
Convention Events and Programming => Cosplay => Topic started by: sk_chan on April 07, 2008, 02:50:38 pm

Title: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on April 07, 2008, 02:50:38 pm

Once the con rolls around I'll organize a shoot.

I'm cosplaying Komui and in my group will be Allen, Rabi, Kanda, Rinali and Klaud/Cloud Nine.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sekitan bun on April 08, 2008, 07:54:35 pm
I'm going as Kanda for one of them I know that, I was kanda to S-con so I'll be using my cosplay, it's the second uniform (pleather)
but can't wait to see you there! I have a Lavi and Allen.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on April 08, 2008, 10:54:27 pm
Neato. I'm glad someone replied, haha, I was getting a little worried for a second...

I'm desperately in need of a Rinali~ ;3; I hope one comes...
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Higuma on April 09, 2008, 10:13:10 am
I will probably be the Earl of the Millenium
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Etchy on April 10, 2008, 05:17:34 pm
I will be probably cosplaying as Lavi I cosplayed with Sekitan Bun (Yeah you know excatly who this is) Its just I might not be cosplaying as him for long because I get soaked in sweat in that costume.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on April 14, 2008, 08:23:52 am
Ah, we got a Rinali! I'll update the board.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Chek on April 30, 2008, 03:53:28 pm
I can probably drag my Earl costume back out for the photoshoot. Dunno if you saw me last year, I was the one with the birdhouse on my hat.

Want me to?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on May 01, 2008, 06:50:16 pm
I can probably drag my Earl costume back out for the photoshoot. Dunno if you saw me last year, I was the one with the birdhouse on my hat.

Want me to?
I might've seen you at the shoot.

Sure thing. The more the merrier. ;)
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: 43 on May 06, 2008, 06:54:11 pm
I'm not sure if my Allen's coming though.
I'm amazed she was able to carry me at S-con.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on May 18, 2008, 12:31:38 pm
Pretty sure my group's going to be doing D.Gray for this year (my first year, their second, if I'm correct). I'm sure there will be a spoiler!Tyki, almost certain there will be a Cross (though I'm not sure if it'll be first or spoiler version), maybe an Earl, and as for me, I'm going to try to get my Komui cos together -- if not, I'll just pull Road back out, or (slim chance) pre-exorcist Miranda, if I decide to finish her instead.

So yeah.  I rather expect we'll be there.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sekitan bun on June 02, 2008, 10:38:45 pm
Ugh.. I just remembered...my Kanda wig.
I was going to ask where I can get a new nice wig or how I can put my fricken hair up on the one I have into that ponytail!
I just let it slide last con, but this time I want to make sure it stays up...any suggestions?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Oni Kitsune on June 03, 2008, 12:12:08 am
Ugh.. I just remembered...my Kanda wig.
I was going to ask where I can get a new nice wig or how I can put my fricken hair up on the one I have into that ponytail!
I just let it slide last con, but this time I want to make sure it stays up...any suggestions?

Wowwigs.com has awesome wigs. But they're a tiny bit pricey.

In anycase I'll be one of the many Lavi's roaming about, but in the original costume because I'm not brave enough for the pleather. u.u

Was there a day you were considering for the photos? I'll only be cosplaying Lavi one day, and mostly because I'll be doing a DGM panel. *shamelessly plugging*
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 03, 2008, 09:45:07 pm
Ugh.. I just remembered...my Kanda wig.
I was going to ask where I can get a new nice wig or how I can put my fricken hair up on the one I have into that ponytail!
I just let it slide last con, but this time I want to make sure it stays up...any suggestions?

Wowwigs.com has awesome wigs. But they're a tiny bit pricey.

In anycase I'll be one of the many Lavi's roaming about, but in the original costume because I'm not brave enough for the pleather. u.u

Was there a day you were considering for the photos? I'll only be cosplaying Lavi one day, and mostly because I'll be doing a DGM panel. *shamelessly plugging*

Well, we're doing our D. Gray-Man group only on Sunday, so that's what I was thinking.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Oni Kitsune on June 05, 2008, 07:40:57 am
Hmmm... Well I'll at least drop by to take pics of you guys, I'll be cosplaying Pein on Sunday. u.u
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 05, 2008, 03:08:07 pm
Hmmm... Well I'll at least drop by to take pics of you guys, I'll be cosplaying Pein on Sunday. u.u


We might have two shoots if we can get enough people to each.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sekitan bun on June 06, 2008, 12:27:22 pm
Ugh.. I just remembered...my Kanda wig.
I was going to ask where I can get a new nice wig or how I can put my fricken hair up on the one I have into that ponytail!
I just let it slide last con, but this time I want to make sure it stays up...any suggestions?

Wowwigs.com has awesome wigs. But they're a tiny bit pricey.

In anycase I'll be one of the many Lavi's roaming about, but in the original costume because I'm not brave enough for the pleather. u.u

Was there a day you were considering for the photos? I'll only be cosplaying Lavi one day, and mostly because I'll be doing a DGM panel. *shamelessly plugging*
Hmm... I'll have to think about what day I'll be him, I haven't decided O.o
I'm thinking about doing a lazy cosplay, like something I don't have to be so straight laced just to be it.
Like my Kanda cosplay I have to bind my chest and die of heat stroke, and my Axel cosplay I have to show my forehead (I've never liked showing my forehead) and bind my chest for that too....
I think I'll actually cosplay a girl for once, though I don't like the idea of it, I'd be able to let myself out more (like the chest area XD)
I'll probably switch between cosplay in the middle of the days :3
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Oni Kitsune on June 06, 2008, 06:18:06 pm
XD I'm going to end up doing that once for sure, maybe twice. XD

But I was looking for Saturday D Gray-man cosplayers since that's the day I'm doing the panel. I was hoping if I could find enough to maybe beg them into trying to do a bit of a game for my panel since I agreed to do it for 2 hrs. /sweat
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 06, 2008, 06:39:33 pm
XD I'm going to end up doing that once for sure, maybe twice. XD

But I was looking for Saturday D Gray-man cosplayers since that's the day I'm doing the panel. I was hoping if I could find enough to maybe beg them into trying to do a bit of a game for my panel since I agreed to do it for 2 hrs. /sweat

Well, I dunno. It'd be fun to be in a panel, but I'd have to talk to the group about it. XD;
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Oni Kitsune on June 09, 2008, 03:15:55 pm
No pressure. I can figure something else out if you guys dun wanna. But thanks for considering it. ^^
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 09, 2008, 04:50:32 pm
No pressure. I can figure something else out if you guys dun wanna. But thanks for considering it. ^^

I sent an e-mail and got a reply. She says they think it'd be awesome to be a part of your panel (although they haven't started on their costumes yet, but she insists they'll be done by the con, lol).

What's this sort of "game" you're talking about, though?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Senket on June 13, 2008, 06:50:42 pm
*does not understand how people get emailed but I, who goes to school with you, is not told about this at all!* *criez*

...what sort of panel neways? O.o
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 13, 2008, 10:09:03 pm
*does not understand how people get emailed but I, who goes to school with you, is not told about this at all!* *criez*

...what sort of panel neways? O.o

HAHA, well I knew you'd find out about it eventually~ <3 fufufu.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Senket on June 16, 2008, 01:07:02 am

HAHA, well I knew you'd find out about it eventually~ <3 fufufu.

...you're all jerks.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 16, 2008, 08:44:28 am

HAHA, well I knew you'd find out about it eventually~ <3 fufufu.

...you're all jerks.

Aww, that hurts~ D:
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Oni Kitsune on June 18, 2008, 05:31:55 pm
XD It was gonna just be a manga discussion, but I'm not a massive awesome speaker so I was hoping to eat time with a trivia game or something like that. I'm open to suggestions if you guys have any.

As for my ideas as far as the trivia deal go I was thinking along the lines of splitting the audience into two groups as well as the cosplayers into 2 groups and having the audience answer trivia questions. The group with the least answers, their cosplayers, will have to do some sort of punishment.

I haven't a freaking idea about what to do past that. u.u
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 19, 2008, 12:49:50 pm
XD It was gonna just be a manga discussion, but I'm not a massive awesome speaker so I was hoping to eat time with a trivia game or something like that. I'm open to suggestions if you guys have any.

As for my ideas as far as the trivia deal go I was thinking along the lines of splitting the audience into two groups as well as the cosplayers into 2 groups and having the audience answer trivia questions. The group with the least answers, their cosplayers, will have to do some sort of punishment.

I haven't a freaking idea about what to do past that. u.u

Ha. (I'm not a massive awesome speaker either, so you're not alone.)

Erm, well, it honestly sounds like it would work. As for the punishment, to throw an idea out, how about it's different for each character? Like, something the character would never do (or woudn't like to do) and we'd have to try to act it out to the best of our ability... *shrug*
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Oni Kitsune on June 20, 2008, 08:34:59 am
...That's so freaking awesome. I really like that idea, but we'd have to have a definite list of show uppers. I'll see if I can't bug my friend into giving me a hint as to what time I'm doing the panel...
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 20, 2008, 05:48:25 pm
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Oni Kitsune on June 22, 2008, 03:29:17 pm
Sweet. So I asked my friend and she moved it to Sunday at 8 pm. Is that doable?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on June 22, 2008, 10:53:52 pm
Sweet. So I asked my friend and she moved it to Sunday at 8 pm. Is that doable?

Oh, I thought you said Saturday... o_o

I...guess Sun would work?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Oni Kitsune on June 23, 2008, 07:11:55 am
u.u I did say Saturday, but they moved it to Sunday on me. *sighs* Sorry if it inconveniences you.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on July 02, 2008, 03:10:20 am
So, are you /absolutely positive/ it'll be on Sunday?  ???
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on July 02, 2008, 02:42:44 pm
Hi there! :D

We also have a D.Gray-Man group. Well, only three of us.. but still...

I myself will be Kanda, in his 2nd uniform. My sister will be Miranda. She was pre-excorcist Miranda at this year's Sakura Con, if anyone saw her. It's weird that she might be the only Miranda, at least so far! Our friend will be Lavi, in his first uniform.

Oh, and any day is fine for the photoshoot for us--we'll be cosplaying as D.Gray-Man characters for the entire Con. If we can stand the heat... D:

Ah, one more thing--the Lavi and I are totally yaoi fangirls, so beware our jokes... >D
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on July 03, 2008, 05:37:23 pm
Hi there! :D

We also have a D.Gray-Man group. Well, only three of us.. but still...

I myself will be Kanda, in his 2nd uniform. My sister will be Miranda. She was pre-excorcist Miranda at this year's Sakura Con, if anyone saw her. It's weird that she might be the only Miranda, at least so far! Our friend will be Lavi, in his first uniform.

Oh, and any day is fine for the photoshoot for us--we'll be cosplaying as D.Gray-Man characters for the entire Con. If we can stand the heat... D:

Ah, one more thing--the Lavi and I are totally yaoi fangirls, so beware our jokes... >D

Cool stuff! I'm a yaoi fan too, so it's all good. (I'm a fan of Kanda/Rabi, especially.)
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on July 03, 2008, 09:56:13 pm
XD Ah, Kanda x Lavi... Now there's one you don't see often!

All of us D.Gray-Man yaoi fangirls should get together and swap stories or doujins or something. <3
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on July 03, 2008, 10:11:12 pm
XD Ah, Kanda x Lavi... Now there's one you don't see often!

All of us D.Gray-Man yaoi fangirls should get together and swap stories or doujins or something. <3

Really? I thought it was quite popular...anyway, I'm not a fan of Rabi/Allen (eww), but I'm willing to tolerate Kanda/Allen. (I'd much prefer CROSS/ALLEN, muwahahaha. Or hell, Cross/Komui. Or Tyki Mikk/Allen.)

I...don't have any DGM doujins. D: I have other doujins, but...no DGM. I've been meaning to buy a Kanda/Rabi one, but alas, I can't find one with decent enough artwork for a price I'm willing to pay.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on July 04, 2008, 03:09:27 pm
Yeah, I'm really not that big on Allen pairings... but Cross and Tyki would work wonders with anyone! :D I have a Cross x Kanda doujin, but it's not graphic at all... pity.

But yeah, I know what you mean--at the place I bought them at Sakura Con, we weren't allowed to peak inside the packaging, so we had to judge by the cover. Which worked for a couple of the ones I bought, but I don't think I would've bought the Cross x Kanda doujin if I had seen the real art...  [And now that I think on it, I believe I did see a Kanda x Lavi doujin there! But I don't remember what the company was called, unfortunately...]

In any case, if anyone else is interested in buying or trading doujins--though I would probably only be interested in parting with the aforementioned Cross x Kanda one--then I'll totally be there. 'Cause hey, I could use a few more. :3
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on July 05, 2008, 01:13:55 am
Yeah, I'm really not that big on Allen pairings... but Cross and Tyki would work wonders with anyone! :D I have a Cross x Kanda doujin, but it's not graphic at all... pity.

But yeah, I know what you mean--at the place I bought them at Sakura Con, we weren't allowed to peak inside the packaging, so we had to judge by the cover. Which worked for a couple of the ones I bought, but I don't think I would've bought the Cross x Kanda doujin if I had seen the real art...  [And now that I think on it, I believe I did see a Kanda x Lavi doujin there! But I don't remember what the company was called, unfortunately...]

In any case, if anyone else is interested in buying or trading doujins--though I would probably only be interested in parting with the aforementioned Cross x Kanda one--then I'll totally be there. 'Cause hey, I could use a few more. :3

Yeah, for some reason, I'm just not one for Allen apirings, either. Dunno why...unless he's with Cross, because that's so AMUSING.

Awwh, yeah, I looked for Kanda/Rabi doujins at SakuraCon 08...but all I could find were Kanda/Allen. asdfghjkl;; ._.;; Maybe I'll find some at KumoriCon...who knows. It's where I found a Tales of Symphonia doujin with nice art (although there were no pairings, I was surprised to find that in a place where the doujins mostly consist of Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist), so anything's possible.

Cool stuff. 8D Maybe if I find a Kanda/Rabi doujin in the dealer's room before the shoot I'll show it to you guys~
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on July 05, 2008, 03:49:20 pm
<i>Anyone</i> with Cross tends to be amusing! :3

We can all squee together! :D I'm looking forward to this. <i>And</i> it'll be our first Kumori Con.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on July 05, 2008, 05:04:23 pm
Cross is a bad, bad man >_<

I SERIOUSLY better have my Kanda costume or I probably wont go to the convention. I'm getting REALLY sick of this crap.

" Oh yea, I can tottaly have it done Fanime"

" okay, okay DEFINATLY by July 20 th for the parade"

" Nevermind. I'll learn to sew and do it myself"

" No,no I'll START on it soon"

Has not started on it.

I know, I should do it myself but all excuses aside, don't promise something if you don't intend to do it.

Aaanyway, I'll be there as Kanda if it's the last bloody thing I do!

Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on July 06, 2008, 01:36:48 pm
<i>Anyone</i> with Cross tends to be amusing! :3

We can all squee together! :D I'm looking forward to this. <i>And</i> it'll be our first Kumori Con.


Ah, neato. This'll be my third KumoriCon. 8D You'll learn to love it, I hope~
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on July 06, 2008, 01:38:22 pm

Aaanyway, I'll be there as Kanda if it's the last bloody thing I do!

Good luck with that, dude.  Procrastination = bad, and I'm sure your costume-maker is not the only one plagued by it (hey, I'm like that with some costumes as well).
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on July 07, 2008, 10:48:26 pm
Maybe I'm petty, but I kind of hate it when shoots degenerate into gratuitous noncanon pairing shots.  Just my opinion, though.

Now that AX is over, I'm hoping to get to work finishing up my pre-exorcist Miranda, because I don't think I'll have time to do Komui before KCon.  T_T  Alas, I have returned home to find the craft room/spare bedroom exploded everywhere with my housemates' crap -- understandable, when we had to evacuate due to impending BURNING UP, but still quite vexing.  It's probably gonna be a few weeks before I can nag them enough to unbury the desk.  *cries*
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on July 08, 2008, 01:02:16 am
Maybe I'm petty, but I kind of hate it when shoots degenerate into gratuitous noncanon pairing shots.  Just my opinion, though.

Now that AX is over, I'm hoping to get to work finishing up my pre-exorcist Miranda, because I don't think I'll have time to do Komui before KCon.  T_T  Alas, I have returned home to find the craft room/spare bedroom exploded everywhere with my housemates' crap -- understandable, when we had to evacuate due to impending BURNING UP, but still quite vexing.  It's probably gonna be a few weeks before I can nag them enough to unbury the desk.  *cries*

*shrug* I never said we would. But if we do have shots like that, it won't be for the whole shoot. To each their own. Anyway, I've never had a shoot that had noncanon pairing shots, so it'd be new to me. (And I personally think some of the pairings I named off are slightly canon.)

Anyway, good luck with your rather, erm...interesting situation. Miranda's always welcomed~
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on July 08, 2008, 07:26:33 am
*shrug* I never said we would. But if we do have shots like that, it won't be for the whole shoot. To each their own. Anyway, I've never had a shoot that had noncanon pairing shots, so it'd be new to me. (And I personally think some of the pairings I named off are slightly canon.)

Not to imply that you would; it was more of a general observation of something I've seen in too many instances, especially as it had come up in discussion just earlier that day with friends post-con.  But eh, each their own, and each their own interpretation of canon.

(Dear California, please stop with the fires ...)
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on July 08, 2008, 12:04:23 pm

Not to imply that you would; it was more of a general observation of something I've seen in too many instances, especially as it had come up in discussion just earlier that day with friends post-con.  But eh, each their own, and each their own interpretation of canon.

(Dear California, please stop with the fires ...)

Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on July 08, 2008, 11:56:27 pm
Maybe I'm petty, but I kind of hate it when shoots degenerate into gratuitous noncanon pairing shots.  Just my opinion, though.

You know, it USED to bother me, but after all this bullsh*t with the fanbiys insufferable whiiiining. " OMG! Yaoi EXISTS and that very thought is RUINING my convention!"- yet I hear a groan everyone time suggest shonen aii pictures are suggested and an "OMG!! I need a picture of this for yuri poses, I say, go for it. More freaking power to them.

*End rant*

As far as procrastinating,Yea, I know it's bad. My friend does too, he also knows hes bad about it but says he just find the motivation.*Sigh*..I dunno,,
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on August 10, 2008, 09:34:24 am
So, apparently, actually, according to an e-mail I just recieved, this group is going to fall through. I'm sorry to anyone who thought we were coming, but things happen. I /might/ still come as Komui, but I don't have much motivation of bringing that costume anymore, since I was only bringing it for the group, so it's highly unlikely...and I think there's another Komui coming in another group, anyway? So.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on August 10, 2008, 10:59:24 am
Does that mean someone else should arrange the D.Gray gathering?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on August 10, 2008, 11:03:47 am
Does that mean someone else should arrange the D.Gray gathering?

It's impossible for a photo shoot to fall through. Even if we can't be official according to the schedule, we can plan an unofficial one, and I'll take it from here.

I realized that even though I don't have my exorshists costume, my normal attire is very similar to Kanda's. So I will go as him in his normall outfit.

Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on August 10, 2008, 11:11:59 am
Yes, but an official one makes things easier, IMO.  (Also, I like having them because then I can say both "this is when I'll wear this cosplay" and "JIM GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE NOW OR WE WILL KICK YOU".  Mostly the latter.)

Yay for you having a Kanda cos, though!
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on August 10, 2008, 11:21:50 am
Yes, but an official one makes things easier, IMO.  (Also, I like having them because then I can say both "this is when I'll wear this cosplay" and "JIM GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE NOW OR WE WILL KICK YOU".  Mostly the latter.)

Yay for you having a Kanda cos, though!

I agree, they are better. But if we can't then we can't and will have to work with what we've got. You can still kick people. You'll just need different reasoning. None at all is fine too.

BTW, will you  be bringing your functional time wheel peanut butter sammiches?  I will probably need one or five at some point. XD

Thanks, hopefully it will be sufficient. ' ^^  I just need to find a way to change my hair color overnight.

So, what time had everyone wanted?
Remember, we have less than a month so there is not time EVERY single person single to person to pull the  " I have this a time".

Well just have to pick a time that accommodates as many as possible.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on August 10, 2008, 11:54:20 am
BTW, will you  be bringing your functional time wheel peanut butter sammiches?  I will probably need one or five at some point. XD

I don't know, but probably not.  I'm flying up, so I'm not sure what I will and won't be able to bring along between space constraints and airline regs.  Since I'm posting my swords up, I'm going to make every effort not to have to check bags (especially trying to catch an earlier flight on standby) -- but knowing my luck, I'll have to.  Almost certainly no Fourth Squad cookies this time, though.
(I thought you said you didn't like peanut butter. :P )

Timewise, I'd prefer not the same day as Bleach.  Family plans are Bleach, Juuni Kokki, and D.Gray, and until we know when Reborn stuff is happening, I can't even guess as to when we'll be doing Juuni Kokki -- though since I'm staying over Monday night, the ease of costume and makeup removal for the drive home isn't an issue for everyone.  That's about all the input I can offer right now.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on August 10, 2008, 01:37:34 pm
BTW, will you  be bringing your functional time wheel peanut butter sammiches?  I will probably need one or five at some point. XD

I don't know, but probably not.  I'm flying up, so I'm not sure what I will and won't be able to bring along between space constraints and airline regs.  Since I'm posting my swords up, I'm going to make every effort not to have to check bags (especially trying to catch an earlier flight on standby) -- but knowing my luck, I'll have to.  Almost certainly no Fourth Squad cookies this time, though.
(I thought you said you didn't like peanut butter. :P )

Timewise, I'd prefer not the same day as Bleach.  Family plans are Bleach, Juuni Kokki, and D.Gray, and until we know when Reborn stuff is happening, I can't even guess as to when we'll be doing Juuni Kokki -- though since I'm staying over Monday night, the ease of costume and makeup removal for the drive home isn't an issue for everyone.  That's about all the input I can offer right now.

I don't like peanut better  but like I said, it kept me from passing out until we got the restaurant ( hence the time-wheel sammich) XD

God, I don't blame you. These days I would rather spend two weeks on a train, then two hours on a plane.

Ehe..that's a lot of photo shoots  are these all on the same day? 

What time had you guys set up previously?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on August 10, 2008, 02:12:03 pm
God, I don't blame you. These days I would rather spend two weeks on a train, then two hours on a plane.

Ehe..that's a lot of photo shoots  are these all on the same day? 

What time had you guys set up previously?

I hate trains too -- at least, I've had issues with Amtrak the one time I took it.  But really, work makes the decision for me -- I can't afford to take the time off it'd be to catch a train.  Ah, well, at least AX and Fanime are close enough to drive.

And no, Kaasan and Tige and I planned three sets of cosplays, to spread out over the three days.  Rai, I'm sure, will have more, but that's on her own head -- and the only one she's doing with us is Juuni Kokki.

I don't recall if there was a time set up.  I do know that my personal preference now, with Bleach on Saturday, is Not Saturday. :D
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on August 10, 2008, 03:12:04 pm
God, I don't blame you. These days I would rather spend two weeks on a train, then two hours on a plane.

Ehe..that's a lot of photo shoots  are these all on the same day? 

What time had you guys set up previously?

I hate trains too -- at least, I've had issues with Amtrak the one time I took it.  But really, work makes the decision for me -- I can't afford to take the time off it'd be to catch a train.  Ah, well, at least AX and Fanime are close enough to drive.

And no, Kaasan and Tige and I planned three sets of cosplays, to spread out over the three days.  Rai, I'm sure, will have more, but that's on her own head -- and the only one she's doing with us is Juuni Kokki.

I don't recall if there was a time set up.  I do know that my personal preference now, with Bleach on Saturday, is Not Saturday. :D

I like trains okay but yes, Amtrak sucks as far as punctuality.
 Last time i took a train, I was 23 hours late and missed Diaysis ( I was supposed to go during the con but I skipped cuz that's how I roll yo)
Mostly, I was irritated with the everyone who was WHIIIINIG so insufferably even though they were the ones with no were to go. Had it not been for my appointment, I wouldn't have cared one bit.

 I see.  If there was no time set up, that must have been what the email was about; registering too late.

The only thing I really care about is the Blleach Shoot and probably Chess game. I don't know when the Bleach shoot is, but the Chess is Monday morning

I don't think many people want it Monday so let's go with Sunday.

 Any objections? LEGITAMTE objections?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on August 10, 2008, 04:07:03 pm
Sunday should probably work for us.  I know Kaasan would prefer it on the later side, as she is Absolutely Not a Morning Person (as opposed to my internal alarm, which goes "SEVEN THIRTY YOU ARE LATE FOR WORK GET UP GET UP GET UP" even on weekends).  Looking at the schedule right now, I'd suggest either 11:30 or 1:00.

My hatred of Amtrak probably has a lot to do with the fact that it took me nearly a full day to get from Humboldt back down to Santa Barbara, including multiple delays and three different buses, PLUS the train -- and it would've been almost eighteen WITHOUT delays, when it took my brother and I a little over nine to get there driving.  Why they don't just have a bus down to the Bay Area and the train from there is beyond me.  OTOH, I hear for going to the Bay or LA, it's a lot less Epic Fail.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on August 11, 2008, 01:42:31 am
Just to let you guys know, no I did NOT set up a time and date for this shoot, and it's NOT on the official photoshoot list yet.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on August 11, 2008, 07:42:50 am
Just to let you guys know, no I did NOT set up a time and date for this shoot, and it's NOT on the official photoshoot list yet.

Noticed that on the photoshoot scheduling thread.  I think that's why we're discussing dates/times.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: sk_chan on August 11, 2008, 10:21:00 am
Just to let you guys know, no I did NOT set up a time and date for this shoot, and it's NOT on the official photoshoot list yet.

Noticed that on the photoshoot scheduling thread.  I think that's why we're discussing dates/times.

I just saw something about unofficial versus official so I wanted to clarify that there is no "official".
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on August 11, 2008, 07:38:19 pm
Just to let you guys know, no I did NOT set up a time and date for this shoot, and it's NOT on the official photoshoot list yet.

Noticed that on the photoshoot scheduling thread.  I think that's why we're discussing dates/times.

Yep, that is exactly why.

Alright, I'm going for 2 PM Sunday.
1pm would have interfered with the masquerade practice.

There are two popular spots for shoots.
The Final Fantasy shoot is at 1pm and will probably go for more than an hour. So wherever that is going to be at we will have to take the other.
 Or, if someone can think of another location, that will work too.

I'm giving it until  midnight. If I don't receive multiple,  reasonable objections, I'm taking this to the photo shoot thread.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Higuma on August 20, 2008, 11:39:26 am
My wife has decided to go as Road so I will break out my Earl cosplay
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on August 20, 2008, 11:47:32 am
Alright guys the Photoshoot is at 3pm Sunday.

Someone took the 2pm slot.

There arefew options for location so we will meet at the park and if it's too crowded move it somewhere else.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on August 26, 2008, 04:29:49 pm
Sounds good!
Are there other places more D.Gray-Man -ish for the photoshoot that might be a short walk from the Center? I'm kind of familiar with Portland, but I can't think of any place. Does any one else know?
Also, who here might be going to the D.Gray-Man Manga discussion? I haven't decided if I am yet, and it depends on what my group wants to do... But if it turns into a D.Gray-Man cosplay get-together then I'm there!
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on August 28, 2008, 03:26:23 am
Sounds good!
Are there other places more D.Gray-Man -ish for the photoshoot that might be a short walk from the Center? I'm kind of familiar with Portland, but I can't think of any place. Does any one else know?
Also, who here might be going to the D.Gray-Man Manga discussion? I haven't decided if I am yet, and it depends on what my group wants to do... But if it turns into a D.Gray-Man cosplay get-together then I'm there!

I want to..but I think it may be at the same time as the 18+ party I'm supposed to run.

I forgot that hosting a party means having attend. >_<

On a related note; I finally got all the crap for my Closet Cosplay-Kanda. I WOULD look nearly perfect, if it weren't for my mothers fat-face genes. I'm the only one in my family who is not fat, yet I've got that goddamned round face like mommy dearest!!

*Shakes fist as mommy dearest" CUUUUURSE YOOOOOOU!!

,,,ehe..no, sorry i don't know Portland at all.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: myalchod on August 28, 2008, 07:50:52 am
I may or may not have Miranda done for con.  The dress is giving me fits and I'm about to throw the towel in on the whole fiasco, just because I'm so blasted annoyed at it.

Hopefully, though ...

I'll still be there for the meet, though, even if it's not in D.Gray cos, because family will be cosplaying it.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on September 01, 2008, 08:59:53 pm
I had so much fun at the shoot! <3 I'll be sure to upload the pictures somewhere and post a link here. Hopefully some of you will also be cosplaying for Sakura Con...?

Also, Bellevue D.Gray-Man cosplayers: We'll be seeing you soon!
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on September 01, 2008, 09:01:41 pm
Fun shoot was fun, even though I was only being handed cameras and told what buttons to push. Hopefully I'll see you all by Sakuracon, and maybe I'll have Jasdebi done by then!
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on September 01, 2008, 09:11:32 pm
Fun shoot was fun, even though I was only being handed cameras and told what buttons to push. Hopefully I'll see you all by Sakuracon, and maybe I'll have Jasdebi done by then!
Heh. Sorry 'bout that. XD
D: You must have it done! The power of Kanda compells you!
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on September 01, 2008, 10:23:14 pm
I had so much fun at the shoot! <3 I'll be sure to upload the pictures somewhere and post a link here. Hopefully some of you will also be cosplaying for Sakura Con...?

Also, Bellevue D.Gray-Man cosplayers: We'll be seeing you soon!

 Strangling Lavi was definitely the high point of my con, (aside from killing Harruhi, you have NO idea how sweet that was) we should do it again sometime.

You live in Belvue too? Sweet, that's three new people for me to hang with.

Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on September 01, 2008, 10:37:18 pm
Strangling Lavi was definitely the high point of my con, (aside from killing Harruhi, you have NO idea how sweet that was) we should do it again sometime.

You live in Belvue too? Sweet, that's three new people for me to hang with.

Oh yes, we definitely should. We were planning to do a few more photoshoots on the weekend sometime, like at St. Edward's Park at Bastyr [playground with haunted forest and awesome buildings FTW] and other places. It'd be great if we could all get together some time and abuse my Lavi.

Anyway, we'll try to be at Anime Raku on Friday to see you guys!
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on September 01, 2008, 11:24:18 pm
Strangling Lavi was definitely the high point of my con, (aside from killing Harruhi, you have NO idea how sweet that was) we should do it again sometime.

You live in Belvue too? Sweet, that's three new people for me to hang with.

Oh yes, we definitely should. We were planning to do a few more photoshoots on the weekend sometime, like at St. Edward's Park at Bastyr [playground with haunted forest and awesome buildings FTW] and other places. It'd be great if we could all get together some time and abuse my Lavi.

Anyway, we'll try to be at Anime Raku on Friday to see you guys!

I have no idea where that is. I live in downtown Seattle so I don't know Belvue too well so I guess I'll just follow everyone.
You know, for the past month I've had nothing to do, but I may be busy Friday. *rage*

but if I can I'll be there maybe I can Paul and Yumi ( our Byakuya and Rhoad)  to go too.

I hope at least one or two of you in the group like video games. I have no one to play Dynasty warriors with anymore.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on September 02, 2008, 11:33:43 am
Strangling Lavi was definitely the high point of my con, (aside from killing Harruhi, you have NO idea how sweet that was) we should do it again sometime.

You live in Belvue too? Sweet, that's three new people for me to hang with.

Oh yes, we definitely should. We were planning to do a few more photoshoots on the weekend sometime, like at St. Edward's Park at Bastyr [playground with haunted forest and awesome buildings FTW] and other places. It'd be great if we could all get together some time and abuse my Lavi.

Anyway, we'll try to be at Anime Raku on Friday to see you guys!

I have no idea where that is. I live in downtown Seattle so I don't know Belvue too well so I guess I'll just follow everyone.
You know, for the past month I've had nothing to do, but I may be busy Friday. *rage*

but if I can I'll be there maybe I can Paul and Yumi ( our Byakuya and Rhoad)  to go too.

I hope at least one or two of you in the group like video games. I have no one to play Dynasty warriors with anymore.

Bastyr is a University or College or something about 30 mins away from Bellevue; I forget exactly where it is though.

And we'll also be at AR today at about 1. Don't know how long we'll stay though [my wee little highschoolers don't have school today due to a teacher strike].

Oh, we loves the vidja games. Strangely, I don't think any of us have played Dynasty Warriors...
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on September 02, 2008, 07:36:51 pm
Strangling Lavi was definitely the high point of my con, (aside from killing Harruhi, you have NO idea how sweet that was) we should do it again sometime.

You live in Belvue too? Sweet, that's three new people for me to hang with.

Oh yes, we definitely should. We were planning to do a few more photoshoots on the weekend sometime, like at St. Edward's Park at Bastyr [playground with haunted forest and awesome buildings FTW] and other places. It'd be great if we could all get together some time and abuse my Lavi.

Anyway, we'll try to be at Anime Raku on Friday to see you guys!

I have no idea where that is. I live in downtown Seattle so I don't know Belvue too well so I guess I'll just follow everyone.
You know, for the past month I've had nothing to do, but I may be busy Friday. *rage*

but if I can I'll be there maybe I can Paul and Yumi ( our Byakuya and Rhoad)  to go too.

I hope at least one or two of you in the group like video games. I have no one to play Dynasty warriors with anymore.

Bastyr is a University or College or something about 30 mins away from Bellevue; I forget exactly where it is though.

And we'll also be at AR today at about 1. Don't know how long we'll stay though [my wee little highschoolers don't have school today due to a teacher strike].

Oh, we loves the vidja games. Strangely, I don't think any of us have played Dynasty Warriors...

^^; I don't know where AR is either. I can get to Belvue but I would probably have to get a ride from there.

Oh damn. Well it's just mindless hack and slash..except Samurai Warriors..that game is much more difficult.

Oi, do you have an LJ or DA ect, ya know, so we don't spam up this thread?
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on September 04, 2008, 09:09:39 am
Strangling Lavi was definitely the high point of my con, (aside from killing Harruhi, you have NO idea how sweet that was) we should do it again sometime.

You live in Belvue too? Sweet, that's three new people for me to hang with.

Oh yes, we definitely should. We were planning to do a few more photoshoots on the weekend sometime, like at St. Edward's Park at Bastyr [playground with haunted forest and awesome buildings FTW] and other places. It'd be great if we could all get together some time and abuse my Lavi.

Anyway, we'll try to be at Anime Raku on Friday to see you guys!

I have no idea where that is. I live in downtown Seattle so I don't know Belvue too well so I guess I'll just follow everyone.
You know, for the past month I've had nothing to do, but I may be busy Friday. *rage*

but if I can I'll be there maybe I can Paul and Yumi ( our Byakuya and Rhoad)  to go too.

I hope at least one or two of you in the group like video games. I have no one to play Dynasty warriors with anymore.

Bastyr is a University or College or something about 30 mins away from Bellevue; I forget exactly where it is though.

And we'll also be at AR today at about 1. Don't know how long we'll stay though [my wee little highschoolers don't have school today due to a teacher strike].

Oh, we loves the vidja games. Strangely, I don't think any of us have played Dynasty Warriors...

^^; I don't know where AR is either. I can get to Belvue but I would probably have to get a ride from there.

Oh damn. Well it's just mindless hack and slash..except Samurai Warriors..that game is much more difficult.

Oi, do you have an LJ or DA ect, ya know, so we don't spam up this thread?

I have both. Look up piercingnisha on either, but I'm on LJ more.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: ThiefKingsHier on September 04, 2008, 09:51:57 pm
Strangling Lavi was definitely the high point of my con, (aside from killing Harruhi, you have NO idea how sweet that was) we should do it again sometime.

You live in Belvue too? Sweet, that's three new people for me to hang with.

Oh yes, we definitely should. We were planning to do a few more photoshoots on the weekend sometime, like at St. Edward's Park at Bastyr [playground with haunted forest and awesome buildings FTW] and other places. It'd be great if we could all get together some time and abuse my Lavi.

Anyway, we'll try to be at Anime Raku on Friday to see you guys!

I have no idea where that is. I live in downtown Seattle so I don't know Belvue too well so I guess I'll just follow everyone.
You know, for the past month I've had nothing to do, but I may be busy Friday. *rage*

but if I can I'll be there maybe I can Paul and Yumi ( our Byakuya and Rhoad)  to go too.

I hope at least one or two of you in the group like video games. I have no one to play Dynasty warriors with anymore.

Bastyr is a University or College or something about 30 mins away from Bellevue; I forget exactly where it is though.

And we'll also be at AR today at about 1. Don't know how long we'll stay though [my wee little highschoolers don't have school today due to a teacher strike].

Oh, we loves the vidja games. Strangely, I don't think any of us have played Dynasty Warriors...

^^; I don't know where AR is either. I can get to Belvue but I would probably have to get a ride from there.

Oh damn. Well it's just mindless hack and slash..except Samurai Warriors..that game is much more difficult.

Oi, do you have an LJ or DA ect, ya know, so we don't spam up this thread?

I have both. Look up piercingnisha on either, but I'm on LJ more.

I'll just l go for both.  I don't post much on either. cuz no ever bothers to read them.
Title: Re: D. Gray-Man '08
Post by: Nisha on September 05, 2008, 02:56:48 pm
I finally uploaded my D.Gray-Man photoshoot pictures (http://s232.photobucket.com/albums/ee93/PiercingNisha/Kumori%20Con%2008/Photoshoot/)!

Feel free to steal them if you wish, as I didn't take half of them because I was in the picture itself...

The other pictures can be found here (http://s232.photobucket.com/albums/ee93/PiercingNisha/Kumori%20Con%2008/), where non-photoshoot related D.Gray-Man pictures can also be found.