Convention Events and Programming => Get Involved => Plan Your Own Adventure (archived) => Topic started by: Raidy on September 04, 2008, 11:13:42 am
To make it easier for everyone, instead of browsing through the previous Eugene Meet Up thread and trying to find out when/where the next meet up shall be, I though I'd make a new one to make it slightly easier for everyone. :) As you may know, I've been sick and I'm hoping to be better by the end of the week. Ryu-chan says he's free on Mondays- and we need to remember that school is in season now too. So, we should probably try to designate a new day other then Monday, unless the students can make it still. It'd be more of afternoon meetup. We were discussing, how about a nice picnic sound? :)
Discuss. XD
either next saturday or a sunday afternoon
<3 Sounds good, Ryu-chan. -pet- So once more people begins posting we can decide what kiind of goodies we're bringing. :D
i'll make a few sandwhiches someone bring drinks, a board game would be nice, i can get apples to apples
:3 I can bring a desert. Any favorites?
Hmm... Ice cream mochi perhaps? That would be yummy and refreshing. =3
So, have we decided on a location? Cuz I was thinking we could have the picnic at Alton Baker Park or somewhere similar... *shrugs*
Why did we need a new topic? :'(
Also, next week works best for me, since after that it'll be fall term rush and all. Mochi ice cream sounds really good! :D I'm not entirely sure what I can bring, it all depends on if I have any money next week or not, but if I'm broke I can at least make some onigiri ^_^; I've got nori, and some furikake I could bring for people to try on them, too~
This time of year, I am really struggling to make ends meet ^^;
hey eveyone, there is a cosplay contest at suncoast at VRC on this sunday at 4, we should all go to it and maybe after we could all hang out and do all that other cool stuff ;D
Ooo is that so? *sparkle sparkle* I don't know why I've never heard of such events happening at Suncoast but I'm totally in! =D
I'm not certain if I should cosplay or not... I kinda do yet kinda don't. =/
Oh and about the picnic, are we sticking with the plan or just going to do the whole meet-up at Suncoast and go from there? ._.
hm, after suncoast sounds good but kinda meh maybe a before and after thing?
Hi all,
Cosplay at VRC. Hmm... I may be interested. I will see if my daughter wants to make an appearance or not. Not sure what her work schedule is like on Sunday.
For Eugene meet-ups. You all are aware that I have anime, at my place, every Friday night right?
unfortunly my work schedule wont allow it, especially with a co worker getten married soon
D: All my cosplays are at my dad's except for Lucrecia... I'll see about wearing that to the VRC thing on Sunday. Wait, no! My cloak and all my wigs are here! Demyx or Riku?
I won't be able to stick around for the picnic, methinks, but I'll hit up VRC with y'all!
I'm just making sure this is our plan: Meet at Alton Baker Park that one park across from VRC around noon-ish; go to Suncoast for Cosplay Contest; then hang out some more (scare the normies, etc). XD
How does that sound? Does this work for any of you?
Oh, and I'll try to remember to bring something yummy. If I forget, sue me. ^w^;
I'm just making sure this is our plan: Meet at Alton Baker Park around noon-ish (this would be more convenient since VRC is right across from it); go to Suncoast for Cosplay Contest; then hang out some more (scare the normies, etc). XD
How does that sound? Does this work for any of you?
Oh, and I'll try to remember to bring something yummy. If I forget, sue me. ^w^;
I think I will try and go to Suncoast at least. Alton Baker isn't really across from VRC there is West Bank Park across the pedestrian bridge that connects to the back parking lot of VRC though. You can access it from River Road pretty easily. I think if you take Fir Ln. it has a small parking area at the end. Alton Baker is a bit of a walk, (at least three miles), from VRC.
http://www.mapquest.com/mq/10-4_dBCrFb47UWeH*qUF9* (http://www.mapquest.com/mq/10-4_dBCrFb47UWeH*qUF9*)
I guess I will see you wherever I see you.
Cosplay is at 4:00pm at Suncoast in VRC.
Ohhhh. I meant West Bank Park! For some odd reason, I always thought it was Alton Baker... o_o
So yeah. See you guys there!
... Well that was fun.
I'm sorry, today just didn't work for me, I had work ^^;
Sorry guys...
Well I got a $10 gift card, and I found a DVD that I have been looking for, so all around well worth painting my beard grey and wearing a hot wig. ;D I was the Full Metal Panic guy in the Mithril uniform by the way, just in case nobody had figured that out.
I did mention it in my first post on this thread. I will mention it again.
I have FREE viewings of ANIME at my home every FRIDAY NIGHT beginning at 7:00pm. I have about 3 regulars with the rest of my viewers being drop ins. We watch whatever the group feels like. We may watch a whole series, or episodes from a bunch of random shows. It is all up in the air. I have just about every anime that has come out of Japan in the last 5 years, and quite a few that came out before that. If you want to drop by and join in the fun let me know. I can be reached at wuntvor@comcast.net or you can call my home at 541-689-4219. I live in Eugene near Hwy 99 and Roosevelt (4 corners). LTD bus 40 goes past the end of my street and runs until around 10:00pm I hope to hear from some of you. Always like new faces. Oh, I have both of the Death Note live action movies with subtitles, and the new Ponyo movie by Studio Ghibli. Just thought I would throw that out there.
:D I'm no longer sick. -1 Dead Puppies
@Wuntvor: Hey! The dragon origami man! XD I was the only Akatsuki person there watching you make that paper dragon. Heh heh.
@Raidy: Yaaaays! ^w^ *happy dance*
i have a short vid at suncoast, i'll post that later
So, Fuyuko, Ryu-chan, either of you interested in coming Friday? Watch the newest Ghibli film, 'Ponyo', for free. Well OK, I admit, I WILL eat your snacks, but other than that it's free. I also could be convinced to play the Death Note 2 movie, again, for free. I guess I am posting this because I haven't had anyone show any interest, and I can't figure out why. If I was told that someone was playing the newest Ghibli film I would be, like, I'M THERE! PORTLAND, SEATTLE, WHATEVER!
i would but i cant like i used to be since my coworker left and i had to take all of his shifts sorry =(
I'll make it to the next one and bring my friend that moved here from Roseburg. She's knew to the area and loves anime ... a lot. How much? http://www.mtv.com/overdrive/?id=1591114&vid=258613 Watch. She was on Mtv. XD
I'll make it to the next one and bring my friend that moved here from Roseburg. She's knew to the area and loves anime ... a lot. How much? http://www.mtv.com/overdrive/?id=1591114&vid=258613 Watch. She was on Mtv. XD
Great! Hope to see you both here. Gosh, your friend reminds me of my daughters best friend. Only she always wore a Shadow the Hedgehog cap. She was the one responsible for the anime convention at Willamette High a few years ago. Bet they would get along great. Is your friend on the forum yet?
Waaaa! Sorry for my lateness! I was out of town for the whole week and yeah. DX
So, I'm guessing it's going to be a while until the next meet-up since the whole picnic plan didn't quite work out. .___.
Hay thar. This is Raidy's friend Diana :o I finally got an account here, hooray!
And I wanna meet other otakus in the Eugene area please~ <3
Perhaps we should all go to the second Death Note movie in cosplay? Preferably as something not Death Note, for teh lulz?
Hay thar. This is Raidy's friend Diana :o I finally got an account here, hooray!
And I wanna meet other otakus in the Eugene area please~ <3
Hiya Diana,
Watched some of the MTV video. Gosh, I had a hard time trying not to laugh. You are SO like my daughter and her Best Friend. Anyway, as stated in just about every post I have on this Forum. I have Anime Friday at my place every Friday Night at 7:00pm. I hope you can make it out here sometime. Feel free to bring your friends. My E-Mail is in my profile. Send me an E-Mail if interested in coming over, and I will reply with directions. :)
Hope to hear from you soon.
Perhaps we should all go to the second Death Note movie in cosplay? Preferably as something not Death Note, for teh lulz?
I second that thought.
;D I would totally do it, if I had ANY cosplay OTL
You don't have to cosplay to come, just look for the giant group of people with crazy-colored hair and you'll know you've got the right group.
XD sounds like my kind of people! :D
When is the Death Note meet-up?
Hay thar. This is Raidy's friend Diana :o I finally got an account here, hooray!
And I wanna meet other otakus in the Eugene area please~ <3
Hiya Diana,
Watched some of the YouTube video. Gosh, I had a hard time trying not to laugh. You are SO like my daughter and her Best Friend. Anyway, as stated in just about every post I have on this Forum. I have Anime Friday at my place every Friday Night at 7:00pm. I hope you can make it out here sometime. Feel free to bring your friends. My E-Mail is in my profile. Send me an E-Mail if interested in coming over, and I will reply with directions. :)
Hope to hear from you soon.
...has anybody here actually been to your place yet?
Oooh the Deathnote movie sounds fun~ If it's at a time that I can go I'd try to make it to that! <3
It's out the 15th and 16th at both the Gateway Cinemark and VRC's Regal Cinema. I'm kind of leaning towards VRC because it's a bit closer to me than Gateway.
Hay thar. This is Raidy's friend Diana :o I finally got an account here, hooray!
And I wanna meet other otakus in the Eugene area please~ <3
Hiya Diana,
Watched some of the YouTube video. Gosh, I had a hard time trying not to laugh. You are SO like my daughter and her Best Friend. Anyway, as stated in just about every post I have on this Forum. I have Anime Friday at my place every Friday Night at 7:00pm. I hope you can make it out here sometime. Feel free to bring your friends. My E-Mail is in my profile. Send me an E-Mail if interested in coming over, and I will reply with directions. :)
Hope to hear from you soon.
...has anybody here actually been to your place yet?
I am assuming this is directed at me and not mangakaluna. In this thread Ryu-Chan has been to my house, and was here yesterday. Fuyuko has also been to my place, and is a friend of my daughters. I don't think LtCommanderRichie, Barako, or GenkiIchigo have been by. I like their DA pages though. Should come by and talk with my wife and daughter sometime. My wife is a published graphic artist. LtCommanderRichie probably knows RemSaverem. Rem has been to my place a few times, when her schedule allows. Jaybug is a regular, he was also here last Friday. Radien has also been here a few times. He has moved to Beaverton recently, so not much lately. BigGuy has also been to my place a few times. Namazzi has also been here a few times, she is another friend of my daughters, and I think Fuyuko as well. There may be more, but those are the ones I am sure of. ;D
Actually, I don't think I know RemSaverem. Thanks for the compliment on my DevArt, though!
Anyway, are there any scheduling conflicts with going to DN2? Curses on Fathom Events playing anime movies on Wednesdays and Thursdays, eh? As long as my homework is done either night I would probably be able to go.
Actually, I don't think I know RemSaverem. Thanks for the compliment on my DevArt, though!
You may know her better as Ellen Klowden - main driving force for the Creation Station, and major editior of works submitted and judge. If you don't know her then you definitelly should remedy that soon. ;D
I know who she is and I've had a conversation or two with her over the boards, but I think that's about it unless she was the lady in the pink kimono that was one of the judges at Sakuracon's Fanfiction contest.
Okay, sorry for the double post, but what day are we going to be watching DN2, and at what theater? Valley River, Wednesday?
Cosplay isn't required but is highly encouraged, especially as anything other than Death Note. 4 t3h lulz.
School... school... school...
Huh? Oo! I wouldn't mind seeing the DN2 movie with you guys! That is, if any of you will be able to go. I may bring a friend along too, if she's free on that day.
Sooooo, Wednesday or Thursday?
That's what I'm wondering. I won't have much to do tomorrow since I have PSAT until noon and then Music and I'm done until three. I'll do all my homework at school and have the rest of the day off for movie-viewing! I'll e-mail a few people and see if they can go.
Well, turns out I couldn't go tonight. Just recalled yesterday that my youth group had a meeting this evening and I didn't want to miss out on that.
Will some of you be able to make it tomorrow then? My friend said she'll come; so I'll have me a cosplaying buddeh. =3
D: I went last night, though. There was much talking and plenty of yaoi jokes yelled in the theater.
Well i'm not too sure either. I wanna go tonight. Luna, I'll call you later and ask if you wanna go too. We could totally all go tonight.
This makes me want to go again... Alas, I can't.
Hey, I apparently did the dumbbutt thing to do, and went to the theater NOBODY WAS GOING TO. I missed out on seeing all the cosplay people ((although a near and L were humping each other as if one of the supposed best live-action-anime-from-manga movies wasn't playing in a half an hour. .......Or maybe that's why.)) And I'm really hoping to do some kind of meet-up thing with all my local cosplayers. Any ideas?
Did you go to Gateway?
I went and saw the movie last night at the VRC! It was awesome seeing other weirdos besides me and my friend! Tee hee.
My friend and I were such rebels! We dressed up as Itachi (me) and Kagome! XD We had our picture taken once and also got hugged by a random L. Weeee! ^w^
As for the movie itself, it was cool how much they kept to the original script! The voices weren't as hot but still, not too bad for a dub. There were some pretty hilarious scenes that everyone in the audience lol'ed to. (ex: L's mask = omgwtflmao!) I loved how some of the otakus participated in the movie! That made the viewing even more enjoyable! (Ha ha. One of the L's in the front row did a victory dance when Light got pwned in the end.) XD
Oh! I recorded a 3:15 vid after the movie. Just random DDR-ness with people I don't even know. Heh heh.
Did you go to Gateway?
Yeah, I did. On the 15th. Who were you?
I went to VRC. You would've seen me, though. I was the girl with the Akatsuki cloak and the ghetto Roxas jacket.
OH, I think I DID see you briefly! Like, right as we were leaving! I was the guy shouting, "NOT MOGI!! DON'T DIE, MOGI!!!"
I dunno... Maybe. I was at VRC on the 15th but you were at Gateway.
Well, I am going to have my Anime Friday on Halloween. I am planning to play both Death Note Live Action movies, and maybe some other horror anime. I was wondering if anyone wanted to show up in DN cosplay? It is just an idea. I also live in a residential area, so you can go trick or treat around the block as well. Might be fun. ;D
I am still trying to come up with an anime themed pumpkin idea (see other thread). ??? I think I will go with Iru and Yoru from Sugo Chara this time. They have some promise. Devilishly cute.
Well, I've been really busy since school started up, but now I'm not as busy anymore and would love to go to some kind of meetup! Most of my friends have moved out of town (I only have one left here and she's really busy most of the time T_T) so I'd like to meet some people and hang out sometime~
Well, I've been really busy since school started up, but now I'm not as busy anymore and would love to go to some kind of meetup! Most of my friends have moved out of town (I only have one left here and she's really busy most of the time T_T) so I'd like to meet some people and hang out sometime~
There is always my Anime Friday. Every week at 7:00pm I had 10 people here once, but usually average about 4 or 5. Also have the added benefit of having a graphic artist in residence. People who like drawing, and creating art and manga, may find that helpful. ;D
Feel free to Reply, PM, or E-Mail me, if interested.
Meeting up sounds cool... but you guys are so young.
Meeting up sounds cool... but you guys are so young.
??? I'm old enough to be your dad, What you talking about? Get off of my lawn!
i'm talking about all the people i see who went to the ramen hang out thing... and no, I refuse to get off your lawn.
i'm talking about all the people i see who went to the ramen hang out thing... and no, I refuse to get off your lawn.
(Turns on sprinkler) ::) Anyway, feel free to try out Anime Friday sometime. I'll be at the Asian Celebration on Valentines Day. I'll be the guy folding origami dragons and wearing a blue greek sailors cap.
That's it, chase him on to my lawn. ( turns on sprinklers, just in case). I see how you are!
don't turn on the sprinklers, I may have to do a slow mo run accross your yard... and that's not good for anyone.
Better be faster than that, I'll sic my cats on you!
no... not the cats!
Your cats must be braver than mine. He would be pretty safe if the sprinkler is on. ;D
So, me and my girlfriend are going to be at the asian celebration tomorrow. You might not recognize me without the make-up, but I'll be hovering around the K-con booth a lot of the time.
I should probably be there too at some point, it seems like it should be fun.
We just had too much to do yesterday to go. And today is our Monday, so... oh well.
My wife actually likes Toshi's Ramen! Whew! I wasn't sure if she would or not. Even though she had the shio plain, she still couldn't finish it. I don't know if I will have nin-niku again. That's just too much raw garlic! :o
So, next Friday's at Wuntvor's?
i went to the asian celebration, it was pretty crazy and i didn't stick around very long, I didn't see many people at the kumoricon area...
lol I went to asian celebration right before it closed on sunday XD
i went to the asian celebration, it was pretty crazy and i didn't stick around very long, I didn't see many people at the kumoricon area...
Went to the Asian Celebration on Saturday, and was there almost all day. I actually took control of the sound system in the Youth Room and was playing some of my anime music for the last half hour or so. :D I wanted to play my videos, but they didn't know how to get the laptop to work with the TV.
We just had too much to do yesterday to go. And today is our Monday, so... oh well.
So, next Friday's at Wuntvor's?
Well I'll be here. ;D
lol I went to asian celebration right before it closed on sunday XD
i went on saturday, I was confused by alot of things there, the native american style stuff i saw occasionally, and the planned parenthood thing didn't seem to fit in to me...
So we aren't going to meet up for anything, eh? Not Watchmen, not Anime Friday, no por nada?
So we aren't going to meet up for anything, eh? Not Watchmen, not Anime Friday, no por nada?
I'm down for watchmen, in fact I go to the theater every weekend, no exceptions, so people can always find me there. I have no idea what anime friday is though........
Well, I've been really busy since school started up, but now I'm not as busy anymore and would love to go to some kind of meetup! Most of my friends have moved out of town (I only have one left here and she's really busy most of the time T_T) so I'd like to meet some people and hang out sometime~
There is always my Anime Friday. Every week at 7:00pm I had 10 people here once, but usually average about 4 or 5. Also have the added benefit of having a graphic artist in residence. People who like drawing, and creating art and manga, may find that helpful. ;D
Feel free to Reply, PM, or E-Mail me, if interested.
Anime Friday at my place every Friday at 7:00pm Watch the latest and the greatest from Japan, and bring your external, memstick, or DVD-R+ disks and get anime to take home with you! I have over 2 terabytes of anime available. Bleach, D-GrayMan, OnePiece, Inuyasha, Haruhi, HostClub, DeathNote, Blood+, Karin, MoonPhase, GITS, Fullmetal Alchemist, FullMetal Panic, Moribito, Code Geass, etc. etc. You get the idea. You watch it I have it. And I will give it to you for free. Sound interesting? Contact me! PM me! E-Mail me! That is all. ;D