
Convention Events and Programming => Get Involved => Plan Your Own Adventure (archived) => Topic started by: LtCommanderRichie on June 11, 2008, 04:13:07 pm

Title: Anyone in Eugene going to Memories of Nobody?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on June 11, 2008, 04:13:07 pm
I'm planning on going either tonight or tomorrow night. Not to sure which one, though. I do know that I'm going to the Gateway, though. I'll consider closet cosplaying Misa Misa and bringing my ghetto-fabulous homemade Death Note just so people can tell me I'm cosplaying from the wrong anime.

Anyone going?
Title: Re: Anyone in Eugene going to Memories of Nobody?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on June 12, 2008, 04:58:54 pm
I feel rather alone and unwanted... The Misa idea is out the window, though. Anyone still wanna be seen in public with me tonight?
Title: Re: Anyone in Eugene going to Memories of Nobody?
Post by: nintendiehard on June 12, 2008, 06:56:21 pm
Ha!  God no!

Okay, before you berate me, it's not cos I'm especially against Bleach.  I'm not into it, but I've got nothing against it.  I wouldn't ever go cos it's a Fathom Event.
Back on my birthday (May 15th) they were doing a 1-night only event where you could see Rambo, First Blood in theaters.  I was all stoked to see it, but when I went the ticket guy told me it was 12 dollars!

Needless to say, I (and my friends) chose to do something else that night.  And since then, I've decided to avoid all Fathom Events.

Anyway, sorry to rain on your parade.  Hope you can get SOMEONE to go, and have fun.
Title: Re: Anyone in Eugene going to Memories of Nobody?
Post by: LtCommanderRichie on June 12, 2008, 10:14:40 pm
Bah, I had fun anyway. I got cornered by a bunch of Narutards asking where I got my ninja sandals. Gods, the whole theater was made up of them. When they showed a preview for Naruto, everyone screamed. As soon as they were done, I yelled out 'OH GODS, I'M SURROUNDED BY NARUTARDS!' A few people laughed...
Title: Re: Anyone in Eugene going to Memories of Nobody?
Post by: dshwshr55 on June 12, 2008, 10:57:50 pm
I thought it was funny that almost EVERYBODY (except like 12 people) stayed to watch the extra footage after the credits. BOTH days.
Title: Re: Anyone in Eugene going to Memories of Nobody?
Post by: nintendiehard on June 13, 2008, 11:19:38 am
Bah, I had fun anyway. I got cornered by a bunch of Narutards asking where I got my ninja sandals. Gods, the whole theater was made up of them. When they showed a preview for Naruto, everyone screamed. As soon as they were done, I yelled out 'OH GODS, I'M SURROUNDED BY NARUTARDS!' A few people laughed...
Yeah, the throngs of younger anime fans were another reason I wouldn't have wanted to go.  Ha!  That's so funny!  Maybe I shoulda gone with you.  We coulda had a lotta fun makin' fun of em.
Title: Re: Anyone in Eugene going to Memories of Nobody?
Post by: goatchild on June 14, 2008, 07:23:53 pm
Sounds like the Death Note movie, only that was worse cuz they screamed everytime L so much as moved. It was... intense. >.o
Title: Re: Anyone in Eugene going to Memories of Nobody?
Post by: Exhumer on June 27, 2008, 10:04:07 am
damn.. i so woulda gone..  :-[