
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Keenon Williams on August 18, 2008, 11:47:56 am

Title: One-upping My Pal In Convention Pics... But With A New Twist!
Post by: Keenon Williams on August 18, 2008, 11:47:56 am
Okay, I pretty much say this every year. To sum it up, it's time I made a topic soliciting hugs and/or kisses from female Kumoricon-goers.

But that's not all I'm asking for this time. Since I'm going as Kunio, I also want a bunch of pictures of me fighting MALE characters, winning or not. The simple deal is that if I'm going as someone well-known for getting in fights at the drop of a hat, then I need pictures to reflect this simple fact. And let's face it, Kunio Vs. Ranma or Kunio Vs. Kenshin is bound to make people giggle wildly.

Just look for the tall kid in the white gakuran with punk hair and a bandage on his cheek!