Support local talent, specifically these guys. They were DJs at 101.1 KUFO for several years, until a company by the name of Alpha Broadcasting came to town. They bought several CBS owned local radio stations. After which they promised us that they would keep things local, and other BS. But do you know what they did? They fired ALL of their GOOD talent, and brought in new DJs from out of town; all of which are talentless Shock Jocks.
Now these two stand up gentlemen; these two kings of Portland Geekdom and Mediocrity, are now jobless. However, their podcast still lives on, and that's where you all come in. Not only by subscribing to their podcast via RSS feed or iTunes does it show your support, you will also be bestowed with many lulz in the process. So please, do yourself a favor and become a member of the Church of Mediocrity today. You wont regret it.