Aww, don't say that they suck!! Your AMVs are really good! Especially for having WMM for most of your AMVs, they actually turned out quite well, I'm impressed. And your first time using Sony Vegas is very impressive! :O You must have spent a long time on that! And something that I think you should try and improve on (well, not really improve, more of a suggestion), is to try and play around with the video properties. :3 The sides were a bit distracting because they continued to remain black while the rest was white. And I say play around, because I'm not quite sure what the dimensions are to fill up the whole Youtube screen. >.> So, something to take into consideration!
Because other than that little distraction, everything was perfect! *o*
A--anyways... since you like watching vids there's my profile. >> I'm also currently in the process of making another AMV (technically two, but the new Birth by Sleep footage is very tempting to use). But please feel free to give constructive criticism and such. :3