
Convention Events and Programming => Get Involved => Plan Your Own Adventure (archived) => Topic started by: goatchild on February 17, 2008, 07:48:09 pm

Title: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 17, 2008, 07:48:09 pm
Kind of random, but I'm curious. I know of a few people who live in or around Eugene, but I know there's more. Maybe we could plan a Eugene cosplay meet up, as opposed to going all the way up to Portland. ^^

Oh, and if you didn't know, DOWNTOWN EUGENE LOOKS JUST LIKE TWILIGHT TOWN (http://www.cosplay.com/costume/121393/)!! Like, it has so many similarities that it's creepy. For all you other KHII cosers out there. XD;; So our KHII cos group, Moochobo, is probably gonna plan a spring meet up for any other of you Eugeneiens/Twilight Towners. If you're interested. ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 17, 2008, 09:43:35 pm
hey hi~~ im from eugene!! and i need help getting up there. i havent really got my things all ready yet but if i could get a ride and/or share a room with at lest one other person, i would get it all ready and stuff. and i do agree with you about the whole downtown looking like Twilight Town! lol. so yeah!  :D
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 17, 2008, 09:50:38 pm
Hello thar! Nice to meet you! ^^ Unless I do know you and just don't know it. XD I go to Sheldon, by the way. >>

Anywho. I don't know anything about my group's rides yet, and I'm not too sure about the hotel either. We have a room, but I don't know how many people are staying in it already. XD But there is a possibility that we could help. ^^ Who all are you cosplaying as? If you are that is. >>
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 17, 2008, 09:57:27 pm
im hopeing to cosplay as Kairi (KH2) ummm, its like a b-day gift~ i understand about what you were saying. i might get a ride but i need like a plan B. im sorry to jump the gun so fast!! i was just puting that out there.   :-[
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on February 17, 2008, 10:17:34 pm
I R Pleasant Hill kid (Highschool senior).(lol my niece goes to sheldon high XD) XD I am 18, lolz. Anyway I am from just outside Eugene and I am looking to try and possibly get another anime club started up for people in the general age group of 16+ XD Sorry some animes are just not meant for little children's eyes. I just want to know if there is more interest in an anime club here in the area. If I can get a good group of people willing to do this then we can get something set up, but hey doing a cosplay get together would be so much fun! And hey if you need rides/room share deffinately post yourself something in this forum. I may or may not have room in my hotel room this year. I will be letting people know as the year progresses. XD Otherwise a gateway/valley river meet up would be fun or hitting up the comic stores... lets all get together XD I know there are totally fun things to do in town.

<3 BSB28
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 17, 2008, 10:32:25 pm
I R Pleasant Hill kid (Highschool senior).(lol my niece goes to sheldon high XD) XD I am 18, lolz. Anyway I am from just outside Eugene and I am looking to try and possibly get another anime club started up for people in the general age group of 16+ XD Sorry some animes are just not meant for little children's eyes. I just want to know if there is more interest in an anime club here in the area. If I can get a good group of people willing to do this then we can get something set up, but hey doing a cosplay get together would be so much fun! And hey if you need rides/room share deffinately post yourself something in this forum. I may or may not have room in my hotel room this year. I will be letting people know as the year progresses. XD Otherwise a gateway/valley river meet up would be fun or hitting up the comic stores... lets all get together XD I know there are totally fun things to do in town.

<3 BSB28

hey! that would be awesome!! i miss anime club! as long as the whole "fun things in town" arent bad, then i'd be up for it!! be like thoughs goth kids that hang out by the bus stop and stuff, lol!!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 17, 2008, 10:42:05 pm
@Scalehex: Not a problem! We make all sorts of plans as soon the last Kcon ends. XD Our rides just depend on parents cuz I won't be able to drive people until November, and they don't plan so early just to give rides for a weekend. : P So we'll see what happens later. ^^

@BSB28: Hello! I think someone was trying to start a Eugene anime club a while ago, but I don't know what, if anything, came of it. >> Anywho, me and my friends are all 16+, so that's not a problem for us. ^^

We haven't thought about a mall-crashing meet up... prolly cuz there's not much to do but shop, and we're all poor. XD Though Suncoast at Vally River does cosplay contests sometimes. I've never been to one though. We could always just take over the DDR machines or see a movie. XD

ANYwho, yeah. Meet ups. 5th St Market and Toshi's Ramen always rock. ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 17, 2008, 10:46:27 pm
lol! i know what you mean about the broke part!! I dont have a job as of yet, and i just sent in my cosplay requirments for sizes!! so yeah. the Mall sounds like a fun place sense its a short bike ride for me! and im super bored to death. i hope it sunny again tomorrow!! but thats beside the point!! lol
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 17, 2008, 10:48:41 pm
Yosh. Mall is easy to get to with buses and all. We could have cosplay shopping meet ups too. XD Cuz we all get our stuff from Goodwill or fabric stores. : P
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: EveofAbyss on February 17, 2008, 10:49:56 pm
Wow, that totally is Twilight Town. I can hear the music and everything! I'm no KH cosplayer, but I'd love to romp through nonetheless.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 17, 2008, 10:52:01 pm
Wow, that totally is Twilight Town. I can hear the music and everything! I'm no KH cosplayer, but I'd love to romp through nonetheless.
They do play Twilight-Town-sounding music actually. It's really creepy how similar it is. I should totally make a list. Cuz it's really long. >>
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: EveofAbyss on February 17, 2008, 11:00:16 pm
That's absolutely awesome. ^_^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 17, 2008, 11:06:26 pm
omg really? i didnt know that and i've lived here all my life!! thats awesome!!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 17, 2008, 11:17:54 pm
omg really? i didnt know that and i've lived here all my life!! thats awesome!!
Yeup. And right next to 5th St Market we've got the train station, and a mansion behind that with a hole in the fence that's THE SAME SIZE AND SHAPE OF THE ONE IN TWILIGHT TOWN. It really is completely ridiculous. XD

On top of all that, I realized the other day that my shampoo is sea-salt scented. FTW. XD;;
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on February 17, 2008, 11:24:22 pm
We really should compile a list Yagi XD and then..invade 5th street with KH cosplayers for a photoshoot of epic proportions!

I cant see it now...normal people in the market staring at us terrified and shop owners confused beyond all belief..yes.

then again its Eugene and they could think nothing of it...that would work too.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 17, 2008, 11:25:15 pm
roflmao!!!! thats great!! thats wins!!! i want to run around town now!!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on February 17, 2008, 11:38:35 pm
holler at your girl out in elmira! XDD

id totally be up for a cosplay meeting (does teh fact i cospaly as namine creep anyone else out XDD)

i never noticed that, but youre right! <3
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on February 17, 2008, 11:49:13 pm
The more the merrier!

So, this'll probably be in the spring, once the weathers a bit less...damp. (though its been nice lately).

Hm..maybe I'll bake cupcakes for everyone...

does that make you all wanna come more?! Free cupcakes? I can make Paopu cakes again..
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 17, 2008, 11:53:08 pm
The more the merrier!

So, this'll probably be in the spring, once the weathers a bit less...damp. (though its been nice lately).

Hm..maybe I'll bake cupcakes for everyone...

does that make you all wanna come more?! Free cupcakes? I can make Paopu cakes again..
Paopu cakes? that sounds cute!!!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on February 17, 2008, 11:55:58 pm
Cute and yummy! although last time they ended up being akuroku paopu cakes cause we made them on akuroku day...but they tasted good!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 17, 2008, 11:59:06 pm
yes that does make me want to come now!!! lmao!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 12:00:50 am
You know, a 5th St photo shoot can only be so much weirder than the last one. The difference being that there's a HORDE of us, not just three. XD

@bundy: We'll have to invade the mansion... very stealthily of course. XD And not get hit by trains in the process. >>
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 12:01:31 am
Cute and yummy! although last time they ended up being akuroku paopu cakes cause we made them on akuroku day...but they tasted good!
You do realize I'd have to steal the extra batter again... Me and Kaze shall make a Seifner cake OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. *rofl*
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on February 18, 2008, 12:07:45 am
silly train tracks guarding the mansion XP

@Yagi: No! ;^; no batter stealing! Ill needs it to make the cupcakes!..but Ill bake you a seifner cake on seifner day. You know..sora and riku really need a day...I dont think they have one...

So! Spring! T-Town Invasion! Ill talk to the peeps at J-club..although half of us are already in Moochobo...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 12:14:38 am
Now the real question: When the heck IS Seifner day?! o.O It could be in August since Seifer's from FF8, but I have no idea what number Hayner could be. XD;;
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on February 18, 2008, 12:23:24 am
lol its all good.. aren't all people that go to the conventions alil money challenged? I pretty much pay for the big portion of all i do at the conventions I go to right down to the hotel room. I have a job in fact I work at the cheap theater in springfield so we could totally go watch a movie but if you guys get messy I give the Cinemark staff full rights to beat you with the brooms we use to clean theaters! Lol <3 Oh yeah I had an anime club last year before sakuracon then i just got so busy things fell apart but thats alright ya know... ^_^ things happen plus it might be nice to have other people around my age group. And hey I work at the ghetto mall with the cheap theater, ross dress for less, the sword store, the crappy book store and the arcade XD. If nothing else we can go to borders and amass in their manga section in cosplay for no reason XD or fill the little cafe as we read manga XD. Not like Eugene hasn't seen strange things before!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 12:27:25 am
$1.50 movies for t3h WIN. X3 I love Gateway in all its ghetto-ness. It's sad how the crappy mall has more fun things to do than the nice one. XD;; Though we're more likely to get creepy looks at Gateway since it IS the ghetto mall. >> But it's all good! X3
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on February 18, 2008, 12:30:05 am
Hey! You work near I live! I go to those theatres all the time! sweet.
and its so true...Eugene lives with hippies everyday of the week, so whats a bunch of cosplayers? XP

but yes, even when Im dressed normal I get strange looks at that mall XD but they have the best smoothies...

Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on February 18, 2008, 12:42:02 am
100% fresh and natural has the best smoothies in town.... totally for the win! Yeah I work tomorrow but you guys won't see me much because I am cleaning up the crap other people leave behind. 4-8 so yeah so see a movie. Monday is family night so if 3 or more of you go see the same flick then you get in for fifty cents a person. Oh and August Rush and Across the Universe will be leaving friday so go see it before them before they disappear if that is your thing. Also! Wednesday is dollar night, everybody gets in for a dollar. Oh and we have a sweet deal on mondays as well besides the cheaper cheap price... we have mini boxes of popcorn with the itty bitty movie meal drink that is part of the 2.50 kiddie combo that is cheap and good if you just want alittle bit of popcorn... otherwise its just good to sneak drinks in and just buy a big bag of popcorn to share amongst friends, but bring a couple of bags so that you can get your refill then and there so you dont have to get more during the movie. I really shouldnt say its ok to sneak crap in... cause I usually end up being the person who cleans it up but hey my rule " IF YOU SNEAK STUFF IN PLEASE BE NICE AND TAKE IT BACK OUT/THROW IT AWAY." Sorry I have gotten things from soda cans to spit cups (tobacco chew), and from carls junior buns stuck to the floor to candy wrappers that cover a good square foot of floor space in their shiney glory. Its really not cool to clean up some of this stuff. I don't get paid enough to touch some of the stuff I touch! 0.0
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 18, 2008, 12:46:39 am
let there be sunshine!!!!!!! then we all can hang out and be like "yes to cosplay!!!!!!!"
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 01:10:25 am
Ugh. I'd hate to work at a movie theater. >.o And if I didn't have Drama tomorrow I would so take advantage of Family night! XD We should so do that as one giant cosplay group some time. And then clean up everything CUZ WE RAWK LIKE THAT. ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on February 18, 2008, 01:13:20 am
@Goatchild: Indeed we would half to! but itd have to be all, shush shush XD

@Sugarbear: that disturbed my mind a little bit,

i mean why on EARTH would you bring chewing tobacco into a movie theater? thats just gross.

I cant wait for this to happenXDD i think id have to fux up my namine dress first.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 01:22:20 am
Hee. I have to restyle my super saiyan wig. And find my Hayner shirt. Cuz I have no idea where it went. I think it's in my room somewhere... >>
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on February 18, 2008, 01:23:10 am
Ill probably be either Sora, Roxas or Street Sora or Street Roxas XP whichever I finish first!

well, technically sora is done...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on February 18, 2008, 01:24:08 am
@goatchild: are you a believer in the "the floor is the biggest shelf in your house" theory? XDD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 01:27:39 am
@Bundy: I am the QUEEN of that theory. I had to sleep on the couch in the living room in elementary school because there was so much stuff on my floor that I had to start putting things on my bed. I have yet to see a room messier than that. XD But yes, all of my cosplays are scattered into two or three random piles, but I think the Hayner shirt got separated. >> The rest of the junk is organized, though! I know where everything is (except my shirt), it's just not where it's supposed to be. XD;;
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on February 18, 2008, 01:57:11 am
goat I beg to differ... my room is probably worse... not as much now... but there tends to be like six inches of clear space before you had to leap to the small clear space on the bed in which other things usually fell on top of you if you have any clear space on the bed at all... but a majority of the junk now is movie posters and such... i have alot from the last year and a half ive worked for the cheap theater... not to mention i have a massive collection of plushies that a girl like me wouldn't appear to have XD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on February 18, 2008, 02:05:39 am
not that im proud, but my entire house is like that, Soo~ i win this lil contest of ours XDD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on February 18, 2008, 10:15:59 am
Soo, Yagi and I wrote that list of reasons why Eugene is Twilight Town!
Some are kinda weird..but still true...to some extent.

Eugene=Twilight Town

1)Clock Tower
2)Train station
4)Hole that leads to mansion
5)5th Street Font
6)Colour scheme
7)BG music
8)Inspirational Quotes KH-ified
9)all within walking distance/few cars
10)Functioning Trains and broken trains
11)Close to the ocean
12)The “haunted” steps
13)Everyone is weird/strange fashion
14)Not-gangs (like Seifer’s “gang”)
15)The Back Ally at 5th Street
16)Small but AMAZINGLY FUN town
17)Lots of local shops
18)Fair grounds = Sandlot
19)Roman numeral clocks everywhere
20)Skinner’s Butte = Sunset Hill
22)Lots of gay people (coughAXELcough)
23)People see things that others don’t (cuz they’re on drugs >> )
24)Just a train ride away from Hallow Bastion (aka Portland)

Feel free to add to our list! or..if you need explinations on some things, cause..Yagi got a little weird.

But yes! Here are our logical and somewhat vague reasons why Eugene is T-Town!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 10:32:16 am
I don't think we should have a messy-house contest. Cuz I don't have any proof that mine was horrible. >.o It was though. >>

Oh, so me thinks I will rollerblade all day as Hayner. Cuz apparently someone last year was blading all day, so unless this hotel has some other policy or something, me thinks I'm good. XD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on February 18, 2008, 12:51:01 pm
goat what hotel will you be rollerblading at? If we are talking about the con hotel I'd should probably ask you not to since there are liability issues that get really messy when someone gets hurt. I'm not saying that you would get hurt but if it did happen we wouldn't want to be the ones to blame for not saying anything to you...(sorry ish staff and has to say it)
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on February 18, 2008, 01:56:31 pm
im a firm believer in the "portland has sidewalks" theory, so you dont necessarily have to rollerblade INSIDE the hotel >w<

that list is so amazingly accurate XDD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 18, 2008, 06:38:54 pm
Yesh, I am aware of the liability issues. I probably won't blade in the hotel. But apparently someone was last year. An Air Gear coser I think. >> Anywho, my shoes slip on anyway, so it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to switch on and off. Assuming I get roller blades instead of a skateboard. : P
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on February 18, 2008, 11:34:41 pm
<3 thank you for being so understanding. I really appriciate it... makes my life alot easier XD

Oh yeah it was insane tonight at the theater... we have alot of kids movies (the bee movie, the veggie tales movie, the water horse, enchanted, and the golden compass) so we had alot of moms with all the kids in today. Which means really messy theaters. We got done fairly quickly with most of the theaters considering there were five of us cleaning, but still it really wasn't fun. People really shouldnt bring alcoholic beverages into the theater either.. it smells bad and isnt fun to have to clean up.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 19, 2008, 12:19:51 am
More and more reasons why I never plan work in a movie theater... XD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on February 19, 2008, 10:12:09 am
lol its not that bad it could be much worse... i could be working at a restaurant getting my butt slapped by guys... well that wouldn't probably happen to me but still, i could have it much worse. ^_^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Kirakins on February 19, 2008, 11:02:59 am
Hey everyone! I'm not from Eugene but it is -much- closer and -much- more do-able than Portland. I would really like to come up to meet some new friends and people that might remember me from last year. I will probably bring Roxas, and maybe Kairi. This sounds like fun. :)
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Brendan2 on February 19, 2008, 11:15:51 am
i go to churchill in eugene me and my friend both went up as akatsukis
i was tobi at last kon i was only 1 with a real mask :P
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 19, 2008, 07:37:56 pm
Yay~!! The more the merrier! We'll totally take over Eugene! XD I can see us now, all cramming into a bus or walking around the mall in cosplay... XD;;
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on February 19, 2008, 10:48:20 pm
@kira: My Kairi! I cant wait to see you there! >w< it shalt be amazing!

heck yeah akatsuki! >w< would be so funny having a bunch of kingdom hearts people and amazing akatsukis at the mall >w<
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 19, 2008, 11:03:49 pm
Instead of Org coats, we have Akatsuki coats. Yes. XD We should totally ask the Akatsuki at Kcon if they wanna switch coats for a pic. Cuz it would be hilarious. XD;;
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on February 19, 2008, 11:12:33 pm
i would laugh so hard, not even kidding!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Scalehex on February 19, 2008, 11:13:21 pm
Kairi Kairi!! there will be two!! hahaha >3
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on February 19, 2008, 11:18:51 pm
Kairi Kairi!! there will be two!! hahaha >3
More like three or four. XD And that's just the ones we know of. Silly Kairi, being so popular. : P
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Kirakins on February 20, 2008, 09:44:16 am
Kairi is popular cuz she's so cute and lovable! >.> I support Het as well as Yaoi :D

@Bundy: Haha yay! We should get some pics together, for sure :)
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on February 20, 2008, 07:10:08 pm
Theres also going to be a lot of Roxas from what I can tell! Maybe Ill do my Street Style Roxas instead of normal T-town..or Sora...but my need to be Roxas in T-town is so great!

Bah, I'll be street style, yo.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Briar on March 01, 2008, 07:02:42 pm
I dunno if I would be able to pull together a KH costume by then, considering my money at the moment =$0...... But when you guys do this, I will be there to take pictures! I do have some costumes I could wear, just not KH. Maybe I could pull off a quick Roxas though.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on March 02, 2008, 07:39:22 pm
Meh. I may not cos either. Unless I do my lame Xigbar again. XD Cept it'd be with half of the white/blond streaks pink. >> But whatever! XD I'll also be joining the $0 club. Cuz I really fail at the whole saving-money-for-cosplay thing. XD;;

Oh! babysugarbear28! Me and Hashi totally know Tiki! XD She was talking about her Kcon friend who works at Movies 12 one morning and we were like, "OMG WE KNOW HER!" It was pretty silly. XD;; Though I suppose there could be some other anime fan who works at Movies 12 and knows Tiki and isn't you. That is very much a possibility. >>
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on March 03, 2008, 01:05:41 am
Nah... just me XD... Omgz my bf goes to Churchill XD *giggle giggle* my life has gotten so much better since the Asian Celebration... I've now got a loving boyfriend who is gonna go to Kcon with me and more good friends that are loving and <3 -^_^- I am just so happy *beams with happiness*
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on March 03, 2008, 09:17:31 pm
YAY~ for happiness! The world needs more of that! X3

So, what schools does everyone go to if they're still in school? Not that you have to say if you don't want to, but me and Hashi obviously go to Sheldon. I'd almost bet that someone in this thread knows someone else and just doesn't know it. XD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on March 03, 2008, 10:45:29 pm
Elmira High School para mi ^_^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on March 04, 2008, 09:49:04 pm
XD yeah so for once Yagi isnt posting for me! Um, I go to sheldon XP

Oh! but I got my roxas wig and its almost all styled~ so, if the whole outfit isnt done by then, I should have chaps and/or the tank.

I would do sora or dancer, but..sora wig kills people and scares small children, and dancer well..dancer isnt done and if it was it would scare small children and Id probably be arrested XP go masked spandex wearing figures in public spaces!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Briar on March 06, 2008, 04:27:55 pm
I go to the Network Charter School. Right in the middle of downtown.

Dude, going around dressed like a danceer would be so fricken entertaining! Especialy for people with you.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on March 10, 2008, 09:24:34 pm
Pleasant Hill High School lolz... XD hey you sheldon kids.. do you know a girl on the dance team by the name of Krystal? She is really itty bitty, long dark brown hair, half mexi/halfwhite?

Lolz... thats my niece XD too bad the force was not strong with that one... she isnt an anime fan
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on March 11, 2008, 10:31:51 pm
Pleasant Hill High School lolz... XD hey you sheldon kids.. do you know a girl on the dance team by the name of Krystal? She is really itty bitty, long dark brown hair, half mexi/halfwhite?

Lolz... thats my niece XD too bad the force was not strong with that one... she isnt an anime fan

I think I know WHO she is but I don't really know her. : P YAY~ for random relatives! Even if they don't like anime. XD;;
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Darknight2433 on March 12, 2008, 08:29:18 am
Ogden, but don't tell me parents I said that. =o I'm almost in the Oregon City highschool. YEAH!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: SailorPiglet on March 17, 2008, 11:58:13 pm
Hi everyone! I'm a freshman at the UO and I graduated last year from Springfield. That eugene anime club you guys were talking about I think was started by one of my bffs, Illaura Rossiter. We had wanted to have a convention locally, but those plans didn't work, which is why it ended. I'd be totally up for going around town. I don't have anything to cosplay as, but I'm sure I can make up a costume from mine/my friends closests.

I must agree, Eugene is just a hippie version of Twinkle Town(that's what I call Twilight Town. When I first saw the name I said Twinkle Town and it just sort of stuck).
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on March 18, 2008, 10:09:04 pm
I started one (anime club) a while ago... it fell through.. not enough interest... I figure I will mess around with this one after I get back from Sakuracon..
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: SailorPiglet on March 18, 2008, 11:10:00 pm
The "club" fell apart, but I think that you should contact Illaura @ SHS and see if you guys could come up with something to do. The Anime Club @ SHS is falling apart, so hopefully it'll bring some kind of hope back to the club.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on April 22, 2008, 01:36:27 pm
Yare yare! I've lived here my whole life and I never realized just how much 5th street looks like Twilight Town! And howleeshiz, you're right, they DO play Twilight Town music!

Hey, if I join in on this, can we raid the Candy Baron and get hyped up on sugar? I still need to get a wig for KH2 Kairi, but my Demyx wig has recently been overhauled and I don't wanna wait all summer to wear it!

Only thing is- wait, the mansion has a Twilight Town-ish hole in its fence? SINCE WHEN?

Lawl, we can sneak across the highway and go take pictures in front of the EWEB fountain.

... Oak Hill School FTW.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on April 22, 2008, 09:06:57 pm
Only thing is- wait, the mansion has a Twilight Town-ish hole in its fence? SINCE WHEN?

Since I while I think: http://www.cosplay.com/photo/1363224/ X3;;
And YAY~ more people! We really should start planning a meet up now that it's kinda-sorta getting warmer. Cept I won't be free till the last week of May, but that just gives us more time to plan! ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on April 22, 2008, 10:55:22 pm
I wanna go, gaiz. :-O
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on April 23, 2008, 09:15:30 am
goatchild, that is epic. I remember that hole now! I thought you meant a hole in one of the retaining walls up closer. That right there is technically a hole in the Amtrack station's fence.

As for a date, how about June 14th? I get out of school the day before, and it's a Saaaaaturday! If not, the 31st of May, June 7th...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: SailorPiglet on April 23, 2008, 01:29:29 pm
I think I can do the 14th. It's a little early to tell, because it's the first weekend after I move out of the dorms for the summer, but I'm up for it. First saturday of SUMMER!!!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on April 23, 2008, 02:16:05 pm
goatchild, that is epic. I remember that hole now! I thought you meant a hole in one of the retaining walls up closer. That right there is technically a hole in the Amtrack station's fence.

Yesh, it is the train station, but that just makes it even MORE Twilight Town-y! XD;;

June 14th seems to look good. Technically Sheldon has three more days of school after that, but it's not like we'll have any homework (unless our teachers hate us). And it'll almost deffinitely be warmer by then!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on April 23, 2008, 07:22:52 pm
All of a sudden, I don't have Riku-like urges to travel the cosmos and be anywhere but Eugene. This place is pretty epic, in all its Twilight Town-y goodness.

Ordered my Riku wig! It'll definitely be here by June, but if I have a chance I'll definitely wear my Org XIII hoodie to 5th Street next time I go.

Psssh on Sheldon ending on the 18th. My school ends on Friday the freakin' 13th. How epic is that? Of course mine's also the private school from hell...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on April 23, 2008, 08:43:13 pm
And you're prolly all gonna die cuz it's the 13th and all! XD And YAY~ for Org coats in June! Even more die-age~! XD;;
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on April 23, 2008, 10:07:44 pm
Ah, but this is the Org HOODIE of doom, so if anything I'll just pass out from heatstroke and the paramedics will wonder what the hell I'm doing with a silver wig and a blindfold.

Hmmm... The senior prank at my school is always a bit odd, maybe this year it'll be terribly gruesome and attack us! Last year they mopped the linoleum floors with Vaseline, took all the tables and tied them together with balloons, and took all the tables from the science lab and barricaded themselves in the Upper School building. The year before they made cardboard cut-outs of themselves, dressed them up in their clothes and put pictures of their faces on the heads, and then put them in random windows. A lot of the school's chairs ended up on the roof, too... Friday the 13th will probably kill everyone at my school... Both years they hit the principal with pies and filled the staircase up to his office with balloons.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: TurboSaiyanJason on April 24, 2008, 02:29:02 pm
Hee. I have to restyle my super saiyan wig. And find my Hayner shirt. Cuz I have no idea where it went. I think it's in my room somewhere... >>

A super saiyan wig...? What would you be willing to sell it for? I may need to get one for Trunks cosplay, or, since it's KH in Eugene, I might appear as good old Cloud.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on April 24, 2008, 11:39:08 pm
Hee. I have to restyle my super saiyan wig. And find my Hayner shirt. Cuz I have no idea where it went. I think it's in my room somewhere... >>

A super saiyan wig...? What would you be willing to sell it for? I may need to get one for Trunks cosplay, or, since it's KH in Eugene, I might appear as good old Cloud.

Sorry, I need it for Hayner. ^^; But you're still welcome to come to the meet up anyway! It's always fun to have a Cloud! X3
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on April 25, 2008, 08:30:53 pm
Wheee! we actually have a good gathering it seems like!

and yosh, sayda I will definately drag you down here >:3
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on April 28, 2008, 08:18:48 pm
Hey, guess what! I totally have the ACT on June 14th! And I have the SAT on the 7th! XD;; I could still hang out with y'all afterwards, of course. Just letting ya'll know. XD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Briar on May 01, 2008, 04:24:47 pm
The 14th sounds good. It's so far away! :( I don't have any KH costumes, but I have a nice camera and will take lots of pictures!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: SailorPiglet on May 01, 2008, 06:02:35 pm
I'm not sure who I'm gonna cosplay as. I'll prolly just throw something together from my closet and be Tohru, I think. Maybe Kairi... or Namine...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 02, 2008, 10:51:10 am
So, for a sooner meetup, who's interested in seeing the Death Note movie? Cuz I'm definitely going, and it'd be awesome to go as a huge group, with or without cosplay. ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on May 02, 2008, 01:32:30 pm
Huuuuge meet-up of Kingdom Hearts people at a Death Note movie showing? How epic would that be? We'd probably beat out all the Death Note cosplayers for attendance. I'd love to go! I plan on seeing it anyway, so why don't we all just go in costume and meet up? We won't have to ask random people if they're part of the group since we'll all be in costume!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 02, 2008, 02:06:07 pm
We don't necessarily need to be in KH cosplay, but yeah, that would be fun. XD Now the real question: What theater should we see it at? I know babysugarbear and some others are seeing it at the Cinemark in Gateway. Cosplaying at Gateway wouldn't be quite as hilarious as cosplaying at VRC, but still. XP It's also closer to where some of my friends live, so it would prolly be easier to get to for me. Whatever works, though. ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on May 02, 2008, 10:20:21 pm
Gateway won't be as packed, too. VRC would be funnier, but their concessions are 'spensive as all hell. I likes cheap concessions and the well-worn DDR machine of doom.

And I didn't mean just KH cosplay! Anything would be epic fun, even Naruto stuff. Heck, even Death Note for the lulz.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on May 03, 2008, 03:43:35 am
lol my minions get together an army of L's


That would make for epic win!!!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 13, 2008, 10:27:35 am
So, for Death Note, who all is planning on going? I think me and my friends are prolly gonna go Tuesday at the Gateway Cinemark. We'll prolly have to buy tickets soon, though, cuz I have no idea how popular it's gonna be. >>

As for the June 14th meetup, I won't actually be able to make it, which makes me sad. But that's all the more reason for more of us to meet up at Death Note! ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on May 13, 2008, 10:40:40 am
I'll see if I can get my mom to let me go to Death Note on Tuesday, it sounds like fun. Just for the heck of it I'll be, like... Konan or someone from Naruto. Maybe emo!Riku with my Org hoodie.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 13, 2008, 09:01:28 pm
Yeah, I'll prolly be Xigbar since he's one of my easiest cosplays XD;
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on May 13, 2008, 09:02:33 pm
If Hashi finishes my wig, I'll play as casual Axel?
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 13, 2008, 09:10:05 pm
If Hashi finishes my wig, I'll play as casual Axel?

...yeah, I doubt it'll be done by then. >> But you should still come! ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on May 13, 2008, 09:41:45 pm
We want to finish it when I visit next.
Which means I get to sit there for a few hours. ~ ~
You and Steven will be my source for entertainment.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on May 16, 2008, 03:17:08 pm
so the meeting is at the gatewall mall movie theater on May 20th?

how much are tickets, and what time exactly? Cause if i have the specifics, youll have a naminé.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on May 17, 2008, 01:21:45 am
Lol yay i get to go tuesday cause i work wednesday >.< oh well sounds fun XD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 17, 2008, 12:10:32 pm
@bundy: Tuesday May 20th at 7:30. I bought tickets online for $10 each, but I don't know how much they are at the theater.

@BSB28: Wait, so you are going on Tuesday, or you aren't? I so confused XD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on May 19, 2008, 01:10:23 am
yes i am going tuesday.... anybody up for the bleach movie next month 0.0
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 19, 2008, 02:28:34 pm
Awesome possum. Me and Hashi and another friend will totally see you there! ^^ We prolly won't go see Bleach, though. Not the biggest fan of that series. : P Though actually I'm not a big fan of Death Note either. I've just wanted to see the movie. XD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on May 20, 2008, 04:50:26 pm
I'm going and I'm wearing my Org hoodie and bringing my blindfold... But no amount of cajoling will get my mum to let me wear the wig with it, I'll bet. So Emo!Riku it is, just for the heck of it. I challenge anyone that gets there early in cosplay to a DDR match of epic proportions!

Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 21, 2008, 02:13:27 pm
So, me and Hashi only saw BSB28 there. Did any one else make it or did we just miss each other? (Me and Hashi were playing DDR before the movie if you saw us : P )

Oh, and who all is planning to come to the June 14th meetup? Cuz I can't come, and I don't think Hashi or Sayda can (could be wrong though >> ). If other people are still going, that's awesome, but I think we should plan another meetup as well. ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on May 21, 2008, 02:43:34 pm
<3 It was so good to see you all!!! I dunno about the bleach movie, I might go see it though, sounds kinda fun! I need to brush up on my bleach knowledge though
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on May 22, 2008, 04:23:46 am
Due to some tight money situations, we werent able to go and afford the 10dollar tickets  plus gas and everything @.@

sorry i missed yall!

the june 14th one should be fine for me though...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on May 22, 2008, 12:13:14 pm
The 14th is when this meetup's scheduled, right?
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on May 22, 2008, 05:46:07 pm
T_T Paper didn't get finished. But trust me, if I'd been there you would've noticed me. I think cat ears and Aerith hair does that to people.

But the June 14th thing should be fine on my side.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on May 22, 2008, 06:10:37 pm
I think I will come to this meetup.
The June 15th meetup was canceled, since that's Father's Day.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 22, 2008, 08:49:24 pm
@Richie: That sucks. Sorry you couldn't make it! >.<

Yar, stupid ACT, can't make it to the June 14th meet up. -.- But I will meet you all sometime! We will have another meetup! Sometime this summer...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: IrukaSensei on May 26, 2008, 12:43:12 pm
-makes a peace sign- I know I am not a Kingdom Hearts Cosplayer, but would good old Turk be welcome? -hopes people at lease REMEMBER her- Since I have friends in Eugene, some of you buggers at least gotta remember me -pouts-. Come on guys... have people already forgotten Turk? My Sora and Riku should remember me!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 27, 2008, 02:26:22 pm
Hallo thar Turk! We remember you~! I would totally say that you should come except that I won't be there, so I can't help you with a place to stay. >.o But still, t'would be fun!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: IrukaSensei on May 27, 2008, 02:57:06 pm
Yeahhh it twould!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on May 28, 2008, 11:03:17 am
I would need somewhere to stay if I went, Yagi. ~ ~
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on May 28, 2008, 12:10:14 pm
*Random day* How about July 12th?
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: IrukaSensei on May 28, 2008, 04:21:24 pm
Still would need a place to stay...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 28, 2008, 07:45:58 pm
@Sayda and Turk: Unfortunately, my apt manager has decided that I can't have friends spend the night with me unless I turn 18 or there's an older adult there. >.o So... can't help with a place to stay. Unless you wanna drive out to the country to stay at my house. XD;;

As for the random date of July 12th, I'll actually be in town then, so if anyone else wants to meet up then, that might work. >>
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on May 28, 2008, 07:49:40 pm
Did they just tell you that after this weekend?
Maybe the people upstairs complained about the bathroom fan. :-O
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: IrukaSensei on May 30, 2008, 02:14:58 pm
-raises hand- I'm 19... would that count?
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 31, 2008, 06:26:38 pm
Yes, it was just this weekend, but they wouldn't tell us when the complaints were from. Prolly cuz I was playing Rock Band so late. XD And the adult needs to be either my parents or me after I turn 18. So unless my parents wanna spend the night with us, we can't sleep at the apt anymore. : P We can still keep and do stuff there, though. As long as we're not too loud (and keep the fan off XD).
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on May 31, 2008, 06:37:15 pm
You should have lied about your age.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on May 31, 2008, 06:44:40 pm
I didn't talk to them, my dad did, and they know that my parents are the only adults on the lease. Otherwise I would've. >.o
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Sayda on May 31, 2008, 10:39:38 pm
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on June 01, 2008, 10:18:55 pm
So, did we want to change the date of the meet up to sometime in July? Im kinda confused..July would work better for me though, i dunno about everyone else
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on June 02, 2008, 02:04:25 pm
I think most people are going to the June 14th one. We're just planning the next one for July 12th-ish. So they're both happening as far as I know. : P
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on June 02, 2008, 06:13:27 pm
Eepers . I really wanted to go to the June one but were still in school and I just found out about a big project due the 16th and finals so i probably wont be able to go..regardless of no one else in my group really being able to go XP
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: babysugarbear28 on June 03, 2008, 01:40:31 am
awwww i can't make the bleach movie.. im gonna be out of town... looks like you kids will have to be the cool kids there and spread the word about kumoricon.... just don't do anything illegal...
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on June 03, 2008, 02:11:21 pm
Ooh, so the one on the 14th is still happening? Goody! I'm at my dad's that weekend, so I'll bring my Deep Dive Riku because my dad has my keyblade anyway.

And don't be surprised if I show up all covered in little pieces of Foamular, or Foamular dust. I'll have been working my sitar probably right up until it's time to go to the meet-up.

Speaking of which, was a time ever decided? Or do we just show up and hope we don't miss each other?
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: IrukaSensei on June 04, 2008, 12:52:52 am
I will be unable to attend any meetups >.< Until I start making some more moneyssssss Hashi knows I was gonna try and join the military, but that was scrapped, because seriously going to Iraq? Not happening. Not that I don't support my country and all but the LAST thing they need is me over there. Think about it >.. Otaku girl from hell with a gun? What sorta scenarios go through your head? I would end up dressing up as Seras Victoria(Hellsing) or something and shooting my enemies with a Rocket launcher or something. Who the **** knows, but yeah XD me plus Iraq equals weirded out flks. ANYWAYS! Yeh... I have a meetup for friday if anyones parents will let them swing it. It's gonna be at the Waterfront village in downtown portland. Meet up starts at Four-Thirty, but it won't be hard to find us, and its only five dollars to get int. I was hoping to have people there a little later so we can take some prettiful night time pictures x3
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on June 14, 2008, 07:36:29 pm
So... did the meetup even end up happening today? XD I was in Portland all day so I wasn't able to come to begin with, but I'm wondering if any of the rest of ya'll managed to get together. :3

Also, as for a July meetup, how about sometime between July 8th (Tue) and 11th (Fri)? Kind of random dates, but I'll be busy the 6th and 7th, and I think nintendiehard and maybe Babysugarbear are gonna be out of town the 12th. Could be wrong though. >> ANYway, what do the rest of ya'll think about any of those dates? ^^
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on June 14, 2008, 08:43:11 pm
I wouldn't know if it didn't happen, I didn't go. But with good reason! I got a lot done on my Sitar.
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on June 18, 2008, 09:53:57 pm
i was visiting my dad and babysitting, i wasnt able to go atall. -sadface-
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on June 19, 2008, 10:15:15 pm
I'm guessing it didn't happen then. XD So then, what about July? Anyone?
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Hashi on June 20, 2008, 09:37:21 pm
I really do hope we can have a gettogether up and running for July! Its a shame the June one didnt work out, but we can still shoot for another! Everyone should be out of school and stuff by then so I think theres probably a better chance of it working out for people!

I also think cosplay should be optional, shoot, i know mine probably wont be totally done by then, but I'll probably come in my Roxas wig and stuff. The point should be to have fun and hang with peeps before the con! and eat Ramen...mmm ramen.

so yeah, any July dates good/bad for people?
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: Bundyangel on June 22, 2008, 02:54:54 am
um well im good except for july 2nd and the last two weeks of july.

OMG we should try and do it on the fourth of july.

can you imagine a bunhc of KH cosplayers running around with sparklers and champagne poppers?! Its like the best photoshoot ever waiting to happen XDD
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on June 22, 2008, 01:12:04 pm
Can't go, I'll be at the Oregon Coas... Wait, I'll be setting off mortars at Autzen Stadium! We should all get together in that parking lot by Rosevelt MS and watch the Ems fireworks on the 2nd, actually! That'd be fun!
Title: Re: Anyone live in the Eugene area? Wanna meet up at Twilight Town?
Post by: goatchild on June 25, 2008, 08:21:19 pm
I won't be here July 3-7 or 19-27. XP I vote sometime between the 8th and 11th. I'll be busy getting ready to leave on the 2nd, so I won't be able to stay in town very late if at all (I live in Elmira).