
Convention Events and Programming => Panels & et cetera => Topic started by: Hentai Cupcake on April 13, 2009, 01:14:53 am

Title: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 13, 2009, 01:14:53 am
Refer to the new post if you want to apply.


Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nekovamp13 on April 13, 2009, 01:37:23 am
Sounds like loads of fun! I'm interested, and may do it this year. If you have any examples from past years, I think that would help.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 14, 2009, 12:34:34 am
thanks to the great mastershambler1 here are some great pics of the sakuracon anime swimsuit contest!


Also examples of talents done by contestants were singing intros to the anime they were from, preforming tricks or activities of their character such as Kaname chidori making a person do a work out, or ayane from DOA beach volley ball doing a butt battle, or even the pony stalker from Full metal panic:Fumafuu he gave a guy a pony tail.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: tofutakeout on April 14, 2009, 03:43:46 pm
Theres probably an age requirement huh?

I thought the idea was really cool when I heard about it at s-con(wanted to go but got confused about where things were) but I think it'd be fun to join especially since one of the characters I'm cosplaying has a swimsuit in the series and I was planning on making it.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on April 14, 2009, 05:24:19 pm
I'm thinking about maybe entering the contest with Swimsuit Cassandra, but that will all depend if I can get a tan this summer or not, hahaha.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on April 14, 2009, 07:05:54 pm
hm sounds interesting, I think I may enter it as swim suite Peach : )
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 14, 2009, 08:27:15 pm
sounds great :) ya the age requirement to be a contestant will be 18+
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: tofutakeout on April 14, 2009, 09:27:33 pm
Damn. I'll be so close too. DX

ah well if there's one in the year 2010 I'll sign up for sure.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on April 14, 2009, 09:42:02 pm
xD ah shoulda known.

well another year then : )
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 15, 2009, 12:25:00 am
Ya i would love to them every year!
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on April 15, 2009, 02:21:18 pm
Well I'll be turning 20 a month after con haha. So if all goes well with trying to make my skin not so blinding count me in.

Edit* Also with that said when would be the latest date we could enter to be in the contest then?
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 15, 2009, 03:58:38 pm
Probly will be more of a first come first serve kinda thing probly and will close registration for it when the max contestants are accepted. The application form will probly look like this:


Contact Infos:


Age: Please be at least 18 to apply

Talent: What you plan on doing for your in charater talent, all talents must relate to your charater/series, ex. sing a song from the series, preform as your charater, do a activity from ya series. Few example of past talents are: Asuka from Neo Gen Eva fighting a person dressed as a Angel, Ayane from DoA doing a butt battle, Pony Stalker form Fumofuu giving someone a pony tail

Additional Infos: Any additional information or request you would like to give me
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on April 15, 2009, 05:33:12 pm
is it kind of like the anime dating game where they request to be 18 at least or is it required?

just curios. ._.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on April 15, 2009, 05:58:45 pm
I may be up for this. I just need to think of a talent >_>;;
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 15, 2009, 06:43:51 pm
All contestants female or male must be no younger than 18 to be a contestent but if your like 1 or 2 months from being 18 and have ID to prove it thats probly acceptable, just cant have minors being contestants.

Hope to see ya in it Nikkiolie! :)
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on April 15, 2009, 06:49:43 pm
I think it would be funny to come out in the organization coat and rip it off XD
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 15, 2009, 07:31:19 pm
lol! that does sound pretty awesome hehe
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hawkeye on April 15, 2009, 08:34:40 pm
Just make sure that any swimsuit characters follow Kumoricon's costuming decency policies (talk to kylite or Squeek for up-to-date info).  If you do hold this, I would also recommend having a female Yojimbo present for everyone's safety.  Just my two cents.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on April 15, 2009, 09:01:23 pm
Just make sure that any swimsuit characters follow Kumoricon's costuming decency policies (talk to kylite or Squeek for up-to-date info).  If you do hold this, I would also recommend having a female Yojimbo present for everyone's safety.  Just my two cents.

very wise idea
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 15, 2009, 10:10:52 pm
ya i put in a request for the yojimbo in my panel request application
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: JeffT on April 16, 2009, 04:32:54 pm
All contestants female or male must be no younger than 18 to be a contestent but if your like 1 or 2 months from being 18 and have ID to prove it thats probly acceptable, just cant have minors being contestants.

If you are 1 or 2 months from being 18, then you would be a minor, ID or not.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 16, 2009, 04:42:10 pm
Guess its not acceptable lol sorry :(, Contestants must be strictly 18 or older to apply
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: JeffT on April 16, 2009, 04:45:15 pm
I'm not making the final call on that, that has to be done by the Programming Director (or possibly the board), but if the policy is decided to be no minors, then it needs to be adhered to, to the date, no exceptions, and it would need to be verified with ID check, not just badge.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 16, 2009, 04:53:34 pm
sounds resonable, ill just make it strickly 18+ to simplify matters no sense in adding fuss for something minor.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: xxxchihiroxxx on April 18, 2009, 09:51:49 pm
does that mean minors may not attend the event to watch?
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 19, 2009, 06:43:33 am
the strict 18+ is for the contestants, the rating of the panel is up to kumoricon
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: IrukaSensei on April 21, 2009, 08:19:07 pm
*hip bumps Hard Gay* Yo! Good to see you again. I'm up for this *winks* I have to think about Talents that I could be running, and find a swimsuit for Yuugao. Oh gods, poor Yuugao.. Being put into a swimsuit contest... >.<

I think if I start my Martial Arts Training before KumoriCon, I can do that! YOSH! You gonna do this at MewCon agian?XD
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 22, 2009, 02:24:23 am
Hey Iruka *huggles* Sounds good! Did ya attend my sakuracon swimsuit panel?
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on April 22, 2009, 08:18:53 am
Ok I think I figured out my talent. Depending on what day this is will determine if I can be in it or not. I am hoping that it will be on Sunday.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: IrukaSensei on April 22, 2009, 09:35:42 am
No I didn't, I had to spend as much time with my boyfriend as possible. He didn't like going to the panels. So we made a deal, so long as I got my autographs, we where on even footing. XD
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 22, 2009, 10:19:30 am
hehe i'll post what day its on when i learn nickio

hah! nice, it went amazingly well!
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on April 23, 2009, 10:53:16 am
Thats fine by me. And for now I need to get training. First off I need to find someone to help test my theory

Also do you know if there would be a solid wall in the room? One that I could use to put a lot of weight on and it wouldn't collapse: ;D
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 23, 2009, 11:05:19 am
not too sure, they havent started confirming panels yet i dont think, so not sure what room i will have, but it will more than likely have a stage on it with a solid back wall to it if not, one of the side walls will be solid.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on April 23, 2009, 11:12:39 am
Alright those should work just fine for what I need ;D
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on April 23, 2009, 11:24:09 am
I have an idea for a talent and was wondering if I could run it by Hentai Cupcake so you could tell me yay or nay if it counts as a talent. Do you mind if I pm it to you?
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 23, 2009, 11:27:19 am
I wouldent mind at all! feel free to pm me whenever :)
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on April 23, 2009, 11:46:15 am
Kk,thanks! I just sent you the pm. Get back to me and let me know what you think.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on April 23, 2009, 11:50:54 am
Oh I may do the same thing then....
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: iluvshijimi on April 24, 2009, 05:49:29 pm
I would be interested in competing! I'm a lady by the way :)
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nekovamp13 on April 25, 2009, 12:36:06 am
Sadness, since I'm not 18, I can compete...But at least I can watch!!!!
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 29, 2009, 05:41:10 pm
Thats great to hear iluvshijimi :), please pm me a picture of you, along with your charater idea and a general idea of the talent you will be preforming.

There is always the next con Nekovamp! But i do hope you will come and watch it, it will be so much fun! <3 I love hosting this panel!
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nekovamp13 on April 29, 2009, 05:50:55 pm
Oh, most certain! This sounds like a lot of fun!

Are there gonna be assigned judges, or will the whole audience be the judges?
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on April 30, 2009, 11:34:33 am
There will be 2 winners a judges choice and a crowd favorite so both lol
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on April 30, 2009, 12:03:13 pm
I'll have to make sure that I stay in shape :P
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: bluepaws25 on April 30, 2009, 01:24:03 pm
You know Hentai Cupcake, being your friend, i will be in it for sure!!

here are pictures from the previous contests

starting on page 8

mew con
starting on page 16

sakura con
starting on page 29

*i was the blue haired girl. Kaname with the promo BontaKun swimsuit. but that is being retired. only one win out of all three. she just doesn't have much personality, so it's hard. so not sure if i'll do Meg from Burst Angle. Eclair from KiddyGrade (the one with short purple hair). Utena from RevGirl Utena. or maybe Lina from Slayers....what should i do??
here's my other cosplays

who do you think i should do??

Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on May 02, 2009, 03:21:39 pm
Alright I started practicing. I will do a little more tomorrow hopefully >_> At the moment I can't practice again because it hurts XD
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on May 02, 2009, 03:47:22 pm
lol well dont hurt ya self too much hehe *hug*
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on May 02, 2009, 03:52:20 pm
I'll be fine. After doing something I haven't done in a while it will take me a few days to recover :P
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on May 02, 2009, 04:07:05 pm
haha i know how that is! XD
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on May 02, 2009, 04:10:46 pm
Its been two days and that is usually how long it takes me. So I should be able to practice again tomorrow ;D
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on May 02, 2009, 04:36:28 pm
Nice!  :) Good luck and onward to glory!!
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on May 02, 2009, 04:40:33 pm
I WILL DO IT! I am going to rock this contest. XD
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on May 02, 2009, 05:05:01 pm
I bet you will! Im excited to see your preformance! <3
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on May 02, 2009, 05:07:40 pm
Yeah I am looking forward to this as well XD

I just need to start doing a lot of sit ups once I get done with school. Jog a lot too, I need to lose a few inches off my waist and hips :P
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on May 02, 2009, 06:07:33 pm
Ya i am going to work out as well, i need to put on a little size and toning to pull off a proper Hard Gay
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on May 02, 2009, 09:33:48 pm
I'm working out a bit too since I want to be completely confident when I'm up on stage. I won't even wear a bikini to the pool so I'm still surprised I'm so for this.
Also it's hard to find a plain blue bikini for less then $50...I may have to splurge a bit for my swimsuit :\
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: makichan on May 03, 2009, 09:11:08 pm
I must say it takes a lot of guts to get up on stage and perform (and in a swimsuit no less!). Kudos to all of the participants. I look forward to attending and seeing you all~
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Sutie on May 03, 2009, 11:46:32 pm
Oh, I thought about doing this contest. I could do my swimsuit Refia but I have no idea what to do for a talent! eeep!
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on May 04, 2009, 06:44:09 pm
I dont think i know your character Sutie but, some advice i can offer is think of things that go well with the personality of your character or go well with the series. Like if she a tough fighter, maybe get some friends to go up on stage and ya could play beat em up, or maybe so a activity or action that she would do or does in the series.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: IrukaSensei on May 13, 2009, 10:04:20 pm
I shall be learning some form of a Martial Arts while in Texas. I still have to work on a talent, though in reality being ANBU is talent enough. oh and find a bathing suit. One that would look really nice on me XD
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: ~boogiepop~ on May 19, 2009, 06:45:22 pm
Too poor to do this now!
If you'll be having another swimsuit contest at Sakuracon I may try to get a swimsuit for Cassandra by then.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on May 22, 2009, 10:53:20 am
I need to test out my talent and even see if I CAN do it x.x
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: IrukaSensei on May 22, 2009, 11:48:55 am
I has to get more training XD But I'll do a lot of stretching before the panel starts, so I can REALLY freak people out >3 I have a new stretchy thing I can do!
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: DreamingYuna on May 22, 2009, 04:36:07 pm
I hope to host a Anime Swimsuit Contest at Kumoricon this year, it was hugely successful when i hosted it at Mewcon and Sakuracon this year and would be alot of fun to hold it at Kumoricon as well. Sent in my request for it today. Would any women or men be interested in being a contestant in it? How it will go is:

3 rounds, with 2 winners, a judges choice and crowd favorite. 1st round is in character introductions, 2nd round is talents and 3rd round is questions from the crowd. At the end all the contestants come up onto the stage for group photos and the picking of the 2 winners.

if it gets approved will post a much more in depth description of it and its rules, prizes and such.

i could try and work somthing out but idk i dont like wearing swimsuits
i just normally just wair t-shirt and shorts
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on May 29, 2009, 05:05:00 pm
Sorry Yuna, all contestants must be 18 or older to enter.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: DreamingYuna on June 01, 2009, 03:38:43 am
Sorry Yuna, all contestants must be 18 or older to enter.

yeah i know
its gunna have to wait 3 years for me
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: nikkiolie on June 02, 2009, 02:29:01 pm
I think I may actually have to back out of this. In order to wear another costume I need to do an exercise program that does the opposite of what I would need for my talent.
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on June 17, 2009, 06:20:04 pm
awww :(
Title: Re: Anime Swimsuit Contest
Post by: Hentai Cupcake on July 26, 2009, 03:25:57 pm
Please lock this thread i am going to start a new one now that it has been approved and is on the schedule :)