you down there for?
I know it's not late night, but I was there for 2 days.
I hated working weekends :(
I feel for you mustashe
hope there is a bathroom near where you work... I hate it when people puke all over their workplace big mess
I hated cleaning up after people who puked in the bathrooms >.<
ew, puke. DX
there were worse things
but still.
yes indeed
oooh creepy
I need to go to bed before 1 tonight...lol
I've been falling asleep in class too much lately.
Hey! who said I'm still not a good student? lol
shh ~
ooh you should get to sleep earlier, specially if your falling asleep in class. Tell your friends its time for bed young lady.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3022/2336176149_5f62bc1173.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3022/2336176149_5f62bc1173.jpg)
mm my dream vespa
thats cherry red hotness
http://bp3.blogger.com/_7gYNb3GSh4M/RmsE__dfbYI/AAAAAAAABJ4/6d68JtgZD2w/s1600-h/Akira_Bike4.jpg (http://bp3.blogger.com/_7gYNb3GSh4M/RmsE__dfbYI/AAAAAAAABJ4/6d68JtgZD2w/s1600-h/Akira_Bike4.jpg)
here's a nice mod for that bike
http://www.bbakira.co.uk/kanbike/bandaibike.htm (http://www.bbakira.co.uk/kanbike/bandaibike.htm)
I'm trying to write two more lines of a set of 50 single-sentence fics. After that I'll only have two more to go.
Good night everyone
I need moar sleepz!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 3 in the am and i just woke up...
starbucks here i come... for work... >.<
i need a new third job... sbux isn't fun
Wunderland beaverton is hiring, that would be funs :)
Oooh, if I could get out there I would want to apply!
any job involving gaming would be awesome
stupid game crazy *shakes fist* i hate you for not calling me... but i still love you because you supply me with games to fuel my addictions... *turns on nintendo*
Up late and should be working on my Latino Popular Culture class.....but I'm watching South Park instead.
its midnight already?
woh it is, where did the time go? Quickly Go Get It!
[runs and trips]
careful there [helps her up] you might spill your tea
too late.
time to get some shut eye. good night.
Night Totemo
indeed, sleepy time. Later all.
I hate waking up in the morning =____=
Im tiiiiired
Then they wouldn't have a head start on everyone else, would they? ^_0
[complain complain]
Coyotes run through the neighborhood around this time of night.
Coyotes and Raccoons...and Owls. though its not very late right now
Not quite 'late' yet, but:
a: we have goats (so coyotes are a BAD thing)
b: my sweetie bought herself a nice 7mm Rem. Mag. which she keeps under the bed
c: we have a clear line of sight to the paddock from the bedroom window, and
d: an old farmer who's one of our neighbors says if you nail a coyote you hang it on a fencepost to rot out for a while - the other members of its pack will *know* who it was, and it'll drive them elsewhere.
(As in "Hey, that's FRED! Dude, we're OUTTA here!)
e: Most of the houses on our street are similarly armed, and
f: hasn't been a crime around here in 25yrs.
g: This is the 2nd amendment at in action...
h: This is also the 2nd amendment in action:
Score: Dirtbags zero, Homeowner +2, no charges filed.
Average per capita lawfulness of community IMPROVED.
i: this is what happens when you allow a state (CA) take your rights away, and then believe they will save you:
Score: Dirtbag gets away, homeowner dead, police have no leads.
("Remember: When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.")
o.o Huh?
EDIT: 3:16 AM.....Syd-chan and 25 Guests are viewing this board. ...
HOLY S#!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! [/whispers] They're stalking me....... I'm going to bed now! BYE!
132 Guests, 3 Users
OMG!!!!!!!!!1 [/hides under desk] Help.....
totemo is exhausted.
time for bed. =__=
Wow, nobody was spamming last night. @_@
Wow, nobody was spamming last night. @_@
It was Monday! Heck, I can hardly get ASLEEP....But half-days for the rest of the week! Then...[dramatic music]
SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Syd-Chan will spam everywhere!
hmm I want something sweet to snack on...
Late Night Pockey Delivery! *throws everyone pockey*
UWAA SOLDIER BLUE!!! T__T *laments*
mm pudding. it doesn't quite hit the spot though.
Too bad there isn't any soda around here. I could use a Diet Coke right about now as I rot my brain on more anime... :P
*yawn* I have been exercising my fingers playing Crisis Core for the past three hours. Boy, that game is addicting!
I played Flash Flash Revolution....I can do the REALLY easy stuff! XD
hmm Im tired and yet not.. ???
=__= ... = o = ~~ ... =__=
Epic speech is epic! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrp-v2tHaDo)
Im tired and can't think straight
thank god that creepy gun sh1t is off the front page!
Eh? I missed it?
what creapyness is on who's front page?
T.T I missed creepyness? Damn.
oh well...
want...go...home.... =_=
good bye, spring break...
And hello stress DX
Hello Spring Break! XD [Well...In 32 minutes....]
Well...you didn't have spring break last week, right?
I stayed up for no reason! *dies*
Well...you didn't have spring break last week, right?
I had half days for Wednesday through Friday....Does that count? XD
asjfalkfafan;f;na =__=
Up late shooping my Sakuracon pics
asjfalkfafan;f;na =__=
qft =_=
tired.....must go bed now.......
tired.....must go bed now.......
I have to be up in 2 hours... T-T
Well, that's a Con! All cosplayers are automatically programmed to have little or no sleep during Cons! How was SakuraCon, Mustash?
I don't care if i'm a wimp. lol
I didnt get much sleep either though.
But i'm still a wimp.^o^
Why I am still upppppp
I wonder that sometimes too.
I wish I wasn't up
Geeze, 5 am?! Holy crap....XD I got, like....Three hours of sleep. My cosplayer side is kicking in right now. I have the uncontrollable urge for Pocky and to sew....o.0
I hear lack of sleep causes insanity
Most people on here aren't exactly the most sane to begin with, though. So since we know 2 negatives make a positive.. does that mean these posters become normal when they're sleep deprived? ???
Nyer.Patrick is mean.He doesnt reply to texts.D<
Anyone think revenge sounds good..?o_O;
get revenge on patrick in sleep?
$25 is too much for one pizza.
What pizza costs $25?
Round table pizza. Delivery. DX
Hey stache!
o hay gaiz
sakuracon was alrightish, and for the record, I went 5 days without any sleep whatsoever once, and followed that up by getting a total of 5 hours of sleep the first night after that streak then staying up another 3 days straight.
I woke up an hour ago
XD Nice, laurifer. How late were you up? DX My last day of spring Break is tomorrow. so....ALL NIGHTER TONIGHT!
Syd-chan, you are crazy... @.@
I was up until like 1, which isn't very late, but it was a really busy day and so yeah...well I guess I technically woke up earlier but I promptly fell asleep after trying to work on my senior project (which I am still working on)
my head hurts.
*Fixes headache problem*
I finally tried Powernapping intentionally. 3 sets of 20-minute powernaps and 1 2-hour run.
I don't feel great, but I feel better than I typically do on 2 hours of sleep. :P
You cheaters, posting in the day time ... lol
I cant sleep and I got an early morning meeting :'(
I would so try to sleep.D; But alas..!
I simply cannot.
But thats okay.
I have Miyavi to listen to for hours.:3
-is a huge fangirl-
And its incredibly hot here.=_=
Anyone else think its getting hot at night now..?
Not here, its still raining pretty regularly
daft punk
I still need to look into the costume thing I want for this year's con.
anyone still up?
Well I'm up now. After strange dreams of sneaking around shadow-wreathed statues of Cthulhu and gnarled antediluvian forests...
Sounds like you need some of those plush Cthulus I found in the vendor's hall at Sakuracon!
Ah, I actually already have one! Thanks to the Lovecraft Film Festival. It is atop my tv, guarding my room with the singing christmas frog, lol
three words: robo panda pudding ...
four words: rollo tony brown town
Three words: senior seminar experience D:
two words: stupid ... essays ...
two words: stupid ... essays ...
Why are you up so late doing them? You have tomorrow...oh wait. You're coming to my SSE tomorrow durr XD
lol I just finished one, I'm saving the big one for tomorrow. oh man.
Are they due on Thursday?
I just got up from one... they're wonderful!
nevermind... don't know what I was talking about
Were you talking about a nap? @__@ Naps are nice.
=.= Oh, shiz-nit. I was suppose to do that assignment. Uh oh. Um. School starts at....8:25.....[/sob] I only get 50% for late assignments. T.T And then there's that one t-HOLY CRAPMUFFINS! Oh, crap. I have the WASL next week. AAAAAAAAAA. God, this is terrible. I have no idea on stupid precentages! STUPID TEACHER! ...and me for not having the guts to speak up and ask for help... Oh, well. After that, I can start saving up for the Con. First I gotta find a hotel!
yes, yes I was... but it seems I'm always waking up from a nap. I work nightshift (9pm-9am) four nights a week... I pretty much a real life vampire... except for the whole "sucking blood" thing.
*sigh* I wish I was as pretty a vampire as the ones from Vampire Knight though....
its late
[falls over]
hang in there :)
God, 5 AM?!?!?
Yay! I just got off work! Three shifts down and one more to go!
Now its time for me to settle down and finish watching the last episode of Fruits Basket! So exciting!
I haven't gotten anything accomplished tonight. wow
God, 5 AM?!?!?
6am today 8)
yay, I get money for sleep deprevations :)
[/blink] They pay you? SWEET.
I hope summer gets here soon.
Anyone else excited for it..?o_o;
Or eez i alone..?D;
I hope summer gets here soon.
Anyone else excited for it..?o_o;
Or eez i alone..?D;
Who isn't excited for summer?!
I hope summer gets here soon.
Anyone else excited for it..?o_o;
Or eez i alone..?D;
Who isn't excited for summer?!
well I think its time for bed, good night.
I hope summer gets here soon.
Anyone else excited for it..?o_o;
Or eez i alone..?D;
Who isn't excited for summer?!
Why wouldn't they be excited? They get a 3 month long vacation!
I'm just tired of the rain... and the snow.
What's up with that?! I thought I moved away from Alaska?! We shouldn't be having snow in April dammit!
Yeah, it was weird having sun rain hail and snow at sakura fest
I think it should be summer rightz NAO.
Then i can go to the beach. :D
And have funfun there.^o^
Ho gawd i miss the beach.;-;
And the hotel i always get is right next to it too.^_^
Theres some stairs in the parking lot that lead to the beach. :D
Tis awesome.
-in dreamland-
I'm hungry but I'll just sleep it off.
I'm hungry but I'll just sleep it off.
Too early for sleeping to scare off hunger
I am chattin it up in the kcon chatroom!
the fab goes whrrrrrrr
That is all.
Who will be up the latest tonight I wonder?
I take your unspoken challenge and deny you.
because i believe I will be the one up the latest XDD (i usually am)
Well I'm at a friends now and have to go home later, so I'll be up untill 3ish!
Well you will have me beat. I had a long day so im off to bed early.
Well I'm at a friends now and have to go home later, so I'll be up untill 3ish!
thats it?
its 1 AM now.
3 AM is my usual bedtime. XDD ive got this in the bag lol <3
Pfft, I don't go to bed until 8am everyday. Is it cheating since I work graveyard? Lawlz.
Well I'm at a friends now and have to go home later, so I'll be up untill 3ish!
thats it?
its 1 AM now.
3 AM is my usual bedtime. XDD ive got this in the bag lol <3
"THAT'S IT?!?!"
You kids are crazy.
Or don't regularly wake up at 5 am.
*shakes fist* you crazy youngins!!
Meg, you're going to die before the con. Stop working so early in the morning...
it's not the working so early that kills me!
It's the staying up until all hours on the internet that does XD
Meg, you're going to die before the con. Stop working so early in the morning...
it's not the working so early that kills me!
It's the staying up until all hours on the internet that does XD
so it's like he said, sstop working crazy hours so early in the morning(thats almost illegal woman! :O!) cause i eman, what beats the internets(other than conventions)
you can say that again XDD >w<
I stayed up until 4-5 am! I couldn't tell what time I went to sleep!
Woo, guess who's pulling a late-nighter? lololololol Fun tiemz in procrastination land
I was up a little past 3am last night.
me too X|
I'm usually up until 4 texting.xD
going to sleep nao .. bleh
I think I'm going to try to get some sleep, hopefully more than just a few hours
DX I'll have to save my late-night-ness for tomorrow. But, my mom has had a terrible habit of kicking me off the computer at....10. ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! =.= She doesn't know my laptop broke because of Diet coke. [Though I still love it] So, I'll probably just use my Ninja Skillz of Awesome-ness to sneak downstairs. XD [Mustash....NINJA INFO CARDS! Aw, bloody hell. Now it's stuck in my head!!!!!!!!]
Did you get to sleep on time last night Puri?
I stayed up till 1am watching Food Network.
I'm usually up until 4 texting.xD
That's pretty hardcore haha. You must be a bad as Mustash when it comes to texting o___O
I hardly text at all, but I'm old fashioned like that
I hardly text at all, but I'm old fashioned like that
Don't worry, I used about 2000min a month of talk time too.
Ho snap. -said the girl without a freaking phone.
Blahh....I'll probably be getting off the computer...soon. After reading about doughnuts on the SPAM forum for 30 minutes, I have an insane crave for one....But, no doughts! DX [/dies]
lawlz.I shouldnt be up this late.D:
But i was watching cake shows.o_o;
Sugar art is cool.>.> And yummy looking. XD
o.o I feel the insane urge to bake something.....
I'd bake,But i suck.Same with cooking in general.D:
Michael mcdonald is scary.o_o
Just pointing that out.xD
i'll have to sleep it off
I just D/L'd about EIGHT more AMVs for this year's contest & show - from Australia!
There are some FUN folks from down there!
We need to have an AMV cafe event!
Get a bunch of plasma tvs and have them all play amvs while people buy foods and drinks.
We need to have an AMV cafe event!
Get a bunch of plasma tvs and have them all play amvs while people buy foods and drinks.
That'd be really friggin awesome, actually. I'd love to go to something like that!
We need to have an AMV cafe event!
Get a bunch of plasma tvs and have them all play amvs while people buy foods and drinks.
Same here! WOW. o.o I'm getting the chills just thinking about it. That would be awesome.
That'd be really friggin awesome, actually. I'd love to go to something like that!
oooo~h late
Up late with adrenaline from Kcon Lite, but drained also, in a good way. Any one else?
yeah, same here.
YUP i are here
I have to be up at like 6..but I want to stick around here longer and talk about the day, lol. And I'm watching Hot Rod...which is hilarious.
Haha yeah today was really awesome! And that was just one day...wait until the con lol
Totally. This is building up to be the best year yet, just in the fact that I have never had as many tight friends to hang with as it looks like I will this year. ^_^
So why do you have to get up at 6 tomorrow?
My sisters are in a play at church and we have to be there at 7:30 for them to practice and whatnot.
Yeah, I'll be fine though. A powernap and a cold shower in the morning should energize me.
TwT Maaaaaan, I wish I'd convinced my dad to take me to the Mini-con... But I didn't, and got so many things done on my props that it's kinda scary.
I'm shooting for two in the morning for when I got to bed. It's Saturday night, after all! I'mma make another AMV just for the hells of it and poke the one I'm putting in the AMV contest with a stick-o-corrections. 'Cause I mean, really. It's not like anything good is on the tube. Except maybe the History Channel... But after eight they just start showing documentaries on old dead people (usually Hitler). History Channel = repetitive after two in the morning.
OWO; Six in the bloody morning, eh? Sleep, man! Sleep! The forums aren't worth loosing sleep over if you have something important like that the next day!
Well it isn't me in the play, heh. My sisters are in it, I just have to go along for the ride, so to speak. And I luvs my forums and fellow forumsters! I would gladly lose sleep for any of you. ^_^
I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow...[yaaaawn]
me tooo :)
My sisters are in a play at church and we have to be there at 7:30 for them to practice and whatnot.
Ohhh man I'm sorry DX
Caffeine in the form of energy drinks = baaad for me. I feel like vomit 15 minutes into drinking it :-[
it shouldnt take you fifteen minutest to drink it
I drink slow >_> .... </lame>
My sisters are in a play at church and we have to be there at 7:30 for them to practice and whatnot.
Ohhh man I'm sorry DX
Eh, it's alright. I usually function on only four-five hours of sleep anyway.
I'm exhausted so i'm gonna catch some zzz's. Night everyone.
Working on my charm thread...lol
Ah, you're awesome Laurifer. That will be a much useful thread!
But I think I might doze off in a few also. The night, she is calling and sleep, he is claiming me, lol
Same here....I'm actually feeling tired now haha
haha, yeah, 'twas an epic day and we all could use the sleep, I'm sure. G'night, Laurifer and forums ^_^
such a naughty boy. lol. you coming to one acts?
I should get some sleep too
I'm still up, chatting away. About Voodoo Donuts.
There are bugs in my bed, so I can't get to sleep. Seriously.
I'm still up, chatting away. About Voodoo Donuts.
Tee hee :D
I should prolly get some sleep too...
Ack! I slept in too much and missed my busses...
Ack! I slept in too much and missed my busses...
O noes! It's all my fault n____n
Ack! I slept in too much and missed my busses...
O noes! It's all my fault n____n
hahaha, no no. No worries. Today was not an attendance-taking class, so it wasn't the worst situation. And I liked staying up chatting, it was good times.
Either summer will be really bogus and I'll spend it graduating from high school, or it'll be really boring and I'll be on here every night from 10 to 5.
Either summer will be really bogus and I'll spend it graduating from high school, or it'll be really boring and I'll be on here every night from 10 to 5.
Or you could spend time spamming lots. Or go clubbing. Or go hang out with da ladieeeeeez lawl
wanna hang yo?
wanna hang yo?
Haha okay I didn't mean it in a weird way but hey if I have the time sure
Every Saturday at Ground Kontrol bring Monster Hunter for best results.
I don't have a PSP, and my brother bricked his, so that's not an option haha
I'm going to bed "early" tonight
I don't have a PSP, and my brother bricked his, so that's not an option haha
Bring his then; we can unbrick it as soon as I get a Pandora's Battery.
I don't have a PSP, and my brother bricked his, so that's not an option haha
Bring his then; we can unbrick it as soon as I get a Pandora's Battery.
Perhaps. He said he was gonna get it fixed so idk
How late constitutes late night forums goers?
I dunno, some people post on this thread when the sun is UP
I have a feeling I'll be up tonight
What's going on tonight?
So I am just assuming this is late night...hehe. I just got off of work...then I get to be back in portland early tomorrow morning. Yay for the unpredictable entertainment industry :D. I luffs it so much. So what's shakin'?
going to sleeeep
Goodnight you ;)
So, just a heads up, Narnia: Prince Caspian is super awesome! *thumbs way way up*
sigh... glad you liked it
I'll have to see that.
Someday I shall see it....emphasis on the someday.
I am so tired, the heat today just wore me out and I want to pass out. So no late night for me.
i has headache
i has headache
*hands over some advil*
i has headache
*hands over some advil*
I can't have advil. :(
but I can have Tylenol.
*Hands over some tylenol*
o.0 Why no Advil?
I have a blood disorder so I can't take certain medications.
Oh I thought Tylenol thins your blood. Oops
heading to bed as soon as I finish this assignment...
Wooo not even tired yet...soooo regretting this tomorrow
Wooo not even tired yet...soooo regretting this tomorrow
haha, so you got your hw all done? Way to be a trooper!
Wooo not even tired yet...soooo regretting this tomorrow
haha, so you got your hw all done? Way to be a trooper!
A procrastinating trooper!
Oh I thought Tylenol thins your blood. Oops
Asprin I think thins the blood.
Oh I thought Tylenol thins your blood. Oops
Asprin I think thins the blood.
true dat
My tablet is dying ;_; Had it since 6th grade
My tablet is dying ;_; Had it since 6th grade
O noes D:
A tablet PC? Those things are cool looking hardly ever seen anyone with them anymore.
A tablet PC? Those things are cool looking hardly ever seen anyone with them anymore.
I want one so bad TT____TT
Ack, same here with the Tablet. But, this year it was either the digital camera, cell phone, or some other random thing? Hey, question....How much does a decent one cost?
yes, meep.
I haven't slept in 40 hours lolol.
I haven't slept in 40 hours lolol.
I haven't slept in 40 hours lolol.
Uber crunch time.....?
I haven't slept in 40 hours lolol.
Uber crunch time.....?
Playing video games, of course.
o.0 I should have seen that coming..... EDIT: X.X Does this count as late...? Haven't slept in....15 hours, XD
well on the east coast it is late.
XD Yeah, but I don't know anyone here on the East coast currently....
i'm hungry...
Yay for a day off tomorrow!
Yay for my new ytmnd account!
BOOOO for giant .gif files!
-.- Arg, Tom. Arg. XD
what's here?
I'm here
welcome to here. 8)
Can I be here? I was there, but now I'm here...
I have that girly song they play on the radio stuck in my head.
"I'm a new soul come into this world, come to learn bout how to give and take"
I don't listen to the radio much, lately...
I do, I get calls from every month asking me to rate songs so I try to listen now and then. However, I did just do a run to every day music so my loyalty is low.
Must...finish...film reaction sheet...
It doesn't help that I didn't like "A River Runs Through It".
isn't dislike a reaction?
I think that science theatre 3000 was started with such things.
Im off to bed , I get to go to the beach tomorrow.
XD Have fun, Higuma! T.T I have to walk down to the bus stop in.....ZOMGWTFBBQLOLFTW!! CRAPMUFFINS! 0.0 I have five minutes! FRICK. XD Syd-Chan logging off....Well, sorta. XD I never log off. Just...Leave.
lol, how time flies when you're drafting up layouts.
na na na naa
I was gonna stay up late last night but I didn't want to compromise the possibility of hanging out with people today.
Not that anyone wants to hang out with me today anyway.
Mmm... I wish to say goodnight but I shall go to school
getting sleepy
So many papers to write!!! *drowns in essays*
I wanna go to bed, but I'm not sleepy and it's really warm in here...
I made Melchior von Neumann from Trinity Blood my doodle-bitka today. He's now a Sailor Scout. So is Cain, but he doesn't count because he was one to begin with.
... *Gnaw*
Hmm....I started Death Note, but the player wouldn't work[as always], and I only got to about 9:23 into episode 3....It's a shame. I want to see more....T.T
I graduate tomorrow..woooo
OMG, Day one of summer and I already did half the stuff I planned on doing this summer.
Not really, but close.
Tomorrow: make $150 to fund the construction of two more DDR pads :D
This is the first time I've been up this late doing nothing for a LONG time! Because I have no reason to wake up tomorrow morning! For the first time in three months!
yay for lates :)
T.T It's already 2 am....? Wow. I thought it was earlier...Like....11....Oops. So tired though...I was up until, like....2:30 the past two nights! I'm trying to make it to 3:30. Lessee...Including today, there's only eight more days until my trip...
Across 110th street~
Its midnight now
i'm not even tired!
i'm meh.
hmm what to do...
Uhhhm I dunno. I'm totally bored.
I had too much coca~cola so I'm pretty well caffinated lol I cant sleep
Sleep is for n00bs.
lol once when I stayed up all night with a friend I ended up falling asleep the next morning during a movie
Heh. I have this odd urge to watch all three Lord of the Rings movies. Extended edition, so they're all at least twenty minutes longer. In fact, Return of the King is about an hour longer!
I wonder if I'm doing anything tomorrow.
lord of the rings bores me I would fall asleep in five minutes watching that.
so does harry potter *gasp* I know! I'm probably one of the only people in the world that think that lol
Actually, no. Harry Potter is rather boring. However, I must now take a board with a rusty nail through the end to your head because you said that LotR is boring. : D isn't the intarwebnetz violent?
lol I'm just not into the lord of the rings.
one- the movie kinda creeps me out
two- I'm to easily creeped out and cant deal with too much gore
three- its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too long to hold my attention
four- my attention span is pretty short
Gonna epically bomb my audition for my local youth symphony tomorrow ahah X_X For now, gaming shall cope for my stress...
Nyark Nyark Nyark
fap fap fap
i mean whut?
fap fap fap
i mean whut?
I see I shouldn't have told you about Redtube.
fap fap fap
i mean whut?
I see I shouldn't have told you about Redtube.
You didn't tell me anything. I just happened to be there at the same time.
Aren't we all? :D
Haha! Topics are fun. :D
I wonder how long I can stay awake toningh?? HMM the world may never no but I think I'll get Icecream to help me out with that....
I wonder how long I can stay awake toningh?? HMM the world may never no but I think I'll get Icecream to help me out with that....
I ate two bags of M&M's. I feel like a fatty XD
fap fap fap
i mean whut?
I see I shouldn't have told you about Redtube.
You didn't tell me anything. I just happened to be there at the same time.
Aren't we all? :D
Oh, I thought you were better than that. At least find something tasteful. *fingerwag*
I wonder how long I can stay awake toningh?? HMM the world may never no but I think I'll get Icecream to help me out with that....
I ate two bags of M&M's. I feel like a fatty XD
lol Its been one of those "I need to stuff my face for reasons I dont understand or mabey dont want to understand" days for me so yeah I know how ya feel lol
lol Its been one of those "I need to stuff my face for reasons I dont understand or mabey dont want to understand" days for me so yeah I know how ya feel lol
It was actually more of a "I need a sugar high right here right now" kind of feeling lol
Oh, I thought you were better than that. At least find something tasteful. *fingerwag*
Tasteful? What's that?
Well, you see, when you ingest a high amount of sugar, your body enters ketosis and speeds up your metabolism unless you are low on glycogen reserves. Your increased metabolism then processes that sugar, which puts you in a "sugar high" state. If you don't have a lot of simple fats or polysaccharides in your body at that point, it causes a false sense "hunger" for calories as you enter a sugar "low". Thus, a viscious cycle is born.
Don't lecture me, now.
It's okay. I don't eat much during the summer, anyway (weird I know, it should be the opposite). I think I had less than 1000 calories today. Hmmm...maybe 1500? Idk
I wasn't lecturing you, I was helping people understand the seemingly supernatural desire to eat more candy.
ugg my stress levles are not being helpfull for me... I tend to either fast or stuff my face when I'm too stressed and I just lost another friend so I'd say roll out to candy bars
Suuuuure professor tofu ::)
ugg my stress levles are not being helpfull for me... I tend to either fast or stuff my face when I'm too stressed and I just lost another friend so I'd say roll out to candy bars
I hate it when that happens DX
Suuuuure professor tofu ::)
ugg my stress levles are not being helpfull for me... I tend to either fast or stuff my face when I'm too stressed and I just lost another friend so I'd say roll out to candy bars
I hate it when that happens DX
yeah well it had to be done for my sanity lol but yeah...
I've been occupying myself by making amvs I have made like three in two days
I've been occupying myself by making amvs I have made like three in two days
Well at least you're being productive! (unlike me haha)
I've been occupying myself by making amvs I have made like three in two days
Well at least you're being productive! (unlike me haha)
LOL not really I'm supposed to be studying my drivers manual to get my permit lol I'm not being productive, just REALLY good at procrastinating.
I've been occupying myself by making amvs I have made like three in two days
Well at least you're being productive! (unlike me haha)
LOL not really I'm supposed to be studying my drivers manual to get my permit lol I'm not being productive, just REALLY good at procrastinating.
Ah...I am the queen of procrastination. I don't even have my license yet :P
I've been occupying myself by making amvs I have made like three in two days
Well at least you're being productive! (unlike me haha)
LOL not really I'm supposed to be studying my drivers manual to get my permit lol I'm not being productive, just REALLY good at procrastinating.
Ah...I am the queen of procrastination. I don't even have my license yet :P
How old are you? At least you have your permit..
I've been occupying myself by making amvs I have made like three in two days
Well at least you're being productive! (unlike me haha)
LOL not really I'm supposed to be studying my drivers manual to get my permit lol I'm not being productive, just REALLY good at procrastinating.
Ah...I am the queen of procrastination. I don't even have my license yet :P
How old are you? At least you have your permit..
18. Haha.
I've been occupying myself by making amvs I have made like three in two days
Well at least you're being productive! (unlike me haha)
LOL not really I'm supposed to be studying my drivers manual to get my permit lol I'm not being productive, just REALLY good at procrastinating.
Ah...I am the queen of procrastination. I don't even have my license yet :P
How old are you? At least you have your permit..
Lucky!! I cant wait to move out of here but I cant because I'm still 16
Lucky!! I cant wait to move out of here but I cant because I'm still 16
My parents don't care if I'm 8 or 18. Their house = their rules. Which means I have to follow them until I move out.
Lucky!! I cant wait to move out of here but I cant because I'm still 16
My parents don't care if I'm 8 or 18. Their house = their rules. Which means I have to follow them until I move out.
Eh I'm moveing out when I'm 18 I cant wait to get away from my brother.. My god he's a psychopath. He has like attemted to end my life and my parents are so dumb they turn the other way and now when he's compleatly out of controll they wonder where they went wrong *Rolls Eyes*
Well looks like I'm tired after all I'm going to sleep Good night ^-^
Ouch that sounds like a terrible brother D:
Good night!
Suuuuure professor tofu ::)
I'm flattered, really, but you can just call me Crazy.
Or insane, peculiar, and in need of a life. Hahahahaha
I got over the lack of a life thing when I realised that life required ugly hair and less video games.
Also, when my grandma started complaining that I'm only taking 14 credit hours this fall.
Uhm yeah 14 credits isn't bad. Piss off, grandma!
Don't talk to my grandma like that! She's probably drunk anyway. . .
It's because they're all really easy classes. I've already taken Math 251, so I'll be playing MHF2 from 3-5:30 every Monday and Wednesday, Writing 121 is mostly just going home, writing essays, coming back, repeat, Band (Music 102) is Band, AKA I don't have to do anything but show up and be awesome, and CAD is basically the easiest thing in the world, and, for me, roughly equivalent to a 2-year-old playing with blocks.
Daaaaaaamn son. Math 251 already? Effing genius. I only have Stat 243 and 244 done (if I remember correctly).
That's pretty decent. Math's my number 3 subject after drafting and music (although the SAT said I was better at writing), so I have inherent respect for people at my level. I'm probably going to wind up backtracking to statistics so I can take some kind of math class throughout getting my AAOT. (I'll have 48 math credits by the time I finish.)
Meh sat is a joke, just take what math you know you can handle.
Ah...that sounds like a plan. I'm really hoping that's all the math I have to take in once I get to college cos I hate math with a passion.
252 isn't offered at CCC until Winter term. Gonna take it then. (I've taken it, but I got an awful grade in the class (66% I think), and the final wasn't much better (74.5%))
ew, math. :-X
ew, math. :-X
I'm with you, sister.
Unless you're planning on being a nerd, a physicist, or a hairdo, you don't need any math after 111. A little bit of statistics can be handy, but not necessary.
I'm planning on being all four of the three things I listed, so I'm stuck doing math for the next 4 years. (I might go 8 just for lulz.)
I totally thought I was going to go to bed.
Oh the power of the internet 8D
I wish I could go to bed, so tired...
More like the power of attractive males amirite?
He's not that attractive, actually. Haha.
I think he's alright. :[
His facial structure is nice.
Bi curious?
Curiousity already killed this cat. Tried it, didn't fly, otherwise I'd totally have a boyfriend and he'd be REALLY HAWT and play monster hunter with me then we'd have sexy good time.
Ah. Straight as an arrow now, I take it. With mild fantasies of the same sex. Haha.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some boiz.
Just not in the butt.
Oh you know you like it. What what, in the butt? Hahaha
No, butt I seriously wish I did.
Lawl. This would be even funnier with recreational drugs.
But I'm too cool for that.
Oyea hi5
yes, I'm expecting it.
*face slap*
Oh no you totally didn't expect that.
I did a little.
Don't worry, it just means you're becoming a reliable honaybayb.
Oh no you didn't.
Because everything I do can be true, but can be unfalse. Yeah?
true is not unfalse, they're just synonymous.
I think more words need a ynony in them.
Damn it's late. I should probably go soon
It's earrlllyy.
Pfffft. Where are you?
I'm in the same time zone if that's what you mean.
3:14! Pi!
Which clock is not accurate?
My brain hurts.
Ah...well I suppose it's technically "early morning"
But I has business to do tomorrow....er, later today. So I need some sleep.
ttyl! It has been an interesting night haha
Haha good night. :)
Hehe, good night little Kumo's~~~~~~~~~
Yay for people still up.
Uwahhh? *hugs?*
And then we do the dance once more. . .
Krazee Dansen Partea.
yay bad spelling
It's not bad spelling it's GANXTA SHET N DA HUD
Sheiiiiiiiiiiit son. You bad.
X.X Still awake. Yay for iTunes and MSN.
relevant to this thread's interests?
lol wow...
I watched the sunrise
You gonna be gettin' all romantic on me now boi?
I watched the sunrise
You gonna be gettin' all romantic on me now boi?
I think he is
I watched the sunrise
You gonna be gettin' all romantic on me now boi?
I think he is
He needs all the boosts he can get. Jk!
I watched the sunrise
You gonna be gettin' all romantic on me now boi?
I think he is
He needs all the boosts he can get. Jk!
boosts is just a combination of boobs and breasts. Not a necessity, but a definite plus.
omg that was genius lol
DOOODZ! I have to go to school on Monday and it's TERRIBLE! But I've only got 4 weeks of it. (I'm taking Math 251 now and Physics in the fall)
gonna rock n roll all niiiight
and party e-ver-y-day
DOOODZ! I have to go to school on Monday and it's TERRIBLE! But I've only got 4 weeks of it. (I'm taking Math 251 now and Physics in the fall)
And who's fault is that?
gonna rock n roll all niiiight
and party e-ver-y-day
Yayyyy tomorrow!
DOOODZ! I have to go to school on Monday and it's TERRIBLE! But I've only got 4 weeks of it. (I'm taking Math 251 now and Physics in the fall)
And who's fault is that?
My mom's/sister's. They made me sign up for it this summer so I could help my sister with the homework since I've already aced it and was going to take it in the fall anyway.
DOOODZ! I have to go to school on Monday and it's TERRIBLE! But I've only got 4 weeks of it. (I'm taking Math 251 now and Physics in the fall)
And who's fault is that?
My mom's/sister's. They made me sign up for it this summer so I could help my sister with the homework since I've already aced it and was going to take it in the fall anyway.
And yours for taking it. Bah.
I didn't realise it started at 8:30 in the morning when I agreed to take it in the Summer. :/
You should have looked into that. tsk tsk!
Good luck.
You should have looked into that. tsk tsk!
Yeah, be quiet before I look into you.
Not sure why that would be threatening or satisfying, but I'll stay with that because I'm too lazy to come up with a better threat. :P
You should have looked into that. tsk tsk!
Yeah, be quiet before I look into you.
Not sure why that would be threatening or satisfying, but I'll stay with that because I'm too lazy to come up with a better threat. :P
Stalker much?
Not really.
You be a pirate?
Your indecisive attitude makes you seem more like a ninja.
I can be a ninja.
moar like ninja pirate.
Hey, why don't you do that when I toss you off a grassy knoll?
Because you're not skilled enough to toss me off a grassy knoll.
Try me.
Not going to.
why not honaybayb?
oh you two.
Because I don't wanna!
Just once? For me?
Why would I do it for you?
I'd do it for totemo, though.
Laurifer and I are like this.
Tru dat, sister
I feel a lack of sisterhood between me and mah gurlz
Because we ain't yo gerls.
Why you so mean to me honaybayb?
she needs no reason. 8)
Yeah, cruelty has neither source nor cause.
she needs no reason. 8)
Gee madam. You were up late >:\
I stayed up an hour or so after going to bed hunting monsters lol.
uggg I just got back from a night club called razzles and I am NOT going back again.
Was everyone dressed up like me, but without the pants?
*checks pants*
Nevermind, like me in general?
Got home an hour ago. And I'm not tired!
why am I still up
You've been waiting for me.
I have a life, you know.
Hahaha actually, I was talking to a friend I haven't seen since spring break. He's only gonna be here for a week it's the only time I can hang out with him until I come back from Japan.
And yay Tetris!
So do you play Tetris at the arcade?
No I haven't...does it have infinite spin? Cos that's the only thing that saves my ass when I get to level 20 haha
I'm. . . not sure.
What do you mean? It certainly doesn't stop spinning all of the sudden, unless it's landed.
Okay on the DS version, you can keep spinning the tetrimino (sp?) for an infinite number of times until it locks into place; it gives the player time to think. I dunno if that's a new feature just for the DS cos I don't remember any of the old school versions.
And I'm not that great at Tetris anyway
What a jerk.
You're always talking about how good you are at tetris.
I expected you to have the high score at Ground Kontrol or something.
Should have known better.
Me? Hahaha never in a million years would I ever have a high score at Ground Kontrol
I'm on 3 of the machines and I'm not even very good at any of the games there. (15th on a tetris machine, a few spots on Joust, all over DDR)
Ahh I see...hmm well I guess it depends on what you would call as "very good". I might give it a shot one of these days.
If you're not better than me I'll raeg.
Hahaha are you that terrible at Tetris?
I'm good enough to get on the high score boards at GK, but I don't consider myself good.
Hmm. I've never been to ground kontrol before. Might have to hit that up sometime.
Might? That's like saying "I might have to go inhale oxygen some time." or "I think I'll circulate blood some time."
Video games aren't my life. *gasp* it's true.
wut? How can you call yourself a woman?
Uhmm...because I have girly bits?
Good enough I guess.
Play more video games for maximum damage.
Uh...maximum damage to the girly bits? I don't think so.
Uh, video games, not rugby.
Haha okay. I do tend to play a lot of video games for someone who doesn't own much. I love my friends :P
I tend to play a lot of video games period. :P
Yeah that doesn't surprise me, considering you don't have a job, girlfriend, or friends in general. O SHNAPPS.
Yeah that doesn't surprise me, considering you don't have a job, girlfriend, or friends in general. O SHNAPPS.
Yeah that doesn't surprise me, considering you don't have a job, girlfriend, or friends in general. O SHNAPPS.
the pictures are a lie!
the pictures are a lie!
Tofu and people don't go together. It's like mixing water and oil :P
at this hour? this is early now
at this hour? this is early now
Plus...there's like, no one on. Wtf, mate? >:\
lol I stayed online all night because my computer was on and I was asleep probably drooling on the key board ^///^
the pictures are a lie!
Tofu and people don't go together. It's like mixing water and oil :P
It's not as late for you guys as it is for me now.
Lesseee.. It's about 11 pm for most of you.... For me it's about 2 am.
Yay for stayin' up so late on the east coast that it's late on the west coast. :0 ~
the pictures are a lie!
Tofu and people don't go together. It's like mixing water and oil :P
Sure? *is too lazy/tired to look it up*
meow ^_-
I are not sleepy
we gotta sleep early on sunday night yo.
the pictures are a lie!
Tofu and people don't go together. It's like mixing water and oil :P
Sure? *is too lazy/tired to look it up*
Surfactants are molecules that have a polar end and a nonpolar end, allowing oils to become mincible in water by forming these things called mycells.
the pictures are a lie!
Tofu and people don't go together. It's like mixing water and oil :P
Sure? *is too lazy/tired to look it up*
Surfactants are molecules that have a polar end and a nonpolar end, allowing oils to become mincible in water by forming these things called mycells.
Damn you and your smartness
its late
Its almost 1
Yeah and my brothers are being loud as hell. I'll probably get kicked off soon haha
loud? at this time?
loud? at this time?
Yeah they are cussing and trying to beat the **** outta each other >___>
wow lol
then again i'm not really surprised
Yeah...I dislike my brothers from time to time.
XD Me and my brother have a unspoken agreement. I don't piss him off and he doesn't piss me off. Well, unless he wants me to push him down the stairs or something. >.>
I'm so wired on Bondo fumes and general hype that I'm probably never gonna get to sleep toniii- *SNNNKKKKKKZZZZZZZ*
XD I think I have a terrible sleeping pattern now.
I have heat-induced insomnia! I can't sleep when it is warm/humid. I will be up all night, and wish I was dead, lol.
So, who wants to invent me a sleep-in freezer? ^_^
A sleep in freezeR?
There's a walk-in refrigerator at my summer camp... But we just used it to hide the bodies.
That's sad, but yes, I really do know how cold walk-in fridges/freezers are. I used to work at a restaurant, and the fridge/freezer would be my daily duck-in spot. I am perfectly comfortable in a freezer, lol.....bizarre, right?
maybe you are undead?
I want to be undead. But the awesome-looking undead. Not World of Warcraft undead. o-o They look like undead.
I was chatting with some people in malasia yesterday and said it is 5am I should get to bed before the sun is up and got accused of being a vampire.
*Le sigh* I'm all alone on the boards...
I'm still awake and it's like six in the morning... I could probably go another 24 hours if I tried.
This is madness!
just got out of dark knight, it was awesomeness.
just got out of dark knight, it was awesomeness.
I hate you. :(
It is laaaaaate. Curse you, Lavi, and your amazing ability to make D.Gray-Man irresistible!
o_o I need to stay awake until like......5...pm. DX Which will be hard, since I have never continuously stayed up for 24 hours [le gasp!]. I'll just crash at seven [SCREW IT]. ....Yeah. XD So, I need to get up in time for the picnic. That is my current plan! Wish me luck....10 HOURS TO GO!
Amaya here's still up for the sole reason to trying to figure out a way to get to the asegtaeh PICNIC! >.<
XDD and because sh'es up this late every night.
Fsssssssssssck. It's late. But I'm not tired.
I need to get outa the habbit of checking my e-mail an browsing the web at 4am
piss off.
hahahhaha just kidding
Did you miss me?
I honestly didn't think about it, but I'm going to waste about 10 times a much of my life on the internet now that you're back.
Did you miss me?
I honestly didn't think about it, but I'm going to waste about 10 times a much of my life on the internet now that you're back.
Seriously? I'm flattered.
Most girls are creeped out when I talk. This is new.
It's because you're....different. In a weird way.
That would make me different to the weird power. Spectacular!
Oh, btw, if you want to hang out at GK before the con, come today (Monday). I can't afford to take any more days off between now and con time.
I don't think I can make it today haha.
Maybe I just want to avoid you :P
Who wouldn't? I mean. . .
You don't want to get your ass kicked. It's understandable.
Maybe if I was playing DDR.
Or bubble bobble, or Joust, or most fighters, or Tetris (real tetris), or anything they have at Ground Kontrol, or MGSPO, or MHP2G, or really anything.
But I can kick your ass when it comes to being awesome. Just sayin
Actually. I'll let you in on a secret. Check your PM's.
Nah, I believe you.
Yeah. Considering how much time I spend sleeping and playing video games, it's pretty far out, but true.
You has mad skillz
Thank you. Now if only I had friends, money, or a soul. . .
You can has friends if you can has haircut
I guess I'll stick to being "with the band" as a social status.
If that makes you feel better then you can stay that way. I just won't associate with you
Wow. Tough crowd.
That's how I roll. Deal with it :P
If I wasn't able to deal with it, I'd be emailing you a video of me hanging myself. :C
I'd probably laugh at you, and then spit in your coffin at your funeral.
I know. You don't honestly think I'm Jewish enough to have an open coffin funeral, do you?
And you don't honestly think I'm NOT Jewish enough to actually pay for a coffin, do you?
^ Hey, whatever floats your boat, man
v What time is it?
2:13. Why, got a hot date?
^ If you mean hot date as in people in Japan, maybe
v You know I was half telling the truth, right?
Yeah, and methinks you're either slowly spiraling into late-night insanity or you're in the wrong thread...
I do it all the time.
And I'm actually talking to my buddies in Japan
Spoiler: she doesn't actually have friends/buddies/pals. Period.
Spoiler: she doesn't actually have friends/buddies/pals. Period.
Spoiler: she is actually a he, and the he is tofu.
Oooh, you're a sly one.
I can't help it
Yes you can. You just choose not to because you wish to spite me and anger the gods.
Who said the gods were on your side?
Well, I think it's apparent that none of the gods of GETINSOME are on my side, but the rest are totally behind me all the way.
I don't think the gods of good looks are with you.
Hey, we can talk all kinds of smack about my social life, but I'm pro at good looks.
Well, apparently girls irl don't think you're a pro
You have to consider how selective I am. It's not that I'm incapable of getting girls, it's just that most girls I could go out with aren't up to the ridiculous standards I got into my head from my first two girlfriends.
That's not good at all.
You're right. But at least it decreases the likelihood that I'll have some crap relationship that I'll regret for the rest of my life.
That's true lol
Which also means I'm much less likely to know what to avoid before I'm too old to have overly dramatic teenager relationships and will probably wind up being a loser with huge holes in his social development.
But that's alright because I can just blame Aspergers Syndrome and I'm untouchable!
That's a good thought process. Good luck!
Luck doesn't bring you success, nobody says they're "getting lucky" and goes and gets a promotion. They get momentary satisfaction that leaves the with less than they had beforehand. I don't need luck; I need a PLAN OF ACTION.
Fine! Good plan of action! I wish you the best (worse)! You will (won't) find the perfect girl (guy)!
You kids
and your secret codes.
Kids? KIDS?
i are no pedobear
You're not a bear.
I hope.
I'm not. I'm a pseudo lion
Okay. So my analysis was correct then?
No. I am merely playing with your mind
That's kinky.
only you'd think that. weirdo
Wow, this thread has more posts than Mustach.
oh snap
I just commisioned a shadow link costume 8)
... Bikini coffee? Silly Portland people.
That's a girly flavor
o.o My hometown was on the news for girls selling coffee IN bikinis. o.o Glad I moved. Okay, not really. I'M SO FREAKING LONELY IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.
Girls selling coffee in bikinis? There's a coffee stand near my old high school called Sadie's Hot Spot (formerly "Cool Beans") where okay-looking girls sell coffee in bikinis.
I haven't checked it out personally 'cause I'm not a fan of coffee or girls amirite?
oh snap.
Must sleep...can't sleep...gah
Must sleep...can't sleep...gah
Because it's late.
Bump because it's even later! :-*
Bump cos it's 10 minutes later XD
it's like a staring contest only seeing who will sleep first.
I love working late nights in the dark. ;D
Just got my ass kicked by my wife playing yahtzee. now time to cry my self to sleep.
bump for late dark nights
Ah, my sweet evening romance, we shall be together soon (comin' home tomorrow; sleepin' on day 4-hour flight; gonna stay up 'til LATE-and-a-half)
Nyaaa its late yet im wide awake...DARN YOU FORUMS!!!!!! X_X
10pm is late?
What the hell. I went to sleep at 1am and my body woke up of it's own accord at 8am. :/
I woke up around 10am, roomie decided to break the washer then proceeded to fix it.
Man, I'm going to be so happy when this stupid costume is done. Argh. I'm so far behind!!
Get costume done?
Get costume done?
It's so simple... BRILLIANT!
I like this thread. 'Cause this is when I like to post. :D
Just got back from watching Tropic Thunder, and it was an amazing movie. It was so hilarious that I'm going to see it atleast another 3 times.
Just got back from watching Tropic Thunder, and it was an amazing movie. It was so hilarious that I'm going to see it atleast another 3 times.
midnight show?
That movie does look hilarious, I am going to have to find the time to go see it.
...My dog must be having bad dreams, because he's tossing and turning and making pathetic little "woofs." LOL.
I'm actually going to go to bed now.
I never get any cosplay stuff done in the mornings because I'm up too late. :(
I am a bit sad about that.
yea, for some reason there was a midnight showing of Tropic Thunder even though it comes out on the 15th. Usually they have the midnight showing the day before it comes out, but this time it was 3 days before. I wonder why they pushed the movie to come out on Wednesday instead of Friday like it says suppose to.
oh maybe I should go see.
I know its late but it doesen't feel like it.
Feels late now...=.=
It's not late until it's early.
is it late now?
So like, I'm so ready for this work week to be over.
Ah. I wish I could feel your pain but I don't have a job ;_;
Ah. I wish I could feel your pain but I don't have a job ;_;
No nephews to babysit or lawns to mow?
I don't have any nephews, I'm the oldest youngun in my entire family. And I live out in the country where our closest neighbors are miles away, and a lawn would consist of acres :D
Yikes, what to your peers do for extra spending monies then?
Well my rich friends just ask their parents for money, and my other friends are mostly older than I so they have jobs xD But those of us that don't just deal with our sparingly infrequent bursts of money ;D
Edit: I'm forced to go into bedtime, my sister is comandeering the computer for the rest of the night. Bye byes ^_^
Night Osla, I'm still going to be up though
KUKUKU. STILL UP. [/die] =.= I need coffeeeeeeee..........Or Ramune! Or.....OR RAMUNE CUPCAKES. THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER.
I should go to sleep
why should you?
Bed now.
No, never mind.
Bed NOW. ^^;
it's 4:30...I haven't slept yet and I need to get up at 6 for work....
[/headdesk repeatedly]
no sleep + work = snoring on desk.
Epp! It's late or early. :o
....Noon is too early for me.....BUT. I was able to finish Ouran.
late night thread nothing going on at 4 in the morning... woot I am the only one up :D
I am still awake muahahaha I am the elite late night forum goer but gah I want to sleep
Sleep is for the weak, you'll sleep when you're dead. Besides I'm yojimbo assistant manager, I never sleep.
Weep for the sleek; you'll weep when they're dead. Besides I'm a sexy cool cat; I never weep.
Weep for the sleek; you'll weep when they're dead. Besides I'm a sexy cool cat; I never weep.
No, we just find handfuls of your hair complete with bloody chunks of scalp because Marisa is being evil again.
lol yojimbos sleep last year when I worked as a yojimbo I did not sleep though... passed out in a coat closet though
well, we may not get as much sleep this year as we did last year though
oh no worries I am looking foward to getting no sleep this year I am already practicing for the con lol so far comming up on 35 hours up
I'm planning on sleeping between 12am and 3am, then waking up and playing Warlords 3 until I'm aloud to come out of my room.
I dunno I am gonna be wired on rip fuel or something I can gonna be tweakin out man... that and energy drinks YEEEAAAHHH
I wonder what would happen if you mixed Vigor, Bawls, Brawno, and white phosphorus. . .
pure death
You're right. I'll use Red Phosphorus instead.
good luck I will be in the back with my flack jacket on
Thanks. If I die, there should be a large nylon back stuffed inside one of the DDR machines; you can haul my remains out of the conspace in that.
arighty... great how everyone sees me as the grave digger now -.-
Pretty decent card; the lack of recurring effect makes it a little weak though.
Magic: The Gathering
lol I aint played that in a grip... had too keep up appearences as a jock during high school and what not
MTG is the unofficial CCG of Rugby. . .
you play rugby? lol I played rugby aswelll but was mainly into football and what not
After midnight now... I miss my old late-night forum friends...
-is hurt-
damn skippy I ist one of the originals and the best.... cause I know bout cars.... YEAH!!!
t1 caparo damn nice car but breaks down a tad too much lol
wow never knew this thread was here o.o hello fellow late night goers
ello... anyways yeah mustash did you hear bout the new camaros n stuff? they sound like they gonna be real nice... and affordable too :D
Isn't the title a bit of a misnomer? It's more like early morning now 8)
lol for real the v8 version is suppose to be on par with the shelby gt 500 mustang and...it gets decent fuel economy :D
lol it kinda is more like early mourning cept we call it night anyways xD
I was supposed to go to bed early tonight, what the heck happened? XD
go to bed early? afdslkjaffas aflskfaslk what kind of concept is that?! ._.
I don't know :D I was really sleepy earlier though, but strangely I'm not anymore...
ah ive just been busy.. and making ruffles
I'm up still making random trinkets to pass out randomly at KCon. ^^
-is looking up the cars in the new transformers movie and they is hot-
It's going to be very hard getting up at 6am during the con when I havent been going to bed until around 9am T__T
welcome to the club but thats why I have energy drinks aswell as caffine pills so I will not have to sleep :D
I would die after a while if I did that
eh working security helps I guess...
and I still champion of the late night forum/super early morning thread
Sometimes I don't post, even if I'm up late. Because staying up =/= internet tiemz :P
I plan on staying up late finishing costumes and hitting up the Sake bottle. I hope the costumes look ok in the morning.
I plan on staying up late finishing costumes and hitting up the Sake bottle. I hope the costumes look ok in the morning.
Hmm Sake, is it okay that I don't like the taste of sake? I feel un otaku for it.
PS, Puck, I could always be champ of LNFG but somehow I don't think people would understand the 8am posts as being an up-all-night win.
Don't worry, I've had some before and it's not all that tasty. Except the good stuff.
*coughisunderagedon'ttellanyoneabouttheabovecough* ^^
All I have left is the Thunderbolt, and that's not due until Monday.
Well late nighters, I must force myself to sleep and become a normal sleeper! See you all Saturday and some of you later today!
I plan on staying up late finishing costumes and hitting up the Sake bottle. I hope the costumes look ok in the morning.
Hmm Sake, is it okay that I don't like the taste of sake? I feel un otaku for it.
PS, Puck, I could always be champ of LNFG but somehow I don't think people would understand the 8am posts as being an up-all-night win.
Its ok. I actually can only drink sake if its is warm. I cant drink the cold sake. My wife cant stand sake but she will drink the unfiltered sake, so mabey you can try that.
After staying up until 5AM until Kumoricon, neither can I. Crap.
Sorry, I found this thread by searching my name (had to see what my brother was saying behind my back) so I'm going to cheat and respond to an old question in the middle of the day.
you play rugby? lol I played rugby aswelll but was mainly into football and what not
Tofu's too anemic and lame to play rugby, ahm the one that does that *flexes* I play Magic too. Haha I love raising gravediggers with gravediggers. Over and over again.
Stuff's the pits. Eat your vitamins, kids.
I'm crashin' this party in the daytime! Whoo!
I'm crashing it in the eve of night!
I'm crashing it later then it was last crashed!
Not even feeling sleepy yet! I'll be up for a while now.
*fell asleep*
Gonna probably get off soon unless I get tempted and start playing Warlords.
*fell asleep*
Fell asleep and is now posting in sleep?
Took a ridiculously long 'nap'. There goes my perfect sleep schedule.
*fell asleep*
Fell asleep and is now posting in sleep?
I wouldn't doubt it.
I'll be having some PEANUT BUTTER!
brawndo makes me think of cleaning supplies...or paper towels...brawny...
Cleaning supplies with ELECTROLYTES and ENERGY!!!
i b sleepin soon
*back to sleepifgn8*
Can't compete with my ELECTROLYTES?!
=___= zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
That's what I thoughts!
*drools on tofu*
hmm. . . probably don't want
*back to sleepifgn8*
Totally random but....yay Koffin Kats!
Randomness belongs in the spam subforum.
*back to sleepifgn8*
Totally random but....yay Koffin Kats!
YAY KATS! I will dream of Vic tonight *A*
*back to sleepifgn8*
Totally random but....yay Koffin Kats!
YAY KATS! I will dream of Vic tonight *A*
Fangirls belong in the spam subforum.
we are the the spam
did someone say SPAM?!
I ate a butt once
Is this late night now, or is it early morning?
delicious spam! 6666666played by Terry Jones, also in drag.
Man: You sit here, dear.
Wife: All right.
Man: Morning!
Waitress: Morning!
Man: Well, what've you got?
Waitress: Well, there's egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage and spam; spam bacon sausage and spam; spam egg spam spam bacon and spam; spam sausage spam spam bacon spam tomato and spam;
Vikings: Spam spam spam spam...
Waitress: ...spam spam spam egg and spam; spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam...
Vikings: Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam!
Waitress: ...or Lobster Thermidor a Crevette with a mornay sauce served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam.
Wife: Have you got anything without spam?
Waitress: Well, there's spam egg sausage and spam, that's not got much spam in it.
Wife: I don't want ANY spam!
Man: Why can't she have egg bacon spam and sausage?
Wife: THAT'S got spam in it!
Man: Hasn't got as much spam in it as spam egg sausage and spam, has it?
Vikings: Spam spam spam spam... (Crescendo through next few lines...)
Wife: Could you do the egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam then?
Waitress: Urgghh!
Wife: What do you mean 'Urgghh'? I don't like spam!
Vikings: Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!
Waitress: Shut up!
Vikings: Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!
Waitress: Shut up! (Vikings stop) Bloody Vikings! You can't have egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam.
Wife: I don't like spam!
Man: Sshh, dear, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your spam. I love it. I'm having spam spam spam spam spam spam spam beaked beans spam spam spam and spam!
Vikings: Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!
Waitress: Shut up!! Baked beans are off.
Man: Well could I have her spam instead of the baked beans then?
Waitress: You mean spam spam spam spam spam spam... (but it is too late and the Vikings drown her words)
Vikings: (Singing elaborately...) Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!
Yay for Monty Pthyon's Flying Circus and spam! :D
Yay for Monty Pthyon's Flying Circus and spam! :D
Used to have that as an MP3. . .
Used to have that as an MP3. . .
I have the whole world as an MP3. No joke
Yay for itunes and not pirating
Not Pirating is my favourite non-hobby.
yay for listening to electronica on the radio at this time ...
Wow I havent been up this late in a while
Oh hey, 100
Oh hey, 100
At first I thought you were referencing the time of your post, not the page count
whoa [mindf*ck!]
DancingTofu wins the award for posting exactly at 1:00:00.
my head hurts D:
I dunno but I feel very broke right now...and I really wanna get my next doll liek now D:
I had money, fame, fortune, peace, love, and tofu once.
Alarm clocks. I think they should really leave.
my butt hurts D:
Put some brawndo on it. I want to know what'll happen.
i don't has brawndo D:
but if I did I would try it.
You could try the old-fashioned method of kissing it to make it better, but I can't guarantee that would be easy. . .
*tries to bend over backwards*
I suggest twisting and approaching it from your dominant side. I can get to my upper left thigh that way.
screw that, I'm going to bed. I'm too tired fo dis!
WHAAAAAT? It's only 11:36. . .
not enough sleeeeeeep. gotta walk lil bro to schooooooool in the morning D:<
I used to have to take my little brothers to daycare every day before school. That was a pain. :/
I used to have to take my little brothers to daycare every day before school. That was a pain. :/
Whaaaaat? When?
foreeeever young...
I likes that song >w< 101 was totally my badge number this year
I used to have to take my little brothers to daycare every day before school. That was a pain. :/
Whaaaaat? When?
7th grade
Uhm. I was up until 4 but I never posted in this thread? haha
I sleepy
Uhm. I was up until 4 but I never posted in this thread? haha
That's a long erection.
I sleepy
Getting ready for those con all-nighters Nori?
Oh, hey, look at that, I can edit my posts too. Mustash eats beard for breakfast.
Speak for yourself
I don't have school yet!! >: D
I won't be staying up too late during school weekdays either. Yay for 8am Japanese class.[/sarcasm]
Hooray for having only one class at 8 am lol
Patrick, you're out of line.
Get back in line; you're ruining my triple kill.
Haha, if only the 9am class didn't interfere with my other class. oh well. I will become a morning bird again.
If only it didn't take an hour and a half for me to get to school. . . :P
Don't go to sleep. Employers like that.
sleep is wrong.. though nothing good is ever right... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
You know, people die from sleeping.
People die from anything.
Shutup, killjoy.
I think the internet is telling me something.
What is it telling you?
It's telling me. . . spam faster.
[falls over]
hahah I remember when they made this forum
That would be crazy. We'd all have a bajillion posts.
a simpler time...oh tofu we did!
I've only been around for a coupla years. Total noob etc. I just came to Kumoricon because I heard there was DDR there.
oh, the days when spam posts actually counted....
Including spam posts, I surpassed my post count on DDRFreak today.
yeah the days when I was the original wolfwood
oh, the days when spam posts actually counted....
Those were the days... I'd still be on the top...
I might still be far up too...
I take 7 month breaks!
Holy damn. When did that happen?
No, I mean supertasty beating misterlipfuzz.
man. I have no life.
Yes you do. You just haven't found it yet.
his life is with me
i'm watching harvey birdman
nobody can watch you
Unless you want them to.
but they gotta pay!
Yay sexy body!
I need to get back into shape
I need to get a shape other than "flat".
I need to get a horse
I need to get a drive
I need to get this! (https://www.kumoricon.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi21.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb265%2FSkelewhore%2Fsddfds.jpg&hash=d64ce5293654a4331c783b087112d25d21c8c233)
We need a lot.
That looks shopped.
shut it
you cam back!
....Sleepy. Will probably change and go to bed. Somehow sleeping as L doesn't seem as comfortable as you'd think. .....Although... >> [/will try it]
....Sleepy. Will probably change and go to bed. Somehow sleeping as L doesn't seem as comfortable as you'd think. .....Although... >> [/will try it]
Your such a retard -_-
I'm gone from the forums for like a week or two and like....NOTHING has changed -_-
good job syd!
....Sleepy. Will probably change and go to bed. Somehow sleeping as L doesn't seem as comfortable as you'd think. .....Although... >> [/will try it]
Your such a retard -_-
I'm gone from the forums for like a week or two and like....NOTHING has changed -_-
The forums slow down during school, I would expect. :/ What would you expect to have changed?good job syd!
Yeey. [/passes out]
you cam back!
No, I just wanted to post one last letter before I left. :P
Won't be able to stay up late tonight. Today was a looooong day. But very good!
You get laid?
was it a happy day? or proud day?
You get laid?
was it a happy day? or proud day?
Very happy day :)
Just checking. Wanna tell about it?
Happy day then...then soemthing really good must of happened. willing to share?
Hahaha well to make it short....
I got a macbook and a printer for college.
And a crapton of college stuff from IKEA and Wal-Mart. My room is gonna be so pimped out lol.
And...hmm I think that's it? It was just a really really good day for me :)
Oh. Objects. You're so material.
That's always fun. I miss those college days.
What can I say. Money can buy happiness :)
There are Japanese people talking out of small magnets on either side of my head.
but buy happiness never last long =(
Unless you buy an edumacation. Some things never die.
yay for happiness
I guess I'll sleep now.
good night
yup i have indegestion keeping me up i am drinkin sprite now
sleepy soon
What's up with all these people and sleep? GAWD.
I don't suppose it's because you got bleach in your eye?
Figured. If it's any constellation, I still love you. :3
Constellation confused me there for a second.
Mustash, I hope things are alright. Turn around three times and spit to keep the SPAM demons away. Take care!
It seems like lots of K-con forumers have had problems this week. :/
mmm spam
theres nothin on tv and i already watched equilibrium. Someone entertain me......
I'm actually not tired at all right now.
Went to bed at 4:30 am.
Woke up at 11 am.
Went to bed at 4:30 am.
Woke up at 11 am.
You've either been playing WOW or are subconsciously preparing for experiencing the true meaning of higher education: Sleep deprivation.
Went to bed at 4:30 am.
Woke up at 11 am.
You've either been playing WOW or are subconsciously preparing for experiencing the true meaning of higher education: Sleep deprivation.
I actually wasn't playing WoW. I was on the phone
Went to bed at 4:30 am.
Woke up at 11 am.
You've either been playing WOW or are subconsciously preparing for experiencing the true meaning of higher education: Sleep deprivation.
I actually wasn't playing WoW. I was on the phone
Likely story... Just trying to cover your tracks...
I'm not lying
why so defensive then?
Because Patrick never believes me haha
whats up fellow late night forum goers!
So stressed...probably will be up for a while tonight...so tired but I can't sleep...grawrrrr most likely play wow to channel my stress and frustration out hahaha
I'm ALWAYS up late... but never on the forums ><
at 3 in the morning, and if not for the 15 second rule i would wreak havoc on the fragile life that is the forums ^^
hehehe ^^
I too tend to be always up late and not on the forums, no internets in the clean rooms so I get forced into doing real work sometimes.
i'll do last minute packing in the morning lol.
packing >< fun ....
I'm all packed.
i'm finally a like night forum goer... but now i need my sleep ><
i'll be gone for two days... try not to die without me...;D
ok will do!
Private spam forum whoo!
it is too soon for sleep
I slept at 2am and managed to wake up around 8am. yay!
same here!!! my parents decided not to wake me up at 3!! yay ;D
Never mind I fixed it.
I was sleepy once. Then I drank VISO and played DDR and I was just TIRED!
I'm going to bed soon. I've got a job fair to go to tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about it.
I'm applying for Starbucks, of all things.
Stupid... cosplaying! ARGH. I think I'll need to make a hoopskirt or petticoat for my next costume.
it's okay, I'm still up too.
damn homework! this is time that should be spent playing video games or sleeping
Sleeping? What kind of slacker sleeps at 4am when there are video games to be played?
well, on break now
I'm going to bed soon. I've got a job fair to go to tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about it.
I'm applying for Starbucks, of all things.
So are you going to be taking our late night coffee orders now?
I should be doing my precalc homework, but I feel like there's more pressing things to do... Like figure out how I'm going to make a new cosplay on a non-existing budget... xD
It's so late at night that it's actually morning... and thanks to caffinated green tea I'm not even that tired!
won't school be painful being 1/2 sleep though?
It might be but I can always nap : D
I've never gotten 0 hours of sleep before... this shall be a first for me!
I dislike english class. always have trouble writing.
oh I luv reading!!! ^_^
P.E.: ....Er. I'm not a 'participating' person.
Science: Always forget my damn homework. I have such a bad grade.
Algebra: Easy. But, again, forget my homework.
Band/Elective: Easy A. XD
History: I thought I was doing well, but apparently I have a C! And it counts as a high school credit, so if I don't pass, I have to retake it again later.
Writing: Well, I'm pretty decent at writing, but most of the grade is either Typing[Easy A for me in that part] or this stupid thing where you write down what you did in class and have a parent sign it. >> I guess it doesn't help that Mom travels for a living and Dad gets all paranoid.
Reading: Teacher is a complete idiot. Only reason she got the job was because her husband is the principal of the elementary school. So, we have Spelling[which, I might add she spells wrong. o.O]. Also homework I usually forget.
IN SHORT: SCHOOL IS TIRING. Whining for the day: complete.
that reading teacher makes wonder if the teacher union dun police themselves that well of bad apples.
so we have a evac drill soon and I get to check for stragglers...
does right now count as late night forum-going? >>
ah yes... good old bending of the rules ^^
yay! second... or third ??? time i think! yayz!
So yesterday I went to buy my textbooks, only to find out my debit card expired. The day before yesterday. ARGH.
At least I have friends in the same classes, so I can borrow their books for homework.
Right now I'm listening to "Zelda 64 River of Time Remix", by AmIEvil from OC Remix. It's AMAZING.
Right now I'm listening to "Zelda 64 River of Time Remix", by AmIEvil from OC Remix. It's AMAZING.
YES!! *high five*
it is indeed ^^
well bai guys! i'm ending tonight's stunt as a late night forum goer! ^^
Good night!
I'd better head off to bed soon too. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately.
But now I'm listening to Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 (Schezo) and it's long and awesome...
Good night to you, me however, I have miles to go before I sleep
meg should be sleeping ><
but i'm gonna stay up for another 5 minutes ^^
I should be reading Plato.
and I should go to sleep before 1am, so I'm not half asleep in my Japanese class again...
I should be reading Plato.
Oh carp, Sophocles.
Thank you for reminding me. xD
I should have been in bed 2 hours ago. Tomorrow is going to suck.
do you wake him up/ keep him up if you stay up later?
ah, i see.... there's nothing better than a pissed roommate >>
Do you share a bunk with roomie or something?
Gah, I fell asleep at 5 and woke up at 8. ...Tonight's going to be Hell.
Lawl I didn't do any of me homework XD I be staying up nao!
Night stash
Hmm okay, guess you can stay up longer
I never experimented with Raid. Does it actually speed stuff up?
The next computer I build has got to have a solid state drive, hard drives have not been keeping up with memory and processors.
No joke im still up studying
This is going to be a tough night, 3 people are out :(
15% of my grade.
Due at 2pm tomorrow.
I haven't even finished the outline.
Probably going to skip Physics and just work on my essay from 11 to 2 :P
I have a clue that you all could be to busy, bored or have insomnia...=o
Was up until 2:30 last night....TIRED. And it's MONDAY. T.T Only good thing about Monday is Heroes and Chuck. >>
@stach: I has Insomnia DX
@stach: I has Insomnia DX
Awwww... that sucks! poor KFC :(
@lotus: I stayed up till 5am ~_~ But I got to talk to loads of people and force the king into cosplaying someone from paradise kiss XD
@lotus: I stayed up till 5am ~_~ But I got to talk to loads of people and force the king into cosplaying someone from paradise kiss XD
If i had the internet, i would stay up that late to! ^^
@lotus: I got offline at 2am tho =o
I got very very hyper and crazy XD
that happens to me to!! Isn't it kinda priceless how everything gets funnier around 2-3 in the morning?
LOL YUSH! XD Like this one time I woke up at 1am while camping to drig throught a froot lopps box for the indana jhones light up spoon X3 and I got attacked by flying marshmallows
Nevermind DX
awwww... I'm sorry ><
Lotus is confused now ><
Lol its ok I just said....I woke up really early when I went camping to dig through a box for a light up spoon.
and I was trying to get a marshmallow off the stick and it flew up and landed in my hair XD
ahhhhh ^^
Your princess is no longer confused! ^^
X3 I confuse people with my constant giberish
yay!!! me to!! i talk way to fast! *high five* ^^
So ive been told :D
Party for the crazies!!! ^^
yay!!!!! ^^
This would be like 10x more amusing if it were 3 in the morning >>
Lawl It would witch is why there rocky around 12am and no sleep from eating candeh!
I'm actually doing okay, last night I got tired very early
I also got somewhat tired but it was around 2am XD
Indeed it has! >_>''
Oh my precious little thread. How you've taken all the insomniacs souls ;D
lawl ive got like 4 -5 souls. We use to bet souls over Badminton games in PE. Good times Good times.......
*blank clueless sleepy face* merf...
I wonder if I could turn into a bat
weekend for everyone else....
Gah. Getting tired. Damn. It's only 1 am! x.x
i'm not tired...
haha i'm tired now
I got my powercord back! Hooray!
Meat Loaf is playing the State Fair in Phoenix the first week of November.
Drive faster! Can get there in about 24 hours. UNless traffic...??? oH, and my g/f says beware the gang fights at the state fair.
oH, and my g/f says beware the gang fights at the state fair.
awww what!? Your State fair gets to have Gang fights!! Thats soooo unfair!
lawl unfair!
Um, that's Arizona. Not my state, and now not my g/f as she doesn't live there anymore, and she comes from Minnesota anyway. I guess it just makes the news, is how she knows about it.
Um, that's Arizona. Not my state, and now not my g/f as she doesn't live there anymore, and she comes from Minnesota anyway. I guess it just makes the news, is how she knows about it.
Huh i always thought only old people live in Arizona... oh nvm
She worked on old people.
Gotta go, don't have to go home but I can't stay here!
I was able to write a story tonight...Teacher only gave us tonight, and the ENTIRE class did some clue crap. Like...."OMFG TEH MADE IN DA KITCHIN WIT DA CANDLSTK" ....XD I tried for something a little Steven King ish. >> I er...Condensed it. ...A lot. I had this huge idea but at 5 pm, I was all like "...HOW AM I GONNA GET ALL THIS DONE?!" So, VOILA. Also finished my Algebra, organized my binder[THAT was a task. @.@], and finished my Science! I feel proud. ^^ ....NAO SLEEP.
I was able to write a story tonight...Teacher only gave us tonight, and the ENTIRE class did some clue crap. Like...."OMFG TEH MADE IN DA KITCHIN WIT DA CANDLSTK" ....XD I tried for something a little Steven King ish. >> I er...Condensed it. ...A lot. I had this huge idea but at 5 pm, I was all like "...HOW AM I GONNA GET ALL THIS DONE?!" So, VOILA. Also finished my Algebra, organized my binder[THAT was a task. @.@], and finished my Science! I feel proud. ^^ ....NAO SLEEP.
man it's 11:30 and I'm getting tired, going to be a rough night
But sleep is no fun!
But sleep is no fun!
thats how i feel a lot of the time >>
I think that to!!!
I think its dumb that we have to waste half of our time in comatose!
I got to sleep last night yay!
I fell asleep around 2 last night >>
Yays, 2 is not bad, I went to sleep around 1 cause I didn't have to go back into clean room for wafer maddness
ah, gottcha ^^
I was on a drawing roll... so I stayed up drawing ^^
How did drawing turn out?
How did drawing turn out?
eh... pretty good ^^
my spoony parents stole my sketch book during mini-con and looked at it... lol
I actually didn't even leave downtown until after 11
it already feels like it is the middle of the night
Tell me about it. My math 306 midterm is on Friday. FRIDAY! :'(
Yay, math, you just have to write numbers :)
well time to go back into the clean room, seeya folks
I actually didn't even leave downtown until after 11
Woah... What you guys do until then?
Well, after k-con lite, we hung out until they kicked us out. Then went to get sushi but the place was closed. After that, we went to a thai place on broadway right across from the school and then went to cars, however we just jabbed about nerdy stuff until 11 in the parking garage.
Let me tell you, sometimes there are strange noises in the PSU parking garage at night.
Woo! Trying to continue my Harry Potter marathon, but might switch to anime if I get bored.
I want to go to a lan party again sometime, it's been years. I built this amazing computer with liquid cooling and it just sits on my desk.
Sure that'd be fine :)
I did too, didn't have a reason to stay up
I went to bed at 1 and woke up at 5:30 :-[
I'm still up, darn night shift
Meh, don't want to go back in clean room
I'm being lazy and not coloring my Mewcon entry :/
It feels really late right now. Maybe cause We ate dinner 44 hours ago.
Friday Night!
Iz late for meh so I sleep nao.
Sure that'd be fine :)
Yayz~ *dances*
And I actually went to bed pretty early for me last night. About 1AM
I ordered an SSD for it, hoping to see it get so fast flames come out of the top.
yeah...me too.
Me to....err wait...
I slept for 17 hours and missed sunday :(
o.o wts. ...how do you sleep for 17 hours? [/only been up for about 15]
I was sleep deprived and sick...
..Wow. That should be a record.
I was sleep deprived and sick...
oh no ><
I'M sleep deprived and sick NOW... but I don't wanna miss the christmas party tomorrow! ><
I should go to sleep soon. :/
I was sleep deprived and sick...
oh no ><
I'M sleep deprived and sick NOW... but I don't wanna miss the christmas party tomorrow! ><
Party on!
This is still going on? Haha
the sirens are sounding and the dogs are a howling
Seriously? -stares at unfinished Hetalia cosplay and can of soda- I'm up this late [early] cause I'm rushing to get my Hetalia Japan cosplay finished. o(+A + )o Really I hate all nighter rush jobs.
I can't believe there are people who have no life [like myself] on the forums at this time of night o(=A = )o It's not sad or anything, just really funny XD
I was at work thats why Im posting now, cause I just got home.
its day time now, but in the summer im ussualy on the forums pretty late cause Im a very nocturnal person. I tend to work in the night.
Same here. x3
Then Sahara tells me to turn off the light. owo
for the all night party i gotta stay up til 5 am
Even though it's 11am right now, if I'm ever here at the time that this thread indicates, the poll doesn't have my most logical reason; "I just got home from work."
I can never sleep, so even though I have school in the morning I'll be up doing interweb related stuff. Or playing spider solitaire on my computer cuz I'm cool like that.
well i work till 11 pm and if i want to see my husband at all then we stay up till 12 sigh
Right now it is me working on my final paper due in english tomorrow... than i have my final in Government...
so really the only reason is because i have homework but only for three more days then i am done WOOT!!!
I...am just feeling like staying up late.
I don't feel like going to bed either. I'm in a dorky mood right now, maybe it's because I'm still in cosplay >D
I don't feel like going to bed either. I'm in a dorky mood right now, maybe it's because I'm still in cosplay >D
I have a spikey blonde wig, a regular short hair blonde wig and a short brown hair wig with me. AND I HAVE A NARUTO JACKET, A KAKASHI JACKET, A OURAN HOST CLUB JACKET
HM... WUT?
Mmm I have two final reviews to do, but i'll probably do those in my bed under the covers all nice and warm with just my lamp on... XD
I don't have any homework, IT'S SO SURPRISING.
Well the time is not of late as of now. 10:33 in the morning. I'm just as school being mischevious as I normally am~ ;)
Buuuuttttt... I would probably keep myself up way late for the sake of cosplaying... if I wasn't such a noob at it. lol
It's midnight :o YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!! But I really want to sleep because I just got this new Itachi body pillow so I could sleep soundly and happily for the rest of my life. ;D GO ITACHI!!! ;D
I'm up lates....cause I'm always up late?
I usually end up staying up till 2 am usually on school nights.
Well, I have no plans until 2pm, so not much reason to sleep.
I usually stay up reading manga or watching episodes of shows. I'm like "Oh, one more won't hurt." but then it's 4, and i have to get up for school at 6, so it turns into "OOOHh..... sheep dogs. I should go to bed..." XD
I usually go to bed @ 1:30-2:30 and then wake up at 6:50... and then come home and sleep for another two hours. Pretty soon I won't have to have this messed up schedule. I thought that by taking morning classes I'd get used to going to bed on time. Well, I thought wrong.
Man...school at 2pm again. Gotta get to bed by 3. :/
Why did I wake up at 5:30? Why, because I forgot to write a speech for health... first period. Stupid Sarcoma.
Why did I wake up at 5:30? Because my clock was wrong by an hour. :D
My eyes were itching in my sleep so I woke up at about 2 in the morning. I'm still up and it's not about 4:30.
I was up until 5am last night. :/ Freaking allergies. I need to record some music tomorrow. Don't know when. I wish it didn't take me 75 minutes to get to the campus, otherwise I'd just run over there, get it done, and go on with my day. :/
I was up until 5am last night. :/ Freaking allergies.
I know this story. XP
anti-histamines help me...a lot!
Only up 'til 4 last night!
I'll be trying to get to bed by 1 tonight though. I have important plans for tomorrow. :O
I just got the news that I have........
Actually it kind of is since my b-day is Aug, 3 so this is like an early b-day gift.
There are no late night forum goers! D:
D: This one has to go to bed nao. G'night. See ya'll bright and early. XD Well, I'll be here, you'll all be asleep most likely.
Night Night~ :D
And I'll probably be awake until three. D:< Dangit.
Lol yea me too X3
My room is so miserably hot =[
I'll never get to sleep this way *grumble*
Mine is getting more fresh so its good LOL
I really should be packing, because I'm moving/going to Vancouver tommorow, but I dun feel like it~ :3
And my dad's waking me up at 5:30, so I'm wondering if I should even bother with sleep..
Tonight has been quite splendid. :>
There are no late night forum goers! D:
So you are lead to believe...I'm usually one of the few that scans the topics so late for an opportunity to make my mark and hope it has value and brings happiness and not torment and destruction.
I was up late almost every single night for a while (That good old 4 AM stuff)... Then my computer died... And I was sad. I'll be back to my 4 AM ways soon though!
I felt alone for a while, people might've been on, but no one posted! D:
It's only midnight, but, eh, I plan on staying up all night. Unless I can't find something to do, of course, and fall asleep from not lack of sleep, but boredom...
Oh, wow, it's already 12:30.
I felt alone for a while, people might've been on, but no one posted! D:
I feel ur lonelyness *nods nods*
This is the fewest I've seen online...ever. guess it's because Monday is tomorrow, er today.
It's 3:15AM here. :)
I hope my kitten doesn't knock out my internet, like she did last night.
Tonight shall be another late night. ;D
I'm used to staying up this late but it's so hot I can't sleep thing is my vision is going blurry so I'm gonna try anyway XD
Bye Bi~
I slept for about a half an hour total last night, I absolutely cannot sleep when its hot out so I started wandering around the house. (And of course the cats all had to follow me, nosy buggers) But I couldn't go on the computer either cause it overheated and shut off.
That sucks, it's comfortable here.
Well, over the past few weeks I've been doing NOTHING but closing shifts at work. I don't like it. It's now made it to where I have a hard time going to sleep after 2 am. However, I still wake up on the somewhat early side, but not as early as I use to.
On the plus side, I don't have to work again until Saturday evening.
I'm waiting for it to cool down a little more. Probably going to go for a walk in about 20 or 30 minutes, then toss my blanket and some pillows on the floor and crash on those. Too hot to sleep on an elevated surface tonight.
Here lately I've been wishing for a tent to sleep outside. It's been perfect weather for it.
A tent by the river (or a van, lol) would be optimal right now.
Can't sleep, my head is filled with too many "what-ifs" and possible scenarios.
Nothing like being awake at 3am to make you feel lonely...
It's 3:43, and I woke up at three, so, I'll probably be up for quite a while now...
3 AM dance party!
I didn't sleep at all Wednesday night because I was playing Portal.
I slept for 15 hours Thursday night because I was tired.
I didn't sleep at all last night because I was playing Half Life 2.
I fail to see why I am not sleeping right now. Someone explain. >:[
I didn't sleep at all Wednesday night because I was playing Portal.
I slept for 15 hours Thursday night because I was tired.
I didn't sleep at all last night because I was playing Half Life 2.
I fail to see why I am not sleeping right now. Someone explain. >:[
You have a screwed up sleeping schedule.
I don't see anything wrong with my sleep schedule. I divide it into 48 hour increments, stay up for 33 hours, then sleep for 15. I get 90 more minutes of productivity per day than a 15/9 daily schedule would achieve. For whatever reason though, I've hit my next chunk of sleep-time, and I'm not asleep.
It's NOT healthy.
Can you provide empirical evidence to support a claim like that? It's certainly more healthy than the coffee-filled, sleep-deprived, non-productive lifestyles of "normal" society. My natural homeostatic insticts drive me to sleep when it is no longer efficient to be awake, and remain asleep until it is no longer efficient to remain asleep.
Lucky if I get 10 hours of sleep a week. >:/
Can you provide empirical evidence to support a claim like that?
Do you, or at least have a parent in the medical field? Because I do, and she nags me ALL the time.
I have an idea, how about you come up with proof that what you're doing isn't healthy. Because I'm not going to waste my time searching through medical journals for someone who doesn't even care.
I'm just going to sit back and do what I do best: eventually say "I told you so."
Yes. My mother is a Pharmacist, my Grandfather is a Surgeon. Thank you for your concern.
I'm not going to come up with evidence to disprove my own claim. That would be ridiculous. In the most concise and pure manner of scientific survey, I am proving it myself, by maintaining my own sleep schedule, as well as excellent health.
"The first thing experts will tell you about sleep is that there is no "magic number." Not only do different age groups need different amounts of sleep, but sleep needs are also individual. Just like any other characteristics you are born with, the amount of sleep you need to function best may be different for you than for someone who is of the same age and gender. While you may be at your absolute best sleeping seven hours a night, someone else may clearly need nine hours to have a happy, productive life. In fact, a 2005 study confirmed the fact that sleep needs vary across populations, and the study calls for further research to identify traits within genes that may provide a "map" to explain how sleep needs differ among individuals."
A quote from the National Sleep Foundation.... so I say we leave the convo where it is before people get too snappy =]
Late night forum goers? I'm one~
Good call. :P
The mix of Tofu's Snape avatar and Cloud's Snape signature is almost to much awesome to handle.....
Seriously. lol
Late nighters always have more fun. XD
Booooooooooooored. :<
Kind of want to go to sleep, but kind of putting it off. :/
i really should sleep soon, I have cosplay work to do tomorrow *sighs* : /
ah well back to my work *shuffles back to projects*
why have we not talked in like forever? O_O
I was just investigating that.
Uh...make another post or something. I'm going to go retrieve some numbers.
I think its cause Ive been busy and were never on at the same time xD
you and your numbers : /
So, I looked at both of our user statistics, and I found that about 87% of our possible interactions on these forums occur on the Off Topic and Chat forums (who'd have thunk?). I looked at your last 100 posts or so, and noticed that you haven't been posting on the Off Topic and Chat forums much, if at all, over that last few months. I also looked at the other 13%. 12% of that is in the General Convention and Anime forum. However, my activity there is minimalistic compared to my activity here. Furthermore, the topics in that section which I post in and view tend to be different than those which you frequent. The remaining 1% seems fairly arbitrary. Most of it is in Plan Your Own Adventure, Cosplay, and Help, Suggestions, and Complaints, none of which I frequent heavily.
So yeah, that's why.
We're also both apparently running short on operational computers. My computer recently died, so my access to the forums is based on my PSP and my dad's Netbook when he's not using it. You also seem to have encountered some issues with your computer, though I don't know the details.
Do you text? I'll PM you my cell number.
why do you have to be so technical? xD i preffer we just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time
and you too? -_- I have one now but it's already showing signs of decay, damn you Vista.
and I do, but I cant right now cause my cells outa battery.
Numbers are fun; I love looking at the graphical analysis and statistics leading to certain circumstances rather than just accepting those circumstances as coincidence.
Yup. I took it apart to clean it out and check if there was a bad soldering joint or rusted contact on the power supply, and I guess I somehow must have screwed up the OS, because it won't boot from the hard drive now. I might try booting it from a CD at some point; I've just been lazy and busy.
I didn't really mean immediately; I'm ready to call it a day. I'll talk to you soon though.
Goooddd Niiiggghhht!
Have fun with your late nighting.
Going to sleep at 11:30 is for squares. :<
Ugh, I'm tired/annoyed.~
usually am up much later, but lately, been going to sleep earlier than usual.
I'm actually kind of tired. :/
Going to sleep at 11:30 is for squares. :<
Well so-rry. I had to get up early to babysit.
This thread totally isn't dead yet. :>
This is on topic because a bunch of people are sleeping right now.
I can post here cause its 4 am.
Oh snap boi hi five! :O
... scary
Oh snap boi hi five! :O
~High Five from the future~
High tech high five o snap!
you freak me out
sry dude u gotta b mor a-WARE yo
... Fo sho yo.
u wan b mah bff? <3
<3 u kno it to-fu yo
oh, you! *handflip*
[/cracks up] haha, i feel better now <3
Does it still count as late night? I didn't sleep because the power of "OMG A BOOK SITTING ON THE COUNTER I WILL READ IT BECAUSE I HAVE NO PSP AND I MUST ENTERTAIN MY RESTLESS SELF" compelled me to not sleep. :P
Watch this, it's from the movie "Hausu", and it may keep you up longer... and/or not want to play the piano ever again.
Oh, if you're prone to epileptic seizures, then don't watch this.
I'm tired.
I need to change my answer from "Because I feel like it" to "Need to get (Insert cosplay here) finished" *sigh* Procrastination pays off untill things need to get done...
Sleepovers are the best..... Making commentary while playing Kingdom Hearts is the most fun ever.... lol
Can't sleep and this forum is the coffee that keeping me awake lol
Watch this, it's from the movie "Hausu", and it may keep you up longer... and/or not want to play the piano ever again.
Oh, if you're prone to epileptic seizures, then don't watch this.
That... just disturbed me for the rest of my life
Man... I still haven't slept. D:
I won't go there. -_-;;;
You're just jealous 'cause you can't be ganxxxtah
Damn right I can't be gangster! You know how white I'll seem? I seem white now!!! THERE'S NO ESCAPING THE WHITENESS FOR ME!!!
It's okay I'm pretty white too. :>
Teehee we're white like the lace on lolita <---- I'm running on NO sleep!
I got about 11 hours last night, but I'm about done for the day.
It's crazy how much more I want to stay up. 0.0
I would be that way, but I have things to do tomorrow. And they're important. Once they're done though, I have Saturday to relax and sleep.
Fun fun. I don't really have much to do. Only go and eat sushi and work within my apartment. That's about it. : |
I have to go get a delicious licorice milkshake, resolve my unpaid tuition from Spring Term, register for classes for Fall term (which I meant to do three weeks ago), and print tickets for my show on September 24th at the Hawthorne Theater that you should go to.
Hold up. What's your show?
I play keys and write with a Symphonic Metal band called WARLORD, or Warlord of Etheria, alternatively. We are playing at the Hawthorne Theater on September 24th and need to sell as many tickets as possible to make money. It's especially important for me because the other two members of the band have jobs right now, so they aren't relying on it as a sole source income in the immediate future. :P
Anyway, myspace page with MIDI samples:
Fun stuff. I'll see if I can grap a friend or two to come see you guys.
That would be totally awesome! Let me know if you want to meet up some time and get some pre-sale tix. They're only a dollar less than at the door, but hey, that's a dollar you could spend buying candy or something! ;P
That would be very handy! How much are you selling the tickets?
$9 each pre-sale or $10 at the door.
It's also a bit easier to be sure we get credited for draw if we pre-sell tickets. Otherwise, we just have to make sure people say they're there to see Warlord when they buy at the door.
I like the system, but I definitely wouldn't mind getting paid an hourly or per-show rate. :P
Well shoot! That's such a great deal! I'll talk to my friends about it and see if we can get some off you before your show. Do you have an email that I can use to later talk to you?
Yeah, I can be reached at thatlatu@gmail.com. I generally check my gmail account first thing any time I get online.
Okay cool. I'll be sure to message you about who I might be able to bring to your show.
Sweet! I look forward to seeing you there!
I'm probably going to lay down a few more posts, then eat, then hit the hay. :P
I myself am going to post for a while, then get some sleep. I can feel my grasp of consciousness slipping away slowly but surely lol.
Well, I bid the a happy Thriday, the 10.5th of September. ;]
Ditto! :3
mustash is a cool guy, and he doesn't afraid of anything
lol at cthulhu
Sometimes I question my sanity as to why I actually want this kind of a sleep schedule for a career....
I know it's not late at night, but I damn my bug bites for keeping me up ALL DAMN NIGHT!
I've only been awake for 8 hours. D:
I honestly can't remember the time I went to sleep. But all I know is that I woke up at about 6:30 today.
Any particular reason, or is that just when the sleeping stopped? :P
The bug bites kept on waking me up so I just decided to stay up and tend to them if they get anymore irritating.
Man, insamnia when you have pains is no fun. want to sleep before the pain killer stops but can't fall asleep.
and is it hot for anyone else tonight?
I took a long nap yesterday and now I can't get to sleep. It's quite a bother actually.
I took a long nap a few days ago and I was tired a few days later.
So were you up the whole time?
Pretty much.
Didn't sleep during the entirety of Monday; didn't get to sleep Tuesday until 9am.
I hate not getting sleep. Sleep is one of the most comforting things I can do for myself.
Have to stay awake until Mom can release me from my late not caregiver duties.
So since i have downtime, I'm on the forums, but too tired to have productive conversation.
Have to stay awake until Mom can release me from my late not caregiver duties.
So since i have downtime, I'm on the forums, but too tired to have productive conversation.
Seriously? That late? What a nightowl! :O
Hehe, yeah.
Around 3 am it stopped being exciting.
sorry. :<
I wanna be downtown late at night. I've only done that a few times.
That used to be a rare experience for me. :P
Used to... I'm still in that position. Dammit if only I can drive.
I just use my bike. :P
Though I don't really find Portland (or much of anything) interesting when I'm just by myself. :P
That's true, it's much more interesting if it's ventured with your friends.
Nerrrrrrrrrrgh. I have to get up in the morning and don't wish to.
Sleep is for the weak.... if only that was for my case. I'm really week. I need sleep. >.<
I winnar!~
I'm recovering from being sick and I have school tomorrow but I just can't sleep. I get a lot of energy after being cooped in bed for days, I'm pumped for school tomorrow~
tooo excited for tomorrow!
I'm going through another odd sleep pattern. You can blame that on Repo night and Rocky night at the Clinton Theater. Fun stuff I tell you! :3
The animes, they tell me to watch, not sleep
I'm having too much fun with my coscom account to sleep ;p
I really shouldn't be up. School starts up again tomorrow.... I dont wanna GO!!!
Just figured I'd pop on for a bit...not much free time lately.
Woke up at 7pm today. 5pm day before. 10pm day before that. 3am day before that. 11pm before that. No typos, no lies. My sleep schedule is WHACK.
I'm having too much fun with my coscom account to sleep ;p
^ Coscom? Sounds like fun.
Yesterday, I went to bed at about 5pm and woke up at around 10:30 then went to sleep at about 3:30 and woke up at around noon today.
Not enough time to sleep...yay for 36-hour days! :D
I'm too sick to spend late nights on the forums... thus why I'm home from school
seriously, I hardly ever forum at night anymore...
I'm almost always on the forum late at night, I just never come to this very topic cause it disappears on me.
I often neglect to get online until 4 or 5am. :P
Tonight's a night that I will not be on late at night, for I have to get up early and help mi madre with the kitchen preparation.
I get up at about 4am and start posting. My dream is to even out my hourly post chart in the profile stats. :D
I just noticed this! YESSS!!!!!!!!
Latest I've ever been on the forum
No, its time for WORK!
Time for work? Time to be done with work and go home :P
Time for work? Time to be done with work and go home :P
Time to get plenty of sleep to play vampire tonight Paul. ;D
Blah, make class be done with, I still got two more papers to write :(
stayed up 'till 5 just not... here ;;>_>
Hahaha~! While
trying to avoid taking a break from homework I've managed to start my old habit of getting two hours a night... Ah, the good old days... *Fades into hazy memories where half awake self is reading a book or fanfiction with one eye open*
Hahaha~! While trying to avoid taking a break from homework I've managed to start my old habit of getting two hours a night... Ah, the good old days... *Fades into hazy memories where half awake self is reading a book or fanfiction with one eye open*
Training for the 24-hour LeMans MEWcon eh? Wait is it 24 hours like K-con?
Hahaha~! While trying to avoid taking a break from homework I've managed to start my old habit of getting two hours a night... Ah, the good old days... *Fades into hazy memories where half awake self is reading a book or fanfiction with one eye open*
Training for the 24-hour LeMans MEWcon eh? Wait is it 24 hours like K-con?
All I know is that I'm skillfully avoiding french homework that's due in six hours.
Not quite as late as usual yet, but I've been trying to get more sleep as of late.
THIS IS A GOOD THING. don't you always complain about being sleepy? :P
yeah as someone who hardly ever gets enough sleep, I agree, tis a good thing
I seem to be waking up at noon or 1 every day. I'm trying to make sense of the mornings again. I've got no work or school, but nothing else I can work towards either except minor stuff...and then there's MEWcon.
I've been up to 1 or 2 consistently, but my dad turns off my interents so i cant be here T^T
sry, was working
laaaame :/
i work till 10 pm most nights after i get off i just get sleepy
i stay up until about 2 most nights, and wake up at 6 ;;>_>
sometimes i go to bed early around 23:30 and it feels great! ^^
slackers? :-\
speaking of slacking, going go to be early today, have fun at mew con everyone
oh, my new camera doesn't come until today so haven't got any mew pics
Spontanious party up in here!
wow. that sure was a whole lot of parties! ^___^
wow. that sure was a whole lot of parties! ^___^
No, it's only one party. I was merely invoking the chant of the party. Did you not see me pistoning my fists in front of me?
wow. that sure was a whole lot of parties! ^___^
No, it's only one party. I was merely invoking the chant of the party. Did you not see me pistoning my fists in front of me?
dont worry, i could feel it radiating from the screen! XD
Sleep is for the weeeeaaaaaaaak
go get some sleep
Sleep is for the weeeeaaaaaaaak
Were you partying too?
Sleep is for the weeeeaaaaaaaak
I KNOW O_O (aka i didn't sleep last night) ;;>_>
Going to sleep soon. :P
I'm pretty jealous... I want to sleep a lot right now ><
No shleep for me... xD
starting another work week, gonna be burning the midnight oil until saturday
Is hoping that the exercise coming up Sunday will exhaust me enough that I don't have to post on this topic. xD
Good luck!
Its late night. What Doing.
Its late night. What Doing.
Is it can be late night now?
it was weird ;;>_>
I'm up late cause of nonstop video gaming. Yesss<3
meh, mostly working
i went to bed at 5 two nights ago, and 3 last night ;;>_>
i went to bed at 5 two nights ago, and 3 last night ;;>_>
GOD YOU SUCK! I CAN NEVER SLEEP WITH THAT "clickity cklickity giggle clickity" O_O
I was only up until 4 or so last night because I accidentally at 9:30am the day before.
...Because you're sleep deprived. -_-
i've noticed ;;>_>
So, I think I'm going to pull an "all-nighter" of sorts so that I can get errands done today instead of sleeping, then I'll just sleep through wednesday.
i stayed up until 4. that would make 3 hours of sleep in the last 3 days. i hate everything/
i stayed up until 4. that would make 3 hours of sleep in the last 3 days. i hate everything/
...Someone needs to start sliping you sleeping pills.
blh probably
DMV took forever because they only had 3 people working there when I was there and the guy who was helping me took FOREVER. Seriously. He had to write four words and check three boxes, and it took 30 minutes in line and 20 minutes of talking to him to accomplish that. On top of that, he kept reading my DOB wrong. First reading 2/26, then 2/24, then finally 1/24. Then I sat waiting for another half hour a very unenthusiastic and unprofessional guy to press a button, give me a piece of paper, and tell me information I already knew.
On the bright side, I just paid an 8-year lease on my identity at a rate of just $4.52/year, which is slightly cheaper than a domain name.
I like that the total # of voters is 69
69? YES!
calm down there kaye ;;>_>
zz tired
am tired again, I suck
haha i hardly slept last night ;;>_> *very bedraggled and odd feeling*
I love late nights!!! Yay!
i woke up at noon o.o and dont feel like sleeping yet.. xD
got up at 1, zzz so tired..
think it is sleepy time soon
no sleep
i need to stop knowing bipolar ppl.... they keep me up, i think secretly theyre robots with bad wiring.. THEY NEVER SLEEP!
<miserably awake because i had to lie about drachna and now shes pissed at me >.<
I was sick friday and slept the entire day and now my sleep schedule is almost... normal O_O
i went to sleep at 1 last night! THATS 5.5 HOURS of sleep in a full day!! :D
it was amazing lol
Its still an active thread O_O
It's not late yet
why am I still up?
I don't see why someone would choose to stay up late and browse pointless internet forums instead of maintaining a healthy normal sleep schedule. I really can't understand the decisions that a lot of people make these days.
I don't see why someone would choose to stay up late and browse pointless internet forums instead of maintaining a healthy normal sleep schedule. I really can't understand the decisions that a lot of people make these days.
OH U...
I'm an insomniac, I can't sleep at night, the boogie man'll get me.
the boogieman is really the boogiepop phantom
Since last Friday I've been up to 3 at night or later playing Mass Effect 2. >_<
And now I don't know what to do with myself now that I've finished the game...
Round 2???
I just have a tendency to avoid sleeping like the plague.
In for the long haul tonight ^^ i slept a lot yesterday, so i'll stay up tonight and hopefully tomorrow ^^
Woot party for the late nighters lol
woo! Please report to the Say almost anything we want to thread for the party! :D
??? why not here
fine >.>
Since last Friday I've been up to 3 at night or later playing Mass Effect 2. >_<
This is me right now... I don't wanna stop but I know I should. XD
Interesting night for me over here. :
oh really
well how
*falling asleep*
I slept last night because I was feeling emo. I'm feeling ok today ^^
I went to bed like uber early T^T sorry about that ;;>_>
slept in waaay to much so am kinda still awake.
It's the glow, it makes me stay awake.
Darn that Zydrate.
Man, why is nobody ever online when I get on? :<
I dunno
Make the internet kind of boring. D:
I'm always up late but either i don't have Internets or forget to log on :P
Might go to sleep early tonight. Internet's dead and I don't feel like doing development work right now.
I may go to bed early too... all my friends are out together having a fun time and i'm all at home T^T
*sad face*
*sad face* well, I think I am going to call it a night
I should have been to bed an hour ago, but for once I was actually up DOING SOMETHING. Now I think I'll take some time to study for my econ quiz tomorrow night so I don't have to cram. I have to wake up at 11 which kind of blows. :/
I think I may have forgotten to go to bed last night >< but i didn't have internets AGAIN :(
Oh well. Sleep is overrated.
its for the weak!
okay so during the week my mom crashes at my place so she can go to her radiation treatments we are week 2 out of 6 .... and she was like "and i ll make dinner to help out i use salt to season the roast, what do you use?"....... i work swing shift and don't get home till late and i eat dinner at work...
so did you eat the foods?
I stayed up to watch a movie I've been wanting to see for awhile... and I'm glad I did because it is beautiful.
I should sleep soon though. :/
Turns out the RAM that was chilling in that Viper that I picked up for $100 is DDR2, so I dropped it in my build and I now have 2GB dual-channel memory rolling until I get a chance to pick up some 2x2GB RAM sets. Should be upgrading to 5GB in April if I have anything left after Sakuracon, then getting a GeForce 9800 in May in preparation for SCII, and finishing it off by upgrading to 8GB in June, at which point I will no longer consider this computer a work in progress.
i played tetris all night ;;>_>
Apparently Windows XP doesn't like installing to SATA. :/
Why is my computer so unwilling to live? :<
because your mother never loved you.
you can install to sata but you need the windows xp sata boot cd
Nah, apparently you just have to tell the BIOS to pretend the SATA drives are IDE and it'll boot fine.
Now I just need to get a working boot CD here again. :P
It feels late to me..
I am so tired. *-*
ohai there
Going on 7am.... stupid J-drama... why do you have to be so gooood!
I'm like never on late xD
I wish I had a Taco Bell fourthmeal..
I'm eatin' some rice and shrimp chow mein..
Pretty good!
7am coming up
Ugh, I have to be up at 10am... maybe I should try and get a couple hours in? xD
Ugh, I have to be up at 10am... maybe I should try and get a couple hours in? xD
Wow, how did that work for you?
Ugh, I have to be up at 10am... maybe I should try and get a couple hours in? xD
Wow, how did that work for you?
Not well
And Im doing it again
Got to be up at 8:30am.... but I'm starting Pandora Hearts xD
no letting this thread die, it is awesome :P