
Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: TanisNikana on October 13, 2008, 11:24:33 pm

Title: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on October 13, 2008, 11:24:33 pm
Participate in NaNoWriMo!

In the month of November, we will be writing novels. This is because it's National Novel Writing Month.

That's 50,000 words. Can you do it?

For more details, see http://nanowrimo.org.

If you finish, I will award to you a whole box of Ramune, your choice of flavor.

To participate in the contest, please sign up at nanowrimo.org, and add TanisNikana to your writing buddies.

Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 14, 2008, 10:19:18 pm
No takers?
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 10:25:09 pm
So...you have to pretty much write a 50,000 word essay on eating a banana?
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 14, 2008, 10:34:42 pm
50,000 word novel about anything you please.
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 10:42:07 pm
Ok. Seemed more like an essay to me. I guess I'll try it, and most likely fail.
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 14, 2008, 10:42:56 pm
By the way, I'll be giving a box of Ramune to anyone who can win NaNoWriMo by writing a whole 50,000 word novel in one month, from November 1 to November 30.
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 10:44:51 pm
**** that, I'll do it in like a week. Already have a story in my head.
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 14, 2008, 10:46:06 pm
50,000 words is a lot of words. Wish I had a story in my head.

But remember, you can't start until November 1!
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: KogaRyu on October 14, 2008, 10:47:32 pm
hmmmm i dunno...  i mean thats a lot of words and they havent taught me how to read or write yet sooo yea.......
besides im currently busy with the 20 word essay......
by the way do you win just by finishing your essay in time?
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: Naruchan on October 14, 2008, 10:48:13 pm
I'm so in!
I wants that Ramune!
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: KogaRyu on October 14, 2008, 10:48:36 pm
how the hell would they know if i started before Nov 1st anyway
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 14, 2008, 10:49:36 pm
It's not essay. It's novel. And you win by finishing it in time.

By the way, a couple of rules apply:

1. Your original content only. No copying from Wiki to fill 50,000 words.

2. Needs to be a complete story.

3. Follow all grammar conventions of the English Language.
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 10:51:50 pm
Mine will be a romantic story on the Revolutionary war. I'm making a web comic on it.
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: KogaRyu on October 14, 2008, 10:52:22 pm
~_~   but i have no real writing voice or talent
Title: Re: Long story contest!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 14, 2008, 10:53:16 pm
Hm...XD. Maybe if I think of a plot.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 14, 2008, 10:56:36 pm
I've rewritten the first post. Please read it again, so you know what the rules are.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 10:59:29 pm
Yea, I'm going to win this.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 14, 2008, 11:01:35 pm
-.- you can't start til November
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 14, 2008, 11:04:33 pm

I...guess....I could do....a romance?  ???

I would so need help with this. XD I have a plot in mah head.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 11:05:08 pm
Heheh I already started.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 14, 2008, 11:05:41 pm
I already have the main plot, the Characters, the setting, and the Ending
its gonna be fun!
do you want me to help you?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 14, 2008, 11:06:55 pm
Make sure to sign up on the website and friend me! Only the folks on my friends list are part of the contest!

And no writing in advance.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 14, 2008, 11:07:10 pm
SURE! But I have to write most of it first...

this reminds me of the stories I wrote for Ari...ugh, I'm about to puke.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 11:08:32 pm
SURE! But I have to write most of it first...

this reminds me of the stories I wrote for Ari...ugh, I'm about to puke.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 14, 2008, 11:15:18 pm
lol I signed up!
I'm officially in this to win!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: EveofAbyss on October 14, 2008, 11:15:32 pm
Hmmm, maybe I'll give it a shot. I specialize in epic poetry, but maybe I can try a novel for once.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 14, 2008, 11:16:28 pm
And think of the rewards! You'll have a box of ramune if you finish, and a novel to share or sell or do with as you please!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 11:17:48 pm
*Fails at opening Ramune bottles*
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 14, 2008, 11:18:09 pm
lol YAY!!!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DancingTofu on October 14, 2008, 11:28:44 pm
Mine will be about nouns verbing the adjective, adjective noun in an adverb verb to verb the noun.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 14, 2008, 11:31:12 pm
Mmm wow...hilarious. *Sarcasm* ::)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 14, 2008, 11:32:57 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 14, 2008, 11:35:18 pm
....XD I gave in. I added you, Tanis. Now, just a plot. >>
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 14, 2008, 11:38:40 pm
Wait, so do we have to win, or just finish?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 14, 2008, 11:48:12 pm
lol just finish XD
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 14, 2008, 11:51:14 pm
Yay, got a plot. I can't wait to start writing this. I think it's a murder mystery kind of thing, since my mom is a big influence on that since that's all she reads. There'll be a twist at the end. >)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 14, 2008, 11:51:58 pm
Yay, got a plot. I can't wait to start writing this. I think it's a murder mystery kind of thing, since my mom is a big influence on that since that's all she reads. There'll be a twist at the end. >)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 14, 2008, 11:52:38 pm
Yay, got a plot. I can't wait to start writing this. I think it's a murder mystery kind of thing, since my mom is a big influence on that since that's all she reads. There'll be a twist at the end. >)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 14, 2008, 11:52:52 pm
lol wow
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 14, 2008, 11:53:11 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 14, 2008, 11:54:41 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 14, 2008, 11:54:48 pm
lol In mine everyone has normal names and it takes place in Liverpool england in 2002
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 15, 2008, 12:02:12 am
XD Mine takes place in present time, I'm thinking a big eastern coast city. >> I need lotsa crime.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 12:03:08 am
like what kinds crime?
cuz in certain places there are a lot of Drug crimes.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 15, 2008, 12:04:56 am
>> I don't want to give TOO much away, but murder and that sort of thing. It's going to be geared more towards murder, though.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 12:06:38 am
well you could like search the places with the most murder right now in the us.
that might help Narrow down the place.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 15, 2008, 12:10:03 am
XD That's true! [/googles] Hm, for 2006, I'm getting Detroit, Michigan, and Baltimore, Maryland for the highest so far...
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 12:12:24 am
you might wanna go with Maryland then XD
I mean 2006 is a pretty good time period
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 15, 2008, 12:14:05 am
-just typed a buttload of the plot to send to Syd-



This is going to be fun, though!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 12:16:59 am
lol I'm typing out the main events of my story...I'm on number 60...holly **** this thing will be long
well I'm going to bed now!
good night Syd and Megan!
I love you Megan! I'll talk to you tomorrow :)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 12:27:15 am
I think I've got my starting bit worked out - a small community has taken residence a secured and airtight bubble, painted over to lose all sense of the outside world. This is because everything that is outside has been rendered through with all sorts of nasty undocumented diseases.

I'll be refining my plot a bit more, but here's a bit I drew up just now, to see if it would work:

Jacob watched on at a safe, comfortable distance as a man wandered past the plaza, shouting madly.

"It's safe out there, I swear, oh Lord in Heaven who's Earth is clean! It's safe--"

The man's shouting was suddenly halted by a bullet in his neck, where he fell to the ground, a city guard eyeing his dead body, slowly lowering his rifle.

"Code 4, all clear. Send them in. Reporting in for decontamination."

The guard adjusted his aerator and headed off, knowing that he might full well die of what this idiot drug in with him, but safe in the fact that the town will survive. He had a look back over at the door the newly-created corpse ran through. It was at one point airtight, but a few centuries of abuse and neglect ran through it, and it looked to be more of a danger than an asset.

"And can we get someone out to patch that door?"

From what was perceived to be his safe comfortable distance, Jacob decided this was far, far too close to anything recently shot, diseased, and otherwise deadly, and dashed back the way he came.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 12:30:28 am
On second thought, that's a bit too direct. I don't want anyone to deal with a tragedy, I want them to deal with the results of a tragedy.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: KogaRyu on October 15, 2008, 12:33:25 am
eh after some careful thinking i have decided that if i come up with a good story idea i will write for your novel contest....

Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 11:05:08 am
You've all got about 15 days left to think up an idea for your book.

Anyone else up for a challenge and some Ramune?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: superjaz on October 15, 2008, 12:19:48 pm
hmm why not sign me up, wait tho, do you actualy need to win a contest, or is it you sigh up write a novel and get the ramune?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 12:51:58 pm
The contest is you versus 50,000 words, waiting to be written. If you finish, you get the prize. To sign up, register at nanowrimo.org and friend me.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on October 15, 2008, 01:48:19 pm
Whoa, Tanis that was wicked. o.o
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 01:50:22 pm
Yeah, but that fragment puts the dangers of the outside world at the forefront, where what I really want to see is the interactions between the characters as a result of the (lack of the) outside world.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 02:28:20 pm
Alright, here's my notes from workchat, irrelevant stuff omitted:

(14:18:32) sdc_tnikana: Here's my notes, as I wrote them:
(14:18:47) sdc_tnikana: Decades of war, seismic and biological.
(14:19:32) sdc_tnikana: Small community surrounded by large mountains is entirely fractured off from the mainland. Religious leaders in town have kept people from climbing the mountains only to see a sheer drop, followed by nothing at all.
(14:19:55) sdc_tnikana: Last word heard broadcast were "economic turmoil", but that was over 150 years ago.
(14:20:04) sdc_tnikana: So how do the citizens in town deal with this?
(14:20:28) sdc_tnikana: The postmaster has a secret: he fakes the incoming mail; writes it all himself. Gives the people hope.
(14:20:51) sdc_tnikana: There's a busted crop duster, too bad it can't fly, let alone get over the mountains.
(14:21:16) sdc_tnikana: There's an old radio which has become the object of religious attention, its worshippers waiting for it to speak.
(14:21:56) sdc_tnikana: The main character is a 52 year old male, living in town since he was born there. Through the actions of his two kids, he grows disenchanted with the system.
(14:22:17) sdc_tnikana: However, there is absolutely nothing beyond the mountains, and in general, every last person is gently caressed.
(14:22:21) sdc_tnikana: And this is where the story ends.
(14:22:36) sdc_tnikana: I think it could work. ^_^
(14:23:26) sdc_tnikana: I came up with this last night, with poking and prodding from friends. ^_^
(14:25:29) sdc_tnikana: Now although it will never actually be revealed in the book, I'm trying to think of ways that such large amounts of geography could effectively be nullified.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 04:49:05 pm
I have been challenged! I will write. It will suck, but I shall do it!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 04:52:00 pm
lol I have a problem actually.....
Hailey can I use the Story we sorta came up with together?
the one with Damian and Dani?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 15, 2008, 04:52:29 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on October 15, 2008, 04:53:54 pm
COLLABORATION? Interesting idea...
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 04:53:54 pm
lol I have a problem actually.....
Hailey can I use the Story we sorta came up with together?
the one with Damian and Dani?
No, that was previously written. Its like cheating. Its pre plotted and stuff. This is supposed to be a spur of the moment thing.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 04:55:17 pm
No collaborations, no prewriting.

Other folk editing is cool, though.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on October 15, 2008, 04:55:49 pm
I've never had ramune before but one of my friends says it's icky X3
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 04:56:04 pm
no its not!
me and you never got Far on it and pretty much gave up on the Idea
and I'm changing the Main Idea's a bit
I'm the one that has to Draw it.
but if it bugs you I'll think of something else
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 04:57:27 pm
no its not!
me and you never got Far on it and pretty much gave up on the Idea
and I'm changing the Main Idea's a bit
I'm the one that has to Draw it.
but if it bugs you I'll think of something else
Hey dorkus, I have the notebook, I've been writing. I'm just a little stuck.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 04:58:17 pm
I wanna see PROOF!!!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 05:01:06 pm
I wanna see PROOF!!!
More about the tarantula.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 05:03:11 pm
oh yaya
thats not much
Fine I'll think of something else XP
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 05:04:22 pm
I'm going to write.... about vampires. Because I love them.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 05:17:07 pm
I thought you would say something like that
Hailey you might be a little obsessed.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 05:18:39 pm
Yeah, maybe just a little. But the book I'm reading right now is SO good!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 05:23:40 pm
lol are you almost done with it or is it a new one that you just started?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 05:24:36 pm
Alyssa is withholding the third from me so I'm prcrastinating finishing the second onne.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 05:25:13 pm
oh I see XD
thats a good wait to put it XD
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 05:26:23 pm
Mhmm. Sorcerer + Vampire = Badass Villian
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 05:27:12 pm
lol makes me think of a scary Halloween cotume I saw at Fred meyeres
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 05:28:32 pm
Cory Littleton doesn't shop at Fred Meyer's! He just shreds house siding and breaks through concrete while getting shot with silver bullets.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 05:29:49 pm
oh wow

wait what?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 05:31:12 pm
Yeah! And he hurt poor Warren. T~T Don't die Warren! I love you.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 05:31:40 pm
is this from your book?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 05:40:07 pm
....What book! *hiss* its mine!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 15, 2008, 05:42:31 pm
lol wow.....
you have Issues meh best friend XD
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on October 15, 2008, 06:04:49 pm
I SHALL PARTICIPATE! I've had an idea in my head for a while, anyway. ^^
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 15, 2008, 06:14:13 pm
Nuuu, I don't want anyone else to do it!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on October 15, 2008, 06:15:29 pm
I can't stop staring at your avvie... you look exactly like my friend Keary. AND TOO BAD!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 06:19:59 pm
Om nom nom. Bacon. Maybe I'll write about bacon.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 06:33:03 pm
I SHALL PARTICIPATE! I've had an idea in my head for a while, anyway. ^^
I don't see you on my friends' list. Did you register?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on October 15, 2008, 06:39:10 pm
Just now. Hoooold on.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on October 15, 2008, 06:41:15 pm
Added you.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Cassiopeia on October 15, 2008, 07:39:09 pm
I'm gonna try. :)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on October 15, 2008, 07:54:42 pm
Good luck ya'lls.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 08:11:46 pm
I'm gonna try. :)
Make sure to add me if you haven't already.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Coconutty93 on October 15, 2008, 09:18:27 pm
Can the novel be really really randomness about nothing what-so-ever?  ;D
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 09:45:09 pm
50,000 words about anything with a story.

Try this on for size: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnegans_Wake

Quote from: Finnegan's Wake
Despite being one of the most well-known books of the 20th century, Finnegans Wake remains unread by the larger public. Joyce's methods of stream of consciousness, literary allusions and free dream associations are pushed to the limit in the book, which abandons conventions of plot and character construction and which is written in a unique language based mainly on complex multi-level puns. Although many readers and commentators have reached a broad consensus about the central cast of characters and general story, many details remain elusive.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Coconutty93 on October 15, 2008, 09:46:30 pm
Sweet! Then count me in!  :P
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 15, 2008, 10:14:57 pm
Now go back and read the first post about what you have to do to actually sign up to be in the contest.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 16, 2008, 09:56:16 pm
More people to enter the contest, step forward!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on October 16, 2008, 10:06:34 pm
Okay, I read the first post. I want to try. >.<;
And are you saying I'm alowwed to right a novel about bunny's and cakes?
Just checking..
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 16, 2008, 10:25:28 pm
About anything.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on October 17, 2008, 10:38:42 am
This novel will be epic win. =D
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: tofutakeout on October 17, 2008, 10:48:25 am
I did this last year. but I got lazy, lost my idea,  and I didn't really care anymore(wonderful aren't I? XD). I can't even remember my account. but hey good luck to any of those that participate in this. :3
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 17, 2008, 03:43:43 pm
About anything.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 17, 2008, 03:45:51 pm
Yes moar people! Remember, this is not a race. If you finish, you win. Doesn't matter what order you all come in. If you're done before the end of November, you win Ramune, simple as that.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 17, 2008, 04:29:31 pm
Wait, so everyone that finishes it gets a box of Ramune?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 17, 2008, 05:02:42 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 17, 2008, 05:05:08 pm
This is correct.

But 50,000 words is a lot! That's 1,667 words per day!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 17, 2008, 07:40:34 pm
Mmm that's nothing.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on October 17, 2008, 07:46:31 pm
I still have to think of an Ending
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Winfred on October 17, 2008, 08:56:55 pm
SURE, WHY NOT. I mean, I failed last year, might as well try agaaain. Hooray! Thar we go, added (under the name of Winfred)!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 17, 2008, 09:16:55 pm
50,000 words. That's a lot.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MizzArianna on October 18, 2008, 11:51:02 am
Mmm I don't think it's very much.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 21, 2008, 05:00:41 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on October 21, 2008, 05:02:23 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on October 21, 2008, 05:23:35 pm
>:3 Oh I can do this!!!! MUAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA!!! *cracks nuckles and starts jotting down ideas* 50k? so easy x.x
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on October 21, 2008, 05:26:42 pm
I'd be willing if I didn't have so much homework to catch up on T_T
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on October 21, 2008, 05:29:18 pm
its in nov right? theres like no school that month ._.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on October 21, 2008, 05:35:07 pm
Oh yeah! Okay... maybe I'm in, but only maybe!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on October 21, 2008, 05:40:49 pm
yay! >:3
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 21, 2008, 05:42:54 pm
Is not enough to simply say that you're in. Read the first post for further instructions.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on October 21, 2008, 05:47:49 pm
made an acount, I'm adding you Tanis
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on October 21, 2008, 05:48:50 pm
I'll make an account it I decide to do this for sure...
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on October 21, 2008, 05:58:38 pm
now I'm trying to pick a plot from my plot journal... its not going so well -.-
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on October 21, 2008, 08:21:55 pm
oh tanis my name on the national novel thing is Cheshare.... i used my lj name instead of the one I use on here >.>
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 21, 2008, 08:25:33 pm
Can I add you to LJ?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on October 21, 2008, 08:29:52 pm
uh sure ._.

wow first time some ones asked that ^^;;;

Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 21, 2008, 08:30:41 pm
Mine's at tanisnikana.livejournal.com, and I post fairly frequently. It's often the inspiration for what I do on the forums.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on October 21, 2008, 08:34:29 pm
cool I'll add you :3
I dont post to often sadly, I made the acount EONS ago... (need to fix up my bio for it -_-; ) but I just recently started using it again.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 25, 2008, 01:55:13 pm
So I have my random dissociated novel notes, if anyone wants to look. The trick is to write them out on the iPod, so that they don't blossom into prose, thus invalidating the entire story.
Postmaster Jim Sherman fakes the mail because it's all he knows. What happens when he runs out of paper?

One last working radio that squaks random stuff in every now and then. It's neither words or music, though. Just loud noise.

A busted crop duster that can't fly over the mountain. Maybe if we can roll it down Main street while the preacher isn't looking?

One of the town's residents rigged up his  extensive solar panels a long time ago, and passed his house through the generations. He has a six-shooter with four bullets left, the other two having a history. He uses two shots to drop the massive irradiated bird. The others could be used on the preacher. This man's name is David Becker, and his wife is Mary.

Main character is a 52 year old male living in town for as long as he can remember, who through the actions of his kid, grows disenchanted with the system. How long ago did his wife pass away? His name is Scott Riley. His wife is Jessica, and his kid's name is Martin.

What happens when the medical supplies run out?

The preacher acts as the real mayor, and he legislates from the church. The preacher's name is The Reverend Samuel Alexander Ingram.

Possibly: near the end of the novel, there is a massive earthquake that destroys a mountain, allowing the inhabitants to see the outside world for themselves.

Because there are no bullets left in the village, a girl, Kelly, will be executed by the priest and his men for the shameful crime of sodomy by stoning. Bundled along with her is a boy rendered catatonic, one of the neighbor's kids, Jeffrey, about what he saw when he climbed the mountain. He is unable to speak of it.

The preacher blames both of them for the power outage caused when a massive cancerous looking bird destroys the solar panels.

There is absolutely nothing visible beyond the mountains. Everyone is boned at the end.

The name of the town is Bluejay.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: makichan on October 25, 2008, 02:10:37 pm
I would want to participate if I had the time  :'(
Thank goodness I'm taking creative writing next term. Gotta get at it.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on October 29, 2008, 09:43:52 pm
Okay... I'm in! Tanis I added you! x3
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 29, 2008, 10:22:01 pm
Remember, you're not racing each other! Everyone has a chance to win!

You're racing against the inevitable: you're racing against the whole month of November! Will you write a novel before it dies? Or will it die and leave you novelless? Only you can decide!

This means I'll probably be handing out multiple boxes of Ramune. Or possibly just one. Or maybe even none. Depends on how many finish, really.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on October 30, 2008, 09:05:54 pm
Well... I don't know if I count cuz I was going to do NaNo either way, but I certainly wouldn't say no to Ramune. :3

So yeah, adding you to my buddy list. =)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on October 30, 2008, 09:33:55 pm
hmm...maybe I'll take part in this in hopes its a tempting enough carrot to make me write my plot bunnies.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on October 31, 2008, 08:15:49 pm
Last chance to sign up! We begin at midnight!

And best of luck to all us participants!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on October 31, 2008, 11:13:40 pm
Enter Rant Mode:  @#$%$&#$%@#^&^&(*$%^  Exit Rant Mode

Appears the site is taking on high traffic so the author search is disabled.  I'll have to add you to my buddy list in the near future.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 01, 2008, 10:05:27 pm
GRRR! I have no idea how to update my freaking word count! >.<
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 02, 2008, 12:17:14 pm
Is it just me or is the site being really slow?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on November 02, 2008, 01:31:05 pm
its being really slow.  it having too much traffic.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 02, 2008, 02:12:47 pm
I wish it would stop.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 02, 2008, 04:53:45 pm
I've got the first couple thousand words of my story up here, if anyone's interested:

Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 02, 2008, 08:35:40 pm
Also, 4,006!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 02, 2008, 08:37:04 pm
TEEHEE! I haven't started yet!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on November 02, 2008, 09:00:47 pm
TEEHEE! I haven't started yet!
We're so much alike, my twinny!  :D

I'm going to start it tonight! I SWEAR!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 02, 2008, 09:08:35 pm
lol I HAVE 1160 done!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 02, 2008, 09:11:17 pm
Bwahaha, I have about 1,400 words so far, and my story is coming along nicely.
It's about a Vampire...But so far he doesnt know he's a vampire...and yeah... >>
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on November 02, 2008, 09:12:18 pm

Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on November 02, 2008, 09:13:17 pm
swear to what?

and when he gets the thirst for blood?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on November 02, 2008, 09:14:23 pm
To starting!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 02, 2008, 09:15:17 pm
@ CatchxMe. YES!
We all believe in you.

@Seraph. I just started writing about that.
Hee hee hee. >:]
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 02, 2008, 09:18:59 pm
wait shay what is your story about?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 02, 2008, 09:20:00 pm
A boy named Alexander Simons, who is a vampire, but doesnt quite know it yet.
Hee hee, I have the entire story mapped out in my head.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 02, 2008, 09:30:12 pm
lol YES!!!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 02, 2008, 09:30:42 pm
I have 1100 words roughly. Mines about the end of the world, and I'm basically winging it except that I know it ends with a death.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 02, 2008, 09:31:28 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 02, 2008, 09:32:08 pm
You should start!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on November 02, 2008, 09:53:40 pm
I've started a little bit.  I think I'll be tripping around a lot with it though.  its a slow start I think.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 02, 2008, 09:58:11 pm
My start was fast but now I'm just like, "How the hell am I gunna fire out 50,000 words?"
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on November 02, 2008, 10:00:20 pm
I was like that with every sentence =(:::::
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on November 02, 2008, 11:05:06 pm
o.o How the crap do you paste the freaking document?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 02, 2008, 11:16:56 pm
o.o How the crap do you paste the freaking document?
Don't worry about that yet; it's not available. The whole site is kind of fluctuating.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on November 03, 2008, 07:26:02 am
Wooo, 650 words! Lol imma not gonna make it to 1,000.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 03, 2008, 07:33:33 am
lol I have 3000 words, and the start of a second chapter, which is good xD
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on November 03, 2008, 08:19:25 am
I'm writing it right now! >:3
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 03, 2008, 01:55:45 pm
If you're interested, watch my LJ on a daily basis for updates to my novel, Bluejay.

Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 03, 2008, 03:23:29 pm
I FINALLY STARTED! Prologue ish done! And it's not very long either! XD
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: mangakaluna on November 03, 2008, 05:57:20 pm
I'm totally doing this.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 03, 2008, 05:58:51 pm
Yay, good for you.
you can do it.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: MiriaRose on November 03, 2008, 06:17:09 pm
Whoo, count me in! (Yes, Tanis, I've made an account and added you. xD)

I have an idea in my head, now. =^^=

Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 03, 2008, 07:20:15 pm
The nanowrimo site is currently crushed by its userbase, so if I haven't gotten around to adding you yet, would you kindly mail me your username to tanisnikana@gmail.com?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 04, 2008, 09:53:09 pm
I barely have over 100 words... I'm not coming back on to KCon until I get 10k!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 04, 2008, 11:44:42 pm
10,000 is quite a bit. I've been at it for five days and have only 9,142.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 05, 2008, 07:43:11 am
*Is so far failing at this*
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on November 05, 2008, 01:19:32 pm
isn't the only one
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 05, 2008, 06:38:10 pm

(characters, exactly. I stopped in the middle of a word to post this. 9768 words.)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 05, 2008, 06:40:05 pm
Ahhh! I'm so flippin slow ;_;
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 05, 2008, 06:43:23 pm
Well, if you divide 50,000 by 30, you get 1,667 words per day. And to keep with the schedule, you need to have 8,335 words by now. If you don't have that much, you're falling behind!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 05, 2008, 06:44:25 pm

[/shift jam]

Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on November 05, 2008, 07:01:14 pm
Yay! ^__^ I just made it to 10000 today!  :) this year is totally less hard than last year was.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 05, 2008, 07:01:19 pm
And there goes the 10,000 word milestone! Also, the maximum length of a post is 40,000 characters, otherwise I would have posted my novel here.

Edit: I was talking about mine, not hers. But both are still cool. ^_^
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 05, 2008, 07:09:27 pm
WTF! You guys are so much more intense than I!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 05, 2008, 07:10:31 pm
Actually, you are much less intense than we. Hop to it, you got some catching up to do.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 05, 2008, 07:11:05 pm
Oh, also, I write for only about 40 minutes a day, sometimes a bit more if I'm in the mood.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 05, 2008, 07:11:56 pm
Maybe I will! I'll be writing late into the night if Shay'll let me :D

I need to write, period xD
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 05, 2008, 07:43:35 pm
Maybe I will! I'll be writing late into the night if Shay'll let me :D

I need to write, period xD
Go go go!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 05, 2008, 07:51:42 pm
Oh gawd..
I wrote like 6,000 words..
And realized I didnt like the direction the story was headed, so I'm back to 1,000.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 05, 2008, 08:21:59 pm
Oh gawd..
I wrote like 6,000 words..
And realized I didnt like the direction the story was headed, so I'm back to 1,000.
Aww, that's a shame. Usually I just roll with stuff like that, as if I'm just watching my fingers make a story.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 05, 2008, 10:38:30 pm
*fail* XP
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 08, 2008, 02:05:51 am
13,026! Come on guys, you can do it!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 08, 2008, 02:10:04 am
I hope you know I'm only doing it for the Ramune. o-o
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 08, 2008, 02:11:19 am
A box full!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 08, 2008, 02:12:41 am
Now I feel more motivated. I'll try to have 15,000 by Sunday.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 08, 2008, 02:46:09 pm
I got to 9000 last night at 4 in the morning...
I had so many detractions.
people kept talking to me, but i got it done.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 08, 2008, 02:53:04 pm
Yay Bella! Keep it up!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 08, 2008, 02:55:15 pm
^^ I will, i'm really glad i did it!
now I just have to finish the chapter.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 08, 2008, 03:00:07 pm
The 2,000 words that was originally the beggining of my story, just became the prologue.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 08, 2008, 06:21:53 pm
15,000 words is a hard push. It's only 1800 more than where I'm at now, about two pages, but what to do with those two pages?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 08, 2008, 10:37:50 pm
One more thing: Ramune in large quantities is heavy, and I can't drive! So if you win, you gotta come here to pick it up.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 09, 2008, 10:57:54 pm
By the end of today, everyone should have 15,003 words if they want to be keeping up. If you have more, it means you can slack off later. If you have less, better catch up!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 09, 2008, 10:58:54 pm
... *dies*
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 09, 2008, 11:00:19 pm
Also, box of Ramune.

I have 17,120 words. Hopefully I won't be the only one with a box of delicious Ramune. If you wanna see what I have, it can be found, in 2,000 word chunks, on tanisnikana.livejournal.com.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 09, 2008, 11:07:23 pm
I don't even think I have 1k yet :D
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 11, 2008, 12:49:51 pm
20,003! Come on, guys, you can do it!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on November 11, 2008, 04:30:50 pm
Who you telling to "come on"? ^__~ 23,000.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on November 12, 2008, 06:48:26 pm
Yay! I made it to the 25,000 mark! I can't tell if I'm more than half-way done with my novel or less than, but I sure as hell don't feel like this is the halfway point  :-\

Oh wells! ^__^ Excitement abounds and such.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 12, 2008, 11:03:00 pm
I'm back on track for my novel.
The story line is a bit silly though.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on November 12, 2008, 11:03:51 pm
thats great!  my story is starting to build steam......finally @_@
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 12, 2008, 11:09:28 pm
I'd say mine is fantasy, maybe.
It's really stupid at times though.
Even the sad or suspensful parts make me 'Lol'.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on November 12, 2008, 11:58:04 pm
mine is modern fantasy.  I don't think mind is stupid.  just a bunch of horrible writing.  I'll to edit it later....with high explosives
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Syd-chan on November 13, 2008, 12:03:24 am
I don't even think I have 1k yet :D
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 13, 2008, 12:35:25 am
Can we also have an over 20,000 club? Also, there's folks running around with 0, still...
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Darknight2433 on November 13, 2008, 04:14:47 pm
I don't even think I have 1k yet :D
>: I have 9k!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 13, 2008, 05:10:45 pm
Good job everybody.
You can do it.
I believe in you all.
-Teary eyes-
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on November 13, 2008, 07:53:20 pm
mine is modern fantasy.

mine... i'm not sure what to classify it as. it's like a philosophical superhero story, but i'm not sure that encompasses everything. it's really dark mostly, although there are some funny parts.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on November 14, 2008, 08:41:51 pm
... I'm getting there. About fourty more pages (It's handwritten). I'll type it up afterwards.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 14, 2008, 09:02:30 pm
... I'm getting there. About fourty more pages (It's handwritten). I'll type it up afterwards.
I heard from someone that you had mistaken the count to be 500,000 words, and that you already had a 50,000 word story ready, with another one sitting at 40Kish. Am I right?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 14, 2008, 10:51:22 pm
25,056! Over halfway!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Cassiopeia on November 15, 2008, 04:33:39 pm
.. I'm not doing this.

xD I'm too busy in other aspects of my life to do something I'm not really passionate about. :/
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 15, 2008, 05:58:04 pm
.. I'm not doing this.

xD I'm too busy in other aspects of my life to do something I'm not really passionate about. :/
You're a bit late anyway; it's halfway over. You'd have to crank out over 4,000 words a day to catch up.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Cassiopeia on November 15, 2008, 06:14:25 pm
No, I said I was gonna do this before. I've changed my mind. I know I'd have to do a lot. So I'm not going to. Because I don't have the dedication to it. (If I did, I'd be working on it now).
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on November 16, 2008, 09:13:10 pm
Yay! 30,000 words and I'm starting to feel like I know how I'll wrap all this up. Heehee, it's always weird writing this much, this fast, I'm sure half of this will read like it was written by somebody else to me next month (last year there were seriously parts I didn't remember writing).
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 17, 2008, 03:35:25 pm
Most of you guys' wordcounts suck! You won't win with 3,000 words!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: mangakaluna on November 17, 2008, 05:36:52 pm
OTL As soon as I finish my two big essays, I am gonna pull an all-nighter to get my word count up  >:(
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 18, 2008, 03:29:58 pm
You should give me ramune anyway, Tanis. lol My birthday is tomorrow! J/K I'll work for it like everyone else. got 1k pages today.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on November 18, 2008, 04:28:48 pm
You should give me ramune anyway, Tanis. lol My birthday is tomorrow! J/K I'll work for it like everyone else. got 1k pages today.

something tells me you meant "1k words". 1k pages would be /very/ impressive.

oh yes and: yay! 33000 words! :3 here's hoping I can make it to 35000 today!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 18, 2008, 05:44:32 pm
oops yeah 1k words!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 19, 2008, 01:53:32 am
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 19, 2008, 01:44:54 pm
3,624 words. :/
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 19, 2008, 01:48:44 pm
lol fail....
haven't worked on it in 2 weeks
I really don't have a chance in hell in finishing....
I will get no Ramune.
but thats okay, cuz Tanis is my friend and I mooch off him anyways.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 19, 2008, 02:13:00 pm
Type hard and type fast. You can still win, if you really have at!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 19, 2008, 03:01:35 pm
I really really hope to finish!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 19, 2008, 08:18:21 pm
I'm pretty much out of the competition. Dx
I only have 2,000 words or so.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 19, 2008, 09:29:11 pm

If I win, I'm gonna decline my share of the Ramune, seeing as how I'll buy it for me anyway.

I will, however, take part in my share of the publishing profits.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on November 22, 2008, 06:38:22 pm
Yay! I'm now at 41000 (I hope to get to 43K by the end of tonight)! ^__^ I hope to be finishing up by Monday or Tuesday! Anybody who wants to read it should totally PM me an email address or something. I would love to have some Beta-ers.

EDIT: =3 I actually made it! 43000 words means I'd make it even if I only wrote 875 words each day for the rest of the month.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on November 22, 2008, 06:58:15 pm
wow raven thats great! <3 I'm pushin for another five thousand tonight myself, i posted on the forums at NanoWriMo and dared everyone to try for at least another 5k tonight, if not more!

and dude raven totaly send it to me <3


oh if some one called "cheshare" adds you to their buddy list on nano thats me.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: YouDontKnowMe on November 22, 2008, 08:53:42 pm
I'm like giving up on this because I'm majorly failing.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 23, 2008, 10:54:03 pm
And Chihiro takes home a box of melon!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on November 24, 2008, 06:42:02 pm
Yay! I did it!  ;D

I am now seriously looking for Beta readers, please contact me if you are interested in reading or editing my novel! ^__^ I'm very happy about how it turned out.

Oh, and is anybody else going to the NaNo after party thing the weekend after next? We should totally meet up there!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on November 24, 2008, 06:55:07 pm
I've been done for about a week or so. I know this because it's handwritten and after a bunch of mathematical calculations figured it to be totaled at around 54,000 words so far. (I averaged 300 words a page, did about 180 pages)Just need to get off my lazy butt and count them all and get someone to confirm. Is it against the rules to have finished the first draft with about 140 pages (about 42000 words) and started to second draft (on about page 38 or 39 on that one) which makes up the rest of the 50000? Or do I have to lengthen the first draft another 8000 words? By the way, it's handwritten.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on November 24, 2008, 10:25:26 pm
I seriously have no life. XD
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 25, 2008, 10:40:12 am
I'm already editing Chihiro's novel, and having two novels lying around to edit could get hairy.

If you two can, send a copy of your manuscript to tanisnikana@gmail.com. Mitsukai, I only need to see yours with my eyes.

Once that's done, you two can pick your flavors. Right now, I have only a case of regular in my closet, so if you want that, it'll be ready for you immediately, otherwise it takes two weeks to order a case from Uwaji.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on November 25, 2008, 11:07:46 pm
M'kay. I've almost finished getting my mom to verify the wordcount on the handwritten manuscript, then I'll finish the typing of it. Already 8000 or so into typing... should be done by friday. Then I'll submit to NaNoWriMo and send you the manuscript.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 25, 2008, 11:49:35 pm
You can always generate Lorem Ipsum to plug into NaNo...
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on November 26, 2008, 01:09:43 am
... really?! But then how would I show it to you?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 26, 2008, 02:19:05 am
Show it to me in person, with written paper. Send the Lorem Ipsum to the NaNo website. ^^
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on November 26, 2008, 03:24:03 pm
Ah! Alright then, I shall! ^^
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 26, 2008, 10:06:04 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 26, 2008, 10:07:45 pm
* oslapedo has epicly failed at this
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Seraph on November 26, 2008, 10:08:10 pm
we're in the same boat.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 26, 2008, 10:09:02 pm
I didn't even get to 5k words.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Naruchan on November 27, 2008, 04:23:23 am
I went to 10
I'm going to continue working on it if I have time.
I really like it, it calls for more effort.
anyways, Tanis you totally cheated.
you put it in twice.
but I guess it really doesn't matter sinc eyour getting to 50 anyways.

congrates to thosw that made it
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 27, 2008, 09:09:02 am
I went to 10
I'm going to continue working on it if I have time.
I really like it, it calls for more effort.
anyways, Tanis you totally cheated.
you put it in twice.
but I guess it really doesn't matter sinc eyour getting to 50 anyways.

congrates to thosw that made it

That was an accident... still frantically scraping up that final 10K here in the next four days.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: oslapedo on November 27, 2008, 09:11:31 am
Good luck =O
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 27, 2008, 07:51:45 pm
I give up. :/
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on November 27, 2008, 10:35:24 pm
I overshot myself a bit. Just finished submitting - used the lorem like you suggested - ended up being exactly 52362 words.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 27, 2008, 10:35:55 pm
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 27, 2008, 10:36:08 pm
Thats good. I got 4798
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on November 27, 2008, 10:52:16 pm
Yup! problem is, my mom lost the first page of the first draft. -sighs- >.> gotta go find it or just make do with what I've got for the second draft so far. (Once I pass a part in the 2nd draft, that part in the first isn't needed as much. But I still want my entire little brainchild around, you know? Moonlight is my baby. *snuggles manuscript*)
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 27, 2008, 10:53:27 pm
Good job on finishing.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 27, 2008, 11:07:01 pm
Well, you overshot, so as long as you hand me enough words, we're good to go.

Also, I made 43,000 even tonight! It came up as 42,998, but then I slipped in an "and" and a "she" to bring it up.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 28, 2008, 11:33:55 am
Lol....7000 more!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 29, 2008, 05:54:46 pm

Only 1,674 to go!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: YouDontKnowMe on November 29, 2008, 08:37:56 pm
I failed. I stopped at about 10k words. I'll finish it over a period of time.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on November 30, 2008, 03:41:44 pm
I'm a novelist!

Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: mangakaluna on November 30, 2008, 09:53:02 pm
I failed.

Oh well. I'll try again next year. I didn't have any time this NaNoWriMo around, due ta first term in College and such.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: StarryShay on November 30, 2008, 09:54:56 pm
Wah, I failed too.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: DemonSpawn on November 30, 2008, 09:55:27 pm
Huzzah for failers?
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: Winfred on December 01, 2008, 08:38:52 am
Woo! -failhighfive-

But hooray for winning, Tanis!
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: TanisNikana on December 01, 2008, 11:25:51 am
Alrighty, lets talk prizes:

Payout goes to these fine folks:

And that's it! Show's over!

Thread locks when discussion is complete.
Title: Re: Long story contest! Win a whole box of Ramune!
Post by: murder_of_raven on December 01, 2008, 11:52:56 am
Alrighty, lets talk prizes:

Payout goes to these fine folks:
  • Chihiro: One box of melon.
  • Mitsukai, tentatively (when she shows me a manuscript): One box of an undecided flavor.
  • Raven Murder: One box of strawberry.

And that's it! Show's over!

Thread locks when discussion is complete.

Yay! Congratulations everybody! 4 people finishing really is pretty good, everybody who gave it a good effort should feel proud of themselves. Anybody who is interested in reading my novel or trading editing work on their's please please please PM me. ^__^

Edit: Oh, and I hate to repeat myself but is anybody else planning on going to the end of NaNo thing next Saturday at the downtown Powell's?
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 01, 2008, 05:22:46 pm
I'll be going!
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: oslapedo on December 01, 2008, 05:25:10 pm
Congratulations everyone! I'll try harder next year! >:3
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: DemonSpawn on December 01, 2008, 05:49:36 pm
Congo rats!
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on December 01, 2008, 08:24:25 pm
I would need a ride... wait, isn't that the 13th? That's the Christmas party... I'll be there, the Winter Rage at my school and stuff. @.@
Are you going to the Christmas party, Tanis? I could show you the manuscript then,
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 01, 2008, 08:56:40 pm
The TGIO party is on the sixth. And show me the manuscript whenever, it's all cool. ^_^
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: DemonSpawn on December 01, 2008, 10:06:43 pm
May go, may not.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 01, 2008, 10:18:13 pm
I would need a ride... wait, isn't that the 13th? That's the Christmas party... I'll be there, the Winter Rage at my school and stuff. @.@
Are you going to the Christmas party, Tanis? I could show you the manuscript then,
And I doubt you'd need a ride. There's fifty-three bus lines and three train lines servicing the Powell's we'll be at.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: Cassiopeia on December 01, 2008, 10:19:33 pm
I got zero words, I'm so proud.  :D
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 01, 2008, 10:24:10 pm
It feels weird not working on a novel tonight.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: Mitsukai Mizu Amaya on December 02, 2008, 12:05:42 am
same here. @.@... *goes to work on second draft* can't... stop. XD
oh, so it's THIs saturday. I'll ask my mom.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: murder_of_raven on December 02, 2008, 06:48:54 am
It feels weird not working on a novel tonight.

Seriously! I suddenly feel totally aimless. I've went back to my normal hobbies (reading, watching anime, playing videogames, etc) but with a vengeance. I feel like I'm doing NaNoWriMo for each of those things this month :D

But it really is a normal feeling, it happened last year but more badly (last year I got really depressed actually X3)
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: DemonSpawn on December 02, 2008, 07:41:00 am
I'm depressed I DIDN'T finish, and you're upset that you did? Can no one win?
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: murder_of_raven on December 02, 2008, 07:54:27 pm
I'm depressed I DIDN'T finish, and you're upset that you did? Can no one win?

No, it's more like you are depressed that your life is no longer challenging and your goals are no longer crystal clear. But yeah, everything is a little bit good and a little bit bad.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: makichan on December 02, 2008, 08:06:14 pm
I want to participate next year ;)
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: oslapedo on December 02, 2008, 08:07:50 pm
True dat :D
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: Naruchan on December 02, 2008, 08:09:04 pm
lol I tried my best!
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: YouDontKnowMe on December 04, 2008, 09:12:52 pm
Oh well. There goes my ramune.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 05, 2008, 02:28:50 am
Alright, hurry up and claim your prizes; it's all just sitting here in my closet.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: murder_of_raven on December 06, 2008, 01:52:30 pm
I'll be at the TGIO party today, if you'd like to bring it then ::shrug::

Otherwise I'm not exactly sure when I can make it... XD I doubt my parents would be cool with me traveling to a different city to go to a 20-something-year-old boy's house to obtain soda. Perhaps we could meet somewhere like Uwajimaya? PM me if you think of anything that might work out.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 06, 2008, 11:47:30 pm
Logistics, though. Everyone seems to think Ramune is weightless, but in actuality a box is 40 pounds and I don't drive, so I'd be lugging it all the way over to wherever you are on foot...
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: murder_of_raven on December 07, 2008, 11:41:46 am
Logistics, though. Everyone seems to think Ramune is weightless, but in actuality a box is 40 pounds and I don't drive, so I'd be lugging it all the way over to wherever you are on foot...

Well I don't drive either.  :-[

Hmm... lemme talk to some of my friends and see if I can work something out. If I can't get it to work out maybe you'll just have to keep it :'(
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 07, 2008, 05:49:26 pm
It's gotta come out of my closet one way or another...
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 14, 2008, 09:00:58 pm
Two more to dole out.
Title: Re: The Long Story Contest is over! Thanks to those who participated.
Post by: TanisNikana on December 22, 2008, 05:41:32 pm
Winners have one week past thaw to claim their Ramune. After that, I'll drink it.

Contest over, books published, thread locked.