Mr_Mustash, I thought they yours was locked. did they unlock it?
And there was a note in the other about a Maid Cafe. this is kinda what I want to start someday. sorta. More a teashop/cafe/pubish focus though.
like, the morning focus more on tea and morning pastries. evening more tea and sweets. and night closed to adults only at 10pm and have sake and sushi. The uniform for morning will be a custom design, but like cute maidish. And color of the uniform will say if you are a new hire, regular, or superviser. Managers will have there own uniforms. then the night shift uniform will be... well.. sexy. ^^ A dream... not sure if or how I will ever have it work, but it is a dream. Maybe if I won a lotto I would have the starter funds I'd need. ^^