Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: KaBOOM on October 18, 2008, 06:53:21 pm
Would it be cool if there was such things as flying monkeys like with actual wings and stuff?? and they didn't fling poop lol
Mmm... I smell spam *_*
:-\ sorry about this post...my friend got on to my computer because I forgot to log out XP....I just got inside...
You may delete this thread....it was not meant to be posted...so sorry for that
No biggie! I love me some random spam threads >:3
Haha ok ^^
so is this thread gonna be deleted??
Maybe. It'll probably just get shipped to the spam board once a mod sees it :3
Admin? But you're a forky mod! Lawl! XD
Haha love the pictures..
Yikes you are on the case!!
Human? I'm no human, I'm a super saiyan!
RAWWR! (https://www.kumoricon.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi379.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Foo232%2FPANDAH_IN_MEH_PANTS%2Fcupcake8.png&hash=51987b61543c7ef7b79c2aa9996a9bcd16dbd18b)
oh dang....I knew the day would come when cupcakes would attack XP
Lawl Not as bad as MARSHMALLOWS! (https://www.kumoricon.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi379.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Foo232%2FPANDAH_IN_MEH_PANTS%2F591742rlmub07c1s.jpg&hash=f5dc5e3b6f324293dc3c34284df823b99b73eac7)
Mustash likes to think he does the above all the time.
Haha I bet
Where do you guys get this awesome pictures??
I just randomly find mine ^^
mostly from searching for them. but I did make a few though
Hmmmm ok
I bet I can find them when I am not actually looking for um haha
Blah! (https://www.kumoricon.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi379.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Foo232%2FPANDAH_IN_MEH_PANTS%2FAkatsuki_chibies_gomateelsewherehih.jpg&hash=b111f895624f15dfc5a0e9b017a6640f7d2dbd25)
that was pretty awesome
hehe I like this picture ^^
Lol I like Tobi at the end! CHEESE! Er damn that sounds like me I COULD BE TOBI! >:3 Considering I have ADHD And I went crazy at this years kcon!
That would be AWESOME...
Think I may have ADHD as well but I am not sure haha
I mean I went like "needs a straint jacket" crazy XD
BLARG! I cant see the pic all thats there is that anoying little red X
Red X where???
haha wow....I don't think I went that crazy hehe
My camputa wont load it DX
After a while i calmed down and slept on a picnic table with like 3 empty boxed of pokey and a Bawls can next to me XD
Haha very nice!!
ummm well if you want to see more or something you can look at my myspace
Lolz Ok I would give you my myspace to but I dont remember the URL DX
Haha it's all good...
what is your e-mail that you used for it...I can add you
Lol its my brothers e-mail I used cuz he made it for me like 4 years ago DX
haha nice.
want mine instead??
Yes please but im mentaly ill so it might take me a while to find it XD
Oh you crazeh kids :D
^^ it's all good
my e-mail is:
put that in and BAM! i'm right there ^^
Your a kid too osla X3
Sweet ^^
hehe were all kids really if you think about it
I am a kid, but I'm also the father to many, so... XD
BLARG! I could be a 12 year old cuz I looks like one! ^^ Yet sadly I am 15 going on 16 XD
Our ages are so identical! I won't be 16 until late July though ;_;
I have Nephews if that counts XP
I feel like a parent though because I mostly take care of them which is rather sad but oh well you get use to it ^^
My Birthday is in November ^^ the VERY end of it
My brithday ish JUNE! So im older then you king bwhahahah! ^^
KFC is a gemini like myself if I remember correctly
You beateth me and my age! WAH!
@seraph: Yup! ^^ And I have very different personalitys just ask my friends. its like 2 for the price of 1 XD
@osla: Hehe =3
its what we get for being for gemini. makes things more interesting I say.
@seraph: Very interesting X3 I would have had a twin sister if I didnt murder her in the womb XD
I am a Sagittarius
maybe it was twin brother who shares your body and is the reason why you can be so boyish?
does that sign describe you pretty well?
Lol It all happened when I was a little deformed squirll child XD Apearently I moved around so much I wraped the cord around me and my sisters neck yet I servived ^^
@seraph: Im boyish cuz my brother raised me DX and you make it sound like I ate my own sister XD
more like you're being haunted by your twin's spirit?
@seraph: Gha! That sounds creappyer DX
well you can say you just have split personality. its what I do with my feminine side ^_^
@Seraph: Ummm yeah kinda depends on which one you read haha
@seraph: To me (no offence) Our femminine all the time DX
ahhh. how about your chinese zodiac?
@Seraph: I'm a monkey and if you wanna get really specific I'm a WATER monkey ^^
I'm a earth rat if I remember correctly.
...that does sound very creepy.
@seraph: Hehe IM A COCK! XD A metal cock....
it was...He is like out there all the time...but whats worse is it's my moms friend and he like stalks our house......he is like insane literally
@Seraph: oh nice....I rather like being a monkey ^^
ah the rooster right? how well does it match with your personality?
well thats good ^_^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_(zodiac) sounds like you pretty much then?
@seraph: No clue atleast I think Im the metal one idk I never really found out to much cuz I dont like birds XD
ummmmm yeah kind of lol
I am not sure I am kind of going through some changes haha
wait...I'm actually a wood rat. my mistake ^_^*
here is a description of rooster http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooster_(zodiac)
ahh. I see. what kind of changes if I may ask.
Well not that good actually....
I am going through some really hard things at home so I am kind of developing trust issues, anger issues and I am kind of just shutting my self away.... make sense?
I try really hard to stay positive ^^
@seraph: Well this kinda sounds like me but the gemini sounds more like me cuz at a few sertain times I can be 2 faced but appearently the roosters negatives are Self-Involved, materialistic, overly-romantic, pretentious, vain, bossy, fussy, blunt
I can be fussy and I might have to look up some other words cuz im retarted
I am really bored and I don't know what to do haha
but it roughly, it describes you then? here is gemini for a comparsion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemini_(astrology)
oh no! I hope things turn around for you ^_^ you'll find lots of luving people here! ^_^
@seraph: LOL Yup Thats deffinaly me XD
BOOM get of the forums and reply to my myspace messages :'(
you make me a sad sad panda.
@Seraph: Heh thanks me to...but I don't think it will get better till I get older...it's been happening since I was like 9 but it's ok I am getting through it....and I think the Con helps alot to because I meet so many people it's awesome I love it
@Bob: I'm SORRY!! I am replying to everything I am really
maybe I should order a luv glomp on you then
ever wish you were a different person?
@seraph: Sometimes when Im depressed ;_; But I take many many meds to keep me normal ish
@Seraph: I would love that!! hehe
DEPRESSED? DON'T BE! Just remember...there isn't a zombie attack! Yet...
Lol. But what if there was and you didnt know about it until they got you...
That would be scary!
But luckily they made a book on a Zombie survival guide book. WOOT
Id just die eather way..
Nah I would save you ^^
I would save both of you, because we all know you'd just get yourself in trouble trying to save her.
I live in a hole....2 1/2 hours away XD Oh wait thats just great HIC TOWN ZOMBEHS
Just chill with me and Ari and our shotguns. 8)\
I promise to everyone if there was a zombie attack, if they came to me, they'd live! >D
you're luved too much to be eaten by zombies.
like pocky? maybe I'll order pocky on top of it.
I live in a hole....2 1/2 hours away XD Oh wait thats just great HIC TOWN ZOMBEHS
wait wait wait
hic town zombies = hic town people
hic town people = boomsticks
boomsticks = zombie repellent.
Id deffinaly throw my mom out to the zombies >_>'
@seraph: Yey! Its fun being loved by lots of people the only one I still need love from is my own family I was a bastered child and sill to this day live in my older brothers shadow DX
@bob: How exactly did you get broom sticks out of hics? XD
Haha he is weird but we all love him ^^
I would throw my mom to....
I"m sorry ^_^* make your own family?
@seraph: How the hell do I make my own family? XD
ummmm SCIENCE!
My sister has a zombie survival guide...
I have......MANGA! >:3
@kaboom: Lawl How exactly do I go through with all that tho? DX
find someone to create that family bond. you dun have to be related by blood to be a family.
Id deffinaly throw my mom out to the zombies >_>'
@seraph: Yey! Its fun being loved by lots of people the only one I still need love from is my own family I was a bastered child and sill to this day live in my older brothers shadow DX
@bob: How exactly did you get broom sticks out of hics? XD
not broom, boom. boomstick. shotguns? you know from evil dead? famous quote?
@seraph: =3= You mean like on ouran when haruhi gets called daughter and everything? XD
@bob: I dont get out much.....
its an old movie, you don't have to get out to see it ;)
@KinkyFriedChicken: haha I don't know just sounded good at the time ^^
haha nice bob very nice
thats one example.
Lol I dont watch tv enless theres something I like on it XD
@KaBOOM: Im not smart enuff to pull of anything that sientific
@seraph: None of my friends like it when i fallown and cling onto them like a lost puppy
Thats ok me either XP
Im REALLY stupid >_>
Lol I dont watch tv enless theres something I like on it XD
@KaBOOM: Im not smart enuff to pull of anything that sientific
@seraph: None of my friends like it when i fallown and cling onto them like a lost puppy
I know how, but its gonna cost........
@Kinkeh, you have no excuse! evil dead is a classic! actually I think you'd like it alot.
nah I think you are pretty smart I mean look at all the ideas and stuff you come up with i mean seriously
@bob: Evil dead? I'll have to look that up one of thses days I like zombie movies but I have a very active imagination so I get scared when I try to sleep DX
@KaBOOM: They just random show up in my head tho ;_;
its really old, not scary at all, I wouldn't worry about it.
still it's pretty smartness coming from that head of yours
find a friend thats willing?
@bob: I think I might have seen it once o.e i dont member.
@KaBOOM: But there just random ideas DX
@seraph: I dont have many and there not that willing
that will work to
Still smart ^^
I'm sure there is a spoon that is willing.
....I'm suddenly reminded of kaolla su and motoko from Love Hina.
@seraph: So I have to find a spoon that can be nice and give me um I think...unconditnal love like a mom? . . .
Guess What??
=o Whut?!
doesn't have to be a "mom" unless you want it to be. just someone to luv ^_^. but its only a suggestion to find a spoon. all of the spoons luv you ^_^
you learn how to balance a noodle on your nose?
I should try that sometime haha maybe I can master the noodle balance or something haha
@seraph: Ari was a spoon and she didnt care XD Kogo doesnt care eather and anime girl but thats probly cuz they rearely post anything......Then I'll take any love I can get at the moment cuz thinking about my rude friends and my mean mom has me crying a little right now DX
ARI CARES! She always does!
oh no!!! want a hug?
@seraph: Yush T.T But I needs a real one. TT.TT Crappy depression..
I'm off for tonight
I have some stuff I need to do that involves homework haha
talk to you all later ^^
Bai bai boom!
oh well...I'll give you IOU then. til then. *hugs* ^_^
@seraph: Lolz Ok *hugs back*
I thought that store closed
you feeling a bit better dear?
Oooh! *pokes new undiscovered thread*
*hugs meg* =D
@seraph: Yah Ive calmed down and stoped crying for now
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better then ^_^ *hugs* no matter what, there will be people luv you for who you are ^_^
@seraph: Im just to sencitive. I just hope most are there when I really need them T.T
I thought you said seductive...oh gawd...TWINNY! MY MIND IS CORRUPT!
dun read that if you'll get mad at me. XD
I understand. I can quite sensative at time as well. I"ll be there if you ever need me.
@Meg: LOL I dont get mad very often I reads it Im just a really bad speller DX
@seraph:Your probly the only friend that I can talk to cuz in my group im the advice giver =3=