
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ~boogiepop~ on August 27, 2007, 01:14:49 pm

Title: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on August 27, 2007, 01:14:49 pm
I'm going to make onigiri in like...20 minutes! Yay for the first time~! I already tried to make the rice but the first time it was crunchy ;.; So I'm trying again :D

Tell me funny cooking stories that I can read while I eat muh foods when they get done. ::{or sit here starving because they didn't turn out right}::
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: pieisexactlythree on August 27, 2007, 01:15:37 pm
Now it's time to take a break and see what we have done!
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 27, 2007, 02:07:16 pm
ack... now that's running over and over in my head >.< *watched AMV hell 3* T_T
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: totemo_oishii on August 27, 2007, 02:18:15 pm
I loooooove Chiyo-chan. ♥

I bought some weird furikake labeled "shiso fumi". I had no idea what it was, but I just got it. Laurifer came over and we had an onigiri making day, and tried it out.

Basically, our reactions were the same. ".....BLECH!!!"

It was...sour..and weird.

I have still have a whole bottle of it if anyone wants it. :3
I'll bring it to the con if you want it. o___o
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 27, 2007, 04:01:27 pm
No thanks... I'll just stick with the water... ^_^0
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: jaybug on August 27, 2007, 04:36:11 pm
Today I am experimenting with Chop Suey vegetables in a can for my lunch. Along with buckwheat noodles, and sliced pork. Oh crud, I forgot to bring any soy sauces, hopefully there may be a packet in the bag under the counter here at work. I hope it's good, I didn't get breakfast today, and I am starving.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: superjaz on August 27, 2007, 04:46:26 pm
one year chris's friend kiyo got him some japanese candy that tasted like crystalized suger styrofoem not yummy

last night i was making fried octupuse balls on cooking mama and i couldnt figure out how to flip them and chris comes in while i'l

"agg!!! there burning there burning i dont know how to filp them how do i make it stop!?!?!?"
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: pieisexactlythree on August 27, 2007, 04:49:55 pm
Jasmine, the best way to cook them, in my experience, is to use a well oiled cast iron pan and sort of roll them around to make sure they cook evenly.  I was using frozen ones I got at Uwajimaya.  Are you doing the same?
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Roy_in_a_skirt on August 27, 2007, 05:15:23 pm
Hahaha. I'm going to try to make Anpan tomorrow.

Problem: I have no recipe in English, so I have to translate from Japanese first.
Problem number two: I'm vegan. The recipe calls for milk, butter and eggs.

Why must my exploits in the kitchen always be so hard? T_T
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: jaybug on August 27, 2007, 05:55:59 pm
Sounds like a case of Poker chef, eat 'em and weep!
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on August 27, 2007, 07:35:22 pm
Well I made my onigiri, and it kinda tasted like crap XD I'm not much for cooking. I did make some awesome stirfry once though :D
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 27, 2007, 07:37:45 pm
one of these days I'm going to make some Tempura! ...one day T_T
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 27, 2007, 07:48:57 pm
Sure, but it will be vegies only...because I'm not a prawn fan T_T *Wishes she was though*
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 27, 2007, 08:01:23 pm
Great! ^_^
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: superjaz on August 27, 2007, 08:59:55 pm
one of these days I'm going to make some Tempura! ...one day T_T

*Gasp!* When you do have me over! I LOVE tempura anything!
shoulda said somthing mr stash i can make shrimp tempura, tho the japanese fried style i make with panko is really tasty!!

@pie cooking mama was how i was cooking the octapuse balls

Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: jaybug on August 27, 2007, 09:00:09 pm
Jaz and Pi, either roll around in the pan, or deep fry the octo-balls. You can try to turn them, but it won't really happen. Just keep poking them down until they reach the lovely golden brown that says done.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: EveofAbyss on August 27, 2007, 09:39:35 pm
Wow, nice to see I'm not the only one who immediately began reciting Chiyo-chan's cooking song!

Tsukurimashou, Tsukurimashou
Sate sate nani ga dekiru kana.
Hai, dekimashita!

Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 27, 2007, 09:48:12 pm
*sigh* I wish I had cooking mama... A friend has it and let me play a little bit of it... and that's how it starts. I'm addicted, but since I don't have it, I can't play DX
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 28, 2007, 09:58:50 pm
Heh heh, guess who's making their first Tempura tomorrow...I'll give you a Hint their Online nick-name begins with a Na and end with leh XD

If there is a major fire started by cooking oil, from a deep frying mishap...well I hope it wasn't me. >.>
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: jaybug on August 28, 2007, 10:18:22 pm
Just don't go trying to put out that kind of fire with water, unless you really want ot burn the whole house down. Just put the lid on it, and turn off the heat. And, don't lift the lid to see it the fire is out.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 28, 2007, 10:34:43 pm
*Salute* Got it! I rarely ever fry things... and ya, this will be interesting. But my family is uber excited about it... they even talked me into making the dip, and we don't have cooking wine so I wonder if it will turn out okay... ah well, I'll give it my best, at least it isn't as complex as Onigiri...
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 29, 2007, 12:13:48 am
eh... maybe I'll leave you some. I already have to save some for my poor boyfriend. (He has to work long hours for the next few days including his birthday :( )

I promise nothing though! If it's too horrible for human consumption, I'll eat it all! >.> <.<
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: majinekochan on August 29, 2007, 02:45:29 pm
I had an experiance today, I burnt Olive Oil Today while cooking shrimp for my lunch. I ended up just useing a different pan.

I also have a cassarole in the oven right now.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: EveofAbyss on August 29, 2007, 02:56:45 pm
I made ramen!! Yay me, lol

No, really though, I may make some spaghetti.....what's with all the pasta? Weird trend, I noticed in my diet.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: majinekochan on August 29, 2007, 03:05:51 pm
carb heavy diet, huh?
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 29, 2007, 03:26:44 pm
*groan* Now I must go back out into the heat to buy the veggies to make the Tempura... I'll keep you all posted on how it's doing...and if something catches on fire. ^_^0
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: EveofAbyss on August 29, 2007, 04:42:25 pm
I'll keep a fire extinguisher ready. ^_0

But yes, best wishes on your cooking adventure/endeavor.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: jaybug on August 29, 2007, 05:25:12 pm
deep fried olives? lol

Do a tempura twinkie! Boy Howdy!
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 29, 2007, 05:29:00 pm
Yikes things are taking an interesting turn... turns out you have to soften yams in order for them to taste good... Asparagus is evil and I burnt my knee... and I'm not even done yet! *boiling yams so they taste good*

Now i'm wearing jeans instead of shorts...lesson learned Naleh....lesson well learned... TT___TT
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: cupcake_abuser_zooshi on August 29, 2007, 06:59:43 pm
I made myself some french toast this morning.
The first couple turned out alright, but then the pan got to that point where the butter started burning, and if I turned down the heat, then it wasn't enough, so I'd have no choice but to turn it up, risking burning the butter again.
And the moral of that story is; be patient when you cook, or your french toast comes out all wrong.

I also put on fruit instead of syrup. Sort of my pre-con diet. I know that I'm going to be eating nothing but Pocky and all sorts of junk, so I'm trying to savor good eating habits before they're blown apart by con life.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: EveofAbyss on August 29, 2007, 07:49:51 pm
I also put on fruit instead of syrup. Sort of my pre-con diet. I know that I'm going to be eating nothing but Pocky and all sorts of junk, so I'm trying to savor good eating habits before they're blown apart by con life.

Nice convictions, I'd like to adopt those myself, but probably won't.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: JeffT on August 29, 2007, 08:18:36 pm
I made myself some french toast this morning.
The first couple turned out alright, but then the pan got to that point where the butter started burning, and if I turned down the heat, then it wasn't enough, so I'd have no choice but to turn it up, risking burning the butter again.
And the moral of that story is; be patient when you cook, or your french toast comes out all wrong.
That's pretty much my experience with french toast also. If you get the pan cool enough that the butter doesn't burn, then the inside of the toast is undercooked. But if the cooking is high enough, then the butter burns (and it's too easy to just burn the toast). It's extremely difficult to get right. And I have an electric stove which makes things even harder.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: jaybug on August 29, 2007, 08:25:01 pm
That's why I ordered the gas option when building my house. Just so I could cook eggs. Once the pan is hot, it doesn't keep getting hotter, unlike electric ranges.

At a guess, you aren't using butter, but margarine. That stuff burns too easily. An electric skillet would work better than the stove top. Plus one of those is bigger than a pan you can put on the burner.

I saw my neighbor cooking French toast once, and I was amazed, she was boiling in the toast in oil, literally floating the toast in it.  :o
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 29, 2007, 08:49:04 pm
Well I finished the Tempura an hour ago... It wasn't that bad. I have learned many valuable lessons concerning oil, deep frying, and raw veggies. Asparages while one of the best tasting ones is also the most hardest F-ing veggie to fry. Especially when you have to use the small burner since the large one is broken. My feet hurt, I'm tired, but I made some pretty damn good Tempura for my first time. ^_-
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: laurifer on August 29, 2007, 09:09:38 pm
Ah well I don't really have any horror stories regarding cooking...I've made soba, tempura, okonomiyaki, onigiri, and other stuff no problem :3 Although, I need to figure out how to make my okonomiyaki a little softer...
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: superjaz on August 29, 2007, 10:35:33 pm
i can make really good teriyaki from scratch (with out the premade teriyaki sauce) and buta shogoyaki, is good
last night i made gyoza and bbq shrimp (one of kendo chris's absolute faves) and we had a little leftover steak with i did a quick simmer into some teriyaki sauce
i like to (if not of complex) make a little of a couple of differnt things for meals, its not that hard if you plan ahead like having pork chops one night and turning the leftover into bbq pork to go with some fried rice the next day
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on August 29, 2007, 11:03:04 pm
 Well since a work in a resturaunt I have a lot of cooking stories. The latest one is only funny in a ' How can anyone be so stupid ?' Kind of way.

I got stuck training one of the newbs, the newbi-est newb in the history of newbdom.

I left him alone for one minute and when I turned around hed set a plate on the hot stove.
With much cussing I ran over and shoved him away to try and move the damned plate.
I was just in time  to get hot grease-drenced plate shrapnel inbedded in my wrist ( lucky I used my ninja  reflexes to throw my arm infront of my face or it woulda hit me in the eye)

The grease burns were a HELL of a lot worse then being stabbed with shrapnel. Grease are bad mmkay?
This was almost a month ago and its still scarred pretty badly.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: TheInsanePuck on August 30, 2007, 02:16:01 am
best one I got was when I was at culinary school.... I was fabricating up some meat and everything I think I was making a roulaide and butterflying up a pork tenderloin n stuff to stuff.... well my knife hand slipped and I almost ended up with a fillet of Pucks Palm... my instructor saw it and kind of made a few jokes and yeah.... it was funny for people around me I was like... OH GOD I LOVE YOU PALM!!!
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Naleh on August 30, 2007, 11:31:12 am
Wow... that burn I got from my Tempura is still there... OH NOES MY PRECIOUS UNMARRED KNEE IS SCARRED! *overdramatic faint*
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Keenon Williams on August 30, 2007, 11:56:51 am
Cooking is so fuuuuun~ Cooking is so fuuuuun~ Now it's time to take a break and see what we have done~! *ping!* Yay! It's ready! =3

Anyway, I cook too. I cook okonomiyaki with yakisoba occasionally for my family. Always turns out great. =3
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: Syd-chan on August 30, 2007, 04:26:12 pm
Ack, one time I made these AWESOMe brownies, with all these special ingrediants in it. So, I bake it, and I'm kinda worried because it's very watery. So, I take it out after 1 HOUR[my mom said keep baking it] and it's rock solid.....

Like, ROCK solid.

Then, I realized that I forgot.....eggs....
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: jaybug on August 30, 2007, 06:42:30 pm
Puck, that reminds me of a culinary school story. One of the instructors asked me to primal cut his deer that he bagged over the weekend. So as I was doing this, I cut into an area that yellow jackets had made a home in. Lucky for me, they were still refrigerated and groggy from the deer carcass being held in the reefer overnight.

I made chili mac today for lunch. I wish I had had enough time to make corn bread too.
Title: Re: Cooking is so fun!
Post by: TheInsanePuck on August 31, 2007, 12:19:02 am
lol how lovely I would be slightly angry if I happened upon a nice gang of yellow jackets yeah...

so here comes one of my many burn stories.... one of my buddies was making croutons during class and had pieces of bread cooking on a sheet pan and so he bring it out to let them cool down I turn around and go... "hey look croutons are done...they have probably been sitting there awhile so they are good to move now" yeah they had been sitting there a total of 15 seconds I grab the sheet pan bare handed burn the bajeebus outta my hand swear alil and yeah.... got the dumb move of the day award