Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: oslapedo on October 02, 2008, 11:38:19 am
Anyone else sneak onto the forums whilst at school like I am now? Bwahaha!
Well aren't you special!
i'm constantly on the forums at school ^^
i'm SUCH a good student ;D
I sneak on because my advisory is the computer room. lulz
I only have school 2 hours a day on a travel labtop ^^
kinky: I hate you.
I'm on a lot >.> I bring my labby to school so I sneek on when I have nothing better to do.
Dont you all just envy me~ xD
Only cuz im homeschooled =D
I would love to be home schooled if not for the fact I actualy like it *cept the classes*
last time I took classes, they were on my laptop over the internet.
I cant take this redneck school its killing me so they kicked me out and now my mom signsed me up for some program ENVY ME!~
Whoa. You can bring laptops to school? ..My school has about 700 people in the elementary, middle, and high school altogether. And our computers are like....10 years old.
My High School has 2,000 kids... I wouldn't mind if the idiotic populace was plucked out from it :D
xD Didn't you get kicked off, Osla?
No, the librarian was just like "You know better" XD
The computer lab ladies are super cool though, they don't give a crap x3
XD I just live in a hick town. I heard somewhere that people who live in the city talk about clothes and stuff. Here, we talk about steer. o.o >> I miss the city. XD
"Hey, Jack, did you see that cow back there?"
"Yeah, Sydney, it had some MAD horns on that skull!"
"Inorite? We should totally drive back to see it again."
-what I just imagined in my head-
...That's somehow WORSE! XD
*now standing in front of cow*
"WOAH. Like, there's some dangly things hangin under this cow's fat belleh."
"Heh heh, let's tip it over!"
"LOL yea, let's liek do it!"
I love you twin XD
I've never actually seen a cow, though. XD I hate teh country.
I live way out in the country... so on the way to the highway to get the civilization, i go by a bunch of dairies ^^
I live on a farm, but no cows ^^
and so far i think i've gone on the forums at least once every school day ^^
I live way in the country too. At my school we have a 3-story high building, and I remember during the end of the year when the Seniors were doing their pranks, everyone kept talking about how someone should've put a cow on the 3rd floor, because they can't climb down stairs or something.
I love how cows are the symbol of primitive thought XD
yea.... cows can climb stairs, but they cant go down ^^
I lives in the country i hate it with an ever burrning passion D:< stupid hics and there country music D: *dances around* only cosplayer in prineville xD
so then you're a rebel?
YES! I am >:3 I was saying to some pple outside earlyer, for no reason, IMA EAT CHUU FACE! xD There like "wtf"
yay for rebels!!!!
*huggles KFC* ^^
*hugglez back* :'D Woot!
I'm glad you finally got some sleep!
now you can be here during school AND not be dead ^^
I only had 3 hours of sleep XD Doesnt really count as much yey for not being dead cuz liveing is just plain epic!
i concur! :D
I fail at life xD I cant sew but i can cook cant sing cant dance and i have a small brain o.e
no! not true! your good at stuff! no degrading yourself mah spoony cook!! >>
you get to be on the forums durring school! which makes you awesome!! ^^
I get told im awesome and went far past the epic meader by pple xD cuz i made my own bear pajamas and all of the junk i do xD
See!!! epic!! ;D
Gah! fine im epic >w> But your epic tew =D cuz you all over youtube by tom xD
>< i know :D
I was watching the picnic vids and im like wtf some of these pple have issues but it still looked like fun cuz i dont count as sane xD
i was thinking about the Festival japan vids ^^
lol :D
I don't have my wig on in them... it was SO HOT i would have died... lol
I havent watched those yet >w>
thats why i cut and dye my hair to the person im cosplaying =3
i have really long hair... i don't wanna cut it to link's hair length and go blond!!! ><
My hair used to be down to my knees >.<
Its just i look better with short maroon hair then i did with my brownish blonde long hair
i love your hair!! its so awesome! ;D
Thank you i cut and dye it myself =3
I dyed my hair auburn last year ^^... it looked pretty good... and the way i did it made it so you can barely see the grow-out line... thats about 6 inches down my hair by now ><
Ive dyed my hair *counts on fingers* 8 different colors i think xD
ohhh ^^ cool ;D
Everything from Normal brown to black and lime green XD
did you do bright pink??!?!?! ^^
*high five*
you are my hero ^^
XD Yey! Ive also dyed my hair white >w> scared alot of pple xD
It had the black racoon tail on the front left side of my head xD
... interesting ^^
im known for how i dress and what i do to my hair xD i used to have electric blue hair with green around it =D
^ you have to come to my school NOW!! we WOULD be BFF's !!
theres only ONE other person (not counting Kaye... cuz i just drag her around lol) whos into cosplaying/con!
white hair? sounds interesting
kaye isn't into cosplaying? just does cause you drag her into it?
*hugglez back* Well what school do you go to? *is gonna move back to portland next year*
i go to a really freaking expensive Private school that I hate ><
darn grandparents and their ostentatious ideals when it comes to my education ><
and no... kaye thinks that being super geeky is a bad thing >< shes lame! lol
Wow im currently homeschooled 2 hours a day mon-fri.....i used to go to David douglas high school =3
i wanna go to a public school just to see what its like ^^
I think i'll be going to a school in Australia or Japan for one semester next year ^^
i hope!!
Yey! Loads of shots and posines things! Im going to collage in japan hopefully =D
awesome ;D ^^
I has a wild imagination o.e
me to! *cyber high five*
were like an AWESOME match lol
to bad i don't go to your school! we could hang out every day! i could give you makeovers... lol :D
lol XD That sounds fun! I always like friends that have some commen intrests that are the same as mind *big geek* XD
good ^^
yay geeks! we rule the world! <3
Bwhahaha! I get called a unsmart geek cuz im not to bright or sane =D and when pple cal me a dock i say "IM NOT A WHALE PENOR!"
LOL!!! :D
I'm a geek too. but then, if you're on a board like this one, doesn't that make you a geek?
I talk exatly like i do outside of gaia exsept i cant pronounce my O's right and i sound british XD get to talking to me at the kumorico and you wont undertsnad a word i say 3 reasons
1)british sounding
2)very quiet
3)i talk like i do on gaia (penor, ish, yush all that XD)
I'm a geek too. but then, if you're on a board like this one, doesn't that make you a geek?
i guess ^^
thats a good thing though =3
I talk exatly like i do outside of gaia exsept i cant pronounce my O's right and i sound british XD get to talking to me at the kumorico and you wont undertsnad a word i say 3 reasons
1)british sounding
2)very quiet
3)i talk like i do on gaia (penor, ish, yush all that XD)
is ok ^^ we all go through our phases ^^
Is it a phase if ive been trying to sound normal for 3 years XD
I have a british accent on some of my words... becuase my mom is british, so i grew up hearing british accents! lol
my mom is french o.o
I only have a NW accent. didn't really get anything on my language from my mother who is korean.
whats wow about it?
I....dont....know XD Probly relizeing my will to eat my fat cat socks for peeing on the edge of mah bed D:<
Up-to-date laptops are required for Juniors and Seniors at my school, but only because we're a snobby rich kid school with only about 120 people in K-12.
So yes, when I can manage it I'm on the forums.
Up-to-date laptops are required for Juniors and Seniors at my school, but only because we're a snobby rich kid school with only about 120 people in K-12.
So yes, when I can manage it I'm on the forums.
...>> Luckehz.
I just had to rent one for home school =3
Ahhh, I wanna be homeschooled. D=
sometimes I wish I was back in school
Im on a speacal program for highschoolers xD
I'm at school eating swedish fish >:3
I'm starving...because I'm spending my lunch in the library! 'Tis okay though! Forums are better!
Lunch time.~
I love K-con at school.
i'm in english class >< uggg :-[
Does it count if I am posting while talking with a customer?
Or can I only post in here while training?
I'm home now... and the swedish fish are gone :'(
It can't.
*world ends* SWEDISH FIIISH!
I dun like swedish fish =p
GASPO! I can't believe you're my sister's twin! *dies*
It just tastes funneh! D:
If by funneh you mean amazing, then I agree!
No there kinda hard and they taste bad
They're only hard if you have bad luck and get old stale ones! They're chewy and delicious... *_*
I must've eaten icky stale ones that time, then. .
not for me they taste like someone made them out of old candy from the 70's that no one eats any more
LAWL YOU GUYZ ARE MISSING OUT! Oh well, moar swedish fish for me! NOM NOM NOM!
Missing out on what tastes like junk >w> not really i rather have chocolate =3
Chocolate is good, but so are swedish fish ;D
For me im staying with chocolate not something that tastes like its been sat on for hours >w>
Mmm... pre sat on candeh *_*
XD its like "mmm this tastes like a**" XD
XD NOM NOM NOM YUMMEH! Maybe if i get a chnace to get some i'll try to like them over and over x.x
Dood that'd be awesome! I'll bring some to Mew!
Okie! Pple can tell if i dont like the food cuz i act like a little kid and spit it out xD
Well I won't let you spit it out because you'd be wasting good fish! You'll eat the whole thing! BWAHAHAHAHA! >:3
Well then your gonna have to tape my mouth shut cuz i spit alot of food out xD
OKAY I WILL. Anything to save the life of a poor wee fishie!
XD Yah well just to let you know i know how to get off ducktape really easy without useing my hands XD
Oh... I don't need duct tape... ;D
What are you going to use? O_O'
It's a secret ;)
Oh god >w>
: D
Poor KFC. Dx
Meh...wont be as bad as the time at kcon i got bondaged to someone else and a chair XD
I feel your pain, my friends were totally rapehing me today ;_;
I wasn't.
XD lolz
Yah but you didnt get taped to other pple i bet try eating a hamburger when you can bearly move your arms XD
I wasn't.
*cough* Rachel and Theresa *cough*
Oh, right. . I almost forgot.
Dx It happened to me, too!
How could you forget such a thing?! T_T
. . I blocked that horrid memory from my fragile mind?
I couldn't! :'(
*dances around* Got a job and found mah food handelers card >:3
How do you get a food handlers card?
You take a cooking class and ask about it then pay $10 after you take the test
Oh woot. I might have to do that if I want to work in the cookie store *_*
Well it has to be a cooking class at the school o.o
Ah okey. I never took any of the foods classes x3
Um...you? XD Im at the library I got up at 6am and finnished my homework for homeschool >:3
Off to wood shop. Blarghhh. >>
dun like wood shop? I thought it was kinda fun. could be useful later for making props
We've been learning about rulers lately. -_=
Poor Shay!
After this I've gotta walk up to German. Dx Not fun.
I'm actually on during school! :o Last period though~
There's a day-long field trip in my ecology class tomorrow that would mean that I'd miss all of school... I'm not sure if I want to go or not though...
Yey for school >w> I have to go to school with my friends when I come up for work XD they trade me off durring school periods >w> But.....Ima dress like a guy so pple can freak you and think Ima guy >:3
ah finally! school is out ^^
Rawwr! When I get to school im gonna cross dress BUT wear a skirt and confuse pple XD
what?? you've succeeded in confusing me! ???
Im gonna make it look like im a guy But ima wear a skirt also and throw pple off XD
aha ^^ i see now!
Yay for going to great lengths to confuse people ^^
Yush considering Im not actually going to the school for a while Pple will eventually forget >w> But I only have my Ho skirt from last years holloween XD Mike was the pimp and I was the ho XD I made a penny >:F
i bought a Ho skirt in amsterdam!! lol >< (its really super small... like REALLY SUPER small ><)
lol.... cher's stage outfits have more area than this skirt!
XD Ive never been overseas! =o
I forget but ive been telling pple this >w>: When i was cosplaying as naruto for no reason....me and my friends went to a sushi resturant and got fortune cookies and read them outloud but added "in bed" at the end of every sentance XD Made the topic a whole lot funnyer then I went skipping away with my friend (sasuke) XD
Lawl, Kinkeh, everyone does that :D
Yah but the way I talk and make it sound make pple "LAWL" XD and i took sasuke and said your comeing with me and went twards the direction of the hotel =D
yup ^^
is MUCH fun ^^ lol
Oh gawsh XD
I do loads of random junk >w> you should all hang out with me one day and be random with me >:3
yesh!!! we all should! ;D
Then give me sugar and you'll see how crazy i can be >:3
oh dear ><
I have 2003 spam posts!!! yay!! *parties* ^^
with the spoony cook make me a muffin?? ^^
*makes muffins* I would bring muffins to the mewcon but i cant go D:
awwww >< same here!
i'll be chilling in the bahama's with my friends from chicago ><
but i don't get to go to mewcon :'(
But joo get to go to other plases the farest ive been is vancover washington and L.A. cali D:
yea.... I travel a lot i guess ><
but i miss a lot of things to!! :-[
Rawwr least you get to go to random places =3
i guess ^^
i should take you with me!!! (i wish!!! ><)
But....I need shots and a passport to go ;_; I dun like getting shots >w> last time i went on a plane was to go to disny land
Last plane I was on was going from Los Angeles to Eugene, with a stop in Medford for the lulz.
I'm in the tech lab right now during ecology... fufufufu XD
In in english ^^ ;D
Im dancein around and watching cartoons for some reason
>> lucky!
Almost at wood shop.
Blaarg, like I am every day.
YOU HAVE WOODSHOP CLASS!!! *grabby hands*
no fair!
Darn you Shay! you and your fun school! :D
Lol when I went to school I had all art classes =3
I have art class to!!! ^^
is much fun! :D
Yush! But sadly now that im homeschooled I get 2 hours of homework a day and no fun until its over XD
TWO HOURS! unfair >>
I wanna be home-schooled!
lolz well I HAVE to be homeschooled I got picked on in the school I went to
awwww i'm sorry KFC ><
I don't see why though, your awesome! ;D
Well probly cuz I dont talk much and when I do pple cant hear me XD Till I attack them with my awesomeness >:3