Author Topic: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?  (Read 6025 times)

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Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« on: September 17, 2009, 01:18:06 pm »
I'd love to hear from anyone who was:
--attending TUNAC in 2003 or earlier (the Totally Un-Named Anime Club of U of O, members of which started Alto Nimbus, which started Kumoricon);
--an attendee at Kumoricon 2003, Thanksgiving weekend in Eugene;
--a panelist, contest judge, staff person, and/or volunteer at KC 2003;
or --ever involved in Alto Nimbus.
--I want to give props to folks who were there helping at the very beginning;
--I want to reconnect with folks I may have met back then but with whom I may have lost touch;
--I am curious who, if anyone, has actively worked, in any capacity, for all 7 of our years;
--I am curious who, if anyone, has attended every Kumoricon, starting with Eugene.
If you attended (or worked at) KC 2003 and/or 2004, I'd love to hear
--what you notice that has changed (for better, worse, or neutral effect);
--how where we are now compares to where you thought we would be, based on then.
This is all just for fun and love! This is not for flaming in any way! Thanks, all! Love, Rem.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 01:27:34 pm by RemSaverem »
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

Offline reppy

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 02:26:52 pm »
Back in 2004, I knew someone that was running a booth.  He let me work at his booth for about an hour and also check out the con a little bit.

Things I noticed:
1) Not a lot of exhibitors! The room was small! And there was about 10 people (if that) walking around inside!
2) The gaming room was small and crowded.  If I recall, it was just down a flight of escalators.
3) In general, there wasn't many people.

Few things I've noticed besides the obvious like the convention itself growing in size:
1) More varied panel offerings
2) Average age seems to be increasing!
3) I'm not nearly as shy about asking for pictures. ;) OK, that isn't related to the convention itself.. but in 2004, I didn't ask a single person for their picture.  I took a picture of the exhibitor's room and that was it!

Since that year, I've been attending Kumoricon regularly and loving every year.  I'll admit while I enjoy Kumoricon's growth, I do sort of lament the loss of the "campy" feel that it had when it was a much smaller convention.  (I guess there's always MEWcon to fill that void -- for now, at least. ;))

I actually found out about Kumoricon from this girl that worked at Border's Books at the Vancouver, WA mall.  I was buying a ton of manga, she was giving me recommendations (thanks for recommending Pita-Ten!) and Kumoricon came up.  I mentioned it to my friend, and he said our friend from IRC was running a booth.  And yeah. :p  I don't know why, but I am still surprised when I'm talking to an anime fan, I mention Kumoricon, and they go, "Huh? They have one of those out here?! I want to go!"  I guess not everyone is in the know.  :D
« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 04:23:12 pm by reppy »

Clark Anime:
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Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 04:01:31 pm »
Sweet, thanks!
I am guessing from context that you mean that you lament the *loss* of the campy feel. I imagine that the more we decide we're going to have a hard cap (and thus not need to do extra recruiting), the more we will be able to be as quirky as we wanna be, without having to worry it might deter closeminded folks from attending?
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 04:26:51 pm »
Sweet, thanks!
I am guessing from context that you mean that you lament the *loss* of the campy feel. I imagine that the more we decide we're going to have a hard cap (and thus not need to do extra recruiting), the more we will be able to be as quirky as we wanna be, without having to worry it might deter closeminded folks from attending?

Yes, sorry.  Not sure how I lost the word "loss" in that sentence. >_>;

And I suppose what I mean by lamenting the loss of the "campy" feel is that as Kumoricon gets bigger and bigger, people will have more and more expectations of it.  And I fear that will the mean the loss of some of the silly/random panels and stuff.  Like, a lot of the panels seem to have a really nice "homebrew" feel to them, you know?  Lots of people know each other.  I also really like the local feel, since I'm from around this area and a lot of the people that attend and run it are as well.  I suppose that won't ever change, so I don't have to worry too muchabout that. 

I've never been to a bigger con, so I don't really know how things run around there.  But that's kind of what I meant. ^_^; 

Clark Anime:
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Offline Rathany

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 06:15:30 pm »
I've been every year, including Eugene.

--what you notice that has changed (for better, worse, or neutral effect);

Being mid-20s at the time, the first Kcon made me feel old as mud.  Everyone seemed so young.  I knew nothing about the particular shows that everyone else seemed into and had never heard of glomping.  Gah, that one girl, wearing just a long men's white shirt did a running-head-start-glomp to just about everyone.  I also got ditched by the people I came with.  

2004 was more fun.  There were so few cosplayers that people kept taking pictures of ME just because I was wearing odd T-shirts.  Also, that year, I did not get ditched by the people I went with.  (Seriously, does anyone have a pics from that year with me in it? I think my 'Pokethuhlu' shirt was the most photographed.)

--how where we are now compares to where you thought we would be, based on then.

I am now older, obviously, but no longer feel out of place.  Kcon seems far more diverse, age wise and in other ways.  Both in attendees and content, how we diversified really impresses me.  I never imaged I'd be a staffer.  

I found I am happier staffing cons than attending them, or working them in other ways.  I even wound up pitching in and helping crowd control down at Comic Con in 2008 and had alot of fun doing that.  (I wanna actually work CCI one year, just for fun)  
« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 06:37:57 pm by Rathany »
2003 - 2006 Kumoricon Attendee
2007 - Assistant Registration Manager - PreReg Side
2008 - Vice Chair
2009/2010 - Director of Relations
2011 - Return to Vice
2012 - herp derp

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 07:04:13 pm »
I've been here since 2k4, and had a great time there... I got in for saturday on a day pass, and was downtown on sunday and remember being really sad that I couldn't go back.

The real relevance though, my non-forum reading fiance has been an attendee every year so far, and typing that will remind me to show her this thread =D.
2004 - 2007 Kumoricon Attendee
2008 - Operations Office Staff
2009 - Assistant Ops Director
2010 - Director of Operations
2011 - Registration Manager
2012 - Vice Chair
2013 - I can safely say that I'm not running for a board position :D

Offline BlackjackGabbiani

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 10:20:43 pm »
I've been to all of 'em! The first one, I threw my knee out the week before so I had to hobble around on crutches.

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 11:32:13 pm »
Duuude I totally didn't think anyone on her has been around since 2003 D8 I always feel so old when I mention I was at the first con xD
Kumoricon '10
Monkey D. Luffy - One Piece
Zabuza - Naruto
Toothless - HTTYD

Offline superjaz

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2009, 11:58:19 pm »
yup year 2003, tho i started posting on that first forum long ago (ago ago ago..)
i remeber being asked to stay in one spot so a girl could use me to draw a picture of pikachu (my costume), that was used in a who dun it mystery game, later she bought me a meihoshi key chain as a thank you,
awesome dealers room that first year, game room had a real ddr machine,
between year 1 and 2 my best friend died of type 1 diabetes, K-con was there as somthing that I could still look forward to, when everything else was so suddenly gone
Did the attendee thing in 2004, wanted to get involved more but couldt due to home life
Didnt really meet peeps from the forum till 2005 when i started to go to pocky club and really get into volunteering
lord to think how my life is what it is now because of k-con, I met chris my husband at a pocky club/ bakazoku meet up in december of 05, jeramaiya was there tom, negima, vallie, he who must not be named..we just hung out once then chris offerd to drive me to januarys meeting, and was finaly able to put some forum names with faces like sarah, and Beau and Meg,
after the meeting Guy showed some amvs and chris and i watched while holding hands at which point i'm like ....O.O And its funny Guy came up to us and meantioned a sewing for the girls guys do somthing else at his place thing coming up and mentaly I am like (are we a couple now so confused)
(ended up watching vampire hunter d and getting teriyaki and it being our first date...) been married for since january, owe k-con alot
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2009, 01:12:59 am »
awesome story jaz
*hopes for more similar stories...can see the publicity campaign now, profiling all the long-term couples owing to KC*
All of you who have posted in this thread have totally made my day!
BTW I was in cosplay 2003. Integra Hellsing one day, Seraphim of Mega Tokyo for half of one day, then modified the costume to resemble the gal with glasses from Haibane Renmei.
I had never even heard of anime conventions before KC '03, and in fact had not really seen anime other than Princess Mononoke until I started dating someone from TUNAC in 2002. Boy did I get inundated quickly! I think the first meeting I attended we watched some Full Metal Panic! Fumufamlo (spelling?) and the second, some Guu. Uh, yeah. I can see how it was someone from TUNAC who ended up starting the Anime That Scarred Me For Life Panel! I distinctly remember it being fun for folks  to take my picture. And that I had a whole lot more free time that year, since I was "only" co-running the fanfic panel and co-judging the fanfic contest. We hadn't designed the con-world's first known fanfic room yet, so, I had most of the con free to go find out what a con offered and immerse in otaku culture. To this day I believe it was the only time I got to attend cosplay! And I specifically remember the lovely and unsurpassed FilkAeris's "You Got Yourself a Ninja Centerfold" Naruto filk. *giggles*. There is video of that somewhere, isn't there?!
Let's see, what I else do I recall from 2003. Well at our fanfic panel, we had our 1st Story,Story,Die! I'd grown up going to Improv classes, so I was familiar with the modality, but I was still learning about anime, so it was totally hilarious to me. If I recall correctly, the first round was Poke'mon and featured Blackjack. Then BJ, Filkaeris, and I were among those shaping our first yahoo group, kumoricon_fanfiction, which designed the Beta Station (KC 2004's Fanfic Room) and Fanfic Bedtime Stories, which initially was envisioned as a beatnik cafe, almost poetry slam style, with beverages and snacks to be offered for donations.
Absolute highlight of 2004: Serendipitously arriving in my Tuxedo Masks crossplay at the Live Action Sailor Moon Slumber Party *exactly* when Tuxedo Masks was making his first appearance on screen--and being "OMG" "glomp"'d and homaged by Tom the Fanboy, never having heard of the word "glomp" before. I do believe there is a pic of that out there somewhere....
Anyway, I loved the "family" feel of the early years, and anything we can do that keeps that is ideal. Also I loved that we had enough of a staff/panelist/volunteer to attendee ratio that everyone had some time to go actually be part of the rest of the con, not just 100% locked in 24-7 to their job descriptions. Anything we individually, departmentally, and as a con can do to retain long-term staff and reduce turnover is beneficial. Anything we can all do to make it more desirable to be staff or a panelist helps every staffer and panelist!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 01:15:22 am by RemSaverem »
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

Offline Rushifa

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2009, 02:05:40 am »
Yep, been around since 2003!  I'm from Eugene, though I live in Portland now, and was in high school at the time, so it was sort of a no-brainer.  My band at the time (Anquish of Snails) played all day sunday in one of the main areas, and we didn't go much saturday 'cause we were in panic/practice mode, but we did make it into the dealers room, which I remember being super tiny.  Our local comic book store had a booth, and there were ever some booths with bootleg stuff, lol.

I have very wonderful memories of that time, though we didn't get to wander around much.  We had a friend with a camera we'd send out after people to get their pictures, and we have a great one of a Kamui being glomped by a gaggle of Sailor Scouts, and looking quite pleased with himself.  I also remember listeing to the cosplay contest while we were on break, and I'll never forgot Filkaeris' stuff!  That was a great year.

2004 we also played at the con, but we got stuck off in a hallways that people weren't actually allowed to go down, so it was kind of lame.  Still had lots of fun though!

Over the years, I've never been officially staff, but I've assisted with Nekopan and have friends in the artist' alley.  I also have a good friend who was a cosplay judge for a few years, so I got the wonderful privilege of sitting up with them in the front row!  I loved the whole contest process and would love to be a judge someday, if I've ever qualified.

I'd been to Anime Expo before Kumoricon, and I actually preferred the feel of the smaller convention.  It felt so homey.  I know what reppy means, it had that wonderful campy feel of being so small, which we're losing as we get bigger.  The biggest changes I notice are in the variety of panels we offer, and the events in general.  So far away from that little con in Eugene.

I haven't missed a Kumoricon yet, and I really don't intend to, until maybe I'm old and boring.  It's become like a yearly reunion for me and my friends from high school.  We've all grown up with the con, and I have some great memories (and some sad memories).  I remember and miss Bakazoku, remember and don't miss the falling-out and subsequent attempt to "revive" Bakazoku, I remember the Inuyashas and Kagomes being replayed by Naruto and Sakura, the infusion of Kingdom Hearts...  Overall, I love this con, it's one of the things I always look forward to, even though it also signifies an end to summer, lol.  I associate this convention with a lot of friends, some of which have moved away in the last few years, so it definitely has a special place in my heart.

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2009, 02:30:25 am »
2003 member here!
Unfortunately I can't say how KCon has changed these days since I've been away from the convention for the past 3 years (grad school).  But I will say it is amazing to see that KCon has gained a reputation and is no longer known as 'that small convention down there in Oregon.'
I still remember how small the convention was and how there were about 5-6 rooms.  I also laugh when I think that the one showing I remember was Full Metal Alchemist before people knew what it was.

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2009, 08:28:37 am »
Yep, my wife and I have attended every Kumoricon since the very first in 2003. We've attended a variety of anime conventions including Sakura-Con, Anime Expo, and Otakon since about 2000, but at a NOVA (Northern Oregon and Vancouver Anime) club meeting somebody mentioned this "little" new convention starting up. We decided pretty much on a whim to take a chance and check it out!

By far, Kumoricon 2003 was the best convention we've ever been to! We felt that it was an awesome party with 400 of our closest friends! ;D

Better/Worse: The attendance of Kumoricon has gotten extremely "younger" and that has concerned us, however with the increasing attendance we believe that this dynamic will change. Either pre-registration caps will be instituted (older attendees generally pre-register earlier) or registration prices will increase (older attendees generally have more "liquid" cash). Oh, and I mean younger as in under 18, and older as in 18-30ish. ;)

In the better category, I would say that this last convention (2009) was one of the best from a staff "attitude" standpoint. Even though I was staff this year, my wife was not. She noticed that Kumoricon staff was a lot less stressed out and treated attendees better than in prior years.

For the future: I hope that Kumoricon 2013 is an awesome convention to help celebrate 10 years! :o
--Chris ^_^

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2009, 11:16:50 am »
ANGUISH OF SNAILS!! I LOVED YOU GUYS!!! Wow I am so thrilled to find someone who even knows that name let alone was in it! Do you have CDs? DVDs? Seriously!!!! You rocked. You were the main reason I spent so much time in the hallway! <--former band geek here; clarinet in marching band & symphonic band.
You might get old but boring, not gonna happen.
Hi, Chris! Am I remembering you being in Hawaii and going to Kawaii con? And having won our first manga contest in like 2004? *waves* Great to hear from you! Hope you come back! And what's your degree in?
Interesting that you post feeling attendees have gotten younger, while others in other threads have posted thinking we were getting older (in average age). I imagine we're simply bigger, with more folks at all points on the age spectrum....I do hope your wife is right that we as staff are getting mellower, more in our groove, etc.! And I'm all about the family feel.....

Great replies!!
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

Offline Radien

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2009, 02:14:21 pm »
Well, Rem already knows this, but for the rest of you I've been involved since 2003. :)  I ran the DDR contest the first year, mostly by the seat of my pants, but JUST managed to conclude it without any bracket errors, so it ran smoothly.  In 2003 I was also a last-minute recruit as a judge for the Karaoke Contest.  In 2004 I stepped up and ran Karaoke.  Since then I've stepped back and been less involved, mostly because the con has mostly moved its operations to Portland, and my friends from TUNAC -- the club that founded the con -- have been less involved as staff.  I lived in Portland last year, though, so I was pretty involved in general meetings etc.

By the way, Rem, it was the "Truly Unnamed Anime Club." ;) ... [/nitpick]

Anguish of Snails? I loved you guys too!!  You really made Kumori Con year 1 that much better.  "Sax Guy" was playing music from various video games and anime this year, but nothing beats a live band. ^^ I'd love it if you or somebody else did that again.  It was a great idea you had.  Glad to hear you're still coming to the convention, even if you're not playing!

As for how the con has changed... in some ways I don't like how it's become bigger and more "serious."  I don't really attend main events anymore; they leave me claustrophobic and bored.

The attitude's pretty good, though.  It's hard for me to imagine that we've really got more teenage attendees now, because in general the attendance has been more mature. I witnessed a lot of teen drama in 2004, and in 2005 there were a number of inconsiderate comments being shouted in the halls. In 2006 I had some rather rude people attending my panels, too.

For the most part, I don't see much of that anymore.  Perhaps I have the "serious" feel to thank for that. However, increased attendance also brings in a wider variety of ages, even if they're outnumbered by the incoming teens. One of the coolest fans I've met in the past two years was apparently over 60. :)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 02:21:00 pm by Radien »
A member of Eugene Cosplayers. Come hang out with us.

Kumori Con 2010 Cosplays:

Link (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Apollo Justice

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2009, 02:27:58 pm »
oh yeah i remember seeing naruto there for the first time, funny i was just looking thru some of my things from my moms place and found a pic of me in my pikachu from year 1 i ll see if a can  copy it to here lever
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2009, 04:59:06 pm »
I started going to Kumoricon in 2004! :3
I missed 2003, by a couple of days. Our friend who had known only told us about it after she had went.

So, let's see, what have I notcied?
In 2004... yeah it was alot smaller, compared to now at least. I remeber, that was the year attendence jumped from 400 to 1,000 something didn't it? Poor K-con staff, lol. There weren't as many panels, events to go to. I remember mainly walking the the exhibitors hall, checking out the game room, checking out the art room, walking the halls and going to the AMV contest. I don't even remember going to a cosplay contest then. Was there one? :O

Now, bigger of course. I can't miss how small it used to be, because now there's more to do. And, the spirit of the small con isn't gone. It still feels like I'm going to a second home when I come to Kumoricon, like one big party where everyone knows each other and is good buddies with one another.

Hey, does anyone remember the duck duck goose game that we played in the middle of the lobby? :P That was fun!
And the "Wolfwood cross parking section" during the closing ceremonies I think it was. Or maybe that was 2005. Too long ago to remember for sure.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 05:00:20 pm by kimiski »

Attendee since: 2004
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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2009, 02:07:28 am »
Hi, Chris! Am I remembering you being in Hawaii and going to Kawaii con? And having won our first manga contest in like 2004? *waves* Great to hear from you! Hope you come back! And what's your degree in?
Hey Rem ^_^
Yep, in Hawaii and went to KawaiiKon for the past 2 years.  It actually reminds of Kumoricon in its early years (they still have a lot to learn though).  And yes about the manga contest.  Also I've been working on my drawings so I might try out for next year too.
And I will be coming back *is happy*!  This is my last semester and I'll be getting my MA in Japanese Literature.

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2009, 10:29:47 am »
ANGUISH OF SNAILS!! I LOVED YOU GUYS!!! Wow I am so thrilled to find someone who even knows that name let alone was in it! Do you have CDs? DVDs? Seriously!!!! You rocked. You were the main reason I spent so much time in the hallway! <--former band geek here; clarinet in marching band & symphonic band.
You might get old but boring, not gonna happen.

Anguish of Snails? I loved you guys too!!  You really made Kumori Con year 1 that much better.  "Sax Guy" was playing music from various video games and anime this year, but nothing beats a live band. ^^ I'd love it if you or somebody else did that again.  It was a great idea you had.  Glad to hear you're still coming to the convention, even if you're not playing!

Wow, I'm a bit suprised people still remember us!  Glad we were able to entertain!

We had cds for awhile, but I have no idea where they are at this point, lol.  We do have a myspace page (here), but don't rely on it as means of contacting us...I set it up, and I'm literally never on myspace anymore.

We're mostly still around the con though!  Our two violinists moved to california, which is one of the main reasons we're not a band anymore.  The rest of us live up here, or will soon.

Robin Kaplan, our harpist, can be found running an adorable booth in the Artists Alley these days (here's her illustration site!).  Our drummer and I (guitar) are usually running around in some state of cosplay or another, and our flautist hasn't made it in a few years, but should definitely be around for the next con!

If you ever see us at con, feel free to say hello!

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2009, 10:37:39 am »
@ Rushifa, I will totally say hi & check those links.
@ Negima, congrats and come by Creation Station and say hi! And enter our contests!!!
@ Kimiski, those are great visuals. Do you have any photos or video of either duck, duck, goose (I think I played too) or the cross-parking lol?
@ Jaz I'd love to see that pic!
@ Radien yeah I remember you stepping in 4 Karaoke, I think mikaze? (name?) had hypoglycemia or something? What in particular have you noticed that's changed within Karaoke? (Something else I haven't attended...I remember once briefly flirting with the idea of trying to get approved to do "It's No Game" by David Bowie, which is 1/2 in English and 1/2 in Japanese......yah.
Love to everyone!

Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2009, 01:46:14 pm »
@ Radien yeah I remember you stepping in 4 Karaoke, I think mikaze? (name?) had hypoglycemia or something? What in particular have you noticed that's changed within Karaoke? (Something else I haven't attended...I remember once briefly flirting with the idea of trying to get approved to do "It's No Game" by David Bowie, which is 1/2 in English and 1/2 in Japanese......yah.
Love to everyone!

Mikaze? Who was that? Perhaps the person who ran Karaoke in 2003? Whoever it was had some issues. I didn't exactly "step in," because I applied for the position at the elections (heh, it was an elected position back in 2004).

In 2004, Karaoke ended up being hugely attended and ran overtime. I probably should have been stricter with that, but I had managed to get a guest of honor as our M.C. and he was doing an otherwise great job, so I let him run over. It was probably so widely attended because there weren't any major events opposite it and it was held in a main event ballroom.

The next year, Meg Uhde ran Karaoke.  I got to meet her before the elections and hear her ideas, and she seemed so organized and friendly that I didn't have any qualms with letting her take over and trusting in her ideas for changes. I think that might have been the year that Hybrid and Idol were introduced...

To tell the truth, while Meg did a fine job, I'm not crazy about the Hybrid/Idol division anymore. I see the need for a split, but I feel as though there could be a better way to divide it. Everyone wants to be in Idol, so Hybrid ends up having some acts that were designed for Idol. I won an award for a serious ballad in the Hybrid competition in 2006, and it felt weird that I was told I "didn't make it into" the Idol competition.

I didn't attend the Karaoke contest this year; programming scheduled one of my panels opposite it. How widely attended was the contest this year? It has slightly dismayed me that Karaoke attendance has been lower in previous years. I'm not sure whether this is by design (trying to make it a more personal event) or a reflection of popularity. Of course, that might have changed.

Rem, I have a feeling David Bowie wouldn't be allowed in the contest now, but we *might* have cleared it in 2004 since I allowed any song sung in Japanese or released in a Japanese anime or video game. :) In 2004 someone even competed with the Japanese version of "Under the Sea." I'm not sure whether I should have allowed it (it did technically follow the rules of entry), but he did a great job and it was hilarious.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 01:53:10 pm by Radien »
A member of Eugene Cosplayers. Come hang out with us.

Kumori Con 2010 Cosplays:

Link (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Apollo Justice

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2009, 02:22:23 pm »
I have one pic from the duck duck goose game, and a couple others. I'll put them up as soon as I remember which disc I burned them onto.
You know what I miss from the earlier cons? I miss the hallway cosplay ribbons T__T

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2009, 04:22:36 pm »
I have one pic from the duck duck goose game, and a couple others. I'll put them up as soon as I remember which disc I burned them onto.
You know what I miss from the earlier cons? I miss the hallway cosplay ribbons T__T

Hunh, I'd forgotten all about that. I did photography and award stickers for that the first time we were at the Doubletree. Beth (Sailor Naboo) was heading that up, but she stopped attending Kumori Con awhile ago, unfortunately. The photos I took never made it up online because I didn't really hear from her much after that. :(

If you would like it to be revived, I'd suggest at least showing interest in the feedback forums. It used to be something semi-unique to our con, but it ran out of steam.

However, there was something similar going on unofficially this year... one of the photo booth photographers was going around taking candid shots of the convention, and when he saw a costume he particularly liked, he specifically invited them to come by the booth. He invited me, but then he realized I'm staff, and said that staff are automatically invited anyway. So I'm not sure if it works differently for regular attendees.  Anyway, we could talk to the photo booth about coordinating something if there's enough interest. :)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 04:24:00 pm by Radien »
A member of Eugene Cosplayers. Come hang out with us.

Kumori Con 2010 Cosplays:

Link (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Apollo Justice

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2009, 05:50:51 pm »
I really wish we still had the hallway cosplay ribbons!  I actually got one one year, and I treasured it, because I'm usually too lazy to be in the cosplay competition.  Also, there are always so many AMAZING cosplays that aren't in the contest, and I think they deserve love too!

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2009, 06:23:40 pm »
My first Kumoricon was in 2004 (I didn't find out about it until the one in '03 had passed) and it was actually my very first convention.

In 2004 I remember the con being pretty small. There weren't many rooms for events and I do remember going to the gaming room downstairs on a few occasions. I still remember some of the cramped issues, but not to the extent that we suffer now. There was always room for people that were interested in a particular panel or event. This year on the other hand gave me flash backs to PAX in '06 when they were still in Bellevue.

One of the most memorable parts in '04 for me was the get together for the Salem folks in the park. I think only three of us showed up, but all three of us ended up getting involved in running the SuperBest/EtherGuild LANime parties shortly after. I think running those had a big influence on my decision to become staff.

I remember Anguish of Snails also! I think I even got a picture or two. That was one of the highlights for me. Being around so many people with the same interest was totally new for me and convinced me to come back the next year.

I've been to all of the Kumoricons since 2004, except last year (which was the first year I staffed for publications). I wasn't able to attend since I got married just a couple of weeks prior (we even had Nekopan make our wedding cake!). I actually met my husband on the Kumoricon forums when I was still living in Minneapolis in 2006. He attended his first convention ever when I took him to Kumoricon that year. :-) It was very memorable for us both.

I've since been to Sakuracon on multiple occasions and even went to Anime Detour when I lived in MN (even staffed shortly with web admin), but Kumoricon has always been the most enjoyable for me because of the people I see here year after year. It really does seem more like a weekend long party with friends. :-)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 06:27:17 pm by Irnogs »

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2009, 06:41:08 pm »
I've been running main events since Eugene when I got the call from my sister (Tara). We've grown quite a bit since then...

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2009, 11:57:14 am »
Tara...the Founder? Wow, cool. A lot of folks have more than one family member or spouse involved together, that's so lovely!
And another story of lifepartners meeting through KC, woot! Congrats on that, Irnogs!
Radien, it's okay, I wouldn't have time to audition and am not of the highest singing caliber (especially in languages I don't speak!) sorry to have missed my window though :)
Kimiski, sweet, thanks
Wow, Nekopan makes wedding cakes :)
My exgirlfriend made a wedding cake for a couple who LARP as pirates in the SCA (as I used to, 2002-7, and who knows, might again). Anyway it was the most amazing cakes, pirates on a deserted island, complete with a moat and sharks and fishies
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2009, 06:22:22 pm »
My exgirlfriend made a wedding cake for a couple who LARP as pirates in the SCA (as I used to, 2002-7, and who knows, might again). Anyway it was the most amazing cakes, pirates on a deserted island, complete with a moat and sharks and fishies

That's so awesome!

And yes, Nekopan does wedding cakes, and usually most anything like that, if you ask them nicely  :P

Offline soundninja12

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2009, 07:05:23 pm »
I am writing a thing on the history of cosplay, and Kumoricon.
Anyone who posts in this thread (AKA they have been going to con since 2003) should PM me and I'll ask you some questions for my paper.
Thank you very much.

Next con: Kumoricon
Make sure to pop in to the Tiptoe Through the TARDIS panel this year.
It is going to be...

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2009, 01:02:12 am »
What is your paper for? An article? A class?
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2009, 09:26:02 am »
Actually, I was planning on writing it for the con. I am thinking of finishing git by February or January, and spending the rest of the year getting feed back and revising (over and over again).
I spoke with someone about it a while back. They mentioned me turning it in to a brochure and putting it in the Kumoricon hand out bags. I liked the idea, and therefore decided to get an early start.
Next con: Kumoricon
Make sure to pop in to the Tiptoe Through the TARDIS panel this year.
It is going to be...

Offline RemSaverem

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2009, 01:40:05 pm »
Actually, I was planning on writing it for the con. I am thinking of finishing git by February or January, and spending the rest of the year getting feed back and revising (over and over again).
I spoke with someone about it a while back. They mentioned me turning it in to a brochure and putting it in the Kumoricon hand out bags. I liked the idea, and therefore decided to get an early start.
Cool idea.
Ellen. 2003: Fanfic panelist & contest judge.
2004: Beta Station Coord. 2005: Fan Creation Station Coord.;pre-event assistant to the con chair.2006: Fanfic Mgr/C.S. Coord.
2007, 8, 9, 10: Fan Creation Manager. 2011: Writing & Editing Coord (Publicity).

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Re: Anyone still around from 2003 (or earlier)?
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2009, 01:47:11 pm »
Well of course there is me.  ;D  I have attended every KumoriCon and TUNAC as well.  Still remember watching Scrapped Princess and Stellvia at the U of O.  As far as couples at KCon, I am sure everyone is now aware of Brandon and Grace from closing ceremonies this year.  Well Brandon is best friends with Dustin and Grace is best friends with Jenny (my daughter)  and Jenny and Dustin are already engaged.  All four of them met at KCon.  The "pink haired girl" Brandon was following that year (2004) was Grace's cosplay of Himeno Awayuki from Pretear.   Her very first cosplay.  Jenny was Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh that year, her first cosplay as well.

I hear rumors of a KCon wedding.  We will have to see.  ;)

I think 2004 was also the year Turkey for Hideki won the award for Best Humorous Fanfic.  Ah the memories.
(\,@/)  Quote from -  Rock & Rule
(=','=)  Stretch: MOK! Don't let him get us!  He'll put a heck on me!
 //_\\   Dizzy:    Hexx, Stretch.  Hexx.
  d b    Stretch: Aw!  Two of them!  That's even worse!