I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the shooting at Columbine school in Calorado, but about a month ago at school we had an assembly about it. It happened about nine years ago I think, and I'm not going to go into detail on it, but one of the female students name Rachel was killed during it. She really loved making others happy, and did whatever she could to include people, so that they would feel happy. Anywaaaay, she had written in her notebook five things she wanted to challenge people to do.
One = eliminate prejudice by looking for the best in others.
Two = Dare to dream - set goals - keep a journal
Three = Choose your influences - input determines output
Four = Kind words and small acts of kindness - HUGE impact
Five = Start a chain reaction with family and friends
http://www.rachelschallenge.org/LearnMore/OurMission.phpMore information. C:
Please help Rachel~! :'3