Convention Events and Programming => Panels & et cetera => Topic started by: Foxmouse on February 11, 2008, 08:17:37 am
OK so I ran the Suzumiya dance party last year where I taught the Hare Hare Yukai dance. I’d like to do something like that again this year because I had a ton of fun with it last year.
But my question is should I do Hare Hare again or should I find a different dance to teach? And do people have suggestions on what dance it should be?
The chicken dance?
the Hustle
lol Jaki
I'm looking for set anime dances for this one.
I'll have another panel for dance lesson type stuff.
How about the Lucky Star one?
Bring pom poms! :D
Lucky Star is one I'm thinking about.
Kinda liking the hustle idea... it has possibilities 8)
I know two dances from our gaming group, the Jewbronitron 9000 and the Fat Rat Dance.
Neither of them are that insteresting for con.
I used to know the Hamtaro dance though!
It's not much of a dance, but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHa7N-pPcc4&eurl=http://www.youtube.com/user/RontoWolf might be fun to do for a few minutes. It's a addicting song and a cute dance. xD
I'd like to learn the Lucky Star dance...I already know a little, but I may have it mirrored, ha ha....[/runs off to practise....Quietly, seeing as it's almost 1....am...]
oh i was thinking of doing something like this in '08
yhea sence k-con last year i've made dance instructions videos (like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUbxwW-knKk)
if you do get this panel could i help?
I'm already dilligently practicing Hare Hare Yukai, but I guess helping other people learn could be fun. 8) Ooh, if there was a contest for best Hare HareYukai-er, that would be absolutely epic :)
I secod the motion of *head-painful-object* though, when it comes to Lucky Star. My little sister is learning that one...and having to bear it at home is just enough for me :D
I want to learn ゛だれ が ころした コック ンロービン゛, or the "Who Killed Cock Robin?" dance.
I hear sometimes drunk salary man line up and do it en masse.
...the other dance I must learn is the OSCA dance, but I'd need three other girls to do it, and they'd have to be pro-panchira.
lol poor Mustash! You'll give yourself brain damage by doing that ya know!
I wanna learn Lucky Star but I think I would keel over if I tried to learn most of it all in one go at Kumoricon, lol. Is it going to happen though, I'd still wanna try! I didn't see it on the schedule :D
I can do a few very slowed down, very spastic steps of *Motteke! Sera Fuku!* before I begin transforming into a massive fail.
I like the bit where they make hand pistols though~
That's enough to make me want to learn it.