Convention Community => Off-Topic => Topic started by: xxxchihiroxxx on January 23, 2009, 10:37:53 am
*insert panic attack here*
I just finished mine. I aced my ASL finals
Don't be hiding out in some castle in the sky!
i just finished mine! :3
silly college schedules :P
ah i dont miss being in collage
I feel kinda lucky right now even tho Im homeschooled we dont have state testing or anything. xD
But im gonna root for joo and I know joo back do eet! =D
Now that I'm done with my finals I can cheer you on for yours >:3
TT_TT Damn it Patrick your so lucky that you get more time to study!
You'll do great 8D
D: all of my finals are like 20% of my grade... cept english thats 50%
50% is way too much =O
Oh, jeeze. That reminds me. ....Stupid Writing thing. I mean, 80% of your grade is a lot. @.@
so when my comments come home in a few days i may not return to the forums for a few months... my father may confiscate my computer for having a C in chem. (It is not allowed to get C's and I'm bad at chem. so he thinks that taking my lifeline to sanity will make me better at it.) ;;>_>